// Copyright 2023 Signal Messenger, LLC // SPDX-License-Identifier: AGPL-3.0-only import Long from 'long'; import type { Call, PeekInfo, LocalDeviceState } from '@signalapp/ringrtc'; import { CallState, ConnectionState, JoinState, callIdFromEra, callIdFromRingId, RingUpdate, } from '@signalapp/ringrtc'; import { v4 as generateGuid } from 'uuid'; import { strictAssert } from './assert'; import { SignalService as Proto } from '../protobuf'; import { bytesToUuid, uuidToBytes } from './uuidToBytes'; import { missingCaseError } from './missingCaseError'; import { CallEndedReason, CallMode, GroupCallJoinState, } from '../types/Calling'; import type { AciString } from '../types/ServiceId'; import { isAciString } from './isAciString'; import { isMe } from './whatTypeOfConversation'; import * as log from '../logging/log'; import * as Errors from '../types/errors'; import { incrementMessageCounter } from './incrementMessageCounter'; import { ReadStatus, maxReadStatus } from '../messages/MessageReadStatus'; import { SeenStatus, maxSeenStatus } from '../MessageSeenStatus'; import { canConversationBeUnarchived } from './canConversationBeUnarchived'; import type { ConversationAttributesType, MessageAttributesType, } from '../model-types'; import { singleProtoJobQueue } from '../jobs/singleProtoJobQueue'; import MessageSender from '../textsecure/SendMessage'; import * as Bytes from '../Bytes'; import type { CallDetails, CallEvent, CallEventDetails, CallHistoryDetails, CallHistoryGroup, CallStatus, GroupCallMeta, } from '../types/CallDisposition'; import { DirectCallStatus, GroupCallStatus, callEventNormalizeSchema, CallType, CallDirection, callEventDetailsSchema, LocalCallEvent, RemoteCallEvent, callHistoryDetailsSchema, callDetailsSchema, } from '../types/CallDisposition'; import type { ConversationType } from '../state/ducks/conversations'; import type { ConversationModel } from '../models/conversations'; // utils // ----- export function formatCallEvent(callEvent: CallEventDetails): string { const { callId, peerId, direction, event, eventSource, type, mode, ringerId, timestamp, } = callEvent; const peerIdLog = mode === CallMode.Group ? `groupv2(${peerId})` : peerId; return `CallEvent (${callId}, ${peerIdLog}, ${mode}, ${event}, ${direction}, ${type}, ${mode}, ${timestamp}, ${ringerId}, ${eventSource})`; } export function formatCallHistory(callHistory: CallHistoryDetails): string { const { callId, peerId, direction, status, type, mode, timestamp, ringerId } = callHistory; return `CallHistory (${callId}, ${peerId}, ${mode}, ${status}, ${direction}, ${type}, ${mode}, ${timestamp}, ${ringerId})`; } export function formatCallHistoryGroup( callHistoryGroup: CallHistoryGroup ): string { const { peerId, direction, status, type, mode, timestamp } = callHistoryGroup; return `CallHistoryGroup (${peerId}, ${mode}, ${status}, ${direction}, ${type}, ${mode}, ${timestamp})`; } export function formatPeekInfo(peekInfo: PeekInfo): string { const { eraId, deviceCount, creator } = peekInfo; const callId = eraId != null ? getCallIdFromEra(eraId) : null; const creatorAci = creator != null ? getCreatorAci(creator) : null; return `PeekInfo (${eraId}, ${callId}, ${creatorAci}, ${deviceCount})`; } export function formatLocalDeviceState( localDeviceState: LocalDeviceState ): string { const connectionState = ConnectionState[localDeviceState.connectionState]; const joinState = JoinState[localDeviceState.joinState]; return `LocalDeviceState (${connectionState}, ${joinState})`; } export function getCallIdFromRing(ringId: bigint): string { return Long.fromValue(callIdFromRingId(ringId)).toString(); } export function getCallIdFromEra(eraId: string): string { return