// Copyright 2018-2021 Signal Messenger, LLC // SPDX-License-Identifier: AGPL-3.0-only import React from 'react'; import classNames from 'classnames'; import { debounce, get } from 'lodash'; import { Manager, Popper, Reference } from 'react-popper'; import { createPortal } from 'react-dom'; import { showSettings } from '../shims/Whisper'; import { Avatar } from './Avatar'; import { AvatarPopup } from './AvatarPopup'; import { LocalizerType } from '../types/Util'; import { ColorType } from '../types/Colors'; export type PropsType = { searchTerm: string; searchConversationName?: string; searchConversationId?: string; startSearchCounter: number; // To be used as an ID ourConversationId: string; ourUuid: string; ourNumber: string; regionCode: string; // For display phoneNumber?: string; isMe?: boolean; name?: string; color?: ColorType; isVerified?: boolean; profileName?: string; title: string; avatarPath?: string; i18n: LocalizerType; updateSearchTerm: (searchTerm: string) => void; searchMessages: ( query: string, options: { searchConversationId?: string; regionCode: string; } ) => void; searchDiscussions: ( query: string, options: { ourConversationId: string; ourNumber: string; ourUuid: string; noteToSelf: string; } ) => void; clearConversationSearch: () => void; clearSearch: () => void; showArchivedConversations: () => void; }; type StateType = { showingAvatarPopup: boolean; popperRoot: HTMLDivElement | null; }; export class MainHeader extends React.Component<PropsType, StateType> { private readonly inputRef: React.RefObject<HTMLInputElement>; constructor(props: PropsType) { super(props); this.inputRef = React.createRef(); this.state = { showingAvatarPopup: false, popperRoot: null, }; } public componentDidUpdate(prevProps: PropsType): void { const { searchConversationId, startSearchCounter } = this.props; // When user chooses to search in a given conversation we focus the field for them if ( searchConversationId && searchConversationId !== prevProps.searchConversationId ) { this.setFocus(); } // When user chooses to start a new search, we focus the field if (startSearchCounter !== prevProps.startSearchCounter) { this.setSelected(); } } public handleOutsideClick = ({ target }: MouseEvent): void => { const { popperRoot, showingAvatarPopup } = this.state; if ( showingAvatarPopup && popperRoot && !popperRoot.contains(target as Node) ) { this.hideAvatarPopup(); } }; public handleOutsideKeyDown = (event: KeyboardEvent): void => { if (event.key === 'Escape') { this.hideAvatarPopup(); } }; public showAvatarPopup = (): void => { const popperRoot = document.createElement('div'); document.body.appendChild(popperRoot); this.setState({ showingAvatarPopup: true, popperRoot, }); document.addEventListener('click', this.handleOutsideClick); document.addEventListener('keydown', this.handleOutsideKeyDown); }; public hideAvatarPopup = (): void => { const { popperRoot } = this.state; document.removeEventListener('click', this.handleOutsideClick); document.removeEventListener('keydown', this.handleOutsideKeyDown); this.setState({ showingAvatarPopup: false, popperRoot: null, }); if (popperRoot && document.body.contains(popperRoot)) { document.body.removeChild(popperRoot); } }; public componentWillUnmount(): void { const { popperRoot } = this.state; document.removeEventListener('click', this.handleOutsideClick); document.removeEventListener('keydown', this.handleOutsideKeyDown); if (popperRoot && document.body.contains(popperRoot)) { document.body.removeChild(popperRoot); } } public search = debounce((searchTerm: string): void => { const { i18n, ourConversationId, ourNumber, ourUuid, regionCode, searchDiscussions, searchMessages, searchConversationId, } = this.props; if (searchDiscussions && !searchConversationId) { searchDiscussions(searchTerm, { noteToSelf: i18n('noteToSelf').toLowerCase(), ourConversationId, ourNumber, ourUuid, }); } if (searchMessages) { searchMessages(searchTerm, { searchConversationId, regionCode, }); } }, 200); public updateSearch = (event: React.FormEvent<HTMLInputElement>): void => { const { updateSearchTerm, clearConversationSearch, clearSearch, searchConversationId, } = this.props; const