// Copyright 2020 Signal Messenger, LLC // SPDX-License-Identifier: AGPL-3.0-only /* eslint-disable camelcase */ import { mkdirSync } from 'fs'; import { join } from 'path'; import rimraf from 'rimraf'; import { randomBytes } from 'crypto'; import type { Database, Statement } from '@signalapp/better-sqlite3'; import SQL from '@signalapp/better-sqlite3'; import { v4 as generateUuid } from 'uuid'; import { z } from 'zod'; import type { ReadonlyDeep } from 'type-fest'; import type { Dictionary } from 'lodash'; import { forEach, fromPairs, groupBy, isBoolean, isNil, isNumber, isString, last, map, mapValues, noop, omit, partition, pick, } from 'lodash'; import * as Errors from '../types/errors'; import { ReadStatus } from '../messages/MessageReadStatus'; import type { GroupV2MemberType } from '../model-types.d'; import type { ReactionType } from '../types/Reactions'; import { ReactionReadStatus } from '../types/Reactions'; import { STORAGE_UI_KEYS } from '../types/StorageUIKeys'; import type { StoryDistributionIdString } from '../types/StoryDistributionId'; import type { ServiceIdString, AciString } from '../types/ServiceId'; import { isServiceIdString } from '../types/ServiceId'; import type { StoredJob } from '../jobs/types'; import { assertDev, strictAssert } from '../util/assert'; import { combineNames } from '../util/combineNames'; import { consoleLogger } from '../util/consoleLogger'; import { dropNull } from '../util/dropNull'; import { isNormalNumber } from '../util/isNormalNumber'; import { isNotNil } from '../util/isNotNil'; import { parseIntOrThrow } from '../util/parseIntOrThrow'; import * as durations from '../util/durations'; import { formatCountForLogging } from '../logging/formatCountForLogging'; import type { ConversationColorType, CustomColorType } from '../types/Colors'; import type { BadgeType, BadgeImageType } from '../badges/types'; import { parseBadgeCategory } from '../badges/BadgeCategory'; import { parseBadgeImageTheme } from '../badges/BadgeImageTheme'; import type { LoggerType } from '../types/Logging'; import type { EmptyQuery, ArrayQuery, Query, JSONRows, QueryFragment, } from './util'; import { sqlConstant, sqlJoin, sqlFragment, sql, jsonToObject, objectToJSON, batchMultiVarQuery, getCountFromTable, removeById, removeAllFromTable, getAllFromTable, getById, bulkAdd, createOrUpdate, setUserVersion, getUserVersion, getSchemaVersion, } from './util'; import { updateSchema } from './migrations'; import type { ReadableDB, WritableDB, AdjacentMessagesByConversationOptionsType, StoredAllItemsType, ConversationMetricsType, ConversationType, DeleteSentProtoRecipientOptionsType, DeleteSentProtoRecipientResultType, EditedMessageType, EmojiType, GetAllStoriesResultType, GetConversationRangeCenteredOnMessageResultType, GetKnownMessageAttachmentsResultType, GetRecentStoryRepliesOptionsType, GetUnreadByConversationAndMarkReadResultType, IdentityKeyIdType, StoredIdentityKeyType, InstalledStickerPackType, ItemKeyType, StoredItemType, ConversationMessageStatsType, MessageAttachmentsCursorType, MessageCursorType, MessageMetricsType, MessageType, MessageTypeUnhydrated, PageMessagesCursorType, PageMessagesResultType, PreKeyIdType, ReactionResultType, StoredPreKeyType, ServerSearchResultMessageType, SenderKeyIdType, SenderKeyType, SentMessageDBType, SentMessagesType, SentProtoType, SentProtoWithMessageIdsType, SentRecipientsDBType, SentRecipientsType, ServerReadableInterface, ServerWritableInterface, SessionIdType, SessionType, SignedPreKeyIdType, StoredSignedPreKeyType, StickerPackInfoType, StickerPackStatusType, StickerPackType, StickerType, StoryDistributionMemberType, StoryDistributionType, StoryDistributionWithMembersType, StoryReadType, UninstalledStickerPackType, UnprocessedType, UnprocessedUpdateType, GetNearbyMessageFromDeletedSetOptionsType, StoredKyberPreKeyType, BackupCdnMediaObjectType, } from './Interface'; import { AttachmentDownloadSource } from './Interface'; import { SeenStatus } from '../MessageSeenStatus'; import { SNIPPET_LEFT_PLACEHOLDER, SNIPPET_RIGHT_PLACEHOLDER, SNIPPET_TRUNCATION_PLACEHOLDER, } from '../util/search'; import type { CallHistoryDetails, CallHistoryFilter, CallHistoryGroup, CallHistoryPagination, CallLogEventTarget, } from '../types/CallDisposition'; import { DirectCallStatus, callHistoryGroupSchema, CallHistoryFilterStatus, callHistoryDetailsSchema, CallDirection, GroupCallStatus, CallType, CallStatusValue, CallMode, } from '../types/CallDisposition'; import { callLinkExists, getAllCallLinks, getCallLinkByRoomId, getCallLinkRecordByRoomId, insertCallLink, updateCallLink, updateCallLinkAdminKeyByRoomId, updateCallLinkState, beginDeleteAllCallLinks, getAllCallLinkRecordsWithAdminKey, getAllMarkedDeletedCallLinks, finalizeDeleteCallLink, beginDeleteCallLink, deleteCallLinkFromSync, _removeAllCallLinks, } from './server/callLinks'; import { replaceAllEndorsementsForGroup, deleteAllEndorsementsForGroup, getGroupSendCombinedEndorsementExpiration, } from './server/groupEndorsements'; import { attachmentDownloadJobSchema, type AttachmentDownloadJobType, } from '../types/AttachmentDownload'; import { MAX_SYNC_TASK_ATTEMPTS } from '../util/syncTasks.types'; import type { SyncTaskType } from '../util/syncTasks'; import { isMoreRecentThan } from '../util/timestamp'; import { type AttachmentBackupJobType, attachmentBackupJobSchema, } from '../types/AttachmentBackup'; import { redactGenericText } from '../util/privacy'; import { getAttachmentCiphertextLength } from '../AttachmentCrypto'; type ConversationRow = Readonly<{ json: string; profileLastFetchedAt: null | number; expireTimerVersion: number; }>; type ConversationRows = Array; type StickerRow = Readonly<{ id: number; packId: string; emoji: string | null; height: number; isCoverOnly: number; lastUsed: number; path: string; width: number; version: 1 | 2; localKey: string | null; size: number | null; }>; // Because we can't force this module to conform to an interface, we narrow our exports // to this one default export, which does conform to the interface. // Note: In Javascript, you need to access the .default property when requiring it // https://github.com/microsoft/TypeScript/issues/420 export const DataReader: ServerReadableInterface = { close: closeReadable, getIdentityKeyById, getAllIdentityKeys, getKyberPreKeyById, getAllKyberPreKeys, getPreKeyById, getAllPreKeys, getSignedPreKeyById, getAllSignedPreKeys, getItemById, getAllItems, getSenderKeyById, getAllSenderKeys, getAllSentProtos, _getAllSentProtoRecipients, _getAllSentProtoMessageIds, getAllSessions, getConversationCount, getConversationById, getAllConversations, getAllConversationIds, getAllGroupsInvolvingServiceId, getGroupSendCombinedEndorsementExpiration, searchMessages, getMessageCount, getStoryCount, getRecentStoryReplies, countStoryReadsByConversation, getReactionByTimestamp, _getAllReactions, getMessageBySender, getMessageById, getMessagesById, _getAllMessages, _getAllEditedMessages, getAllMessageIds, getMessagesBySentAt, getExpiredMessages, getMessagesUnexpectedlyMissingExpirationStartTimestamp, getSoonestMessageExpiry, getNextTapToViewMessageTimestampToAgeOut, getTapToViewMessagesNeedingErase, getOlderMessagesByConversation, getAllStories, getNewerMessagesByConversation, getOldestUnreadMentionOfMeForConversation, getTotalUnreadForConversation, getTotalUnreadMentionsOfMeForConversation, getMessageMetricsForConversation, getConversationRangeCenteredOnMessage, getConversationMessageStats, getLastConversationMessage, getAllCallHistory, getCallHistoryUnreadCount, getCallHistoryMessageByCallId, getCallHistory, getCallHistoryGroupsCount, getCallHistoryGroups, hasGroupCallHistoryMessage, callLinkExists, getAllCallLinks, getCallLinkByRoomId, getCallLinkRecordByRoomId, getAllCallLinkRecordsWithAdminKey, getAllMarkedDeletedCallLinks, getMessagesBetween, getNearbyMessageFromDeletedSet, getMostRecentAddressableMessages, getMostRecentAddressableNondisappearingMessages, getUnprocessedCount, getUnprocessedById, getAttachmentDownloadJob, getStickerCount, getAllStickerPacks, getInstalledStickerPacks, getUninstalledStickerPacks, getStickerPackInfo, getAllStickers, getRecentStickers, getRecentEmojis, getAllBadges, getAllBadgeImageFileLocalPaths, getAllStoryDistributionsWithMembers, getStoryDistributionWithMembers, _getAllStoryDistributions, _getAllStoryDistributionMembers, _getAllStoryReads, getLastStoryReadsForAuthor, getMessagesNeedingUpgrade, getMessageServerGuidsForSpam, getJobsInQueue, wasGroupCallRingPreviouslyCanceled, getMaxMessageCounter, getStatisticsForLogging, getBackupCdnObjectMetadata, getSizeOfPendingBackupAttachmentDownloadJobs, // Server-only getKnownMessageAttachments, finishGetKnownMessageAttachments, pageMessages, finishPageMessages, getKnownDownloads, getKnownConversationAttachments, }; export const DataWriter: ServerWritableInterface = { close: closeWritable, removeIndexedDBFiles, createOrUpdateIdentityKey, bulkAddIdentityKeys, removeIdentityKeyById, removeAllIdentityKeys, createOrUpdateKyberPreKey, bulkAddKyberPreKeys, removeKyberPreKeyById, removeKyberPreKeysByServiceId, removeAllKyberPreKeys, createOrUpdatePreKey, bulkAddPreKeys, removePreKeyById, removePreKeysByServiceId, removeAllPreKeys, createOrUpdateSignedPreKey, bulkAddSignedPreKeys, removeSignedPreKeyById, removeSignedPreKeysByServiceId, removeAllSignedPreKeys, createOrUpdateItem, removeItemById, removeAllItems, createOrUpdateSenderKey, removeAllSenderKeys, removeSenderKeyById, insertSentProto, deleteSentProtosOlderThan, deleteSentProtoByMessageId, insertProtoRecipients, deleteSentProtoRecipient, removeAllSentProtos, getSentProtoByRecipient, createOrUpdateSession, createOrUpdateSessions, commitDecryptResult, bulkAddSessions, removeSessionById, removeSessionsByConversation, removeSessionsByServiceId, removeAllSessions, saveConversation, saveConversations, updateConversation, updateConversations, removeConversation, _removeAllConversations, updateAllConversationColors, removeAllProfileKeyCredentials, getUnreadByConversationAndMarkRead, getUnreadReactionsAndMarkRead, replaceAllEndorsementsForGroup, deleteAllEndorsementsForGroup, saveMessage, saveMessages, removeMessage, removeMessages, markReactionAsRead, addReaction, removeReactionFromConversation, _removeAllReactions, _removeAllMessages, getUnreadEditedMessagesAndMarkRead, clearCallHistory, _removeAllCallHistory, markCallHistoryDeleted, cleanupCallHistoryMessages, markCallHistoryRead, markAllCallHistoryRead, markAllCallHistoryReadInConversation, saveCallHistory, markCallHistoryMissed, insertCallLink, updateCallLink, updateCallLinkAdminKeyByRoomId, updateCallLinkState, beginDeleteAllCallLinks, beginDeleteCallLink, finalizeDeleteCallLink, _removeAllCallLinks, deleteCallLinkFromSync, migrateConversationMessages, saveEditedMessage, saveEditedMessages, incrementMessagesMigrationAttempts, removeSyncTaskById, saveSyncTasks, getAllSyncTasks, getUnprocessedByIdsAndIncrementAttempts, getAllUnprocessedIds, updateUnprocessedWithData, updateUnprocessedsWithData, removeUnprocessed, removeAllUnprocessed, getNextAttachmentDownloadJobs, saveAttachmentDownloadJob, resetAttachmentDownloadActive, removeAttachmentDownloadJob, removeAllBackupAttachmentDownloadJobs, getNextAttachmentBackupJobs, saveAttachmentBackupJob, markAllAttachmentBackupJobsInactive, removeAttachmentBackupJob, clearAllAttachmentBackupJobs, clearAllBackupCdnObjectMetadata, saveBackupCdnObjectMetadata, createOrUpdateStickerPack, updateStickerPackStatus, updateStickerPackInfo, createOrUpdateSticker, createOrUpdateStickers, updateStickerLastUsed, addStickerPackReference, deleteStickerPackReference, deleteStickerPack, addUninstalledStickerPack, removeUninstalledStickerPack, installStickerPack, uninstallStickerPack, clearAllErrorStickerPackAttempts, updateEmojiUsage, updateOrCreateBadges, badgeImageFileDownloaded, getRecentStaleRingsAndMarkOlderMissed, _deleteAllStoryDistributions, createNewStoryDistribution, modifyStoryDistribution, modifyStoryDistributionMembers, modifyStoryDistributionWithMembers, deleteStoryDistribution, _deleteAllStoryReads, addNewStoryRead, removeAll, removeAllConfiguration, eraseStorageServiceState, insertJob, deleteJob, processGroupCallRingCancellation, cleanExpiredGroupCallRingCancellations, // Server-only removeKnownStickers, removeKnownDraftAttachments, runCorruptionChecks, }; type DatabaseQueryCache = Map>>; const statementCache = new WeakMap(); export function prepare | Record>( db: ReadableDB, query: string, { pluck = false }: { pluck?: boolean } = {} ): Statement { let dbCache = statementCache.get(db); if (!dbCache) { dbCache = new Map(); statementCache.set(db, dbCache); } const cacheKey = `${pluck}:${query}`; let result = dbCache.get(cacheKey) as Statement; if (!result) { result = db.prepare(query); if (pluck === true) { result.pluck(); } dbCache.set(cacheKey, result); } return result; } function rowToConversation(row: ConversationRow): ConversationType { const { expireTimerVersion } = row; const parsedJson = JSON.parse(row.json); let profileLastFetchedAt: undefined | number; if (isNormalNumber(row.profileLastFetchedAt)) { profileLastFetchedAt = row.profileLastFetchedAt; } else { assertDev( isNil(row.profileLastFetchedAt), 'profileLastFetchedAt contained invalid data; defaulting to undefined' ); profileLastFetchedAt = undefined; } return { ...parsedJson, expireTimerVersion, profileLastFetchedAt, }; } function rowToSticker(row: StickerRow): StickerType { return { ...row, isCoverOnly: Boolean(row.isCoverOnly), emoji: dropNull(row.emoji), version: row.version || 1, localKey: dropNull(row.localKey), size: dropNull(row.size), }; } function keyDatabase(db: WritableDB, key: string): void { // https://www.zetetic.net/sqlcipher/sqlcipher-api/#key db.pragma(`key = "x'${key}'"`); } function switchToWAL(db: WritableDB): void { // https://sqlite.org/wal.html db.pragma('journal_mode = WAL'); db.pragma('synchronous = FULL'); } function migrateSchemaVersion(db: WritableDB): void { const userVersion = getUserVersion(db); if (userVersion > 0) { return; } const schemaVersion = getSchemaVersion(db); const newUserVersion = schemaVersion > 18 ? 16 : schemaVersion; logger.info( 'migrateSchemaVersion: Migrating from schema_version ' + `${schemaVersion} to user_version ${newUserVersion}` ); setUserVersion(db, newUserVersion); } function openAndMigrateDatabase( filePath: string, key: string, readonly: boolean ): WritableDB { let db: WritableDB | undefined; // First, we try to open the database without any cipher changes try { db = new SQL(filePath, { readonly, }) as WritableDB; keyDatabase(db, key); switchToWAL(db); migrateSchemaVersion(db); return db; } catch (error) { if (db) { db.close(); } logger.info('migrateDatabase: Migration without cipher change failed'); } // If that fails, we try to open the database with 3.x compatibility to extract the // user_version (previously stored in schema_version, blown away by cipher_migrate). db = new SQL(filePath) as WritableDB; try { keyDatabase(db, key); // https://www.zetetic.net/blog/2018/11/30/sqlcipher-400-release/#compatability-sqlcipher-4-0-0 db.pragma('cipher_compatibility = 3'); migrateSchemaVersion(db); db.close(); // After migrating user_version -> schema_version, we reopen database, because // we can't migrate to the latest ciphers after we've modified the defaults. db = new SQL(filePath) as WritableDB; keyDatabase(db, key); db.pragma('cipher_migrate'); switchToWAL(db); } catch (error) { try { db.close(); } catch { // Best effort } throw error; } return db; } const INVALID_KEY = /[^0-9A-Fa-f]/; function openAndSetUpSQLCipher( filePath: string, { key, readonly }: { key: string; readonly: boolean } ) { const match = INVALID_KEY.exec(key); if (match) { throw new Error(`setupSQLCipher: key '${key}' is not valid`); } const db = openAndMigrateDatabase(filePath, key, readonly); try { // Because foreign key support is not enabled by default! db.pragma('foreign_keys = ON'); } catch (error) { try { db.close(); } catch { // Best effort } throw error; } return db; } let logger = consoleLogger; let databaseFilePath: string | undefined; let indexedDBPath: string | undefined; SQL.setLogHandler((code, value) => { logger.warn(`Database log code=${code}: ${value}`); }); export function initialize({ configDir, key, isPrimary, logger: suppliedLogger, }: { appVersion: string; configDir: string; key: string; isPrimary: boolean; logger: LoggerType; }): WritableDB { if (!isString(configDir)) { throw new Error('initialize: configDir is required!'); } if (!isString(key)) { throw new Error('initialize: key is required!'); } logger = suppliedLogger; indexedDBPath = join(configDir, 'IndexedDB'); const dbDir = join(configDir, 'sql'); mkdirSync(dbDir, { recursive: true }); databaseFilePath = join(dbDir, 'db.sqlite'); let db: WritableDB | undefined; try { db = openAndSetUpSQLCipher(databaseFilePath, { key, readonly: false, }); // For profiling use: // db.pragma('cipher_profile=\'sqlcipher.log\''); // Only the first worker gets to upgrade the schema. The rest just folow. if (isPrimary) { updateSchema(db, logger); } // test database getMessageCount(db); return db; } catch (error) { logger.error('Database startup error:', error.stack); db?.close(); throw error; } } export function setupTests(db: WritableDB): void { const silentLogger = { ...consoleLogger, info: noop, }; logger = silentLogger; updateSchema(db, logger); } function closeReadable(db: ReadableDB): void { db.close(); } function closeWritable(db: WritableDB): void { // SQLLite documentation suggests that we run `PRAGMA optimize` right // before closing the database connection. db.pragma('optimize'); db.close(); } export function removeDB(): void { if (!databaseFilePath) { throw new Error( 'removeDB: Cannot erase database without a databaseFilePath!' ); } logger.warn('removeDB: Removing all database files'); rimraf.sync(databaseFilePath); rimraf.sync(`${databaseFilePath}-shm`); rimraf.sync(`${databaseFilePath}-wal`); } function removeIndexedDBFiles(_db: WritableDB): void { if (!indexedDBPath) { throw new Error( 'removeIndexedDBFiles: Need to initialize and set indexedDBPath first!' ); } const pattern = join(indexedDBPath, '*.leveldb'); rimraf.sync(pattern); indexedDBPath = undefined; } // This is okay to use for queries that: // // - Don't modify persistent tables, but create and do work in temporary // tables // - Integrity checks // function toUnsafeWritableDB( db: ReadableDB, _reason: 'only temp table use' | 'integrity check' ): WritableDB { return db as unknown as WritableDB; } const IDENTITY_KEYS_TABLE = 'identityKeys'; function createOrUpdateIdentityKey( db: WritableDB, data: StoredIdentityKeyType ): void { return createOrUpdate(db, IDENTITY_KEYS_TABLE, data); } function getIdentityKeyById( db: ReadableDB, id: IdentityKeyIdType ): StoredIdentityKeyType | undefined { return