// Copyright 2024 Signal Messenger, LLC // SPDX-License-Identifier: AGPL-3.0-only import * as durations from '../util/durations'; import * as log from '../logging/log'; import { DataReader, DataWriter } from '../sql/Client'; import { JobManager, type JobManagerParamsType, type JobManagerJobResultType, type JobManagerJobType, } from './JobManager'; // Type for adding a new job export type NewCallLinkDeleteJobType = { roomId: string; options?: { delay: number }; }; export type CoreCallLinkDeleteJobType = { roomId: string; }; export type CallLinkDeleteJobType = CoreCallLinkDeleteJobType & JobManagerJobType; const MAX_CONCURRENT_JOBS = 5; const DEFAULT_RETRY_CONFIG = { maxAttempts: 10, backoffConfig: { // 1 min, 5 min, 25 min, (max) 1 day multiplier: 5, firstBackoffs: [durations.MINUTE], maxBackoffTime: durations.DAY, }, }; type CallLinkFinalizeDeleteManagerParamsType = JobManagerParamsType; function getJobId(job: CoreCallLinkDeleteJobType): string { return job.roomId; } // The purpose of this job is to finalize local DB delete of call links and // associated call history, after we confirm storage sync. // It does *not* delete the call link from the server -- this should be done // synchronously and prior to running this job, so we can show confirmation // or error to the user. export class CallLinkFinalizeDeleteManager extends JobManager { jobs: Map = new Map(); private static _instance: CallLinkFinalizeDeleteManager | undefined; override logPrefix = 'CallLinkFinalizeDeleteManager'; static defaultParams: CallLinkFinalizeDeleteManagerParamsType = { markAllJobsInactive: () => Promise.resolve(), getNextJobs, saveJob, removeJob, runJob, getJobId, getJobIdForLogging: getJobId, getRetryConfig: () => DEFAULT_RETRY_CONFIG, maxConcurrentJobs: MAX_CONCURRENT_JOBS, }; constructor(params: CallLinkFinalizeDeleteManagerParamsType) { super({ ...params, getNextJobs: ({ limit, timestamp }) => params.getNextJobs.call(this, { limit, timestamp }), saveJob: (job: CallLinkDeleteJobType) => params.saveJob.call(this, job), removeJob: (job: CallLinkDeleteJobType) => params.removeJob.call(this, job), }); } override async addJob( jobData: CoreCallLinkDeleteJobType, options?: { delay: number } ): Promise { const { delay } = options || {}; if (delay) { log.info( `CallLinkDeleteJobType/addJob/${getJobId(jobData)}: Adding with delay ${delay}` ); const job: CallLinkDeleteJobType = { ...jobData, attempts: 0, retryAfter: Date.now() + delay, lastAttemptTimestamp: null, active: false, }; await this.params.saveJob(job); return; } await this._addJob(jobData); } async enqueueAllDeletedCallLinks(options?: { delay: number }): Promise { const roomIds = await DataReader.getAllMarkedDeletedCallLinkRoomIds(); log.info( `CallLinkDeleteJobType/enqueueAllDeletedCallLinks: Found ${roomIds.length} call links to delete` ); roomIds.forEach(roomId => this.addJob({ roomId }, options)); } static get instance(): CallLinkFinalizeDeleteManager { if (!CallLinkFinalizeDeleteManager._instance) { CallLinkFinalizeDeleteManager._instance = new CallLinkFinalizeDeleteManager( CallLinkFinalizeDeleteManager.defaultParams ); } return CallLinkFinalizeDeleteManager._instance; } static async start(): Promise { await CallLinkFinalizeDeleteManager.instance.enqueueAllDeletedCallLinks(); await CallLinkFinalizeDeleteManager.instance.start(); } static async stop(): Promise { return CallLinkFinalizeDeleteManager._instance?.stop(); } static async addJob( newJob: CoreCallLinkDeleteJobType, options?: { delay: number } ): Promise { return CallLinkFinalizeDeleteManager.instance.addJob(newJob, options); } static async enqueueAllDeletedCallLinks(options?: { delay: number; }): Promise { return CallLinkFinalizeDeleteManager.instance.enqueueAllDeletedCallLinks( options ); } } async function getNextJobs( this: CallLinkFinalizeDeleteManager, { limit, timestamp, }: { limit: number; timestamp: number; } ): Promise> { let countRemaining = limit; const nextJobs: Array = []; for (const job of this.jobs.values()) { if (job.active || (job.retryAfter && job.retryAfter > timestamp)) { continue; } nextJobs.push(job); countRemaining -= 1; if (countRemaining <= 0) { break; } } return nextJobs; } async function saveJob( this: CallLinkFinalizeDeleteManager, job: CallLinkDeleteJobType ): Promise { const { roomId } = job; this.jobs.set(roomId, job); } async function removeJob( this: CallLinkFinalizeDeleteManager, job: CallLinkDeleteJobType ): Promise { this.jobs.delete(job.roomId); } async function runJob( job: CallLinkDeleteJobType, _options: { isLastAttempt: boolean; abortSignal: AbortSignal } ): Promise> { const logId = `CallLinkDeleteJobType/runJob/${getJobId(job)}`; const callLinkRecord = await DataReader.getCallLinkRecordByRoomId(job.roomId); if (callLinkRecord == null) { log.warn(`${logId}: Call link gone from DB`); return { status: 'finished' }; } if (callLinkRecord.deleted !== 1) { log.error(`${logId}: Call link not marked deleted. Giving up.`); return { status: 'finished' }; } // For consistency between devices, wait for storage sync if (callLinkRecord.storageNeedsSync !== 0) { log.info(`${logId}: Call link storage needs sync; retrying later`); return { status: 'retry' }; } await DataWriter.finalizeDeleteCallLink(job.roomId); log.info(`${logId}: Finalized local delete`); return { status: 'finished' }; }