"timerOption_6_hours_abbreviated": {
"message": "6h",
"description": "Very short format indicating current timer setting in the conversation header"
"unregisteredUser": {
"message": "Broj nije registriran",
"description": "Error message displayed when sending to an unregistered user."
"timerOption_1_day_abbreviated": {
"message": "1d",
"description": "Very short format indicating current timer setting in the conversation header"
"autoUpdateRestartButtonLabel": {
"message": "Restart",
"description": ""
"importButton": {
"message": "Uvoz",
"description": ""
"sync": {
"message": "Kontakti",
"description": "Label for contact and group sync settings"
"timerOption_1_week": {
"message": "1 tjedan",
"description": "Label for a selectable option in the message expiration timer menu"
"installGotIt": {
"message": "Shvaćam",
"description": "Button for the user to confirm that they have Signal installed."
"received": {
"message": "Primljeno",
"description": "Label for the time a message was received"
"youMarkedAsNotVerified": {
"message": "Označili ste svoj sigurnosni broj s $name$ kao nepotvrđen.",
"description": "Shown in the conversation history when the user marks a contact as not verified, whether on the safety number screen or by dismissing a banner or dialog.",
"placeholders": {
"name": {
"content": "$1",
"example": "Bob"
"isVerified": {
"message": "Potvrdili ste svoj sigurnosni broj s $name$.",
"description": "Summary state shown at top of the safety number screen if user has verified contact.",
"placeholders": {
"name": {
"content": "$1",
"example": "Bob"
"timerOption_30_seconds": {
"message": "30 sekundi",
"description": "Label for a selectable option in the message expiration timer menu"
"sendMessage": {
"message": "Pošalji poruku",
"description": "Placeholder text in the message entry field"
"me": {
"message": "Ja",
"description": "The label for yourself when shown in a group member list"
"mediaMessage": {
"message": "Medijska poruka",
"description": "Description of a message that has an attachment and no text, displayed in the conversation list as a preview."
"unreadMessage": {
"message": "1 nepročitana poruka",
"description": "Text for unread message separator, just one message"
"expiredWarning": {
"message": "Ova inačica Signal Desktopa je istekla. Molimo vas da za nastavak dopisivanja nadogradite na najnoviju verziju.",
"description": "Warning notification that this version of the app has expired"
"fileSizeWarning": {
"message": "Žao nam je, odabrana datoteka nadmašuje ograničenja veličine poruke.",
"description": ""
"deleteMessage": {
"message": "Obriši ovu poruku",
"description": ""
"autoUpdateNewVersionInstructions": {
"message": "Press Restart to apply the updates.",
"description": ""
"timerOption_0_seconds": {
"message": "isključi",
"description": "Label for option to turn off message expiration in the timer menu"
"importError": {
"message": "Unfortunately, something went wrong during the import. First, double-check your target directory. It should start with 'Signal Export.'
Next, try with a new export of your data from the Chrome App.
If that still fails, please submit a debug log so we can help you get migrated!",
"description": "Message shown if the import went wrong."
"installAndroidInstructions": {
"message": "Otvorite Signal na svom telefonu i navigirajte do Postavke > Povezani uređaji. Dodirnite gumb za dodavanje novog uređaja, a zatim skenirajte gornji kod.",
"description": ""
"invalidNumberError": {
"message": "Invalid number",
"description": "When a person inputs a number that is invalid"
"importComplete": {
"message": "Uspješno smo učitali vaše podatke. Idući korak je ponovno pokretanje aplikacije!",
"description": "Shown when the import is complete."
"installWelcome": {
"message": "Dobrodošli u Signal Desktop",
"description": "Welcome title on the install page"
"messageBelow": {
"message": "Nova poruka ispod",
"description": "Alt text for button to take user down to bottom of conversation with a new message out of screen"
"exportComplete": {
"message": "Your data has been exported to: $location$
You'll be able to import this data as you set up the new Signal Desktop.",
"description": "Message shown on the migration screen when we are done exporting data",
"placeholders": {
"location": {
"content": "$1",
"example": "/Users/someone/somewhere"
"installConnectionFailed": {
"message": "Nije uspjelo spajanje na poslužitelj.",
"description": "Displayed when we can't connect to the server."
"unverify": {
"message": "Ukloni iz provjerenih",
"description": ""
"messageNotSent": {
"message": "Poruka nije poslana.",
"description": "Informational label, appears on messages that failed to send"
"mainMenuView": {
"message": "&View",
"description": "The label that is used for the View menu in the program main menu. The '&' indicates that the following letter will be used as the keyboard 'shortcut letter' for accessing the menu with the Alt- combination."