getById(db, IDENTITY_KEYS_TABLE, id); } function bulkAddIdentityKeys( db: WritableDB, array: Array ): void { return bulkAdd(db, IDENTITY_KEYS_TABLE, array); } function removeIdentityKeyById(db: WritableDB, id: IdentityKeyIdType): number { return removeById(db, IDENTITY_KEYS_TABLE, id); } function removeAllIdentityKeys(db: WritableDB): number { return removeAllFromTable(db, IDENTITY_KEYS_TABLE); } function getAllIdentityKeys(db: ReadableDB): Array { return getAllFromTable(db, IDENTITY_KEYS_TABLE); } const KYBER_PRE_KEYS_TABLE = 'kyberPreKeys'; function createOrUpdateKyberPreKey( db: WritableDB, data: StoredKyberPreKeyType ): void { return createOrUpdate(db, KYBER_PRE_KEYS_TABLE, data); } function getKyberPreKeyById( db: ReadableDB, id: PreKeyIdType ): StoredKyberPreKeyType | undefined { return getById(db, KYBER_PRE_KEYS_TABLE, id); } function bulkAddKyberPreKeys( db: WritableDB, array: Array ): void { return bulkAdd(db, KYBER_PRE_KEYS_TABLE, array); } function removeKyberPreKeyById( db: WritableDB, id: PreKeyIdType | Array ): number { return removeById(db, KYBER_PRE_KEYS_TABLE, id); } function removeKyberPreKeysByServiceId( db: WritableDB, serviceId: ServiceIdString ): void { db.prepare( 'DELETE FROM kyberPreKeys WHERE ourServiceId IS $serviceId;' ).run({ serviceId, }); } function removeAllKyberPreKeys(db: WritableDB): number { return removeAllFromTable(db, KYBER_PRE_KEYS_TABLE); } function getAllKyberPreKeys(db: ReadableDB): Array { return getAllFromTable(db, KYBER_PRE_KEYS_TABLE); } const PRE_KEYS_TABLE = 'preKeys'; function createOrUpdatePreKey(db: WritableDB, data: StoredPreKeyType): void { return createOrUpdate(db, PRE_KEYS_TABLE, data); } function getPreKeyById( db: ReadableDB, id: PreKeyIdType ): StoredPreKeyType | undefined { return getById(db, PRE_KEYS_TABLE, id); } function bulkAddPreKeys(db: WritableDB, array: Array): void { return bulkAdd(db, PRE_KEYS_TABLE, array); } function removePreKeyById( db: WritableDB, id: PreKeyIdType | Array ): number { return removeById(db, PRE_KEYS_TABLE, id); } function removePreKeysByServiceId( db: WritableDB, serviceId: ServiceIdString ): void { db.prepare( 'DELETE FROM preKeys WHERE ourServiceId IS $serviceId;' ).run({ serviceId, }); } function removeAllPreKeys(db: WritableDB): number { return removeAllFromTable(db, PRE_KEYS_TABLE); } function getAllPreKeys(db: ReadableDB): Array { return getAllFromTable(db, PRE_KEYS_TABLE); } const SIGNED_PRE_KEYS_TABLE = 'signedPreKeys'; function createOrUpdateSignedPreKey( db: WritableDB, data: StoredSignedPreKeyType ): void { return createOrUpdate(db, SIGNED_PRE_KEYS_TABLE, data); } function getSignedPreKeyById( db: ReadableDB, id: SignedPreKeyIdType ): StoredSignedPreKeyType | undefined { return getById(db, SIGNED_PRE_KEYS_TABLE, id); } function bulkAddSignedPreKeys( db: WritableDB, array: Array ): void { return bulkAdd(db, SIGNED_PRE_KEYS_TABLE, array); } function removeSignedPreKeyById( db: WritableDB, id: SignedPreKeyIdType | Array ): number { return removeById(db, SIGNED_PRE_KEYS_TABLE, id); } function removeSignedPreKeysByServiceId( db: WritableDB, serviceId: ServiceIdString ): void { db.prepare( 'DELETE FROM signedPreKeys WHERE ourServiceId IS $serviceId;' ).run({ serviceId, }); } function removeAllSignedPreKeys(db: WritableDB): number { return removeAllFromTable(db, SIGNED_PRE_KEYS_TABLE); } function getAllSignedPreKeys(db: ReadableDB): Array { const rows: JSONRows = db .prepare( ` SELECT json FROM signedPreKeys ORDER BY id ASC; ` ) .all(); return rows.map(row => jsonToObject(row.json)); } const ITEMS_TABLE = 'items'; function createOrUpdateItem( db: WritableDB, data: StoredItemType ): void { return createOrUpdate(db, ITEMS_TABLE, data); } function getItemById( db: ReadableDB, id: K ): StoredItemType | undefined { return getById(db, ITEMS_TABLE, id); } function getAllItems(db: ReadableDB): StoredAllItemsType { const rows: JSONRows = db .prepare('SELECT json FROM items ORDER BY id ASC;') .all(); type RawItemType = { id: ItemKeyType; value: unknown }; const items = rows.map(row => jsonToObject(row.json)); const result: Record = Object.create(null); for (const { id, value } of items) { result[id] = value; } return result as unknown as StoredAllItemsType; } function removeItemById( db: WritableDB, id: ItemKeyType | Array ): number { return removeById(db, ITEMS_TABLE, id); } function removeAllItems(db: WritableDB): number { return removeAllFromTable(db, ITEMS_TABLE); } function createOrUpdateSenderKey(db: WritableDB, key: SenderKeyType): void { prepare( db, ` INSERT OR REPLACE INTO senderKeys ( id, senderId, distributionId, data, lastUpdatedDate ) values ( $id, $senderId, $distributionId, $data, $lastUpdatedDate ) ` ).run(key); } function getSenderKeyById( db: ReadableDB, id: SenderKeyIdType ): SenderKeyType | undefined { const row = prepare(db, 'SELECT * FROM senderKeys WHERE id = $id').get({ id, }); return row; } function removeAllSenderKeys(db: WritableDB): void { prepare(db, 'DELETE FROM senderKeys').run(); } function getAllSenderKeys(db: ReadableDB): Array { const rows = prepare(db, 'SELECT * FROM senderKeys').all(); return rows; } function removeSenderKeyById(db: WritableDB, id: SenderKeyIdType): void { prepare(db, 'DELETE FROM senderKeys WHERE id = $id').run({ id }); } function insertSentProto( db: WritableDB, proto: SentProtoType, options: { recipients: SentRecipientsType; messageIds: SentMessagesType; } ): number { const { recipients, messageIds } = options; // Note: we use `pluck` in this function to fetch only the first column of returned row. return db.transaction(() => { // 1. Insert the payload, fetching its primary key id const info = prepare( db, ` INSERT INTO sendLogPayloads ( contentHint, proto, timestamp, urgent, hasPniSignatureMessage ) VALUES ( $contentHint, $proto, $timestamp, $urgent, $hasPniSignatureMessage ); ` ).run({ ...proto, urgent: proto.urgent ? 1 : 0, hasPniSignatureMessage: proto.hasPniSignatureMessage ? 1 : 0, }); const id = parseIntOrThrow( info.lastInsertRowid, 'insertSentProto/lastInsertRowid' ); // 2. Insert a record for each recipient device. const recipientStatement = prepare( db, ` INSERT INTO sendLogRecipients ( payloadId, recipientServiceId, deviceId ) VALUES ( $id, $recipientServiceId, $deviceId ); ` ); const recipientServiceIds = Object.keys(recipients); for (const recipientServiceId of recipientServiceIds) { strictAssert( isServiceIdString(recipientServiceId), 'Recipient must be a service id' ); const deviceIds = recipients[recipientServiceId]; for (const deviceId of deviceIds) { recipientStatement.run({ id, recipientServiceId, deviceId, }); } } // 2. Insert a record for each message referenced by this payload. const messageStatement = prepare( db, ` INSERT INTO sendLogMessageIds ( payloadId, messageId ) VALUES ( $id, $messageId ); ` ); for (const messageId of new Set(messageIds)) { messageStatement.run({ id, messageId, }); } return id; })(); } function deleteSentProtosOlderThan(db: WritableDB, timestamp: number): void { prepare( db, ` DELETE FROM sendLogPayloads WHERE timestamp IS NULL OR timestamp < $timestamp; ` ).run({ timestamp, }); } function deleteSentProtoByMessageId(db: WritableDB, messageId: string): void { prepare( db, ` DELETE FROM sendLogPayloads WHERE id IN ( SELECT payloadId FROM sendLogMessageIds WHERE messageId = $messageId ); ` ).run({ messageId, }); } function insertProtoRecipients( db: WritableDB, { id, recipientServiceId, deviceIds, }: { id: number; recipientServiceId: ServiceIdString; deviceIds: Array; } ): void { db.transaction(() => { const statement = prepare( db, ` INSERT INTO sendLogRecipients ( payloadId, recipientServiceId, deviceId ) VALUES ( $id, $recipientServiceId, $deviceId ); ` ); for (const deviceId of deviceIds) { statement.run({ id, recipientServiceId, deviceId, }); } })(); } function deleteSentProtoRecipient( db: WritableDB, options: | DeleteSentProtoRecipientOptionsType | ReadonlyArray ): DeleteSentProtoRecipientResultType { const items = Array.isArray(options) ? options : [options]; // Note: we use `pluck` in this function to fetch only the first column of // returned row. return db.transaction(() => { const successfulPhoneNumberShares = new Array(); for (const item of items) { const { timestamp, recipientServiceId, deviceId } = item; // 1. Figure out what payload we're talking about. const rows = prepare( db, ` SELECT sendLogPayloads.id, sendLogPayloads.hasPniSignatureMessage FROM sendLogPayloads INNER JOIN sendLogRecipients ON sendLogRecipients.payloadId = sendLogPayloads.id WHERE sendLogPayloads.timestamp = $timestamp AND sendLogRecipients.recipientServiceId = $recipientServiceId AND sendLogRecipients.deviceId = $deviceId; ` ).all({ timestamp, recipientServiceId, deviceId }); if (!rows.length) { continue; } if (rows.length > 1) { logger.warn( 'deleteSentProtoRecipient: More than one payload matches ' + `recipient and timestamp ${timestamp}. Using the first.` ); } const { id, hasPniSignatureMessage } = rows[0]; // 2. Delete the recipient/device combination in question. prepare( db, ` DELETE FROM sendLogRecipients WHERE payloadId = $id AND recipientServiceId = $recipientServiceId AND deviceId = $deviceId; ` ).run({ id, recipientServiceId, deviceId }); // 3. See how many more recipient devices there were for this payload. const remainingDevices = prepare( db, ` SELECT count(1) FROM sendLogRecipients WHERE payloadId = $id AND recipientServiceId = $recipientServiceId; `, { pluck: true } ).get({ id, recipientServiceId }); // 4. If there are no remaining devices for this recipient and we included // the pni signature in the proto - return the recipient to the caller. if (remainingDevices === 0 && hasPniSignatureMessage) { logger.info( 'deleteSentProtoRecipient: ' + `Successfully shared phone number with ${recipientServiceId} ` + `through message ${timestamp}` ); successfulPhoneNumberShares.push(recipientServiceId); } strictAssert( isNumber(remainingDevices), 'deleteSentProtoRecipient: select count() returned non-number!' ); // 5. See how many more recipients there were for this payload. const remainingTotal = prepare( db, 'SELECT count(1) FROM sendLogRecipients WHERE payloadId = $id;', { pluck: true } ).get({ id }); strictAssert( isNumber(remainingTotal), 'deleteSentProtoRecipient: select count() returned non-number!' ); if (remainingTotal > 0) { continue; } // 6. Delete the entire payload if there are no more recipients left. logger.info( 'deleteSentProtoRecipient: ' + `Deleting proto payload for timestamp ${timestamp}` ); prepare(db, 'DELETE FROM sendLogPayloads WHERE id = $id;').run({ id, }); } return { successfulPhoneNumberShares }; })(); } function getSentProtoByRecipient( db: WritableDB, { now, recipientServiceId, timestamp, }: { now: number; recipientServiceId: ServiceIdString; timestamp: number; } ): SentProtoWithMessageIdsType | undefined { const HOUR = 1000 * 60 * 60; const oneDayAgo = now - HOUR * 24; deleteSentProtosOlderThan(db, oneDayAgo); const row = prepare( db, ` SELECT sendLogPayloads.*, GROUP_CONCAT(DISTINCT sendLogMessageIds.messageId) AS messageIds FROM sendLogPayloads INNER JOIN sendLogRecipients ON sendLogRecipients.payloadId = sendLogPayloads.id LEFT JOIN sendLogMessageIds ON sendLogMessageIds.payloadId = sendLogPayloads.id WHERE sendLogPayloads.timestamp = $timestamp AND sendLogRecipients.recipientServiceId = $recipientServiceId GROUP BY sendLogPayloads.id; ` ).get({ timestamp, recipientServiceId, }); if (!row) { return undefined; } const { messageIds } = row; return { ...row, urgent: isNumber(row.urgent) ? Boolean(row.urgent) : true, hasPniSignatureMessage: isNumber(row.hasPniSignatureMessage) ? Boolean(row.hasPniSignatureMessage) : true, messageIds: messageIds ? messageIds.split(',') : [], }; } function removeAllSentProtos(db: WritableDB): void { prepare(db, 'DELETE FROM sendLogPayloads;').run(); } function getAllSentProtos(db: ReadableDB): Array { const rows = prepare(db, 'SELECT * FROM sendLogPayloads;').all(); return rows.map(row => ({ ...row, urgent: isNumber(row.urgent) ? Boolean(row.urgent) : true, hasPniSignatureMessage: isNumber(row.hasPniSignatureMessage) ? Boolean(row.hasPniSignatureMessage) : true, })); } function _getAllSentProtoRecipients( db: ReadableDB ): Array { const rows = prepare( db, 'SELECT * FROM sendLogRecipients;' ).all(); return rows; } function _getAllSentProtoMessageIds(db: ReadableDB): Array { const rows = prepare( db, 'SELECT * FROM sendLogMessageIds;' ).all(); return rows; } const SESSIONS_TABLE = 'sessions'; function createOrUpdateSession(db: WritableDB, data: SessionType): void { const { id, conversationId, ourServiceId, serviceId } = data; if (!id) { throw new Error( 'createOrUpdateSession: Provided data did not have a truthy id' ); } if (!conversationId) { throw new Error( 'createOrUpdateSession: Provided data did not have a truthy conversationId' ); } prepare( db, ` INSERT OR REPLACE INTO sessions ( id, conversationId, ourServiceId, serviceId, json ) values ( $id, $conversationId, $ourServiceId, $serviceId, $json ) ` ).run({ id, conversationId, ourServiceId, serviceId, json: objectToJSON(data), }); } function createOrUpdateSessions( db: WritableDB, array: Array ): void { db.transaction(() => { for (const item of array) { createOrUpdateSession(db, item); } })(); } function commitDecryptResult( db: WritableDB, { senderKeys, sessions, unprocessed, }: { senderKeys: Array; sessions: Array; unprocessed: Array; } ): void { db.transaction(() => { for (const item of senderKeys) { createOrUpdateSenderKey(db, item); } for (const item of sessions) { createOrUpdateSession(db, item); } for (const item of unprocessed) { saveUnprocessed(db, item); } })(); } function bulkAddSessions(db: WritableDB, array: Array): void { return bulkAdd(db, SESSIONS_TABLE, array); } function removeSessionById(db: WritableDB, id: SessionIdType): number { return removeById(db, SESSIONS_TABLE, id); } function removeSessionsByConversation( db: WritableDB, conversationId: string ): void { db.prepare( ` DELETE FROM sessions WHERE conversationId = $conversationId; ` ).run({ conversationId, }); } function removeSessionsByServiceId( db: WritableDB, serviceId: ServiceIdString ): void { db.prepare( ` DELETE FROM sessions WHERE serviceId = $serviceId; ` ).run({ serviceId, }); } function removeAllSessions(db: WritableDB): number { return removeAllFromTable(db, SESSIONS_TABLE); } function getAllSessions(db: ReadableDB): Array { return getAllFromTable(db, SESSIONS_TABLE); } // Conversations function getConversationCount(db: ReadableDB): number { return getCountFromTable(db, 'conversations'); } function getConversationMembersList({ members, membersV2 }: ConversationType) { if (membersV2) { return membersV2.map((item: GroupV2MemberType) => item.aci).join(' '); } if (members) { return members.join(' '); } return null; } function saveConversation(db: WritableDB, data: ConversationType): void { const { active_at, e164, groupId, id, name, profileFamilyName, profileName, profileLastFetchedAt, type, serviceId, } = data; const membersList = getConversationMembersList(data); db.prepare( ` INSERT INTO conversations ( id, json, e164, serviceId, groupId, active_at, type, members, name, profileName, profileFamilyName, profileFullName, profileLastFetchedAt ) values ( $id, $json, $e164, $serviceId, $groupId, $active_at, $type, $members, $name, $profileName, $profileFamilyName, $profileFullName, $profileLastFetchedAt ); ` ).run({ id, json: objectToJSON( omit(data, ['profileLastFetchedAt', 'unblurredAvatarUrl']) ), e164: e164 || null, serviceId: serviceId || null, groupId: groupId || null, active_at: active_at || null, type, members: membersList, name: name || null, profileName: profileName || null, profileFamilyName: profileFamilyName || null, profileFullName: combineNames(profileName, profileFamilyName) || null, profileLastFetchedAt: profileLastFetchedAt || null, }); } function saveConversations( db: WritableDB, arrayOfConversations: Array ): void { db.transaction(() => { for (const conversation of arrayOfConversations) { saveConversation(db, conversation); } })(); } function updateConversation(db: WritableDB, data: ConversationType): void { const { id, active_at, type, name, profileName, profileFamilyName, profileLastFetchedAt, e164, serviceId, expireTimerVersion, } = data; const membersList = getConversationMembersList(data); db.prepare( ` UPDATE conversations SET json = $json, e164 = $e164, serviceId = $serviceId, active_at = $active_at, type = $type, members = $members, name = $name, profileName = $profileName, profileFamilyName = $profileFamilyName, profileFullName = $profileFullName, profileLastFetchedAt = $profileLastFetchedAt, expireTimerVersion = $expireTimerVersion WHERE id = $id; ` ).run({ id, json: objectToJSON( omit(data, ['profileLastFetchedAt', 'unblurredAvatarUrl']) ), e164: e164 || null, serviceId: serviceId || null, active_at: active_at || null, type, members: membersList, name: name || null, profileName: profileName || null, profileFamilyName: profileFamilyName || null, profileFullName: combineNames(profileName, profileFamilyName) || null, profileLastFetchedAt: profileLastFetchedAt || null, expireTimerVersion, }); } function updateConversations( db: WritableDB, array: Array ): void { db.transaction(() => { for (const item of array) { updateConversation(db, item); } })(); } function removeConversations(db: WritableDB, ids: ReadonlyArray): void { // Our node interface doesn't seem to allow you to replace one single ? with an array db.prepare( ` DELETE FROM conversations WHERE id IN ( ${ids.map(() => '?').join(', ')} ); ` ).run(ids); } function removeConversation(db: WritableDB, id: Array | string): void { if (!Array.isArray(id)) { db.prepare('DELETE FROM conversations WHERE id = $id;').run({ id, }); return; } if (!id.length) { throw new Error('removeConversation: No ids to delete!'); } batchMultiVarQuery(db, id, ids => removeConversations(db, ids)); } function _removeAllConversations(db: WritableDB): void { db.prepare('DELETE from conversations;').run(); } function getConversationById( db: ReadableDB, id: string ): ConversationType | undefined { const row: { json: string } = db .prepare('SELECT json FROM conversations WHERE id = $id;') .get({ id }); if (!row) { return undefined; } return jsonToObject(row.json); } function getAllConversations(db: ReadableDB): Array { const rows: ConversationRows = db .prepare( ` SELECT json, profileLastFetchedAt, expireTimerVersion FROM conversations ORDER BY id ASC; ` ) .all(); return rows.map(row => rowToConversation(row)); } function getAllConversationIds(db: ReadableDB): Array { const rows: Array<{ id: string }> = db .prepare( ` SELECT id FROM conversations ORDER BY id ASC; ` ) .all(); return rows.map(row => row.id); } function getAllGroupsInvolvingServiceId( db: ReadableDB, serviceId: ServiceIdString ): Array { const rows: ConversationRows = db .prepare( ` SELECT json, profileLastFetchedAt, expireTimerVersion FROM conversations WHERE type = 'group' AND members LIKE $serviceId ORDER BY id ASC; ` ) .all({ serviceId: `%${serviceId}%`, }); return rows.map(row => rowToConversation(row)); } function searchMessages( db: ReadableDB, { query, options, conversationId, contactServiceIdsMatchingQuery, }: { query: string; options?: { limit?: number }; conversationId?: string; contactServiceIdsMatchingQuery?: Array; } ): Array { const { limit = conversationId ? 