// Copyright 2020 Signal Messenger, LLC // SPDX-License-Identifier: AGPL-3.0-only import { ipcRenderer as ipc } from 'electron'; import { groupBy, isTypedArray, last, map, omit } from 'lodash'; import type { ReadonlyDeep } from 'type-fest'; // Note: nothing imported here can come back and require Client.ts, and that includes // their imports too. That circularity causes problems. Anything that would do that needs // to be passed in, like cleanupMessages below. import * as Bytes from '../Bytes'; import * as log from '../logging/log'; import * as Errors from '../types/errors'; import { deleteExternalFiles } from '../types/Conversation'; import { createBatcher } from '../util/batcher'; import { assertDev, softAssert } from '../util/assert'; import { mapObjectWithSpec } from '../util/mapObjectWithSpec'; import { cleanDataForIpc } from './cleanDataForIpc'; import createTaskWithTimeout from '../textsecure/TaskWithTimeout'; import { isValidUuid, isValidUuidV7 } from '../util/isValidUuid'; import { formatJobForInsert } from '../jobs/formatJobForInsert'; import { AccessType, ipcInvoke, doShutdown, removeDB } from './channels'; import { getMessageIdForLogging } from '../util/idForLogging'; import { incrementMessageCounter } from '../util/incrementMessageCounter'; import { generateSnippetAroundMention } from '../util/search'; import { drop } from '../util/drop'; import type { ObjectMappingSpecType } from '../util/mapObjectWithSpec'; import type { AciString, ServiceIdString } from '../types/ServiceId'; import type { StoredJob } from '../jobs/types'; import type { ClientInterfaceWrap, AdjacentMessagesByConversationOptionsType, AllItemsType, ServerReadableDirectInterface, ServerWritableDirectInterface, ClientReadableInterface, ClientWritableInterface, ClientSearchResultMessageType, ConversationType, GetConversationRangeCenteredOnMessageResultType, GetRecentStoryRepliesOptionsType, IdentityKeyIdType, IdentityKeyType, StoredIdentityKeyType, ItemKeyType, ItemType, StoredItemType, MessageType, MessageTypeUnhydrated, PreKeyIdType, PreKeyType, StoredPreKeyType, ServerSearchResultMessageType, SignedPreKeyIdType, SignedPreKeyType, StoredSignedPreKeyType, KyberPreKeyType, StoredKyberPreKeyType, ClientOnlyReadableInterface, ClientOnlyWritableInterface, } from './Interface'; import { hydrateMessage } from './hydration'; import type { MessageAttributesType } from '../model-types'; import type { AttachmentDownloadJobType } from '../types/AttachmentDownload'; const ERASE_SQL_KEY = 'erase-sql-key'; const ERASE_ATTACHMENTS_KEY = 'erase-attachments'; const ERASE_STICKERS_KEY = 'erase-stickers'; const ERASE_TEMP_KEY = 'erase-temp'; const ERASE_DRAFTS_KEY = 'erase-drafts'; const ERASE_DOWNLOADS_KEY = 'erase-downloads'; const CLEANUP_ORPHANED_ATTACHMENTS_KEY = 'cleanup-orphaned-attachments'; const ENSURE_FILE_PERMISSIONS = 'ensure-file-permissions'; const PAUSE_WRITE_ACCESS = 'pause-sql-writes'; const RESUME_WRITE_ACCESS = 'resume-sql-writes'; const clientOnlyReadable: ClientOnlyReadableInterface = { getIdentityKeyById, getAllIdentityKeys, getKyberPreKeyById, getAllKyberPreKeys, getPreKeyById, getAllPreKeys, getSignedPreKeyById, getAllSignedPreKeys, getItemById, getAllItems, searchMessages, getRecentStoryReplies, getOlderMessagesByConversation, getNewerMessagesByConversation, getConversationRangeCenteredOnMessage, }; const clientOnlyWritable: ClientOnlyWritableInterface = { createOrUpdateIdentityKey, bulkAddIdentityKeys, createOrUpdateKyberPreKey, bulkAddKyberPreKeys, createOrUpdatePreKey, bulkAddPreKeys, createOrUpdateSignedPreKey, bulkAddSignedPreKeys, createOrUpdateItem, updateConversation, removeConversation, removeMessage, removeMessages, saveMessage, saveMessages, saveMessagesIndividually, // Client-side only flushUpdateConversationBatcher, removeDB, shutdown, removeMessagesInConversation, removeOtherData, cleanupOrphanedAttachments, ensureFilePermissions, }; type ClientOverridesType = ClientOnlyWritableInterface & Pick< ClientInterfaceWrap, 'saveAttachmentDownloadJob' | 'updateConversations' >; const clientOnlyWritableOverrides: ClientOverridesType = { ...clientOnlyWritable, saveAttachmentDownloadJob, updateConversations, }; type