// Copyright 2022 Signal Messenger, LLC // SPDX-License-Identifier: AGPL-3.0-only import { assert } from 'chai'; import Long from 'long'; import { Pni } from '@signalapp/libsignal-client'; import { ServiceIdKind, Proto, ReceiptType, StorageState, } from '@signalapp/mock-server'; import createDebug from 'debug'; import * as durations from '../../util/durations'; import { uuidToBytes } from '../../util/uuidToBytes'; import { MY_STORY_ID } from '../../types/Stories'; import { isUntaggedPniString, toTaggedPni } from '../../types/ServiceId'; import { Bootstrap } from '../bootstrap'; import type { App } from '../bootstrap'; import { DELETE_SENT_PROTO_BATCHER_WAIT_MS, RECEIPT_BATCHER_WAIT_MS, } from '../../types/Receipt'; import { sleep } from '../../util/sleep'; import { expectSystemMessages, typeIntoInput, waitForEnabledComposer, } from '../helpers'; export const debug = createDebug('mock:test:pni-signature'); const IdentifierType = Proto.ManifestRecord.Identifier.Type; describe('pnp/PNI Signature', function (this: Mocha.Suite) { this.timeout(durations.MINUTE); let bootstrap: Bootstrap; let app: App; beforeEach(async () => { bootstrap = new Bootstrap({ contactCount: 0 }); await bootstrap.init(); const { phone } = bootstrap; let state = StorageState.getEmpty(); state = state.updateAccount({ profileKey: phone.profileKey.serialize(), e164: phone.device.number, }); // Add my story state = state.addRecord({ type: IdentifierType.STORY_DISTRIBUTION_LIST, record: { storyDistributionList: { allowsReplies: true, identifier: uuidToBytes(MY_STORY_ID), isBlockList: true, name: MY_STORY_ID, recipientServiceIds: [], }, }, }); await phone.setStorageState(state); app = await bootstrap.link(); }); afterEach(async function (this: Mocha.Context) { await bootstrap.maybeSaveLogs(this.currentTest, app); await app.close(); await bootstrap.teardown(); }); it('should be sent by Desktop until encrypted delivery receipt', async () => { const { server, desktop } = bootstrap; const ourPniKey = await desktop.getIdentityKey(ServiceIdKind.PNI); const ourAciKey = await desktop.getIdentityKey(ServiceIdKind.ACI); const window = await app.getWindow(); const leftPane = window.locator('#LeftPane'); const conversationStack = window.locator('.Inbox__conversation-stack'); debug('creating a stranger'); const stranger = await server.createPrimaryDevice({ profileName: 'Mysterious Stranger', }); const ourKey = await desktop.popSingleUseKey(ServiceIdKind.PNI); await stranger.addSingleUseKey(desktop, ourKey, ServiceIdKind.PNI); const checkPniSignature = ( message: Proto.IPniSignatureMessage | null | undefined, source: string ) => { if (!message) { throw new Error( `Missing expected pni signature message from ${source}` ); } if (!message.pni) { throw new Error( `Missing expected pni on pni signature message from ${source}` ); } assert.deepEqual( Pni.fromUuidBytes(Buffer.from(message.pni)).getServiceIdString(), desktop.pni, `Incorrect pni in pni signature message from ${source}` ); const isValid = ourPniKey.verifyAlternateIdentity( ourAciKey, Buffer.from(message.signature ?? []) ); assert.isTrue(isValid, `Invalid pni signature from ${source}`); }; debug('Send a message to our PNI'); await stranger.sendText(desktop, 'A message to PNI', { serviceIdKind: ServiceIdKind.PNI, withProfileKey: true, timestamp: bootstrap.getTimestamp(), }); debug('Open conversation with the stranger'); await leftPane .locator(`[data-testid="${stranger.toContact().aci}"]`) .click(); debug('Accept conversation from a stranger'); await conversationStack .locator('.module-message-request-actions button >> "Accept"') .click(); debug('Wait for a pniSignatureMessage'); { const { source, content } = await stranger.waitForMessage(); assert.strictEqual(source, desktop, 'initial message has valid source'); checkPniSignature(content.pniSignatureMessage, 'initial message'); } debug('Enter first message text'); { const compositionInput = await waitForEnabledComposer(window); await typeIntoInput(compositionInput, 'first'); await compositionInput.press('Enter'); } debug('Wait for the first message with pni signature'); { const { source, content, body, dataMessage } = await stranger.waitForMessage(); assert.strictEqual( source, desktop, 'first message must have valid source' ); assert.strictEqual(body, 'first', 'first message must have valid body'); checkPniSignature(content.pniSignatureMessage, 'first message'); const receiptTimestamp = bootstrap.getTimestamp(); debug('Send unencrypted receipt', receiptTimestamp); await stranger.sendUnencryptedReceipt(desktop, { messageTimestamp: dataMessage.timestamp?.toNumber() ?? 0, timestamp: receiptTimestamp, }); } debug('Enter second message text'); { const compositionInput = await waitForEnabledComposer(window); await typeIntoInput(compositionInput, 'second'); await compositionInput.press('Enter'); } debug('Wait for the second message with pni signature'); { const { source, content, body, dataMessage } = await stranger.waitForMessage(); assert.strictEqual( source, desktop, 'second message must have valid source' ); assert.strictEqual(body, 'second', 'second message must have valid body'); checkPniSignature(content.pniSignatureMessage, 'second message'); const receiptTimestamp = bootstrap.getTimestamp(); debug('Send encrypted receipt', receiptTimestamp); await stranger.sendReceipt(desktop, { type: ReceiptType.Delivery, messageTimestamps: [dataMessage.timestamp?.toNumber() ?? 