100 : 500 } = options ?? {}; const writable = toUnsafeWritableDB(db, 'only temp table use'); const normalizedQuery = writable .signalTokenize(query) .map(token => `"${token.replace(/"/g, '""')}"*`) .join(' '); // FTS5 is not happy about empty "MATCH" so short-circuit early. if (!normalizedQuery) { return []; } // sqlite queries with a join on a virtual table (like FTS5) are de-optimized // and can't use indices for ordering results. Instead an in-memory index of // the join rows is sorted on the fly, and this becomes substantially // slower when there are large columns in it (like `messages.json`). // // Thus here we take an indirect approach and store `rowid`s in a temporary // table for all messages that match the FTS query. Then we create another // table to sort and limit the results, and finally join on it when fetch // the snippets and json. The benefit of this is that the `ORDER BY` and // `LIMIT` happen without virtual table and are thus covered by // `messages_searchOrder` index. return writable.transaction(() => { writable.exec( ` CREATE TEMP TABLE tmp_results(rowid INTEGER PRIMARY KEY ASC); CREATE TEMP TABLE tmp_filtered_results(rowid INTEGER PRIMARY KEY ASC); ` ); writable .prepare( ` INSERT INTO tmp_results (rowid) SELECT rowid FROM messages_fts WHERE messages_fts.body MATCH $query; ` ) .run({ query: normalizedQuery }); if (conversationId === undefined) { writable .prepare( ` INSERT INTO tmp_filtered_results (rowid) SELECT tmp_results.rowid FROM tmp_results INNER JOIN messages ON messages.rowid = tmp_results.rowid ORDER BY messages.received_at DESC, messages.sent_at DESC LIMIT $limit; ` ) .run({ limit }); } else { writable .prepare( ` INSERT INTO tmp_filtered_results (rowid) SELECT tmp_results.rowid FROM tmp_results INNER JOIN messages ON messages.rowid = tmp_results.rowid WHERE messages.conversationId = $conversationId ORDER BY messages.received_at DESC, messages.sent_at DESC LIMIT $limit; ` ) .run({ conversationId, limit }); } // The `MATCH` is necessary in order to for `snippet()` helper function to // give us the right results. We can't call `snippet()` in the query above // because it would bloat the temporary table with text data and we want // to keep its size minimal for `ORDER BY` + `LIMIT` to be fast. const ftsFragment = sqlFragment` SELECT messages.rowid, messages.json, messages.sent_at, messages.received_at, snippet(messages_fts, -1, ${SNIPPET_LEFT_PLACEHOLDER}, ${SNIPPET_RIGHT_PLACEHOLDER}, ${SNIPPET_TRUNCATION_PLACEHOLDER}, 10) AS ftsSnippet FROM tmp_filtered_results INNER JOIN messages_fts ON messages_fts.rowid = tmp_filtered_results.rowid INNER JOIN messages ON messages.rowid = tmp_filtered_results.rowid WHERE messages_fts.body MATCH ${normalizedQuery} ORDER BY messages.received_at DESC, messages.sent_at DESC LIMIT ${limit} `; let result: Array; if (!contactServiceIdsMatchingQuery?.length) { const [sqlQuery, params] = sql`${ftsFragment};`; result = writable.prepare(sqlQuery).all(params); } else { // If contactServiceIdsMatchingQuery is not empty, we due an OUTER JOIN // between: // 1) the messages that mention at least one of // contactServiceIdsMatchingQuery, and // 2) the messages that match all the search terms via FTS // // Note: this groups the results by rowid, so even if one message // mentions multiple matching UUIDs, we only return one to be // highlighted const [sqlQuery, params] = sql` SELECT messages.rowid as rowid, COALESCE(messages.json, ftsResults.json) as json, COALESCE(messages.sent_at, ftsResults.sent_at) as sent_at, COALESCE(messages.received_at, ftsResults.received_at) as received_at, ftsResults.ftsSnippet, mentionAci, start as mentionStart, length as mentionLength FROM mentions INNER JOIN messages ON messages.id = mentions.messageId AND mentions.mentionAci IN ( ${sqlJoin(contactServiceIdsMatchingQuery)} ) AND ${ conversationId ? sqlFragment`messages.conversationId = ${conversationId}` : '1 IS 1' } AND messages.isViewOnce IS NOT 1 AND messages.storyId IS NULL FULL OUTER JOIN ( ${ftsFragment} ) as ftsResults USING (rowid) GROUP BY rowid ORDER BY received_at DESC, sent_at DESC LIMIT ${limit}; `; result = writable.prepare(sqlQuery).all(params); } writable.exec( ` DROP TABLE tmp_results; DROP TABLE tmp_filtered_results; ` ); return result; })(); } function getStoryCount(db: ReadableDB, conversationId: string): number { return db .prepare( ` SELECT count(1) FROM messages WHERE conversationId = $conversationId AND isStory = 1; ` ) .pluck() .get({ conversationId }); } function getMessageCount(db: ReadableDB, conversationId?: string): number { if (conversationId === undefined) { return getCountFromTable(db, 'messages'); } const count = db .prepare( ` SELECT count(1) FROM messages WHERE conversationId = $conversationId; ` ) .pluck() .get({ conversationId }); return count; } // Note: we really only use this in 1:1 conversations, where story replies are always // shown, so this has no need to be story-aware. function hasUserInitiatedMessages( db: ReadableDB, conversationId: string ): boolean { const exists: number = db .prepare( ` SELECT EXISTS( SELECT 1 FROM messages INDEXED BY message_user_initiated WHERE conversationId IS $conversationId AND isUserInitiatedMessage IS 1 ); ` ) .pluck() .get({ conversationId }); return exists !== 0; } export function getMostRecentAddressableMessages( db: ReadableDB, conversationId: string, limit = 5 ): Array { const [query, parameters] = sql` SELECT json FROM messages INDEXED BY messages_by_date_addressable WHERE conversationId IS ${conversationId} AND isAddressableMessage = 1 ORDER BY received_at DESC, sent_at DESC LIMIT ${limit}; `; const rows = db.prepare(query).all(parameters); return rows.map(row => jsonToObject(row.json)); } export function getMostRecentAddressableNondisappearingMessages( db: ReadableDB, conversationId: string, limit = 5 ): Array { const [query, parameters] = sql` SELECT json FROM messages INDEXED BY messages_by_date_addressable_nondisappearing WHERE expireTimer IS NULL AND conversationId IS ${conversationId} AND isAddressableMessage = 1 ORDER BY received_at DESC, sent_at DESC LIMIT ${limit}; `; const rows = db.prepare(query).all(parameters); return rows.map(row => jsonToObject(row.json)); } export function removeSyncTaskById(db: WritableDB, id: string): void { const [query, parameters] = sql` DELETE FROM syncTasks WHERE id IS ${id} `; db.prepare(query).run(parameters); } export function saveSyncTasks( db: WritableDB, tasks: Array ): void { return db.transaction(() => { tasks.forEach(task => saveSyncTask(db, task)); })(); } function saveSyncTask(db: WritableDB, task: SyncTaskType): void { const { id, attempts, createdAt, data, envelopeId, sentAt, type } = task; const [query, parameters] = sql` INSERT INTO syncTasks ( id, attempts, createdAt, data, envelopeId, sentAt, type ) VALUES ( ${id}, ${attempts}, ${createdAt}, ${objectToJSON(data)}, ${envelopeId}, ${sentAt}, ${type} ) `; db.prepare(query).run(parameters); } export function getAllSyncTasks(db: WritableDB): Array { return db.transaction(() => { const [selectAllQuery] = sql` SELECT * FROM syncTasks ORDER BY createdAt ASC, sentAt ASC, id ASC `; const rows = db.prepare(selectAllQuery).all(); const tasks: Array = rows.map(row => ({ ...row, data: jsonToObject(row.data), })); const [query] = sql` UPDATE syncTasks SET attempts = attempts + 1 `; db.prepare(query).run(); const [toDelete, toReturn] = partition(tasks, task => { if ( isNormalNumber(task.attempts) && task.attempts < MAX_SYNC_TASK_ATTEMPTS ) { return false; } if (isMoreRecentThan(task.createdAt, durations.WEEK)) { return false; } return true; }); if (toDelete.length > 0) { logger.warn(`getAllSyncTasks: Removing ${toDelete.length} expired tasks`); toDelete.forEach(task => { removeSyncTaskById(db, task.id); }); } return toReturn; })(); } export function saveMessage( db: WritableDB, data: ReadonlyDeep, options: { alreadyInTransaction?: boolean; forceSave?: boolean; jobToInsert?: StoredJob; ourAci: AciString; } ): string { const { alreadyInTransaction, forceSave, jobToInsert, ourAci } = options; if (!alreadyInTransaction) { return db.transaction(() => { return saveMessage(db, data, { ...options, alreadyInTransaction: true, }); })(); } const { body, conversationId, groupV2Change, hasAttachments, hasFileAttachments, hasVisualMediaAttachments, id, isErased, isViewOnce, mentionsMe, received_at, schemaVersion, sent_at, serverGuid, source, sourceServiceId, sourceDevice, storyId, type, readStatus, expireTimer, expirationStartTimestamp, attachments, } = data; let { seenStatus } = data; if (attachments) { strictAssert( attachments.every( attachment => !attachment.data && !attachment.screenshotData && !attachment.screenshot?.data && !attachment.thumbnail?.data ), 'Attempting to save a message with binary attachment data' ); } if (readStatus === ReadStatus.Unread && seenStatus !== SeenStatus.Unseen) { logger.warn( `saveMessage: Message ${id}/${type} is unread but had seenStatus=${seenStatus}. Forcing to UnseenStatus.Unseen.` ); // eslint-disable-next-line no-param-reassign data = { ...data, seenStatus: SeenStatus.Unseen, }; seenStatus = SeenStatus.Unseen; } const payload = { id, json: objectToJSON(data), body: body || null, conversationId, expirationStartTimestamp: expirationStartTimestamp || null, expireTimer: expireTimer || null, hasAttachments: hasAttachments ? 1 : 0, hasFileAttachments: hasFileAttachments ? 1 : 0, hasVisualMediaAttachments: hasVisualMediaAttachments ? 1 : 0, isChangeCreatedByUs: groupV2Change?.from === ourAci ? 1 : 0, isErased: isErased ? 1 : 0, isViewOnce: isViewOnce ? 1 : 0, mentionsMe: mentionsMe ? 1 : 0, received_at: received_at || null, schemaVersion: schemaVersion || 0, serverGuid: serverGuid || null, sent_at: sent_at || null, source: source || null, sourceServiceId: sourceServiceId || null, sourceDevice: sourceDevice || null, storyId: storyId || null, type: type || null, readStatus: readStatus ?? null, seenStatus: seenStatus ?? SeenStatus.NotApplicable, }; if (id && !forceSave) { prepare( db, ` UPDATE messages SET id = $id, json = $json, body = $body, conversationId = $conversationId, expirationStartTimestamp = $expirationStartTimestamp, expireTimer = $expireTimer, hasAttachments = $hasAttachments, hasFileAttachments = $hasFileAttachments, hasVisualMediaAttachments = $hasVisualMediaAttachments, isChangeCreatedByUs = $isChangeCreatedByUs, isErased = $isErased, isViewOnce = $isViewOnce, mentionsMe = $mentionsMe, received_at = $received_at, schemaVersion = $schemaVersion, serverGuid = $serverGuid, sent_at = $sent_at, source = $source, sourceServiceId = $sourceServiceId, sourceDevice = $sourceDevice, storyId = $storyId, type = $type, readStatus = $readStatus, seenStatus = $seenStatus WHERE id = $id; ` ).run(payload); if (jobToInsert) { insertJob(db, jobToInsert); } return id; } const toCreate = { ...data, id: id || generateUuid(), }; prepare( db, ` INSERT INTO messages ( id, json, body, conversationId, expirationStartTimestamp, expireTimer, hasAttachments, hasFileAttachments, hasVisualMediaAttachments, isChangeCreatedByUs, isErased, isViewOnce, mentionsMe, received_at, schemaVersion, serverGuid, sent_at, source, sourceServiceId, sourceDevice, storyId, type, readStatus, seenStatus ) values ( $id, $json, $body, $conversationId, $expirationStartTimestamp, $expireTimer, $hasAttachments, $hasFileAttachments, $hasVisualMediaAttachments, $isChangeCreatedByUs, $isErased, $isViewOnce, $mentionsMe, $received_at, $schemaVersion, $serverGuid, $sent_at, $source, $sourceServiceId, $sourceDevice, $storyId, $type, $readStatus, $seenStatus ); ` ).run({ ...payload, id: toCreate.id, json: objectToJSON(toCreate), }); if (jobToInsert) { insertJob(db, jobToInsert); } return toCreate.id; } function saveMessages( db: WritableDB, arrayOfMessages: ReadonlyArray>, options: { forceSave?: boolean; ourAci: AciString } ): Array { return db.transaction(() => { const result = new Array(); for (const message of arrayOfMessages) { result.push( saveMessage(db, message, { ...options, alreadyInTransaction: true, }) ); } return result; })(); } function removeMessage(db: WritableDB, id: string): void { db.prepare('DELETE FROM messages WHERE id = $id;').run({ id }); } function removeMessagesBatch(db: WritableDB, ids: ReadonlyArray): void { db.prepare( ` DELETE FROM messages WHERE id IN ( ${ids.map(() => '?').join(', ')} ); ` ).run(ids); } function removeMessages(db: WritableDB, ids: ReadonlyArray): void { batchMultiVarQuery(db, ids, batch => removeMessagesBatch(db, batch)); } export function getMessageById( db: ReadableDB, id: string ): MessageType | undefined { const row = db .prepare('SELECT json FROM messages WHERE id = $id;') .get({ id, }); if (!row) { return undefined; } return jsonToObject(row.json); } function getMessagesById( db: ReadableDB, messageIds: ReadonlyArray ): Array { return batchMultiVarQuery( db, messageIds, (batch: ReadonlyArray): Array => { const query = db.prepare( `SELECT json FROM messages WHERE id IN (${Array(batch.length) .fill('?') .join(',')});` ); const rows: JSONRows = query.all(batch); return rows.map(row => jsonToObject(row.json)); } ); } function _getAllMessages(db: ReadableDB): Array { const rows: JSONRows = db .prepare('SELECT json FROM messages ORDER BY id ASC;') .all(); return rows.map(row => jsonToObject(row.json)); } function _removeAllMessages(db: WritableDB): void { db.exec(` DELETE FROM messages; INSERT INTO messages_fts(messages_fts) VALUES('optimize'); `); } function getAllMessageIds(db: ReadableDB): Array { const rows: Array<{ id: string }> = db .prepare('SELECT id FROM messages ORDER BY id ASC;') .all(); return rows.map(row => row.id); } function getMessageBySender( db: ReadableDB, { source, sourceServiceId, sourceDevice, sent_at, }: { source?: string; sourceServiceId?: ServiceIdString; sourceDevice?: number; sent_at: number; } ): MessageType | undefined { const rows: JSONRows = prepare( db, ` SELECT json FROM messages WHERE (source = $source OR sourceServiceId = $sourceServiceId) AND sourceDevice = $sourceDevice AND sent_at = $sent_at LIMIT 2; ` ).all({ source: source || null, sourceServiceId: sourceServiceId || null, sourceDevice: sourceDevice || null, sent_at, }); if (rows.length > 1) { logger.warn('getMessageBySender: More than one message found for', { sent_at, source, sourceServiceId, sourceDevice, }); } if (rows.length < 1) { return undefined; } return jsonToObject(rows[0].json); } export function _storyIdPredicate( storyId: string | undefined, includeStoryReplies: boolean ): QueryFragment { // This is unintuitive, but 'including story replies' means that we need replies to // lots of different stories. So, we remove the storyId check with a clause that will // always be true. We don't just return TRUE because we want to use our passed-in // $storyId parameter. if (includeStoryReplies && storyId === undefined) { return sqlFragment`${storyId} IS NULL`; } // In contrast to: replies to a specific story return sqlFragment`storyId IS ${storyId}`; } function getUnreadByConversationAndMarkRead( db: WritableDB, { conversationId, includeStoryReplies, newestUnreadAt, storyId, readAt, now = Date.now(), }: { conversationId: string; includeStoryReplies: boolean; newestUnreadAt: number; storyId?: string; readAt?: number; now?: number; } ): GetUnreadByConversationAndMarkReadResultType { return db.transaction(() => { const expirationStartTimestamp = Math.min(now, readAt ?? Infinity); const expirationJsonPatch = JSON.stringify({ expirationStartTimestamp }); const [updateExpirationQuery, updateExpirationParams] = sql` UPDATE messages INDEXED BY expiring_message_by_conversation_and_received_at SET expirationStartTimestamp = ${expirationStartTimestamp}, json = json_patch(json, ${expirationJsonPatch}) WHERE conversationId = ${conversationId} AND (${_storyIdPredicate(storyId, includeStoryReplies)}) AND isStory IS 0 AND type IS 'incoming' AND ( expirationStartTimestamp IS NULL OR expirationStartTimestamp > ${expirationStartTimestamp} ) AND expireTimer > 0 AND received_at <= ${newestUnreadAt}; `; db.prepare(updateExpirationQuery).run(updateExpirationParams); const [selectQuery, selectParams] = sql` SELECT id, json FROM messages WHERE conversationId = ${conversationId} AND seenStatus = ${SeenStatus.Unseen} AND isStory = 0 AND (${_storyIdPredicate(storyId, includeStoryReplies)}) AND received_at <= ${newestUnreadAt} ORDER BY received_at DESC, sent_at DESC; `; const rows = db.prepare(selectQuery).all(selectParams); const statusJsonPatch = JSON.stringify({ readStatus: ReadStatus.Read, seenStatus: SeenStatus.Seen, }); const [updateStatusQuery, updateStatusParams] = sql` UPDATE messages SET readStatus = ${ReadStatus.Read}, seenStatus = ${SeenStatus.Seen}, json = json_patch(json, ${statusJsonPatch}) WHERE conversationId = ${conversationId} AND seenStatus = ${SeenStatus.Unseen} AND isStory = 0 AND (${_storyIdPredicate(storyId, includeStoryReplies)}) AND received_at <= ${newestUnreadAt}; `; db.prepare(updateStatusQuery).run(updateStatusParams); return rows.map(row => { const json = jsonToObject(row.json); return { originalReadStatus: json.readStatus, readStatus: ReadStatus.Read, seenStatus: SeenStatus.Seen, ...pick(json, [ 'expirationStartTimestamp', 'id', 'sent_at', 'source', 'sourceServiceId', 'type', ]), }; }); })(); } function getUnreadReactionsAndMarkRead( db: WritableDB, { conversationId, newestUnreadAt, storyId, }: { conversationId: string; newestUnreadAt: number; storyId?: string; } ): Array { return db.transaction(() => { const unreadMessages: Array = db .prepare( ` SELECT reactions.rowid, targetAuthorAci, targetTimestamp, messageId FROM reactions INDEXED BY reactions_unread JOIN messages on messages.id IS reactions.messageId WHERE reactions.conversationId IS $conversationId AND reactions.unread > 0 AND messages.received_at <= $newestUnreadAt AND messages.storyId IS $storyId ORDER BY messageReceivedAt DESC; ` ) .all({ conversationId, newestUnreadAt, storyId: storyId || null, }); const idsToUpdate = unreadMessages.map(item => item.rowid); batchMultiVarQuery(db, idsToUpdate, (ids: ReadonlyArray): void => { db.prepare( ` UPDATE reactions SET unread = 0 WHERE rowid IN ( ${ids.map(() => '?').join(', ')} ); ` ).run(ids); }); return unreadMessages; })(); } function markReactionAsRead( db: WritableDB, targetAuthorServiceId: ServiceIdString, targetTimestamp: number ): ReactionType | undefined { return db.transaction(() => { const readReaction = db .prepare( ` SELECT * FROM reactions WHERE targetAuthorAci = $targetAuthorAci AND targetTimestamp = $targetTimestamp AND unread = 1 ORDER BY rowId DESC LIMIT 1; ` ) .get({ targetAuthorAci: targetAuthorServiceId, targetTimestamp, }); db.prepare( ` UPDATE reactions SET unread = 0 WHERE targetAuthorAci = $targetAuthorAci AND targetTimestamp = $targetTimestamp; ` ).run({ targetAuthorAci: targetAuthorServiceId, targetTimestamp, }); return readReaction; })(); } function getReactionByTimestamp( db: ReadableDB, fromId: string, timestamp: number ): ReactionType | undefined { const [query, params] = sql` SELECT * FROM reactions WHERE fromId IS ${fromId} AND timestamp IS ${timestamp} `; return db.prepare(query).get(params); } function addReaction( db: WritableDB, { conversationId, emoji, fromId, messageId, messageReceivedAt, targetAuthorAci, targetTimestamp, timestamp, }: ReactionType, { readStatus }: { readStatus: ReactionReadStatus } ): void { db.prepare( `INSERT INTO reactions ( conversationId, emoji, fromId, messageId, messageReceivedAt, targetAuthorAci, targetTimestamp, timestamp, unread ) VALUES ( $conversationId, $emoji, $fromId, $messageId, $messageReceivedAt, $targetAuthorAci, $targetTimestamp, $timestamp, $unread );` ).run({ conversationId, emoji, fromId, messageId, messageReceivedAt, targetAuthorAci, targetTimestamp, timestamp, unread: readStatus === ReactionReadStatus.Unread ? 