// Copyright 2022 Signal Messenger, LLC // SPDX-License-Identifier: AGPL-3.0-only import fse from 'fs-extra'; import path from 'path'; import type { AfterPackContext } from 'electron-builder'; export async function afterPack({ appOutDir, packager, electronPlatformName, }: AfterPackContext): Promise<void> { let defaultLocale: string; let ourLocales = await fse.readdir( path.join(__dirname, '..', '..', '_locales') ); let localesPath: string; if (electronPlatformName === 'darwin') { const { productFilename } = packager.appInfo; // en.lproj/* // zh_CN.lproj/* defaultLocale = 'en.lproj'; ourLocales = ourLocales.map(locale => `${locale.replace(/-/g, '_')}.lproj`); localesPath = path.join( appOutDir, `${productFilename}.app`, 'Contents', 'Resources' ); } else if ( electronPlatformName === 'linux' || electronPlatformName === 'win32' ) { // Shared between windows and linux // en-US.pak // zh-CN.pak defaultLocale = 'en-US.pak'; ourLocales = ourLocales.map(locale => { if (locale === 'en') { return defaultLocale; } return `${locale.replace(/_/g, '-')}.pak`; }); localesPath = path.join(appOutDir, 'locales'); } else { console.error( `Unsupported platform: ${electronPlatformName}, not copying pak files` ); return; } const electronLocales = new Set(await fse.readdir(localesPath)); const promises = new Array<Promise<void>>(); for (const locale of ourLocales) { if (electronLocales.has(locale)) { continue; } console.log(`Copying ${defaultLocale} to ${locale}`); promises.push( fse.copy( path.join(localesPath, defaultLocale), path.join(localesPath, locale) ) ); } await Promise.all(promises); }