"autoUpdateNewVersionMessage": {
"message": "Dostupna je nova inačica Signala.",
"description": ""
"disableNotifications": {
"message": "Onemogući obavijesti",
"description": "Label for disabling notifications"
"cancel": {
"message": "Otkaži",
"description": ""
"unblockToSend": {
"message": "Deblokiraj ovaj kontakt za slanje poruke.",
"description": "Brief message shown when trying to message a blocked number"
"installIHaveSignalButton": {
"message": "Imam Signal za Android",
"description": "Button for the user to confirm that they have Signal for Android"
"mainMenuHelp": {
"message": "&Help",
"description": "The label that is used for the Help menu in the program main menu. The '&' indicates that the following letter will be used as the keyboard 'shortcut letter' for accessing the menu with the Alt- combination."
"unnamedFile": {
"message": "Neimenovana datoteka",
"description": "Hover text for attachment filenames"
"sendAnyway": {
"message": "Svejedno pošalji",
"description": "Used on a warning dialog to make it clear that it might be risky to send the message."
"youMarkedAsVerified": {
"message": "Potvrdili ste svoj sigurnosni broj s $name$.",
"description": "Shown in the conversation history when the user marks a contact as verified.",
"placeholders": {
"name": {
"content": "$1",
"example": "Bob"
"connecting": {
"message": "Povezivanje",
"description": "Displayed when the desktop client is currently connecting to the server."
"sessionEnded": {
"message": "Ponovno pokretanje sigurne sesije",
"description": "This is a past tense, informational message. In other words, your secure session has been reset."
"installGetStartedButton": {
"message": "Započnite",
"description": ""
"relink": {
"message": "Ponovno povezivanje",
"description": ""
"timerOption_1_week_abbreviated": {
"message": "1t",
"description": "Very short format indicating current timer setting in the conversation header"
"timerOption_5_seconds": {
"message": "5 sekundi",
"description": "Label for a selectable option in the message expiration timer menu"
"showMembers": {
"message": "Prikaži članove",
"description": ""
"youMarkedAsNotVerifiedOtherDevice": {
"message": "Označili ste svoj sigurnosni broj s $name$ kao nepotvrđen s drugog uređaja.",
"description": "Shown in the conversation history when we discover that the user marked a contact as not verified on another device.",
"placeholders": {
"name": {
"content": "$1",
"example": "Bob"
"installSignalLink": {
"message": "First, install Signal on your mobile phone. We'll link your devices and keep your messages in sync.",
"description": "Prompt the user to install Signal on their phone before linking",
"placeholders": {
"a_params": {
"content": "$1",
"example": "href=''"
"installLinkingWithNumber": {
"message": "Povezivanje s",
"description": "Text displayed before the phone number that the user is in the process of linking with"
"goToSupportPage": {
"message": "Go to support page",
"description": "Item under the Help menu, takes you to the support page"
"multipleJoinedTheGroup": {
"message": "$names$ joined the group.",
"description": "Shown in the conversation history when more than one person joins the group",
"placeholders": {
"names": {
"content": "$1",
"example": "Alice, Bob"
"groupMembers": {
"message": "Članovi grupe",
"description": ""
"loading": {
"message": "Učitavanje...",
"description": "Message shown on the loading screen before we've loaded any messages"
"newMessages": {
"message": "Nove poruke",
"description": "Displayed in notifications for multiple messages"
"newContact": {
"message": "Click to create new contact",
"description": ""
"theirIdentityUnknown": {
"message": "Još niste razmijienili poruke sa ovim kontaktom. Sigurnosni broj bit će dostupan nakon prve poruke.",
"description": ""
"voiceMessage": {
"message": "Glasovna poruka",
"description": "Name for a voice message attachment"
"submit": {
"message": "Predaj",
"description": ""
"keychanged": {
"message": "Vaš sigurnosni broj s kontaktom $name$ se promijenio. Kliknite ovdje za prikaz.",
"description": "",
"placeholders": {
"name": {
"content": "$1",
"example": "John"
"updatedTheGroup": {
"message": "Updated the group.",
"description": "Shown in the conversation history when someone updates the group"
"identityKeyErrorOnSend": {
"message": "Sigurnosni broj s kontaktom $name$ se promijenio. Moguće je da netko pokušava presresti vašu komunikaciju ili da je kontakt $name$ reinstalirao signal. Možda biste htjeli potvrditi novi sigurnosni broj s ovim kontaktom.",
"description": "Shown when user clicks on a failed recipient in the message detail view after an identity key change",
"placeholders": {
"name": {
"content": "$1",
"example": "Bob"
"to": {
"message": "Za",
"description": "Label for the receiver of a message"
"timerOption_1_hour_abbreviated": {
"message": "1h",
"description": "Very short format indicating current timer setting in the conversation header"
"installFinalButton": {
"message": "Izgleda dobro",
"description": "The final button for the install process, after the user has entered a name for their device"
"goToReleaseNotes": {
"message": "Go to release notes",
"description": ""
"messageDetail": {
"message": "Detalji poruke",
"description": ""
"installNewSignal": {
"message": "Install new Signal Desktop",
"description": "When export is complete, a button shows which sends user to Signal Desktop install instructions"
"exportChooserTitle": {
"message": "Choose target directory for data",
"description": "Title of the popup window used to select data storage location"
"mainMenuFile": {
"message": "&File",
"description": "The label that is used for the File menu in the program main menu. The '&' indicates that the following letter will be used as the keyboard 'shortcut letter' for accessing the menu with the Alt- combination."
