// Copyright 2020-2022 Signal Messenger, LLC // SPDX-License-Identifier: AGPL-3.0-only import { debounce, pick, uniq, without } from 'lodash'; import PQueue from 'p-queue'; import type { ConversationModelCollectionType, ConversationAttributesType, ConversationAttributesTypeType, } from './model-types.d'; import type { ConversationModel } from './models/conversations'; import type { MessageModel } from './models/messages'; import type { UUIDStringType } from './types/UUID'; import dataInterface from './sql/Client'; import * as log from './logging/log'; import * as Errors from './types/errors'; import { getContactId } from './messages/helpers'; import { maybeDeriveGroupV2Id } from './groups'; import { assertDev, strictAssert } from './util/assert'; import { isGroupV1, isGroupV2 } from './util/whatTypeOfConversation'; import { getConversationUnreadCountForAppBadge } from './util/getConversationUnreadCountForAppBadge'; import { UUID, isValidUuid, UUIDKind } from './types/UUID'; import { Address } from './types/Address'; import { QualifiedAddress } from './types/QualifiedAddress'; import { sleep } from './util/sleep'; import { isNotNil } from './util/isNotNil'; import { MINUTE, SECOND } from './util/durations'; import { getUuidsForE164s } from './util/getUuidsForE164s'; import { SIGNAL_ACI, SIGNAL_AVATAR_PATH } from './types/SignalConversation'; type ConvoMatchType = | { key: 'uuid' | 'pni'; value: UUIDStringType | undefined; match: ConversationModel | undefined; } | { key: 'e164'; value: string | undefined; match: ConversationModel | undefined; }; const { hasOwnProperty } = Object.prototype; function applyChangeToConversation( conversation: ConversationModel, suggestedChange: Partial< Pick > ) { const change = { ...suggestedChange }; // Clear PNI if changing e164 without associated PNI if (hasOwnProperty.call(change, 'e164') && !change.pni) { change.pni = undefined; } // If we have a PNI but not an ACI, then the PNI will go in the UUID field // Tricky: We need a special check here, because the PNI can be in the uuid slot if ( change.pni && !change.uuid && (!conversation.get('uuid') || conversation.get('uuid') === conversation.get('pni')) ) { change.uuid = change.pni; } // If we're clearing a PNI, but we didn't have an ACI - we need to clear UUID field if ( !change.uuid && hasOwnProperty.call(change, 'pni') && !change.pni && conversation.get('uuid') === conversation.get('pni') ) { change.uuid = undefined; } if (hasOwnProperty.call(change, 'uuid')) { conversation.updateUuid(change.uuid); } if (hasOwnProperty.call(change, 'e164')) { conversation.updateE164(change.e164); } if (hasOwnProperty.call(change, 'pni')) { conversation.updatePni(change.pni); } // Note: we don't do a conversation.set here, because change is limited to these fields } async function safeCombineConversations({ logId, oldConversation, newConversation, }: { logId: string; oldConversation: ConversationModel; newConversation: ConversationModel; }) { try { await window.ConversationController.combineConversations( newConversation, oldConversation ); } catch (error) { log.warn( `${logId}: error combining contacts: ${Errors.toLogFormat(error)}` ); } } const MAX_MESSAGE_BODY_LENGTH = 64 * 1024; const { getAllConversations, getAllGroupsInvolvingUuid, getMessagesBySentAt, migrateConversationMessages, removeConversation, saveConversation, updateConversation, } = dataInterface; // We have to run this in background.js, after all backbone models and collections on // Whisper.