Long.fromValue(callIdFromEra(eraId)).toString(); } export function getCreatorAci(creator: Buffer): AciString { const aci = bytesToUuid(creator); strictAssert(aci != null, 'creator uuid buffer was not a valid uuid'); strictAssert(isAciString(aci), 'creator uuid buffer was not a valid aci'); return aci; } export function getGroupCallMeta( peekInfo: PeekInfo | null ): GroupCallMeta | null { if (peekInfo?.eraId == null || peekInfo?.creator == null) { return null; } const callId = getCallIdFromEra(peekInfo.eraId); const ringerId = bytesToUuid(peekInfo.creator); strictAssert(ringerId != null, 'peekInfo.creator was invalid uuid'); strictAssert(isAciString(ringerId), 'peekInfo.creator was invalid aci'); return { callId, ringerId }; } export function getPeerIdFromConversation( conversation: ConversationAttributesType | ConversationType ): AciString | string { if (conversation.type === 'direct' || conversation.type === 'private') { strictAssert( isAciString(conversation.serviceId), 'ACI must exist for direct chat' ); return conversation.serviceId; } strictAssert( conversation.groupId != null, 'groupId must exist for group chat' ); return conversation.groupId; } export function convertJoinState(joinState: JoinState): GroupCallJoinState { if (joinState === JoinState.Joined) { return GroupCallJoinState.Joined; } if (joinState === JoinState.Joining) { return GroupCallJoinState.Joining; } if (joinState === JoinState.NotJoined) { return GroupCallJoinState.NotJoined; } if (joinState === JoinState.Pending) { return GroupCallJoinState.Pending; } throw missingCaseError(joinState); } // Call Events <-> Protos // ---------------------- export function getCallEventForProto( callEventProto: Proto.SyncMessage.ICallEvent, eventSource: string ): CallEventDetails { const callEvent = callEventNormalizeSchema.parse(callEventProto); const { callId, peerId, timestamp } = callEvent; let type: CallType; if (callEvent.type === Proto.SyncMessage.CallEvent.Type.GROUP_CALL) { type = CallType.Group; } else if (callEvent.type === Proto.SyncMessage.CallEvent.Type.AUDIO_CALL) { type = CallType.Audio; } else if (callEvent.type === Proto.SyncMessage.CallEvent.Type.VIDEO_CALL) { type = CallType.Video; } else { throw new TypeError(`Unknown call type ${callEvent.type}`); } let mode: CallMode; if (type === CallType.Group) { mode = CallMode.Group; } else { mode = CallMode.Direct; } let direction: CallDirection; if (callEvent.direction === Proto.SyncMessage.CallEvent.Direction.INCOMING) { direction = CallDirection.Incoming; } else if ( callEvent.direction === Proto.SyncMessage.CallEvent.Direction.OUTGOING ) { direction = CallDirection.Outgoing; } else { throw new TypeError(`Unknown call direction ${callEvent.direction}`); } let event: RemoteCallEvent; if (callEvent.event === Proto.SyncMessage.CallEvent.Event.ACCEPTED) { event = RemoteCallEvent.Accepted; } else if ( callEvent.event === Proto.SyncMessage.CallEvent.Event.NOT_ACCEPTED ) { event = RemoteCallEvent.NotAccepted; } else if (callEvent.event === Proto.SyncMessage.CallEvent.Event.DELETE) { event = RemoteCallEvent.Delete; } else { throw new TypeError(`Unknown call event ${callEvent.event}`); } return callEventDetailsSchema.parse({ callId, peerId, ringerId: null, mode, type, direction, timestamp, event, eventSource, }); } const directionToProto = { [CallDirection.Incoming]: Proto.SyncMessage.CallEvent.Direction.INCOMING, [CallDirection.Outgoing]: Proto.SyncMessage.CallEvent.Direction.OUTGOING, }; const typeToProto = { [CallType.Audio]: Proto.SyncMessage.CallEvent.Type.AUDIO_CALL, [CallType.Video]: Proto.SyncMessage.CallEvent.Type.VIDEO_CALL, [CallType.Group]: Proto.SyncMessage.CallEvent.Type.GROUP_CALL, }; const statusToProto: Record< CallStatus, Proto.SyncMessage.CallEvent.Event | null > = { [DirectCallStatus.Accepted]: Proto.SyncMessage.CallEvent.Event.ACCEPTED, // and GroupCallStatus.Accepted [DirectCallStatus.Declined]: Proto.SyncMessage.CallEvent.Event.NOT_ACCEPTED, // and GroupCallStatus.Declined [DirectCallStatus.Deleted]: Proto.SyncMessage.CallEvent.Event.DELETE, // and GroupCallStatus.Deleted [DirectCallStatus.Missed]: null, // and GroupCallStatus.Missed [DirectCallStatus.Pending]: null, [GroupCallStatus.GenericGroupCall]: null, [GroupCallStatus.Joined]: null, [GroupCallStatus.OutgoingRing]: null, [GroupCallStatus.Ringing]: null, }; function shouldSyncStatus(callStatus: CallStatus) { return statusToProto[callStatus] != null; } function getProtoForCallHistory( callHistory: CallHistoryDetails ): Proto.SyncMessage.ICallEvent | null { const event = statusToProto[callHistory.status]; strictAssert( event != null, `getProtoForCallHistory: Cannot create proto for status ${formatCallHistory( callHistory )}` ); let peerId = uuidToBytes(callHistory.peerId); if (peerId.length === 0) { peerId = Bytes.fromBase64(callHistory.peerId); } return new Proto.SyncMessage.CallEvent({ peerId, callId: Long.fromString(callHistory.callId), type: typeToProto[callHistory.type], direction: directionToProto[callHistory.direction], event, timestamp: Long.fromNumber(callHistory.timestamp), }); } // Local Events // ------------ const endedReasonToEvent: Record = { // Accepted [CallEndedReason.AcceptedOnAnotherDevice]: LocalCallEvent.Accepted, // Hangup (Incoming = Declined, Outgoing = Missed) [CallEndedReason.RemoteHangup]: LocalCallEvent.RemoteHangup, [CallEndedReason.LocalHangup]: LocalCallEvent.Hangup, // Missed [CallEndedReason.Busy]: LocalCallEvent.Missed, [CallEndedReason.BusyOnAnotherDevice]: LocalCallEvent.Missed, [CallEndedReason.ConnectionFailure]: LocalCallEvent.Missed, [CallEndedReason.Glare]: LocalCallEvent.Missed, [CallEndedReason.GlareFailure]: LocalCallEvent.Missed, [CallEndedReason.InternalFailure]: LocalCallEvent.Missed, [CallEndedReason.ReCall]: LocalCallEvent.Missed, [CallEndedReason.ReceivedOfferExpired]: LocalCallEvent.Missed, [CallEndedReason.ReceivedOfferWhileActive]: LocalCallEvent.Missed, [CallEndedReason.ReceivedOfferWithGlare]: LocalCallEvent.Missed, [CallEndedReason.RemoteHangupNeedPermission]: LocalCallEvent.Missed, [CallEndedReason.SignalingFailure]: LocalCallEvent.Missed, [CallEndedReason.Timeout]: LocalCallEvent.Missed, [CallEndedReason.Declined]: LocalCallEvent.Missed, [CallEndedReason.DeclinedOnAnotherDevice]: LocalCallEvent.Missed, }; export function getLocalCallEventFromCallEndedReason( callEndedReason: CallEndedReason ): LocalCallEvent { log.info('getLocalCallEventFromCallEndedReason', callEndedReason); return endedReasonToEvent[callEndedReason]; } export function getLocalCallEventFromDirectCall( call: Call ): LocalCallEvent | null { log.info('getLocalCallEventFromDirectCall', call.state); if (call.state === CallState.Accepted) { return LocalCallEvent.Accepted; } if (call.state === CallState.Ended) { strictAssert(call.endedReason != null, 'Call ended without reason'); return getLocalCallEventFromCallEndedReason(call.endedReason); } if (call.state === CallState.Ringing) { return LocalCallEvent.Ringing; } if (call.state === CallState.Prering) { return null; } if (call.state === CallState.Reconnecting) { return null; } throw missingCaseError(call.state); } const ringUpdateToEvent: Record = { [RingUpdate.AcceptedOnAnotherDevice]: LocalCallEvent.Accepted, [RingUpdate.BusyLocally]: LocalCallEvent.Missed, [RingUpdate.BusyOnAnotherDevice]: LocalCallEvent.Missed, [RingUpdate.CancelledByRinger]: LocalCallEvent.Missed, [RingUpdate.DeclinedOnAnotherDevice]: LocalCallEvent.Missed, [RingUpdate.ExpiredRequest]: LocalCallEvent.Missed, [RingUpdate.Requested]: LocalCallEvent.Ringing, }; export function getLocalCallEventFromRingUpdate( update: RingUpdate ): LocalCallEvent | null { log.info('getLocalCallEventFromRingUpdate', RingUpdate[update]); return ringUpdateToEvent[update]; } export function getLocalCallEventFromJoinState( joinState: GroupCallJoinState | null, groupCallMeta: GroupCallMeta ): LocalCallEvent | null { const direction = getCallDirectionFromRingerId(groupCallMeta.ringerId); log.info( 'getLocalCallEventFromGroupCall', direction, joinState != null ? GroupCallJoinState[joinState] : null ); if (direction === CallDirection.Incoming) { if (joinState === GroupCallJoinState.Joined) { return LocalCallEvent.Accepted; } if (joinState === GroupCallJoinState.NotJoined || joinState == null) { return LocalCallEvent.Started; } if ( joinState === GroupCallJoinState.Joining || joinState === GroupCallJoinState.Pending ) { return LocalCallEvent.Accepted; } throw missingCaseError(joinState); } else { if (joinState === GroupCallJoinState.NotJoined || joinState == null) { return LocalCallEvent.Started; } return LocalCallEvent.Ringing; } } // Call Direction // -------------- function getCallDirectionFromRingerId( ringerId: AciString | string ): CallDirection { const ringerConversation = window.ConversationController.get(ringerId); strictAssert( ringerConversation != null, `getCallDirectionFromRingerId: Missing ringer conversation (${ringerId})` ); const direction = isMe(ringerConversation.attributes) ? CallDirection.Outgoing : CallDirection.Incoming; return direction; } // Call Details // ------------ export function getCallDetailsFromDirectCall( peerId: AciString | string, call: Call ): CallDetails { return callDetailsSchema.parse({ callId: Long.fromValue(call.callId).toString(), peerId, ringerId: call.isIncoming ? call.remoteUserId : null, mode: CallMode.Direct, type: call.isVideoCall ? CallType.Video : CallType.Audio, direction: call.isIncoming ? CallDirection.Incoming : CallDirection.Outgoing, timestamp: Date.now(), }); } export function getCallDetailsFromEndedDirectCall( callId: string, peerId: AciString | string, ringerId: AciString | string, wasVideoCall: boolean, timestamp: number ): CallDetails { return callDetailsSchema.parse({ callId, peerId, ringerId, mode: CallMode.Direct, type: wasVideoCall ? CallType.Video : CallType.Audio, direction: getCallDirectionFromRingerId(ringerId), timestamp, }); } export function getCallDetailsFromGroupCallMeta( peerId: AciString | string, groupCallMeta: GroupCallMeta ): CallDetails { return callDetailsSchema.parse({ callId: groupCallMeta.callId, peerId, ringerId: groupCallMeta.ringerId, mode: CallMode.Group, type: CallType.Group, direction: getCallDirectionFromRingerId(groupCallMeta.ringerId), timestamp: Date.now(), }); } // Call Event Details // ------------------ export function getCallEventDetails( callDetails: CallDetails, event: LocalCallEvent, eventSource: string ): CallEventDetails { return callEventDetailsSchema.parse({ ...callDetails, event, eventSource }); } // transitions // ----------- export function transitionCallHistory( callHistory: CallHistoryDetails | null, callEvent: CallEventDetails ): CallHistoryDetails { const { callId, peerId, ringerId, mode, type, direction, event } = callEvent; if (callHistory != null) { strictAssert(callHistory.callId === callId, 'callId must be same'); strictAssert(callHistory.peerId === peerId, 'peerId must be same'); strictAssert( ringerId == null || callHistory.ringerId === ringerId, 'ringerId must be same if it exists' ); strictAssert(callHistory.direction === direction, 'direction