1 : 0, }); } function removeReactionFromConversation( db: WritableDB, { emoji, fromId, targetAuthorServiceId, targetTimestamp, }: { emoji: string; fromId: string; targetAuthorServiceId: ServiceIdString; targetTimestamp: number; } ): void { db.prepare( `DELETE FROM reactions WHERE emoji = $emoji AND fromId = $fromId AND targetAuthorAci = $targetAuthorAci AND targetTimestamp = $targetTimestamp;` ).run({ emoji, fromId, targetAuthorAci: targetAuthorServiceId, targetTimestamp, }); } function _getAllReactions(db: ReadableDB): Array { return db.prepare('SELECT * from reactions;').all(); } function _removeAllReactions(db: WritableDB): void { db.prepare('DELETE from reactions;').run(); } enum AdjacentDirection { Older = 'Older', Newer = 'Newer', } // This function needs to pull story replies from all conversations, because when we send // a story to one or more distribution lists, each reply to it will be in the sender's // 1:1 conversation with us. function getRecentStoryReplies( db: ReadableDB, storyId: string, { limit = 100, messageId, receivedAt = Number.MAX_VALUE, sentAt = Number.MAX_VALUE, }: GetRecentStoryRepliesOptionsType = {} ): Array { const timeFilters = { first: sqlFragment`received_at = ${receivedAt} AND sent_at < ${sentAt}`, second: sqlFragment`received_at < ${receivedAt}`, }; const createQuery = (timeFilter: QueryFragment): QueryFragment => sqlFragment` SELECT json FROM messages WHERE (${messageId} IS NULL OR id IS NOT ${messageId}) AND isStory IS 0 AND storyId IS ${storyId} AND ( ${timeFilter} ) ORDER BY received_at DESC, sent_at DESC `; const template = sqlFragment` SELECT first.json FROM (${createQuery(timeFilters.first)}) as first UNION ALL SELECT second.json FROM (${createQuery(timeFilters.second)}) as second `; const [query, params] = sql`${template} LIMIT ${limit}`; return db.prepare(query).all(params); } function getAdjacentMessagesByConversation( db: ReadableDB, direction: AdjacentDirection, { conversationId, includeStoryReplies, limit = 100, messageId, receivedAt = direction === AdjacentDirection.Older ? Number.MAX_VALUE : 0, sentAt = direction === AdjacentDirection.Older ? Number.MAX_VALUE : 0, requireVisualMediaAttachments, requireFileAttachments, storyId, }: AdjacentMessagesByConversationOptionsType ): Array { let timeFilters: { first: QueryFragment; second: QueryFragment }; let timeOrder: QueryFragment; if (direction === AdjacentDirection.Older) { timeFilters = { first: sqlFragment`received_at = ${receivedAt} AND sent_at < ${sentAt}`, second: sqlFragment`received_at < ${receivedAt}`, }; timeOrder = sqlFragment`DESC`; } else { timeFilters = { first: sqlFragment`received_at = ${receivedAt} AND sent_at > ${sentAt}`, second: sqlFragment`received_at > ${receivedAt}`, }; timeOrder = sqlFragment`ASC`; } const requireDifferentMessage = direction === AdjacentDirection.Older || requireVisualMediaAttachments || requireFileAttachments; const createQuery = (timeFilter: QueryFragment): QueryFragment => sqlFragment` SELECT json FROM messages WHERE conversationId = ${conversationId} AND ${ requireDifferentMessage ? sqlFragment`(${messageId} IS NULL OR id IS NOT ${messageId}) AND` : sqlFragment`` } ${ requireVisualMediaAttachments ? sqlFragment`hasVisualMediaAttachments IS 1 AND` : sqlFragment`` } ${ requireFileAttachments ? sqlFragment`hasFileAttachments IS 1 AND` : sqlFragment`` } isStory IS 0 AND (${_storyIdPredicate(storyId, includeStoryReplies)}) AND ( ${timeFilter} ) ORDER BY received_at ${timeOrder}, sent_at ${timeOrder} `; let template = sqlFragment` SELECT first.json FROM (${createQuery(timeFilters.first)}) as first UNION ALL SELECT second.json FROM (${createQuery(timeFilters.second)}) as second `; // See `filterValidAttachments` in ts/state/ducks/lightbox.ts if (requireVisualMediaAttachments) { template = sqlFragment` SELECT json FROM (${template}) as messages WHERE ( SELECT COUNT(*) FROM json_each(messages.json ->> 'attachments') AS attachment WHERE attachment.value ->> 'thumbnail' IS NOT NULL AND attachment.value ->> 'pending' IS NOT 1 AND attachment.value ->> 'error' IS NULL ) > 0 LIMIT ${limit}; `; } else if (requireFileAttachments) { template = sqlFragment` SELECT json FROM (${template}) as messages WHERE ( SELECT COUNT(*) FROM json_each(messages.json ->> 'attachments') AS attachment WHERE attachment.value ->> 'pending' IS NOT 1 AND attachment.value ->> 'error' IS NULL ) > 0 LIMIT ${limit}; `; } else { template = sqlFragment`${template} LIMIT ${limit}`; } const [query, params] = sql`${template}`; const results = db.prepare(query).all(params); if (direction === AdjacentDirection.Older) { results.reverse(); } return results; } function getOlderMessagesByConversation( db: ReadableDB, options: AdjacentMessagesByConversationOptionsType ): Array { return getAdjacentMessagesByConversation( db, AdjacentDirection.Older, options ); } function getAllStories( db: ReadableDB, { conversationId, sourceServiceId, }: { conversationId?: string; sourceServiceId?: ServiceIdString; } ): GetAllStoriesResultType { const [storiesQuery, storiesParams] = sql` SELECT json, id FROM messages WHERE isStory = 1 AND (${conversationId} IS NULL OR conversationId IS ${conversationId}) AND (${sourceServiceId} IS NULL OR sourceServiceId IS ${sourceServiceId}) ORDER BY received_at ASC, sent_at ASC; `; const rows: ReadonlyArray<{ id: string; json: string; }> = db.prepare(storiesQuery).all(storiesParams); const [repliesQuery, repliesParams] = sql` SELECT DISTINCT storyId FROM messages WHERE storyId IS NOT NULL `; const replies: ReadonlyArray<{ storyId: string; }> = db.prepare(repliesQuery).all(repliesParams); const [repliesFromSelfQuery, repliesFromSelfParams] = sql` SELECT DISTINCT storyId FROM messages WHERE ( storyId IS NOT NULL AND type IS 'outgoing' ) `; const repliesFromSelf: ReadonlyArray<{ storyId: string; }> = db.prepare(repliesFromSelfQuery).all(repliesFromSelfParams); const repliesLookup = new Set(replies.map(row => row.storyId)); const repliesFromSelfLookup = new Set( repliesFromSelf.map(row => row.storyId) ); return rows.map(row => ({ ...jsonToObject(row.json), hasReplies: Boolean(repliesLookup.has(row.id)), hasRepliesFromSelf: Boolean(repliesFromSelfLookup.has(row.id)), })); } function getNewerMessagesByConversation( db: ReadableDB, options: AdjacentMessagesByConversationOptionsType ): Array { return getAdjacentMessagesByConversation( db, AdjacentDirection.Newer, options ); } function getOldestMessageForConversation( db: ReadableDB, conversationId: string, { storyId, includeStoryReplies, }: { storyId?: string; includeStoryReplies: boolean; } ): MessageMetricsType | undefined { const [query, params] = sql` SELECT received_at, sent_at, id FROM messages WHERE conversationId = ${conversationId} AND isStory IS 0 AND (${_storyIdPredicate(storyId, includeStoryReplies)}) ORDER BY received_at ASC, sent_at ASC LIMIT 1; `; const row = db.prepare(query).get(params); if (!row) { return undefined; } return row; } function getNewestMessageForConversation( db: ReadableDB, conversationId: string, { storyId, includeStoryReplies, }: { storyId?: string; includeStoryReplies: boolean; } ): MessageMetricsType | undefined { const [query, params] = sql` SELECT received_at, sent_at, id FROM messages WHERE conversationId = ${conversationId} AND isStory IS 0 AND (${_storyIdPredicate(storyId, includeStoryReplies)}) ORDER BY received_at DESC, sent_at DESC LIMIT 1; `; const row = db.prepare(query).get(params); if (!row) { return undefined; } return row; } export type GetMessagesBetweenOptions = Readonly<{ after: { received_at: number; sent_at: number }; before: { received_at: number; sent_at: number }; includeStoryReplies: boolean; }>; function getMessagesBetween( db: ReadableDB, conversationId: string, options: GetMessagesBetweenOptions ): Array { // In the future we could accept this as an option, but for now we just // use it for the story predicate. const storyId = undefined; const { after, before, includeStoryReplies } = options; const [query, params] = sql` SELECT id FROM messages WHERE conversationId = ${conversationId} AND (${_storyIdPredicate(storyId, includeStoryReplies)}) AND isStory IS 0 AND ( received_at > ${after.received_at} OR (received_at = ${after.received_at} AND sent_at > ${after.sent_at}) ) AND ( received_at < ${before.received_at} OR (received_at = ${before.received_at} AND sent_at < ${before.sent_at}) ) ORDER BY received_at ASC, sent_at ASC; `; const rows = db.prepare(query).all(params); return rows.map(row => row.id); } /** * Given a set of deleted message IDs, find a message in the conversation that * is close to the set. Searching from the last selected message as a starting * point. */ function getNearbyMessageFromDeletedSet( db: ReadableDB, { conversationId, lastSelectedMessage, deletedMessageIds, storyId, includeStoryReplies, }: GetNearbyMessageFromDeletedSetOptionsType ): string | null { function runQuery(after: boolean) { const dir = after ? sqlFragment`ASC` : sqlFragment`DESC`; const compare = after ? sqlFragment`>` : sqlFragment`<`; const { received_at, sent_at } = lastSelectedMessage; const [query, params] = sql` SELECT id FROM messages WHERE conversationId = ${conversationId} AND (${_storyIdPredicate(storyId, includeStoryReplies)}) AND isStory IS 0 AND id NOT IN (${sqlJoin(deletedMessageIds)}) AND type IN ('incoming', 'outgoing') AND ( (received_at = ${received_at} AND sent_at ${compare} ${sent_at}) OR received_at ${compare} ${received_at} ) ORDER BY received_at ${dir}, sent_at ${dir} LIMIT 1 `; return db.prepare(query).pluck().get(params); } const after = runQuery(true); if (after != null) { return after; } const before = runQuery(false); if (before != null) { return before; } return null; } function getLastConversationActivity( db: ReadableDB, { conversationId, includeStoryReplies, }: { conversationId: string; includeStoryReplies: boolean; } ): MessageType | undefined { const row = prepare( db, ` SELECT json FROM messages INDEXED BY messages_activity WHERE conversationId IS $conversationId AND shouldAffectActivity IS 1 AND isTimerChangeFromSync IS 0 AND ${includeStoryReplies ? '' : 'storyId IS NULL AND'} isGroupLeaveEventFromOther IS 0 ORDER BY received_at DESC, sent_at DESC LIMIT 1; ` ).get({ conversationId, }); if (!row) { return undefined; } return jsonToObject(row.json); } function getLastConversationPreview( db: ReadableDB, { conversationId, includeStoryReplies, }: { conversationId: string; includeStoryReplies: boolean; } ): MessageType | undefined { type Row = Readonly<{ json: string; }>; const index = includeStoryReplies ? 'messages_preview' : 'messages_preview_without_story'; const row: Row | undefined = prepare( db, ` SELECT json FROM ( SELECT json, expiresAt FROM messages INDEXED BY ${index} WHERE conversationId IS $conversationId AND shouldAffectPreview IS 1 AND isGroupLeaveEventFromOther IS 0 ${includeStoryReplies ? '' : 'AND storyId IS NULL'} ORDER BY received_at DESC, sent_at DESC ) WHERE likely(expiresAt > $now) LIMIT 1 ` ).get({ conversationId, now: Date.now(), }); return row ? jsonToObject(row.json) : undefined; } function getConversationMessageStats( db: ReadableDB, { conversationId, includeStoryReplies, }: { conversationId: string; includeStoryReplies: boolean; } ): ConversationMessageStatsType { return db.transaction(() => { return { activity: getLastConversationActivity(db, { conversationId, includeStoryReplies, }), preview: getLastConversationPreview(db, { conversationId, includeStoryReplies, }), hasUserInitiatedMessages: hasUserInitiatedMessages(db, conversationId), }; })(); } function getLastConversationMessage( db: ReadableDB, { conversationId, }: { conversationId: string; } ): MessageType | undefined { const row = db .prepare( ` SELECT json FROM messages WHERE conversationId = $conversationId ORDER BY received_at DESC, sent_at DESC LIMIT 1; ` ) .get({ conversationId, }); if (!row) { return undefined; } return jsonToObject(row.json); } function getOldestUnseenMessageForConversation( db: ReadableDB, conversationId: string, { storyId, includeStoryReplies, }: { storyId?: string; includeStoryReplies: boolean; } ): MessageMetricsType | undefined { const [query, params] = sql` SELECT received_at, sent_at, id FROM messages WHERE conversationId = ${conversationId} AND seenStatus = ${SeenStatus.Unseen} AND isStory IS 0 AND (${_storyIdPredicate(storyId, includeStoryReplies)}) ORDER BY received_at ASC, sent_at ASC LIMIT 1; `; const row = db.prepare(query).get(params); if (!row) { return undefined; } return row; } function getOldestUnreadMentionOfMeForConversation( db: ReadableDB, conversationId: string, options: { storyId?: string; includeStoryReplies: boolean; } ): MessageMetricsType | undefined { const [query, params] = sql` SELECT received_at, sent_at, id FROM messages WHERE conversationId = ${conversationId} AND readStatus = ${ReadStatus.Unread} AND mentionsMe IS 1 AND isStory IS 0 AND (${_storyIdPredicate(options.storyId, options.includeStoryReplies)}) ORDER BY received_at ASC, sent_at ASC LIMIT 1; `; return db.prepare(query).get(params); } function getTotalUnreadForConversation( db: ReadableDB, conversationId: string, { storyId, includeStoryReplies, }: { storyId: string | undefined; includeStoryReplies: boolean; } ): number { const [query, params] = sql` SELECT count(1) FROM messages WHERE conversationId = ${conversationId} AND readStatus = ${ReadStatus.Unread} AND isStory IS 0 AND (${_storyIdPredicate(storyId, includeStoryReplies)}) `; const row = db.prepare(query).pluck().get(params); return row; } function getTotalUnreadMentionsOfMeForConversation( db: ReadableDB, conversationId: string, { storyId, includeStoryReplies, }: { storyId?: string; includeStoryReplies: boolean; } ): number { const [query, params] = sql` SELECT count(1) FROM messages WHERE conversationId = ${conversationId} AND readStatus = ${ReadStatus.Unread} AND mentionsMe IS 1 AND isStory IS 0 AND (${_storyIdPredicate(storyId, includeStoryReplies)}) `; const row = db.prepare(query).pluck().get(params); return row; } function getTotalUnseenForConversation( db: ReadableDB, conversationId: string, { storyId, includeStoryReplies, }: { storyId?: string; includeStoryReplies: boolean; } ): number { const [query, params] = sql` SELECT count(1) FROM messages WHERE conversationId = ${conversationId} AND seenStatus = ${SeenStatus.Unseen} AND isStory IS 0 AND (${_storyIdPredicate(storyId, includeStoryReplies)}) `; const row = db.prepare(query).pluck().get(params); return row; } function getMessageMetricsForConversation( db: ReadableDB, options: { conversationId: string; storyId?: string; includeStoryReplies: boolean; } ): ConversationMetricsType { const { conversationId } = options; const oldest = getOldestMessageForConversation(db, conversationId, options); const newest = getNewestMessageForConversation(db, conversationId, options); const oldestUnseen = getOldestUnseenMessageForConversation( db, conversationId, options ); const totalUnseen = getTotalUnseenForConversation( db, conversationId, options ); return { oldest, newest, oldestUnseen, totalUnseen, }; } function getConversationRangeCenteredOnMessage( db: ReadableDB, options: AdjacentMessagesByConversationOptionsType ): GetConversationRangeCenteredOnMessageResultType { return db.transaction(() => { return { older: getAdjacentMessagesByConversation( db, AdjacentDirection.Older, options ), newer: getAdjacentMessagesByConversation( db, AdjacentDirection.Newer, options ), metrics: getMessageMetricsForConversation(db, options), }; })(); } function getAllCallHistory(db: ReadableDB): ReadonlyArray { const [query] = sql` SELECT * FROM callsHistory; `; return db.prepare(query).all(); } function _removeAllCallHistory(db: WritableDB): void { const [query, params] = sql` DELETE FROM callsHistory; `; db.prepare(query).run(params); } function clearCallHistory( db: WritableDB, target: CallLogEventTarget ): ReadonlyArray { return db.transaction(() => { const callHistory = getCallHistoryForCallLogEventTarget(db, target); if (callHistory == null) { logger.error('clearCallHistory: Target call not found'); return []; } const { timestamp } = callHistory; const [selectCallsQuery, selectCallsParams] = sql` SELECT callsHistory.callId FROM callsHistory WHERE -- Prior calls (callsHistory.timestamp <= ${timestamp}) -- Unused call links OR ( callsHistory.mode IS ${CALL_MODE_ADHOC} AND callsHistory.status IS ${CALL_STATUS_PENDING} ); `; const deletedCallIds: ReadonlyArray = db .prepare(selectCallsQuery) .pluck() .all(selectCallsParams); let deletedMessageIds: ReadonlyArray = []; batchMultiVarQuery(db, deletedCallIds, (ids): void => { const idsFragment = sqlJoin(ids); const [clearCallsHistoryQuery, clearCallsHistoryParams] = sql` UPDATE callsHistory SET status = ${DirectCallStatus.Deleted}, timestamp = ${Date.now()} WHERE callsHistory.callId IN (${idsFragment}); `; db.prepare(clearCallsHistoryQuery).run(clearCallsHistoryParams); const [deleteMessagesQuery, deleteMessagesParams] = sql` DELETE FROM messages WHERE messages.type IS 'call-history' AND messages.callId IN (${idsFragment}) RETURNING id; `; const batchDeletedMessageIds = db .prepare(deleteMessagesQuery) .pluck() .all(deleteMessagesParams); deletedMessageIds = deletedMessageIds.concat(batchDeletedMessageIds); }); return deletedMessageIds; })(); } function markCallHistoryDeleted(db: WritableDB, callId: string): void { const [query, params] = sql` UPDATE callsHistory SET status = ${DirectCallStatus.Deleted}, timestamp = ${Date.now()} WHERE callId = ${callId} `; db.prepare(query).run(params); } function cleanupCallHistoryMessages(db: WritableDB): void { return db.transaction(() => { const [query, params] = sql` DELETE FROM messages WHERE messages.id IN ( SELECT messages.id FROM messages LEFT JOIN callsHistory ON callsHistory.callId IS messages.callId WHERE messages.type IS 'call-history' AND callsHistory.status IS ${CALL_STATUS_DELETED} ) `; db.prepare(query).run(params); })(); } function getCallHistoryMessageByCallId( db: ReadableDB, options: { conversationId: string; callId: string; } ): MessageType | undefined { const [query, params] = sql` SELECT json FROM messages WHERE conversationId = ${options.conversationId} AND type = 'call-history' AND callId = ${options.callId} `; const row = db.prepare(query).get(params); if (row == null) { return; } return jsonToObject(row.json); } function getCallHistory( db: ReadableDB, callId: string, peerId: ServiceIdString | string ): CallHistoryDetails | undefined { const [query, params] = sql` SELECT * FROM callsHistory WHERE callId IS ${callId} AND peerId IS ${peerId}; `; const row = db.prepare(query).get(params); if (row == null) { return; } return callHistoryDetailsSchema.parse(row); } const SEEN_STATUS_UNSEEN = sqlConstant(SeenStatus.Unseen); const SEEN_STATUS_SEEN = sqlConstant(SeenStatus.Seen); const CALL_STATUS_MISSED = sqlConstant(CallStatusValue.Missed); const CALL_STATUS_DELETED = sqlConstant(CallStatusValue.Deleted); const CALL_STATUS_PENDING = sqlConstant(CallStatusValue.Pending); const CALL_STATUS_INCOMING = sqlConstant(CallDirection.Incoming); const CALL_MODE_ADHOC = sqlConstant(CallMode.Adhoc); const FOUR_HOURS_IN_MS = sqlConstant(4 * 60 * 60 * 1000); function getCallHistoryUnreadCount(db: ReadableDB): number { const [query, params] = sql` SELECT count(*) FROM messages INNER JOIN callsHistory ON callsHistory.callId = messages.callId WHERE messages.type IS 'call-history' AND messages.seenStatus IS ${SEEN_STATUS_UNSEEN} AND callsHistory.status IS ${CALL_STATUS_MISSED} AND callsHistory.direction IS ${CALL_STATUS_INCOMING} `; const row = db.prepare(query).pluck().get(params); return row; } function markCallHistoryRead(db: WritableDB, callId: string): void { const jsonPatch = JSON.stringify({ seenStatus: SeenStatus.Seen, }); const [query, params] = sql` UPDATE messages SET seenStatus = ${SEEN_STATUS_SEEN}, json = json_patch(json, ${jsonPatch}) WHERE type IS 'call-history' AND callId IS ${callId} `; db.prepare(query).run(params); } function getCallHistoryForCallLogEventTarget( db: ReadableDB, target: CallLogEventTarget ): CallHistoryDetails | null { const { callId, peerId, timestamp } = target; let row: unknown; if (callId == null || peerId == null) { const predicate = peerId != null ? sqlFragment`callsHistory.peerId IS ${target.peerId}` : sqlFragment`TRUE`; // Get the most recent call history timestamp for the target.timestamp const [selectQuery, selectParams] = sql` SELECT * FROM callsHistory WHERE ${predicate} AND callsHistory.timestamp <= ${timestamp} ORDER BY callsHistory.timestamp DESC LIMIT 1 `; row = db.prepare(selectQuery).get(selectParams); } else { const [selectQuery, selectParams] = sql` SELECT * FROM callsHistory WHERE callsHistory.peerId IS ${target.peerId} AND callsHistory.callId IS ${target.callId} LIMIT 1 `; row = db.prepare(selectQuery).get(selectParams); } if (row == null) { return null; } return callHistoryDetailsSchema.parse(row); } function getConversationIdForCallHistory( db: ReadableDB, callHistory: CallHistoryDetails ): string | null { const { peerId, mode } = callHistory; if (mode === CallMode.Adhoc) { throw new Error( 'getConversationIdForCallHistory: Adhoc calls do not have conversations' ); } const predicate = mode === CallMode.Direct ? sqlFragment`serviceId IS ${peerId}` : sqlFragment`groupId IS ${peerId}`; const [selectConversationIdQuery, selectConversationIdParams] = sql` SELECT id FROM conversations WHERE ${predicate} `; const conversationId = db .prepare(selectConversationIdQuery) .pluck() .get(selectConversationIdParams); if (typeof conversationId !== 'string') { logger.warn('getConversationIdForCallHistory: Unknown conversation'); return null; } return conversationId ?? null; } function getMessageReceivedAtForCall( db: ReadableDB, callId: string, conversationId: string ): number | null { const [selectQuery, selectParams] = sql` SELECT messages.received_at FROM messages WHERE messages.type IS 'call-history' AND messages.conversationId IS ${conversationId} AND messages.callId IS ${callId} LIMIT 1 `; const receivedAt = db.prepare(selectQuery).pluck().get(selectParams); if (receivedAt == null) { logger.warn('getMessageReceivedAtForCall: Target call message not found'); } return receivedAt ?? null; } export function markAllCallHistoryRead( db: WritableDB, target: CallLogEventTarget, inConversation = false ): number { if (inConversation) { strictAssert(target.peerId, 'peerId is required'); } return db.transaction(() => { const callHistory = getCallHistoryForCallLogEventTarget(db, target); if (callHistory == null) { logger.warn('markAllCallHistoryRead: Target call not found'); return 0; } const { callId } = callHistory; strictAssert( target.callId == null || callId === target.callId, 'Call ID must be the same as target if supplied' ); const conversationId = getConversationIdForCallHistory(db, callHistory); if (conversationId == null) { logger.warn('markAllCallHistoryRead: Conversation not found for call'); return 0; } logger.info(`markAllCallHistoryRead: Found conversation ${conversationId}`); const receivedAt = getMessageReceivedAtForCall(db, callId, conversationId); if (receivedAt == null) { logger.warn('markAllCallHistoryRead: Message not found for call'); return 0; } const predicate = inConversation ? sqlFragment`messages.conversationId IS ${conversationId}` : sqlFragment`TRUE`; const jsonPatch = JSON.stringify({ seenStatus: SeenStatus.Seen, }); logger.warn( `markAllCallHistoryRead: Marking calls before ${receivedAt} read` ); const [updateQuery, updateParams] = sql` UPDATE messages SET seenStatus = ${SEEN_STATUS_SEEN}, json = json_patch(json, ${jsonPatch}) WHERE messages.type IS 'call-history' AND ${predicate} AND messages.seenStatus IS ${SEEN_STATUS_UNSEEN} AND messages.received_at <= ${receivedAt}; `; const result = db.prepare(updateQuery).run(updateParams); return result.changes; })(); } function markAllCallHistoryReadInConversation( db: WritableDB, target: CallLogEventTarget ): number { strictAssert(target.peerId, 'peerId is required'); return markAllCallHistoryRead(db, target, true); } function getCallHistoryGroupData( db: WritableDB, isCount: boolean, filter: CallHistoryFilter, pagination: CallHistoryPagination ): unknown { return db.transaction(() => { const { limit, offset } = pagination; const { status, conversationIds, callLinkRoomIds } = filter; const isUsingTempTable = conversationIds != null || callLinkRoomIds != null; if (isUsingTempTable) { const [createTempTable] = sql` CREATE TEMP TABLE temp_callHistory_filtered_peers ( conversationId TEXT, serviceId TEXT, groupId TEXT, callLinkRoomId TEXT ); `; db.exec(createTempTable); if (conversationIds != null) { strictAssert(conversationIds.length > 0, "can't filter by empty array"); batchMultiVarQuery(db, conversationIds, ids => { const idList = sqlJoin(ids.map(id => sqlFragment`${id}`)); const [insertQuery, insertParams] = sql` INSERT INTO temp_callHistory_filtered_peers (conversationId, serviceId, groupId) SELECT id, serviceId, groupId FROM conversations WHERE conversations.id IN (${idList}); `; db.prepare(insertQuery).run(insertParams); }); } if (callLinkRoomIds != null) { strictAssert(callLinkRoomIds.length > 0, "can't filter by empty array"); batchMultiVarQuery(db, callLinkRoomIds, ids => { const idList = sqlJoin(ids.map(id => sqlFragment`(${id})`)); const [insertQuery, insertParams] = sql` INSERT INTO temp_callHistory_filtered_peers (callLinkRoomId) VALUES ${idList}; `; db.prepare(insertQuery).run(insertParams); }); } } // peerId can be a conversation id (legacy), a serviceId, groupId, or call // link roomId const innerJoin = isUsingTempTable ? sqlFragment` INNER JOIN temp_callHistory_filtered_peers ON ( temp_callHistory_filtered_peers.conversationId IS c.peerId OR temp_callHistory_filtered_peers.serviceId IS c.peerId OR temp_callHistory_filtered_peers.groupId IS c.peerId OR temp_callHistory_filtered_peers.callLinkRoomId IS c.peerId ) ` : sqlFragment``; const filterClause = status === CallHistoryFilterStatus.All ? sqlFragment`status IS NOT ${CALL_STATUS_DELETED}` : sqlFragment` direction IS ${CALL_STATUS_INCOMING} AND status IS ${CALL_STATUS_MISSED} AND status IS NOT ${CALL_STATUS_DELETED} `; const offsetLimit = limit > 0 ? sqlFragment`LIMIT ${limit} OFFSET ${offset}` : sqlFragment``; // COUNT(*) OVER(): As a result of GROUP BY in the query (to limit adhoc // call history to the single latest call), COUNT(*) changes to counting // each group's counts rather than the total number of rows. Example: Say // we have 2 group calls (A and B) and 10 adhoc calls on a single link. // COUNT(*) ... GROUP BY returns [1, 1, 10] corresponding with callId A, // callId B, adhoc peerId (the GROUP conditions). However we want COUNT(*) // to do the normal thing and return total rows (so in the example above // we want 3). COUNT(*) OVER achieves this. const projection = isCount ? sqlFragment`COUNT(*) OVER() AS count` : sqlFragment`peerId, ringerId, mode, type, direction, status, timestamp, possibleChildren, inPeriod`; const [query, params] = sql` SELECT ${projection} FROM ( -- 1. 'callAndGroupInfo': This section collects metadata to determine the -- parent and children of each call. We can identify the real parents of calls -- within the query, but we need to build the children at runtime. WITH callAndGroupInfo AS ( SELECT *, -- 1a. 'possibleParent': This identifies the first call that _could_ be -- considered the current call's parent. Note: The 'possibleParent' is not -- necessarily the true parent if there is another call between them that -- isn't a part of the group. ( SELECT callId FROM callsHistory WHERE callsHistory.direction IS c.direction AND callsHistory.type IS c.type AND callsHistory.peerId IS c.peerId AND (callsHistory.timestamp - ${FOUR_HOURS_IN_MS}) <= c.timestamp AND callsHistory.timestamp >= c.timestamp -- Tracking Android & Desktop separately to make the queries easier to compare -- Android Constraints: AND ( (callsHistory.status IS c.status AND callsHistory.status IS ${CALL_STATUS_MISSED}) OR (callsHistory.status IS NOT ${CALL_STATUS_MISSED} AND c.status IS NOT ${CALL_STATUS_MISSED}) ) -- Desktop Constraints: AND callsHistory.status IS c.status AND ${filterClause} ORDER BY timestamp DESC ) as possibleParent, -- 1b. 'possibleChildren': This identifies all possible calls that can -- be grouped with the current call. Note: This current call is not -- necessarily the parent, and not all possible children will end up as -- children as they might have another parent ( SELECT JSON_GROUP_ARRAY( JSON_OBJECT( 'callId', callId, 'timestamp', timestamp ) ) FROM callsHistory WHERE callsHistory.direction IS c.direction AND callsHistory.type IS c.type AND callsHistory.peerId IS c.peerId AND (c.timestamp - ${FOUR_HOURS_IN_MS}) <= callsHistory.timestamp AND c.timestamp >= callsHistory.timestamp -- Tracking Android & Desktop separately to make the queries easier to compare -- Android Constraints: AND ( (callsHistory.status IS c.status AND callsHistory.status IS ${CALL_STATUS_MISSED}) OR (callsHistory.status IS NOT ${CALL_STATUS_MISSED} AND c.status IS NOT ${CALL_STATUS_MISSED}) ) -- Desktop Constraints: AND callsHistory.status IS c.status AND ${filterClause} ORDER BY timestamp DESC ) as possibleChildren, -- 1c. 'inPeriod': This identifies all calls in a time period after the -- current call. They may or may not be a part of the group. ( SELECT GROUP_CONCAT(callId) FROM callsHistory WHERE (c.timestamp - ${FOUR_HOURS_IN_MS}) <= callsHistory.timestamp AND c.timestamp >= callsHistory.timestamp AND ${filterClause} ) AS inPeriod FROM callsHistory AS c ${innerJoin} WHERE ${filterClause} ORDER BY timestamp DESC ) -- 2. 'isParent': We need to identify the true parent of the group in cases -- where the previous call is not a part of the group. SELECT *, CASE WHEN LAG (possibleParent, 1, 0) OVER ( -- Note: This is an optimization assuming that we've already got 'timestamp DESC' ordering -- from the query above. If we find that ordering isn't always correct, we can uncomment this: -- ORDER BY timestamp DESC ) != possibleParent THEN callId ELSE possibleParent END AS parent FROM callAndGroupInfo ) AS parentCallAndGroupInfo WHERE parent = parentCallAndGroupInfo.callId GROUP BY CASE -- By spec, limit adhoc call history to the most recent call WHEN mode IS ${CALL_MODE_ADHOC} THEN peerId ELSE callId END ORDER BY parentCallAndGroupInfo.timestamp DESC ${offsetLimit}; `; const result = isCount ? db.prepare(query).pluck(true).get(params) : db.prepare(query).all(params); if (isUsingTempTable) { const [dropTempTableQuery] = sql` DROP TABLE temp_callHistory_filtered_peers; `; db.exec(dropTempTableQuery); } return result; })(); } const countSchema = z.number().int().nonnegative(); function getCallHistoryGroupsCount( db: ReadableDB, filter: CallHistoryFilter ): number { // getCallHistoryGroupData creates a temporary table and thus requires // write access. const writable = toUnsafeWritableDB(db, 'only temp table use'); const result = getCallHistoryGroupData(writable, true, filter, { limit: 0, offset: 0, }); if (result == null) { return 0; } return countSchema.parse(result); } const groupsDataSchema = z.array( callHistoryGroupSchema.omit({ children: true }).extend({ possibleChildren: z.string(), inPeriod: z.string(), }) ); const possibleChildrenSchema = z.array( callHistoryDetailsSchema.pick({ callId: true, timestamp: true, }) ); function getCallHistoryGroups( db: ReadableDB, filter: CallHistoryFilter, pagination: CallHistoryPagination ): Array { // getCallHistoryGroupData creates a temporary table and thus requires // write access. const writable = toUnsafeWritableDB(db, 'only temp table use'); const groupsData = groupsDataSchema.parse( getCallHistoryGroupData(writable, false, filter, pagination) ); const taken = new Set(); return groupsData .map(groupData => { return { ...groupData, possibleChildren: possibleChildrenSchema.parse( JSON.parse(groupData.possibleChildren) ), inPeriod: new Set(groupData.inPeriod.split(',')), }; }) .reverse() .map(group => { const { possibleChildren, inPeriod, type, ...rest } = group; const children = []; for (const child of possibleChildren) { if (!taken.has(child.callId) && inPeriod.has(child.callId)) { children.push(child); taken.add(child.callId); if (type === CallType.Adhoc) { // By spec, limit adhoc call history to the most recent call break; } } } return callHistoryGroupSchema.parse({ ...rest, type, children }); }) .reverse(); } function saveCallHistory( db: WritableDB, callHistory: CallHistoryDetails ): void { const [insertQuery, insertParams] = sql` INSERT OR REPLACE INTO callsHistory ( callId, peerId, ringerId, mode, type, direction, status, timestamp ) VALUES ( ${callHistory.callId}, ${callHistory.peerId}, ${callHistory.ringerId}, ${callHistory.mode}, ${callHistory.type}, ${callHistory.direction}, ${callHistory.status}, ${callHistory.timestamp} ); `; db.prepare(insertQuery).run(insertParams); } function hasGroupCallHistoryMessage( db: ReadableDB, conversationId: string, eraId: string ): boolean { const exists: number = db .prepare( ` SELECT EXISTS( SELECT 1 FROM messages WHERE conversationId = $conversationId AND type = 'call-history' AND json_extract(json, '$.callHistoryDetails.callMode') = 'Group' AND json_extract(json, '$.callHistoryDetails.eraId') = $eraId ); ` ) .pluck() .get({ conversationId, eraId, }); return exists !== 0; } function _markCallHistoryMissed( db: WritableDB, callIds: ReadonlyArray ) { batchMultiVarQuery(db, callIds, batch => { const [updateQuery, updateParams] = sql` UPDATE callsHistory SET status = ${sqlConstant(GroupCallStatus.Missed)} WHERE callId IN (${sqlJoin(batch)}) `; return db.prepare(updateQuery).run(updateParams); }); } function markCallHistoryMissed( db: WritableDB, callIds: ReadonlyArray ): void { return db.transaction(() => _markCallHistoryMissed(db, callIds))(); } export type MaybeStaleCallHistory = Readonly< Pick >; function getRecentStaleRingsAndMarkOlderMissed( db: WritableDB ): ReadonlyArray { return db.transaction(() => { const [selectQuery, selectParams] = sql` SELECT callId, peerId FROM callsHistory WHERE type = ${sqlConstant(CallType.Group)} AND status = ${sqlConstant(GroupCallStatus.Ringing)} ORDER BY timestamp DESC `; const ringingCalls = db.prepare(selectQuery).all(selectParams); const seen = new Set(); const [latestCalls, pastCalls] = partition(ringingCalls, result => { if (seen.size >= 10) { return false; } if (seen.has(result.peerId)) { return false; } seen.add(result.peerId); return true; }); _markCallHistoryMissed( db, pastCalls.map(result => result.callId) ); // These are returned so we can peek them. return latestCalls; })(); } export function migrateConversationMessages( db: WritableDB, obsoleteId: string, currentId: string ): void { const PAGE_SIZE = 1000; const getPage = db.prepare(` SELECT rowid, json -> '$.sendStateByConversationId' AS sendStateJson, json -> '$.editHistory' AS editHistoryJson FROM messages WHERE conversationId IS $obsoleteId ORDER BY rowid LIMIT $pageSize OFFSET $offset`); const updateOne = db.prepare(` UPDATE messages SET conversationId = $currentId, json = json_patch(json, $patch) WHERE rowid IS $rowid `); db.transaction(() => { // eslint-disable-next-line no-constant-condition for (let offset = 0; true; offset += PAGE_SIZE) { const parts: Array<{ rowid: number; sendStateJson?: string; editHistoryJson?: string; }> = getPage.all({ obsoleteId, pageSize: PAGE_SIZE, offset }); for (const { rowid, sendStateJson, editHistoryJson } of parts) { const editHistory = JSON.parse(editHistoryJson || '[]') as Array<{ sendStateByConversationId?: Record; }>; const sendState = JSON.parse(sendStateJson || '{}'); const patch = { conversationId: currentId, sendStateByConversationId: { [obsoleteId]: null, [currentId]: sendState[obsoleteId], }, // Unlike above here we have to provide the full object with all // existing properties because arrays can't be patched and can only // be replaced. editHistory: editHistory.map( ({ sendStateByConversationId, ...rest }) => { const existingState = sendStateByConversationId?.