* have been created. Once those are in typescript we can use more reasonable // require statements for referencing these things, giving us more flexibility here. export function start(): void { const conversations = new window.Whisper.ConversationCollection(); window.ConversationController = new ConversationController(conversations); window.getConversations = () => conversations; } export class ConversationController { private _initialFetchComplete = false; private _initialPromise: undefined | Promise; private _conversationOpenStart = new Map(); private _hasQueueEmptied = false; private _combineConversationsQueue = new PQueue({ concurrency: 1 }); private _signalConversationId: undefined | string; constructor(private _conversations: ConversationModelCollectionType) { const debouncedUpdateUnreadCount = debounce( this.updateUnreadCount.bind(this), SECOND, { leading: true, maxWait: SECOND, trailing: true, } ); // A few things can cause us to update the app-level unread count window.Whisper.events.on('updateUnreadCount', debouncedUpdateUnreadCount); this._conversations.on( 'add remove change:active_at change:unreadCount change:markedUnread change:isArchived change:muteExpiresAt', debouncedUpdateUnreadCount ); // If the conversation is muted we set a timeout so when the mute expires // we can reset the mute state on the model. If the mute has already expired // then we reset the state right away. this._conversations.on('add', (model: ConversationModel): void => { model.startMuteTimer(); }); } updateUnreadCount(): void { if (!this._hasQueueEmptied) { return; } const canCountMutedConversations = window.storage.get('badge-count-muted-conversations') || false; const newUnreadCount = this._conversations.reduce( (result: number, conversation: ConversationModel) => result + getConversationUnreadCountForAppBadge( conversation.attributes, canCountMutedConversations ), 0 ); window.storage.put('unreadCount', newUnreadCount); if (newUnreadCount > 0) { window.setBadgeCount(newUnreadCount); window.document.title = `${window.getTitle()} (${newUnreadCount})`; } else { window.setBadgeCount(0); window.document.title = window.getTitle(); } window.updateTrayIcon(newUnreadCount); } onEmpty(): void { this._hasQueueEmptied = true; this.updateUnreadCount(); } get(id?: string | null): ConversationModel | undefined { if (!this._initialFetchComplete) { throw new Error( 'ConversationController.get() needs complete initial fetch' ); } // This function takes null just fine. Backbone typings are too restrictive. return this._conversations.get(id as string); } getAll(): Array { return this._conversations.models; } dangerouslyCreateAndAdd( attributes: Partial ): ConversationModel { return this._conversations.add(attributes); } dangerouslyRemoveById(id: string): void { this._conversations.remove(id); this._conversations.resetLookups(); } getOrCreate( identifier: string | null, type: ConversationAttributesTypeType, additionalInitialProps = {} ): ConversationModel { if (typeof identifier !== 'string') { throw new TypeError("'id' must be a string"); } if (type !== 'private' && type !== 'group') { throw new TypeError( `'type' must be 'private' or 'group'; got: '${type}'` ); } if (!this._initialFetchComplete) { throw new Error( 'ConversationController.get() needs complete initial fetch' ); } let conversation = this._conversations.get(identifier); if (conversation) { return conversation; } const id = UUID.generate().toString(); if (type === 'group') { conversation = this._conversations.add({ id, uuid: undefined, e164: undefined, groupId: identifier, type, version: 2, ...additionalInitialProps, }); } else if (isValidUuid(identifier)) { conversation = this._conversations.add({ id, uuid: identifier, e164: undefined, groupId: undefined, type, version: 2, ...additionalInitialProps, }); } else { conversation = this._conversations.add({ id, uuid: undefined, e164: identifier, groupId: undefined, type, version: 2, ...additionalInitialProps, }); } const create = async () => { if (!conversation.isValid()) { const validationError = conversation.validationError || {}; log.error( 'Contact is not valid. Not saving, but adding to collection:', conversation.idForLogging(), Errors.toLogFormat(validationError) ); return conversation; } try { if (isGroupV1(conversation.attributes)) { maybeDeriveGroupV2Id(conversation); } await saveConversation(conversation.attributes); } catch (error) { log.error( 'Conversation save failed! ', identifier, type, 