// Copyright 2022 Signal Messenger, LLC // SPDX-License-Identifier: AGPL-3.0-only import type { BuildResult } from 'electron-builder'; import { notarize } from '@electron/notarize'; import * as packageJson from '../../package.json'; export async function afterAllArtifactBuild({ platformToTargets, artifactPaths, }: BuildResult): Promise<void> { const platforms = Array.from(platformToTargets.keys()).map( platform => platform.name ); if (platforms.length !== 1) { console.log(`notarize: Skipping, too many platforms ${platforms}`); return; } if (platforms[0] !== 'mac') { console.log(`notarize: Skipping, platform is ${platforms[0]}`); return; } const appBundleId = packageJson.build.appId; if (!appBundleId) { throw new Error( 'appBundleId must be provided in package.json: build.appId' ); } const appleId = process.env.APPLE_USERNAME; if (!appleId) { console.warn( 'appleId must be provided in environment variable APPLE_USERNAME' ); return; } const appleIdPassword = process.env.APPLE_PASSWORD; if (!appleIdPassword) { console.warn( 'appleIdPassword must be provided in environment variable APPLE_PASSWORD' ); return; } const teamId = process.env.APPLE_TEAM_ID; if (!teamId) { console.warn( 'teamId must be provided in environment variable APPLE_TEAM_ID' ); return; } const artifactsToStaple = artifactPaths.filter(artifactPath => /^.*mac-universal.*\.dmg$/.test(artifactPath) ); if (artifactsToStaple.length !== 1) { console.log(`notarize: Skipping, too many dmgs ${artifactsToStaple}`); return; } const [dmgPath] = artifactsToStaple; console.log(`Notarizing dmg: ${dmgPath}`); await notarize({ appBundleId, appPath: dmgPath, appleId, appleIdPassword, teamId, }); }