[obsoleteId]; if (!existingState) { return rest; } return { ...rest, sendStateByConversationId: { ...sendStateByConversationId, [obsoleteId]: undefined, [currentId]: existingState, }, }; } ), }; updateOne.run({ rowid, patch: JSON.stringify(patch), currentId, }); } if (parts.length < PAGE_SIZE) { break; } } })(); } function getMessagesBySentAt( db: ReadableDB, sentAt: number ): Array { const [query, params] = sql` SELECT messages.json, received_at, sent_at FROM edited_messages INNER JOIN messages ON messages.id = edited_messages.messageId WHERE edited_messages.sentAt = ${sentAt} UNION SELECT json, received_at, sent_at FROM messages WHERE sent_at = ${sentAt} ORDER BY messages.received_at DESC, messages.sent_at DESC; `; const rows = db.prepare(query).all(params); return rows.map(row => jsonToObject(row.json)); } function getExpiredMessages(db: ReadableDB): Array { const now = Date.now(); const rows: JSONRows = db .prepare( ` SELECT json FROM messages WHERE expiresAt <= $now ORDER BY expiresAt ASC; ` ) .all({ now }); return rows.map(row => jsonToObject(row.json)); } function getMessagesUnexpectedlyMissingExpirationStartTimestamp( db: ReadableDB ): Array { const rows: JSONRows = db .prepare( ` SELECT json FROM messages INDEXED BY messages_unexpectedly_missing_expiration_start_timestamp WHERE expireTimer > 0 AND expirationStartTimestamp IS NULL AND ( type IS 'outgoing' OR (type IS 'incoming' AND ( readStatus = ${ReadStatus.Read} OR readStatus = ${ReadStatus.Viewed} OR readStatus IS NULL )) ); ` ) .all(); return rows.map(row => jsonToObject(row.json)); } function getSoonestMessageExpiry(db: ReadableDB): undefined | number { // Note: we use `pluck` to only get the first column. const result: null | number = db .prepare( ` SELECT MIN(expiresAt) FROM messages; ` ) .pluck(true) .get(); if (result != null && result >= Number.MAX_SAFE_INTEGER) { return undefined; } return result || undefined; } function getNextTapToViewMessageTimestampToAgeOut( db: ReadableDB ): undefined | number { const row = db .prepare( ` SELECT json FROM messages WHERE isViewOnce = 1 AND (isErased IS NULL OR isErased != 1) ORDER BY received_at ASC, sent_at ASC LIMIT 1; ` ) .get(); if (!row) { return undefined; } const data = jsonToObject(row.json); const result = data.received_at_ms || data.received_at; return isNormalNumber(result) ? result : undefined; } function getTapToViewMessagesNeedingErase(db: ReadableDB): Array { const THIRTY_DAYS_AGO = Date.now() - 30 * 24 * 60 * 60 * 1000; const rows: JSONRows = db .prepare( ` SELECT json FROM messages WHERE isViewOnce = 1 AND (isErased IS NULL OR isErased != 1) AND received_at <= $THIRTY_DAYS_AGO ORDER BY received_at ASC, sent_at ASC; ` ) .all({ THIRTY_DAYS_AGO, }); return rows.map(row => jsonToObject(row.json)); } const MAX_UNPROCESSED_ATTEMPTS = 10; function saveUnprocessed(db: WritableDB, data: UnprocessedType): string { const { id, timestamp, receivedAtCounter, version, attempts, envelope, source, sourceServiceId, sourceDevice, serverGuid, serverTimestamp, decrypted, urgent, story, } = data; if (!id) { throw new Error('saveUnprocessed: id was falsey'); } prepare( db, ` INSERT OR REPLACE INTO unprocessed ( id, timestamp, receivedAtCounter, version, attempts, envelope, source, sourceServiceId, sourceDevice, serverGuid, serverTimestamp, decrypted, urgent, story ) values ( $id, $timestamp, $receivedAtCounter, $version, $attempts, $envelope, $source, $sourceServiceId, $sourceDevice, $serverGuid, $serverTimestamp, $decrypted, $urgent, $story ); ` ).run({ id, timestamp, receivedAtCounter: receivedAtCounter ?? null, version, attempts, envelope: envelope || null, source: source || null, sourceServiceId: sourceServiceId || null, sourceDevice: sourceDevice || null, serverGuid: serverGuid || null, serverTimestamp: serverTimestamp || null, decrypted: decrypted || null, urgent: urgent || !isBoolean(urgent) ? 1 : 0, story: story ? 1 : 0, }); return id; } function updateUnprocessedWithData( db: WritableDB, id: string, data: UnprocessedUpdateType ): void { const { source, sourceServiceId, sourceDevice, serverGuid, serverTimestamp, decrypted, } = data; prepare( db, ` UPDATE unprocessed SET source = $source, sourceServiceId = $sourceServiceId, sourceDevice = $sourceDevice, serverGuid = $serverGuid, serverTimestamp = $serverTimestamp, decrypted = $decrypted WHERE id = $id; ` ).run({ id, source: source || null, sourceServiceId: sourceServiceId || null, sourceDevice: sourceDevice || null, serverGuid: serverGuid || null, serverTimestamp: serverTimestamp || null, decrypted: decrypted || null, }); } function updateUnprocessedsWithData( db: WritableDB, arrayOfUnprocessed: Array<{ id: string; data: UnprocessedUpdateType }> ): void { db.transaction(() => { for (const { id, data } of arrayOfUnprocessed) { updateUnprocessedWithData(db, id, data); } })(); } function getUnprocessedById( db: ReadableDB, id: string ): UnprocessedType | undefined { const row = db .prepare('SELECT * FROM unprocessed WHERE id = $id;') .get({ id, }); return { ...row, urgent: isNumber(row.urgent) ? Boolean(row.urgent) : true, story: Boolean(row.story), }; } function getUnprocessedCount(db: ReadableDB): number { return getCountFromTable(db, 'unprocessed'); } function getAllUnprocessedIds(db: WritableDB): Array { logger.info('getAllUnprocessedIds'); return db.transaction(() => { // cleanup first const { changes: deletedStaleCount } = db .prepare('DELETE FROM unprocessed WHERE timestamp < $monthAgo') .run({ monthAgo: Date.now() - durations.MONTH, }); if (deletedStaleCount !== 0) { logger.warn( 'getAllUnprocessedAndIncrementAttempts: ' + `deleting ${deletedStaleCount} old unprocessed envelopes` ); } const { changes: deletedInvalidCount } = db .prepare( ` DELETE FROM unprocessed WHERE attempts >= $MAX_UNPROCESSED_ATTEMPTS ` ) .run({ MAX_UNPROCESSED_ATTEMPTS }); if (deletedInvalidCount !== 0) { logger.warn( 'getAllUnprocessedAndIncrementAttempts: ' + `deleting ${deletedInvalidCount} invalid unprocessed envelopes` ); } return db .prepare( ` SELECT id FROM unprocessed ORDER BY receivedAtCounter ASC ` ) .pluck() .all(); })(); } function getUnprocessedByIdsAndIncrementAttempts( db: WritableDB, ids: ReadonlyArray ): Array { logger.info('getUnprocessedByIdsAndIncrementAttempts', { totalIds: ids.length, }); batchMultiVarQuery(db, ids, batch => { return db .prepare( ` UPDATE unprocessed SET attempts = attempts + 1 WHERE id IN (${batch.map(() => '?').join(', ')}) ` ) .run(batch); }); return batchMultiVarQuery(db, ids, batch => { return db .prepare( ` SELECT * FROM unprocessed WHERE id IN (${batch.map(() => '?').join(', ')}) ORDER BY receivedAtCounter ASC; ` ) .all(batch) .map(row => ({ ...row, urgent: isNumber(row.urgent) ? Boolean(row.urgent) : true, story: Boolean(row.story), })); }); } function removeUnprocesseds(db: WritableDB, ids: ReadonlyArray): void { db.prepare( ` DELETE FROM unprocessed WHERE id IN ( ${ids.map(() => '?').join(', ')} ); ` ).run(ids); } function removeUnprocessed(db: WritableDB, id: string | Array): void { if (!Array.isArray(id)) { prepare(db, 'DELETE FROM unprocessed WHERE id = $id;').run({ id }); return; } // This can happen normally due to flushing of `cacheRemoveBatcher` in // MessageReceiver. if (!id.length) { return; } batchMultiVarQuery(db, id, batch => removeUnprocesseds(db, batch)); } function removeAllUnprocessed(db: WritableDB): void { db.prepare('DELETE FROM unprocessed;').run(); } // Attachment Downloads function getAttachmentDownloadJob( db: ReadableDB, job: Pick< AttachmentDownloadJobType, 'messageId' | 'attachmentType' | 'digest' > ): AttachmentDownloadJobType { const [query, params] = sql` SELECT * FROM attachment_downloads WHERE messageId = ${job.messageId} AND attachmentType = ${job.attachmentType} AND digest = ${job.digest}; `; return db.prepare(query).get(params); } function removeAllBackupAttachmentDownloadJobs(db: WritableDB): void { const [query, params] = sql` DELETE FROM attachment_downloads WHERE source = ${AttachmentDownloadSource.BACKUP_IMPORT};`; db.prepare(query).run(params); } function getSizeOfPendingBackupAttachmentDownloadJobs(db: ReadableDB): number { const [query, params] = sql` SELECT SUM(ciphertextSize) FROM attachment_downloads WHERE source = ${AttachmentDownloadSource.BACKUP_IMPORT};`; return db.prepare(query).pluck().get(params); } function getNextAttachmentDownloadJobs( db: WritableDB, { limit = 3, prioritizeMessageIds, timestamp = Date.now(), maxLastAttemptForPrioritizedMessages, }: { limit: number; prioritizeMessageIds?: Array; timestamp?: number; maxLastAttemptForPrioritizedMessages?: number; } ): Array { let priorityJobs = []; // First, try to get jobs for prioritized messages (e.g. those currently user-visible) if (prioritizeMessageIds?.length) { const [priorityQuery, priorityParams] = sql` SELECT * FROM attachment_downloads -- very few rows will match messageIds, so in this case we want to optimize -- the WHERE clause rather than the ORDER BY INDEXED BY attachment_downloads_active_messageId WHERE active = 0 AND -- for priority messages, we want to retry based on the last attempt, rather than retryAfter (lastAttemptTimestamp is NULL OR lastAttemptTimestamp <= ${ maxLastAttemptForPrioritizedMessages ?? timestamp - durations.HOUR }) AND messageId IN (${sqlJoin(prioritizeMessageIds)}) -- for priority messages, let's load them oldest first; this helps, e.g. for stories where we -- want the oldest one first ORDER BY receivedAt ASC LIMIT ${limit} `; priorityJobs = db.prepare(priorityQuery).all(priorityParams); } // Next, get any other jobs, sorted by receivedAt const numJobsRemaining = limit - priorityJobs.length; let standardJobs = []; if (numJobsRemaining > 0) { const [query, params] = sql` SELECT * FROM attachment_downloads WHERE active = 0 AND (retryAfter is NULL OR retryAfter <= ${timestamp}) ORDER BY receivedAt DESC LIMIT ${numJobsRemaining} `; standardJobs = db.prepare(query).all(params); } const allJobs = priorityJobs.concat(standardJobs); const INNER_ERROR = 'jsonToObject or SchemaParse error'; try { return allJobs.map(row => { try { return attachmentDownloadJobSchema.parse({ ...row, active: Boolean(row.active), attachment: jsonToObject(row.attachmentJson), ciphertextSize: row.ciphertextSize || getAttachmentCiphertextLength(row.attachment.size), }); } catch (error) { logger.error( `getNextAttachmentDownloadJobs: Error with job for message ${row.messageId}, deleting.` ); removeAttachmentDownloadJob(db, row); throw new Error(error); } }); } catch (error) { if ('message' in error && error.message === INNER_ERROR) { return getNextAttachmentDownloadJobs(db, { limit, prioritizeMessageIds, timestamp, maxLastAttemptForPrioritizedMessages, }); } throw error; } } function saveAttachmentDownloadJob( db: WritableDB, job: AttachmentDownloadJobType ): void { const [query, params] = sql` INSERT OR REPLACE INTO attachment_downloads ( messageId, attachmentType, digest, receivedAt, sentAt, contentType, size, active, attempts, retryAfter, lastAttemptTimestamp, attachmentJson, ciphertextSize, source ) VALUES ( ${job.messageId}, ${job.attachmentType}, ${job.digest}, ${job.receivedAt}, ${job.sentAt}, ${job.contentType}, ${job.size}, ${job.active ? 1 : 0}, ${job.attempts}, ${job.retryAfter}, ${job.lastAttemptTimestamp}, ${objectToJSON(job.attachment)}, ${job.ciphertextSize}, ${job.source} ); `; db.prepare(query).run(params); } function resetAttachmentDownloadActive(db: WritableDB): void { db.prepare( ` UPDATE attachment_downloads SET active = 0 WHERE active != 0; ` ).run(); } function removeAttachmentDownloadJob( db: WritableDB, job: AttachmentDownloadJobType ): void { const [query, params] = sql` DELETE FROM attachment_downloads WHERE messageId = ${job.messageId} AND attachmentType = ${job.attachmentType} AND digest = ${job.digest}; `; db.prepare(query).run(params); } // Backup Attachments function clearAllAttachmentBackupJobs(db: WritableDB): void { db.prepare('DELETE FROM attachment_backup_jobs;').run(); } function markAllAttachmentBackupJobsInactive(db: WritableDB): void { db.prepare( ` UPDATE attachment_backup_jobs SET active = 0; ` ).run(); } function saveAttachmentBackupJob( db: WritableDB, job: AttachmentBackupJobType ): void { const [query, params] = sql` INSERT OR REPLACE INTO attachment_backup_jobs ( active, attempts, data, lastAttemptTimestamp, mediaName, receivedAt, retryAfter, type ) VALUES ( ${job.active ? 1 : 0}, ${job.attempts}, ${objectToJSON(job.data)}, ${job.lastAttemptTimestamp}, ${job.mediaName}, ${job.receivedAt}, ${job.retryAfter}, ${job.type} ); `; db.prepare(query).run(params); } function getNextAttachmentBackupJobs( db: WritableDB, { limit, timestamp = Date.now(), }: { limit: number; timestamp?: number; } ): Array { const [query, params] = sql` SELECT * FROM attachment_backup_jobs WHERE active = 0 AND (retryAfter is NULL OR retryAfter <= ${timestamp}) ORDER BY -- type is "standard" or "thumbnail"; we prefer "standard" jobs type ASC, receivedAt DESC LIMIT ${limit} `; const rows = db.prepare(query).all(params); return rows .map(row => { const parseResult = attachmentBackupJobSchema.safeParse({ ...row, active: Boolean(row.active), data: jsonToObject(row.data), }); if (!parseResult.success) { const redactedMediaName = redactGenericText(row.mediaName); logger.error( `getNextAttachmentBackupJobs: invalid data, removing. mediaName: ${redactedMediaName}`, Errors.toLogFormat(parseResult.error) ); removeAttachmentBackupJob(db, { mediaName: row.mediaName }); return null; } return parseResult.data; }) .filter(isNotNil); } function removeAttachmentBackupJob( db: WritableDB, job: Pick ): void { const [query, params] = sql` DELETE FROM attachment_backup_jobs WHERE mediaName = ${job.mediaName}; `; db.prepare(query).run(params); } // Attachments on backup CDN function clearAllBackupCdnObjectMetadata(db: WritableDB): void { db.prepare('DELETE FROM backup_cdn_object_metadata;').run(); } function saveBackupCdnObjectMetadata( db: WritableDB, storedMediaObjects: Array ): void { db.transaction(() => { for (const obj of storedMediaObjects) { const { mediaId, cdnNumber, sizeOnBackupCdn } = obj; const [query, params] = sql` INSERT OR REPLACE INTO backup_cdn_object_metadata ( mediaId, cdnNumber, sizeOnBackupCdn ) VALUES ( ${mediaId}, ${cdnNumber}, ${sizeOnBackupCdn} ); `; db.prepare(query).run(params); } })(); } function getBackupCdnObjectMetadata( db: ReadableDB, mediaId: string ): BackupCdnMediaObjectType | undefined { const [query, params] = sql`SELECT * from backup_cdn_object_metadata WHERE mediaId = ${mediaId}`; return db.prepare(query).get(params); } // Stickers function createOrUpdateStickerPack( db: WritableDB, pack: StickerPackType ): void { const { attemptedStatus, author, coverStickerId, createdAt, downloadAttempts, id, installedAt, key, lastUsed, status, stickerCount, title, storageID, storageVersion, storageUnknownFields, storageNeedsSync, } = pack; if (!id) { throw new Error( 'createOrUpdateStickerPack: Provided data did not have a truthy id' ); } let { position } = pack; // Assign default position if (!isNumber(position)) { position = db .prepare( ` SELECT IFNULL(MAX(position) + 1, 0) FROM sticker_packs ` ) .pluck() .get(); } const row = db .prepare( ` SELECT id FROM sticker_packs WHERE id = $id; ` ) .get({ id }); const payload = { attemptedStatus: attemptedStatus ?? null, author, coverStickerId, createdAt: createdAt || Date.now(), downloadAttempts: downloadAttempts || 1, id, installedAt: installedAt ?? null, key, lastUsed: lastUsed || null, status, stickerCount, title, position: position ?? 0, storageID: storageID ?? null, storageVersion: storageVersion ?? null, storageUnknownFields: storageUnknownFields ?? null, storageNeedsSync: storageNeedsSync ? 1 : 0, }; if (row) { db.prepare( ` UPDATE sticker_packs SET attemptedStatus = $attemptedStatus, author = $author, coverStickerId = $coverStickerId, createdAt = $createdAt, downloadAttempts = $downloadAttempts, installedAt = $installedAt, key = $key, lastUsed = $lastUsed, status = $status, stickerCount = $stickerCount, title = $title, position = $position, storageID = $storageID, storageVersion = $storageVersion, storageUnknownFields = $storageUnknownFields, storageNeedsSync = $storageNeedsSync WHERE id = $id; ` ).run(payload); return; } db.prepare( ` INSERT INTO sticker_packs ( attemptedStatus, author, coverStickerId, createdAt, downloadAttempts, id, installedAt, key, lastUsed, status, stickerCount, title, position, storageID, storageVersion, storageUnknownFields, storageNeedsSync ) values ( $attemptedStatus, $author, $coverStickerId, $createdAt, $downloadAttempts, $id, $installedAt, $key, $lastUsed, $status, $stickerCount, $title, $position, $storageID, $storageVersion, $storageUnknownFields, $storageNeedsSync ) ` ).run(payload); } function updateStickerPackStatus( db: WritableDB, id: string, status: StickerPackStatusType, options?: { timestamp: number } ): void { const timestamp = options ? options.timestamp || Date.now() : Date.now(); const installedAt = status === 'installed' ? timestamp : null; db.prepare( ` UPDATE sticker_packs SET status = $status, installedAt = $installedAt WHERE id = $id; ` ).run({ id, status, installedAt, }); } function updateStickerPackInfo( db: WritableDB, { id, storageID, storageVersion, storageUnknownFields, storageNeedsSync, uninstalledAt, }: StickerPackInfoType ): void { if (uninstalledAt) { db.prepare( ` UPDATE uninstalled_sticker_packs SET storageID = $storageID, storageVersion = $storageVersion, storageUnknownFields = $storageUnknownFields, storageNeedsSync = $storageNeedsSync WHERE id = $id; ` ).run({ id, storageID: storageID ?? null, storageVersion: storageVersion ?? null, storageUnknownFields: storageUnknownFields ?? null, storageNeedsSync: storageNeedsSync ? 1 : 0, }); } else { db.prepare( ` UPDATE sticker_packs SET storageID = $storageID, storageVersion = $storageVersion, storageUnknownFields = $storageUnknownFields, storageNeedsSync = $storageNeedsSync WHERE id = $id; ` ).run({ id, storageID: storageID ?? null, storageVersion: storageVersion ?? null, storageUnknownFields: storageUnknownFields ?? null, storageNeedsSync: storageNeedsSync ? 1 : 0, }); } } function clearAllErrorStickerPackAttempts(db: WritableDB): void { db.prepare( ` UPDATE sticker_packs SET downloadAttempts = 0 WHERE status = 'error'; ` ).run(); } function createOrUpdateSticker(db: WritableDB, sticker: StickerType): void { const { emoji, height, id, isCoverOnly, lastUsed, packId, path, width, version, localKey, size, } = sticker; if (!isNumber(id)) { throw new Error( 'createOrUpdateSticker: Provided data did not have a numeric id' ); } if (!packId) { throw new Error( 'createOrUpdateSticker: Provided data did not have a truthy id' ); } db.prepare( ` INSERT OR REPLACE INTO stickers ( emoji, height, id, isCoverOnly, lastUsed, packId, path, width, version, localKey, size ) values ( $emoji, $height, $id, $isCoverOnly, $lastUsed, $packId, $path, $width, $version, $localKey, $size ) ` ).run({ emoji: emoji ?? null, height, id, isCoverOnly: isCoverOnly ? 