// Copyright 2020-2021 Signal Messenger, LLC // SPDX-License-Identifier: AGPL-3.0-only import * as React from 'react'; import * as moment from 'moment'; import { isBoolean, times } from 'lodash'; import { v4 as uuid } from 'uuid'; import { storiesOf } from '@storybook/react'; import { text, boolean, number } from '@storybook/addon-knobs'; import { action } from '@storybook/addon-actions'; import { setupI18n } from '../../util/setupI18n'; import enMessages from '../../../_locales/en/messages.json'; import { PropsType, Timeline } from './Timeline'; import { TimelineItem, TimelineItemType } from './TimelineItem'; import { ConversationHero } from './ConversationHero'; import { getDefaultConversation } from '../../test-both/helpers/getDefaultConversation'; import { getRandomColor } from '../../test-both/helpers/getRandomColor'; import { LastSeenIndicator } from './LastSeenIndicator'; import { TimelineLoadingRow } from './TimelineLoadingRow'; import { TypingBubble } from './TypingBubble'; import { ContactSpoofingType } from '../../util/contactSpoofing'; import { ReadStatus } from '../../messages/MessageReadStatus'; import { WidthBreakpoint } from '../_util'; const i18n = setupI18n('en', enMessages); const story = storiesOf('Components/Conversation/Timeline', module); // eslint-disable-next-line const noop = () => {}; Object.assign(window, { registerForActive: noop, unregisterForActive: noop, }); const items: Record = { 'id-1': { type: 'message', data: { author: getDefaultConversation({ phoneNumber: '(202) 555-2001', }), canDeleteForEveryone: false, canDownload: true, canReply: true, conversationColor: 'forest', conversationId: 'conversation-id', conversationType: 'group', direction: 'incoming', id: 'id-1', isBlocked: false, isMessageRequestAccepted: true, previews: [], readStatus: ReadStatus.Read, text: '🔥', timestamp: Date.now(), }, }, 'id-2': { type: 'message', data: { author: getDefaultConversation({}), canDeleteForEveryone: false, canDownload: true, canReply: true, conversationColor: 'forest', conversationId: 'conversation-id', conversationType: 'group', direction: 'incoming', id: 'id-2', isBlocked: false, isMessageRequestAccepted: true, previews: [], readStatus: ReadStatus.Read, text: 'Hello there from the new world! http://somewhere.com', timestamp: Date.now(), }, }, 'id-2.5': { type: 'unsupportedMessage', data: { canProcessNow: false, contact: { id: '061d3783-5736-4145-b1a2-6b6cf1156393', isMe: false, phoneNumber: '(202) 555-1000', profileName: 'Mr. Pig', title: 'Mr. Pig', }, }, }, 'id-3': { type: 'message', data: { author: getDefaultConversation({}), canDeleteForEveryone: false, canDownload: true, canReply: true, conversationColor: 'crimson', conversationId: 'conversation-id', conversationType: 'group', direction: 'incoming', id: 'id-3', isBlocked: false, isMessageRequestAccepted: true, previews: [], readStatus: ReadStatus.Read, text: 'Hello there from the new world!', timestamp: Date.now(), }, }, 'id-4': { type: 'timerNotification', data: { disabled: false, expireTimer: moment.duration(2, 'hours').asSeconds(), title: "It's Me", type: 'fromMe', }, }, 'id-5': { type: 'timerNotification', data: { disabled: false, expireTimer: moment.duration(2, 'hours').asSeconds(), title: '(202) 555-0000', type: 'fromOther', }, }, 'id-6': { type: 'safetyNumberNotification', data: { contact: { id: '+1202555000', title: 'Mr. Fire', }, isGroup: true, }, }, 'id-7': { type: 'verificationNotification', data: { contact: { title: 'Mrs. Ice' }, isLocal: true, type: 'markVerified', }, }, 'id-8': { type: 'groupNotification', data: { changes: [ { type: 'name', newName: 'Squirrels and their uses', }, { type: 'add', contacts: [ getDefaultConversation({ phoneNumber: '(202) 555-0002', title: 'Mr. Fire', }), getDefaultConversation({ phoneNumber: '(202) 555-0003', title: 'Ms. Water', }), ], }, ], from: getDefaultConversation({ phoneNumber: '(202) 555-0001', title: 'Mrs. Ice', isMe: false, }), }, }, 'id-9': { type: 'resetSessionNotification', data: null, }, 'id-10': { type: 'message', data: { author: getDefaultConversation({}), canDeleteForEveryone: false, canDownload: true, canReply: true, conversationColor: 'plum', conversationId: 'conversation-id', conversationType: 'group', direction: 'outgoing', id: 'id-6', isBlocked: false, isMessageRequestAccepted: true, previews: [], readStatus: ReadStatus.Read, status: 'sent', text: '🔥', timestamp: Date.now(), }, }, 