// Copyright 2020-2021 Signal Messenger, LLC // SPDX-License-Identifier: AGPL-3.0-only /* eslint-disable class-methods-use-this */ import { desktopCapturer, ipcRenderer } from 'electron'; import { Call, CallEndedReason, CallId, CallingMessage, CallLogLevel, CallSettings, CallState, CanvasVideoRenderer, ConnectionState, JoinState, HttpMethod, DeviceId, GroupCall, GroupMemberInfo, GumVideoCapturer, HangupMessage, HangupType, OfferType, OpaqueMessage, PeekInfo, RingRTC, UserId, VideoFrameSource, VideoRequest, BandwidthMode, } from 'ringrtc'; import { uniqBy, noop } from 'lodash'; import { ActionsType as UxActionsType, GroupCallPeekInfoType, } from '../state/ducks/calling'; import { getConversationCallMode } from '../state/ducks/conversations'; import { EnvelopeClass } from '../textsecure.d'; import { CallMode, AudioDevice, MediaDeviceSettings, GroupCallConnectionState, GroupCallJoinState, PresentableSource, PresentedSource, } from '../types/Calling'; import { ConversationModel } from '../models/conversations'; import { base64ToArrayBuffer, uuidToArrayBuffer, arrayBufferToUuid, } from '../Crypto'; import { getOwn } from '../util/getOwn'; import { fetchMembershipProof, getMembershipList, wrapWithSyncMessageSend, } from '../groups'; import { missingCaseError } from '../util/missingCaseError'; import { normalizeGroupCallTimestamp } from '../util/ringrtc/normalizeGroupCallTimestamp'; import { REQUESTED_VIDEO_WIDTH, REQUESTED_VIDEO_HEIGHT, REQUESTED_VIDEO_FRAMERATE, } from '../calling/constants'; import { notify } from './notify'; const RINGRTC_HTTP_METHOD_TO_OUR_HTTP_METHOD: Map< HttpMethod, 'GET' | 'PUT' | 'POST' | 'DELETE' > = new Map([ [HttpMethod.Get, 'GET'], [HttpMethod.Put, 'PUT'], [HttpMethod.Post, 'POST'], [HttpMethod.Delete, 'DELETE'], ]); // We send group call update messages to tell other clients to peek, which triggers // notifications, timeline messages, big green "Join" buttons, and so on. This enum // represents the three possible states we can be in. This helps ensure that we don't // send an update on disconnect if we never sent one when we joined. enum GroupCallUpdateMessageState { SentNothing, SentJoin, SentLeft, } export class CallingClass { readonly videoCapturer: GumVideoCapturer; readonly videoRenderer: CanvasVideoRenderer; private uxActions?: UxActionsType; private sfuUrl?: string; private lastMediaDeviceSettings?: MediaDeviceSettings; private deviceReselectionTimer?: NodeJS.Timeout; private callsByConversation: { [conversationId: string]: Call | GroupCall }; private hadLocalVideoBeforePresenting?: boolean; constructor() { this.videoCapturer = new GumVideoCapturer({ maxWidth: REQUESTED_VIDEO_WIDTH, maxHeight: REQUESTED_VIDEO_HEIGHT, maxFramerate: REQUESTED_VIDEO_FRAMERATE, }); this.videoRenderer = new CanvasVideoRenderer(); this.callsByConversation = {}; } initialize(uxActions: UxActionsType, sfuUrl: string): void { this.uxActions = uxActions; if (!uxActions) { throw new Error('CallingClass.initialize: Invalid uxActions.'); } this.sfuUrl = sfuUrl; RingRTC.handleOutgoingSignaling = this.handleOutgoingSignaling.bind(this); RingRTC.handleIncomingCall = this.handleIncomingCall.bind(this); RingRTC.handleAutoEndedIncomingCallRequest = this.handleAutoEndedIncomingCallRequest.bind( this ); RingRTC.handleLogMessage = this.handleLogMessage.bind(this); RingRTC.handleSendHttpRequest = this.handleSendHttpRequest.bind(this); RingRTC.handleSendCallMessage = this.handleSendCallMessage.bind(this); ipcRenderer.on('stop-screen-share', () => { uxActions.setPresenting(); }); } async startCallingLobby( conversationId: string, isVideoCall: boolean ): Promise { window.log.info('CallingClass.startCallingLobby()'); const conversation = window.ConversationController.get(conversationId); if (!conversation) { window.log.error('Could not find conversation, cannot start call lobby'); return; } const conversationProps = conversation.format(); const callMode = getConversationCallMode(conversationProps); switch (callMode) { case CallMode.None: window.log.error( 'Conversation does not support calls, new call not allowed.' ); return; case CallMode.Direct: if (!this.getRemoteUserIdFromConversation(conversation)) { window.log.error( 'Missing remote user identifier, new call not allowed.' ); return; } break; case CallMode.Group: break; default: throw missingCaseError(callMode); } if (!this.uxActions) { window.log.error('Missing uxActions, new call not allowed.'); return; } if (!this.localDeviceId) { window.log.error( 'Missing local device identifier, new call not allowed.' ); return; } const haveMediaPermissions = await this.requestPermissions(isVideoCall); if (!haveMediaPermissions) { window.log.info('Permissions were denied, new call not allowed.'); return; } window.log.info('CallingClass.startCallingLobby(): Starting lobby'); // It's important that this function comes before any calls to // `videoCapturer.enableCapture` or `videoCapturer.enableCaptureAndSend` because of // a small RingRTC bug. // // If we tell RingRTC to start capturing video (with those methods or with // `RingRTC.setPreferredDevice`, which also captures video) multiple times in quick // succession, it will call the asynchronous `getUserMedia` twice. It'll save the // results in the same variable, which means the first call can be overridden. // Later, when we try to turn the camera off, we'll only disable the *second* result // of `getUserMedia` and the camera will stay on. // // We get around this by `await`ing, making sure we're all done with `getUserMedia`, // and then continuing. // // We should be able to move this below `this.connectGroupCall` once that RingRTC bug // is fixed. See DESKTOP-1032. await this.startDeviceReselectionTimer(); switch (callMode) { case CallMode.Direct: this.uxActions.showCallLobby({ callMode: CallMode.Direct, conversationId: conversationProps.id, hasLocalAudio: true, hasLocalVideo: isVideoCall, }); break; case CallMode.Group: { if ( !conversationProps.groupId || !conversationProps.publicParams || !conversationProps.secretParams ) { window.log.error( 'Conversation is missing required parameters. Cannot connect group call' ); return; } const groupCall = this.connectGroupCall(conversationProps.id, { groupId: conversationProps.groupId, publicParams: conversationProps.publicParams, secretParams: conversationProps.secretParams, }); groupCall.setOutgoingAudioMuted(false); groupCall.setOutgoingVideoMuted(!isVideoCall); this.uxActions.showCallLobby({ callMode: CallMode.Group, conversationId: conversationProps.id, ...this.formatGroupCallForRedux(groupCall), }); break; } default: throw missingCaseError(callMode); } if (isVideoCall) { this.enableLocalCamera(); } } stopCallingLobby(conversationId?: string): void { this.disableLocalVideo(); this.stopDeviceReselectionTimer(); this.lastMediaDeviceSettings = undefined; if (conversationId) { this.getGroupCall(conversationId)?.disconnect(); } } async startOutgoingDirectCall( conversationId: string, hasLocalAudio: boolean, hasLocalVideo: boolean ): Promise { window.log.info('CallingClass.startOutgoingDirectCall()'); if (!this.uxActions) { throw new Error('Redux actions not available'); } const conversation = window.ConversationController.get(conversationId); if (!conversation) { window.log.error('Could not find conversation, cannot start call'); this.stopCallingLobby(); return; } const remoteUserId = this.getRemoteUserIdFromConversation(conversation); if (!remoteUserId || !this.localDeviceId) { window.log.error('Missing identifier, new call not allowed.'); this.stopCallingLobby(); return; } const haveMediaPermissions = await this.requestPermissions(hasLocalVideo); if (!haveMediaPermissions) { window.log.info('Permissions were denied, new call not allowed.'); this.stopCallingLobby(); return; } window.log.info( 'CallingClass.startOutgoingDirectCall(): Getting call settings' ); const callSettings = await this.getCallSettings(conversation); // Check state after awaiting to debounce call button. if (RingRTC.call && RingRTC.call.state !== CallState.Ended) { window.log.info('Call already in progress, new call not allowed.'); this.stopCallingLobby(); return; } window.log.info( 'CallingClass.startOutgoingDirectCall(): Starting in RingRTC' ); // We could make this faster by getting the call object // from the RingRTC before we lookup the ICE servers. const call = RingRTC.startOutgoingCall( remoteUserId, hasLocalVideo, this.localDeviceId, callSettings ); RingRTC.setOutgoingAudio(call.callId, hasLocalAudio); RingRTC.setVideoCapturer(call.callId, this.videoCapturer); RingRTC.setVideoRenderer(call.callId, this.videoRenderer); this.attachToCall(conversation, call); this.uxActions.outgoingCall({ conversationId: conversation.id, hasLocalAudio, hasLocalVideo, }); await this.startDeviceReselectionTimer(); } private getDirectCall(conversationId: string): undefined | Call { const call = getOwn(this.callsByConversation, conversationId); return call instanceof Call ? call : undefined; } private getGroupCall(conversationId: string): undefined | GroupCall { const call = getOwn(this.callsByConversation, conversationId); return call instanceof GroupCall ? call : undefined; } private getGroupCallMembers(conversationId: string) { return getMembershipList(conversationId).map( member => new GroupMemberInfo( uuidToArrayBuffer(member.uuid), member.uuidCiphertext ) ); } public async peekGroupCall(conversationId: string): Promise { // This can be undefined in two cases: // // 1. There is no group call instance. This is "stateless peeking", and is expected // when we want to peek on a call that we've never connected to. // 2. There is a group call instance but RingRTC doesn't have the peek info yet. This // should only happen for a brief period as you connect to the call. (You probably // don't want to call this function while a group call is connected—you should // instead be grabbing the peek info off of the instance—but we handle it here // to avoid possible race conditions.) const statefulPeekInfo = this.getGroupCall(conversationId)?.getPeekInfo(); if (statefulPeekInfo) { return statefulPeekInfo; } if (!this.sfuUrl) { throw new Error('Missing SFU URL; not peeking group call'); } const conversation = window.ConversationController.get(conversationId); if (!conversation) { throw new Error('Missing conversation; not peeking group call'); } const publicParams = conversation.get('publicParams'); const secretParams = conversation.get('secretParams'); if (!publicParams || !secretParams) { throw new Error( 'Conversation is missing required parameters. Cannot peek group call' ); } const proof = await fetchMembershipProof({ publicParams, secretParams }); if (!proof) { throw new Error('No membership proof. Cannot peek group call'); } const membershipProof = new TextEncoder().encode(proof).buffer; return RingRTC.peekGroupCall( this.sfuUrl, membershipProof, this.getGroupCallMembers(conversationId) ); } /** * Connect to a conversation's group call and connect it to Redux. * * Should only be called with group call-compatible conversations. * * Idempotent. */ connectGroupCall( conversationId: string, { groupId, publicParams, secretParams, }: { groupId: string; publicParams: string; secretParams: string; } ): GroupCall { const existing = this.getGroupCall(conversationId); if (existing) { const isExistingCallNotConnected = existing.getLocalDeviceState().connectionState === ConnectionState.NotConnected; if (isExistingCallNotConnected) { existing.connect(); } return existing; } if (!this.sfuUrl) { throw new Error('Missing SFU URL; not connecting group call'); } const groupIdBuffer = base64ToArrayBuffer(groupId); let updateMessageState = GroupCallUpdateMessageState.SentNothing; let isRequestingMembershipProof = false; const outerGroupCall = RingRTC.getGroupCall(groupIdBuffer, this.sfuUrl, { onLocalDeviceStateChanged: groupCall => { const localDeviceState = groupCall.getLocalDeviceState(); const { eraId } = groupCall.getPeekInfo() || {}; if (localDeviceState.connectionState === ConnectionState.NotConnected) { // NOTE: This assumes that only one call is active at a time. For example, if // there are two calls using the camera, this will disable both of them. // That's fine for now, but this will break if that assumption changes. this.disableLocalVideo(); delete this.callsByConversation[conversationId]; if ( updateMessageState === GroupCallUpdateMessageState.SentJoin && eraId ) { updateMessageState = GroupCallUpdateMessageState.SentLeft; this.sendGroupCallUpdateMessage(conversationId, eraId); } } else { this.callsByConversation[conversationId] = groupCall; // NOTE: This assumes only one active call at a time. See comment above. if (localDeviceState.videoMuted) { this.disableLocalVideo(); } else { this.videoCapturer.enableCaptureAndSend(groupCall); } if ( updateMessageState === GroupCallUpdateMessageState.SentNothing && localDeviceState.joinState === JoinState.Joined && eraId ) { updateMessageState = GroupCallUpdateMessageState.SentJoin; this.sendGroupCallUpdateMessage(conversationId, eraId); } } this.syncGroupCallToRedux(conversationId, groupCall); }, onRemoteDeviceStatesChanged: groupCall => { this.syncGroupCallToRedux(conversationId, groupCall); }, onPeekChanged: groupCall => { const localDeviceState = groupCall.getLocalDeviceState(); const { eraId } = groupCall.getPeekInfo() || {}; if ( updateMessageState === GroupCallUpdateMessageState.SentNothing && localDeviceState.connectionState !== ConnectionState.NotConnected && localDeviceState.joinState === JoinState.Joined && eraId ) { updateMessageState = GroupCallUpdateMessageState.SentJoin; this.sendGroupCallUpdateMessage(conversationId, eraId); } this.updateCallHistoryForGroupCall( conversationId, groupCall.getPeekInfo() ); this.syncGroupCallToRedux(conversationId, groupCall); }, async requestMembershipProof(groupCall) { if (isRequestingMembershipProof) { return; } isRequestingMembershipProof = true; try { const proof = await fetchMembershipProof({ publicParams, secretParams, }); if (proof) { const proofArray = new TextEncoder().encode(proof); groupCall.setMembershipProof(proofArray.buffer); } } catch (err) { window.log.error('Failed to fetch membership proof', err); } finally { isRequestingMembershipProof = false; } }, requestGroupMembers: groupCall => { groupCall.setGroupMembers(this.getGroupCallMembers(conversationId)); }, onEnded: noop, }); if (!outerGroupCall) { // This should be very rare, likely due to RingRTC not being able to get a lock // or memory or something like that. throw new Error('Failed to get a group call instance; cannot start call'); } outerGroupCall.connect(); this.syncGroupCallToRedux(conversationId, outerGroupCall); return outerGroupCall; } public joinGroupCall( conversationId: string, hasLocalAudio: boolean, hasLocalVideo: boolean ): void { const conversation = window.ConversationController.get( conversationId )?.format(); if (!conversation) { window.log.error('Missing conversation; not joining group call'); return; } if ( !conversation.groupId || !conversation.publicParams || !conversation.secretParams ) { window.log.error( 'Conversation is missing required parameters. Cannot join group call' ); return; } const groupCall = this.connectGroupCall(conversationId, { groupId: conversation.groupId, publicParams: conversation.publicParams, secretParams: conversation.secretParams, }); groupCall.setOutgoingAudioMuted(!hasLocalAudio); groupCall.setOutgoingVideoMuted(!hasLocalVideo); this.videoCapturer.enableCaptureAndSend(groupCall); groupCall.join(); } private getCallIdForConversation(conversationId: string): undefined | CallId { return this.getDirectCall(conversationId)?.callId; } public setGroupCallVideoRequest( conversationId: string, resolutions: Array ): void { this.getGroupCall(conversationId)?.requestVideo(resolutions); } public groupMembersChanged(conversationId: string): void { // This will be called for any conversation change, so it's likely that there won't // be a group call available; that's fine. const groupCall = this.getGroupCall(conversationId); if (!groupCall) { return; } groupCall.setGroupMembers(this.getGroupCallMembers(conversationId)); } // See the comment in types/Calling.ts to explain why we have to do this conversion. private convertRingRtcConnectionState( connectionState: ConnectionState ): GroupCallConnectionState { switch (connectionState) { case ConnectionState.NotConnected: return GroupCallConnectionState.NotConnected; case ConnectionState.Connecting: return GroupCallConnectionState.Connecting; case ConnectionState.Connected: return GroupCallConnectionState.Connected; case ConnectionState.Reconnecting: return GroupCallConnectionState.Reconnecting; default: throw missingCaseError(connectionState); } } // See the comment in types/Calling.ts to explain why we have to do this conversion. private convertRingRtcJoinState(joinState: JoinState): GroupCallJoinState { switch (joinState) { case JoinState.NotJoined: return GroupCallJoinState.NotJoined; case JoinState.Joining: return GroupCallJoinState.Joining; case JoinState.Joined: return GroupCallJoinState.Joined; default: throw missingCaseError(joinState); } } public formatGroupCallPeekInfoForRedux( peekInfo: PeekInfo ): GroupCallPeekInfoType { return { uuids: peekInfo.joinedMembers.map(uuidBuffer => { let uuid = arrayBufferToUuid(uuidBuffer); if (!uuid) { window.log.error( 'Calling.formatGroupCallPeekInfoForRedux: could not convert peek UUID ArrayBuffer to string; using fallback UUID' ); uuid = '00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000'; } return uuid; }), creatorUuid: peekInfo.creator && arrayBufferToUuid(peekInfo.creator), eraId: peekInfo.eraId, maxDevices: peekInfo.maxDevices ?? Infinity, deviceCount: peekInfo.deviceCount, }; } private formatGroupCallForRedux(groupCall: GroupCall) { const localDeviceState = groupCall.getLocalDeviceState(); const peekInfo = groupCall.getPeekInfo(); // RingRTC doesn't ensure that the demux ID is unique. This can happen if someone // leaves the call and quickly rejoins; RingRTC will tell us that there are two // participants with the same demux ID in the call. This should be rare. const remoteDeviceStates = uniqBy( groupCall.getRemoteDeviceStates() || [], remoteDeviceState => remoteDeviceState.demuxId ); // It should be impossible to be disconnected and Joining or Joined. Just in case, we // try to handle that case. const joinState: GroupCallJoinState = localDeviceState.connectionState === ConnectionState.NotConnected ? GroupCallJoinState.NotJoined : this.convertRingRtcJoinState(localDeviceState.joinState); return { connectionState: this.convertRingRtcConnectionState( localDeviceState.connectionState ), joinState, hasLocalAudio: !localDeviceState.audioMuted, hasLocalVideo: !localDeviceState.videoMuted, peekInfo: peekInfo ? this.formatGroupCallPeekInfoForRedux(peekInfo) : undefined, remoteParticipants: remoteDeviceStates.map(remoteDeviceState => { let uuid = arrayBufferToUuid(remoteDeviceState.userId); if (!uuid) { window.log.error( 'Calling.formatGroupCallForRedux: could not convert remote participant UUID ArrayBuffer to string; using fallback UUID' ); uuid = '00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000'; } return { uuid, demuxId: remoteDeviceState.demuxId, hasRemoteAudio: !remoteDeviceState.audioMuted, hasRemoteVideo: !remoteDeviceState.videoMuted, presenting: Boolean(remoteDeviceState.presenting), sharingScreen: Boolean(remoteDeviceState.sharingScreen), speakerTime: normalizeGroupCallTimestamp( remoteDeviceState.speakerTime ), // If RingRTC doesn't send us an aspect ratio, we make a guess. videoAspectRatio: remoteDeviceState.videoAspectRatio || (remoteDeviceState.videoMuted ? 1 : 4 / 3), }; }), }; } public getGroupCallVideoFrameSource( conversationId: string, demuxId: number ): VideoFrameSource { const groupCall = this.getGroupCall(conversationId); if (!groupCall) { throw new Error('Could not find matching call'); } return groupCall.getVideoSource(demuxId); } public resendGroupCallMediaKeys(conversationId: string): void { const groupCall = this.getGroupCall(conversationId); if (!groupCall) { throw new Error('Could not find matching call'); } groupCall.resendMediaKeys(); } private syncGroupCallToRedux( conversationId: string, groupCall: GroupCall ): void { this.uxActions?.groupCallStateChange({ conversationId, ...this.formatGroupCallForRedux(groupCall), }); } private async sendGroupCallUpdateMessage( conversationId: string, eraId: string ): Promise { const conversation = window.ConversationController.get(conversationId); if (!conversation) { window.log.error( 'Unable to send group call update message for non-existent conversation' ); return; } const groupV2 = conversation.getGroupV2Info(); const sendOptions = await conversation.getSendOptions(); if (!groupV2) { window.log.error( 'Unable to send group call update message for conversation that lacks groupV2 info' ); return; } const timestamp = Date.now(); // We "fire and forget" because sending this message is non-essential. wrapWithSyncMessageSend({ conversation, logId: `sendGroupCallUpdateMessage/${conversationId}-${eraId}`, send: sender => sender.sendGroupCallUpdate({ eraId, groupV2, timestamp }, sendOptions), timestamp, }).catch(err => { window.log.error('Failed to send group call update', err); }); } async accept(conversationId: string, asVideoCall: boolean): Promise { window.log.info('CallingClass.accept()'); const callId = this.getCallIdForConversation(conversationId); if (!callId) { window.log.warn('Trying to accept a non-existent call'); return; } const haveMediaPermissions = await this.requestPermissions(asVideoCall); if (haveMediaPermissions) { await this.startDeviceReselectionTimer(); RingRTC.setVideoCapturer(callId, this.videoCapturer); RingRTC.setVideoRenderer(callId, this.videoRenderer); RingRTC.accept(callId, asVideoCall); } else { window.log.info('Permissions were denied, call not allowed, hanging up.'); RingRTC.hangup(callId); } } decline(conversationId: string): void { window.log.info('CallingClass.decline()'); const callId = this.getCallIdForConversation(conversationId); if (!callId) { window.log.warn('Trying to decline a non-existent call'); return; } RingRTC.decline(callId); } hangup(conversationId: string): void { window.log.info('CallingClass.hangup()'); const call = getOwn(this.callsByConversation, conversationId); if (!call) { window.log.warn('Trying to hang up a non-existent call'); return; } ipcRenderer.send('close-screen-share-controller'); if (call instanceof Call) { RingRTC.hangup(call.callId); } else if (call instanceof GroupCall) { // This