// Copyright 2020-2021 Signal Messenger, LLC // SPDX-License-Identifier: AGPL-3.0-only /* eslint-disable no-param-reassign */ /* eslint-disable no-bitwise */ /* eslint-disable guard-for-in */ /* eslint-disable no-restricted-syntax */ /* eslint-disable no-nested-ternary */ /* eslint-disable @typescript-eslint/no-explicit-any */ import type { Response } from 'node-fetch'; import fetch from 'node-fetch'; import ProxyAgent from 'proxy-agent'; import { Agent } from 'https'; import pProps from 'p-props'; import type { Dictionary } from 'lodash'; import { compact, escapeRegExp, isNumber, mapValues, zipObject } from 'lodash'; import { createVerify } from 'crypto'; import { pki } from 'node-forge'; import is from '@sindresorhus/is'; import PQueue from 'p-queue'; import { v4 as getGuid } from 'uuid'; import { z } from 'zod'; import Long from 'long'; import { assert, strictAssert } from '../util/assert'; import * as durations from '../util/durations'; import { getUserAgent } from '../util/getUserAgent'; import { formatAcceptLanguageHeader } from '../util/userLanguages'; import { toWebSafeBase64 } from '../util/webSafeBase64'; import type { SocketStatus } from '../types/SocketStatus'; import { toLogFormat } from '../types/errors'; import { isPackIdValid, redactPackId } from '../types/Stickers'; import type { UUIDStringType } from '../types/UUID'; import * as Bytes from '../Bytes'; import { constantTimeEqual, decryptAesGcm, deriveSecrets, encryptCdsDiscoveryRequest, getRandomValue, splitUuids, } from '../Crypto'; import { calculateAgreement, generateKeyPair } from '../Curve'; import * as linkPreviewFetch from '../linkPreviews/linkPreviewFetch'; import { isBadgeImageFileUrlValid } from '../badges/isBadgeImageFileUrlValid'; import type { StorageServiceCallOptionsType, StorageServiceCredentials, } from '../textsecure.d'; import { SocketManager } from './SocketManager'; import { CDSSocketManager } from './CDSSocketManager'; import type WebSocketResource from './WebsocketResources'; import { SignalService as Proto } from '../protobuf'; import { HTTPError } from './Errors'; import type MessageSender from './SendMessage'; import type { WebAPICredentials, IRequestHandler } from './Types.d'; import { handleStatusCode, translateError } from './Utils'; import * as log from '../logging/log'; import { maybeParseUrl } from '../util/url'; // Note: this will break some code that expects to be able to use err.response when a // web request fails, because it will force it to text. But it is very useful for // debugging failed requests. const DEBUG = false; type SgxConstantsType = { SGX_FLAGS_INITTED: Long; SGX_FLAGS_DEBUG: Long; SGX_FLAGS_MODE64BIT: Long; SGX_FLAGS_PROVISION_KEY: Long; SGX_FLAGS_EINITTOKEN_KEY: Long; SGX_FLAGS_RESERVED: Long; SGX_XFRM_LEGACY: Long; SGX_XFRM_AVX: Long; SGX_XFRM_RESERVED: Long; }; let sgxConstantCache: SgxConstantsType | null = null; function makeLong(value: string): Long { return Long.fromString(value); } function getSgxConstants() { if (sgxConstantCache) { return sgxConstantCache; } sgxConstantCache = { SGX_FLAGS_INITTED: makeLong('x0000000000000001L'), SGX_FLAGS_DEBUG: makeLong('x0000000000000002L'), SGX_FLAGS_MODE64BIT: makeLong('x0000000000000004L'), SGX_FLAGS_PROVISION_KEY: makeLong('x0000000000000004L'), SGX_FLAGS_EINITTOKEN_KEY: makeLong('x0000000000000004L'), SGX_FLAGS_RESERVED: makeLong('xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFC8L'), SGX_XFRM_LEGACY: makeLong('x0000000000000003L'), SGX_XFRM_AVX: makeLong('x0000000000000006L'), SGX_XFRM_RESERVED: makeLong('xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF8L'), }; return sgxConstantCache; } function _createRedactor( ...toReplace: ReadonlyArray ): RedactUrl { // NOTE: It would be nice to remove this cast, but TypeScript doesn't support // it. However, there is [an issue][0] that discusses this in more detail. // [0]: https://github.com/Microsoft/TypeScript/issues/16069 const stringsToReplace = toReplace.filter(Boolean) as Array; return href => stringsToReplace.reduce((result: string, stringToReplace: string) => { const pattern = RegExp(escapeRegExp(stringToReplace), 'g'); const replacement = `[REDACTED]${stringToReplace.slice(-3)}`; return result.replace(pattern, replacement); }, href); } function _validateResponse(response: any, schema: any) { try { for (const i in schema) { switch (schema[i]) { case 'object': case 'string': case 'number': if (typeof response[i] !== schema[i]) { return false; } break; default: } } } catch (ex) { return false; } return true; } const FIVE_MINUTES = 5 * durations.MINUTE; type AgentCacheType = { [name: string]: { timestamp: number; agent: ReturnType | Agent; }; }; const agents: AgentCacheType = {}; function getContentType(response: Response) { if (response.headers && response.headers.get) { return response.headers.get('content-type'); } return null; } type FetchHeaderListType = { [name: string]: string }; export type HeaderListType = { [name: string]: string | ReadonlyArray }; type HTTPCodeType = 'GET' | 'POST' | 'PUT' | 'DELETE' | 'PATCH'; type RedactUrl = (url: string) => string; type PromiseAjaxOptionsType = { socketManager?: SocketManager; accessKey?: string; basicAuth?: string; certificateAuthority?: string; contentType?: string; data?: Uint8Array | string; headers?: HeaderListType; host?: string; password?: string; path?: string; proxyUrl?: string; redactUrl?: RedactUrl; redirect?: 'error' | 'follow' | 'manual'; responseType?: 'json' | 'jsonwithdetails' | 'bytes' | 'byteswithdetails'; serverUrl?: string; stack?: string; timeout?: number; type: HTTPCodeType; unauthenticated?: boolean; user?: string; validateResponse?: any; version: string; }; type JSONWithDetailsType = { data: unknown; contentType: string | null; response: Response; }; type BytesWithDetailsType = { data: Uint8Array; contentType: string | null; response: Response; }; export const multiRecipient200ResponseSchema = z .object({ uuids404: z.array(z.string()).optional(), needsSync: z.boolean().optional(), }) .passthrough(); export type MultiRecipient200ResponseType = z.infer< typeof multiRecipient200ResponseSchema >; export const multiRecipient409ResponseSchema = z.array( z .object({ uuid: z.string(), devices: z .object({ missingDevices: z.array(z.number()).optional(), extraDevices: z.array(z.number()).optional(), }) .passthrough(), }) .passthrough() ); export type MultiRecipient409ResponseType = z.infer< typeof multiRecipient409ResponseSchema >; export const multiRecipient410ResponseSchema = z.array( z .object({ uuid: z.string(), devices: z .object({ staleDevices: z.array(z.number()).optional(), }) .passthrough(), }) .passthrough() ); export type MultiRecipient410ResponseType = z.infer< typeof multiRecipient410ResponseSchema >; function isSuccess(status: number): boolean { return status >= 0 && status < 400; } function getHostname(url: string): string { const urlObject = new URL(url); return urlObject.hostname; } async function _promiseAjax( providedUrl: string | null, options: PromiseAjaxOptionsType ): Promise { const { proxyUrl, socketManager } = options; const url = providedUrl || `${options.host}/${options.path}`; const logType = socketManager ? '(WS)' : '(REST)'; const redactedURL = options.redactUrl ? options.redactUrl(url) : url; const unauthLabel = options.unauthenticated ? ' (unauth)' : ''; log.info(`${options.type} ${logType} ${redactedURL}${unauthLabel}`); const timeout = typeof options.timeout === 'number' ? options.timeout : 10000; const agentType = options.unauthenticated ? 