searchTerm = event.currentTarget.value; if (!searchTerm) { if (searchConversationId) { clearConversationSearch(); } else { clearSearch(); } return; } if (updateSearchTerm) { updateSearchTerm(searchTerm); } if (searchTerm.length < 2) { return; } this.search(searchTerm); }; public clearSearch = (): void => { const { clearSearch } = this.props; clearSearch(); this.setFocus(); }; public clearConversationSearch = (): void => { const { clearConversationSearch } = this.props; clearConversationSearch(); this.setFocus(); }; public handleKeyDown = ( event: React.KeyboardEvent<HTMLInputElement> ): void => { const { clearConversationSearch, clearSearch, searchConversationId, searchTerm, } = this.props; const { ctrlKey, metaKey, key } = event; const commandKey = get(window, 'platform') === 'darwin' && metaKey; const controlKey = get(window, 'platform') !== 'darwin' && ctrlKey; const commandOrCtrl = commandKey || controlKey; // On linux, this keyboard combination selects all text if (commandOrCtrl && key === '/') { event.preventDefault(); event.stopPropagation(); return; } if (key !== 'Escape') { return; } if (searchConversationId && searchTerm) { clearConversationSearch(); } else { clearSearch(); } event.preventDefault(); event.stopPropagation(); }; public handleXButton = (): void => { const { searchConversationId, clearConversationSearch, clearSearch, } = this.props; if (searchConversationId) { clearConversationSearch(); } else { clearSearch(); } this.setFocus(); }; public setFocus = (): void => { if (this.inputRef.current) { this.inputRef.current.focus(); } }; public setSelected = (): void => { if (this.inputRef.current) { this.inputRef.current.select(); } }; public render(): JSX.Element { const { avatarPath, color, i18n, name, phoneNumber, profileName, title, searchConversationId, searchConversationName, searchTerm, showArchivedConversations, } = this.props; const { showingAvatarPopup, popperRoot } = this.state; const placeholder = searchConversationName ? i18n('searchIn', [searchConversationName]) : i18n('search'); return ( <div className="module-main-header"> <Manager> <Reference> {({ ref }) => ( <Avatar avatarPath={avatarPath} color={color} conversationType="direct" i18n={i18n} name={name} phoneNumber={phoneNumber} profileName={profileName} title={title} size={28} innerRef={ref} onClick={this.showAvatarPopup} /> )} </Reference> {showingAvatarPopup && popperRoot ? createPortal( <Popper placement="bottom-end"> {({ ref, style }) => ( <AvatarPopup innerRef={ref} i18n={i18n} style={style} color={color} conversationType="direct" name={name} phoneNumber={phoneNumber} profileName={profileName} title={title} avatarPath={avatarPath} size={28} onViewPreferences={() => { showSettings(); this.hideAvatarPopup(); }} onViewArchive={() => { showArchivedConversations(); this.hideAvatarPopup(); }} /> )} </Popper>, popperRoot ) : null} </Manager> <div className="module-main-header__search"> {searchConversationId ? ( <button className="module-main-header__search__in-conversation-pill" onClick={this.clearSearch} tabIndex={-1} type="button" aria-label={i18n('clearSearch')} > <div className="module-main-header__search__in-conversation-pill__avatar-container"> <div className="module-main-header__search__in-conversation-pill__avatar" /> </div> <div className="module-main-header__search__in-conversation-pill__x-button" /> </button> ) : ( <button className="module-main-header__search__icon" onClick={this.setFocus} tabIndex={-1} type="button" aria-label={i18n('search')} /> )} <input type="text" ref={this.inputRef} className={classNames( 'module-main-header__search__input', searchTerm ? 'module-main-header__search__input--with-text' : null, searchConversationId ? 'module-main-header__search__input--in-conversation' : null )} placeholder={placeholder} dir="auto" onKeyDown={this.handleKeyDown} value={searchTerm} onChange={this.updateSearch} /> {searchTerm ? ( <button tabIndex={-1} className="module-main-header__search__cancel-icon" onClick={this.handleXButton} type="button" aria-label={i18n('cancel')} /> ) : null} </div> </div> ); } }