ensures that we turn off our devices. call.setOutgoingAudioMuted(true); call.setOutgoingVideoMuted(true); call.disconnect(); } else { throw missingCaseError(call); } } setOutgoingAudio(conversationId: string, enabled: boolean): void { const call = getOwn(this.callsByConversation, conversationId); if (!call) { window.log.warn('Trying to set outgoing audio for a non-existent call'); return; } if (call instanceof Call) { RingRTC.setOutgoingAudio(call.callId, enabled); } else if (call instanceof GroupCall) { call.setOutgoingAudioMuted(!enabled); } else { throw missingCaseError(call); } } setOutgoingVideo(conversationId: string, enabled: boolean): void { const call = getOwn(this.callsByConversation, conversationId); if (!call) { window.log.warn('Trying to set outgoing video for a non-existent call'); return; } if (call instanceof Call) { RingRTC.setOutgoingVideo(call.callId, enabled); } else if (call instanceof GroupCall) { call.setOutgoingVideoMuted(!enabled); } else { throw missingCaseError(call); } } private setOutgoingVideoIsScreenShare( call: Call | GroupCall, enabled: boolean ): void { if (call instanceof Call) { RingRTC.setOutgoingVideoIsScreenShare(call.callId, enabled); // Note: there is no "presenting" API for direct calls. } else if (call instanceof GroupCall) { call.setOutgoingVideoIsScreenShare(enabled); call.setPresenting(enabled); } else { throw missingCaseError(call); } } async getPresentingSources(): Promise> { const sources = await desktopCapturer.getSources({ fetchWindowIcons: true, thumbnailSize: { height: 102, width: 184 }, types: ['window', 'screen'], }); const presentableSources: Array = []; sources.forEach(source => { // If electron can't retrieve a thumbnail then it won't be able to // present this source so we filter these out. if (source.thumbnail.isEmpty()) { return; } presentableSources.push({ appIcon: source.appIcon && !source.appIcon.isEmpty() ? source.appIcon.toDataURL() : undefined, id: source.id, name: source.name, thumbnail: source.thumbnail.toDataURL(), }); }); return presentableSources; } setPresenting( conversationId: string, hasLocalVideo: boolean, source?: PresentedSource ): void { const call = getOwn(this.callsByConversation, conversationId); if (!call) { window.log.warn('Trying to set presenting for a non-existent call'); return; } this.videoCapturer.disable(); if (source) { this.hadLocalVideoBeforePresenting = hasLocalVideo; this.videoCapturer.enableCaptureAndSend(call, { // 15fps is much nicer but takes up a lot more CPU. maxFramerate: 5, maxHeight: 1080, maxWidth: 1920, screenShareSourceId: source.id, }); this.setOutgoingVideo(conversationId, true); } else { this.setOutgoingVideo( conversationId, Boolean(this.hadLocalVideoBeforePresenting) || hasLocalVideo ); this.hadLocalVideoBeforePresenting = undefined; } const isPresenting = Boolean(source); this.setOutgoingVideoIsScreenShare(call, isPresenting); if (source) { ipcRenderer.send('show-screen-share', source.name); notify({ icon: 'images/icons/v2/video-solid-24.svg', message: window.i18n('calling__presenting--notification-body'), onNotificationClick: () => { if (this.uxActions) { this.uxActions.setPresenting(); } }, silent: true, title: window.i18n('calling__presenting--notification-title'), }); } else { ipcRenderer.send('close-screen-share-controller'); } } private async startDeviceReselectionTimer(): Promise { // Poll once await this.pollForMediaDevices(); // Start the timer if (!this.deviceReselectionTimer) { this.deviceReselectionTimer = setInterval(async () => { await this.pollForMediaDevices(); }, 3000); } } private stopDeviceReselectionTimer() { if (this.deviceReselectionTimer) { clearInterval(this.deviceReselectionTimer); this.deviceReselectionTimer = undefined; } } private mediaDeviceSettingsEqual( a?: MediaDeviceSettings, b?: MediaDeviceSettings ): boolean { if (!a && !b) { return true; } if (!a || !b) { return false; } if ( a.availableCameras.length !== b.availableCameras.length || a.availableMicrophones.length !== b.availableMicrophones.length || a.availableSpeakers.length !== b.availableSpeakers.length ) { return false; } for (let i = 0; i < a.availableCameras.length; i += 1) { if ( a.availableCameras[i].deviceId !== b.availableCameras[i].deviceId || a.availableCameras[i].groupId !== b.availableCameras[i].groupId || a.availableCameras[i].label !== b.availableCameras[i].label ) { return false; } } for (let i = 0; i < a.availableMicrophones.length; i += 1) { if ( a.availableMicrophones[i].name !== b.availableMicrophones[i].name || a.availableMicrophones[i].uniqueId !== b.availableMicrophones[i].uniqueId ) { return false; } } for (let i = 0; i < a.availableSpeakers.length; i += 1) { if ( a.availableSpeakers[i].name !== b.availableSpeakers[i].name || a.availableSpeakers[i].uniqueId !== b.availableSpeakers[i].uniqueId ) { return false; } } if ( (a.selectedCamera && !b.selectedCamera) || (!a.selectedCamera && b.selectedCamera) || (a.selectedMicrophone && !b.selectedMicrophone) || (!a.selectedMicrophone && b.selectedMicrophone) || (a.selectedSpeaker && !b.selectedSpeaker) || (!a.selectedSpeaker && b.selectedSpeaker) ) { return false; } if ( a.selectedCamera && b.selectedCamera && a.selectedCamera !== b.selectedCamera ) { return false; } if ( a.selectedMicrophone && b.selectedMicrophone && a.selectedMicrophone.index !== b.selectedMicrophone.index ) { return false; } if ( a.selectedSpeaker && b.selectedSpeaker && a.selectedSpeaker.index !