must be same'); strictAssert(callHistory.type === type, 'type must be same'); strictAssert(callHistory.mode === mode, 'mode must be same'); } const prevStatus = callHistory?.status ?? null; let status: DirectCallStatus | GroupCallStatus; if (mode === CallMode.Direct) { status = transitionDirectCallStatus( prevStatus as DirectCallStatus | null, event, direction ); } else if (mode === CallMode.Group) { status = transitionGroupCallStatus( prevStatus as GroupCallStatus | null, event, direction ); } else { throw missingCaseError(mode); } const timestamp = transitionTimestamp(callHistory, callEvent); log.info( `transitionCallHistory: Transitioned call history timestamp (before: ${callHistory?.timestamp}, after: ${timestamp})` ); return callHistoryDetailsSchema.parse({ callId, peerId, ringerId, mode, type, direction, timestamp, status, }); } function transitionTimestamp( callHistory: CallHistoryDetails | null, callEvent: CallEventDetails ): number { // Sometimes when a device is asleep the timestamp will be stuck in the past. // In some cases, we'll accept whatever the most recent timestamp is. const latestTimestamp = Math.max( callEvent.timestamp, callHistory?.timestamp ?? 0 ); // Always accept the timestamp if we have no other timestamps. if (callHistory == null) { return callEvent.timestamp; } // Deleted call history should never be changed if ( callHistory.status === DirectCallStatus.Deleted || callHistory.status === GroupCallStatus.Deleted ) { return callHistory.timestamp; } // Accepted call history should only be changed if we get a remote accepted // event with possibly a better timestamp. if ( callHistory.status === DirectCallStatus.Accepted || callHistory.status === GroupCallStatus.Accepted || callHistory.status === GroupCallStatus.Joined ) { if (callEvent.event === RemoteCallEvent.Accepted) { return latestTimestamp; } return callHistory.timestamp; } // Declined call history should only be changed if if we transition to an // accepted state or get a remote 'not accepted' event with possibly a better // timestamp. if ( callHistory.status === DirectCallStatus.Declined || callHistory.status === GroupCallStatus.Declined ) { if (callEvent.event === RemoteCallEvent.NotAccepted) { return latestTimestamp; } return callHistory.timestamp; } // We don't care about holding onto timestamps that were from these states if ( callHistory.status === DirectCallStatus.Pending || callHistory.status === GroupCallStatus.GenericGroupCall || callHistory.status === GroupCallStatus.OutgoingRing || callHistory.status === GroupCallStatus.Ringing || callHistory.status === DirectCallStatus.Missed || callHistory.status === GroupCallStatus.Missed ) { return latestTimestamp; } throw missingCaseError(callHistory.status); } function transitionDirectCallStatus( status: DirectCallStatus | null, callEvent: CallEvent, direction: CallDirection ): DirectCallStatus { log.info('transitionDirectCallStatus', status, callEvent, direction); // In all cases if we get a delete event, we need to delete the call, and never // transition from deleted. if ( callEvent === RemoteCallEvent.Delete || callEvent === LocalCallEvent.Delete || status === DirectCallStatus.Deleted ) { return DirectCallStatus.Deleted; } if ( callEvent === RemoteCallEvent.Accepted || callEvent === LocalCallEvent.Accepted ) { return DirectCallStatus.Accepted; } if (status === DirectCallStatus.Accepted) { return status; } if (callEvent === RemoteCallEvent.NotAccepted) { if (status === DirectCallStatus.Declined) { return DirectCallStatus.Declined; } return DirectCallStatus.Missed; } if (callEvent === LocalCallEvent.Missed) { return DirectCallStatus.Missed; } if (callEvent === LocalCallEvent.Declined) { return