// Copyright 2021 Signal Messenger, LLC // SPDX-License-Identifier: AGPL-3.0-only /* eslint-disable class-methods-use-this */ import PQueue from 'p-queue'; import type { LoggerType } from '../types/Logging'; import { exponentialBackoffMaxAttempts } from '../util/exponentialBackoff'; import { commonShouldJobContinue } from './helpers/commonShouldJobContinue'; import { sleepFor413RetryAfterTime } from './helpers/sleepFor413RetryAfterTime'; import type { MessageModel } from '../models/messages'; import { getMessageById } from '../messages/getMessageById'; import type { ConversationModel } from '../models/conversations'; import { ourProfileKeyService } from '../services/ourProfileKey'; import { strictAssert } from '../util/assert'; import { isRecord } from '../util/isRecord'; import * as durations from '../util/durations'; import { isMe } from '../util/whatTypeOfConversation'; import { getSendOptions } from '../util/getSendOptions'; import { SignalService as Proto } from '../protobuf'; import { handleMessageSend } from '../util/handleMessageSend'; import type { CallbackResultType } from '../textsecure/Types.d'; import { isSent } from '../messages/MessageSendState'; import { getLastChallengeError, isOutgoing } from '../state/selectors/message'; import * as Errors from '../types/errors'; import type { AttachmentType, GroupV1InfoType, GroupV2InfoType, PreviewType, } from '../textsecure/SendMessage'; import type { BodyRangesType } from '../types/Util'; import type { WhatIsThis } from '../window.d'; import type { ParsedJob } from './types'; import { JobQueue } from './JobQueue'; import { jobQueueDatabaseStore } from './JobQueueDatabaseStore'; import { Job } from './Job'; import { getHttpErrorCode } from './helpers/getHttpErrorCode'; const { loadAttachmentData, loadPreviewData, loadQuoteData, loadStickerData, } = window.Signal.Migrations; const { Message } = window.Signal.Types; const MAX_RETRY_TIME = durations.DAY; const MAX_ATTEMPTS = exponentialBackoffMaxAttempts(MAX_RETRY_TIME); type NormalMessageSendJobData = { messageId: string; conversationId: string; }; export class NormalMessageSendJobQueue extends JobQueue { private readonly queues = new Map(); /** * Add a job (see `JobQueue.prototype.add`). * * You can override `insert` to change the way the job is added to the database. This is * useful if you're trying to save a message and a job in the same database transaction. */ async add( data: Readonly, insert?: (job: ParsedJob) => Promise ): Promise> { if (!insert) { return super.add(data); } this.throwIfNotStarted(); const job = this.createJob(data); await insert(job); await jobQueueDatabaseStore.insert(job, { shouldInsertIntoDatabase: false, }); return job; } protected parseData(data: unknown): NormalMessageSendJobData { // Because we do this so often and Zod is a bit slower, we do "manual" parsing here. strictAssert(isRecord(data), 'Job data is not an object'); const { messageId, conversationId } = data; strictAssert( typeof messageId === 'string', 'Job data had a non-string message ID' ); strictAssert( typeof conversationId === 'string', 'Job data had a non-string conversation ID' ); return { messageId, conversationId }; } protected getInMemoryQueue({ data, }: Readonly<{ data: NormalMessageSendJobData }>): PQueue { const { conversationId } = data; const existingQueue = this.queues.get(conversationId); if (existingQueue) { return existingQueue; } const newQueue = new PQueue({ concurrency: 1 }); newQueue.once('idle', () => { this.queues.delete(conversationId); }); this.queues.set(conversationId, newQueue); return newQueue; } protected async run( { data, timestamp, }: Readonly<{ data: NormalMessageSendJobData; timestamp: number }>, { attempt, log }: Readonly<{ attempt: number; log: LoggerType }> ): Promise { const { messageId } = data; const timeRemaining = timestamp + MAX_RETRY_TIME - Date.now(); const isFinalAttempt = attempt >= MAX_ATTEMPTS; // We don't immediately use this value because we may want to mark the message // failed before doing so. const shouldContinue = await commonShouldJobContinue({ attempt, log, timeRemaining, }); await window.ConversationController.loadPromise(); const message = await getMessageById(messageId); if (!message) { log.info( `message ${messageId} was not found, maybe because it was deleted. Giving up on sending it` ); return; } if (!isOutgoing(message.attributes)) { log.error( `message ${messageId} was not an outgoing message to begin with. This is probably a bogus job. Giving up on sending it` ); return; } if (message.isErased() || message.get('deletedForEveryone')) { log.info(`message ${messageId} was erased. Giving up on sending it`); return; } let messageSendErrors: Array = []; // We don't want to save errors on messages unless we're giving up. If it's our // final attempt, we know upfront that we want to give up. However, we might also // want to give up if (1) we get a 508 from the server, asking us to please stop // (2) we get a 428 from the server, flagging the message for spam (3) some other // reason not known at the time of this writing. // // This awkward callback lets us hold onto errors we might want to save, so we can // decide whether to save them later on. const saveErrors = isFinalAttempt ? undefined : (errors: Array) => { messageSendErrors = errors; }; if (!shouldContinue) { log.info(`message ${messageId} ran out of time. Giving up on sending it`); await markMessageFailed(message, messageSendErrors); return; } try { const conversation = message.getConversation(); if (!conversation) { throw new Error( `could not find conversation for message with ID ${messageId}` ); } const { allRecipientIdentifiers, recipientIdentifiersWithoutMe, untrustedConversationIds, } = getMessageRecipients({ message, conversation, }); if (untrustedConversationIds.length) { log.info( `message ${messageId} sending blocked because ${untrustedConversationIds.length} conversation(s) were untrusted. Giving up on the job, but it may be reborn later` ); window.reduxActions.conversations.messageStoppedByMissingVerification( messageId, untrustedConversationIds ); return; } if (!allRecipientIdentifiers.length) { log.warn( `trying to send message ${messageId} but it looks like it was already sent to everyone. This is unexpected, but we're giving up` ); return; } const { attachments, body, deletedForEveryoneTimestamp, expireTimer, mentions, messageTimestamp, preview, profileKey, quote, sticker, } = await getMessageSendData({ conversation, message }); let messageSendPromise: Promise; if (recipientIdentifiersWithoutMe.length === 0) { log.info('sending sync message only'); const dataMessage = await window.textsecure.messaging.getDataMessage({ attachments, body, groupV2: updateRecipients( conversation.getGroupV2Info(), recipientIdentifiersWithoutMe ), deletedForEveryoneTimestamp, expireTimer, preview, profileKey, quote, recipients: allRecipientIdentifiers, sticker, timestamp: messageTimestamp, }); messageSendPromise = message.sendSyncMessageOnly( dataMessage, saveErrors ); } else { const conversationType = conversation.get('type'); const sendOptions = await getSendOptions(conversation.attributes); const { ContentHint } = Proto.UnidentifiedSenderMessage.Message; let innerPromise: Promise; if (conversationType === Message.GROUP) { log.info('sending group message'); innerPromise = conversation.queueJob( 'normalMessageSendJobQueue', () => window.Signal.Util.sendToGroup({ groupSendOptions: { attachments, deletedForEveryoneTimestamp, expireTimer, groupV1: updateRecipients( conversation.getGroupV1Info(), recipientIdentifiersWithoutMe ), groupV2: updateRecipients( conversation.getGroupV2Info(), recipientIdentifiersWithoutMe ), messageText: body, preview, profileKey, quote, sticker, timestamp: messageTimestamp, mentions, }, conversation, contentHint: ContentHint.RESENDABLE, messageId, sendOptions, sendType: 'message', }) ); } else { log.info('sending direct message'); innerPromise = window.textsecure.messaging.sendMessageToIdentifier({ identifier: recipientIdentifiersWithoutMe[0], messageText: body, attachments, quote, preview, sticker, reaction: null, deletedForEveryoneTimestamp, timestamp: messageTimestamp, expireTimer, contentHint: ContentHint.RESENDABLE, groupId: undefined, profileKey, options: sendOptions, }); } messageSendPromise = message.send( handleMessageSend(innerPromise, { messageIds: [messageId], sendType: 'message', }), saveErrors ); } await messageSendPromise; if ( getLastChallengeError({ errors: messageSendErrors, }) ) { log.info( `message ${messageId} hit a spam challenge. Not retrying any more` ); await message.saveErrors(messageSendErrors); return; } const didFullySend = !messageSendErrors.length || didSendToEveryone(message); if (!didFullySend) { throw new Error('message did not fully send'); } } catch (err: unknown) { const formattedMessageSendErrors: Array = []; let serverAskedUsToStop = false; let retryAfterError: unknown; messageSendErrors.forEach((messageSendError: unknown) => { formattedMessageSendErrors.push(Errors.toLogFormat(messageSendError)); switch (getHttpErrorCode(messageSendError)) { case 413: retryAfterError ||= messageSendError; break; case 508: serverAskedUsToStop = true; break; default: break; } }); log.info( `${ messageSendErrors.length } message send error(s): ${formattedMessageSendErrors.join(',')}` ); if (isFinalAttempt || serverAskedUsToStop) { await markMessageFailed(message, messageSendErrors); } if (serverAskedUsToStop) { log.info('server responded with 508. Giving up on this job'); return; } if (!isFinalAttempt && retryAfterError) { await sleepFor413RetryAfterTime({ err: retryAfterError, log, timeRemaining, }); } throw err; } } } export const normalMessageSendJobQueue = new NormalMessageSendJobQueue({ store: jobQueueDatabaseStore, queueType: 'normal message send', maxAttempts: MAX_ATTEMPTS, }); function getMessageRecipients({ conversation, message, }: Readonly<{ conversation: ConversationModel; message: MessageModel; }>): { allRecipientIdentifiers: Array; recipientIdentifiersWithoutMe: Array; untrustedConversationIds: Array; } { const allRecipientIdentifiers: Array = []; const recipientIdentifiersWithoutMe: Array = []; const untrustedConversationIds: Array = []; const currentConversationRecipients = conversation.getRecipientConversationIds(); Object.entries(message.get('sendStateByConversationId') || {}).forEach( ([recipientConversationId, sendState]) => { if (isSent(sendState.status)) { return; } const recipient = window.ConversationController.get( recipientConversationId ); if (!recipient) { return; } const isRecipientMe = isMe(recipient.attributes); if ( !currentConversationRecipients.has(recipientConversationId) && !isRecipientMe ) { return; } if (recipient.isUntrusted()) { untrustedConversationIds.push(recipientConversationId); } const recipientIdentifier = recipient.getSendTarget(); if (!recipientIdentifier) { return; } allRecipientIdentifiers.push(recipientIdentifier); if (!isRecipientMe) { recipientIdentifiersWithoutMe.push(recipientIdentifier); } } ); return { allRecipientIdentifiers, recipientIdentifiersWithoutMe, untrustedConversationIds, }; } async function getMessageSendData({ conversation, message, }: Readonly<{ conversation: ConversationModel; message: MessageModel; }>): Promise<{ attachments: Array; body: undefined | string; deletedForEveryoneTimestamp: undefined | number; expireTimer: undefined | number; mentions: undefined | BodyRangesType; messageTimestamp: number; preview: Array; profileKey: undefined | Uint8Array; quote: WhatIsThis; sticker: WhatIsThis; }> { const messageTimestamp = message.get('sent_at') || message.get('timestamp') || Date.now(); const [ attachmentsWithData, preview, quote, sticker, profileKey, ] = await Promise.all([ // We don't update the caches here because (1) we expect the caches to be populated on // initial send, so they should be there in the 99% case (2) if you're retrying a // failed message across restarts, we don't touch the cache for simplicity. If sends // are failing, let's not add the complication of a cache. Promise.all((message.get('attachments') ?? []).map(loadAttachmentData)), message.cachedOutgoingPreviewData || loadPreviewData(message.get('preview')), message.cachedOutgoingQuoteData || loadQuoteData(message.get('quote')), message.cachedOutgoingStickerData || loadStickerData(message.get('sticker')), conversation.get('profileSharing') ? ourProfileKeyService.get() : undefined, ]); const { body, attachments } = window.Whisper.Message.getLongMessageAttachment( { body: message.get('body'), attachments: attachmentsWithData, now: messageTimestamp, } ); return { attachments, body, deletedForEveryoneTimestamp: message.get('deletedForEveryoneTimestamp'), expireTimer: message.get('expireTimer'), mentions: message.get('bodyRanges'), messageTimestamp, preview, profileKey, quote, sticker, }; } async function markMessageFailed( message: MessageModel, errors: Array ): Promise { message.markFailed(); message.saveErrors(errors, { skipSave: true }); await window.Signal.Data.saveMessage(message.attributes); } function didSendToEveryone(message: Readonly): boolean { const sendStateByConversationId = message.get('sendStateByConversationId') || {}; return Object.values(sendStateByConversationId).every(sendState => isSent(sendState.status) ); } function updateRecipients( groupInfo: undefined | GroupV1InfoType, recipients: Array ): undefined | GroupV1InfoType; function updateRecipients( groupInfo: undefined | GroupV2InfoType, recipients: Array ): undefined | GroupV2InfoType; function updateRecipients( groupInfo: undefined | GroupV1InfoType | GroupV2InfoType, recipients: Array ): undefined | GroupV1InfoType | GroupV2InfoType { return ( groupInfo && { ...groupInfo, members: recipients, } ); }