// Copyright 2020-2021 Signal Messenger, LLC // SPDX-License-Identifier: AGPL-3.0-only import { ipcRenderer } from 'electron'; import { ThunkAction } from 'redux-thunk'; import { CallEndedReason } from 'ringrtc'; import { hasScreenCapturePermission, openSystemPreferences, } from 'mac-screen-capture-permissions'; import { has, omit } from 'lodash'; import { getOwn } from '../../util/getOwn'; import { getPlatform } from '../selectors/user'; import { missingCaseError } from '../../util/missingCaseError'; import { notify } from '../../services/notify'; import { calling } from '../../services/calling'; import { StateType as RootStateType } from '../reducer'; import { CallingDeviceType, CallMode, CallState, ChangeIODevicePayloadType, GroupCallConnectionState, GroupCallJoinState, GroupCallVideoRequest, MediaDeviceSettings, PresentedSource, PresentableSource, } from '../../types/Calling'; import { callingTones } from '../../util/callingTones'; import { requestCameraPermissions } from '../../util/callingPermissions'; import { bounceAppIconStart, bounceAppIconStop, } from '../../shims/bounceAppIcon'; import { sleep } from '../../util/sleep'; import { LatestQueue } from '../../util/LatestQueue'; // State export type GroupCallPeekInfoType = { uuids: Array; creatorUuid?: string; eraId?: string; maxDevices: number; deviceCount: number; }; export type GroupCallParticipantInfoType = { uuid: string; demuxId: number; hasRemoteAudio: boolean; hasRemoteVideo: boolean; presenting: boolean; sharingScreen: boolean; speakerTime?: number; videoAspectRatio: number; }; export type DirectCallStateType = { callMode: CallMode.Direct; conversationId: string; callState?: CallState; callEndedReason?: CallEndedReason; isIncoming: boolean; isSharingScreen?: boolean; isVideoCall: boolean; hasRemoteVideo?: boolean; }; export type GroupCallStateType = { callMode: CallMode.Group; conversationId: string; connectionState: GroupCallConnectionState; joinState: GroupCallJoinState; peekInfo: GroupCallPeekInfoType; remoteParticipants: Array; }; export type ActiveCallStateType = { conversationId: string; hasLocalAudio: boolean; hasLocalVideo: boolean; isInSpeakerView: boolean; joinedAt?: number; pip: boolean; presentingSource?: PresentedSource; presentingSourcesAvailable?: Array; safetyNumberChangedUuids: Array; settingsDialogOpen: boolean; showNeedsScreenRecordingPermissionsWarning?: boolean; showParticipantsList: boolean; }; export type CallsByConversationType = { [conversationId: string]: DirectCallStateType | GroupCallStateType; }; export type CallingStateType = MediaDeviceSettings & { callsByConversation: CallsByConversationType; activeCallState?: ActiveCallStateType; }; export type AcceptCallType = { conversationId: string; asVideoCall: boolean; }; export type CallStateChangeType = { conversationId: string; acceptedTime?: number; callState: CallState; callEndedReason?: CallEndedReason; isIncoming: boolean; isVideoCall: boolean; title: string; }; export type CancelCallType = { conversationId: string; }; export type DeclineCallType = { conversationId: string; }; type GroupCallStateChangeArgumentType = { connectionState: GroupCallConnectionState; conversationId: string; hasLocalAudio: boolean; hasLocalVideo: boolean; joinState: GroupCallJoinState; peekInfo?: GroupCallPeekInfoType; remoteParticipants: Array; }; type GroupCallStateChangeActionPayloadType = GroupCallStateChangeArgumentType & { ourUuid: string; }; export type HangUpType = { conversationId: string; }; type KeyChangedType = { uuid: string; }; export type KeyChangeOkType = { conversationId: string; }; export type IncomingCallType = { conversationId: string; isVideoCall: boolean; }; type PeekNotConnectedGroupCallType = { conversationId: string; }; type StartDirectCallType = { conversationId: string; hasLocalAudio: boolean; hasLocalVideo: boolean; }; export type StartCallType = StartDirectCallType & { callMode: CallMode.Direct | CallMode.Group; }; export type RemoteVideoChangeType = { conversationId: string; hasVideo: boolean; }; type RemoteSharingScreenChangeType = { conversationId: string; isSharingScreen: boolean; }; export type SetLocalAudioType = { enabled: boolean; }; export type SetLocalVideoType = { enabled: boolean; }; export type SetGroupCallVideoRequestType = { conversationId: string; resolutions: Array; }; export type StartCallingLobbyType = { conversationId: string; isVideoCall: boolean; }; export type ShowCallLobbyType = | { callMode: CallMode.Direct; conversationId: string; hasLocalAudio: boolean; hasLocalVideo: boolean; } | { callMode: CallMode.Group; conversationId: string; connectionState: GroupCallConnectionState; joinState: GroupCallJoinState; hasLocalAudio: boolean; hasLocalVideo: boolean; peekInfo?: GroupCallPeekInfoType; remoteParticipants: Array; }; export type SetLocalPreviewType = { element: React.RefObject | undefined; }; export type SetRendererCanvasType = { element: React.RefObject | undefined; }; // Helpers export const getActiveCall = ({ activeCallState, callsByConversation, }: CallingStateType): undefined | DirectCallStateType | GroupCallStateType => activeCallState && getOwn(callsByConversation, activeCallState.conversationId); export const isAnybodyElseInGroupCall = ( { uuids }: Readonly, ourUuid: string ): boolean => uuids.some(id => id !