'unauth' : 'auth'; const cacheKey = `${proxyUrl}-${agentType}`; const { timestamp } = agents[cacheKey] || { timestamp: null }; if (!timestamp || timestamp + FIVE_MINUTES < Date.now()) { if (timestamp) { log.info(`Cycling agent for type ${cacheKey}`); } agents[cacheKey] = { agent: proxyUrl ? new ProxyAgent(proxyUrl) : new Agent({ keepAlive: true }), timestamp: Date.now(), }; } const { agent } = agents[cacheKey]; const fetchOptions = { method: options.type, body: options.data, headers: { 'User-Agent': getUserAgent(options.version), 'X-Signal-Agent': 'OWD', ...options.headers, } as FetchHeaderListType, redirect: options.redirect, agent, ca: options.certificateAuthority, timeout, }; if (fetchOptions.body instanceof Uint8Array) { // node-fetch doesn't support Uint8Array, only node Buffer const contentLength = fetchOptions.body.byteLength; fetchOptions.body = Buffer.from(fetchOptions.body); // node-fetch doesn't set content-length like S3 requires fetchOptions.headers['Content-Length'] = contentLength.toString(); } const { accessKey, basicAuth, unauthenticated } = options; if (basicAuth) { fetchOptions.headers.Authorization = `Basic ${basicAuth}`; } else if (unauthenticated) { if (!accessKey) { throw new Error( '_promiseAjax: mode is unauthenticated, but accessKey was not provided' ); } // Access key is already a Base64 string fetchOptions.headers['Unidentified-Access-Key'] = accessKey; } else if (options.user && options.password) { const auth = Bytes.toBase64( Bytes.fromString(`${options.user}:${options.password}`) ); fetchOptions.headers.Authorization = `Basic ${auth}`; } if (options.contentType) { fetchOptions.headers['Content-Type'] = options.contentType; } let response: Response; let result: string | Uint8Array | unknown; try { response = socketManager ? await socketManager.fetch(url, fetchOptions) : await fetch(url, fetchOptions); if ( options.serverUrl && getHostname(options.serverUrl) === getHostname(url) ) { await handleStatusCode(response.status); if (!unauthenticated && response.status === 401) { log.error('Got 401 from Signal Server. We might be unlinked.'); window.Whisper.events.trigger('mightBeUnlinked'); } } if (DEBUG && !isSuccess(response.status)) { result = await response.text(); } else if ( (options.responseType === 'json' || options.responseType === 'jsonwithdetails') && /^application\/json(;.*)?$/.test( response.headers.get('Content-Type') || '' ) ) { result = await response.json(); } else if ( options.responseType === 'bytes' || options.responseType === 'byteswithdetails' ) { result = await response.buffer(); } else { result = await response.textConverted(); } } catch (e) { log.error(options.type, logType, redactedURL, 0, 'Error'); const stack = `${e.stack}\nInitial stack:\n${options.stack}`; throw makeHTTPError('promiseAjax catch', 0, {}, e.toString(), stack); } if (!isSuccess(response.status)) { log.error(options.type, logType, redactedURL, response.status, 'Error'); throw makeHTTPError( 'promiseAjax: error response', response.status, response.headers.raw(), result, options.stack ); } if ( options.responseType === 'json' || options.responseType === 'jsonwithdetails' ) { if (options.validateResponse) { if (!_validateResponse(result, options.validateResponse)) { log.error(options.type, logType, redactedURL, response.status, 'Error'); throw makeHTTPError( 'promiseAjax: invalid response', response.status, response.headers.raw(), result, options.stack ); } } } log.info(options.type, logType, redactedURL, response.status, 'Success'); if (options.responseType === 'byteswithdetails') { assert(result instanceof Uint8Array, 'Expected Uint8Array result'); const fullResult: BytesWithDetailsType = { data: result, contentType: getContentType(response), response, }; return fullResult; } if (options.responseType === 'jsonwithdetails') { const fullResult: JSONWithDetailsType = { data: result, contentType: getContentType(response), response, }; return fullResult; } return result; } async function _retryAjax( url: string | null, options: PromiseAjaxOptionsType, providedLimit?: number, providedCount?: number ): Promise { const count = (providedCount || 0) + 1; const limit = providedLimit || 3; try { return await _promiseAjax(url, options); } catch (e) { if (e instanceof HTTPError && e.code === -1 && count < limit) { return new Promise(resolve => { setTimeout(() => { resolve(_retryAjax(url, options, limit, count)); }, 1000); }); } throw e; } } function _outerAjax( providedUrl: string | null, options: PromiseAjaxOptionsType & { responseType: 'json' } ): Promise; function _outerAjax( providedUrl: string | null, options: PromiseAjaxOptionsType & { responseType: 'jsonwithdetails' } ): Promise; function _outerAjax( providedUrl: string | null, options: PromiseAjaxOptionsType & { responseType?: 'bytes' } ): Promise; function _outerAjax( providedUrl: string | null, options: PromiseAjaxOptionsType & { responseType: 'byteswithdetails' } ): Promise; function _outerAjax( providedUrl: string | null, options: PromiseAjaxOptionsType ): Promise; async function _outerAjax( url: string | null, options: PromiseAjaxOptionsType ): Promise { options.stack = new Error().stack; // just in case, save stack here. return _retryAjax(url, options); } function makeHTTPError( message: string, providedCode: number, headers: HeaderListType, response: unknown, stack?: string ) { return new HTTPError(message, { code: providedCode, headers, response, stack, }); } const URL_CALLS = { accounts: 'v1/accounts', attachmentId: 'v2/attachments/form/upload', attestation: 'v1/attestation', challenge: 'v1/challenge', config: 'v1/config', deliveryCert: 'v1/certificate/delivery', devices: 'v1/devices', directoryAuth: 'v1/directory/auth', discovery: 'v1/discovery', getGroupAvatarUpload: 'v1/groups/avatar/form', getGroupCredentials: 'v1/certificate/group', getIceServers: 'v1/accounts/turn', getStickerPackUpload: 'v1/sticker/pack/form', groupLog: 'v1/groups/logs', groups: 'v1/groups', groupsViaLink: 'v1/groups/join', groupToken: 'v1/groups/token', keys: 'v2/keys', messages: 'v1/messages', multiRecipient: 'v1/messages/multi_recipient', profile: 'v1/profile', registerCapabilities: 'v1/devices/capabilities', reportMessage: 'v1/messages/report', signed: 'v2/keys/signed', storageManifest: 'v1/storage/manifest', storageModify: 'v1/storage/', storageRead: 'v1/storage/read', storageToken: 'v1/storage/auth', supportUnauthenticatedDelivery: 'v1/devices/unauthenticated_delivery', updateDeviceName: 'v1/accounts/name', username: 'v1/accounts/username', whoami: 'v1/accounts/whoami', }; const WEBSOCKET_CALLS = new Set([ // MessageController 'messages', 'multiRecipient', 'reportMessage', // ProfileController 'profile', // AttachmentControllerV2 'attachmentId', // RemoteConfigController 'config', // Certificate 'deliveryCert', 'getGroupCredentials', // Devices 'devices', 'registerCapabilities', 'supportUnauthenticatedDelivery', // Directory 'directoryAuth', // Storage 'storageToken', ]); type InitializeOptionsType = { url: string; storageUrl: string; updatesUrl: string; directoryEnclaveId: string; directoryTrustAnchor: string; directoryUrl: string; directoryV2Url: string; directoryV2PublicKey: string; directoryV2CodeHash: string; cdnUrlObject: { readonly '0': string; readonly [propName: string]: string; }; certificateAuthority: string; contentProxyUrl: string; proxyUrl: string; version: string; }; export type MessageType = Readonly<{ type: number; destinationDeviceId: number; destinationRegistrationId: number; content: string; }>; type AjaxOptionsType = { accessKey?: string; basicAuth?: string; call: keyof typeof URL_CALLS; contentType?: string; data?: Uint8Array | Buffer | Uint8Array | string; headers?: HeaderListType; host?: string; httpType: HTTPCodeType; jsonData?: unknown; password?: string; redactUrl?: RedactUrl; responseType?: 'json' | 'bytes' | 'byteswithdetails'; schema?: unknown; timeout?: number; unauthenticated?: boolean; urlParameters?: string; username?: string; validateResponse?: any; }; export type WebAPIConnectOptionsType = WebAPICredentials & { useWebSocket?: boolean; }; export type WebAPIConnectType = { connect: (options: WebAPIConnectOptionsType) => WebAPIType; }; export type CapabilitiesType = { announcementGroup: boolean; gv2: boolean; 'gv1-migration': boolean; senderKey: boolean; changeNumber: boolean; }; export type CapabilitiesUploadType = { announcementGroup: true; 'gv2-3': true; 'gv1-migration': true; senderKey: true; changeNumber: true; }; type StickerPackManifestType = Uint8Array; export type GroupCredentialType = { credential: string; redemptionTime: number; }; export type GroupCredentialsType = { groupPublicParamsHex: string; authCredentialPresentationHex: string; }; export type GroupLogResponseType = { currentRevision?: number; start?: number; end?: number; changes: Proto.GroupChanges; }; export type ProfileRequestDataType = { about: string | null; aboutEmoji: string | null; avatar: boolean; commitment: string; name: string; paymentAddress: string | null; version: string; }; const uploadAvatarHeadersZod = z .object({ acl: z.string(), algorithm: z.string(), credential: z.string(), date: z.string(), key: z.string(), policy: z.string(), signature: z.string(), }) .passthrough(); export type UploadAvatarHeadersType = z.infer; export type ProfileType = Readonly<{ identityKey?: string; name?: string; about?: string; aboutEmoji?: string; avatar?: string; unidentifiedAccess?: string; unrestrictedUnidentifiedAccess?: string; username?: string; uuid?: string; credential?: string; capabilities?: CapabilitiesType; paymentAddress?: string; badges?: unknown; }>; export type GetIceServersResultType = Readonly<{ username: string; password: string; urls: ReadonlyArray; }>; export type GetDevicesResultType = ReadonlyArray< Readonly<{ id: number; name: string; lastSeen: number; created: number; }> >; export type GetSenderCertificateResultType = Readonly<{ certificate: string }>; export type MakeProxiedRequestResultType = | Uint8Array | { result: BytesWithDetailsType; totalSize: number; }; export type WhoamiResultType = Readonly<{ uuid?: string; number?: string; }>; export type WebAPIType = { confirmCode: ( number: string, code: string, newPassword: string, registrationId: number, deviceName?: string | null, options?: { accessKey?: Uint8Array; uuid?: string } ) => Promise<{ uuid?: string; deviceId?: number }>; createGroup: ( group: Proto.IGroup, options: GroupCredentialsType ) => Promise; deleteUsername: () => Promise; getAttachment: (cdnKey: string, cdnNumber?: number) => Promise; getAvatar: (path: string) => Promise; getDevices: () => Promise; getGroup: (options: GroupCredentialsType) => Promise; getGroupFromLink: ( inviteLinkPassword: string, auth: GroupCredentialsType ) => Promise; getGroupAvatar: (key: string) => Promise; getGroupCredentials: ( startDay: number, endDay: number ) => Promise>; getGroupExternalCredential: ( options: GroupCredentialsType ) => Promise; getGroupLog: ( startVersion: number, options: GroupCredentialsType ) => Promise; getIceServers: () => Promise; getKeysForIdentifier: ( identifier: string, deviceId?: number ) => Promise; getKeysForIdentifierUnauth: ( identifier: string, deviceId?: number, options?: { accessKey?: string } ) => Promise; getMyKeys: () => Promise; getProfile: ( identifier: string, options: { profileKeyVersion?: string; profileKeyCredentialRequest?: string; userLanguages: ReadonlyArray; } ) => Promise; getProfileForUsername: (username: string) => Promise; getProfileUnauth: ( identifier: string, options: { accessKey: string; profileKeyVersion?: string; profileKeyCredentialRequest?: string; userLanguages: ReadonlyArray; } ) => Promise; getBadgeImageFile: (imageUrl: string) => Promise; getProvisioningResource: ( handler: IRequestHandler ) => Promise; getSenderCertificate: ( withUuid?: boolean ) => Promise; getSticker: (packId: string, stickerId: number) => Promise; getStickerPackManifest: (packId: string) => Promise; getStorageCredentials: MessageSender['getStorageCredentials']; getStorageManifest: MessageSender['getStorageManifest']; getStorageRecords: MessageSender['getStorageRecords']; getUuidsForE164s: ( e164s: ReadonlyArray ) => Promise>; getUuidsForE164sV2: ( e164s: ReadonlyArray ) => Promise>; fetchLinkPreviewMetadata: ( href: string, abortSignal: AbortSignal ) => Promise; fetchLinkPreviewImage: ( href: string, abortSignal: AbortSignal ) => Promise; makeProxiedRequest: ( targetUrl: string, options?: ProxiedRequestOptionsType ) => Promise; makeSfuRequest: ( targetUrl: string, type: HTTPCodeType, headers: HeaderListType, body: Uint8Array | undefined ) => Promise; modifyGroup: ( changes: Proto.GroupChange.IActions, options: GroupCredentialsType, inviteLinkBase64?: string ) => Promise; modifyStorageRecords: MessageSender['modifyStorageRecords']; putAttachment: (encryptedBin: Uint8Array) => Promise; putProfile: ( jsonData: ProfileRequestDataType ) => Promise; putStickers: ( encryptedManifest: Uint8Array, encryptedStickers: Array, onProgress?: () => void ) => Promise; putUsername: (newUsername: string) => Promise; registerCapabilities: (capabilities: CapabilitiesUploadType) => Promise; registerKeys: (genKeys: KeysType) => Promise; registerSupportForUnauthenticatedDelivery: () => Promise; reportMessage: (senderE164: string, serverGuid: string) => Promise; requestVerificationSMS: (number: string) => Promise; requestVerificationVoice: (number: string) => Promise; sendMessages: ( destination: string, messageArray: ReadonlyArray, timestamp: number, online?: boolean ) => Promise; sendMessagesUnauth: ( destination: string, messageArray: ReadonlyArray, timestamp: number, online?: boolean, options?: { accessKey?: string } ) => Promise; sendWithSenderKey: ( payload: Uint8Array, accessKeys: Uint8Array, timestamp: number, online?: boolean ) => Promise; setSignedPreKey: (signedPreKey: SignedPreKeyType) => Promise; updateDeviceName: (deviceName: string) => Promise; uploadAvatar: ( uploadAvatarRequestHeaders: UploadAvatarHeadersType, avatarData: Uint8Array ) => Promise; uploadGroupAvatar: ( avatarData: Uint8Array, options: GroupCredentialsType ) => Promise; whoami: () => Promise; sendChallengeResponse: (challengeResponse: ChallengeType) => Promise; getConfig: () => Promise< Array<{ name: string; enabled: boolean; value: string | null }> >; authenticate: (credentials: WebAPICredentials) => Promise; logout: () => Promise; getSocketStatus: () => SocketStatus; registerRequestHandler: (handler: IRequestHandler) => void; unregisterRequestHandler: (handler: IRequestHandler) => void; checkSockets: () => void; onOnline: () => Promise; onOffline: () => Promise; }; export type SignedPreKeyType = { keyId: number; publicKey: Uint8Array; signature: Uint8Array; }; export type KeysType = { identityKey: Uint8Array; signedPreKey: SignedPreKeyType; preKeys: Array<{ keyId: number; publicKey: Uint8Array; }>; }; export type ServerKeysType = { devices: Array<{ deviceId: number; registrationId: number; signedPreKey: { keyId: number; publicKey: Uint8Array; signature: Uint8Array; }; preKey?: { keyId: number; publicKey: Uint8Array; }; }>; identityKey: Uint8Array; }; export type ChallengeType = { readonly type: 'recaptcha'; readonly token: string; readonly captcha: string; }; export type ProxiedRequestOptionsType = { returnUint8Array?: boolean; start?: number; end?: number; }; // We first set up the data that won't change during this session of the app export function initialize({ url, storageUrl, updatesUrl, directoryEnclaveId, directoryTrustAnchor, directoryUrl, directoryV2Url, directoryV2PublicKey, directoryV2CodeHash, cdnUrlObject, certificateAuthority, contentProxyUrl, proxyUrl, version, }: InitializeOptionsType): WebAPIConnectType { if (!is.string(url)) { throw new Error('WebAPI.initialize: Invalid server url'); } if (!is.string(storageUrl)) { throw new Error('WebAPI.initialize: Invalid storageUrl'); } if (!is.string(updatesUrl)) { throw new Error('WebAPI.initialize: Invalid updatesUrl'); } if (!is.string(directoryEnclaveId)) { throw new Error('WebAPI.initialize: Invalid directory enclave id'); } if (!is.string(directoryTrustAnchor)) { throw new Error('WebAPI.initialize: Invalid directory enclave id'); } if (!is.string(directoryUrl)) { throw new Error('WebAPI.initialize: Invalid directory url'); } if (!is.string(directoryV2Url)) { throw new Error('WebAPI.initialize: Invalid directory V2 url'); } if (!is.string(directoryV2PublicKey)) { throw new Error('WebAPI.initialize: Invalid directory V2 public key'); } if (!is.string(directoryV2CodeHash)) { throw new Error('WebAPI.initialize: Invalid directory V2 code hash'); } if (!is.object(cdnUrlObject)) { throw new Error('WebAPI.initialize: Invalid cdnUrlObject'); } if (!is.string(cdnUrlObject['0'])) { throw new Error('WebAPI.initialize: Missing CDN 0 configuration'); } if (!is.string(cdnUrlObject['2'])) { throw new Error('WebAPI.initialize: Missing CDN 2 configuration'); } if (!is.string(certificateAuthority)) { throw