// Copyright 2022 Signal Messenger, LLC // SPDX-License-Identifier: AGPL-3.0-only import { ipcRenderer as ipc } from 'electron'; import * as semver from 'semver'; import { mapValues } from 'lodash'; import type { IPCType } from '../../window.d'; import { parseIntWithFallback } from '../../util/parseIntWithFallback'; import { getSignalConnections } from '../../util/getSignalConnections'; import { ThemeType } from '../../types/Util'; import { getEnvironment, Environment } from '../../environment'; import { SignalContext } from '../context'; import * as log from '../../logging/log'; import { formatCountForLogging } from '../../logging/formatCountForLogging'; import * as Errors from '../../types/errors'; import { strictAssert } from '../../util/assert'; import { drop } from '../../util/drop'; import type { NotificationClickData, WindowsNotificationData, } from '../../services/notifications'; import { isAdhocCallingEnabled } from '../../util/isAdhocCallingEnabled'; import { AggregatedStats } from '../../textsecure/WebsocketResources'; import { UNAUTHENTICATED_CHANNEL_NAME } from '../../textsecure/SocketManager'; // It is important to call this as early as possible window.i18n = SignalContext.i18n; // We are comfortable doing this because we verified the type on the other side! const { config } = window.SignalContext; // Flags for testing const Flags = { GV2_ENABLE_CHANGE_PROCESSING: true, GV2_ENABLE_PRE_JOIN_FETCH: true, GV2_ENABLE_SINGLE_CHANGE_PROCESSING: true, GV2_ENABLE_STATE_PROCESSING: true, GV2_MIGRATION_DISABLE_ADD: false, GV2_MIGRATION_DISABLE_INVITE: false, }; window.Flags = Flags; window.RETRY_DELAY = false; window.platform = process.platform; window.getTitle = () => title; window.getEnvironment = getEnvironment; window.getAppInstance = () => config.appInstance; window.getVersion = () => config.version; window.getBuildCreation = () => parseIntWithFallback(config.buildCreation, 0); window.getBuildExpiration = () => config.buildExpiration; window.getHostName = () => config.hostname; window.getServerTrustRoot = () => config.serverTrustRoot; window.getServerPublicParams = () => config.serverPublicParams; window.getGenericServerPublicParams = () => config.genericServerPublicParams; window.getBackupServerPublicParams = () => config.backupServerPublicParams; window.getSfuUrl = () => config.sfuUrl; window.isBehindProxy = () => Boolean(config.proxyUrl); let title = config.name; if (getEnvironment() !== Environment.Production) { title += ` - ${getEnvironment()}`; } if (config.appInstance) { title += ` - ${config.appInstance}`; } if (config.theme === 'light') { window.initialTheme = ThemeType.light; } else if (config.theme === 'dark') { window.initialTheme = ThemeType.dark; } const IPC: IPCType = { addSetupMenuItems: () => ipc.send('add-setup-menu-items'), clearAllWindowsNotifications: async () => { log.info('show window'); return ipc.invoke('windows-notifications:clear-all'); }, closeAbout: () => ipc.send('close-about'), crashReports: { getCount: () => ipc.invoke('crash-reports:get-count'), writeToLog: () => ipc.invoke('crash-reports:write-to-log'), erase: () => ipc.invoke('crash-reports:erase'), }, drawAttention: () => { log.info('draw attention'); ipc.send('draw-attention'); }, getAutoLaunch: () => ipc.invoke('get-auto-launch'), getMediaAccessStatus: mediaType => ipc.invoke('get-media-access-status', mediaType), getMediaPermissions: () => ipc.invoke('settings:get:mediaPermissions'), getMediaCameraPermissions: () => ipc.invoke('settings:get:mediaCameraPermissions'), logAppLoadedEvent: ({ processedCount }) => ipc.send('signal-app-loaded', { preloadTime: window.preloadEndTime - window.preloadStartTime, connectTime: preloadConnectTime - window.preloadEndTime, processedCount, }), readyForUpdates: () => ipc.send('ready-for-updates'), removeSetupMenuItems: () => ipc.send('remove-setup-menu-items'), setAutoHideMenuBar: autoHide => ipc.send('set-auto-hide-menu-bar', autoHide), setAutoLaunch: value => ipc.invoke('set-auto-launch', value), setBadge: badge => ipc.send('set-badge', badge), setMenuBarVisibility: visibility => ipc.send('set-menu-bar-visibility', visibility), showDebugLog: () => { log.info('showDebugLog'); ipc.send('show-debug-log'); }, showPermissionsPopup: (forCalling, forCamera) => ipc.invoke('show-permissions-popup', forCalling, forCamera), showSettings: () => ipc.send('show-settings'), showWindow: () => { log.info('show window'); ipc.send('show-window'); }, showWindowsNotification: async (data: WindowsNotificationData) => { return ipc.invoke('windows-notifications:show', data); }, shutdown: () => { log.info('shutdown'); ipc.send('shutdown'); }, titleBarDoubleClick: () => { ipc.send('title-bar-double-click'); }, updateTrayIcon: unreadCount => ipc.send('update-tray-icon', unreadCount), }; window.IPC = IPC; window.isBeforeVersion = (toCheck, baseVersion) => { try { return semver.lt(toCheck, baseVersion); } catch (error) { log.error( `isBeforeVersion error: toCheck: ${toCheck}, baseVersion: ${baseVersion}`, Errors.toLogFormat(error) ); return true; } }; window.isAfterVersion = (toCheck, baseVersion) => { try { return semver.gt(toCheck, baseVersion); } catch (error) { log.error( `isBeforeVersion error: toCheck: ${toCheck}, baseVersion: ${baseVersion}`, Errors.toLogFormat(error) ); return true; } }; let preloadConnectTime = 0; window.logAuthenticatedConnect = () => { if (preloadConnectTime === 0) { preloadConnectTime = Date.now(); } }; // We never do these in our code, so we'll prevent it everywhere window.open = () => null; // Playwright uses `eval` for `.evaluate()` API if (config.ciMode !== 'full' && config.environment !== 'test') { // eslint-disable-next-line no-eval, no-multi-assign window.eval = global.eval = () => null; } type NetworkStatistics = { signalConnectionCount?: string; unauthorizedConnectionFailures?: string; unauthorizedRequestsCompared?: string; unauthorizedHealthcheckFailures?: string; unauthorizedHealthcheckBadStatus?: string; unauthorizedUnexpectedReconnects?: string; unauthorizedIpVersionMismatches?: string; }; ipc.on('additional-log-data-request', async event => { const ourConversation = window.ConversationController.getOurConversation(); const ourCapabilities = ourConversation ? ourConversation.get('capabilities') : undefined; const remoteConfig = window.storage.get('remoteConfig') || {}; let statistics; try { statistics = await window.Signal.Data.getStatisticsForLogging(); } catch (error) { statistics = {}; } let networkStatistics: NetworkStatistics = { signalConnectionCount: formatCountForLogging(getSignalConnections().length), }; const unauthorizedStats = AggregatedStats.loadOrCreateEmpty( UNAUTHENTICATED_CHANNEL_NAME ); if (unauthorizedStats.requestsCompared > 0) { networkStatistics = { ...networkStatistics, unauthorizedConnectionFailures: formatCountForLogging( unauthorizedStats.connectionFailures ), unauthorizedRequestsCompared: formatCountForLogging( unauthorizedStats.requestsCompared ), unauthorizedHealthcheckFailures: formatCountForLogging( unauthorizedStats.healthcheckFailures ), unauthorizedHealthcheckBadStatus: formatCountForLogging( unauthorizedStats.healthcheckBadStatus ), unauthorizedUnexpectedReconnects: formatCountForLogging( unauthorizedStats.unexpectedReconnects ), unauthorizedIpVersionMismatches: formatCountForLogging( unauthorizedStats.ipVersionMismatches ), }; } const ourAci = window.textsecure.storage.user.getAci(); const ourPni = window.textsecure.storage.user.getPni(); event.sender.send('additional-log-data-response', { capabilities: ourCapabilities || {}, remoteConfig: mapValues(remoteConfig, ({ value, enabled }) => { const enableString = enabled ? 'enabled' : 'disabled'; const valueString = value && value !== 'TRUE' ? ` ${value}` : ''; return `${enableString}${valueString}`; }), statistics: { ...statistics, ...networkStatistics, }, user: { deviceId: window.textsecure.storage.user.getDeviceId(), e164: window.textsecure.storage.user.getNumber(), uuid: ourAci, pni: ourPni, conversationId: ourConversation && ourConversation.id, }, }); }); ipc.on('set-up-as-new-device', () => { window.Whisper.events.trigger('setupAsNewDevice'); }); ipc.on('set-up-as-standalone', () => { window.Whisper.events.trigger('setupAsStandalone'); }); ipc.on('challenge:response', (_event, response) => { window.Whisper.events.trigger('challengeResponse', response); }); ipc.on('power-channel:suspend', () => { window.Whisper.events.trigger('powerMonitorSuspend'); }); ipc.on('power-channel:resume', () => { window.Whisper.events.trigger('powerMonitorResume'); }); ipc.on('power-channel:lock-screen', () => { window.Whisper.events.trigger('powerMonitorLockScreen'); }); ipc.on( 