== ourUuid); // Actions const ACCEPT_CALL_PENDING = 'calling/ACCEPT_CALL_PENDING'; const CANCEL_CALL = 'calling/CANCEL_CALL'; const SHOW_CALL_LOBBY = 'calling/SHOW_CALL_LOBBY'; const CALL_STATE_CHANGE_FULFILLED = 'calling/CALL_STATE_CHANGE_FULFILLED'; const CHANGE_IO_DEVICE_FULFILLED = 'calling/CHANGE_IO_DEVICE_FULFILLED'; const CLOSE_NEED_PERMISSION_SCREEN = 'calling/CLOSE_NEED_PERMISSION_SCREEN'; const DECLINE_CALL = 'calling/DECLINE_CALL'; const GROUP_CALL_STATE_CHANGE = 'calling/GROUP_CALL_STATE_CHANGE'; const HANG_UP = 'calling/HANG_UP'; const INCOMING_CALL = 'calling/INCOMING_CALL'; const MARK_CALL_TRUSTED = 'calling/MARK_CALL_TRUSTED'; const MARK_CALL_UNTRUSTED = 'calling/MARK_CALL_UNTRUSTED'; const OUTGOING_CALL = 'calling/OUTGOING_CALL'; const PEEK_NOT_CONNECTED_GROUP_CALL_FULFILLED = 'calling/PEEK_NOT_CONNECTED_GROUP_CALL_FULFILLED'; const REFRESH_IO_DEVICES = 'calling/REFRESH_IO_DEVICES'; const REMOTE_SHARING_SCREEN_CHANGE = 'calling/REMOTE_SHARING_SCREEN_CHANGE'; const REMOTE_VIDEO_CHANGE = 'calling/REMOTE_VIDEO_CHANGE'; const RETURN_TO_ACTIVE_CALL = 'calling/RETURN_TO_ACTIVE_CALL'; const SET_LOCAL_AUDIO_FULFILLED = 'calling/SET_LOCAL_AUDIO_FULFILLED'; const SET_LOCAL_VIDEO_FULFILLED = 'calling/SET_LOCAL_VIDEO_FULFILLED'; const SET_PRESENTING = 'calling/SET_PRESENTING'; const SET_PRESENTING_SOURCES = 'calling/SET_PRESENTING_SOURCES'; const TOGGLE_NEEDS_SCREEN_RECORDING_PERMISSIONS = 'calling/TOGGLE_NEEDS_SCREEN_RECORDING_PERMISSIONS'; const START_DIRECT_CALL = 'calling/START_DIRECT_CALL'; const TOGGLE_PARTICIPANTS = 'calling/TOGGLE_PARTICIPANTS'; const TOGGLE_PIP = 'calling/TOGGLE_PIP'; const TOGGLE_SETTINGS = 'calling/TOGGLE_SETTINGS'; const TOGGLE_SPEAKER_VIEW = 'calling/TOGGLE_SPEAKER_VIEW'; type AcceptCallPendingActionType = { type: 'calling/ACCEPT_CALL_PENDING'; payload: AcceptCallType; }; type CancelCallActionType = { type: 'calling/CANCEL_CALL'; }; type CallLobbyActionType = { type: 'calling/SHOW_CALL_LOBBY'; payload: ShowCallLobbyType; }; type CallStateChangeFulfilledActionType = { type: 'calling/CALL_STATE_CHANGE_FULFILLED'; payload: CallStateChangeType; }; type ChangeIODeviceFulfilledActionType = { type: 'calling/CHANGE_IO_DEVICE_FULFILLED'; payload: ChangeIODevicePayloadType; }; type CloseNeedPermissionScreenActionType = { type: 'calling/CLOSE_NEED_PERMISSION_SCREEN'; payload: null; }; type DeclineCallActionType = { type: 'calling/DECLINE_CALL'; payload: DeclineCallType; }; export type GroupCallStateChangeActionType = { type: 'calling/GROUP_CALL_STATE_CHANGE'; payload: GroupCallStateChangeActionPayloadType; }; type HangUpActionType = { type: 'calling/HANG_UP'; payload: HangUpType; }; type IncomingCallActionType = { type: 'calling/INCOMING_CALL'; payload: IncomingCallType; }; type KeyChangedActionType = { type: 'calling/MARK_CALL_UNTRUSTED'; payload: { safetyNumberChangedUuids: Array; }; }; type KeyChangeOkActionType = { type: 'calling/MARK_CALL_TRUSTED'; payload: null; }; type OutgoingCallActionType = { type: 'calling/OUTGOING_CALL'; payload: StartDirectCallType; }; export type PeekNotConnectedGroupCallFulfilledActionType = { type: 'calling/PEEK_NOT_CONNECTED_GROUP_CALL_FULFILLED'; payload: { conversationId: string; peekInfo: GroupCallPeekInfoType; ourConversationId: string; }; }; type RefreshIODevicesActionType = { type: 'calling/REFRESH_IO_DEVICES'; payload: MediaDeviceSettings; }; type RemoteSharingScreenChangeActionType = { type: 'calling/REMOTE_SHARING_SCREEN_CHANGE'; payload: RemoteSharingScreenChangeType; }; type RemoteVideoChangeActionType = { type: 'calling/REMOTE_VIDEO_CHANGE'; payload: RemoteVideoChangeType; }; type ReturnToActiveCallActionType = { type: 'calling/RETURN_TO_ACTIVE_CALL'; }; type SetLocalAudioActionType = { type: 'calling/SET_LOCAL_AUDIO_FULFILLED'; payload: SetLocalAudioType; }; type SetLocalVideoFulfilledActionType = { type: 'calling/SET_LOCAL_VIDEO_FULFILLED'; payload: SetLocalVideoType; }; type SetPresentingFulfilledActionType = { type: 'calling/SET_PRESENTING'; payload?: PresentedSource; }; type SetPresentingSourcesActionType = { type: 'calling/SET_PRESENTING_SOURCES'; payload: Array; }; type ShowCallLobbyActionType = { type: 'calling/SHOW_CALL_LOBBY'; payload: ShowCallLobbyType; }; type StartDirectCallActionType = { type: 'calling/START_DIRECT_CALL'; payload: StartDirectCallType; }; type ToggleNeedsScreenRecordingPermissionsActionType = { type: 'calling/TOGGLE_NEEDS_SCREEN_RECORDING_PERMISSIONS'; }; type ToggleParticipantsActionType = { type: 'calling/TOGGLE_PARTICIPANTS'; }; type TogglePipActionType = { type: 'calling/TOGGLE_PIP'; }; type ToggleSettingsActionType = { type: 'calling/TOGGLE_SETTINGS'; }; type ToggleSpeakerViewActionType = { type: 'calling/TOGGLE_SPEAKER_VIEW'; }; export type CallingActionType = | AcceptCallPendingActionType | CancelCallActionType | CallLobbyActionType | CallStateChangeFulfilledActionType | ChangeIODeviceFulfilledActionType | CloseNeedPermissionScreenActionType | DeclineCallActionType | GroupCallStateChangeActionType | HangUpActionType | IncomingCallActionType | KeyChangedActionType | KeyChangeOkActionType | OutgoingCallActionType | PeekNotConnectedGroupCallFulfilledActionType | RefreshIODevicesActionType | RemoteSharingScreenChangeActionType | RemoteVideoChangeActionType | ReturnToActiveCallActionType | SetLocalAudioActionType | SetLocalVideoFulfilledActionType | SetPresentingSourcesActionType | ShowCallLobbyActionType | StartDirectCallActionType | ToggleNeedsScreenRecordingPermissionsActionType | ToggleParticipantsActionType | TogglePipActionType | SetPresentingFulfilledActionType | ToggleSettingsActionType | ToggleSpeakerViewActionType; // Action Creators function acceptCall( payload: AcceptCallType ): ThunkAction { return async dispatch => { dispatch({ type: ACCEPT_CALL_PENDING, payload, }); try { await calling.accept(payload.conversationId, payload.asVideoCall); } catch (err) { window.log.error(`Failed to acceptCall: ${err.stack}`); } }; } function callStateChange( payload: CallStateChangeType ): ThunkAction< void, RootStateType, unknown, CallStateChangeFulfilledActionType > { return async dispatch => { const { callState, isIncoming, title, isVideoCall } = payload; if (callState === CallState.Ringing && isIncoming) { await callingTones.playRingtone(); await showCallNotification(title, isVideoCall); bounceAppIconStart(); } if (callState !== CallState.Ringing) { await callingTones.stopRingtone(); bounceAppIconStop(); } if (callState === CallState.Ended) { await callingTones.playEndCall(); ipcRenderer.send('close-screen-share-controller'); } dispatch({ type: CALL_STATE_CHANGE_FULFILLED, payload, }); }; } function changeIODevice( payload: ChangeIODevicePayloadType ): ThunkAction< void, RootStateType, unknown, ChangeIODeviceFulfilledActionType > { return async dispatch => { // Only `setPreferredCamera` returns a Promise. if (payload.type === CallingDeviceType.CAMERA) { await calling.setPreferredCamera(payload.selectedDevice); } else if (payload.type === CallingDeviceType.MICROPHONE) { calling.setPreferredMicrophone(payload.selectedDevice); } else if (payload.type === CallingDeviceType.SPEAKER) { calling.setPreferredSpeaker(payload.selectedDevice); } dispatch({ type: CHANGE_IO_DEVICE_FULFILLED, payload, }); }; } async function showCallNotification( title: string, isVideoCall: boolean ): Promise { const shouldNotify = !window.isActive() && (await window.getCallSystemNotification()); if (!shouldNotify) { return; } notify({ title, icon: isVideoCall ? 'images/icons/v2/video-solid-24.svg' : 'images/icons/v2/phone-right-solid-24.svg', message: window.i18n( isVideoCall ? 'incomingVideoCall' : 'incomingAudioCall' ), onNotificationClick: () => { window.showWindow(); }, silent: false, }); } function closeNeedPermissionScreen(): CloseNeedPermissionScreenActionType { return { type: CLOSE_NEED_PERMISSION_SCREEN, payload: null, }; } function cancelCall(payload: CancelCallType): CancelCallActionType { calling.stopCallingLobby(payload.conversationId); return { type: CANCEL_CALL, }; } function declineCall(payload: DeclineCallType): DeclineCallActionType { calling.decline(payload.conversationId); return { type: DECLINE_CALL, payload, }; } function getPresentingSources(): ThunkAction< void, RootStateType, unknown, | SetPresentingSourcesActionType | ToggleNeedsScreenRecordingPermissionsActionType > { return async (dispatch, getState) => { // We check if the user has permissions first before calling desktopCapturer // Next we call getPresentingSources so that one gets the prompt for permissions, // if necessary. // Finally, we have the if statement which shows the modal, if needed. // It is in this exact order so that during first-time-use one will be // prompted for permissions and if they so happen to deny we can still // capture that state correctly. const platform = getPlatform(getState()); const needsPermission = platform === 'darwin' && !hasScreenCapturePermission(); const