== b.selectedSpeaker.index ) { return false; } return true; } private async pollForMediaDevices(): Promise { const newSettings = await this.getMediaDeviceSettings(); if ( !this.mediaDeviceSettingsEqual(this.lastMediaDeviceSettings, newSettings) ) { window.log.info( 'MediaDevice: available devices changed (from->to)', this.lastMediaDeviceSettings, newSettings ); await this.selectPreferredDevices(newSettings); this.lastMediaDeviceSettings = newSettings; this.uxActions?.refreshIODevices(newSettings); } } async getMediaDeviceSettings(): Promise { const availableMicrophones = RingRTC.getAudioInputs(); const preferredMicrophone = window.storage.get( 'preferred-audio-input-device' ); const selectedMicIndex = this.findBestMatchingDeviceIndex( availableMicrophones, preferredMicrophone ); const selectedMicrophone = selectedMicIndex !== undefined ? availableMicrophones[selectedMicIndex] : undefined; const availableSpeakers = RingRTC.getAudioOutputs(); const preferredSpeaker = window.storage.get( 'preferred-audio-output-device' ); const selectedSpeakerIndex = this.findBestMatchingDeviceIndex( availableSpeakers, preferredSpeaker ); const selectedSpeaker = selectedSpeakerIndex !== undefined ? availableSpeakers[selectedSpeakerIndex] : undefined; const availableCameras = await this.videoCapturer.enumerateDevices(); const preferredCamera = window.storage.get('preferred-video-input-device'); const selectedCamera = this.findBestMatchingCamera( availableCameras, preferredCamera ); return { availableMicrophones, availableSpeakers, selectedMicrophone, selectedSpeaker, availableCameras, selectedCamera, }; } findBestMatchingDeviceIndex( available: Array, preferred: AudioDevice | undefined ): number | undefined { if (preferred) { // Match by uniqueId first, if available if (preferred.uniqueId) { const matchIndex = available.findIndex( d => d.uniqueId === preferred.uniqueId ); if (matchIndex !== -1) { return matchIndex; } } // Match by name second const matchingNames = available.filter(d => d.name === preferred.name); if (matchingNames.length > 0) { return matchingNames[0].index; } } // Nothing matches or no preference; take the first device if there are any return available.length > 0 ? 0 : undefined; } findBestMatchingCamera( available: Array, preferred?: string ): string | undefined { const matchingId = available.filter(d => d.deviceId === preferred); const nonInfrared = available.filter(d => !d.label.includes('IR Camera')); // By default, pick the first non-IR camera (but allow the user to pick the // infrared if they so desire) if (matchingId.length > 0) { return matchingId[0].deviceId; } if (nonInfrared.length > 0) { return nonInfrared[0].deviceId; } return undefined; } setPreferredMicrophone(device: AudioDevice): void { window.log.info('MediaDevice: setPreferredMicrophone', device); window.storage.put('preferred-audio-input-device', device); RingRTC.setAudioInput(device.index); } setPreferredSpeaker(device: AudioDevice): void { window.log.info('MediaDevice: setPreferredSpeaker', device); window.storage.put('preferred-audio-output-device', device); RingRTC.setAudioOutput(device.index); } enableLocalCamera(): void { this.videoCapturer.enableCapture(); } disableLocalVideo(): void { this.videoCapturer.disable(); } async setPreferredCamera(device: string): Promise { window.log.info('MediaDevice: setPreferredCamera', device); window.storage.put('preferred-video-input-device', device); await this.videoCapturer.setPreferredDevice(device); } async handleCallingMessage( envelope: EnvelopeClass, callingMessage: CallingMessage ): Promise { window.log.info('CallingClass.handleCallingMessage()'); const enableIncomingCalls = await window.getIncomingCallNotification(); if (callingMessage.offer && !enableIncomingCalls) { // Drop offers silently if incoming call notifications are disabled. window.log.info('Incoming calls are disabled, ignoring call offer.'); return; } const remoteUserId = envelope.sourceUuid || envelope.source; const remoteDeviceId = this.parseDeviceId(envelope.sourceDevice); if (!remoteUserId || !remoteDeviceId || !this.localDeviceId) { window.log.error('Missing identifier, ignoring call message.'); return; } const senderIdentityRecord = window.textsecure.storage.protocol.getIdentityRecord( remoteUserId ); if (!senderIdentityRecord) { window.log.error( 'Missing sender identity record; ignoring call message.' ); return; } const senderIdentityKey = senderIdentityRecord.publicKey.slice(1); // Ignore the type header, it is not used. const receiverIdentityRecord = window.textsecure.storage.protocol.getIdentityRecord( window.textsecure.storage.user.getUuid() || window.textsecure.storage.user.getNumber() ); if (!receiverIdentityRecord) { window.log.error( 'Missing receiver identity record; ignoring call message.' ); return; } const receiverIdentityKey = receiverIdentityRecord.publicKey.slice(1); // Ignore the type header, it is not used. const conversation = window.ConversationController.get(remoteUserId); if (!conversation) { window.log.error('Missing conversation; ignoring call message.'); return; } if (callingMessage.offer && !conversation.getAccepted()) { window.log.info( 'Conversation was not approved by user; rejecting call message.' ); const hangup = new HangupMessage(); hangup.callId = callingMessage.offer.callId; hangup.deviceId = remoteDeviceId; hangup.type = HangupType.NeedPermission; const message = new CallingMessage(); message.legacyHangup = hangup; await this.handleOutgoingSignaling(remoteUserId, message); this.addCallHistoryForFailedIncomingCall( conversation, callingMessage.offer.type === OfferType.VideoCall ); return; } const sourceUuid = envelope.sourceUuid ? uuidToArrayBuffer(envelope.sourceUuid) : null; const messageAgeSec = envelope.messageAgeSec ? envelope.messageAgeSec : 0; window.log.info('CallingClass.handleCallingMessage(): Handling in RingRTC'); RingRTC.handleCallingMessage( remoteUserId, sourceUuid, remoteDeviceId, this.localDeviceId, messageAgeSec, callingMessage, senderIdentityKey, receiverIdentityKey ); } private async selectPreferredDevices( settings: MediaDeviceSettings ): Promise { if ( (!this.lastMediaDeviceSettings && settings.selectedCamera) || (this.lastMediaDeviceSettings && settings.selectedCamera && this.lastMediaDeviceSettings.selectedCamera !