'Error:', Errors.toLogFormat(error) ); throw error; } return conversation; }; conversation.initialPromise = create(); return conversation; } async getOrCreateAndWait( id: string | null, type: ConversationAttributesTypeType, additionalInitialProps = {} ): Promise { await this.load(); const conversation = this.getOrCreate(id, type, additionalInitialProps); if (conversation) { await conversation.initialPromise; return conversation; } throw new Error('getOrCreateAndWait: did not get conversation'); } getConversationId(address: string | null): string | null { if (!address) { return null; } const [id] = window.textsecure.utils.unencodeNumber(address); const conv = this.get(id); if (conv) { return conv.get('id'); } return null; } getOurConversationId(): string | undefined { const e164 = window.textsecure.storage.user.getNumber(); const aci = window.textsecure.storage.user .getUuid(UUIDKind.ACI) ?.toString(); const pni = window.textsecure.storage.user .getUuid(UUIDKind.PNI) ?.toString(); if (!e164 && !aci && !pni) { return undefined; } const conversation = this.maybeMergeContacts({ aci, e164, pni, reason: 'getOurConversationId', }); return conversation?.id; } getOurConversationIdOrThrow(): string { const conversationId = this.getOurConversationId(); if (!conversationId) { throw new Error( 'getOurConversationIdOrThrow: Failed to fetch ourConversationId' ); } return conversationId; } getOurConversation(): ConversationModel | undefined { const conversationId = this.getOurConversationId(); return conversationId ? this.get(conversationId) : undefined; } getOurConversationOrThrow(): ConversationModel { const conversation = this.getOurConversation(); if (!conversation) { throw new Error( 'getOurConversationOrThrow: Failed to fetch our own conversation' ); } return conversation; } async getOrCreateSignalConversation(): Promise { const conversation = await this.getOrCreateAndWait(SIGNAL_ACI, 'private', { muteExpiresAt: Number.MAX_SAFE_INTEGER, profileAvatar: { path: SIGNAL_AVATAR_PATH }, profileName: 'Signal', profileSharing: true, }); if (conversation.get('profileAvatar')?.path !== SIGNAL_AVATAR_PATH) { conversation.set({ profileAvatar: { hash: SIGNAL_AVATAR_PATH, path: SIGNAL_AVATAR_PATH }, }); updateConversation(conversation.attributes); } this._signalConversationId = conversation.id; return conversation; } isSignalConversation(uuidOrId: string): boolean { if (uuidOrId === SIGNAL_ACI) { return true; } return this._signalConversationId === uuidOrId; } areWePrimaryDevice(): boolean { const ourDeviceId = window.textsecure.storage.user.getDeviceId(); return ourDeviceId === 1; } // Note: If you don't know what kind of UUID it is, put it in the 'aci' param. maybeMergeContacts({ aci: providedAci, e164, pni: providedPni, reason, mergeOldAndNew = safeCombineConversations, }: { aci?: string; e164?: string; pni?: string; reason: string; recursionCount?: number; mergeOldAndNew?: (options: { logId: string; oldConversation: ConversationModel; newConversation: ConversationModel; }) => Promise; }): ConversationModel | undefined { const dataProvided = []; if (providedAci) { dataProvided.push('aci'); } if (e164) { dataProvided.push('e164'); } if (providedPni) { dataProvided.push('pni'); } const logId = `maybeMergeContacts/${reason}/${dataProvided.join('+')}`; const aci = providedAci ? UUID.cast(providedAci) : undefined; const pni = providedPni ? UUID.cast(providedPni) : undefined; if (!aci && !e164 && !pni) { throw new Error( `${logId}: Need to provide at least one of: aci, e164, pni` ); } const matches: Array = [ { key: 'uuid', value: aci, match: window.ConversationController.get(aci), }, { key: 'e164', value: e164, match: window.ConversationController.get(e164), }, { key: 'pni', value: pni, match: window.ConversationController.get(pni) }, ]; let unusedMatches: Array = []; let targetConversation: ConversationModel | undefined; let matchCount = 0; matches.forEach(item => { const { key, value, match } = item; if (!value) { return; } if (!match) { if (targetConversation) { log.info( `${logId}: No match for ${key}, applying to target conversation` ); // Note: This line might erase a known e164 or PNI applyChangeToConversation(targetConversation, { [key]: value, }); } else { unusedMatches.push(item); } return; } matchCount += 1; unusedMatches.forEach(unused => { strictAssert(unused.value, 'An unused value should always be truthy'); // Example: If we find that our PNI match has no ACI, then it will be our target. // Tricky: PNI can end up in UUID slot, so we need to special-case it if ( !targetConversation && (!match.get(unused.key) || (unused.key === 'uuid' && match.get(unused.key) === pni)) ) { log.info( `${logId}: Match on ${key} does not have ${unused.key}, ` + `so it will be our target conversation - ${match.idForLogging()}` ); targetConversation = match; } // If PNI match already has an ACI, then we need to create a new one if (!targetConversation) { targetConversation = this.getOrCreate(unused.value, 'private'); log.info( `${logId}: Match on ${key} already had ${unused.key}, ` + `so created new target conversation - ${targetConversation.idForLogging()}` ); } log.info( `${logId}: Applying new value for ${unused.key} to target conversation` ); applyChangeToConversation(targetConversation, { [unused.key]: unused.value, }); }); unusedMatches = []; if (targetConversation && targetConversation !== match) { // Clear the value on the current match, since it belongs on targetConversation! // Note: we need to do the remove first, because it will clear the lookup! log.info( `${logId}: Clearing ${key} on match, and adding it to target conversation` ); const change: Pick< Partial, 'uuid' | 'e164' | 'pni' > = { [key]: undefined, }; // When the PNI is being used in the uuid field alone, we need to clear it if (key === 'pni' && match.get('uuid') === pni) { change.uuid = undefined; } applyChangeToConversation(match, change); applyChangeToConversation(targetConversation, { [key]: value, }); // Note: The PNI check here is just to be bulletproof; if we know a UUID is a PNI, // then that should be put in the UUID field as well! if (!match.get('uuid') && !match.get('e164') && !match.get('pni')) { log.warn( `${logId}: Removing old conversation which matched on ${key}. ` + 'Merging with target conversation.' ); mergeOldAndNew({ logId, oldConversation: match, newConversation: targetConversation, }); } } else if (targetConversation && !targetConversation?.get(key)) { // This is mostly for the situation where PNI was erased when updating e164 log.debug(`${logId}: Re-adding ${key} on target conversation`); applyChangeToConversation(targetConversation, { [key]: value, }); } if (!targetConversation) { // log.debug( // `${logId}: Match on ${key} is target conversation - ${match.idForLogging()}` // ); targetConversation = match; } }); if (targetConversation) { return targetConversation; } strictAssert( matchCount === 0, `${logId}: should be no matches if no targetConversation` ); log.info(`${logId}: Creating a new conversation with all inputs`); // This is not our precedence for lookup, but it ensures that the PNI gets into the // uuid slot if we have no ACI. const identifier = aci || pni || e164; strictAssert(identifier, `${logId}: identifier must be truthy!`); return this.getOrCreate(identifier, 'private', { e164, pni }); } /** * Given a UUID and/or an E164, returns a string representing the local * database id of the given contact. Will create a new conversation if none exists; * otherwise will return whatever is found. */ lookupOrCreate({ e164, uuid, }: { e164?: string | null; uuid?: string | null; }): ConversationModel | undefined { const normalizedUuid = uuid ? uuid.toLowerCase() : undefined; const identifier = normalizedUuid || e164; if ((!e164 && !uuid) || !identifier) { log.warn('lookupOrCreate: Called with neither e164 nor uuid!'); return undefined; } const convoE164 = this.get(e164); const convoUuid = this.get(normalizedUuid); // 