sources = await calling.getPresentingSources(); if (needsPermission) { dispatch({ type: TOGGLE_NEEDS_SCREEN_RECORDING_PERMISSIONS, }); return; } dispatch({ type: SET_PRESENTING_SOURCES, payload: sources, }); }; } function groupCallStateChange( payload: GroupCallStateChangeArgumentType ): ThunkAction { return async (dispatch, getState) => { let didSomeoneStartPresenting: boolean; const activeCall = getActiveCall(getState().calling); if (activeCall?.callMode === CallMode.Group) { const wasSomeonePresenting = activeCall.remoteParticipants.some( participant => participant.presenting ); const isSomeonePresenting = payload.remoteParticipants.some( participant => participant.presenting ); didSomeoneStartPresenting = !wasSomeonePresenting && isSomeonePresenting; } else { didSomeoneStartPresenting = false; } dispatch({ type: GROUP_CALL_STATE_CHANGE, payload: { ...payload, ourUuid: getState().user.ourUuid, }, }); if (didSomeoneStartPresenting) { callingTones.someonePresenting(); } }; } function hangUp(payload: HangUpType): HangUpActionType { calling.hangup(payload.conversationId); return { type: HANG_UP, payload, }; } function keyChanged( payload: KeyChangedType ): ThunkAction { return (dispatch, getState) => { const state = getState(); const { activeCallState } = state.calling; const activeCall = getActiveCall(state.calling); if (!activeCall || !activeCallState) { return; } if (activeCall.callMode === CallMode.Group) { const uuidsChanged = new Set(activeCallState.safetyNumberChangedUuids); // Iterate over each participant to ensure that the uuid passed in // matches one of the participants in the group call. activeCall.remoteParticipants.forEach(participant => { if (participant.uuid === payload.uuid) { uuidsChanged.add(participant.uuid); } }); const safetyNumberChangedUuids = Array.from(uuidsChanged); if (safetyNumberChangedUuids.length) { dispatch({ type: MARK_CALL_UNTRUSTED, payload: { safetyNumberChangedUuids, }, }); } } }; } function keyChangeOk( payload: KeyChangeOkType ): ThunkAction { return dispatch => { calling.resendGroupCallMediaKeys(payload.conversationId); dispatch({ type: MARK_CALL_TRUSTED, payload: null, }); }; } function receiveIncomingCall( payload: IncomingCallType ): IncomingCallActionType { return { type: INCOMING_CALL, payload, }; } function openSystemPreferencesAction(): ThunkAction< void, RootStateType, unknown, never > { return () => { openSystemPreferences(); }; } function outgoingCall(payload: StartDirectCallType): OutgoingCallActionType { callingTones.playRingtone(); return { type: OUTGOING_CALL, payload, }; } // We might call this function many times in rapid succession (for example, if lots of // people are joining and leaving at once). We want to make sure to update eventually // (if people join and leave for an hour, we don't want you to have to wait an hour to // get an update), and we also don't want to update too often. That's why we use a // "latest queue". const peekQueueByConversation = new Map(); function peekNotConnectedGroupCall( payload: PeekNotConnectedGroupCallType ): ThunkAction< void, RootStateType, unknown, PeekNotConnectedGroupCallFulfilledActionType > { return (dispatch, getState) => { const { conversationId } = payload; let queue = peekQueueByConversation.get(conversationId); if (!queue) { queue = new LatestQueue(); queue.onceEmpty(() => { peekQueueByConversation.delete(conversationId); }); peekQueueByConversation.set(conversationId, queue); } queue.add(async () => { const state = getState(); // We make sure we're not trying to peek at a connected (or connecting, or // reconnecting) call. Because this is asynchronous, it's possible that the call // will connect by the time we dispatch, so we also need to do a similar check in // the reducer. const existingCall = getOwn( state.calling.callsByConversation, conversationId ); if ( existingCall?.callMode === CallMode.Group && existingCall.connectionState !== GroupCallConnectionState.NotConnected ) { return; } // If we peek right after receiving the message, we may get outdated information. // This is most noticeable when someone leaves. We add a delay and then make sure // to only be peeking once. await sleep(1000); let peekInfo; try { peekInfo = await calling.peekGroupCall(conversationId); } catch (err) { window.log.error('Group call peeking failed', err); return; } if (!peekInfo) { return; } calling.updateCallHistoryForGroupCall(conversationId, peekInfo); dispatch({ type: PEEK_NOT_CONNECTED_GROUP_CALL_FULFILLED, payload: { conversationId, peekInfo: calling.formatGroupCallPeekInfoForRedux(peekInfo), ourConversationId: state.user.ourConversationId, }, }); }); }; } function refreshIODevices( payload: MediaDeviceSettings ): RefreshIODevicesActionType { return { type: REFRESH_IO_DEVICES, payload, }; } function remoteSharingScreenChange( payload: RemoteSharingScreenChangeType ): RemoteSharingScreenChangeActionType { return { type: REMOTE_SHARING_SCREEN_CHANGE, payload, }; } function remoteVideoChange( payload: RemoteVideoChangeType ): RemoteVideoChangeActionType { return { type: REMOTE_VIDEO_CHANGE, payload, }; } function returnToActiveCall(): ReturnToActiveCallActionType { return { type: RETURN_TO_ACTIVE_CALL, }; } function setLocalPreview( payload: SetLocalPreviewType ): ThunkAction { return () => { calling.videoCapturer.setLocalPreview(payload.element); }; } function setRendererCanvas( payload: SetRendererCanvasType ): ThunkAction { return () => { calling.videoRenderer.setCanvas(payload.element); }; } function setLocalAudio( payload: SetLocalAudioType ): ThunkAction { return (dispatch, getState) => { const activeCall = getActiveCall(getState().calling); if (!activeCall) { window.log.warn('Trying to set local audio when no call is active'); return; } calling.setOutgoingAudio(activeCall.conversationId, payload.enabled); dispatch({ type: SET_LOCAL_AUDIO_FULFILLED, payload, }); }; } function setLocalVideo( payload: SetLocalVideoType ): ThunkAction { return async (dispatch, getState) => { const activeCall = getActiveCall(getState().calling); if (!activeCall) { window.log.warn('Trying to set local video when no call is active'); return; } let enabled: boolean; if (await requestCameraPermissions()) { if ( activeCall.callMode === CallMode.Group || (activeCall.callMode === CallMode.Direct && activeCall.callState) ) { calling.setOutgoingVideo(activeCall.conversationId, payload.enabled); } else if (payload.enabled) { calling.enableLocalCamera(); } else { calling.disableLocalVideo(); } ({ enabled } = payload); } else { enabled = false; } dispatch({ type: SET_LOCAL_VIDEO_FULFILLED, payload: { ...payload, enabled, }, }); }; } function setGroupCallVideoRequest( payload: SetGroupCallVideoRequestType ): ThunkAction { return () => { calling.setGroupCallVideoRequest( payload.conversationId, payload.resolutions.map(resolution => ({ ...resolution, // The `framerate` property in RingRTC has to be set, even if it's set to // `undefined`. framerate: undefined, })) ); }; } function setPresenting( sourceToPresent?: PresentedSource ): ThunkAction { return async (dispatch, getState) => { const callingState = getState().calling; const { activeCallState } = callingState; const activeCall = getActiveCall(callingState); if (!activeCall || !activeCallState) { window.log.warn('Trying to present when no call is active'); return; } calling.setPresenting( activeCall.conversationId, activeCallState.hasLocalVideo, sourceToPresent ); dispatch({ type: SET_PRESENTING, payload: sourceToPresent, }); if (sourceToPresent) { await callingTones.someonePresenting(); } }; } function startCallingLobby( payload: StartCallingLobbyType ): ThunkAction { return () => { calling.startCallingLobby(payload.conversationId, payload.isVideoCall); }; } // TODO: This action should be replaced with an action dispatched in the // `startCallingLobby` thunk. function showCallLobby(payload: ShowCallLobbyType): CallLobbyActionType { return { type: SHOW_CALL_LOBBY, payload, }; } function startCall( payload: StartCallType ): ThunkAction { return dispatch => { switch (payload.callMode) { case CallMode.Direct: calling.startOutgoingDirectCall( payload.conversationId, payload.hasLocalAudio, payload.hasLocalVideo ); dispatch({ type: START_DIRECT_CALL, payload, }); break; case CallMode.Group: calling.joinGroupCall( payload.conversationId, payload.hasLocalAudio, payload.hasLocalVideo ); // The calling service should already be wired up to Redux so we don't need to // dispatch anything here. break; default: throw missingCaseError(payload.callMode); } }; } function toggleParticipants(): ToggleParticipantsActionType { return { type: TOGGLE_PARTICIPANTS, }; } function togglePip(): TogglePipActionType { return { type: TOGGLE_PIP, }; } function toggleScreenRecordingPermissionsDialog(): ToggleNeedsScreenRecordingPermissionsActionType { return { type: TOGGLE_NEEDS_SCREEN_RECORDING_PERMISSIONS, }; } function toggleSettings(): ToggleSettingsActionType { return { type: TOGGLE_SETTINGS, }; } function toggleSpeakerView(): ToggleSpeakerViewActionType { return { type: TOGGLE_SPEAKER_VIEW, }; } export const actions = { acceptCall, callStateChange, cancelCall, changeIODevice, closeNeedPermissionScreen, declineCall, getPresentingSources, groupCallStateChange, hangUp, keyChangeOk, keyChanged, openSystemPreferencesAction, outgoingCall, peekNotConnectedGroupCall, receiveIncomingCall, refreshIODevices, remoteSharingScreenChange, remoteVideoChange, returnToActiveCall, setGroupCallVideoRequest, setLocalAudio, setLocalPreview, setLocalVideo, setPresenting, setRendererCanvas, showCallLobby, startCall, startCallingLobby, toggleParticipants, togglePip, toggleScreenRecordingPermissionsDialog, toggleSettings, toggleSpeakerView, }; export