// Copyright 2021 Signal Messenger, LLC // SPDX-License-Identifier: AGPL-3.0-only import type { ThunkAction } from 'redux-thunk'; import * as log from '../../logging/log'; import type { NoopActionType } from './noop'; import type { StateType as RootStateType } from '../reducer'; import type { AttachmentDraftType, InMemoryAttachmentDraftType, } from '../../types/Attachment'; import type { MessageAttributesType } from '../../model-types.d'; import type { LinkPreviewWithDomain } from '../../types/LinkPreview'; import { assignWithNoUnnecessaryAllocation } from '../../util/assignWithNoUnnecessaryAllocation'; import type { RemoveLinkPreviewActionType } from './linkPreviews'; import { REMOVE_PREVIEW as REMOVE_LINK_PREVIEW } from './linkPreviews'; import { writeDraftAttachment } from '../../util/writeDraftAttachment'; import { deleteDraftAttachment } from '../../util/deleteDraftAttachment'; import { replaceIndex } from '../../util/replaceIndex'; import { resolveDraftAttachmentOnDisk } from '../../util/resolveDraftAttachmentOnDisk'; import type { HandleAttachmentsProcessingArgsType } from '../../util/handleAttachmentsProcessing'; import { handleAttachmentsProcessing } from '../../util/handleAttachmentsProcessing'; // State export type ComposerStateType = { attachments: ReadonlyArray; linkPreviewLoading: boolean; linkPreviewResult?: LinkPreviewWithDomain; quotedMessage?: Pick; shouldSendHighQualityAttachments: boolean; }; // Actions const ADD_PENDING_ATTACHMENT = 'composer/ADD_PENDING_ATTACHMENT'; const REPLACE_ATTACHMENTS = 'composer/REPLACE_ATTACHMENTS'; const RESET_COMPOSER = 'composer/RESET_COMPOSER'; const SET_HIGH_QUALITY_SETTING = 'composer/SET_HIGH_QUALITY_SETTING'; const SET_LINK_PREVIEW_RESULT = 'composer/SET_LINK_PREVIEW_RESULT'; const SET_QUOTED_MESSAGE = 'composer/SET_QUOTED_MESSAGE'; type AddPendingAttachmentActionType = { type: typeof ADD_PENDING_ATTACHMENT; payload: AttachmentDraftType; }; type ReplaceAttachmentsActionType = { type: typeof REPLACE_ATTACHMENTS; payload: ReadonlyArray; }; type ResetComposerActionType = { type: typeof RESET_COMPOSER; }; type SetHighQualitySettingActionType = { type: typeof SET_HIGH_QUALITY_SETTING; payload: boolean; }; type SetLinkPreviewResultActionType = { type: typeof SET_LINK_PREVIEW_RESULT; payload: { isLoading: boolean; linkPreview?: LinkPreviewWithDomain; }; }; type SetQuotedMessageActionType = { type: typeof SET_QUOTED_MESSAGE; payload?: Pick; }; type ComposerActionType = | AddPendingAttachmentActionType | RemoveLinkPreviewActionType | ReplaceAttachmentsActionType | ResetComposerActionType | SetHighQualitySettingActionType | SetLinkPreviewResultActionType | SetQuotedMessageActionType; // Action Creators export const actions = { addAttachment, addPendingAttachment, processAttachments, removeAttachment, replaceAttachments, resetComposer, setLinkPreviewResult, setMediaQualitySetting, setQuotedMessage, }; // Not cool that we have to pull from ConversationModel here // but if the current selected conversation isn't the one that we're operating // on then we won't be able to grab attachments from state so we resort to the // next in-memory store. function getAttachmentsFromConversationModel( conversationId: string ): Array { const conversation = window.ConversationController.get(conversationId); return conversation?.get('draftAttachments') || []; } function addAttachment( conversationId: string, attachment: InMemoryAttachmentDraftType ): ThunkAction { return async (dispatch, getState) => { // We do async operations first so multiple in-process addAttachments don't stomp on // each other. const onDisk = await writeDraftAttachment(attachment); const isSelectedConversation = getState().conversations.selectedConversationId === conversationId; const draftAttachments = isSelectedConversation ? getState().composer.attachments : getAttachmentsFromConversationModel(conversationId); // We expect there to either be a pending draft attachment or an existing // attachment that we'll be replacing. const hasDraftAttachmentPending = draftAttachments.some( draftAttachment => draftAttachment.path === attachment.path ); // User has canceled the draft so we don't need to continue processing if (!hasDraftAttachmentPending) { await deleteDraftAttachment(onDisk); return; } // Remove any pending attachments that were transcoding const index = draftAttachments.findIndex( draftAttachment => draftAttachment.path === attachment.path ); let nextAttachments = draftAttachments; if (index < 0) { log.warn( `addAttachment: Failed to find pending attachment with path ${attachment.path}` ); nextAttachments = [...draftAttachments, onDisk]; } else { nextAttachments = replaceIndex(draftAttachments, index, onDisk); } replaceAttachments(conversationId, nextAttachments)( dispatch, getState, null ); const conversation = window.ConversationController.get(conversationId); if (conversation) { conversation.attributes.draftAttachments = nextAttachments; window.Signal.Data.updateConversation(conversation.attributes); } }; } function addPendingAttachment( conversationId: string, pendingAttachment: AttachmentDraftType ): ThunkAction { return (dispatch, getState) => { const isSelectedConversation = getState().conversations.selectedConversationId === conversationId; const draftAttachments = isSelectedConversation ? getState().composer.attachments : getAttachmentsFromConversationModel(conversationId); const nextAttachments = [...draftAttachments, pendingAttachment]; dispatch({ type: REPLACE_ATTACHMENTS, payload: nextAttachments, }); const conversation = window.ConversationController.get(conversationId); if (conversation) { conversation.attributes.draftAttachments = nextAttachments; window.Signal.Data.updateConversation(conversation.attributes); } }; } function processAttachments( options: HandleAttachmentsProcessingArgsType ): ThunkAction { return async dispatch => { await handleAttachmentsProcessing(options); dispatch({ type: 'NOOP', payload: null, }); }; } function removeAttachment( conversationId: string, filePath: string ): ThunkAction { return async (dispatch, getState) => { const { attachments } = getState().composer; const [targetAttachment] = attachments.filter( attachment => attachment.path === filePath ); if (!targetAttachment) { return; } const nextAttachments = attachments.filter( attachment => attachment.path !== filePath ); const conversation = window.ConversationController.get(conversationId); if (conversation) { conversation.attributes.draftAttachments = nextAttachments; conversation.attributes.draftChanged = true; window.Signal.Data.updateConversation(conversation.attributes); } replaceAttachments(conversationId, nextAttachments)( dispatch, getState, null ); if ( targetAttachment.path && targetAttachment.fileName !== targetAttachment.path ) { await deleteDraftAttachment(targetAttachment); } }; } function replaceAttachments( conversationId: string, attachments: ReadonlyArray ): ThunkAction { return (dispatch, getState) => { // If the call came from a conversation we are no longer in we do not // update the state. if (getState().conversations.selectedConversationId !== conversationId) { return; } dispatch({ type: REPLACE_ATTACHMENTS, payload: attachments.map(resolveDraftAttachmentOnDisk), }); }; } function resetComposer(): ResetComposerActionType { return { type: RESET_COMPOSER, }; } function setLinkPreviewResult( isLoading: boolean, linkPreview?: LinkPreviewWithDomain ): SetLinkPreviewResultActionType { return { type: SET_LINK_PREVIEW_RESULT, payload: { isLoading, linkPreview, }, }; } function setMediaQualitySetting( payload: boolean ): SetHighQualitySettingActionType { return { type: SET_HIGH_QUALITY_SETTING, payload, }; } function setQuotedMessage( payload?: Pick ): SetQuotedMessageActionType { return { type: SET_QUOTED_MESSAGE, payload, }; } // Reducer export function getEmptyState(): ComposerStateType { return { attachments: [], linkPreviewLoading: false, shouldSendHighQualityAttachments: false, }; } export function reducer( state: Readonly = getEmptyState(), action: Readonly ): ComposerStateType { if (action.type === RESET_COMPOSER) { return getEmptyState(); } if (action.type === REPLACE_ATTACHMENTS) { const { payload: attachments } = action; return { ...state, attachments, ...(attachments.length ? {} : { shouldSendHighQualityAttachments: false }), }; } if (action.type === SET_HIGH_QUALITY_SETTING) { return { ...state, shouldSendHighQualityAttachments: action.payload, }; } if (action.type === SET_QUOTED_MESSAGE) { return { ...state, quotedMessage: action.payload, }; } if (action.type === SET_LINK_PREVIEW_RESULT) { return { ...state, linkPreviewLoading: action.payload.isLoading, linkPreviewResult: action.payload.linkPreview, }; } if (action.type === REMOVE_LINK_PREVIEW) { return assignWithNoUnnecessaryAllocation(state, { linkPreviewLoading: false, linkPreviewResult: undefined, }); } if (action.type === ADD_PENDING_ATTACHMENT) { return { ...state, attachments: [...state.attachments, action.payload], }; } return state; }