new Error('WebAPI.initialize: Invalid certificateAuthority'); } if (!is.string(contentProxyUrl)) { throw new Error('WebAPI.initialize: Invalid contentProxyUrl'); } if (proxyUrl && !is.string(proxyUrl)) { throw new Error('WebAPI.initialize: Invalid proxyUrl'); } if (!is.string(version)) { throw new Error('WebAPI.initialize: Invalid version'); } // Thanks to function-hoisting, we can put this return statement before all of the // below function definitions. return { connect, }; // Then we connect to the server with user-specific information. This is the only API // exposed to the browser context, ensuring that it can't connect to arbitrary // locations. function connect({ username: initialUsername, password: initialPassword, useWebSocket = true, }: WebAPIConnectOptionsType) { let username = initialUsername; let password = initialPassword; const PARSE_RANGE_HEADER = /\/(\d+)$/; const PARSE_GROUP_LOG_RANGE_HEADER = /$versions (\d{1,10})-(\d{1,10})\/(d{1,10})/; const socketManager = new SocketManager({ url, certificateAuthority, version, proxyUrl, }); socketManager.on('statusChange', () => { window.Whisper.events.trigger('socketStatusChange'); }); socketManager.on('authError', () => { window.Whisper.events.trigger('unlinkAndDisconnect'); }); if (useWebSocket) { socketManager.authenticate({ username, password }); } const cdsSocketManager = new CDSSocketManager({ url: directoryV2Url, publicKey: directoryV2PublicKey, codeHash: directoryV2CodeHash, certificateAuthority, version, proxyUrl, }); let fetchForLinkPreviews: linkPreviewFetch.FetchFn; if (proxyUrl) { const agent = new ProxyAgent(proxyUrl); fetchForLinkPreviews = (href, init) => fetch(href, { ...init, agent }); } else { fetchForLinkPreviews = fetch; } // Thanks, function hoisting! return { getSocketStatus, checkSockets, onOnline, onOffline, registerRequestHandler, unregisterRequestHandler, authenticate, logout, confirmCode, createGroup, deleteUsername, fetchLinkPreviewImage, fetchLinkPreviewMetadata, getAttachment, getAvatar, getConfig, getDevices, getGroup, getGroupAvatar, getGroupCredentials, getGroupExternalCredential, getGroupFromLink, getGroupLog, getIceServers, getKeysForIdentifier, getKeysForIdentifierUnauth, getMyKeys, getProfile, getProfileForUsername, getProfileUnauth, getBadgeImageFile, getProvisioningResource, getSenderCertificate, getSticker, getStickerPackManifest, getStorageCredentials, getStorageManifest, getStorageRecords, getUuidsForE164s, getUuidsForE164sV2, makeProxiedRequest, makeSfuRequest, modifyGroup, modifyStorageRecords, putAttachment, putProfile, putStickers, putUsername, registerCapabilities, registerKeys, registerSupportForUnauthenticatedDelivery, reportMessage, requestVerificationSMS, requestVerificationVoice, sendMessages, sendMessagesUnauth, sendWithSenderKey, setSignedPreKey, updateDeviceName, uploadAvatar, uploadGroupAvatar, whoami, sendChallengeResponse, }; function _ajax( param: AjaxOptionsType & { responseType?: 'bytes' } ): Promise; function _ajax( param: AjaxOptionsType & { responseType: 'byteswithdetails' } ): Promise; function _ajax( param: AjaxOptionsType & { responseType: 'json' } ): Promise; async function _ajax(param: AjaxOptionsType): Promise { if (!param.urlParameters) { param.urlParameters = ''; } const useWebSocketForEndpoint = useWebSocket && WEBSOCKET_CALLS.has(param.call); const outerParams = { socketManager: useWebSocketForEndpoint ? socketManager : undefined, basicAuth: param.basicAuth, certificateAuthority, contentType: param.contentType || 'application/json; charset=utf-8', data: param.data || (param.jsonData ? JSON.stringify(param.jsonData) : undefined), headers: param.headers, host: param.host || url, password: param.password || password, path: URL_CALLS[param.call] + param.urlParameters, proxyUrl, responseType: param.responseType, timeout: param.timeout, type: param.httpType, user: param.username || username, redactUrl: param.redactUrl, serverUrl: url, validateResponse: param.validateResponse, version, unauthenticated: param.unauthenticated, accessKey: param.accessKey, }; try { return await _outerAjax(null, outerParams); } catch (e) { if (!(e instanceof HTTPError)) { throw e; } const translatedError = translateError(e); if (translatedError) { throw translatedError; } throw e; } } async function whoami() { return (await _ajax({ call: 'whoami', httpType: 'GET', responseType: 'json', })) as WhoamiResultType; } async function sendChallengeResponse(challengeResponse: ChallengeType) { await _ajax({ call: 'challenge', httpType: 'PUT', jsonData: challengeResponse, }); } async function authenticate({ username: newUsername, password: newPassword, }: WebAPICredentials) { username = newUsername; password = newPassword; if (useWebSocket) { await socketManager.authenticate({ username, password }); } } async function logout() { username = ''; password = ''; if (useWebSocket) { await socketManager.logout(); } } function getSocketStatus(): SocketStatus { return socketManager.getStatus(); } function checkSockets(): void { // Intentionally not awaiting socketManager.check(); } async function onOnline(): Promise { await socketManager.onOnline(); } async function onOffline(): Promise { await socketManager.onOffline(); } function registerRequestHandler(handler: IRequestHandler): void { socketManager.registerRequestHandler(handler); } function unregisterRequestHandler(handler: IRequestHandler): void { socketManager.unregisterRequestHandler(handler); } async function getConfig() { type ResType = { config: Array<{ name: string; enabled: boolean; value: string | null }>; }; const res = (await _ajax({ call: 'config', httpType: 'GET', responseType: 'json', })) as ResType; return res.config.filter( ({ name }: { name: string }) => name.startsWith('desktop.') || name.startsWith('global.') ); } async function getSenderCertificate(omitE164?: boolean) { return (await _ajax({ call: 'deliveryCert', httpType: 'GET', responseType: 'json', validateResponse: { certificate: 'string' }, ...(omitE164 ? { urlParameters: '?includeE164=false' } : {}), })) as GetSenderCertificateResultType; } async function getStorageCredentials(): Promise { return (await _ajax({ call: 'storageToken', httpType: 'GET', responseType: 'json', schema: { username: 'string', password: 'string' }, })) as StorageServiceCredentials; } async function getStorageManifest( options: StorageServiceCallOptionsType = {} ): Promise { const { credentials, greaterThanVersion } = options; return _ajax({ call: 'storageManifest', contentType: 'application/x-protobuf', host: storageUrl, httpType: 'GET', responseType: 'bytes', urlParameters: greaterThanVersion ? `/version/${greaterThanVersion}` : '', ...credentials, }); } async function getStorageRecords( data: Uint8Array, options: StorageServiceCallOptionsType = {} ): Promise { const { credentials } = options; return _ajax({ call: 'storageRead', contentType: 'application/x-protobuf', data, host: storageUrl, httpType: 'PUT', responseType: 'bytes', ...credentials, }); } async function modifyStorageRecords( data: Uint8Array, options: StorageServiceCallOptionsType = {} ): Promise { const { credentials } = options; return _ajax({ call: 'storageModify', contentType: 'application/x-protobuf', data, host: storageUrl, httpType: 'PUT', // If we run into a conflict, the current manifest is returned - // it will will be an Uint8Array at the response key on the Error responseType: 'bytes', ...credentials, }); } async function registerSupportForUnauthenticatedDelivery() { await _ajax({ call: 'supportUnauthenticatedDelivery', httpType: 'PUT', responseType: 'json', }); } async function registerCapabilities(capabilities: CapabilitiesUploadType) { await _ajax({ call: 'registerCapabilities', httpType: 'PUT', jsonData: capabilities, }); } function getProfileUrl( identifier: string, profileKeyVersion?: string, profileKeyCredentialRequest?: string ) { let profileUrl = `/${identifier}`; if (profileKeyVersion) { profileUrl += `/${profileKeyVersion}`; } if (profileKeyVersion && profileKeyCredentialRequest) { profileUrl += `/${profileKeyCredentialRequest}`; } return profileUrl; } async function getProfile( identifier: string, options: { profileKeyVersion?: string; profileKeyCredentialRequest?: string; userLanguages: ReadonlyArray; } ) { const { profileKeyVersion, profileKeyCredentialRequest, userLanguages } = options; return (await _ajax({ call: 'profile', httpType: 'GET', urlParameters: getProfileUrl( identifier, profileKeyVersion, profileKeyCredentialRequest ), headers: { 'Accept-Language': formatAcceptLanguageHeader(userLanguages), }, responseType: 'json', redactUrl: _createRedactor( identifier, profileKeyVersion, profileKeyCredentialRequest ), })) as ProfileType; } async function getProfileForUsername(usernameToFetch: string) { return getProfile(`username/${usernameToFetch}`, { userLanguages: [], }); } async function putProfile( jsonData: ProfileRequestDataType ): Promise { const res = await _ajax({ call: 'profile', httpType: 'PUT', responseType: 'json', jsonData, }); if (!res) { return; } return uploadAvatarHeadersZod.parse(res); } async function getProfileUnauth( identifier: string, options: { accessKey: string; profileKeyVersion?: string; profileKeyCredentialRequest?: string; userLanguages: ReadonlyArray; } ) { const { accessKey, profileKeyVersion, profileKeyCredentialRequest, userLanguages, } = options; return (await _ajax({ call: 'profile', httpType: 'GET', urlParameters: getProfileUrl( identifier, profileKeyVersion, profileKeyCredentialRequest ), headers: { 'Accept-Language': formatAcceptLanguageHeader(userLanguages), }, responseType: 'json', unauthenticated: true, accessKey, redactUrl: _createRedactor( identifier, profileKeyVersion, profileKeyCredentialRequest ), })) as ProfileType; } async function getBadgeImageFile( imageFileUrl: string ): Promise { strictAssert( isBadgeImageFileUrlValid(imageFileUrl, updatesUrl), 'getBadgeImageFile got an invalid URL. Was bad data saved?' ); return _outerAjax(imageFileUrl, { certificateAuthority, contentType: 'application/octet-stream', proxyUrl, responseType: 'bytes', timeout: 0, type: 'GET', redactUrl: (href: string) => { const parsedUrl = maybeParseUrl(href); if (!parsedUrl) { return href; } const { pathname } = parsedUrl; const pattern = RegExp(escapeRegExp(pathname), 'g'); return href.replace(pattern, `[REDACTED]${pathname.slice(-3)}`); }, version, }); } async function getAvatar(path: string) { // Using _outerAJAX, since it's not hardcoded to the Signal Server. Unlike our // attachment CDN, it uses our self-signed certificate, so we pass it in. return _outerAjax(`${cdnUrlObject['0']}/${path}`, { certificateAuthority, contentType: 'application/octet-stream', proxyUrl, responseType: 'bytes', timeout: 0, type: 'GET', redactUrl: (href: string) => { const pattern = RegExp(escapeRegExp(path), 'g'); return href.replace(pattern, `[REDACTED]${path.slice(-3)}`); }, version, }); } async function deleteUsername() { await _ajax({ call: 'username', httpType: 'DELETE', }); } async function putUsername(newUsername: string) { await _ajax({ call: 'username', httpType: 'PUT', urlParameters: `/${newUsername}`, }); } async function reportMessage( senderE164: string, serverGuid: string ): Promise { await _ajax({ call: 'reportMessage', httpType: 'POST', urlParameters: `/${senderE164}/${serverGuid}`, responseType: 'bytes', }); } async function requestVerificationSMS(number: string) { await _ajax({ call: 'accounts', httpType: 'GET', urlParameters: `/sms/code/${number}`, }); } async function requestVerificationVoice(number: string) { await _ajax({ call: 'accounts', httpType: 'GET', urlParameters: `/voice/code/${number}`, }); } async function confirmCode( number: string, code: string, newPassword: string, registrationId: number, deviceName?: string | null, options: { accessKey?: Uint8Array; uuid?: string } = {} ) { const capabilities: CapabilitiesUploadType = { announcementGroup: true, 'gv2-3': true, 'gv1-migration': true, senderKey: true, changeNumber: true, }; const { accessKey, uuid } = options; const jsonData = { capabilities, fetchesMessages: true, name: deviceName || undefined, registrationId, supportsSms: false, unidentifiedAccessKey: accessKey ? Bytes.toBase64(accessKey) : undefined, unrestrictedUnidentifiedAccess: false, }; const call = deviceName ? 'devices' : 'accounts'; const urlPrefix = deviceName ? '/' : '/code/'; // Reset old websocket credentials and disconnect. // AccountManager is our only caller and it will trigger // `registration_done` which will update credentials. await logout(); // Update REST credentials, though. We need them for the call below username = number; password = newPassword; const response = (await _ajax({ call, httpType: 'PUT', responseType: 'json', urlParameters: urlPrefix + code, jsonData, })) as { uuid?: string; deviceId?: number }; // Set final REST credentials to let `registerKeys` succeed. username = `${uuid || response.uuid || number}.${response.deviceId || 1}`; password = newPassword; return response; } async function updateDeviceName(deviceName: string) { await _ajax({ call: 'updateDeviceName', httpType: 'PUT', jsonData: { deviceName, }, }); } async function getIceServers() { return (await _ajax({ call: 'getIceServers', httpType: 'GET', responseType: 'json', })) as GetIceServersResultType; } async function getDevices() { return (await _ajax({ call: 'devices', httpType: 'GET', responseType: 'json', })) as GetDevicesResultType; } type JSONSignedPreKeyType = { keyId: number; publicKey: string; signature: string; }; type JSONKeysType = { identityKey: string; signedPreKey: JSONSignedPreKeyType; preKeys: Array<{ keyId: number; publicKey: string; }>; }; async function registerKeys(genKeys: KeysType) { const preKeys = genKeys.preKeys.map(key => ({ keyId: key.keyId, publicKey: Bytes.toBase64(key.publicKey), })); const keys: JSONKeysType = { identityKey: Bytes.toBase64(genKeys.identityKey), signedPreKey: { keyId: genKeys.signedPreKey.keyId, publicKey: Bytes.toBase64(genKeys.signedPreKey.publicKey), signature: Bytes.toBase64(genKeys.signedPreKey.signature), }, preKeys, }; await _ajax({ call: 'keys', httpType: 'PUT', jsonData: keys, }); } async function setSignedPreKey(signedPreKey: SignedPreKeyType) { await _ajax({ call: 'signed', httpType: 'PUT', jsonData: { keyId: signedPreKey.keyId, publicKey: Bytes.toBase64(signedPreKey.publicKey), signature: Bytes.toBase64(signedPreKey.signature), }, }); } type ServerKeyCountType = { count: number; }; async function getMyKeys(): Promise { const result = (await _ajax({ call: 'keys', httpType: 'GET', responseType: 'json', validateResponse: { count: 'number' }, })) as ServerKeyCountType; return result.count; } type ServerKeyResponseType = { devices: Array<{ deviceId: number; registrationId: number; signedPreKey: { keyId: number; publicKey: string; signature: string; }; preKey?: { keyId: number; publicKey: string; }; }>; identityKey: string; }; function handleKeys(res: ServerKeyResponseType): ServerKeysType { if (!Array.isArray(res.devices)) { throw new Error('Invalid response'); } const devices = res.devices.map(device => { if ( !_validateResponse(device, { signedPreKey: 'object' }) || !_validateResponse(device.signedPreKey, { publicKey: 'string', signature: 'string', }) ) { throw new Error('Invalid signedPreKey'); } let preKey; if (device.preKey) { if ( !_validateResponse(device, { preKey: 'object' }) || !