ReadableChannelInterface = ClientInterfaceWrap; const readableChannel: ReadableChannelInterface = new Proxy( {} as ReadableChannelInterface, { get(_target, name) { return async (...args: ReadonlyArray) => ipcInvoke(AccessType.Read, String(name), args); }, } ); type WritableChannelInterface = ClientInterfaceWrap; const writableChannel: WritableChannelInterface = new Proxy( {} as WritableChannelInterface, { get(_target, name) { return async (...args: ReadonlyArray) => ipcInvoke(AccessType.Write, String(name), args); }, } ); export const DataReader: ClientReadableInterface = new Proxy( { ...clientOnlyReadable, } as ClientReadableInterface, { get(target, name) { return async (...args: ReadonlyArray) => { if (Reflect.has(target, name)) { return Reflect.get(target, name)(...args); } return Reflect.get(readableChannel, name)(...args); }; }, } ); export const DataWriter: ClientWritableInterface = new Proxy( { ...clientOnlyWritableOverrides, } as ClientWritableInterface, { get(target, name) { return async (...args: ReadonlyArray) => { if (Reflect.has(target, name)) { return Reflect.get(target, name)(...args); } return Reflect.get(writableChannel, name)(...args); }; }, } ); function _cleanData( data: unknown ): ReturnType['cleaned'] { const { cleaned, pathsChanged } = cleanDataForIpc(data); if (pathsChanged.length) { log.info( `_cleanData cleaned the following paths: ${pathsChanged.join(', ')}` ); } return cleaned; } export function _cleanMessageData( data: ReadonlyDeep ): ReadonlyDeep { const result = { ...data }; // Ensure that all messages have the received_at set properly if (!data.received_at) { assertDev(false, 'received_at was not set on the message'); result.received_at = incrementMessageCounter(); } if (data.attachments) { const logId = getMessageIdForLogging(data); result.attachments = data.attachments.map((attachment, index) => { if (attachment.data && !isTypedArray(attachment.data)) { log.warn( `_cleanMessageData/${logId}: Attachment ${index} had non-array \`data\` field; deleting.` ); return omit(attachment, ['data']); } if (attachment.screenshotData) { assertDev( false, `_cleanMessageData/${logId}: Attachment ${index} had screenshotData field; deleting` ); return omit(attachment, ['screenshotData']); } if (attachment.screenshot?.data) { assertDev( false, `_cleanMessageData/${logId}: Attachment ${index} had screenshot.data field; deleting` ); return omit(attachment, ['screenshot.data']); } if (attachment.thumbnail?.data) { assertDev( false, `_cleanMessageData/${logId}: Attachment ${index} had thumbnail.data field; deleting` ); return omit(attachment, ['thumbnail.data']); } return attachment; }); } return _cleanData(omit(result, ['dataMessage'])); } function specToBytes( spec: ObjectMappingSpecType, data: Input ): Output { return mapObjectWithSpec(spec, data, x => Bytes.fromBase64(x) ); } function specFromBytes( spec: ObjectMappingSpecType, data: Input ): Output { return mapObjectWithSpec(spec, data, x => Bytes.toBase64(x) ); } // Top-level calls async function shutdown(): Promise { log.info('Client.shutdown'); // Stop accepting new SQL jobs, flush outstanding queue await doShutdown(); } // Identity Keys const IDENTITY_KEY_SPEC = ['publicKey']; async function createOrUpdateIdentityKey(data: IdentityKeyType): Promise { const updated: StoredIdentityKeyType = specFromBytes(IDENTITY_KEY_SPEC, data); await writableChannel.createOrUpdateIdentityKey(updated); } async function getIdentityKeyById( id: IdentityKeyIdType ): Promise { const data = await readableChannel.getIdentityKeyById(id); return specToBytes(IDENTITY_KEY_SPEC, data); } async function bulkAddIdentityKeys( array: Array ): Promise { const updated: Array = map(array, data => specFromBytes(IDENTITY_KEY_SPEC, data) ); await writableChannel.bulkAddIdentityKeys(updated); } async function getAllIdentityKeys(): Promise> { const keys = await readableChannel.getAllIdentityKeys(); return keys.map(key => specToBytes(IDENTITY_KEY_SPEC, key)); } // Kyber Pre Keys const KYBER_PRE_KEY_SPEC = ['data']; async function createOrUpdateKyberPreKey(data: KyberPreKeyType): Promise { const updated: StoredKyberPreKeyType = specFromBytes( KYBER_PRE_KEY_SPEC, data ); await writableChannel.createOrUpdateKyberPreKey(updated); } async function getKyberPreKeyById( id: PreKeyIdType ): Promise { const data = await readableChannel.getPreKeyById(id); return specToBytes(KYBER_PRE_KEY_SPEC, data); } async function bulkAddKyberPreKeys( array: Array ): Promise { const updated: Array = map(array, data => specFromBytes(KYBER_PRE_KEY_SPEC, data) ); await writableChannel.bulkAddKyberPreKeys(updated); } async function getAllKyberPreKeys(): Promise> { const keys = await readableChannel.getAllKyberPreKeys(); return keys.map(key => specToBytes(KYBER_PRE_KEY_SPEC, key)); } // Pre Keys async function createOrUpdatePreKey(data: PreKeyType): Promise { const updated: StoredPreKeyType = specFromBytes(PRE_KEY_SPEC, data); await writableChannel.createOrUpdatePreKey(updated); } async function getPreKeyById( id: PreKeyIdType ): Promise { const data = await readableChannel.getPreKeyById(id); return specToBytes(PRE_KEY_SPEC, data); } async function bulkAddPreKeys(array: Array): Promise { const updated: Array = map(array, data => specFromBytes(PRE_KEY_SPEC, data) ); await writableChannel.bulkAddPreKeys(updated); } async function getAllPreKeys(): Promise> { const keys = await readableChannel.getAllPreKeys(); return keys.map(key => specToBytes(PRE_KEY_SPEC, key)); } // Signed Pre Keys const PRE_KEY_SPEC = ['privateKey', 'publicKey']; async function createOrUpdateSignedPreKey( data: SignedPreKeyType ): Promise { const updated: StoredSignedPreKeyType = specFromBytes(PRE_KEY_SPEC, data); await writableChannel.createOrUpdateSignedPreKey(updated); } async function getSignedPreKeyById( id: SignedPreKeyIdType ): Promise { const data = await readableChannel.getSignedPreKeyById(id); return specToBytes(PRE_KEY_SPEC, data); } async function getAllSignedPreKeys(): Promise> { const keys = await readableChannel.getAllSignedPreKeys(); return keys.map(key => specToBytes(PRE_KEY_SPEC, key)); } async function bulkAddSignedPreKeys( array: Array ): Promise { const updated: Array = map(array, data => specFromBytes(PRE_KEY_SPEC, data) ); await writableChannel.bulkAddSignedPreKeys(updated); } // Items const ITEM_SPECS: Partial> = { defaultWallpaperPhotoPointer: ['value'], identityKeyMap: { key: 'value', valueSpec: { isMap: true, valueSpec: ['privKey', 'pubKey'], }, }, profileKey: ['value'], senderCertificate: ['value.serialized'], senderCertificateNoE164: ['value.serialized'], subscriberId: ['value'], backupsSubscriberId: ['value'], backupEphemeralKey: ['value'], backupMediaRootKey: ['value'], manifestRecordIkm: ['value'], usernameLink: ['value.entropy', 'value.serverId'], }; async function createOrUpdateItem( data: ItemType ): Promise { const { id } = data; if (!id) { throw new Error( 'createOrUpdateItem: Provided data did not have a truthy id' ); } const spec = ITEM_SPECS[id]; const updated: StoredItemType = spec ? specFromBytes(spec, data) : (data as unknown as StoredItemType); await writableChannel.createOrUpdateItem(updated); } async function getItemById( id: K ): Promise | undefined> { const spec = ITEM_SPECS[id]; const data = await readableChannel.getItemById(id); try { return spec ? specToBytes(spec, data) : (data as unknown as ItemType); } catch (error) { log.warn(`getItemById(${id}): Failed to parse item from spec`, error); return undefined; } } async function getAllItems(): Promise { const items = await readableChannel.getAllItems(); const result = Object.create(null); for (const id of Object.keys(items)) { const key = id as ItemKeyType; const value = items[key]; const keys = ITEM_SPECS[key]; try { const deserializedValue = keys ? (specToBytes(keys, { value }) as ItemType).value : value; result[key] = deserializedValue; } catch (error) { log.warn(`getAllItems(${id}): Failed to parse item from spec`, error); } } return result; } // Conversation const updateConversationBatcher = createBatcher({ name: 'sql.Client.updateConversationBatcher', wait: 500, maxSize: 20, processBatch: async (items: Array) => { // We only care about the most recent update for each conversation const byId = groupBy(items, item => item.id); const ids = Object.keys(byId); const mostRecent = ids.map((id: string): ConversationType => { const maybeLast = last(byId[id]); assertDev(maybeLast !