'id-11': { type: 'message', data: { author: getDefaultConversation({}), canDeleteForEveryone: false, canDownload: true, canReply: true, conversationColor: 'crimson', conversationId: 'conversation-id', conversationType: 'group', direction: 'outgoing', id: 'id-7', isBlocked: false, isMessageRequestAccepted: true, previews: [], readStatus: ReadStatus.Read, status: 'read', text: 'Hello there from the new world! http://somewhere.com', timestamp: Date.now(), }, }, 'id-12': { type: 'message', data: { author: getDefaultConversation({}), canDeleteForEveryone: false, canDownload: true, canReply: true, conversationColor: 'crimson', conversationId: 'conversation-id', conversationType: 'group', direction: 'outgoing', id: 'id-8', isBlocked: false, isMessageRequestAccepted: true, previews: [], readStatus: ReadStatus.Read, status: 'sent', text: 'Hello there from the new world! 🔥', timestamp: Date.now(), }, }, 'id-13': { type: 'message', data: { author: getDefaultConversation({}), canDeleteForEveryone: false, canDownload: true, canReply: true, conversationColor: 'crimson', conversationId: 'conversation-id', conversationType: 'group', direction: 'outgoing', id: 'id-9', isBlocked: false, isMessageRequestAccepted: true, previews: [], readStatus: ReadStatus.Read, status: 'sent', text: 'Hello there from the new world! And this is multiple lines of text. Lines and lines and lines.', timestamp: Date.now(), }, }, 'id-14': { type: 'message', data: { author: getDefaultConversation({}), canDeleteForEveryone: false, canDownload: true, canReply: true, conversationColor: 'crimson', conversationId: 'conversation-id', conversationType: 'group', direction: 'outgoing', id: 'id-10', isBlocked: false, isMessageRequestAccepted: true, previews: [], readStatus: ReadStatus.Read, status: 'read', text: 'Hello there from the new world! And this is multiple lines of text. Lines and lines and lines.', timestamp: Date.now(), }, }, 'id-15': { type: 'linkNotification', data: null, }, }; const actions = () => ({ acknowledgeGroupMemberNameCollisions: action( 'acknowledgeGroupMemberNameCollisions' ), checkForAccount: action('checkForAccount'), clearChangedMessages: action('clearChangedMessages'), clearInvitedConversationsForNewlyCreatedGroup: action( 'clearInvitedConversationsForNewlyCreatedGroup' ), setLoadCountdownStart: action('setLoadCountdownStart'), setIsNearBottom: action('setIsNearBottom'), learnMoreAboutDeliveryIssue: action('learnMoreAboutDeliveryIssue'), loadAndScroll: action('loadAndScroll'), loadOlderMessages: action('loadOlderMessages'), loadNewerMessages: action('loadNewerMessages'), loadNewestMessages: action('loadNewestMessages'), markMessageRead: action('markMessageRead'), selectMessage: action('selectMessage'), clearSelectedMessage: action('clearSelectedMessage'), updateSharedGroups: action('updateSharedGroups'), reactToMessage: action('reactToMessage'), replyToMessage: action('replyToMessage'), retrySend: action('retrySend'), deleteMessage: action('deleteMessage'), deleteMessageForEveryone: action('deleteMessageForEveryone'), showMessageDetail: action('showMessageDetail'), openConversation: action('openConversation'), showContactDetail: action('showContactDetail'), showContactModal: action('showContactModal'), kickOffAttachmentDownload: action('kickOffAttachmentDownload'), markAttachmentAsCorrupted: action('markAttachmentAsCorrupted'), markViewed: action('markViewed'), showVisualAttachment: action('showVisualAttachment'), downloadAttachment: action('downloadAttachment'), displayTapToViewMessage: action('displayTapToViewMessage'), doubleCheckMissingQuoteReference: action('doubleCheckMissingQuoteReference'), onHeightChange: action('onHeightChange'), openLink: action('openLink'), scrollToQuotedMessage: action('scrollToQuotedMessage'), showExpiredIncomingTapToViewToast: action( 'showExpiredIncomingTapToViewToast' ), showExpiredOutgoingTapToViewToast: action( 'showExpiredOutgoingTapToViewToast' ), showForwardMessageModal: action('showForwardMessageModal'), showIdentity: action('showIdentity'), downloadNewVersion: action('downloadNewVersion'), messageSizeChanged: action('messageSizeChanged'), startCallingLobby: action('startCallingLobby'), returnToActiveCall: action('returnToActiveCall'), contactSupport: action('contactSupport'), closeContactSpoofingReview: action('closeContactSpoofingReview'), reviewGroupMemberNameCollision: action('reviewGroupMemberNameCollision'), reviewMessageRequestNameCollision: action( 'reviewMessageRequestNameCollision' ), onBlock: action('onBlock'), onBlockAndReportSpam: action('onBlockAndReportSpam'), onDelete: action('onDelete'), onUnblock: action('onUnblock'), removeMember: action('removeMember'), unblurAvatar: action('unblurAvatar'), }); const renderItem = ({ messageId, containerElementRef, containerWidthBreakpoint, }: { messageId: string; containerElementRef: React.RefObject; containerWidthBreakpoint: WidthBreakpoint; }) => (