0], timestamp: receiptTimestamp, }); // Wait for receipts to be batched and processed (+ buffer) await sleep( RECEIPT_BATCHER_WAIT_MS + DELETE_SENT_PROTO_BATCHER_WAIT_MS + 20 ); } debug('Enter third message text'); { const compositionInput = await waitForEnabledComposer(window); await typeIntoInput(compositionInput, 'third'); await compositionInput.press('Enter'); } debug('Wait for the third message without pni signature'); { const { source, content, body } = await stranger.waitForMessage(); assert.strictEqual( source, desktop, 'third message must have valid source' ); assert.strictEqual(body, 'third', 'third message must have valid body'); assert( !content.pniSignatureMessage, 'third message must not have pni signature message' ); } debug('Verify final state'); { // One incoming, three outgoing const messages = window.locator('.module-message__text'); assert.strictEqual(await messages.count(), 4, 'message count'); await expectSystemMessages(window, ['You accepted the message request']); } }); it('should be received by Desktop and trigger contact merge', async () => { const { desktop, phone, server } = bootstrap; const window = await app.getWindow(); const leftPane = window.locator('#LeftPane'); debug('Capture storage service state before messaging'); let state = await phone.expectStorageState('state before messaging'); debug('Create stranger'); const STRANGER_NAME = 'Mysterious Stranger'; const stranger = await server.createPrimaryDevice({ profileName: STRANGER_NAME, }); debug('Send a PNI sync message'); const timestamp = bootstrap.getTimestamp(); const destinationServiceId = stranger.device.pni; const destination = stranger.device.number; const destinationPniIdentityKey = await stranger.device.getIdentityKey( ServiceIdKind.PNI ); const originalDataMessage = { body: 'Hello PNI', timestamp: Long.fromNumber(timestamp), }; const content = { syncMessage: { sent: { destinationServiceId, destination, timestamp: Long.fromNumber(timestamp), message: originalDataMessage, unidentifiedStatus: [ { destinationServiceId, destination, destinationPniIdentityKey: destinationPniIdentityKey.serialize(), }, ], }, }, }; const sendOptions = { timestamp, }; await phone.sendRaw(desktop, content, sendOptions); debug('Wait for updated storage service state with PNI contact'); { const newState = await phone.waitForStorageState({ after: state, }); const aciRecord = newState.getContact(stranger, ServiceIdKind.ACI); assert.isUndefined(aciRecord, 'ACI contact must not be created'); const pniRecord = newState.getContact(stranger, ServiceIdKind.PNI); assert.deepEqual( pniRecord?.identityKey, destinationPniIdentityKey.serialize(), 'PNI contact must have correct identity key' ); state = newState; } debug('Open conversation with the pni contact'); const contactElem = leftPane.locator( `[data-testid="${stranger.device.pni}"]` ); await contactElem.click(); debug('Verify that left pane shows phone number'); { const strangerName = await contactElem .locator('.module-contact-name') .first() .innerText(); assert.equal( strangerName.slice(-4), destination?.slice(-4), 'no profile, just phone number' ); } debug('Verify that we are in MR state'); const conversationStack = window.locator('.Inbox__conversation-stack'); await conversationStack .locator('.module-message-request-actions button >> "Continue"') .waitFor(); debug('Clear message request state on phone'); { const newState = state.updateContact( stranger, { whitelisted: true, }, ServiceIdKind.PNI ); await phone.setStorageState(newState, state); await phone.sendFetchStorage({ timestamp: bootstrap.getTimestamp(), }); state = newState; } debug('Wait for MR state to disappear'); await conversationStack .locator('.module-message-request-actions button >> "Continue"') .waitFor({ state: 'hidden' }); debug('Send back the response with profile key and pni signature'); const ourKey = await desktop.popSingleUseKey(); await stranger.addSingleUseKey(desktop, ourKey); await stranger.sendText(desktop, 'Hello Desktop!', { timestamp: bootstrap.getTimestamp(), withPniSignature: true, withProfileKey: true, }); debug('Wait for merge to happen'); await leftPane .locator(`[data-testid="${stranger.toContact().aci}"]`) .waitFor(); { debug('Wait for composition input to clear'); const compositionInput = await waitForEnabledComposer(window); debug('Enter an ACI message text'); await typeIntoInput(compositionInput, 'Hello ACI'); await compositionInput.press('Enter'); } debug('Wait for a ACI message'); { const { source, body, serviceIdKind } = await stranger.waitForMessage(); assert.strictEqual(source, desktop, 'ACI message has valid source'); assert.strictEqual(body, 'Hello ACI', 'ACI message has valid body'); assert.strictEqual( serviceIdKind, ServiceIdKind.ACI, 'ACI message has valid destination' ); } debug('Verify final state'); { const newState = await phone.waitForStorageState({ after: state, }); const pniRecord = newState.getContact(stranger, ServiceIdKind.PNI); const aciRecord = newState.getContact(stranger, ServiceIdKind.ACI); assert.strictEqual( aciRecord, pniRecord, 'ACI Contact must be the same as PNI Contact storage service' ); assert(aciRecord, 'ACI Contact must be in storage service'); assert.strictEqual(aciRecord?.aci, stranger.device.aci); assert.strictEqual( aciRecord?.pni && isUntaggedPniString(aciRecord?.pni) && toTaggedPni(aciRecord?.pni), stranger.device.pni ); assert.strictEqual(aciRecord?.pniSignatureVerified, true); // Two outgoing, one incoming const messages = window.locator('.module-message__text'); assert.strictEqual(await messages.count(), 3, 'messages'); // Title transition notification await expectSystemMessages(window, [/You started this chat with/]); assert.isEmpty(await phone.getOrphanedStorageKeys()); } }); });