== undefined, 'Empty array in `groupBy` result'); return maybeLast; }); await updateConversations(mostRecent); }, }); async function updateConversation(data: ConversationType): Promise { updateConversationBatcher.add(data); } async function flushUpdateConversationBatcher(): Promise { await updateConversationBatcher.flushAndWait(); } async function updateConversations( array: Array ): Promise { const { cleaned, pathsChanged } = cleanDataForIpc(array); assertDev( !pathsChanged.length, `Paths were cleaned: ${JSON.stringify(pathsChanged)}` ); await writableChannel.updateConversations(cleaned); } async function removeConversation(id: string): Promise { const existing = await readableChannel.getConversationById(id); // Note: It's important to have a fully database-hydrated model to delete here because // it needs to delete all associated on-disk files along with the database delete. if (existing) { await writableChannel.removeConversation(id); await deleteExternalFiles(existing, { deleteAttachmentData: window.Signal.Migrations.deleteAttachmentData, }); } } function handleSearchMessageJSON( messages: Array ): Array { return messages.map(message => { const parsedMessage = hydrateMessage(message); assertDev( message.ftsSnippet ?? typeof message.mentionStart === 'number', 'Neither ftsSnippet nor matching mention returned from message search' ); const snippet = message.ftsSnippet ?? generateSnippetAroundMention({ body: parsedMessage.body || '', mentionStart: message.mentionStart ?? 0, mentionLength: message.mentionLength ?? 1, }); return { // Empty array is a default value. `message.json` has the real field bodyRanges: [], ...parsedMessage, snippet, }; }); } async function searchMessages({ query, options, contactServiceIdsMatchingQuery, conversationId, }: { query: string; options?: { limit?: number }; contactServiceIdsMatchingQuery?: Array; conversationId?: string; }): Promise> { const messages = await readableChannel.searchMessages({ query, conversationId, options, contactServiceIdsMatchingQuery, }); return handleSearchMessageJSON(messages); } // Message async function saveMessage( data: ReadonlyDeep, { forceSave, jobToInsert, ourAci, postSaveUpdates, }: { forceSave?: boolean; jobToInsert?: Readonly; ourAci: AciString; postSaveUpdates: () => Promise; } ): Promise { const id = await writableChannel.saveMessage(_cleanMessageData(data), { forceSave, jobToInsert: jobToInsert && formatJobForInsert(jobToInsert), ourAci, }); softAssert( // Older messages still have `UUIDv4` so don't log errors when encountering // it. (!forceSave && isValidUuid(id)) || isValidUuidV7(id), 'saveMessage: messageId is not a UUID' ); drop(postSaveUpdates?.()); return id; } async function saveMessages( arrayOfMessages: ReadonlyArray>, { forceSave, ourAci, postSaveUpdates, }: { forceSave?: boolean; ourAci: AciString; postSaveUpdates: () => Promise; } ): Promise> { const result = await writableChannel.saveMessages( arrayOfMessages.map(message => _cleanMessageData(message)), { forceSave, ourAci } ); drop(postSaveUpdates?.()); return result; } async function saveMessagesIndividually( arrayOfMessages: ReadonlyArray>, { forceSave, ourAci, postSaveUpdates, }: { forceSave?: boolean; ourAci: AciString; postSaveUpdates: () => Promise; } ): Promise<{ failedIndices: Array }> { const result = await writableChannel.saveMessagesIndividually( arrayOfMessages, { forceSave, ourAci } ); drop(postSaveUpdates?.()); return result; } async function removeMessage( id: string, options: { cleanupMessages: ( messages: ReadonlyArray, options: { fromSync?: boolean } ) => Promise; fromSync?: boolean; } ): Promise { const message = await readableChannel.getMessageById(id); // Note: It's important to have a fully database-hydrated model to delete here because // it needs to delete all associated on-disk files along with the database delete. if (message) { await writableChannel.removeMessage(id); await options.cleanupMessages([message], { fromSync: options.fromSync, }); } } export async function deleteAndCleanup( messages: Array, logId: string, options: { fromSync?: boolean; cleanupMessages: ( messages: ReadonlyArray, options: { fromSync?: boolean } ) => Promise; } ): Promise { const ids = messages.map(message => message.id); log.info(`deleteAndCleanup/${logId}: Deleting ${ids.length} messages...