DirectCallStatus.Declined; } if (callEvent === LocalCallEvent.Hangup) { if (direction === CallDirection.Incoming) { return DirectCallStatus.Declined; } return DirectCallStatus.Missed; } if (callEvent === LocalCallEvent.RemoteHangup) { if (direction === CallDirection.Incoming) { return DirectCallStatus.Missed; } return DirectCallStatus.Declined; } if ( callEvent === LocalCallEvent.Started || callEvent === LocalCallEvent.Ringing ) { return DirectCallStatus.Pending; } throw missingCaseError(callEvent); } function transitionGroupCallStatus( status: GroupCallStatus | null, event: CallEvent, direction: CallDirection ): GroupCallStatus { log.info('transitionGroupCallStatus', status, event, direction); // In all cases if we get a delete event, we need to delete the call, and never // transition from deleted. if ( event === RemoteCallEvent.Delete || event === LocalCallEvent.Delete || status === GroupCallStatus.Deleted ) { return GroupCallStatus.Deleted; } if (status === GroupCallStatus.Accepted) { return status; } if (event === RemoteCallEvent.NotAccepted) { throw new Error(`callHistoryDetails: Group calls shouldn't send ${event}`); } if (event === RemoteCallEvent.Accepted || event === LocalCallEvent.Accepted) { switch (status) { case null: { return GroupCallStatus.Joined; } case GroupCallStatus.Ringing: case GroupCallStatus.Missed: case GroupCallStatus.Declined: { return GroupCallStatus.Accepted; } case GroupCallStatus.GenericGroupCall: { return GroupCallStatus.Joined; } case GroupCallStatus.Joined: case GroupCallStatus.OutgoingRing: { return status; } default: { throw missingCaseError(status); } } } if (event === LocalCallEvent.Started) { return GroupCallStatus.GenericGroupCall; } if (event === LocalCallEvent.Ringing) { return GroupCallStatus.Ringing; } if (event === LocalCallEvent.Missed) { return GroupCallStatus.Missed; } if (event === LocalCallEvent.Declined) { return GroupCallStatus.Declined; } if (event === LocalCallEvent.Hangup) { if (direction === CallDirection.Incoming) { return GroupCallStatus.Declined; } return GroupCallStatus.Missed; } if (event === LocalCallEvent.RemoteHangup) { if (direction === CallDirection.Incoming) { return GroupCallStatus.Missed; } return GroupCallStatus.Declined; } throw missingCaseError(event); } // actions // ------- async function updateLocalCallHistory( callEvent: CallEventDetails, receivedAtCounter: number | null ): Promise { const conversation = window.ConversationController.get(callEvent.peerId); strictAssert( conversation != null, `updateLocalCallHistory: Conversation not found ${formatCallEvent( callEvent )}` ); return conversation.queueJob( 'updateLocalCallHistory', async () => { log.info( 'updateLocalCallHistory: Processing call event:', formatCallEvent(callEvent) ); const prevCallHistory = (await window.Signal.Data.getCallHistory( callEvent.callId, callEvent.peerId )) ?? null; if (prevCallHistory != null) { log.info( 'updateLocalCallHistory: Found previous call history:', formatCallHistory(prevCallHistory) ); } else { log.info('updateLocalCallHistory: No previous call history'); } let callHistory: CallHistoryDetails; try { callHistory = transitionCallHistory(prevCallHistory, callEvent); } catch (error) { log.error( "updateLocalCallHistory: Couldn't transition call history:", formatCallEvent(callEvent), Errors.toLogFormat(error) ); return null; } const updatedCallHistory = await saveCallHistory( callHistory, conversation, receivedAtCounter ); return updatedCallHistory; } ); } async function saveCallHistory( callHistory: CallHistoryDetails, conversation: ConversationModel, receivedAtCounter: number | null ): Promise { log.info( 'saveCallHistory: Saving call history:', formatCallHistory(callHistory) ); const