'set-media-playback-disabled', (_event: unknown, playbackDisabled: unknown) => { const { setMediaPlaybackDisabled } = window.Events || {}; if (setMediaPlaybackDisabled) { setMediaPlaybackDisabled(Boolean(playbackDisabled)); } } ); ipc.on('window:set-window-stats', (_event, stats) => { if (!window.reduxActions) { return; } window.reduxActions.user.userChanged({ isMainWindowMaximized: stats.isMaximized, isMainWindowFullScreen: stats.isFullScreen, }); }); ipc.on('window:set-menu-options', (_event, options) => { if (!window.Whisper.events) { return; } window.Whisper.events.trigger('setMenuOptions', options); }); window.sendChallengeRequest = request => ipc.send('challenge:request', request); // Settings-related events ipc.on('show-keyboard-shortcuts', () => { window.Events.showKeyboardShortcuts(); }); ipc.on('add-dark-overlay', () => { window.Events.addDarkOverlay(); }); ipc.on('remove-dark-overlay', () => { window.Events.removeDarkOverlay(); }); ipc.on('delete-all-data', async () => { const { deleteAllData } = window.Events; if (!deleteAllData) { return; } try { await deleteAllData(); } catch (error) { log.error('delete-all-data: error', Errors.toLogFormat(error)); } }); ipc.on('show-sticker-pack', (_event, info) => { window.Events.showStickerPack?.(info.packId, info.packKey); }); ipc.on('show-group-via-link', (_event, info) => { strictAssert(typeof info.value === 'string', 'Got an invalid value over IPC'); drop(window.Events.showGroupViaLink?.(info.value)); }); ipc.on('open-art-creator', () => { drop(window.Events.openArtCreator()); }); window.openArtCreator = ({ username, password, }: { username: string; password: string; }) => { return ipc.invoke('open-art-creator', { username, password }); }; ipc.on('authorize-art-creator', (_event, info) => { window.Events.authorizeArtCreator?.(info); }); ipc.on('start-call-lobby', (_event, { conversationId }) => { window.IPC.showWindow(); window.reduxActions?.calling?.startCallingLobby({ conversationId, isVideoCall: true, }); }); ipc.on('start-call-link', (_event, { key }) => { if (isAdhocCallingEnabled()) { window.reduxActions?.calling?.startCallLinkLobby({ rootKey: key, }); } else { const { unknownSignalLink } = window.Events; if (unknownSignalLink) { unknownSignalLink(); } } }); ipc.on('show-window', () => { window.IPC.showWindow(); }); ipc.on('set-is-presenting', () => { window.reduxActions?.calling?.setPresenting(); }); ipc.on( 'show-conversation-via-notification', (_event, data: NotificationClickData) => { const { showConversationViaNotification } = window.Events; if (showConversationViaNotification) { void showConversationViaNotification(data); } } ); ipc.on('show-conversation-via-signal.me', (_event, info) => { const { kind, value } = info; strictAssert(typeof kind === 'string', 'Got an invalid kind over IPC'); strictAssert(typeof value === 'string', 'Got an invalid value over IPC'); const { showConversationViaSignalDotMe } = window.Events; if (showConversationViaSignalDotMe) { void showConversationViaSignalDotMe(kind, value); } }); ipc.on('unknown-sgnl-link', () => { const { unknownSignalLink } = window.Events; if (unknownSignalLink) { unknownSignalLink(); } }); ipc.on('install-sticker-pack', (_event, info) => { const { packId, packKey } = info; const { installStickerPack } = window.Events; if (installStickerPack) { void installStickerPack(packId, packKey); } }); ipc.on('get-ready-for-shutdown', async () => { const { shutdown } = window.Events || {}; if (!shutdown) { log.error('preload shutdown handler: shutdown method not found'); ipc.send('now-ready-for-shutdown'); return; } try { await shutdown(); ipc.send('now-ready-for-shutdown'); } catch (error) { ipc.send('now-ready-for-shutdown', Errors.toLogFormat(error)); } }); ipc.on('maybe-request-close-confirmation', async () => { const { maybeRequestCloseConfirmation } = window.Events; if (!maybeRequestCloseConfirmation) { ipc.send('received-close-confirmation', true); return; } log.info('Requesting close confirmation.'); ipc.send('requested-close-confirmation'); const result = await maybeRequestCloseConfirmation(); ipc.send('received-close-confirmation', result); }); ipc.on('show-release-notes', () => { const { showReleaseNotes } = window.Events; if (showReleaseNotes) { showReleaseNotes(); } });