"verify": {
"message": "Označi provjerenim",
"description": ""
"exportButton": {
"message": "Export",
"description": ""
"timerOption_10_seconds_abbreviated": {
"message": "10s",
"description": "Very short format indicating current timer setting in the conversation header"
"nameAndMessage": {
"message": "I pošiljateljevo ime i poruka",
"description": "Label for setting notifications to display name and message text"
"failedToSend": {
"message": "Nije uspjelo slanje nekim primateljima. Provjerite svoju mrežnu vezu.",
"description": ""
"ok": {
"message": "OK",
"description": ""
"identityChanged": {
"message": "Vaš sigurnosni broj s ovim kontaktom se promijenio. Ovo može značiti da netko pokušava presresti vašu komunikaciju ili da je kontakt jednostavno reinstalirao Signal. Možda biste htjeli potvrditi novi sigurnosni broj naveden ispod.",
"description": ""
"changedSinceVerifiedMultiple": {
"message": "Sigurnosni su se brojevi s više članova ove grupe promijenili od zadnje potvrde. Moguće je da netko pokušava presresti vašu komunikaciju ili su neki članovi grupe reinstalirali Signal.",
"description": "Shown on confirmation dialog when user attempts to send a message"
"submitDebugLog": {
"message": "Podnesi zapis o neispravnosti",
"description": "Menu item and header text for debug log modal, title case."
"error": {
"message": "Greška",
"description": ""
"titleIsNow": {
"message": "Title is now '$name$'.",
"description": "Shown in the conversation history when someone changes the title of the group",
"placeholders": {
"name": {
"content": "$1",
"example": "Book Club"
"changedRightAfterVerify": {
"message": "Sigurnosni broj koji potvrđujete se promijenio. Molimo vas da provjerite novi sigurnosni broj s kontaktom $name$. Moguće je da netko pokušava presresti vašu komunikaciju ili da je kontakt $name$ reinstalirao Signal.",
"description": "Shown on the safety number screen when the user has selected to verify/unverify a contact's safety number, and we immediately discover a safety number change",
"placeholders": {
"name": {
"content": "$1",
"example": "Bob"
"timerSetTo": {
"message": "Brojač postavljen na $time$",
"description": "Displayed in the conversation list when the timer is updated.",
"placeholders": {
"time": {
"content": "$1",
"example": "1w"
"autoUpdateNewVersionTitle": {
"message": "Dostupna nadogradnja za Signal",
"description": ""
"timerOption_30_seconds_abbreviated": {
"message": "30s",
"description": "Very short format indicating current timer setting in the conversation header"
"exportInstructions": {
"message": "The first step is to choose a directory to store this application's exported data. It will contain your message history and sensitive cryptographic data, so be sure to save it somewhere private.",
"description": "Description of the export process"
"notifications": {
"message": "Obavijesti",
"description": "Header for notification settings"
"tryAgain": {
"message": "Pokušaj ponovno",
"description": "Button shown if the user runs into an error during import, allowing them to start over"
"resend": {
"message": "Ponovno pošalji",
"description": ""
"youMarkedAsVerifiedOtherDevice": {
"message": "Potvrdili ste svoj sigurnosni broj s $name$ s drugog uređaja. ",
"description": "Shown in the conversation history when we discover that the user marked a contact as verified on another device.",
"placeholders": {
"name": {
"content": "$1",
"example": "Bob"
"hide": {
"message": "Hide",
"description": "Command in the tray icon menu, to hide the window"