isDeleted = callHistory.status === DirectCallStatus.Deleted || callHistory.status === GroupCallStatus.Deleted; await window.Signal.Data.saveCallHistory(callHistory); if (isDeleted) { window.reduxActions.callHistory.removeCallHistory(callHistory.callId); } else { window.reduxActions.callHistory.addCallHistory(callHistory); } const prevMessage = await window.Signal.Data.getCallHistoryMessageByCallId({ conversationId: conversation.id, callId: callHistory.callId, }); if (prevMessage != null) { log.info( 'saveCallHistory: Found previous call history message:', prevMessage.id ); } else { log.info( 'saveCallHistory: No previous call history message', conversation.id ); } if (isDeleted) { if (prevMessage != null) { await window.Signal.Data.removeMessage(prevMessage.id); } return callHistory; } let unread = false; if (callHistory.mode === CallMode.Direct) { unread = callHistory.direction === CallDirection.Incoming && (callHistory.status === DirectCallStatus.Missed || callHistory.status === DirectCallStatus.Pending); } else if (callHistory.mode === CallMode.Group) { unread = callHistory.direction === CallDirection.Incoming && (callHistory.status === GroupCallStatus.Ringing || callHistory.status === GroupCallStatus.GenericGroupCall || callHistory.status === GroupCallStatus.Missed); } let readStatus = unread ? ReadStatus.Unread : ReadStatus.Read; let seenStatus = unread ? SeenStatus.Unseen : SeenStatus.NotApplicable; if (prevMessage?.readStatus != null) { readStatus = maxReadStatus(readStatus, prevMessage.readStatus); } if (prevMessage?.seenStatus != null) { seenStatus = maxSeenStatus(seenStatus, prevMessage.seenStatus); } const message: MessageAttributesType = { id: prevMessage?.id ?? generateGuid(), conversationId: conversation.id, type: 'call-history', timestamp: prevMessage?.timestamp ?? callHistory.timestamp, sent_at: prevMessage?.sent_at ?? callHistory.timestamp, received_at: prevMessage?.received_at ?? receivedAtCounter ?? incrementMessageCounter(), received_at_ms: prevMessage?.received_at_ms ?? callHistory.timestamp, readStatus, seenStatus, callId: callHistory.callId, }; const id = await window.Signal.Data.saveMessage(message, { ourAci: window.textsecure.storage.user.getCheckedAci(), // We don't want to force save if we're updating an existing message forceSave: prevMessage == null, }); log.info('saveCallHistory: Saved call history message:', id); const model = window.MessageCache.__DEPRECATED$register( id, new window.Whisper.Message({ ...message, id, }), 'callDisposition' ); if (prevMessage == null) { if (callHistory.direction === CallDirection.Outgoing) { conversation.incrementSentMessageCount(); } else { conversation.incrementMessageCount(); } conversation.trigger('newmessage', model); } await conversation.updateLastMessage().catch(error => { log.error( 'saveCallHistory: Failed to update last message:', Errors.toLogFormat(error) ); }); await conversation.updateUnread().catch(error => { log.error( 'saveCallHistory: Failed to update unread', Errors.toLogFormat(error) ); }); conversation.set( 'active_at', Math.max(conversation.get('active_at') ?? 0, callHistory.timestamp) ); if (canConversationBeUnarchived(conversation.attributes)) { conversation.setArchived(false); } else { window.Signal.Data.updateConversation(conversation.attributes); } return callHistory; } async function updateRemoteCallHistory( callHistory: CallHistoryDetails ): Promise { if (!shouldSyncStatus(callHistory.status)) { log.info( 'updateRemoteCallHistory: Not syncing call history:', formatCallHistory(callHistory) ); return; } log.info( 'updateRemoteCallHistory: syncing call history:', formatCallHistory(callHistory) ); try { const ourAci = window.textsecure.storage.user.getCheckedAci(); const syncMessage = MessageSender.createSyncMessage(); syncMessage.callEvent = getProtoForCallHistory(callHistory); const contentMessage = new Proto.Content(); contentMessage.syncMessage = syncMessage; const { ContentHint } = Proto.UnidentifiedSenderMessage.Message; await singleProtoJobQueue.add({ contentHint: ContentHint.RESENDABLE, serviceId: ourAci, isSyncMessage: true, protoBase64: Bytes.toBase64( Proto.Content.encode(contentMessage).finish() ), type: 'callEventSync', urgent: false, }); } catch (error) { log.error( 'updateRemoteCallHistory: Failed to queue sync message:', Errors.toLogFormat(error) ); } } export async function updateCallHistoryFromRemoteEvent( callEvent: CallEventDetails, receivedAtCounter: number ): Promise { await updateLocalCallHistory(callEvent, receivedAtCounter); } export async function updateCallHistoryFromLocalEvent( callEvent: CallEventDetails, receivedAtCounter: number | null ): Promise { const updatedCallHistory = await updateLocalCallHistory( callEvent, receivedAtCounter ); if (updatedCallHistory == null) { return; } await updateRemoteCallHistory(updatedCallHistory); } export async function clearCallHistoryDataAndSync(): Promise { try { const timestamp = Date.now(); log.info(`clearCallHistory: Clearing call history before ${timestamp}`); const messageIds = await window.Signal.Data.clearCallHistory(timestamp); messageIds.forEach(messageId => { const message = window.MessageCache.__DEPRECATED$getById(messageId); const conversation = message?.getConversation(); if (message == null || conversation == null) { return; } window.reduxActions.conversations.messageDeleted( messageId, message.get('conversationId') ); conversation.debouncedUpdateLastMessage(); window.MessageCache.__DEPRECATED$unregister(messageId); }); const ourAci = window.textsecure.storage.user.getCheckedAci(); const callLogEvent = new Proto.SyncMessage.CallLogEvent({ type: Proto.SyncMessage.CallLogEvent.Type.CLEAR, timestamp: Long.fromNumber(timestamp), }); const syncMessage = MessageSender.createSyncMessage(); syncMessage.callLogEvent = callLogEvent; const contentMessage = new Proto.Content(); contentMessage.syncMessage = syncMessage; const { ContentHint } = Proto.UnidentifiedSenderMessage.Message; log.info('clearCallHistory: Queueing sync message'); await singleProtoJobQueue.add({ contentHint: ContentHint.RESENDABLE, serviceId: ourAci, isSyncMessage: true, protoBase64: Bytes.toBase64( Proto.Content.encode(contentMessage).finish() ), type: 'callLogEventSync', urgent: false, }); } catch (error) { log.error('clearCallHistory: Failed to clear call history', error); } } export async function updateLocalGroupCallHistoryTimestamp( conversationId: string, callId: string, timestamp: number ): Promise { const conversation = window.ConversationController.get(conversationId); if (conversation == null) { return null; } const peerId = getPeerIdFromConversation(conversation.attributes); const prevCallHistory = (await window.Signal.Data.getCallHistory(callId, peerId)) ?? null; // We don't have all the details to add new call history here if (prevCallHistory != null) { log.info( 'updateLocalGroupCallHistoryTimestamp: Found previous call history:', formatCallHistory(prevCallHistory) ); } else { log.info('updateLocalGroupCallHistoryTimestamp: No previous call history'); return null; } if (timestamp >= prevCallHistory.timestamp) { log.info( 'updateLocalGroupCallHistoryTimestamp: New timestamp is later than existing call history, ignoring' ); return prevCallHistory; } const updatedCallHistory = await saveCallHistory( { ...prevCallHistory, timestamp, }, conversation, null ); return updatedCallHistory; }