// Copyright 2018-2022 Signal Messenger, LLC // SPDX-License-Identifier: AGPL-3.0-only import { isFunction, isNumber } from 'lodash'; import pMap from 'p-map'; import { CURRENT_SCHEMA_VERSION } from '../types/Message2'; import { isNotNil } from '../util/isNotNil'; import type { MessageAttributesType } from '../model-types.d'; import type { UUIDStringType } from '../types/UUID'; import * as Errors from '../types/errors'; const MAX_CONCURRENCY = 5; /** * Ensures that messages in database are at the right schema. */ export async function migrateMessageData({ numMessagesPerBatch, upgradeMessageSchema, getMessagesNeedingUpgrade, saveMessages, maxVersion = CURRENT_SCHEMA_VERSION, }: Readonly<{ numMessagesPerBatch: number; upgradeMessageSchema: ( message: MessageAttributesType, options: { maxVersion: number } ) => Promise<MessageAttributesType>; getMessagesNeedingUpgrade: ( limit: number, options: { maxVersion: number } ) => Promise<Array<MessageAttributesType>>; saveMessages: ( data: ReadonlyArray<MessageAttributesType>, options: { ourUuid: UUIDStringType } ) => Promise<void>; maxVersion?: number; }>): Promise< | { done: true; numProcessed: 0; } | { done: boolean; numProcessed: number; fetchDuration: number; upgradeDuration: number; saveDuration: number; totalDuration: number; } > { if (!isNumber(numMessagesPerBatch)) { throw new TypeError("'numMessagesPerBatch' is required"); } if (!isFunction(upgradeMessageSchema)) { throw new TypeError("'upgradeMessageSchema' is required"); } const startTime = Date.now(); const fetchStartTime = Date.now(); let messagesRequiringSchemaUpgrade; try { messagesRequiringSchemaUpgrade = await getMessagesNeedingUpgrade( numMessagesPerBatch, { maxVersion } ); } catch (error) { window.SignalContext.log.error( 'migrateMessageData.getMessagesNeedingUpgrade error:', Errors.toLogFormat(error) ); return { done: true, numProcessed: 0, }; } const fetchDuration = Date.now() - fetchStartTime; const upgradeStartTime = Date.now(); const failedMessages = new Array<MessageAttributesType>(); const upgradedMessages = ( await pMap( messagesRequiringSchemaUpgrade, async message => { try { return await upgradeMessageSchema(message, { maxVersion }); } catch (error) { window.SignalContext.log.error( 'migrateMessageData.upgradeMessageSchema error:', Errors.toLogFormat(error) ); failedMessages.push(message); return undefined; } }, { concurrency: MAX_CONCURRENCY } ) ).filter(isNotNil); const upgradeDuration = Date.now() - upgradeStartTime; const saveStartTime = Date.now(); const ourUuid = window.textsecure.storage.user.getCheckedUuid().toString(); await saveMessages( [ ...upgradedMessages, // Increment migration attempts ...failedMessages.map(message => ({ ...message, schemaMigrationAttempts: (message.schemaMigrationAttempts ?? 0) + 1, })), ], { ourUuid } ); const saveDuration = Date.now() - saveStartTime; const totalDuration = Date.now() - startTime; const numProcessed = messagesRequiringSchemaUpgrade.length; const done = numProcessed < numMessagesPerBatch; return { done, numProcessed, fetchDuration, upgradeDuration, saveDuration, totalDuration, }; }