// Copyright 2018-2021 Signal Messenger, LLC // SPDX-License-Identifier: AGPL-3.0-only import { memoize, sortBy } from 'lodash'; import os from 'os'; import { ipcRenderer as ipc } from 'electron'; import { reallyJsonStringify } from '../util/reallyJsonStringify'; import type { FetchLogIpcData, LogEntryType } from './shared'; import { LogLevel, getLogLevelString, isFetchLogIpcData, isLogEntry, levelMaxLength, } from './shared'; import { redactAll } from '../util/privacy'; import { getEnvironment } from '../environment'; // The mechanics of preparing a log for publish const headerSectionTitle = (title: string) => `========= ${title} =========`; const headerSection = ( title: string, data: Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> ): string => { const sortedEntries = sortBy(Object.entries(data), ([key]) => key); return [ headerSectionTitle(title), ...sortedEntries.map( ([key, value]) => `${key}: ${redactAll(String(value))}` ), '', ].join('\n'); }; const getHeader = ( { capabilities, remoteConfig, statistics, appMetrics, user, }: Omit<FetchLogIpcData, 'logEntries'>, nodeVersion: string, appVersion: string ): string => [ headerSection('System info', { Time: Date.now(), 'User agent': window.navigator.userAgent, 'Node version': nodeVersion, Environment: getEnvironment(), 'App version': appVersion, 'OS version': os.version(), }), headerSection('User info', user), headerSection('Capabilities', capabilities), headerSection('Remote config', remoteConfig), headerSection( 'Metrics', appMetrics.reduce((acc, stats, index) => { const { type = '?', serviceName = '?', name = '?', cpu, memory, } = stats; const processId = `${index}:${type}/${serviceName}/${name}`; return { ...acc, [processId]: `cpuUsage=${cpu.percentCPUUsage.toFixed(2)} ` + `wakeups=${cpu.idleWakeupsPerSecond} ` + `workingMemory=${memory.workingSetSize} ` + `peakWorkingMemory=${memory.peakWorkingSetSize}`, }; }, {}) ), headerSection('Statistics', statistics), headerSectionTitle('Logs'), ].join('\n'); const getLevel = memoize((level: LogLevel): string => { const text = getLogLevelString(level); return text.toUpperCase().padEnd(levelMaxLength, ' '); }); function formatLine(mightBeEntry: unknown): string { const entry: LogEntryType = isLogEntry(mightBeEntry) ? mightBeEntry : { level: LogLevel.Error, msg: `Invalid IPC data when fetching logs. Here's what we could recover: ${reallyJsonStringify( mightBeEntry )}`, time: new Date().toISOString(), }; return `${getLevel(entry.level)} ${entry.time} ${entry.msg}`; } export async function fetch( nodeVersion: string, appVersion: string ): Promise<string> { const data: unknown = await ipc.invoke('fetch-log'); let header: string; let body: string; if (isFetchLogIpcData(data)) { const { logEntries } = data; header = getHeader(data, nodeVersion, appVersion); body = logEntries.map(formatLine).join('\n'); } else { header = headerSectionTitle('Partial logs'); const entry: LogEntryType = { level: LogLevel.Error, msg: 'Invalid IPC data when fetching logs; dropping all logs', time: new Date().toISOString(), }; body = formatLine(entry); } return `${header}\n${body}`; }