/* global textsecure, Signal, log, navigator, reduxStore, reduxActions, URL */ const BLESSED_PACKS = { '9acc9e8aba563d26a4994e69263e3b25': { key: 'Wm3/OUjCjvubeq+T7MN1xp/DFueAd+0mhnoU0QoPahI=', status: 'downloaded', }, fb535407d2f6497ec074df8b9c51dd1d: { key: 'F+lxwTQDViJ4HS7iSeZHO3dFg3ULaMEbuCt1CcaLbf0=', status: 'downloaded', }, e61fa0867031597467ccc036cc65d403: { key: 'E657GnQHMYKA6bOMEmHe044OcTi5+WSmzLtz5A9zeps=', status: 'downloaded', }, cca32f5b905208b7d0f1e17f23fdc185: { key: 'i/jpX3pFver+DI9bAC7wGrlbjxtbqsQBnM1ra+Cxg3o=', status: 'downloaded', }, }; const { isNumber, pick, reject, groupBy, values } = require('lodash'); const pMap = require('p-map'); const Queue = require('p-queue').default; const qs = require('qs'); const { makeLookup } = require('../../ts/util/makeLookup'); const { base64ToArrayBuffer, deriveStickerPackKey, } = require('../../ts/Crypto'); const { addStickerPackReference, createOrUpdateSticker, createOrUpdateStickerPack, deleteStickerPack, deleteStickerPackReference, getAllStickerPacks, getAllStickers, getRecentStickers, updateStickerPackStatus, } = require('./data'); module.exports = { BLESSED_PACKS, copyStickerToAttachments, deletePack, deletePackReference, downloadStickerPack, downloadEphemeralPack, getDataFromLink, getInitialState, getInstalledStickerPacks, getSticker, getStickerPack, getStickerPackStatus, load, maybeDeletePack, downloadQueuedPacks, redactPackId, removeEphemeralPack, savePackMetadata, }; let initialState = null; let packsToDownload = null; const downloadQueue = new Queue({ concurrency: 1 }); async function load() { const [packs, recentStickers] = await Promise.all([ getPacksForRedux(), getRecentStickersForRedux(), ]); initialState = { packs, recentStickers, blessedPacks: BLESSED_PACKS, }; packsToDownload = capturePacksToDownload(packs); } function getDataFromLink(link) { const { hash } = new URL(link); if (!hash) { return null; } const data = hash.slice(1); const params = qs.parse(data); return { id: params.pack_id, key: params.pack_key, }; } function getInstalledStickerPacks() { const state = reduxStore.getState(); const { stickers } = state; const { packs } = stickers; if (!packs) { return []; } const items = Object.values(packs); return items.filter(pack => pack.status === 'installed'); } function downloadQueuedPacks() { const ids = Object.keys(packsToDownload); ids.forEach(id => { const { key, status } = packsToDownload[id]; // The queuing is done inside this function, no need to await here downloadStickerPack(id, key, { finalStatus: status }); }); packsToDownload = {}; } function capturePacksToDownload(existingPackLookup) { const toDownload = Object.create(null); // First, ensure that blessed packs are in good shape const blessedIds = Object.keys(BLESSED_PACKS); blessedIds.forEach(id => { const existing = existingPackLookup[id]; if ( !existing || (existing.status !== 'downloaded' && existing.status !== 'installed') ) { toDownload[id] = { id, ...BLESSED_PACKS[id], }; } }); // Then, find error cases in packs we already know about const existingIds = Object.keys(existingPackLookup); existingIds.forEach(id => { if (toDownload[id]) { return; } const existing = existingPackLookup[id]; // These packs should never end up in the database, but if they do we'll delete them if (existing.status === 'ephemeral') { deletePack(id); return; } // We don't automatically download these; not until a user action kicks it off if (existing.status === 'known') { return; } if (doesPackNeedDownload(existing)) { const status = existing.attemptedStatus === 'installed' ? 