// Copyright 2022 Signal Messenger, LLC // SPDX-License-Identifier: AGPL-3.0-only import type { LoggerType } from '../../types/Logging'; import { isRecord } from '../../util/isRecord'; import type { WritableDB } from '../Interface'; import { getJobsInQueue, insertJob } from '../Server'; export default function updateToSchemaVersion51( currentVersion: number, db: WritableDB, logger: LoggerType ): void { if (currentVersion >= 51) { return; } db.transaction(() => { const deleteJobsInQueue = db.prepare( 'DELETE FROM jobs WHERE queueType = $queueType' ); // First, make sure that reactions job data has a type and conversationId const reactionsJobs = getJobsInQueue(db, 'reactions'); deleteJobsInQueue.run({ queueType: 'reactions' }); const getMessageById = db.prepare( 'SELECT conversationId FROM messages WHERE id IS ?' ); reactionsJobs.forEach(job => { const { data, id } = job; if (!isRecord(data)) { logger.warn( `updateToSchemaVersion51: reactions queue job ${id} was missing valid data` ); return; } const { messageId } = data; if (typeof messageId !== 'string') { logger.warn( `updateToSchemaVersion51: reactions queue job ${id} had a non-string messageId` ); return; } const message = getMessageById.get(messageId); if (!message) { logger.warn( `updateToSchemaVersion51: Unable to find message for reaction job ${id}` ); return; } const { conversationId } = message; if (typeof conversationId !== 'string') { logger.warn( `updateToSchemaVersion51: reactions queue job ${id} had a non-string conversationId` ); return; } const newJob = { ...job, queueType: 'conversation', data: { ...data, type: 'Reaction', conversationId, }, }; insertJob(db, newJob); }); // Then make sure all normal send job data has a type const normalSendJobs = getJobsInQueue(db, 'normal send'); deleteJobsInQueue.run({ queueType: 'normal send' }); normalSendJobs.forEach(job => { const { data, id } = job; if (!isRecord(data)) { logger.warn( `updateToSchemaVersion51: normal send queue job ${id} was missing valid data` ); return; } const newJob = { ...job, queueType: 'conversation', data: { ...data, type: 'NormalMessage', }, }; insertJob(db, newJob); }); db.pragma('user_version = 51'); })(); logger.info('updateToSchemaVersion51: success!'); }