1. Handle no match at all if (!convoE164 && !convoUuid) { log.info('lookupOrCreate: Creating new contact, no matches found'); const newConvo = this.getOrCreate(identifier, 'private'); // `identifier` would resolve to uuid if we had both, so fix up e164 if (normalizedUuid && e164) { newConvo.updateE164(e164); } return newConvo; } // 2. Handle match on only UUID if (!convoE164 && convoUuid) { return convoUuid; } // 3. Handle match on only E164 if (convoE164 && !convoUuid) { return convoE164; } // For some reason, TypeScript doesn't believe that we can trust that these two values // are truthy by this point. So we'll throw if that isn't the case. if (!convoE164 || !convoUuid) { throw new Error( 'lookupOrCreate: convoE164 or convoUuid are falsey but should both be true!' ); } // 4. If the two lookups agree, return that conversation if (convoE164 === convoUuid) { return convoUuid; } // 5. If the two lookups disagree, log and return the UUID match log.warn( `lookupOrCreate: Found a split contact - UUID ${normalizedUuid} and E164 ${e164}. Returning UUID match.` ); return convoUuid; } checkForConflicts(): Promise { return this._combineConversationsQueue.add(() => this.doCheckForConflicts() ); } // Note: `doCombineConversations` is used within this function since both // run on `_combineConversationsQueue` queue and we don't want deadlocks. private async doCheckForConflicts(): Promise { log.info('checkForConflicts: starting...'); const byUuid = Object.create(null); const byE164 = Object.create(null); const byGroupV2Id = Object.create(null); // We also want to find duplicate GV1 IDs. You might expect to see a "byGroupV1Id" map // here. Instead, we check for duplicates on the derived GV2 ID. const { models } = this._conversations; // We iterate from the oldest conversations to the newest. This allows us, in a // conflict case, to keep the one with activity the most recently. for (let i = models.length - 1; i >= 0; i -= 1) { const conversation = models[i]; assertDev( conversation, 'Expected conversation to be found in array during iteration' ); const uuid = conversation.get('uuid'); const pni = conversation.get('pni'); const e164 = conversation.get('e164'); if (uuid) { const existing = byUuid[uuid]; if (!existing) { byUuid[uuid] = conversation; } else { log.warn(`checkForConflicts: Found conflict with uuid ${uuid}`); // Keep the newer one if it has an e164, otherwise keep existing if (conversation.get('e164')) { // Keep new one // eslint-disable-next-line no-await-in-loop await this.doCombineConversations(conversation, existing); byUuid[uuid] = conversation; } else { // Keep existing - note that this applies if neither had an e164 // eslint-disable-next-line no-await-in-loop await this.doCombineConversations(existing, conversation); } } } if (pni) { const existing = byUuid[pni]; if (!existing) { byUuid[pni] = conversation; } else if (existing === conversation) { // Conversation has both uuid and pni set to the same value. This // happens when starting a conversation by E164. assertDev( pni === uuid, 'checkForConflicts: expected PNI to be equal to UUID' ); } else { log.warn(`checkForConflicts: Found conflict with pni ${pni}`); // Keep the newer one if it has additional data, otherwise keep existing if (conversation.get('e164') || conversation.get('pni')) { // Keep new one // eslint-disable-next-line no-await-in-loop await this.doCombineConversations(conversation, existing); byUuid[pni] = conversation; } else { // Keep existing - note that this applies if neither had an e164 // eslint-disable-next-line no-await-in-loop await this.doCombineConversations(existing, conversation); } } } if (e164) { const existing = byE164[e164]; if (!existing) { byE164[e164] = conversation; } else { // If we have two contacts with the same e164 but different truthy UUIDs, then // we'll delete the e164 on the older one if ( conversation.get('uuid') && existing.get('uuid') && conversation.get('uuid') !