_validateResponse(device.preKey, { publicKey: 'string' }) ) { throw new Error('Invalid preKey'); } preKey = { keyId: device.preKey.keyId, publicKey: Bytes.fromBase64(device.preKey.publicKey), }; } return { deviceId: device.deviceId, registrationId: device.registrationId, preKey, signedPreKey: { keyId: device.signedPreKey.keyId, publicKey: Bytes.fromBase64(device.signedPreKey.publicKey), signature: Bytes.fromBase64(device.signedPreKey.signature), }, }; }); return { devices, identityKey: Bytes.fromBase64(res.identityKey), }; } async function getKeysForIdentifier(identifier: string, deviceId?: number) { const keys = (await _ajax({ call: 'keys', httpType: 'GET', urlParameters: `/${identifier}/${deviceId || '*'}`, responseType: 'json', validateResponse: { identityKey: 'string', devices: 'object' }, })) as ServerKeyResponseType; return handleKeys(keys); } async function getKeysForIdentifierUnauth( identifier: string, deviceId?: number, { accessKey }: { accessKey?: string } = {} ) { const keys = (await _ajax({ call: 'keys', httpType: 'GET', urlParameters: `/${identifier}/${deviceId || '*'}`, responseType: 'json', validateResponse: { identityKey: 'string', devices: 'object' }, unauthenticated: true, accessKey, })) as ServerKeyResponseType; return handleKeys(keys); } async function sendMessagesUnauth( destination: string, messages: ReadonlyArray, timestamp: number, online?: boolean, { accessKey }: { accessKey?: string } = {} ) { let jsonData; if (online) { jsonData = { messages, timestamp, online: true }; } else { jsonData = { messages, timestamp }; } await _ajax({ call: 'messages', httpType: 'PUT', urlParameters: `/${destination}`, jsonData, responseType: 'json', unauthenticated: true, accessKey, }); } async function sendMessages( destination: string, messages: ReadonlyArray, timestamp: number, online?: boolean ) { let jsonData; if (online) { jsonData = { messages, timestamp, online: true }; } else { jsonData = { messages, timestamp }; } await _ajax({ call: 'messages', httpType: 'PUT', urlParameters: `/${destination}`, jsonData, responseType: 'json', }); } async function sendWithSenderKey( data: Uint8Array, accessKeys: Uint8Array, timestamp: number, online?: boolean ): Promise { const response = await _ajax({ call: 'multiRecipient', httpType: 'PUT', contentType: 'application/vnd.signal-messenger.mrm', data, urlParameters: `?ts=${timestamp}&online=${online ? 'true' : 'false'}`, responseType: 'json', unauthenticated: true, accessKey: Bytes.toBase64(accessKeys), }); const parseResult = multiRecipient200ResponseSchema.safeParse(response); if (parseResult.success) { return parseResult.data; } log.warn( 'WebAPI: invalid response from sendWithSenderKey', toLogFormat(parseResult.error) ); return response as MultiRecipient200ResponseType; } function redactStickerUrl(stickerUrl: string) { return stickerUrl.replace( /(\/stickers\/)([^/]+)(\/)/, (_, begin: string, packId: string, end: string) => `${begin}${redactPackId(packId)}${end}` ); } async function getSticker(packId: string, stickerId: number) { if (!isPackIdValid(packId)) { throw new Error('getSticker: pack ID was invalid'); } return _outerAjax( `${cdnUrlObject['0']}/stickers/${packId}/full/${stickerId}`, { certificateAuthority, proxyUrl, responseType: 'bytes', type: 'GET', redactUrl: redactStickerUrl, version, } ); } async function getStickerPackManifest(packId: string) { if (!isPackIdValid(packId)) { throw new Error('getStickerPackManifest: pack ID was invalid'); } return _outerAjax( `${cdnUrlObject['0']}/stickers/${packId}/manifest.proto`, { certificateAuthority, proxyUrl, responseType: 'bytes', type: 'GET', redactUrl: redactStickerUrl, version, } ); } type ServerAttachmentType = { key: string; credential: string; acl: string; algorithm: string; date: string; policy: string; signature: string; }; function makePutParams( { key, credential, acl, algorithm, date, policy, signature, }: ServerAttachmentType, encryptedBin: Uint8Array ) { // Note: when using the boundary string in the POST body, it needs to be prefixed by // an extra --, and the final boundary string at the end gets a -- prefix and a -- // suffix. const boundaryString = `----------------${getGuid().replace(/-/g, '')}`; const CRLF = '\r\n'; const getSection = (name: string, value: string) => [ `--${boundaryString}`, `Content-Disposition: form-data; name="${name}"${CRLF}`, value, ].join(CRLF); const start = [ getSection('key', key), getSection('x-amz-credential', credential), getSection('acl', acl), getSection('x-amz-algorithm', algorithm), getSection('x-amz-date', date), getSection('policy', policy), getSection('x-amz-signature', signature), getSection('Content-Type', 'application/octet-stream'), `--${boundaryString}`, 'Content-Disposition: form-data; name="file"', `Content-Type: application/octet-stream${CRLF}${CRLF}`, ].join(CRLF); const end = `${CRLF}--${boundaryString}--${CRLF}`; const startBuffer = Buffer.from(start, 'utf8'); const attachmentBuffer = Buffer.from(encryptedBin); const endBuffer = Buffer.from(end, 'utf8'); const contentLength = startBuffer.length + attachmentBuffer.length + endBuffer.length; const data = Buffer.concat( [startBuffer, attachmentBuffer, endBuffer], contentLength ); return { data, contentType: `multipart/form-data; boundary=${boundaryString}`, headers: { 'Content-Length': contentLength.toString(), }, }; } async function putStickers( encryptedManifest: Uint8Array, encryptedStickers: Array, onProgress?: () => void ) { // Get manifest and sticker upload parameters const { packId, manifest, stickers } = (await _ajax({ call: 'getStickerPackUpload', responseType: 'json', httpType: 'GET', urlParameters: `/${encryptedStickers.length}`, })) as { packId: string; manifest: ServerAttachmentType; stickers: ReadonlyArray; }; // Upload manifest const manifestParams = makePutParams(manifest, encryptedManifest); // This is going to the CDN, not the service, so we use _outerAjax await _outerAjax(`${cdnUrlObject['0']}/`, { ...manifestParams, certificateAuthority, proxyUrl, timeout: 0, type: 'POST', version, }); // Upload stickers const queue = new PQueue({ concurrency: 3, timeout: 1000 * 60 * 2 }); await Promise.all( stickers.map(async (sticker: ServerAttachmentType, index: number) => { const stickerParams = makePutParams( sticker, encryptedStickers[index] ); await queue.add(async () => _outerAjax(`${cdnUrlObject['0']}/`, { ...stickerParams, certificateAuthority, proxyUrl, timeout: 0, type: 'POST', version, }) ); if (onProgress) { onProgress(); } }) ); // Done! return packId; } async function getAttachment(cdnKey: string, cdnNumber?: number) { const cdnUrl = isNumber(cdnNumber) ? cdnUrlObject[cdnNumber] || cdnUrlObject['0'] : cdnUrlObject['0']; // This is going to the CDN, not the service, so we use _outerAjax return _outerAjax(`${cdnUrl}/attachments/${cdnKey}`, { certificateAuthority, proxyUrl, responseType: 'bytes', timeout: 0, type: 'GET', redactUrl: _createRedactor(cdnKey), version, }); } type PutAttachmentResponseType = ServerAttachmentType & { attachmentIdString: string; }; async function putAttachment(encryptedBin: Uint8Array) { const response = (await _ajax({ call: 'attachmentId', httpType: 'GET', responseType: 'json', })) as PutAttachmentResponseType; const { attachmentIdString } = response; const params = makePutParams(response, encryptedBin); // This is going to the CDN, not the service, so we use _outerAjax await _outerAjax(`${cdnUrlObject['0']}/attachments/`, { ...params, certificateAuthority, proxyUrl, timeout: 0, type: 'POST', version, }); return attachmentIdString; } function getHeaderPadding() { const max = getRandomValue(1, 64); let characters = ''; for (let i = 0; i < max; i += 1) { characters += String.fromCharCode(getRandomValue(65, 122)); } return characters; } async function fetchLinkPreviewMetadata( href: string, abortSignal: AbortSignal ) { return linkPreviewFetch.fetchLinkPreviewMetadata( fetchForLinkPreviews, href, abortSignal ); } async function fetchLinkPreviewImage( href: string, abortSignal: AbortSignal ) { return linkPreviewFetch.fetchLinkPreviewImage( fetchForLinkPreviews, href, abortSignal ); } async function makeProxiedRequest( targetUrl: string, options: ProxiedRequestOptionsType = {} ): Promise { const { returnUint8Array, start, end } = options; const headers: HeaderListType = { 'X-SignalPadding': getHeaderPadding(), }; if (is.number(start) && is.number(end)) { headers.Range = `bytes=${start}-${end}`; } const result = await _outerAjax(targetUrl, { responseType: returnUint8Array ? 