1 : 0, lastUsed: lastUsed || null, packId, path, width, version: version || 1, localKey: localKey || null, size: size || null, }); } function createOrUpdateStickers( db: WritableDB, stickers: ReadonlyArray ): void { db.transaction(() => { for (const sticker of stickers) { createOrUpdateSticker(db, sticker); } })(); } function updateStickerLastUsed( db: WritableDB, packId: string, stickerId: number, lastUsed: number ): void { db.prepare( ` UPDATE stickers SET lastUsed = $lastUsed WHERE id = $id AND packId = $packId; ` ).run({ id: stickerId, packId, lastUsed, }); db.prepare( ` UPDATE sticker_packs SET lastUsed = $lastUsed WHERE id = $id; ` ).run({ id: packId, lastUsed, }); } function addStickerPackReference( db: WritableDB, messageId: string, packId: string ): void { if (!messageId) { throw new Error( 'addStickerPackReference: Provided data did not have a truthy messageId' ); } if (!packId) { throw new Error( 'addStickerPackReference: Provided data did not have a truthy packId' ); } db.prepare( ` INSERT OR REPLACE INTO sticker_references ( messageId, packId ) values ( $messageId, $packId ) ` ).run({ messageId, packId, }); } function deleteStickerPackReference( db: WritableDB, messageId: string, packId: string ): ReadonlyArray | undefined { if (!messageId) { throw new Error( 'addStickerPackReference: Provided data did not have a truthy messageId' ); } if (!packId) { throw new Error( 'addStickerPackReference: Provided data did not have a truthy packId' ); } return db.transaction(() => { // We use an immediate transaction here to immediately acquire an exclusive lock, // which would normally only happen when we did our first write. // We need this to ensure that our five queries are all atomic, with no // other changes happening while we do it: // 1. Delete our target messageId/packId references // 2. Check the number of references still pointing at packId // 3. If that number is zero, get pack from sticker_packs database // 4. If it's not installed, then grab all of its sticker paths // 5. If it's not installed, then sticker pack (which cascades to all // stickers and references) db.prepare( ` DELETE FROM sticker_references WHERE messageId = $messageId AND packId = $packId; ` ).run({ messageId, packId, }); const count = db .prepare( ` SELECT count(1) FROM sticker_references WHERE packId = $packId; ` ) .pluck() .get({ packId }); if (count > 0) { return undefined; } const packRow: { status: StickerPackStatusType } = db .prepare( ` SELECT status FROM sticker_packs WHERE id = $packId; ` ) .get({ packId }); if (!packRow) { logger.warn('deleteStickerPackReference: did not find referenced pack'); return undefined; } const { status } = packRow; if (status === 'installed') { return undefined; } const stickerPathRows: Array<{ path: string }> = db .prepare( ` SELECT path FROM stickers WHERE packId = $packId; ` ) .all({ packId, }); db.prepare( ` DELETE FROM sticker_packs WHERE id = $packId; ` ).run({ packId, }); return (stickerPathRows || []).map(row => row.path); })(); } function deleteStickerPack(db: WritableDB, packId: string): Array { if (!packId) { throw new Error( 'deleteStickerPack: Provided data did not have a truthy packId' ); } return db.transaction(() => { // We use an immediate transaction here to immediately acquire an exclusive lock, // which would normally only happen when we did our first write. // We need this to ensure that our two queries are atomic, with no other changes // happening while we do it: // 1. Grab all of target pack's sticker paths // 2. Delete sticker pack (which cascades to all stickers and references) const stickerPathRows: Array<{ path: string }> = db .prepare( ` SELECT path FROM stickers WHERE packId = $packId; ` ) .all({ packId, }); db.prepare( ` DELETE FROM sticker_packs WHERE id = $packId; ` ).run({ packId }); return (stickerPathRows || []).map(row => row.path); })(); } function getStickerCount(db: ReadableDB): number { return getCountFromTable(db, 'stickers'); } function getAllStickerPacks(db: ReadableDB): Array { const rows = db .prepare( ` SELECT * FROM sticker_packs ORDER BY position ASC, id ASC ` ) .all(); return rows.map(row => { return { ...row, // The columns have STRING type so if they have numeric value, sqlite // will return integers. author: String(row.author), title: String(row.title), }; }); } function addUninstalledStickerPack( db: WritableDB, pack: UninstalledStickerPackType ): void { db.prepare( ` INSERT OR REPLACE INTO uninstalled_sticker_packs ( id, uninstalledAt, storageID, storageVersion, storageUnknownFields, storageNeedsSync ) VALUES ( $id, $uninstalledAt, $storageID, $storageVersion, $unknownFields, $storageNeedsSync ) ` ).run({ id: pack.id, uninstalledAt: pack.uninstalledAt, storageID: pack.storageID ?? null, storageVersion: pack.storageVersion ?? null, unknownFields: pack.storageUnknownFields ?? null, storageNeedsSync: pack.storageNeedsSync ? 1 : 0, }); } function removeUninstalledStickerPack(db: WritableDB, packId: string): void { db.prepare( 'DELETE FROM uninstalled_sticker_packs WHERE id IS $id' ).run({ id: packId }); } function getUninstalledStickerPacks( db: ReadableDB ): Array { const rows = db .prepare( 'SELECT * FROM uninstalled_sticker_packs ORDER BY id ASC' ) .all(); return rows || []; } function getInstalledStickerPacks(db: ReadableDB): Array { // If sticker pack has a storageID - it is being downloaded and about to be // installed so we better sync it back to storage service if asked. const rows = db .prepare( ` SELECT * FROM sticker_packs WHERE status IS 'installed' OR storageID IS NOT NULL ORDER BY id ASC ` ) .all(); return rows || []; } function getStickerPackInfo( db: ReadableDB, packId: string ): StickerPackInfoType | undefined { return db.transaction(() => { const uninstalled = db .prepare( ` SELECT * FROM uninstalled_sticker_packs WHERE id IS $packId ` ) .get({ packId }); if (uninstalled) { return uninstalled as UninstalledStickerPackType; } const installed = db .prepare( ` SELECT id, key, position, storageID, storageVersion, storageUnknownFields FROM sticker_packs WHERE id IS $packId ` ) .get({ packId }); if (installed) { return installed as InstalledStickerPackType; } return undefined; })(); } function installStickerPack( db: WritableDB, packId: string, timestamp: number ): void { return db.transaction(() => { const status = 'installed'; updateStickerPackStatus(db, packId, status, { timestamp }); removeUninstalledStickerPack(db, packId); })(); } function uninstallStickerPack( db: WritableDB, packId: string, timestamp: number ): void { return db.transaction(() => { const status = 'downloaded'; updateStickerPackStatus(db, packId, status); db.prepare( ` UPDATE sticker_packs SET storageID = NULL, storageVersion = NULL, storageUnknownFields = NULL, storageNeedsSync = 0 WHERE id = $packId; ` ).run({ packId }); addUninstalledStickerPack(db, { id: packId, uninstalledAt: timestamp, storageNeedsSync: true, }); })(); } function getAllStickers(db: ReadableDB): Array { const rows = db .prepare( ` SELECT * FROM stickers ORDER BY packId ASC, id ASC ` ) .all(); return (rows || []).map(row => rowToSticker(row)); } function getRecentStickers( db: ReadableDB, { limit }: { limit?: number } = {} ): Array { // Note: we avoid 'IS NOT NULL' here because it does seem to bypass our index const rows = db .prepare( ` SELECT stickers.* FROM stickers JOIN sticker_packs on stickers.packId = sticker_packs.id WHERE stickers.lastUsed > 0 AND sticker_packs.status = 'installed' ORDER BY stickers.lastUsed DESC LIMIT $limit ` ) .all({ limit: limit || 24, }); return (rows || []).map(row => rowToSticker(row)); } // Emojis function updateEmojiUsage( db: WritableDB, shortName: string, timeUsed: number = Date.now() ): void { db.transaction(() => { const rows = db .prepare( ` SELECT * FROM emojis WHERE shortName = $shortName; ` ) .get({ shortName, }); if (rows) { db.prepare( ` UPDATE emojis SET lastUsage = $timeUsed WHERE shortName = $shortName; ` ).run({ shortName, timeUsed }); } else { db.prepare( ` INSERT INTO emojis(shortName, lastUsage) VALUES ($shortName, $timeUsed); ` ).run({ shortName, timeUsed }); } })(); } function getRecentEmojis(db: ReadableDB, limit = 32): Array { const rows = db .prepare( ` SELECT * FROM emojis ORDER BY lastUsage DESC LIMIT $limit; ` ) .all({ limit }); return rows || []; } function getAllBadges(db: ReadableDB): Array { const [badgeRows, badgeImageFileRows] = db.transaction(() => [ db.prepare('SELECT * FROM badges').all(), db.prepare('SELECT * FROM badgeImageFiles').all(), ])(); const badgeImagesByBadge = new Map< string, Array >(); for (const badgeImageFileRow of badgeImageFileRows) { const { badgeId, order, localPath, url, theme } = badgeImageFileRow; const badgeImages = badgeImagesByBadge.get(badgeId) || []; badgeImages[order] = { ...(badgeImages[order] || {}), [parseBadgeImageTheme(theme)]: { localPath: dropNull(localPath), url, }, }; badgeImagesByBadge.set(badgeId, badgeImages); } return badgeRows.map(badgeRow => ({ id: badgeRow.id, category: parseBadgeCategory(badgeRow.category), name: badgeRow.name, descriptionTemplate: badgeRow.descriptionTemplate, images: (badgeImagesByBadge.get(badgeRow.id) || []).filter(isNotNil), })); } // This should match the logic in the badges Redux reducer. function updateOrCreateBadges( db: WritableDB, badges: ReadonlyArray ): void { const insertBadge = prepare( db, ` INSERT OR REPLACE INTO badges ( id, category, name, descriptionTemplate ) VALUES ( $id, $category, $name, $descriptionTemplate ); ` ); const getImageFilesForBadge = prepare( db, 'SELECT url, localPath FROM badgeImageFiles WHERE badgeId = $badgeId' ); const insertBadgeImageFile = prepare( db, ` INSERT INTO badgeImageFiles ( badgeId, 'order', url, localPath, theme ) VALUES ( $badgeId, $order, $url, $localPath, $theme ); ` ); db.transaction(() => { badges.forEach(badge => { const { id: badgeId } = badge; const oldLocalPaths = new Map(); for (const { url, localPath } of getImageFilesForBadge.all({ badgeId })) { if (localPath) { oldLocalPaths.set(url, localPath); } } insertBadge.run({ id: badgeId, category: badge.category, name: badge.name, descriptionTemplate: badge.descriptionTemplate, }); for (const [order, image] of badge.images.entries()) { for (const [theme, imageFile] of Object.entries(image)) { insertBadgeImageFile.run({ badgeId, localPath: imageFile.localPath || oldLocalPaths.get(imageFile.url) || null, order, theme, url: imageFile.url, }); } } }); })(); } function badgeImageFileDownloaded( db: WritableDB, url: string, localPath: string ): void { prepare( db, 'UPDATE badgeImageFiles SET localPath = $localPath WHERE url = $url' ).run({ url, localPath }); } function getAllBadgeImageFileLocalPaths(db: ReadableDB): Set { const localPaths = db .prepare( 'SELECT localPath FROM badgeImageFiles WHERE localPath IS NOT NULL' ) .pluck() .all(); return new Set(localPaths); } function runCorruptionChecks(db: ReadableDB): void { let writable: WritableDB; try { writable = toUnsafeWritableDB(db, 'integrity check'); } catch (error) { logger.error( 'runCorruptionChecks: not running the check, no writable instance', Errors.toLogFormat(error) ); return; } try { const result = writable.pragma('integrity_check'); if (result.length === 1 && result.at(0)?.integrity_check === 'ok') { logger.info('runCorruptionChecks: general integrity is ok'); } else { logger.error('runCorruptionChecks: general integrity is not ok', result); } } catch (error) { logger.error( 'runCorruptionChecks: general integrity check error', Errors.toLogFormat(error) ); } try { writable.exec( "INSERT INTO messages_fts(messages_fts) VALUES('integrity-check')" ); logger.info('runCorruptionChecks: FTS5 integrity ok'); } catch (error) { logger.error( 'runCorruptionChecks: FTS5 integrity check error.', Errors.toLogFormat(error) ); } } type StoryDistributionForDatabase = Readonly< { allowsReplies: 0 | 1; deletedAtTimestamp: number | null; isBlockList: 0 | 1; senderKeyInfoJson: string | null; storageID: string | null; storageVersion: number | null; storageNeedsSync: 0 | 1; } & Omit< StoryDistributionType, | 'allowsReplies' | 'deletedAtTimestamp' | 'isBlockList' | 'senderKeyInfo' | 'storageID' | 'storageVersion' | 'storageNeedsSync' > >; function hydrateStoryDistribution( fromDatabase: StoryDistributionForDatabase ): StoryDistributionType { return { ...omit(fromDatabase, 'senderKeyInfoJson'), allowsReplies: Boolean(fromDatabase.allowsReplies), deletedAtTimestamp: fromDatabase.deletedAtTimestamp || undefined, isBlockList: Boolean(fromDatabase.isBlockList), senderKeyInfo: fromDatabase.senderKeyInfoJson ? JSON.parse(fromDatabase.senderKeyInfoJson) : undefined, storageID: fromDatabase.storageID || undefined, storageVersion: fromDatabase.storageVersion || undefined, storageNeedsSync: Boolean(fromDatabase.storageNeedsSync), storageUnknownFields: fromDatabase.storageUnknownFields || undefined, }; } function freezeStoryDistribution( story: StoryDistributionType ): StoryDistributionForDatabase { return { ...omit(story, 'senderKeyInfo'), allowsReplies: story.allowsReplies ? 1 : 0, deletedAtTimestamp: story.deletedAtTimestamp || null, isBlockList: story.isBlockList ? 1 : 0, senderKeyInfoJson: story.senderKeyInfo ? JSON.stringify(story.senderKeyInfo) : null, storageID: story.storageID || null, storageVersion: story.storageVersion || null, storageNeedsSync: story.storageNeedsSync ? 1 : 0, storageUnknownFields: story.storageUnknownFields || null, }; } function _getAllStoryDistributions( db: ReadableDB ): Array { const storyDistributions = db .prepare('SELECT * FROM storyDistributions;') .all(); return storyDistributions.map(hydrateStoryDistribution); } function _getAllStoryDistributionMembers( db: ReadableDB ): Array { return db .prepare('SELECT * FROM storyDistributionMembers;') .all(); } function _deleteAllStoryDistributions(db: WritableDB): void { db.prepare('DELETE FROM storyDistributions;').run(); } function createNewStoryDistribution( db: WritableDB, distribution: StoryDistributionWithMembersType ): void { strictAssert( distribution.name, 'Distribution list does not have a valid name' ); db.transaction(() => { const payload = freezeStoryDistribution(distribution); prepare( db, ` INSERT INTO storyDistributions( id, name, deletedAtTimestamp, allowsReplies, isBlockList, senderKeyInfoJson, storageID, storageVersion, storageUnknownFields, storageNeedsSync ) VALUES ( $id, $name, $deletedAtTimestamp, $allowsReplies, $isBlockList, $senderKeyInfoJson, $storageID, $storageVersion, $storageUnknownFields, $storageNeedsSync ); ` ).run(payload); const { id: listId, members } = distribution; const memberInsertStatement = prepare( db, ` INSERT OR REPLACE INTO storyDistributionMembers ( listId, serviceId ) VALUES ( $listId, $serviceId ); ` ); for (const serviceId of members) { memberInsertStatement.run({ listId, serviceId, }); } })(); } function getAllStoryDistributionsWithMembers( db: ReadableDB ): Array { const allDistributions = _getAllStoryDistributions(db); const allMembers = _getAllStoryDistributionMembers(db); const byListId = groupBy(allMembers, member => member.listId); return allDistributions.map(list => ({ ...list, members: (byListId[list.id] || []).map(member => member.serviceId), })); } function getStoryDistributionWithMembers( db: ReadableDB, id: string ): StoryDistributionWithMembersType | undefined { const storyDistribution: StoryDistributionForDatabase | undefined = prepare( db, 'SELECT * FROM storyDistributions WHERE id = $id;' ).get({ id, }); if (!storyDistribution) { return undefined; } const members = prepare( db, 'SELECT * FROM storyDistributionMembers WHERE listId = $id;' ).all({ id, }); return { ...hydrateStoryDistribution(storyDistribution), members: members.map(({ serviceId }) => serviceId), }; } function modifyStoryDistribution( db: WritableDB, distribution: StoryDistributionType ): void { const payload = freezeStoryDistribution(distribution); if (payload.deletedAtTimestamp) { strictAssert( !payload.name, 'Attempt to delete distribution list but still has a name' ); } else { strictAssert( payload.name, 'Cannot clear distribution list name without deletedAtTimestamp set' ); } prepare( db, ` UPDATE storyDistributions SET name = $name, deletedAtTimestamp = $deletedAtTimestamp, allowsReplies = $allowsReplies, isBlockList = $isBlockList, senderKeyInfoJson = $senderKeyInfoJson, storageID = $storageID, storageVersion = $storageVersion, storageUnknownFields = $storageUnknownFields, storageNeedsSync = $storageNeedsSync WHERE id = $id ` ).run(payload); } function modifyStoryDistributionMembers( db: WritableDB, listId: string, { toAdd, toRemove, }: { toAdd: Array; toRemove: Array } ): void { const memberInsertStatement = prepare( db, ` INSERT OR REPLACE INTO storyDistributionMembers ( listId, serviceId ) VALUES ( $listId, $serviceId ); ` ); for (const serviceId of toAdd) { memberInsertStatement.run({ listId, serviceId, }); } batchMultiVarQuery( db, toRemove, (serviceIds: ReadonlyArray) => { const serviceIdSet = sqlJoin(serviceIds); const [sqlQuery, sqlParams] = sql` DELETE FROM storyDistributionMembers WHERE listId = ${listId} AND serviceId IN (${serviceIdSet}); `; db.prepare(sqlQuery).run(sqlParams); } ); } function modifyStoryDistributionWithMembers( db: WritableDB, distribution: StoryDistributionType, { toAdd, toRemove, }: { toAdd: Array; toRemove: Array } ): void { if (toAdd.length || toRemove.length) { db.transaction(() => { modifyStoryDistribution(db, distribution); modifyStoryDistributionMembers(db, distribution.id, { toAdd, toRemove }); })(); } else { modifyStoryDistribution(db, distribution); } } function deleteStoryDistribution( db: WritableDB, id: StoryDistributionIdString ): void { db.prepare('DELETE FROM storyDistributions WHERE id = $id;').run({ id, }); } function _getAllStoryReads(db: ReadableDB): Array { return db.prepare('SELECT * FROM storyReads;').all(); } function _deleteAllStoryReads(db: WritableDB): void { db.prepare('DELETE FROM storyReads;').run(); } function addNewStoryRead(db: WritableDB, read: StoryReadType): void { prepare( db, ` INSERT OR REPLACE INTO storyReads( authorId, conversationId, storyId, storyReadDate ) VALUES ( $authorId, $conversationId, $storyId, $storyReadDate ); ` ).run(read); } function getLastStoryReadsForAuthor( db: ReadableDB, { authorId, conversationId, limit: initialLimit, }: { authorId: ServiceIdString; conversationId?: string; limit?: number; } ): Array { const limit = initialLimit || 5; return db .prepare( ` SELECT * FROM storyReads WHERE authorId = $authorId AND ($conversationId IS NULL OR conversationId = $conversationId) ORDER BY storyReadDate DESC LIMIT $limit; ` ) .all({ authorId, conversationId: conversationId || null, limit, }); } function countStoryReadsByConversation( db: ReadableDB, conversationId: string ): number { return db .prepare( ` SELECT count(1) FROM storyReads WHERE conversationId = $conversationId; ` ) .pluck() .get({ conversationId }); } // All data in database function removeAll(db: WritableDB): void { db.transaction(() => { db.exec(` --- Remove messages delete trigger for performance DROP TRIGGER messages_on_delete; DELETE FROM