`); await writableChannel.removeMessages(ids); log.info(`deleteAndCleanup/${logId}: Cleanup for ${ids.length} messages...`); await options.cleanupMessages(messages, { fromSync: Boolean(options.fromSync), }); log.info(`deleteAndCleanup/${logId}: Complete`); } async function removeMessages( messageIds: ReadonlyArray, options: { fromSync?: boolean; cleanupMessages: ( messages: ReadonlyArray, options: { fromSync?: boolean } ) => Promise; } ): Promise { const messages = await readableChannel.getMessagesById(messageIds); await options.cleanupMessages(messages, { fromSync: Boolean(options.fromSync), }); await writableChannel.removeMessages(messageIds); } function handleMessageJSON( messages: Array ): Array { return messages.map(message => hydrateMessage(message)); } async function getNewerMessagesByConversation( options: AdjacentMessagesByConversationOptionsType ): Promise> { const messages = await readableChannel.getNewerMessagesByConversation(options); return handleMessageJSON(messages); } async function getRecentStoryReplies( storyId: string, options?: GetRecentStoryRepliesOptionsType ): Promise> { const messages = await readableChannel.getRecentStoryReplies( storyId, options ); return handleMessageJSON(messages); } async function getOlderMessagesByConversation( options: AdjacentMessagesByConversationOptionsType ): Promise> { const messages = await readableChannel.getOlderMessagesByConversation(options); return handleMessageJSON(messages); } async function getConversationRangeCenteredOnMessage( options: AdjacentMessagesByConversationOptionsType ): Promise> { const result = await readableChannel.getConversationRangeCenteredOnMessage(options); return { ...result, older: handleMessageJSON(result.older), newer: handleMessageJSON(result.newer), }; } async function removeMessagesInConversation( conversationId: string, { cleanupMessages, fromSync, logId, receivedAt, }: { cleanupMessages: ( messages: ReadonlyArray, options: { fromSync?: boolean | undefined } ) => Promise; fromSync?: boolean; logId: string; receivedAt?: number; } ): Promise { let messages; do { const chunkSize = 20; log.info( `removeAllMessagesInConversation/${logId}: Fetching chunk of ${chunkSize} messages` ); // Yes, we really want the await in the loop. We're deleting a chunk at a // time so we don't use too much memory. // eslint-disable-next-line no-await-in-loop messages = await getOlderMessagesByConversation({ conversationId, limit: chunkSize, includeStoryReplies: true, receivedAt, storyId: undefined, }); if (!messages.length) { return; } // eslint-disable-next-line no-await-in-loop await deleteAndCleanup(messages, logId, { fromSync, cleanupMessages }); } while (messages.length > 0); } // Attachment downloads async function saveAttachmentDownloadJob( job: AttachmentDownloadJobType ): Promise { await writableChannel.saveAttachmentDownloadJob(_cleanData(job)); } // Other async function cleanupOrphanedAttachments(): Promise { try { await invokeWithTimeout(CLEANUP_ORPHANED_ATTACHMENTS_KEY); } catch (error) { log.warn( 'sql/Client: cleanupOrphanedAttachments failure', Errors.toLogFormat(error) ); } } async function ensureFilePermissions(): Promise { await invokeWithTimeout(ENSURE_FILE_PERMISSIONS); } // Note: will need to restart the app after calling this, to set up afresh async function removeOtherData(): Promise { await Promise.all([ invokeWithTimeout(ERASE_SQL_KEY), invokeWithTimeout(ERASE_ATTACHMENTS_KEY), invokeWithTimeout(ERASE_STICKERS_KEY), invokeWithTimeout(ERASE_TEMP_KEY), invokeWithTimeout(ERASE_DOWNLOADS_KEY), invokeWithTimeout(ERASE_DRAFTS_KEY), ]); } async function invokeWithTimeout(name: string): Promise { return createTaskWithTimeout( () => ipc.invoke(name), `callChannel call to ${name}` )(); } export function pauseWriteAccess(): Promise { return invokeWithTimeout(PAUSE_WRITE_ACCESS); } export function resumeWriteAccess(): Promise { return invokeWithTimeout(RESUME_WRITE_ACCESS); }