'byteswithdetails' : undefined, proxyUrl: contentProxyUrl, type: 'GET', redirect: 'follow', redactUrl: () => '[REDACTED_URL]', headers, version, }); if (!returnUint8Array) { return result as Uint8Array; } const { response } = result as BytesWithDetailsType; if (!response.headers || !response.headers.get) { throw new Error('makeProxiedRequest: Problem retrieving header value'); } const range = response.headers.get('content-range'); const match = PARSE_RANGE_HEADER.exec(range || ''); if (!match || !match[1]) { throw new Error( `makeProxiedRequest: Unable to parse total size from ${range}` ); } const totalSize = parseInt(match[1], 10); return { totalSize, result: result as BytesWithDetailsType, }; } async function makeSfuRequest( targetUrl: string, type: HTTPCodeType, headers: HeaderListType, body: Uint8Array | undefined ): Promise { return _outerAjax(targetUrl, { certificateAuthority, data: body, headers, proxyUrl, responseType: 'byteswithdetails', timeout: 0, type, version, }); } // Groups function generateGroupAuth( groupPublicParamsHex: string, authCredentialPresentationHex: string ) { return Bytes.toBase64( Bytes.fromString( `${groupPublicParamsHex}:${authCredentialPresentationHex}` ) ); } type CredentialResponseType = { credentials: Array; }; async function getGroupCredentials( startDay: number, endDay: number ): Promise> { const response = (await _ajax({ call: 'getGroupCredentials', urlParameters: `/${startDay}/${endDay}`, httpType: 'GET', responseType: 'json', })) as CredentialResponseType; return response.credentials; } async function getGroupExternalCredential( options: GroupCredentialsType ): Promise { const basicAuth = generateGroupAuth( options.groupPublicParamsHex, options.authCredentialPresentationHex ); const response = await _ajax({ basicAuth, call: 'groupToken', httpType: 'GET', contentType: 'application/x-protobuf', responseType: 'bytes', host: storageUrl, }); return Proto.GroupExternalCredential.decode(response); } function verifyAttributes(attributes: Proto.IAvatarUploadAttributes) { const { key, credential, acl, algorithm, date, policy, signature } = attributes; if ( !key || !credential || !acl || !algorithm || !date || !policy || !signature ) { throw new Error( 'verifyAttributes: Missing value from AvatarUploadAttributes' ); } return { key, credential, acl, algorithm, date, policy, signature, }; } async function uploadAvatar( uploadAvatarRequestHeaders: UploadAvatarHeadersType, avatarData: Uint8Array ): Promise { const verified = verifyAttributes(uploadAvatarRequestHeaders); const { key } = verified; const manifestParams = makePutParams(verified, avatarData); await _outerAjax(`${cdnUrlObject['0']}/`, { ...manifestParams, certificateAuthority, proxyUrl, timeout: 0, type: 'POST', version, }); return key; } async function uploadGroupAvatar( avatarData: Uint8Array, options: GroupCredentialsType ): Promise { const basicAuth = generateGroupAuth( options.groupPublicParamsHex, options.authCredentialPresentationHex ); const response = await _ajax({ basicAuth, call: 'getGroupAvatarUpload', httpType: 'GET', responseType: 'bytes', host: storageUrl, }); const attributes = Proto.AvatarUploadAttributes.decode(response); const verified = verifyAttributes(attributes); const { key } = verified; const manifestParams = makePutParams(verified, avatarData); await _outerAjax(`${cdnUrlObject['0']}/`, { ...manifestParams, certificateAuthority, proxyUrl, timeout: 0, type: 'POST', version, }); return key; } async function getGroupAvatar(key: string): Promise { return _outerAjax(`${cdnUrlObject['0']}/${key}`, { certificateAuthority, proxyUrl, responseType: 'bytes', timeout: 0, type: 'GET', version, redactUrl: _createRedactor(key), }); } async function createGroup( group: Proto.IGroup, options: GroupCredentialsType ): Promise { const basicAuth = generateGroupAuth( options.groupPublicParamsHex, options.authCredentialPresentationHex ); const data = Proto.Group.encode(group).finish(); await _ajax({ basicAuth, call: 'groups', contentType: 'application/x-protobuf', data, host: storageUrl, httpType: 'PUT', }); } async function getGroup( options: GroupCredentialsType ): Promise { const basicAuth = generateGroupAuth( options.groupPublicParamsHex, options.authCredentialPresentationHex ); const response = await _ajax({ basicAuth, call: 'groups', contentType: 'application/x-protobuf', host: storageUrl, httpType: 'GET', responseType: 'bytes', }); return Proto.Group.decode(response); } async function getGroupFromLink( inviteLinkPassword: string, auth: GroupCredentialsType ): Promise { const basicAuth = generateGroupAuth( auth.groupPublicParamsHex, auth.authCredentialPresentationHex ); const safeInviteLinkPassword = toWebSafeBase64(inviteLinkPassword); const response = await _ajax({ basicAuth, call: 'groupsViaLink', contentType: 'application/x-protobuf', host: storageUrl, httpType: 'GET', responseType: 'bytes', urlParameters: `/${safeInviteLinkPassword}`, redactUrl: _createRedactor(safeInviteLinkPassword), }); return Proto.GroupJoinInfo.decode(response); } async function modifyGroup( changes: Proto.GroupChange.IActions, options: GroupCredentialsType, inviteLinkBase64?: string ): Promise { const basicAuth = generateGroupAuth( options.groupPublicParamsHex, options.authCredentialPresentationHex ); const data = Proto.GroupChange.Actions.encode(changes).finish(); const safeInviteLinkPassword = inviteLinkBase64 ? toWebSafeBase64(inviteLinkBase64) : undefined; const response = await _ajax({ basicAuth, call: 'groups', contentType: 'application/x-protobuf', data, host: storageUrl, httpType: 'PATCH', responseType: 'bytes', urlParameters: safeInviteLinkPassword ? `?inviteLinkPassword=${safeInviteLinkPassword}` : undefined, redactUrl: safeInviteLinkPassword ? _createRedactor(safeInviteLinkPassword) : undefined, }); return Proto.GroupChange.decode(response); } async function getGroupLog( startVersion: number, options: GroupCredentialsType ): Promise { const basicAuth = generateGroupAuth( options.groupPublicParamsHex, options.authCredentialPresentationHex ); const withDetails = await _ajax({ basicAuth, call: 'groupLog', contentType: 'application/x-protobuf', host: storageUrl, httpType: 'GET', responseType: 'byteswithdetails', urlParameters: `/${startVersion}`, }); const { data, response } = withDetails; const changes = Proto.GroupChanges.decode(data); if (response && response.status === 206) { const range = response.headers.get('Content-Range'); const match = PARSE_GROUP_LOG_RANGE_HEADER.exec(range || ''); const start = match ? parseInt(match[0], 10) : undefined; const end = match ? parseInt(match[1], 10) : undefined; const currentRevision = match ? parseInt(match[2], 10) : undefined; if ( match && is.number(start) && is.number(end) && is.number(currentRevision) ) { return { changes, start, end, currentRevision, }; } } return { changes, }; } function getProvisioningResource( handler: IRequestHandler ): Promise { return socketManager.getProvisioningResource(handler); } async function getDirectoryAuth(): Promise<{ username: string; password: string; }> { return (await _ajax({ call: 'directoryAuth', httpType: 'GET', responseType: 'json', })) as { username: string; password: string }; } function validateAttestationQuote({ serverStaticPublic, quote: quoteBytes, }: { serverStaticPublic: Uint8Array; quote: Uint8Array; }) { const SGX_CONSTANTS = getSgxConstants(); const quote = Buffer.from(quoteBytes); const quoteVersion = quote.readInt16LE(0) & 0xffff; if (quoteVersion < 0 || quoteVersion > 2) { throw new Error(`Unknown version ${quoteVersion}`); } const miscSelect = quote.slice(64, 64 + 4); if (!miscSelect.every(byte => byte === 0)) { throw new Error('Quote miscSelect invalid!'); } const reserved1 = quote.slice(68, 68 + 28); if (!reserved1.every(byte => byte === 0)) { throw new Error('Quote reserved1 invalid!'); } const flags = Long.fromBytesLE( Array.from(quote.slice(96, 96 + 8).values()) ); if ( flags.and(SGX_CONSTANTS.SGX_FLAGS_RESERVED).notEquals(0) || flags.and(SGX_CONSTANTS.SGX_FLAGS_INITTED).equals(0) || flags.and(SGX_CONSTANTS.SGX_FLAGS_MODE64BIT).equals(0) ) { throw new Error(`Quote flags invalid ${flags.toString()}`); } const xfrm = Long.fromBytesLE( Array.from(quote.slice(104, 104 + 8).values()) ); if (xfrm.and(SGX_CONSTANTS.SGX_XFRM_RESERVED).notEquals(0)) { throw new Error(`Quote xfrm invalid ${xfrm}`); } const mrenclave = quote.slice(112, 112 + 32); const enclaveIdBytes = Bytes.fromHex(directoryEnclaveId); if (mrenclave.compare(enclaveIdBytes) !