// Copyright 2024 Signal Messenger, LLC // SPDX-License-Identifier: AGPL-3.0-only import { PrivateKey } from '@signalapp/libsignal-client'; import { BackupAuthCredential, BackupAuthCredentialRequestContext, BackupAuthCredentialResponse, type BackupLevel, GenericServerPublicParams, } from '@signalapp/libsignal-client/zkgroup'; import * as log from '../../logging/log'; import { strictAssert } from '../../util/assert'; import { drop } from '../../util/drop'; import { isMoreRecentThan, toDayMillis } from '../../util/timestamp'; import { DAY, DurationInSeconds, HOUR } from '../../util/durations'; import { BackOff, FIBONACCI_TIMEOUTS } from '../../util/BackOff'; import type { BackupCdnReadCredentialType, BackupCredentialType, BackupPresentationHeadersType, BackupSignedPresentationType, } from '../../types/backups'; import { toLogFormat } from '../../types/errors'; import { HTTPError } from '../../textsecure/Errors'; import type { GetBackupCredentialsResponseType, GetBackupCDNCredentialsResponseType, } from '../../textsecure/WebAPI'; import { getBackupKey, getBackupSignatureKey } from './crypto'; export function getAuthContext(): BackupAuthCredentialRequestContext { return BackupAuthCredentialRequestContext.create( Buffer.from(getBackupKey()), window.storage.user.getCheckedAci() ); } const FETCH_INTERVAL = 3 * DAY; // Credentials should be good for 24 hours, but let's play it safe. const BACKUP_CDN_READ_CREDENTIALS_VALID_DURATION = 12 * HOUR; export class BackupCredentials { private activeFetch: ReturnType<typeof this.fetch> | undefined; private cachedCdnReadCredentials: Record< number, BackupCdnReadCredentialType > = {}; private readonly fetchBackoff = new BackOff(FIBONACCI_TIMEOUTS); public start(): void { this.scheduleFetch(); } public async getForToday(): Promise<BackupSignedPresentationType> { const now = toDayMillis(Date.now()); const signatureKeyBytes = getBackupSignatureKey(); const signatureKey = PrivateKey.deserialize(Buffer.from(signatureKeyBytes)); // Start with cache let credentials = window.storage.get('backupCredentials') || []; let result = credentials.find(({ redemptionTimeMs }) => { return redemptionTimeMs === now; }); if (result === undefined) { log.info(`BackupCredentials: cache miss for ${now}`); credentials = await this.fetch(); result = credentials.find(({ redemptionTimeMs }) => { return redemptionTimeMs === now; }); strictAssert( result !== undefined, 'Remote credentials do not include today' ); } const cred = new BackupAuthCredential( Buffer.from(result.credential, 'base64') ); const serverPublicParams = new GenericServerPublicParams( Buffer.from(window.getBackupServerPublicParams(), 'base64') ); const presentation = cred.present(serverPublicParams).serialize(); const signature = signatureKey.sign(presentation); const headers = { 'X-Signal-ZK-Auth': presentation.toString('base64'), 'X-Signal-ZK-Auth-Signature': signature.toString('base64'), }; if (!window.storage.get('setBackupSignatureKey')) { log.warn('BackupCredentials: uploading signature key'); const { server } = window.textsecure; strictAssert(server, 'server not available'); await server.setBackupSignatureKey({ headers, backupIdPublicKey: signatureKey.getPublicKey().serialize(), }); await window.storage.put('setBackupSignatureKey', true); } return { headers, level: result.level, }; } public async getHeadersForToday(): Promise<BackupPresentationHeadersType> { const { headers } = await this.getForToday(); return headers; } public async getCDNReadCredentials( cdn: number ): Promise<GetBackupCDNCredentialsResponseType> { const { server } = window.textsecure; strictAssert(server, 'server not available'); // Backup CDN read credentials are short-lived; we'll just cache them in memory so // that they get invalidated for any reason, we'll fetch new ones on app restart const cachedCredentialsForThisCdn = this.cachedCdnReadCredentials[cdn]; if ( cachedCredentialsForThisCdn && isMoreRecentThan( cachedCredentialsForThisCdn.retrievedAtMs, BACKUP_CDN_READ_CREDENTIALS_VALID_DURATION ) ) { return cachedCredentialsForThisCdn.credentials; } const headers = await this.getHeadersForToday(); const retrievedAtMs = Date.now(); const newCredentials = await server.getBackupCDNCredentials({ headers, cdn, }); this.cachedCdnReadCredentials[cdn] = { credentials: newCredentials, cdnNumber: cdn, retrievedAtMs, }; return newCredentials; } private scheduleFetch(): void { const lastFetchAt = window.storage.get( 'backupCredentialsLastRequestTime', 0 ); const nextFetchAt = lastFetchAt + FETCH_INTERVAL; const delay = Math.max(0, nextFetchAt - Date.now()); log.info(`BackupCredentials: scheduling fetch in ${delay}ms`); setTimeout(() => drop(this.runPeriodicFetch()), delay); } private async runPeriodicFetch(): Promise<void> { try { log.info('BackupCredentials: fetching'); await this.fetch(); await window.storage.put('backupCredentialsLastRequestTime', Date.now()); this.fetchBackoff.reset(); this.scheduleFetch(); } catch (error) { const delay = this.fetchBackoff.getAndIncrement(); log.error( 'BackupCredentials: periodic fetch failed with ' + `error: ${toLogFormat(error)}, retrying in ${delay}ms` ); setTimeout(() => this.scheduleFetch(), delay); } } private async fetch(): Promise<ReadonlyArray<BackupCredentialType>> { if (this.activeFetch) { return this.activeFetch; } const promise = this.doFetch(); this.activeFetch = promise; try { return await promise; } finally { this.activeFetch = undefined; } } private async doFetch(): Promise<ReadonlyArray<BackupCredentialType>> { log.info('BackupCredentials: fetching'); const now = Date.now(); const startDayInMs = toDayMillis(now); const endDayInMs = toDayMillis(now + 6 * DAY); // And fetch missing credentials const ctx = getAuthContext(); const { server } = window.textsecure; strictAssert(server, 'server not available'); let response: GetBackupCredentialsResponseType; try { response = await server.getBackupCredentials({ startDayInMs, endDayInMs, }); } catch (error) { if (!(error instanceof HTTPError)) { throw error; } if (error.code !== 404) { throw error; } // Backup id is missing const request = ctx.getRequest(); // Set it await server.setBackupId({ backupAuthCredentialRequest: request.serialize(), }); // And try again! response = await server.getBackupCredentials({ startDayInMs, endDayInMs, }); } log.info(`BackupCredentials: got ${response.credentials.length}`); const serverPublicParams = new GenericServerPublicParams( Buffer.from(window.getBackupServerPublicParams(), 'base64') ); const result = new Array<BackupCredentialType>(); const issuedTimes = new Set<number>(); for (const { credential: buf, redemptionTime } of response.credentials) { const credentialRes = new BackupAuthCredentialResponse(Buffer.from(buf)); const redemptionTimeMs = DurationInSeconds.toMillis(redemptionTime); strictAssert( startDayInMs <= redemptionTimeMs, 'Invalid credential response redemption time, too early' ); strictAssert( redemptionTimeMs <= endDayInMs, 'Invalid credential response redemption time, too late' ); strictAssert( !issuedTimes.has(redemptionTimeMs), 'Invalid credential response redemption time, duplicate' ); issuedTimes.add(redemptionTimeMs); const credential = ctx.receive( credentialRes, redemptionTime, serverPublicParams ); result.push({ credential: credential.serialize().toString('base64'), level: credential.getBackupLevel(), redemptionTimeMs, }); } // Add cached credentials that are still in the date range, and not in // the response. const cachedCredentials = window.storage.get('backupCredentials') || []; for (const cached of cachedCredentials) { const { redemptionTimeMs } = cached; if ( !(startDayInMs <= redemptionTimeMs && redemptionTimeMs <= endDayInMs) ) { continue; } if (issuedTimes.has(redemptionTimeMs)) { continue; } result.push(cached); } result.sort((a, b) => a.redemptionTimeMs - b.redemptionTimeMs); await window.storage.put('backupCredentials', result); const startMs = result[0].redemptionTimeMs; const endMs = result[result.length - 1].redemptionTimeMs; log.info(`BackupCredentials: saved [${startMs}, ${endMs}]`); strictAssert(result.length === 7, 'Expected one week of credentials'); return result; } public async getBackupLevel(): Promise<BackupLevel> { return (await this.getForToday()).level; } // Called when backup tier changes or when userChanged event public async clearCache(): Promise<void> { this.cachedCdnReadCredentials = {}; await window.storage.put('backupCredentials', []); } }