== existing.get('uuid') ) { log.warn( `checkForConflicts: Found two matches on e164 ${e164} with different truthy UUIDs. Dropping e164 on older.` ); existing.set({ e164: undefined }); updateConversation(existing.attributes); byE164[e164] = conversation; continue; } log.warn(`checkForConflicts: Found conflict with e164 ${e164}`); // Keep the newer one if it has a UUID, otherwise keep existing if (conversation.get('uuid')) { // Keep new one // eslint-disable-next-line no-await-in-loop await this.doCombineConversations(conversation, existing); byE164[e164] = conversation; } else { // Keep existing - note that this applies if neither had a UUID // eslint-disable-next-line no-await-in-loop await this.doCombineConversations(existing, conversation); } } } let groupV2Id: undefined | string; if (isGroupV1(conversation.attributes)) { maybeDeriveGroupV2Id(conversation); groupV2Id = conversation.get('derivedGroupV2Id'); assertDev( groupV2Id, 'checkForConflicts: expected the group V2 ID to have been derived, but it was falsy' ); } else if (isGroupV2(conversation.attributes)) { groupV2Id = conversation.get('groupId'); } if (groupV2Id) { const existing = byGroupV2Id[groupV2Id]; if (!existing) { byGroupV2Id[groupV2Id] = conversation; } else { const logParenthetical = isGroupV1(conversation.attributes) ? ' (derived from a GV1 group ID)' : ''; log.warn( `checkForConflicts: Found conflict with group V2 ID ${groupV2Id}${logParenthetical}` ); // Prefer the GV2 group. if ( isGroupV2(conversation.attributes) && !isGroupV2(existing.attributes) ) { // eslint-disable-next-line no-await-in-loop await this.doCombineConversations(conversation, existing); byGroupV2Id[groupV2Id] = conversation; } else { // eslint-disable-next-line no-await-in-loop await this.doCombineConversations(existing, conversation); } } } } log.info('checkForConflicts: complete!'); } async combineConversations( current: ConversationModel, obsolete: ConversationModel ): Promise { return this._combineConversationsQueue.add(() => this.doCombineConversations(current, obsolete) ); } private async doCombineConversations( current: ConversationModel, obsolete: ConversationModel ): Promise { const logId = `combineConversations/${obsolete.id}->${current.id}`; const conversationType = current.get('type'); if (!this.get(obsolete.id)) { log.warn(`${logId}: Already combined obsolete conversation`); } if (obsolete.get('type') !== conversationType) { assertDev( false, `${logId}: cannot combine a private and group conversation. Doing nothing` ); return; } const dataToCopy: Partial = pick( obsolete.attributes, [ 'conversationColor', 'customColor', 'customColorId', 'draftAttachments', 'draftBodyRanges', 'draftTimestamp', 'messageCount', 'messageRequestResponseType', 'quotedMessageId', 'sentMessageCount', ] ); const keys = Object.keys(dataToCopy) as Array< keyof ConversationAttributesType >; keys.forEach(key => { if (current.get(key) === undefined) { current.set(key, dataToCopy[key]); // To ensure that any files on disk don't get deleted out from under us if (key === 'draftAttachments') { obsolete.set(key, undefined); } } }); if (obsolete.get('isPinned')) { obsolete.unpin(); if (!current.get('isPinned')) { current.pin(); } } const obsoleteId = obsolete.get('id'); const obsoleteUuid = obsolete.getUuid(); const currentId = current.get('id'); log.warn( `${logId}: Combining two conversations -`, `old: ${obsolete.idForLogging()} -> new: ${current.idForLogging()}` ); if (conversationType === 'private' && obsoleteUuid) { if (!current.get('profileKey') && obsolete.get('profileKey')) { log.warn(`${logId}: Copying profile key from old to new contact`); const profileKey = obsolete.get('profileKey'); if (profileKey) { await current.setProfileKey(profileKey); } } log.warn(`${logId}: Delete all sessions tied to old conversationId`); const ourACI = window.textsecure.storage.user.getUuid(UUIDKind.ACI); const ourPNI = window.textsecure.storage.user.getUuid(UUIDKind.PNI); await Promise.all( [ourACI, ourPNI].map(async