== 0) { throw new Error('Quote mrenclave invalid!'); } const reserved2 = quote.slice(144, 144 + 32); if (!reserved2.every(byte => byte === 0)) { throw new Error('Quote reserved2 invalid!'); } const reportData = quote.slice(368, 368 + 64); const serverStaticPublicBytes = serverStaticPublic; if ( !reportData.every((byte, index) => { if (index >= 32) { return byte === 0; } return byte === serverStaticPublicBytes[index]; }) ) { throw new Error('Quote report_data invalid!'); } const reserved3 = quote.slice(208, 208 + 96); if (!reserved3.every(byte => byte === 0)) { throw new Error('Quote reserved3 invalid!'); } const reserved4 = quote.slice(308, 308 + 60); if (!reserved4.every(byte => byte === 0)) { throw new Error('Quote reserved4 invalid!'); } const signatureLength = quote.readInt32LE(432) >>> 0; if (signatureLength !== quote.byteLength - 436) { throw new Error(`Bad signatureLength ${signatureLength}`); } // const signature = quote.slice(436, 436 + signatureLength); } function validateAttestationSignatureBody( signatureBody: { timestamp: string; version: number; isvEnclaveQuoteBody: string; isvEnclaveQuoteStatus: string; }, encodedQuote: string ) { // Parse timestamp as UTC const { timestamp } = signatureBody; const utcTimestamp = timestamp.endsWith('Z') ? timestamp : `${timestamp}Z`; const signatureTime = new Date(utcTimestamp).getTime(); const now = Date.now(); if (signatureBody.version !== 3) { throw new Error('Attestation signature invalid version!'); } if (!encodedQuote.startsWith(signatureBody.isvEnclaveQuoteBody)) { throw new Error('Attestion signature mismatches quote!'); } if (signatureBody.isvEnclaveQuoteStatus !== 'OK') { throw new Error('Attestation signature status not "OK"!'); } if (signatureTime < now - 24 * 60 * 60 * 1000) { throw new Error('Attestation signature timestamp older than 24 hours!'); } } async function validateAttestationSignature( signature: Uint8Array, signatureBody: string, certificates: string ) { const CERT_PREFIX = '-----BEGIN CERTIFICATE-----'; const pem = compact( certificates.split(CERT_PREFIX).map(match => { if (!match) { return null; } return `${CERT_PREFIX}${match}`; }) ); if (pem.length < 2) { throw new Error( `validateAttestationSignature: Expect two or more entries; got ${pem.length}` ); } const verify = createVerify('RSA-SHA256'); verify.update(Buffer.from(Bytes.fromString(signatureBody))); const isValid = verify.verify(pem[0], Buffer.from(signature)); if (!isValid) { throw new Error('Validation of signature across signatureBody failed!'); } const caStore = pki.createCaStore([directoryTrustAnchor]); const chain = compact(pem.map(cert => pki.certificateFromPem(cert))); const isChainValid = pki.verifyCertificateChain(caStore, chain); if (!isChainValid) { throw new Error('Validation of certificate chain failed!'); } const leafCert = chain[0]; const fieldCN = leafCert.subject.getField('CN'); if ( !fieldCN || fieldCN.value !== 'Intel SGX Attestation Report Signing' ) { throw new Error('Leaf cert CN field had unexpected value'); } const fieldO = leafCert.subject.getField('O'); if (!fieldO || fieldO.value !== 'Intel Corporation') { throw new Error('Leaf cert O field had unexpected value'); } const fieldL = leafCert.subject.getField('L'); if (!fieldL || fieldL.value !== 'Santa Clara') { throw new Error('Leaf cert L field had unexpected value'); } const fieldST = leafCert.subject.getField('ST'); if (!fieldST || fieldST.value !== 'CA') { throw new Error('Leaf cert ST field had unexpected value'); } const fieldC = leafCert.subject.getField('C'); if (!fieldC || fieldC.value !== 'US') { throw new Error('Leaf cert C field had unexpected value'); } } async function putRemoteAttestation(auth: { username: string; password: string; }) { const keyPair = generateKeyPair(); const { privKey, pubKey } = keyPair; // Remove first "key type" byte from public key const slicedPubKey = pubKey.slice(1); const pubKeyBase64 = Bytes.toBase64(slicedPubKey); // Do request const data = JSON.stringify({ clientPublic: pubKeyBase64 }); const result: JSONWithDetailsType = (await _outerAjax(null, { certificateAuthority, type: 'PUT', contentType: 'application/json; charset=utf-8', host: directoryUrl, path: `${URL_CALLS.attestation}/${directoryEnclaveId}`, user: auth.username, password: auth.password, responseType: 'jsonwithdetails', data, timeout: 30000, version, })) as JSONWithDetailsType; const { data: responseBody, response } = result as { data: { attestations: Record< string, { ciphertext: string; iv: string; quote: string; serverEphemeralPublic: string; serverStaticPublic: string; signature: string; signatureBody: string; tag: string; certificates: string; } >; }; response: Response; }; const attestationsLength = Object.keys(responseBody.attestations).length; if (attestationsLength > 3) { throw new Error( 'Got more than three attestations from the Contact Discovery Service' ); } if (attestationsLength < 1) { throw new Error( 'Got no attestations from the Contact Discovery Service' ); } const cookie = response.headers.get('set-cookie'); // Decode response return { cookie, attestations: await pProps( responseBody.attestations, async attestation => { const decoded = { ...attestation, ciphertext: Bytes.fromBase64(attestation.ciphertext), iv: Bytes.fromBase64(attestation.iv), quote: Bytes.fromBase64(attestation.quote), serverEphemeralPublic: Bytes.fromBase64( attestation.serverEphemeralPublic ), serverStaticPublic: Bytes.fromBase64( attestation.serverStaticPublic ), signature: Bytes.fromBase64(attestation.signature), tag: Bytes.fromBase64(attestation.tag), }; // Validate response validateAttestationQuote(decoded); validateAttestationSignatureBody( JSON.parse(decoded.signatureBody), attestation.quote ); await validateAttestationSignature( decoded.signature, decoded.signatureBody, decoded.certificates ); // Derive key const ephemeralToEphemeral = calculateAgreement( decoded.serverEphemeralPublic, privKey ); const ephemeralToStatic = calculateAgreement( decoded.serverStaticPublic, privKey ); const masterSecret = Bytes.concatenate([ ephemeralToEphemeral, ephemeralToStatic, ]); const publicKeys = Bytes.concatenate([ slicedPubKey, decoded.serverEphemeralPublic, decoded.serverStaticPublic, ]); const [clientKey, serverKey] = deriveSecrets( masterSecret, publicKeys, new Uint8Array(0) ); // Decrypt ciphertext into requestId const requestId = decryptAesGcm( serverKey, decoded.iv, Bytes.concatenate([decoded.ciphertext, decoded.tag]) ); return { clientKey, serverKey, requestId, }; } ), }; } async function getUuidsForE164s( e164s: ReadonlyArray ): Promise> { const directoryAuth = await getDirectoryAuth(); const attestationResult = await putRemoteAttestation(directoryAuth); // Encrypt data for discovery const data = await encryptCdsDiscoveryRequest( attestationResult.attestations, e164s ); const { cookie } = attestationResult; // Send discovery request const discoveryResponse = (await _outerAjax(null, { certificateAuthority, type: 'PUT', headers: cookie ? { cookie, } : undefined, contentType: 'application/json; charset=utf-8', host: directoryUrl, path: `${URL_CALLS.discovery}/${directoryEnclaveId}`, user: directoryAuth.username, password: directoryAuth.password, responseType: 'json', timeout: 30000, data: JSON.stringify(data), version, })) as { requestId: string; iv: string; data: string; mac: string; }; // Decode discovery request response const decodedDiscoveryResponse = mapValues(discoveryResponse, value => { return Bytes.fromBase64(value); }) as unknown as { [K in keyof typeof discoveryResponse]: Uint8Array; }; const returnedAttestation = Object.values( attestationResult.attestations ).find(at => constantTimeEqual(at.requestId, decodedDiscoveryResponse.requestId) ); if (!returnedAttestation) { throw new Error('No known attestations returned from CDS'); } // Decrypt discovery response const decryptedDiscoveryData = decryptAesGcm( returnedAttestation.serverKey, decodedDiscoveryResponse.iv, Bytes.concatenate([ decodedDiscoveryResponse.data, decodedDiscoveryResponse.mac, ]) ); // Process and return result const uuids = splitUuids(decryptedDiscoveryData); if (uuids.length !== e164s.length) { throw new Error( 'Returned set of UUIDs did not match returned set of e164s!' ); } return zipObject(e164s, uuids); } async function getUuidsForE164sV2( e164s: ReadonlyArray ): Promise> { const uuids = await cdsSocketManager.request({ e164s }); return zipObject(e164s, uuids); } } }