type ActionsType = typeof actions; // Reducer export function getEmptyState(): CallingStateType { return { availableCameras: [], availableMicrophones: [], availableSpeakers: [], selectedCamera: undefined, selectedMicrophone: undefined, selectedSpeaker: undefined, callsByConversation: {}, activeCallState: undefined, }; } function getExistingPeekInfo( conversationId: string, state: CallingStateType ): undefined | GroupCallPeekInfoType { const existingCall = getOwn(state.callsByConversation, conversationId); return existingCall?.callMode === CallMode.Group ? existingCall.peekInfo : undefined; } function removeConversationFromState( state: Readonly, conversationId: string ): CallingStateType { return { ...(conversationId === state.activeCallState?.conversationId ? omit(state, 'activeCallState') : state), callsByConversation: omit(state.callsByConversation, conversationId), }; } export function reducer( state: Readonly = getEmptyState(), action: Readonly ): CallingStateType { const { callsByConversation } = state; if (action.type === SHOW_CALL_LOBBY) { let call: DirectCallStateType | GroupCallStateType; switch (action.payload.callMode) { case CallMode.Direct: call = { callMode: CallMode.Direct, conversationId: action.payload.conversationId, isIncoming: false, isVideoCall: action.payload.hasLocalVideo, }; break; case CallMode.Group: // We expect to be in this state briefly. The Calling service should update the // call state shortly. call = { callMode: CallMode.Group, conversationId: action.payload.conversationId, connectionState: action.payload.connectionState, joinState: action.payload.joinState, peekInfo: action.payload.peekInfo || getExistingPeekInfo(action.payload.conversationId, state) || { uuids: action.payload.remoteParticipants.map(({ uuid }) => uuid), maxDevices: Infinity, deviceCount: action.payload.remoteParticipants.length, }, remoteParticipants: action.payload.remoteParticipants, }; break; default: throw missingCaseError(action.payload); } return { ...state, callsByConversation: { ...callsByConversation, [action.payload.conversationId]: call, }, activeCallState: { conversationId: action.payload.conversationId, hasLocalAudio: action.payload.hasLocalAudio, hasLocalVideo: action.payload.hasLocalVideo, isInSpeakerView: false, pip: false, safetyNumberChangedUuids: [], settingsDialogOpen: false, showParticipantsList: false, }, }; } if (action.type === START_DIRECT_CALL) { return { ...state, callsByConversation: { ...callsByConversation, [action.payload.conversationId]: { callMode: CallMode.Direct, conversationId: action.payload.conversationId, callState: CallState.Prering, isIncoming: false, isVideoCall: action.payload.hasLocalVideo, }, }, activeCallState: { conversationId: action.payload.conversationId, hasLocalAudio: action.payload.hasLocalAudio, hasLocalVideo: action.payload.hasLocalVideo, isInSpeakerView: false, pip: false, safetyNumberChangedUuids: [], settingsDialogOpen: false, showParticipantsList: false, }, }; } if (action.type === ACCEPT_CALL_PENDING) { if (!has(state.callsByConversation, action.payload.conversationId)) { window.log.warn('Unable to accept a non-existent call'); return state; } return { ...state, activeCallState: { conversationId: action.payload.conversationId, hasLocalAudio: true, hasLocalVideo: action.payload.asVideoCall, isInSpeakerView: false, pip: false, safetyNumberChangedUuids: [], settingsDialogOpen: false, showParticipantsList: false, }, }; } if ( action.type === CANCEL_CALL || action.type === HANG_UP || action.type === CLOSE_NEED_PERMISSION_SCREEN ) { const activeCall = getActiveCall(state); if (!activeCall) { window.log.warn('No active call to remove'); return state; } switch (activeCall.callMode) { case CallMode.Direct: return removeConversationFromState(state, activeCall.conversationId); case CallMode.Group: return omit(state, 'activeCallState'); default: throw missingCaseError(activeCall); } } if (action.type === DECLINE_CALL) { return removeConversationFromState(state, action.payload.conversationId); } if (action.type === INCOMING_CALL) { return { ...state, callsByConversation: { ...callsByConversation, [action.payload.conversationId]: { callMode: CallMode.Direct, conversationId: action.payload.conversationId, callState: CallState.Prering, isIncoming: true, isVideoCall: action.payload.isVideoCall, }, }, }; } if (action.type === OUTGOING_CALL) { return { ...state, callsByConversation: { ...callsByConversation, [action.payload.conversationId]: { callMode: CallMode.Direct, conversationId: action.payload.conversationId, callState: CallState.Prering, isIncoming: false, isVideoCall: action.payload.hasLocalVideo, }, }, activeCallState: { conversationId: action.payload.conversationId, hasLocalAudio: action.payload.hasLocalAudio, hasLocalVideo: action.payload.hasLocalVideo, isInSpeakerView: false, pip: false, safetyNumberChangedUuids: [], settingsDialogOpen: false, showParticipantsList: false, }, }; } if (action.type === CALL_STATE_CHANGE_FULFILLED) { // We want to keep the state around for ended calls if they resulted in a message // request so we can show the "needs permission" screen. if ( action.payload.callState === CallState.Ended && action.payload.callEndedReason !