import React from 'react'; import { AutoSizer, List } from 'react-virtualized'; import { ConversationListItem, PropsData as ConversationListItemPropsType, } from './ConversationListItem'; import { PropsDataType as SearchResultsProps, SearchResults, } from './SearchResults'; import { LocalizerType } from '../types/Util'; export interface PropsType { conversations?: Array; archivedConversations?: Array; searchResults?: SearchResultsProps; showArchived?: boolean; i18n: LocalizerType; // Action Creators startNewConversation: ( query: string, options: { regionCode: string } ) => void; openConversationInternal: (id: string, messageId?: string) => void; showArchivedConversations: () => void; showInbox: () => void; // Render Props renderMainHeader: () => JSX.Element; renderMessageSearchResult: (id: string) => JSX.Element; } // from type RowRendererParamsType = { index: number; isScrolling: boolean; isVisible: boolean; key: string; parent: Object; style: Object; }; export class LeftPane extends React.Component { public renderRow = ({ index, key, style, }: RowRendererParamsType): JSX.Element => { const { archivedConversations, conversations, i18n, openConversationInternal, showArchived, } = this.props; if (!conversations || !archivedConversations) { throw new Error( 'renderRow: Tried to render without conversations or archivedConversations' ); } if (!showArchived && index === conversations.length) { return this.renderArchivedButton({ key, style }); } const conversation = showArchived ? archivedConversations[index] : conversations[index]; return (
); }; public renderArchivedButton({ key, style, }: { key: string; style: Object; }): JSX.Element { const { archivedConversations, i18n, showArchivedConversations, } = this.props; if (!archivedConversations || !archivedConversations.length) { throw new Error( 'renderArchivedButton: Tried to render without archivedConversations' ); } return (
{i18n('archivedConversations')}{' '} {archivedConversations.length}
); } public renderList(): JSX.Element | Array { const { archivedConversations, i18n, conversations, openConversationInternal, renderMessageSearchResult, startNewConversation, searchResults, showArchived, } = this.props; if (searchResults) { return ( ); } if (!conversations || !archivedConversations) { throw new Error( 'render: must provided conversations and archivedConverstions if no search results are provided' ); } // That extra 1 element added to the list is the 'archived converastions' button const length = showArchived ? archivedConversations.length : conversations.length + (archivedConversations.length ? 1 : 0); const archived = showArchived ? (
) : null; // We ensure that the listKey differs between inbox and archive views, which ensures // that AutoSizer properly detects the new size of its slot in the flexbox. The // archive explainer text at the top of the archive view causes problems otherwise. // It also ensures that we scroll to the top when switching views. const listKey = showArchived ? 1 : 0; // Note: conversations is not a known prop for List, but it is required to ensure that // it re-renders when our conversation data changes. Otherwise it would just render // on startup and scroll. const list = (
{({ height, width }) => ( )}
); return [archived, list]; } public renderArchivedHeader(): JSX.Element { const { i18n, showInbox } = this.props; return (
); } public render(): JSX.Element { const { renderMainHeader, showArchived } = this.props; return (
{showArchived ? this.renderArchivedHeader() : renderMainHeader()}
); } }