attachment_downloads; DELETE FROM attachment_backup_jobs; DELETE FROM backup_cdn_object_metadata; DELETE FROM badgeImageFiles; DELETE FROM badges; DELETE FROM callLinks; DELETE FROM callsHistory; DELETE FROM conversations; DELETE FROM emojis; DELETE FROM groupCallRingCancellations; DELETE FROM groupSendCombinedEndorsement; DELETE FROM groupSendMemberEndorsement; DELETE FROM identityKeys; DELETE FROM items; DELETE FROM jobs; DELETE FROM kyberPreKeys; DELETE FROM messages_fts; DELETE FROM messages; DELETE FROM preKeys; DELETE FROM reactions; DELETE FROM senderKeys; DELETE FROM sendLogMessageIds; DELETE FROM sendLogPayloads; DELETE FROM sendLogRecipients; DELETE FROM sessions; DELETE FROM signedPreKeys; DELETE FROM sticker_packs; DELETE FROM sticker_references; DELETE FROM stickers; DELETE FROM storyDistributionMembers; DELETE FROM storyDistributions; DELETE FROM storyReads; DELETE FROM syncTasks; DELETE FROM unprocessed; DELETE FROM uninstalled_sticker_packs; INSERT INTO messages_fts(messages_fts) VALUES('optimize'); --- Re-create the messages delete trigger --- See migration 45 CREATE TRIGGER messages_on_delete AFTER DELETE ON messages BEGIN DELETE FROM messages_fts WHERE rowid = old.rowid; DELETE FROM sendLogPayloads WHERE id IN ( SELECT payloadId FROM sendLogMessageIds WHERE messageId = old.id ); DELETE FROM reactions WHERE rowid IN ( SELECT rowid FROM reactions WHERE messageId = old.id ); DELETE FROM storyReads WHERE storyId = old.storyId; END; `); })(); } // Anything that isn't user-visible data function removeAllConfiguration(db: WritableDB): void { db.transaction(() => { db.exec( ` DELETE FROM attachment_backup_jobs; DELETE FROM backup_cdn_object_metadata; DELETE FROM groupSendCombinedEndorsement; DELETE FROM groupSendMemberEndorsement; DELETE FROM jobs; DELETE FROM kyberPreKeys; DELETE FROM preKeys; DELETE FROM senderKeys; DELETE FROM sendLogMessageIds; DELETE FROM sendLogPayloads; DELETE FROM sendLogRecipients; DELETE FROM sessions; DELETE FROM signedPreKeys; DELETE FROM syncTasks; DELETE FROM unprocessed; ` ); const itemIds: ReadonlyArray = db .prepare('SELECT id FROM items') .pluck(true) .all(); const allowedSet = new Set(STORAGE_UI_KEYS); for (const id of itemIds) { if (!allowedSet.has(id)) { removeById(db, 'items', id); } } db.exec( ` UPDATE conversations SET json = json_remove( json, '$.senderKeyInfo', '$.storageID', '$.needsStorageServiceSync', '$.storageUnknownFields' ); UPDATE storyDistributions SET senderKeyInfoJson = NULL; ` ); })(); } function eraseStorageServiceState(db: WritableDB): void { db.exec(` -- Conversations UPDATE conversations SET json = json_remove(json, '$.storageID', '$.needsStorageServiceSync', '$.storageUnknownFields'); -- Stickers UPDATE sticker_packs SET storageID = null, storageVersion = null, storageUnknownFields = null, storageNeedsSync = 0; UPDATE uninstalled_sticker_packs SET storageID = null, storageVersion = null, storageUnknownFields = null, storageNeedsSync = 0; -- Story Distribution Lists UPDATE storyDistributions SET storageID = null, storageVersion = null, storageUnknownFields = null, storageNeedsSync = 0; -- Call links UPDATE callLinks SET storageID = null, storageVersion = null, storageUnknownFields = null, storageNeedsSync = 0; `); } const MAX_MESSAGE_MIGRATION_ATTEMPTS = 5; function getMessagesNeedingUpgrade( db: ReadableDB, limit: number, { maxVersion }: { maxVersion: number } ): Array { const rows: JSONRows = db .prepare( ` SELECT json FROM messages WHERE (schemaVersion IS NULL OR schemaVersion < $maxVersion) AND IFNULL( json_extract(json, '$.schemaMigrationAttempts'), 0 ) < $maxAttempts LIMIT $limit; ` ) .all({ maxVersion, maxAttempts: MAX_MESSAGE_MIGRATION_ATTEMPTS, limit, }); return rows.map(row => jsonToObject(row.json)); } // Exported for tests export function incrementMessagesMigrationAttempts( db: WritableDB, messageIds: ReadonlyArray ): void { batchMultiVarQuery(db, messageIds, (batch: ReadonlyArray): void => { const idSet = sqlJoin(batch); const [sqlQuery, sqlParams] = sql` UPDATE messages SET json = json_set( json, '$.schemaMigrationAttempts', IFNULL(json -> '$.schemaMigrationAttempts', 0) + 1 ) WHERE id IN (${idSet}) `; db.prepare(sqlQuery).run(sqlParams); }); } function getMessageServerGuidsForSpam( db: ReadableDB, conversationId: string ): Array { // The server's maximum is 3, which is why you see `LIMIT 3` in this query. Note that we // use `pluck` here to only get the first column! return db .prepare( ` SELECT serverGuid FROM messages WHERE conversationId = $conversationId AND type = 'incoming' AND serverGuid IS NOT NULL ORDER BY received_at DESC, sent_at DESC LIMIT 3; ` ) .pluck(true) .all({ conversationId }); } function getExternalFilesForMessage(message: MessageType): { externalAttachments: Array; externalDownloads: Array; } { const { attachments, contact, quote, preview, sticker } = message; const externalAttachments: Array = []; const externalDownloads: Array = []; forEach(attachments, attachment => { const { path: file, thumbnail, screenshot, thumbnailFromBackup, downloadPath, } = attachment; if (file) { externalAttachments.push(file); } // downloadPath is relative to downloads folder and has to be tracked // separately. if (downloadPath) { externalDownloads.push(downloadPath); } if (thumbnail && thumbnail.path) { externalAttachments.push(thumbnail.path); } if (screenshot && screenshot.path) { externalAttachments.push(screenshot.path); } if (thumbnailFromBackup && thumbnailFromBackup.path) { externalAttachments.push(thumbnailFromBackup.path); } }); if (quote && quote.attachments && quote.attachments.length) { forEach(quote.attachments, attachment => { const { thumbnail } = attachment; if (thumbnail && thumbnail.path) { externalAttachments.push(thumbnail.path); } }); } if (contact && contact.length) { forEach(contact, item => { const { avatar } = item; if (avatar && avatar.avatar && avatar.avatar.path) { externalAttachments.push(avatar.avatar.path); } }); } if (preview && preview.length) { forEach(preview, item => { const { image } = item; if (image && image.path) { externalAttachments.push(image.path); } }); } if (sticker && sticker.data && sticker.data.path) { externalAttachments.push(sticker.data.path); if (sticker.data.thumbnail && sticker.data.thumbnail.path) { externalAttachments.push(sticker.data.thumbnail.path); } } return { externalAttachments, externalDownloads }; } function getExternalFilesForConversation( conversation: Pick ): Array { const { avatar, profileAvatar } = conversation; const files: Array = []; if (avatar && avatar.path) { files.push(avatar.path); } if (profileAvatar && profileAvatar.path) { files.push(profileAvatar.path); } return files; } function getExternalDraftFilesForConversation( conversation: Pick ): Array { const draftAttachments = conversation.draftAttachments || []; const files: Array = []; forEach(draftAttachments, attachment => { if (attachment.pending) { return; } const { path: file, screenshotPath } = attachment; if (file) { files.push(file); } if (screenshotPath) { files.push(screenshotPath); } }); return files; } function getKnownMessageAttachments( db: ReadableDB, cursor?: MessageAttachmentsCursorType ): GetKnownMessageAttachmentsResultType { const innerCursor = cursor as MessageCursorType | undefined as | PageMessagesCursorType | undefined; const attachments = new Set(); const downloads = new Set(); const { messages, cursor: newCursor } = pageMessages(db, innerCursor); for (const message of messages) { const { externalAttachments, externalDownloads } = getExternalFilesForMessage(message); externalAttachments.forEach(file => attachments.add(file)); externalDownloads.forEach(file => downloads.add(file)); } return { attachments: Array.from(attachments), downloads: Array.from(downloads), cursor: newCursor as MessageCursorType as MessageAttachmentsCursorType, }; } function finishGetKnownMessageAttachments( db: ReadableDB, cursor: MessageAttachmentsCursorType ): void { const innerCursor = cursor as MessageCursorType as PageMessagesCursorType; finishPageMessages(db, innerCursor); } function pageMessages( db: ReadableDB, cursor?: PageMessagesCursorType ): PageMessagesResultType { const writable = toUnsafeWritableDB(db, 'only temp table use'); const chunkSize = 1000; return writable.transaction(() => { let count = cursor?.count ?? 0; strictAssert(!cursor?.done, 'pageMessages: iteration cannot be restarted'); let runId: string; if (cursor === undefined) { runId = randomBytes(8).toString('hex'); const total = getMessageCount(db); logger.info( `pageMessages(${runId}): ` + `Starting iteration through ${total} messages` ); writable.exec( ` CREATE TEMP TABLE tmp_${runId}_updated_messages (rowid INTEGER PRIMARY KEY ASC); INSERT INTO tmp_${runId}_updated_messages (rowid) SELECT rowid FROM messages; CREATE TEMP TRIGGER tmp_${runId}_message_updates UPDATE OF json ON messages BEGIN INSERT OR IGNORE INTO tmp_${runId}_updated_messages (rowid) VALUES (NEW.rowid); END; CREATE TEMP TRIGGER tmp_${runId}_message_inserts AFTER INSERT ON messages BEGIN INSERT OR IGNORE INTO tmp_${runId}_updated_messages (rowid) VALUES (NEW.rowid); END; ` ); } else { ({ runId } = cursor); } const rowids: Array = writable .prepare( ` DELETE FROM tmp_${runId}_updated_messages RETURNING rowid LIMIT $chunkSize; ` ) .pluck() .all({ chunkSize }); const messages = batchMultiVarQuery( writable, rowids, (batch: ReadonlyArray): Array => { const query = writable.prepare( `SELECT json FROM messages WHERE rowid IN (${Array(batch.length) .fill('?') .join(',')});` ); const rows: JSONRows = query.all(batch); return rows.map(row => jsonToObject(row.json)); } ); count += messages.length; const done = rowids.length < chunkSize; const newCursor: MessageCursorType = { runId, count, done }; return { messages, cursor: newCursor as PageMessagesCursorType, }; })(); } function finishPageMessages( db: ReadableDB, { runId, count, done }: PageMessagesCursorType ): void { const writable = toUnsafeWritableDB(db, 'only temp table use'); const logId = `finishPageMessages(${runId})`; if (!done) { logger.warn(`${logId}: iteration not finished`); } logger.info(`${logId}: reached the end after processing ${count} messages`); writable.exec(` DROP TABLE tmp_${runId}_updated_messages; DROP TRIGGER tmp_${runId}_message_updates; DROP TRIGGER tmp_${runId}_message_inserts; `); } function getKnownDownloads(db: ReadableDB): Array { const result = []; const backup = getItemById(db, 'backupDownloadPath'); if (backup) { result.push(backup.value); } return result; } function getKnownConversationAttachments(db: ReadableDB): Array { const result = new Set(); const chunkSize = 500; let complete = false; let id = ''; const conversationTotal = getConversationCount(db); logger.info( 'getKnownConversationAttachments: About to iterate through ' + `${conversationTotal}` ); const fetchConversations = db.prepare( ` SELECT json FROM conversations WHERE id > $id ORDER BY id ASC LIMIT $chunkSize; ` ); while (!complete) { const rows = fetchConversations.all({ id, chunkSize, }); const conversations: Array = map(rows, row => jsonToObject(row.json) ); conversations.forEach(conversation => { const externalFiles = getExternalFilesForConversation(conversation); externalFiles.forEach(file => result.add(file)); }); const lastMessage: ConversationType | undefined = last(conversations); if (lastMessage) { ({ id } = lastMessage); } complete = conversations.length < chunkSize; } logger.info('getKnownConversationAttachments: Done processing'); return Array.from(result); } function removeKnownStickers( db: WritableDB, allStickers: ReadonlyArray ): Array { const lookup: Dictionary = fromPairs( map(allStickers, file => [file, true]) ); const chunkSize = 50; const total = getStickerCount(db); logger.info( `removeKnownStickers: About to iterate through ${total} stickers` ); let count = 0; let complete = false; let rowid = 0; while (!complete) { const rows: Array<{ rowid: number; path: string }> = db .prepare( ` SELECT rowid, path FROM stickers WHERE rowid > $rowid ORDER BY rowid ASC LIMIT $chunkSize; ` ) .all({ rowid, chunkSize, }); const files: Array = rows.map(row => row.path); files.forEach(file => { delete lookup[file]; }); const lastSticker = last(rows); if (lastSticker) { ({ rowid } = lastSticker); } complete = rows.length < chunkSize; count += rows.length; } logger.info(`removeKnownStickers: Done processing ${count} stickers`); return Object.keys(lookup); } function removeKnownDraftAttachments( db: WritableDB, allStickers: ReadonlyArray ): Array { const lookup: Dictionary = fromPairs( map(allStickers, file => [file, true]) ); const chunkSize = 50; const total = getConversationCount(db); logger.info( `removeKnownDraftAttachments: About to iterate through ${total} conversations` ); let complete = false; let count = 0; // Though conversations.id is a string, this ensures that, when coerced, this // value is still a string but it's smaller than every other string. let id: number | string = 0; while (!complete) { const rows: JSONRows = db .prepare( ` SELECT json FROM conversations WHERE id > $id ORDER BY id ASC LIMIT $chunkSize; ` ) .all({ id, chunkSize, }); const conversations: Array = rows.map(row => jsonToObject(row.json) ); conversations.forEach(conversation => { const externalFiles = getExternalDraftFilesForConversation(conversation); externalFiles.forEach(file => { delete lookup[file]; }); }); const lastMessage: ConversationType | undefined = last(conversations); if (lastMessage) { ({ id } = lastMessage); } complete = conversations.length < chunkSize; count += conversations.length; } logger.info( `removeKnownDraftAttachments: Done processing ${count} conversations` ); return Object.keys(lookup); } export function getJobsInQueue( db: ReadableDB, queueType: string ): Array { return db .prepare( ` SELECT id, timestamp, data FROM jobs WHERE queueType = $queueType ORDER BY timestamp; ` ) .all({ queueType }) .map(row => ({ id: row.id, queueType, timestamp: row.timestamp, data: isNotNil(row.data) ? JSON.parse(row.data) : undefined, })); } export function insertJob(db: WritableDB, job: Readonly): void { db.prepare( ` INSERT INTO jobs (id, queueType, timestamp, data) VALUES ($id, $queueType, $timestamp, $data); ` ).run({ id: job.id, queueType: job.queueType, timestamp: job.timestamp, data: isNotNil(job.data) ? JSON.stringify(job.data) : null, }); } function deleteJob(db: WritableDB, id: string): void { db.prepare('DELETE FROM jobs WHERE id = $id').run({ id }); } function wasGroupCallRingPreviouslyCanceled( db: ReadableDB, ringId: bigint ): boolean { return db .prepare( ` SELECT EXISTS ( SELECT 1 FROM groupCallRingCancellations WHERE ringId = $ringId AND createdAt >= $ringsOlderThanThisAreIgnored ); ` ) .pluck() .get({ ringId, ringsOlderThanThisAreIgnored: Date.now() - MAX_GROUP_CALL_RING_AGE, }); } function processGroupCallRingCancellation( db: WritableDB, ringId: bigint ): void { db.prepare( ` INSERT INTO groupCallRingCancellations (ringId, createdAt) VALUES ($ringId, $createdAt) ON CONFLICT (ringId) DO NOTHING; ` ).run({ ringId, createdAt: Date.now() }); } // This age, in milliseconds, should be longer than any group call ring duration. Beyond // that, it doesn't really matter what the value is. const MAX_GROUP_CALL_RING_AGE = 30 * durations.MINUTE; function cleanExpiredGroupCallRingCancellations(db: WritableDB): void { db.prepare( ` DELETE FROM groupCallRingCancellations WHERE createdAt < $expiredRingTime; ` ).run({ expiredRingTime: Date.now() - MAX_GROUP_CALL_RING_AGE, }); } function getMaxMessageCounter(db: ReadableDB): number | undefined { return db .prepare( ` SELECT MAX(counter) FROM ( SELECT MAX(received_at) AS counter FROM messages UNION SELECT MAX(timestamp) AS counter FROM unprocessed ) ` ) .pluck() .get(); } function getStatisticsForLogging(db: ReadableDB): Record { const counts = { messageCount: getMessageCount(db), conversationCount: getConversationCount(db), sessionCount: getCountFromTable(db, 'sessions'), senderKeyCount: getCountFromTable(db, 'senderKeys'), }; return mapValues(counts, formatCountForLogging); } function updateAllConversationColors( db: WritableDB, conversationColor?: ConversationColorType, customColorData?: { id: string; value: CustomColorType; } ): void { db.prepare( ` UPDATE conversations SET json = JSON_PATCH(json, $patch); ` ).run({ patch: JSON.stringify({ conversationColor: conversationColor || null, customColor: customColorData?.value || null, customColorId: customColorData?.id || null, }), }); } function removeAllProfileKeyCredentials(db: WritableDB): void { db.exec( ` UPDATE conversations SET json = json_remove(json, '$.profileKeyCredential') ` ); } function saveEditedMessages( db: WritableDB, mainMessage: ReadonlyDeep, ourAci: AciString, history: ReadonlyArray> ): void { db.transaction(() => { saveMessage(db, mainMessage, { ourAci, alreadyInTransaction: true, }); for (const { conversationId, messageId, readStatus, sentAt } of history) { const [query, params] = sql` INSERT INTO edited_messages ( conversationId, messageId, sentAt, readStatus ) VALUES ( ${conversationId}, ${messageId}, ${sentAt}, ${readStatus} ); `; db.prepare(query).run(params); } })(); } function saveEditedMessage( db: WritableDB, mainMessage: ReadonlyDeep, ourAci: AciString, editedMessage: ReadonlyDeep ): void { return saveEditedMessages(db, mainMessage, ourAci, [editedMessage]); } function _getAllEditedMessages( db: ReadableDB ): Array<{ messageId: string; sentAt: number }> { return db .prepare( ` SELECT * FROM edited_messages; ` ) .all({}); } function getUnreadEditedMessagesAndMarkRead( db: WritableDB, { conversationId, newestUnreadAt, }: { conversationId: string; newestUnreadAt: number; } ): GetUnreadByConversationAndMarkReadResultType { return db.transaction(() => { const [selectQuery, selectParams] = sql` SELECT messages.id, messages.json, edited_messages.sentAt, edited_messages.readStatus FROM edited_messages JOIN messages ON messages.id = edited_messages.messageId WHERE edited_messages.readStatus = ${ReadStatus.Unread} AND edited_messages.conversationId = ${conversationId} AND received_at <= ${newestUnreadAt} ORDER BY messages.received_at DESC, messages.sent_at DESC; `; const rows = db.prepare(selectQuery).all(selectParams); if (rows.length) { const newestSentAt = rows[0].sentAt; const [updateStatusQuery, updateStatusParams] = sql` UPDATE edited_messages SET readStatus = ${ReadStatus.Read} WHERE readStatus = ${ReadStatus.Unread} AND conversationId = ${conversationId} AND sentAt <= ${newestSentAt}; `; db.prepare(updateStatusQuery).run(updateStatusParams); } return rows.map(row => { const json = jsonToObject(row.json); return { originalReadStatus: row.readStatus, readStatus: ReadStatus.Read, seenStatus: SeenStatus.Seen, ...pick(json, [ 'expirationStartTimestamp', 'id', 'sent_at', 'source', 'sourceServiceId', 'type', ]), // Use the edited message timestamp sent_at: row.sentAt, }; }); })(); }