== CallEndedReason.RemoteHangupNeedPermission ) { return removeConversationFromState(state, action.payload.conversationId); } const call = getOwn( state.callsByConversation, action.payload.conversationId ); if (call?.callMode !== CallMode.Direct) { window.log.warn('Cannot update state for a non-direct call'); return state; } let activeCallState: undefined | ActiveCallStateType; if ( state.activeCallState?.conversationId === action.payload.conversationId ) { activeCallState = { ...state.activeCallState, joinedAt: action.payload.acceptedTime, }; } else { ({ activeCallState } = state); } return { ...state, callsByConversation: { ...callsByConversation, [action.payload.conversationId]: { ...call, callState: action.payload.callState, callEndedReason: action.payload.callEndedReason, }, }, activeCallState, }; } if (action.type === GROUP_CALL_STATE_CHANGE) { const { connectionState, conversationId, hasLocalAudio, hasLocalVideo, joinState, ourUuid, peekInfo, remoteParticipants, } = action.payload; const newPeekInfo = peekInfo || getExistingPeekInfo(conversationId, state) || { uuids: remoteParticipants.map(({ uuid }) => uuid), maxDevices: Infinity, deviceCount: remoteParticipants.length, }; let newActiveCallState: ActiveCallStateType | undefined; if (connectionState === GroupCallConnectionState.NotConnected) { newActiveCallState = state.activeCallState?.conversationId === conversationId ? undefined : state.activeCallState; if (!isAnybodyElseInGroupCall(newPeekInfo, ourUuid)) { return { ...state, callsByConversation: omit(callsByConversation, conversationId), activeCallState: newActiveCallState, }; } } else { newActiveCallState = state.activeCallState?.conversationId === conversationId ? { ...state.activeCallState, hasLocalAudio, hasLocalVideo, } : state.activeCallState; } return { ...state, callsByConversation: { ...callsByConversation, [conversationId]: { callMode: CallMode.Group, conversationId, connectionState, joinState, peekInfo: newPeekInfo, remoteParticipants, }, }, activeCallState: newActiveCallState, }; } if (action.type === PEEK_NOT_CONNECTED_GROUP_CALL_FULFILLED) { const { conversationId, peekInfo, ourConversationId } = action.payload; const existingCall = getOwn(state.callsByConversation, conversationId) || { callMode: CallMode.Group, conversationId, connectionState: GroupCallConnectionState.NotConnected, joinState: GroupCallJoinState.NotJoined, peekInfo: { conversationIds: [], maxDevices: Infinity, deviceCount: 0, }, remoteParticipants: [], }; if (existingCall.callMode !== CallMode.Group) { window.log.error( 'Unexpected state: trying to update a non-group call. Doing nothing' ); return state; } // This action should only update non-connected group calls. It's not necessarily a // mistake if this action is dispatched "over" a connected call. Here's a valid // sequence of events: // // 1. We ask RingRTC to peek, kicking off an asynchronous operation. // 2. The associated group call is joined. // 3. The peek promise from step 1 resolves. if ( existingCall.connectionState !== GroupCallConnectionState.NotConnected ) { return state; } if (!isAnybodyElseInGroupCall(peekInfo, ourConversationId)) { return removeConversationFromState(state, conversationId); } return { ...state, callsByConversation: { ...callsByConversation, [conversationId]: { ...existingCall, peekInfo, }, }, }; } if (action.type === REMOTE_SHARING_SCREEN_CHANGE) { const { conversationId, isSharingScreen } = action.payload; const call = getOwn(state.callsByConversation, conversationId); if (call?.callMode !== CallMode.Direct) { window.log.warn('Cannot update remote video for a non-direct call'); return state; } return { ...state, callsByConversation: { ...callsByConversation, [conversationId]: { ...call, isSharingScreen, }, }, }; } if (action.type === REMOTE_VIDEO_CHANGE) { const { conversationId, hasVideo } = action.payload; const call = getOwn(state.callsByConversation, conversationId); if (call?.callMode !