'installed' : null; toDownload[id] = { id, key: existing.key, status, }; } }); return toDownload; } function doesPackNeedDownload(pack) { if (!pack) { return true; } const { status, stickerCount } = pack; const stickersDownloaded = Object.keys(pack.stickers || {}).length; if ( (status === 'installed' || status === 'downloaded') && stickerCount > 0 && stickersDownloaded >= stickerCount ) { return false; } // If we don't understand a pack's status, we'll download it // If a pack has any other status, we'll download it // If a pack has zero stickers in it, we'll download it // If a pack doesn't have enough downloaded stickers, we'll download it return true; } async function getPacksForRedux() { const [packs, stickers] = await Promise.all([ getAllStickerPacks(), getAllStickers(), ]); const stickersByPack = groupBy(stickers, sticker => sticker.packId); const fullSet = packs.map(pack => ({ ...pack, stickers: makeLookup(stickersByPack[pack.id] || [], 'id'), })); return makeLookup(fullSet, 'id'); } async function getRecentStickersForRedux() { const recent = await getRecentStickers(); return recent.map(sticker => ({ packId: sticker.packId, stickerId: sticker.id, })); } function getInitialState() { return initialState; } function redactPackId(packId) { return `[REDACTED]${packId.slice(-3)}`; } function getReduxStickerActions() { const actions = reduxActions; if (actions && actions.stickers) { return actions.stickers; } return {}; } async function decryptSticker(packKey, ciphertext) { const binaryKey = base64ToArrayBuffer(packKey); const derivedKey = await deriveStickerPackKey(binaryKey); const plaintext = await textsecure.crypto.decryptAttachment( ciphertext, derivedKey ); return plaintext; } async function downloadSticker(packId, packKey, proto, options) { const { ephemeral } = options || {}; const ciphertext = await textsecure.messaging.getSticker(packId, proto.id); const plaintext = await decryptSticker(packKey, ciphertext); const sticker = ephemeral ? await Signal.Migrations.processNewEphemeralSticker(plaintext, options) : await Signal.Migrations.processNewSticker(plaintext, options); return { ...pick(proto, ['id', 'emoji']), ...sticker, packId, }; } async function savePackMetadata(packId, packKey, options = {}) { const { messageId } = options; const existing = getStickerPack(packId); if (existing) { return; } const { stickerPackAdded } = getReduxStickerActions(); const pack = { id: packId, key: packKey, status: 'known', }; stickerPackAdded(pack); await createOrUpdateStickerPack(pack); if (messageId) { await addStickerPackReference(messageId, packId); } } async function removeEphemeralPack(packId) { const existing = getStickerPack(packId); if ( existing.status !== 'ephemeral' && !(existing.status === 'error' && existing.attemptedStatus === 'ephemeral') ) { return; } const { removeStickerPack } = getReduxStickerActions(); removeStickerPack(packId); const stickers = values(existing.stickers); const paths = stickers.map(sticker => sticker.path); await pMap(paths, Signal.Migrations.deleteTempFile, { concurrency: 3, }); // Remove it from database in case it made it there await deleteStickerPack(packId); } async function downloadEphemeralPack(packId, packKey) { const { stickerAdded, stickerPackAdded, stickerPackUpdated, } = getReduxStickerActions(); const existingPack = getStickerPack(packId); if (existingPack) { log.warn( `Ephemeral download for pack ${redactPackId( packId )} requested, we already know about it. Skipping.` ); return; } try { // Synchronous placeholder to help with race conditions const placeholder = { id: packId, key: packKey, status: 'ephemeral', }; stickerPackAdded(placeholder); const ciphertext = await textsecure.messaging.getStickerPackManifest( packId ); const plaintext = await decryptSticker(packKey, ciphertext); const proto = textsecure.protobuf.StickerPack.decode(plaintext); const firstStickerProto = proto.stickers ? proto.stickers[0] : null; const stickerCount = proto.stickers.length; const coverProto = proto.cover || firstStickerProto; const coverStickerId = coverProto ? coverProto.id : null; if (!coverProto || !isNumber(coverStickerId)) { throw new Error( `Sticker pack ${redactPackId( packId )} is malformed - it has no cover, and no stickers` ); } const nonCoverStickers = reject( proto.stickers, sticker => !isNumber(sticker.id) || sticker.id === coverStickerId ); const coverIncludedInList = nonCoverStickers.length < stickerCount; const pack = { id: packId, key: packKey, coverStickerId, stickerCount, status: 'ephemeral', ...pick(proto, ['title', 'author']), }; stickerPackAdded(pack); const downloadStickerJob = async stickerProto => { const stickerInfo = await downloadSticker(packId, packKey, stickerProto, { ephemeral: true, }); const sticker = { ...stickerInfo, isCoverOnly: !coverIncludedInList && stickerInfo.id === coverStickerId, }; const statusCheck = getStickerPackStatus(packId); if (statusCheck !