} renderReactionPicker={() =>
} item={items[messageId]} previousItem={undefined} nextItem={undefined} i18n={i18n} interactionMode="keyboard" containerElementRef={containerElementRef} containerWidthBreakpoint={containerWidthBreakpoint} conversationId="" renderContact={() => '*ContactName*'} renderUniversalTimerNotification={() => (
)} renderAudioAttachment={() =>
} {...actions()} /> ); const renderLastSeenIndicator = () => ( ); const getAbout = () => text('about', '👍 Free to chat'); const getTitle = () => text('name', 'Cayce Bollard'); const getName = () => text('name', 'Cayce Bollard'); const getProfileName = () => text('profileName', 'Cayce Bollard (profile)'); const getAvatarPath = () => text('avatarPath', '/fixtures/kitten-4-112-112.jpg'); const getPhoneNumber = () => text('phoneNumber', '+1 (808) 555-1234'); const renderHeroRow = () => ( ); const renderLoadingRow = () => ; const renderTypingBubble = () => ( ); const createProps = (overrideProps: Partial = {}): PropsType => ({ i18n, haveNewest: boolean('haveNewest', overrideProps.haveNewest !== false), haveOldest: boolean('haveOldest', overrideProps.haveOldest !== false), isIncomingMessageRequest: boolean( 'isIncomingMessageRequest', overrideProps.isIncomingMessageRequest === true ), isLoadingMessages: boolean( 'isLoadingMessages', overrideProps.isLoadingMessages === false ), items: overrideProps.items || Object.keys(items), resetCounter: 0, scrollToIndex: overrideProps.scrollToIndex, scrollToIndexCounter: 0, totalUnread: number('totalUnread', overrideProps.totalUnread || 0), oldestUnreadIndex: number('oldestUnreadIndex', overrideProps.oldestUnreadIndex || 0) || undefined, invitedContactsForNewlyCreatedGroup: overrideProps.invitedContactsForNewlyCreatedGroup || [], warning: overrideProps.warning, id: uuid(), renderItem, renderLastSeenIndicator, renderHeroRow, renderLoadingRow, renderTypingBubble, typingContact: boolean( 'typingContact', isBoolean(overrideProps.typingContact) ? overrideProps.typingContact : false ), ...actions(), }); story.add('Oldest and Newest', () => { const props = createProps(); return ; }); story.add('With active message request', () => { const props = createProps({ isIncomingMessageRequest: true, }); return ; }); story.add('Without Newest Message', () => { const props = createProps({ haveNewest: false, }); return ; }); story.add('Without newest message, active message request', () => { const props = createProps({ haveOldest: false, isIncomingMessageRequest: true, }); return ; }); story.add('Without Oldest Message', () => { const props = createProps({ haveOldest: false, scrollToIndex: -1, }); return ; }); story.add('Empty (just hero)', () => { const props = createProps({ items: [], }); return ; }); story.add('Last Seen', () => { const props = createProps({ oldestUnreadIndex: 13, totalUnread: 2, }); return ; }); story.add('Target Index to Top', () => { const props = createProps({ scrollToIndex: 0, }); return ; }); story.add('Typing Indicator', () => { const props = createProps({ typingContact: true, }); return ; }); story.add('With invited contacts for a newly-created group', () => { const props = createProps({ invitedContactsForNewlyCreatedGroup: [ getDefaultConversation({ id: 'abc123', title: 'John Bon Bon Jovi', }), getDefaultConversation({ id: 'def456', title: 'Bon John Bon Jovi', }), ], }); return ; }); story.add('With "same name in direct conversation" warning', () => { const props = createProps({ warning: { type: ContactSpoofingType.DirectConversationWithSameTitle, safeConversation: getDefaultConversation(), }, items: [], }); return ; }); story.add('With "same name in group conversation" warning', () => { const props = createProps({ warning: { type: ContactSpoofingType.MultipleGroupMembersWithSameTitle, acknowledgedGroupNameCollisions: {}, groupNameCollisions: { Alice: times(2, () => uuid()), Bob: times(3, () => uuid()), }, }, items: [], }); return ; });