// Copyright 2021 Signal Messenger, LLC // SPDX-License-Identifier: AGPL-3.0-only import { createSelector } from 'reselect'; import { getIntl, getUserACI, getUserConversationId, getUserNumber, } from './user'; import { getAttachmentUrlForPath, getMessagePropStatus, getSource, getSourceUuid, } from './message'; import { getConversationByIdSelector, getConversations, getConversationSelector, getSelectedConversationId, } from './conversations'; import type { StateType } from '../reducer'; import * as log from '../../logging/log'; import type { MessageWithUIFieldsType } from '../ducks/conversations'; import type { MessageAttributesType } from '../../model-types.d'; import { getMessageIdForLogging } from '../../util/idForLogging'; import * as Attachment from '../../types/Attachment'; import type { ActiveAudioPlayerStateType } from '../ducks/audioPlayer'; import { isPlayed } from '../../types/Attachment'; import type { UUIDStringType } from '../../types/UUID'; export type VoiceNoteForPlayback = { id: string; // undefined if download is pending url: string | undefined; type: 'incoming' | 'outgoing'; source: string | undefined; sourceUuid: UUIDStringType | undefined; isPlayed: boolean; messageIdForLogging: string; timestamp: number; }; export const isPaused = (state: StateType): boolean => { return state.audioPlayer.active === undefined; }; export const selectAudioPlayerActive = ( state: StateType ): ActiveAudioPlayerStateType | undefined => { return state.audioPlayer.active; }; export const selectVoiceNoteTitle = createSelector( getUserNumber, getUserACI, getUserConversationId, getConversationSelector, getIntl, (ourNumber, ourACI, ourConversationId, conversationSelector, i18n) => { return ( message: Pick ) => { const source = getSource(message, ourNumber); const sourceUuid = getSourceUuid(message, ourACI); const conversation = !source && !sourceUuid ? conversationSelector(ourConversationId) : conversationSelector(sourceUuid || source); return conversation.isMe ? i18n('icu:you') : conversation.title; }; } ); export function extractVoiceNoteForPlayback( message: MessageAttributesType, ourConversationId: string | undefined ): VoiceNoteForPlayback | undefined { const { type } = message; if (type !== 'incoming' && type !== 'outgoing') { return; } if (!message.attachments) { return; } const attachment = message.attachments[0]; if (!attachment || !Attachment.isAudio(message.attachments)) { return; } const voiceNoteUrl = attachment.path ? getAttachmentUrlForPath(attachment.path) : undefined; const status = getMessagePropStatus(message, ourConversationId); return { id: message.id, url: voiceNoteUrl, type, isPlayed: isPlayed(type, status, message.readStatus), messageIdForLogging: getMessageIdForLogging(message), timestamp: message.timestamp, source: message.source, sourceUuid: message.sourceUuid, }; } /** Data necessary to playback a voice note and any consecutive notes */ export type VoiceNoteAndConsecutiveForPlayback = { conversationId: string; voiceNote: VoiceNoteForPlayback; previousMessageId: string | undefined; consecutiveVoiceNotes: ReadonlyArray; playbackRate: number; // timestamp of the message after all the once in the queue nextMessageTimestamp: number | undefined; }; export const selectVoiceNoteAndConsecutive = createSelector( getConversations, getSelectedConversationId, getConversationByIdSelector, getUserConversationId, ( conversations, selectedConversationId, getConversationById, ourConversationId ) => { return ( messageId: string ): VoiceNoteAndConsecutiveForPlayback | undefined => { const message = conversations.messagesLookup[messageId]; if (!message) { log.warn('selectVoiceNoteData: message not found', { message: messageId, }); return; } const voiceNote = extractVoiceNoteForPlayback(message, ourConversationId); if (!voiceNote) { log.warn('selectVoiceNoteData: message not a voice note', { message: messageId, }); return undefined; } if (!selectedConversationId) { log.warn('selectVoiceNoteData: no selected conversation id', { message: messageId, }); return undefined; } const conversationMessages = conversations.messagesByConversation[selectedConversationId]; if (!conversationMessages) { log.warn('selectedVoiceNote: no conversation messages', { message: messageId, }); return; } let idx = conversationMessages.messageIds.indexOf(messageId); // useful if inserting into an active queue const previousMessageId = conversationMessages.messageIds[idx - 1]; const consecutiveVoiceNotes: Array = []; let nextMessageId: string; let nextMessage: MessageWithUIFieldsType | undefined; let nextVoiceNote: VoiceNoteForPlayback | undefined; do { idx += 1; nextMessageId = conversationMessages.messageIds[idx]; if (!nextMessageId) { nextMessage = undefined; break; } nextMessage = conversations.messagesLookup[nextMessageId]; if (!nextMessage) { break; } if (nextMessage.deletedForEveryone) { continue; } nextVoiceNote = extractVoiceNoteForPlayback( nextMessage, ourConversationId ); if (nextVoiceNote) { consecutiveVoiceNotes.push(nextVoiceNote); } } while (nextVoiceNote); const conversation = getConversationById(selectedConversationId); return { conversationId: selectedConversationId, voiceNote, consecutiveVoiceNotes, playbackRate: conversation?.voiceNotePlaybackRate ?? 1, previousMessageId, nextMessageTimestamp: nextMessage?.timestamp, }; }; } );