== 'ephemeral') { throw new Error( `Ephemeral download for pack ${redactPackId( packId )} interrupted by status change. Status is now ${statusCheck}.` ); } stickerAdded(sticker); }; // Download the cover first await downloadStickerJob(coverProto); // Then the rest await pMap(nonCoverStickers, downloadStickerJob, { concurrency: 3 }); } catch (error) { // Because the user could install this pack while we are still downloading this // ephemeral pack, we don't want to go change its status unless we're still in // ephemeral mode. const statusCheck = getStickerPackStatus(packId); if (statusCheck === 'ephemeral') { stickerPackUpdated(packId, { attemptedStatus: 'ephemeral', status: 'error', }); } log.error( `Ephemeral download error for sticker pack ${redactPackId(packId)}:`, error && error.stack ? error.stack : error ); } } async function downloadStickerPack(packId, packKey, options = {}) { // This will ensure that only one download process is in progress at any given time return downloadQueue.add(async () => { try { await doDownloadStickerPack(packId, packKey, options); } catch (error) { log.error( 'doDownloadStickerPack threw an error:', error && error.stack ? error.stack : error ); } }); } async function doDownloadStickerPack(packId, packKey, options = {}) { const { messageId, fromSync } = options; const { stickerAdded, stickerPackAdded, stickerPackUpdated, installStickerPack, } = getReduxStickerActions(); const finalStatus = options.finalStatus || 'downloaded'; if (finalStatus !== 'downloaded' && finalStatus !== 'installed') { throw new Error( `doDownloadStickerPack: invalid finalStatus of ${finalStatus} requested.` ); } const existing = getStickerPack(packId); if (!doesPackNeedDownload(existing)) { log.warn( `Download for pack ${redactPackId( packId )} requested, but it does not need re-download. Skipping.` ); return; } // We don't count this as an attempt if we're offline const attemptIncrement = navigator.onLine ? 1 : 0; const downloadAttempts = (existing ? existing.downloadAttempts || 0 : 0) + attemptIncrement; if (downloadAttempts > 3) { log.warn( `Refusing to attempt another download for pack ${redactPackId( packId )}, attempt number ${downloadAttempts}` ); if (existing.status !== 'error') { await updateStickerPackStatus(packId, 'error'); stickerPackUpdated(packId, { status: 'error', }); } return; } let coverProto; let coverStickerId; let coverIncludedInList; let nonCoverStickers; try { // Synchronous placeholder to help with race conditions const placeholder = { id: packId, key: packKey, attemptedStatus: finalStatus, downloadAttempts, status: 'pending', }; stickerPackAdded(placeholder); const ciphertext = await textsecure.messaging.getStickerPackManifest( packId ); const plaintext = await decryptSticker(packKey, ciphertext); const proto = textsecure.protobuf.StickerPack.decode(plaintext); const firstStickerProto = proto.stickers ? proto.stickers[0] : null; const stickerCount = proto.stickers.length; coverProto = proto.cover || firstStickerProto; coverStickerId = coverProto ? coverProto.id : null; if (!coverProto || !isNumber(coverStickerId)) { throw new Error( `Sticker pack ${redactPackId( packId )} is malformed - it has no cover, and no stickers` ); } nonCoverStickers = reject( proto.stickers, sticker => !isNumber(sticker.id) || sticker.id === coverStickerId ); coverIncludedInList = nonCoverStickers.length < stickerCount; // status can be: // - 'known' // - 'ephemeral' (should not hit database) // - 'pending' // - 'downloaded' // - 'error' // - 'installed' const pack = { id: packId, key: packKey, attemptedStatus: finalStatus, coverStickerId, downloadAttempts, stickerCount, status: 'pending', ...pick(proto, ['title', 'author']), }; await createOrUpdateStickerPack(pack); stickerPackAdded(pack); if (messageId) { await addStickerPackReference(messageId, packId); } } catch (error) { log.error( `Error downloading manifest for sticker pack ${redactPackId(packId)}:`, error && error.stack ? error.stack : error ); const pack = { id: packId, key: packKey, attemptedStatus: finalStatus, downloadAttempts, status: 'error', }; await createOrUpdateStickerPack(pack); stickerPackAdded(pack); return; } // We have a separate try/catch here because we're starting to download stickers here // and we want to preserve more of the pack on an error. try { const downloadStickerJob = async stickerProto => { const stickerInfo = await downloadSticker(packId, packKey, stickerProto); const sticker = { ...stickerInfo, isCoverOnly: !coverIncludedInList && stickerInfo.id === coverStickerId, }; await createOrUpdateSticker(sticker); stickerAdded(sticker); }; // Download the cover first await downloadStickerJob(coverProto); // Then the rest await pMap(nonCoverStickers, downloadStickerJob, { concurrency: 3 }); // Allow for the user marking this pack as installed in the middle of our download; // don't overwrite that status. const existingStatus = getStickerPackStatus(packId); if (existingStatus === 'installed') { return; } if (finalStatus === 'installed') { await installStickerPack(packId, packKey, { fromSync }); } else { // Mark the pack as complete await updateStickerPackStatus(packId, finalStatus); stickerPackUpdated(packId, { status: finalStatus, }); } } catch (error) { log.error( `Error downloading stickers for sticker pack ${redactPackId(packId)}:`, error && error.stack ? error.stack : error ); const errorStatus = 'error'; await updateStickerPackStatus(packId, errorStatus); if (stickerPackUpdated) { stickerPackUpdated(packId, { attemptedStatus: finalStatus, status: errorStatus, }); } } } function getStickerPack(packId) { const state = reduxStore.getState(); const { stickers } = state; const { packs } = stickers; if (!packs) { return null; } return packs[packId]; } function getStickerPackStatus(packId) { const pack = getStickerPack(packId); if (!pack) { return null; } return pack.status; } function getSticker(packId, stickerId) { const state = reduxStore.getState(); const { stickers } = state; const { packs } = stickers; const pack = packs[packId]; if (!pack || !pack.stickers) { return null; } return pack.stickers[stickerId]; } async function copyStickerToAttachments(packId, stickerId) { const sticker = getSticker(packId, stickerId); if (!sticker) { return null; } const { path } = sticker; const absolutePath = Signal.Migrations.getAbsoluteStickerPath(path); const newPath = await Signal.Migrations.copyIntoAttachmentsDirectory( absolutePath ); return { ...sticker, path: newPath, }; } // In the case where a sticker pack is uninstalled, we want to delete it if there are no // more references left. We'll delete a nonexistent reference, then check if there are // any references left, just like usual. async function maybeDeletePack(packId) { // This hardcoded string is fine because message ids are GUIDs await deletePackReference('NOT-USED', packId); } // We don't generally delete packs outright; we just remove references to them, and if // the last reference is deleted, we finally then remove the pack itself from database // and from disk. async function deletePackReference(messageId, packId) { const isBlessed = Boolean(BLESSED_PACKS[packId]); if (isBlessed) { return; } // This call uses locking to prevent race conditions with other reference removals, // or an incoming message creating a new message->pack reference const paths = await deleteStickerPackReference(messageId, packId); // If we don't get a list of paths back, then the sticker pack was not deleted if (!paths) { return; } const { removeStickerPack } = getReduxStickerActions(); removeStickerPack(packId); await pMap(paths, Signal.Migrations.deleteSticker, { concurrency: 3, }); } // The override; doesn't honor our ref-counting scheme - just deletes it all. async function deletePack(packId) { const isBlessed = Boolean(BLESSED_PACKS[packId]); if (isBlessed) { return; } // This call uses locking to prevent race conditions with other reference removals, // or an incoming message creating a new message->pack reference const paths = await deleteStickerPack(packId); const { removeStickerPack } = getReduxStickerActions(); removeStickerPack(packId); await pMap(paths, Signal.Migrations.deleteSticker, { concurrency: 3, }); }