== CallMode.Direct) { window.log.warn('Cannot update remote video for a non-direct call'); return state; } return { ...state, callsByConversation: { ...callsByConversation, [conversationId]: { ...call, hasRemoteVideo: hasVideo, }, }, }; } if (action.type === RETURN_TO_ACTIVE_CALL) { const { activeCallState } = state; if (!activeCallState) { window.log.warn( 'Cannot return to active call if there is no active call' ); return state; } return { ...state, activeCallState: { ...activeCallState, pip: false, }, }; } if (action.type === SET_LOCAL_AUDIO_FULFILLED) { if (!state.activeCallState) { window.log.warn('Cannot set local audio with no active call'); return state; } return { ...state, activeCallState: { ...state.activeCallState, hasLocalAudio: action.payload.enabled, }, }; } if (action.type === SET_LOCAL_VIDEO_FULFILLED) { if (!state.activeCallState) { window.log.warn('Cannot set local video with no active call'); return state; } return { ...state, activeCallState: { ...state.activeCallState, hasLocalVideo: action.payload.enabled, }, }; } if (action.type === CHANGE_IO_DEVICE_FULFILLED) { const { selectedDevice } = action.payload; const nextState = Object.create(null); if (action.payload.type === CallingDeviceType.CAMERA) { nextState.selectedCamera = selectedDevice; } else if (action.payload.type === CallingDeviceType.MICROPHONE) { nextState.selectedMicrophone = selectedDevice; } else if (action.payload.type === CallingDeviceType.SPEAKER) { nextState.selectedSpeaker = selectedDevice; } return { ...state, ...nextState, }; } if (action.type === REFRESH_IO_DEVICES) { const { availableMicrophones, selectedMicrophone, availableSpeakers, selectedSpeaker, availableCameras, selectedCamera, } = action.payload; return { ...state, availableMicrophones, selectedMicrophone, availableSpeakers, selectedSpeaker, availableCameras, selectedCamera, }; } if (action.type === TOGGLE_SETTINGS) { const { activeCallState } = state; if (!activeCallState) { window.log.warn('Cannot toggle settings when there is no active call'); return state; } return { ...state, activeCallState: { ...activeCallState, settingsDialogOpen: !activeCallState.settingsDialogOpen, }, }; } if (action.type === TOGGLE_PARTICIPANTS) { const { activeCallState } = state; if (!activeCallState) { window.log.warn( 'Cannot toggle participants list when there is no active call' ); return state; } return { ...state, activeCallState: { ...activeCallState, showParticipantsList: !activeCallState.showParticipantsList, }, }; } if (action.type === TOGGLE_PIP) { const { activeCallState } = state; if (!activeCallState) { window.log.warn('Cannot toggle PiP when there is no active call'); return state; } return { ...state, activeCallState: { ...activeCallState, pip: !activeCallState.pip, }, }; } if (action.type === SET_PRESENTING) { const { activeCallState } = state; if (!activeCallState) { window.log.warn('Cannot toggle presenting when there is no active call'); return state; } return { ...state, activeCallState: { ...activeCallState, presentingSource: action.payload, presentingSourcesAvailable: undefined, }, }; } if (action.type === SET_PRESENTING_SOURCES) { const { activeCallState } = state; if (!activeCallState) { window.log.warn( 'Cannot set presenting sources when there is no active call' ); return state; } return { ...state, activeCallState: { ...activeCallState, presentingSourcesAvailable: action.payload, }, }; } if (action.type === TOGGLE_NEEDS_SCREEN_RECORDING_PERMISSIONS) { const { activeCallState } = state; if (!activeCallState) { window.log.warn( 'Cannot set presenting sources when there is no active call' ); return state; } return { ...state, activeCallState: { ...activeCallState, showNeedsScreenRecordingPermissionsWarning: !activeCallState.showNeedsScreenRecordingPermissionsWarning, }, }; } if (action.type === TOGGLE_SPEAKER_VIEW) { const { activeCallState } = state; if (!activeCallState) { window.log.warn( 'Cannot toggle speaker view when there is no active call' ); return state; } return { ...state, activeCallState: { ...activeCallState, isInSpeakerView: !activeCallState.isInSpeakerView, }, }; } if (action.type === MARK_CALL_UNTRUSTED) { const { activeCallState } = state; if (!activeCallState) { window.log.warn( 'Cannot mark call as untrusted when there is no active call' ); return state; } const { safetyNumberChangedUuids } = action.payload; return { ...state, activeCallState: { ...activeCallState, pip: false, safetyNumberChangedUuids, settingsDialogOpen: false, showParticipantsList: false, }, }; } if (action.type === MARK_CALL_TRUSTED) { const { activeCallState } = state; if (!activeCallState) { window.log.warn( 'Cannot mark call as trusted when there is no active call' ); return state; } return { ...state, activeCallState: { ...activeCallState, safetyNumberChangedUuids: [], }, }; } return state; }