ourUuid => { if (!ourUuid) { return; } const deviceIds = await window.textsecure.storage.protocol.getDeviceIds({ ourUuid, identifier: obsoleteUuid.toString(), }); await Promise.all( deviceIds.map(async deviceId => { const addr = new QualifiedAddress( ourUuid, new Address(obsoleteUuid, deviceId) ); await window.textsecure.storage.protocol.removeSession(addr); }) ); }) ); log.warn( `${logId}: Delete all identity information tied to old conversationId` ); if (obsoleteUuid) { await window.textsecure.storage.protocol.removeIdentityKey( obsoleteUuid ); } log.warn( `${logId}: Ensure that all V1 groups have new conversationId instead of old` ); const groups = await this.getAllGroupsInvolvingUuid(obsoleteUuid); groups.forEach(group => { const members = group.get('members'); const withoutObsolete = without(members, obsoleteId); const currentAdded = uniq([...withoutObsolete, currentId]); group.set({ members: currentAdded, }); updateConversation(group.attributes); }); } // Note: we explicitly don't want to update V2 groups log.warn(`${logId}: Delete the obsolete conversation from the database`); await removeConversation(obsoleteId); log.warn(`${logId}: Update cached messages in MessageController`); window.MessageController.update((message: MessageModel) => { if (message.get('conversationId') === obsoleteId) { message.set({ conversationId: currentId }); } }); log.warn(`${logId}: Update messages table`); await migrateConversationMessages(obsoleteId, currentId); log.warn(`${logId}: Emit refreshConversation event to close old/open new`); window.Whisper.events.trigger('refreshConversation', { newId: currentId, oldId: obsoleteId, }); log.warn( `${logId}: Eliminate old conversation from ConversationController lookups` ); this._conversations.remove(obsolete); this._conversations.resetLookups(); current.captureChange('combineConversations'); log.warn(`${logId}: Complete!`); } /** * Given a groupId and optional additional initialization properties, * ensures the existence of a group conversation and returns a string * representing the local database ID of the group conversation. */ ensureGroup(groupId: string, additionalInitProps = {}): string { return this.getOrCreate(groupId, 'group', additionalInitProps).get('id'); } /** * Given certain metadata about a message (an identifier of who wrote the * message and the sent_at timestamp of the message) returns the * conversation the message belongs to OR null if a conversation isn't * found. */ async getConversationForTargetMessage( targetFromId: string, targetTimestamp: number ): Promise { const messages = await getMessagesBySentAt(targetTimestamp); const targetMessage = messages.find(m => getContactId(m) === targetFromId); if (targetMessage) { return this.get(targetMessage.conversationId); } return null; } async getAllGroupsInvolvingUuid( uuid: UUID ): Promise> { const groups = await getAllGroupsInvolvingUuid(uuid.toString()); return groups.map(group => { const existing = this.get(group.id); if (existing) { return existing; } return this._conversations.add(group); }); } getByDerivedGroupV2Id(groupId: string): ConversationModel | undefined { return this._conversations.find( item => item.get('derivedGroupV2Id') === groupId ); } reset(): void { delete this._initialPromise; this._initialFetchComplete = false; this._conversations.reset([]); } load(): Promise { this._initialPromise ||= this.doLoad(); return this._initialPromise; } // A number of things outside conversation.attributes affect conversation re-rendering. // If it's scoped to a given conversation, it's easy to trigger('change'). There are // important values in storage and the storage service which change rendering pretty // radically, so this function is necessary to force regeneration of props. async forceRerender(identifiers?: Array): Promise { let count = 0; const conversations = identifiers ? identifiers.map(identifier => this.get(identifier)).filter(isNotNil) : this._conversations.models.slice(); log.info( `forceRerender: Starting to loop through ${conversations.length} conversations` ); for (let i = 0, max = conversations.length; i < max; i += 1) { const conversation = conversations[i]; if (conversation.cachedProps) { conversation.oldCachedProps = conversation.cachedProps; conversation.cachedProps = null; conversation.trigger('props-change', conversation, false); count += 1; } if (count % 10 === 0) { // eslint-disable-next-line no-await-in-loop await sleep(300); } } log.info(`forceRerender: Updated ${count} conversations`); } onConvoOpenStart(conversationId: string): void { this._conversationOpenStart.set(conversationId, Date.now()); } onConvoMessageMount(conversationId: string): void { const loadStart = this._conversationOpenStart.get(conversationId); if (loadStart === undefined) { return; } this._conversationOpenStart.delete(conversationId); this.get(conversationId)?.onOpenComplete(loadStart); } repairPinnedConversations(): void { const pinnedIds = window.storage.get('pinnedConversationIds', []); for (const id of pinnedIds) { const convo = this.get(id); if (!convo || convo.get('isPinned')) { continue; } log.warn( `ConversationController: Repairing ${convo.idForLogging()}'s isPinned` ); convo.set('isPinned', true); window.Signal.Data.updateConversation(convo.attributes); } } // For testing async _forgetE164(e164: string): Promise { const { server } = window.textsecure; strictAssert(server, 'Server must be initialized'); const uuidMap = await getUuidsForE164s(server, [e164]); const pni = uuidMap.get(e164)?.pni; log.info(`ConversationController: forgetting e164=${e164} pni=${pni}`); const convos = [this.get(e164), this.get(pni)]; for (const convo of convos) { if (!convo) { continue; } // eslint-disable-next-line no-await-in-loop await removeConversation(convo.id); this._conversations.remove(convo); this._conversations.resetLookups(); } } private async doLoad(): Promise { log.info('ConversationController: starting initial fetch'); if (this._conversations.length) { throw new Error('ConversationController: Already loaded!'); } try { const collection = await getAllConversations(); // Get rid of temporary conversations const temporaryConversations = collection.filter(conversation => Boolean(conversation.isTemporary) ); if (temporaryConversations.length) { log.warn( `ConversationController: Removing ${temporaryConversations.length} temporary conversations` ); } const queue = new PQueue({ concurrency: 3, timeout: MINUTE * 30, throwOnTimeout: true, }); queue.addAll( temporaryConversations.map(item => async () => { await removeConversation(item.id); }) ); await queue.onIdle(); // Hydrate the final set of conversations this._conversations.add( collection.filter(conversation => !conversation.isTemporary) ); this._initialFetchComplete = true; await Promise.all( this._conversations.map(async conversation => { try { // Hydrate contactCollection, now that initial fetch is complete conversation.fetchContacts(); const isChanged = maybeDeriveGroupV2Id(conversation); if (isChanged) { updateConversation(conversation.attributes); } // In case a too-large draft was saved to the database const draft = conversation.get('draft'); if (draft && draft.length > MAX_MESSAGE_BODY_LENGTH) { conversation.set({ draft: draft.slice(0, MAX_MESSAGE_BODY_LENGTH), }); updateConversation(conversation.attributes); } // Clean up the conversations that have UUID as their e164. const e164 = conversation.get('e164'); const uuid = conversation.get('uuid'); if (isValidUuid(e164) && uuid) { conversation.set({ e164: undefined }); updateConversation(conversation.attributes); log.info(`Cleaning up conversation(${uuid}) with invalid e164`); } } catch (error) { log.error( 'ConversationController.load/map: Failed to prepare a conversation', Errors.toLogFormat(error) ); } }) ); log.info('ConversationController: done with initial fetch'); } catch (error) { log.error( 'ConversationController: initial fetch failed', Errors.toLogFormat(error) ); throw error; } } }