== settings.selectedCamera) ) { window.log.info('MediaDevice: selecting camera', settings.selectedCamera); await this.videoCapturer.setPreferredDevice(settings.selectedCamera); } // Assume that the MediaDeviceSettings have been obtained very recently and // the index is still valid (no devices have been plugged in in between). if (settings.selectedMicrophone) { window.log.info( 'MediaDevice: selecting microphone', settings.selectedMicrophone ); RingRTC.setAudioInput(settings.selectedMicrophone.index); } if (settings.selectedSpeaker) { window.log.info( 'MediaDevice: selecting speaker', settings.selectedSpeaker ); RingRTC.setAudioOutput(settings.selectedSpeaker.index); } } private async requestCameraPermissions(): Promise { const cameraPermission = await window.getMediaCameraPermissions(); if (!cameraPermission) { await window.showCallingPermissionsPopup(true); // Check the setting again (from the source of truth). return window.getMediaCameraPermissions(); } return true; } private async requestMicrophonePermissions(): Promise { const microphonePermission = await window.getMediaPermissions(); if (!microphonePermission) { await window.showCallingPermissionsPopup(false); // Check the setting again (from the source of truth). return window.getMediaPermissions(); } return true; } private async requestPermissions(isVideoCall: boolean): Promise { const microphonePermission = await this.requestMicrophonePermissions(); if (microphonePermission) { if (isVideoCall) { return this.requestCameraPermissions(); } return true; } return false; } private async handleSendCallMessage( recipient: ArrayBuffer, data: ArrayBuffer ): Promise { const userId = arrayBufferToUuid(recipient); if (!userId) { window.log.error('handleSendCallMessage(): bad recipient UUID'); return false; } const message = new CallingMessage(); message.opaque = new OpaqueMessage(); message.opaque.data = data; return this.handleOutgoingSignaling(userId, message); } private async handleOutgoingSignaling( remoteUserId: UserId, message: CallingMessage ): Promise { const conversation = window.ConversationController.get(remoteUserId); const sendOptions = conversation ? await conversation.getSendOptions() : undefined; if (!window.textsecure.messaging) { window.log.warn('handleOutgoingSignaling() returning false; offline'); return false; } try { await window.textsecure.messaging.sendCallingMessage( remoteUserId, message, sendOptions ); window.log.info('handleOutgoingSignaling() completed successfully'); return true; } catch (err) { if (err && err.errors && err.errors.length > 0) { window.log.error( `handleOutgoingSignaling() failed: ${err.errors[0].reason}` ); } else { window.log.error('handleOutgoingSignaling() failed'); } return false; } } // If we return null here, we hang up the call. private async handleIncomingCall(call: Call): Promise { window.log.info('CallingClass.handleIncomingCall()'); if (!this.uxActions || !this.localDeviceId) { window.log.error('Missing required objects, ignoring incoming call.'); return null; } const conversation = window.ConversationController.get(call.remoteUserId); if (!conversation) { window.log.error('Missing conversation, ignoring incoming call.'); return null; } try { // The peer must be 'trusted' before accepting a call from them. // This is mostly the safety number check, unverified meaning that they were // verified before but now they are not. const verifiedEnum = await conversation.safeGetVerified(); if ( verifiedEnum === window.textsecure.storage.protocol.VerifiedStatus.UNVERIFIED ) { window.log.info( `Peer is not trusted, ignoring incoming call for conversation: ${conversation.idForLogging()}` ); this.addCallHistoryForFailedIncomingCall( conversation, call.isVideoCall ); return null; } this.attachToCall(conversation, call); this.uxActions.receiveIncomingCall({ conversationId: conversation.id, isVideoCall: call.isVideoCall, }); window.log.info('CallingClass.handleIncomingCall(): Proceeding'); return await this.getCallSettings(conversation); } catch (err) { window.log.error(`Ignoring incoming call: ${err.stack}`); this.addCallHistoryForFailedIncomingCall(conversation, call.isVideoCall); return null; } } private handleAutoEndedIncomingCallRequest( remoteUserId: UserId, reason: CallEndedReason ) { const conversation = window.ConversationController.get(remoteUserId); if (!conversation) { return; } this.addCallHistoryForAutoEndedIncomingCall(conversation, reason); } private attachToCall(conversation: ConversationModel, call: Call): void { this.callsByConversation[conversation.id] = call; const { uxActions } = this; if (!uxActions) { return; } let acceptedTime: number | undefined; // eslint-disable-next-line no-param-reassign call.handleStateChanged = () => { if (call.state === CallState.Accepted) { acceptedTime = acceptedTime || Date.now(); } else if (call.state === CallState.Ended) { this.addCallHistoryForEndedCall(conversation, call, acceptedTime); this.stopDeviceReselectionTimer(); this.lastMediaDeviceSettings = undefined; delete this.callsByConversation[conversation.id]; } uxActions.callStateChange({ conversationId: conversation.id, acceptedTime, callState: call.state, callEndedReason: call.endedReason, isIncoming: call.isIncoming, isVideoCall: call.isVideoCall, title: conversation.getTitle(), }); }; // eslint-disable-next-line no-param-reassign call.handleRemoteVideoEnabled = () => { uxActions.remoteVideoChange({ conversationId: conversation.id, hasVideo: call.remoteVideoEnabled, }); }; // eslint-disable-next-line no-param-reassign call.handleRemoteSharingScreen = () => { uxActions.remoteSharingScreenChange({ conversationId: conversation.id, isSharingScreen: Boolean(call.remoteSharingScreen), }); }; } private async handleLogMessage( level: CallLogLevel, fileName: string, line: number, message: string ) { switch (level) { case CallLogLevel.Info: window.log.info(`${fileName}:${line} ${message}`); break; case CallLogLevel.Warn: window.log.warn(`${fileName}:${line} ${message}`); break; case CallLogLevel.Error: window.log.error(`${fileName}:${line} ${message}`); break; default: break; } } private async handleSendHttpRequest( requestId: number, url: string, method: HttpMethod, headers: { [name: string]: string }, body: ArrayBuffer | undefined ) { if (!window.textsecure.messaging) { RingRTC.httpRequestFailed(requestId, 'We are offline'); return; } const httpMethod = RINGRTC_HTTP_METHOD_TO_OUR_HTTP_METHOD.get(method); if (httpMethod === undefined) { RingRTC.httpRequestFailed( requestId, `Unknown method: ${JSON.stringify(method)}` ); return; } let result; try { result = await window.textsecure.messaging.server.makeSfuRequest( url, httpMethod, headers, body ); } catch (err) { if (err.code !== -1) { // WebAPI treats certain response codes as errors, but RingRTC still needs to // see them. It does not currently look at the response body, so we're giving // it an empty one. RingRTC.receivedHttpResponse(requestId, err.code, new ArrayBuffer(0)); } else { window.log.error('handleSendHttpRequest: fetch failed with error', err); RingRTC.httpRequestFailed(requestId, String(err)); } return; } RingRTC.receivedHttpResponse( requestId, result.response.status, result.data ); } private getRemoteUserIdFromConversation( conversation: ConversationModel ): UserId | undefined | null { const recipients = conversation.getRecipients(); if (recipients.length !== 1) { return undefined; } return recipients[0]; } private get localDeviceId(): DeviceId | null { return this.parseDeviceId(window.textsecure.storage.user.getDeviceId()); } private parseDeviceId( deviceId: number | string | undefined ): DeviceId | null { if (typeof deviceId === 'string') { return parseInt(deviceId, 10); } if (typeof deviceId === 'number') { return deviceId; } return null; } private async getCallSettings( conversation: ConversationModel ): Promise { if (!window.textsecure.messaging) { throw new Error('getCallSettings: offline!'); } const iceServerJson = await window.textsecure.messaging.server.getIceServers(); const shouldRelayCalls = Boolean(await window.getAlwaysRelayCalls()); // If the peer is 'unknown', i.e. not in the contact list, force IP hiding. const isContactUnknown = !conversation.isFromOrAddedByTrustedContact(); return { iceServer: JSON.parse(iceServerJson), hideIp: shouldRelayCalls || isContactUnknown, bandwidthMode: BandwidthMode.Normal, }; } private addCallHistoryForEndedCall( conversation: ConversationModel, call: Call, acceptedTimeParam: number | undefined ) { let acceptedTime = acceptedTimeParam; const { endedReason, isIncoming } = call; const wasAccepted = Boolean(acceptedTime); const isOutgoing = !isIncoming; const wasDeclined = !wasAccepted && (endedReason === CallEndedReason.Declined || endedReason === CallEndedReason.DeclinedOnAnotherDevice || (isIncoming && endedReason === CallEndedReason.LocalHangup) || (isOutgoing && endedReason === CallEndedReason.RemoteHangup) || (isOutgoing && endedReason === CallEndedReason.RemoteHangupNeedPermission)); if (call.endedReason === CallEndedReason.AcceptedOnAnotherDevice) { acceptedTime = Date.now(); } conversation.addCallHistory({ callMode: CallMode.Direct, wasIncoming: call.isIncoming, wasVideoCall: call.isVideoCall, wasDeclined, acceptedTime, endedTime: Date.now(), }); } private addCallHistoryForFailedIncomingCall( conversation: ConversationModel, wasVideoCall: boolean ) { conversation.addCallHistory({ callMode: CallMode.Direct, wasIncoming: true, wasVideoCall, // Since the user didn't decline, make sure it shows up as a missed call instead wasDeclined: false, acceptedTime: undefined, endedTime: Date.now(), }); } private addCallHistoryForAutoEndedIncomingCall( conversation: ConversationModel, _reason: CallEndedReason ) { conversation.addCallHistory({ callMode: CallMode.Direct, wasIncoming: true, // We don't actually know, but it doesn't seem that important in this case, // but we could maybe plumb this info through RingRTC wasVideoCall: false, // Since the user didn't decline, make sure it shows up as a missed call instead wasDeclined: false, acceptedTime: undefined, endedTime: Date.now(), }); } public updateCallHistoryForGroupCall( conversationId: string, peekInfo: undefined | PeekInfo ): void { // If we don't have the necessary pieces to peek, bail. (It's okay if we don't.) if (!peekInfo || !peekInfo.eraId || !peekInfo.creator) { return; } const creatorUuid = arrayBufferToUuid(peekInfo.creator); if (!creatorUuid) { window.log.error('updateCallHistoryForGroupCall(): bad creator UUID'); return; } const conversation = window.ConversationController.get(conversationId); if (!conversation) { window.log.error( 'updateCallHistoryForGroupCall(): could not find conversation' ); return; } conversation.updateCallHistoryForGroupCall(peekInfo.eraId, creatorUuid); } } export const calling = new CallingClass();