// Copyright 2019-2021 Signal Messenger, LLC // SPDX-License-Identifier: AGPL-3.0-only import React, { RefObject } from 'react'; import { omit } from 'lodash'; import { LocalizerType, ThemeType } from '../../types/Util'; import { InteractionModeType } from '../../state/ducks/conversations'; import { Message, Props as AllMessageProps, PropsActions as MessageActionsType, PropsData as MessageProps, } from './Message'; import { CallingNotification, PropsActionsType as CallingNotificationActionsType, } from './CallingNotification'; import { ChatSessionRefreshedNotification, PropsActionsType as PropsChatSessionRefreshedActionsType, } from './ChatSessionRefreshedNotification'; import { DeliveryIssueNotification, PropsActionsType as DeliveryIssueActionProps, PropsDataType as DeliveryIssueProps, } from './DeliveryIssueNotification'; import { LinkNotification } from './LinkNotification'; import { ChangeNumberNotification, PropsData as ChangeNumberNotificationProps, } from './ChangeNumberNotification'; import { CallingNotificationType } from '../../util/callingNotification'; import { InlineNotificationWrapper } from './InlineNotificationWrapper'; import { PropsActions as UnsupportedMessageActionsType, PropsData as UnsupportedMessageProps, UnsupportedMessage, } from './UnsupportedMessage'; import { PropsData as TimerNotificationProps, TimerNotification, } from './TimerNotification'; import { PropsActions as SafetyNumberActionsType, PropsData as SafetyNumberNotificationProps, SafetyNumberNotification, } from './SafetyNumberNotification'; import { PropsData as VerificationNotificationProps, VerificationNotification, } from './VerificationNotification'; import { GroupNotification, PropsData as GroupNotificationProps, } from './GroupNotification'; import { GroupV2Change, PropsDataType as GroupV2ChangeProps, } from './GroupV2Change'; import { GroupV1Migration, PropsDataType as GroupV1MigrationProps, } from './GroupV1Migration'; import { SmartContactRendererType } from '../../groupChange'; import { ResetSessionNotification } from './ResetSessionNotification'; import { ProfileChangeNotification, PropsType as ProfileChangeNotificationPropsType, } from './ProfileChangeNotification'; import * as log from '../../logging/log'; type CallHistoryType = { type: 'callHistory'; data: CallingNotificationType; }; type ChatSessionRefreshedType = { type: 'chatSessionRefreshed'; data: null; }; type DeliveryIssueType = { type: 'deliveryIssue'; data: DeliveryIssueProps; }; type LinkNotificationType = { type: 'linkNotification'; data: null; }; type MessageType = { type: 'message'; data: Omit; }; type UnsupportedMessageType = { type: 'unsupportedMessage'; data: UnsupportedMessageProps; }; type TimerNotificationType = { type: 'timerNotification'; data: TimerNotificationProps; }; type UniversalTimerNotificationType = { type: 'universalTimerNotification'; data: null; }; type ChangeNumberNotificationType = { type: 'changeNumberNotification'; data: ChangeNumberNotificationProps; }; type SafetyNumberNotificationType = { type: 'safetyNumberNotification'; data: SafetyNumberNotificationProps; }; type VerificationNotificationType = { type: 'verificationNotification'; data: VerificationNotificationProps; }; type GroupNotificationType = { type: 'groupNotification'; data: GroupNotificationProps; }; type GroupV2ChangeType = { type: 'groupV2Change'; data: GroupV2ChangeProps; }; type GroupV1MigrationType = { type: 'groupV1Migration'; data: GroupV1MigrationProps; }; type ResetSessionNotificationType = { type: 'resetSessionNotification'; data: null; }; type ProfileChangeNotificationType = { type: 'profileChange'; data: ProfileChangeNotificationPropsType; }; export type TimelineItemType = | CallHistoryType | ChatSessionRefreshedType | DeliveryIssueType | GroupNotificationType | GroupV1MigrationType | GroupV2ChangeType | LinkNotificationType | MessageType | ProfileChangeNotificationType | ResetSessionNotificationType | SafetyNumberNotificationType | TimerNotificationType | UniversalTimerNotificationType | ChangeNumberNotificationType | UnsupportedMessageType | VerificationNotificationType; type PropsLocalType = { containerElementRef: RefObject; conversationId: string; item?: TimelineItemType; id: string; isSelected: boolean; selectMessage: (messageId: string, conversationId: string) => unknown; renderContact: SmartContactRendererType; renderUniversalTimerNotification: () => JSX.Element; i18n: LocalizerType; interactionMode: InteractionModeType; theme?: ThemeType; previousItem: undefined | TimelineItemType; nextItem: undefined | TimelineItemType; }; type PropsActionsType = MessageActionsType & CallingNotificationActionsType & DeliveryIssueActionProps & PropsChatSessionRefreshedActionsType & UnsupportedMessageActionsType & SafetyNumberActionsType; export type PropsType = PropsLocalType & PropsActionsType & Pick< AllMessageProps, | 'containerWidthBreakpoint' | 'renderEmojiPicker' | 'renderAudioAttachment' | 'renderReactionPicker' >; export class TimelineItem extends React.PureComponent { public render(): JSX.Element | null { const { containerElementRef, conversationId, id, isSelected, item, i18n, theme, messageSizeChanged, nextItem, renderContact, renderUniversalTimerNotification, returnToActiveCall, selectMessage, startCallingLobby, } = this.props; if (!item) { log.warn(`TimelineItem: item ${id} provided was falsey`); return null; } if (item.type === 'message') { return ( ); } let notification; if (item.type === 'unsupportedMessage') { notification = ( ); } else if (item.type === 'callHistory') { notification = ( ); } else if (item.type === 'chatSessionRefreshed') { notification = ( ); } else if (item.type === 'deliveryIssue') { notification = ( ); } else if (item.type === 'linkNotification') { notification = ; } else if (item.type === 'timerNotification') { notification = ( ); } else if (item.type === 'universalTimerNotification') { notification = renderUniversalTimerNotification(); } else if (item.type === 'changeNumberNotification') { notification = ( ); } else if (item.type === 'safetyNumberNotification') { notification = ( ); } else if (item.type === 'verificationNotification') { notification = ( ); } else if (item.type === 'groupNotification') { notification = ( ); } else if (item.type === 'groupV2Change') { notification = ( ); } else if (item.type === 'groupV1Migration') { notification = ( ); } else if (item.type === 'resetSessionNotification') { notification = ( ); } else if (item.type === 'profileChange') { notification = ( ); } else { // Weird, yes, but the idea is to get a compile error when we aren't comprehensive // with our if/else checks above, but also log out the type we don't understand if // we encounter it at runtime. const unknownItem: never = item; const asItem = unknownItem as TimelineItemType; throw new Error(`TimelineItem: Unknown type: ${asItem.type}`); } return ( {notification} ); } }