// Copyright 2019-2021 Signal Messenger, LLC // SPDX-License-Identifier: AGPL-3.0-only import { isNumber, omit } from 'lodash'; import { v4 as getGuid } from 'uuid'; import dataInterface from '../sql/Client'; import * as durations from '../util/durations'; import { downloadAttachment } from '../util/downloadAttachment'; import * as Bytes from '../Bytes'; import type { AttachmentDownloadJobType, AttachmentDownloadJobTypeType, } from '../sql/Interface'; import type { MessageModel } from '../models/messages'; import type { AttachmentType } from '../types/Attachment'; import type { LoggerType } from '../types/Logging'; import * as log from '../logging/log'; const { getMessageById, getNextAttachmentDownloadJobs, removeAttachmentDownloadJob, resetAttachmentDownloadPending, saveAttachmentDownloadJob, saveMessage, setAttachmentDownloadJobPending, } = dataInterface; const MAX_ATTACHMENT_JOB_PARALLELISM = 3; const TICK_INTERVAL = durations.MINUTE; const RETRY_BACKOFF: Record = { 1: 30 * durations.SECOND, 2: 30 * durations.MINUTE, 3: 6 * durations.HOUR, }; let enabled = false; let timeout: NodeJS.Timeout | null; let logger: LoggerType; const _activeAttachmentDownloadJobs: Record | undefined> = {}; type StartOptionsType = { logger: LoggerType; }; export async function start(options: StartOptionsType): Promise { ({ logger } = options); if (!logger) { throw new Error('attachment_downloads/start: logger must be provided!'); } logger.info('attachment_downloads/start: enabling'); enabled = true; await resetAttachmentDownloadPending(); _tick(); } export async function stop(): Promise { // If `.start()` wasn't called - the `logger` is `undefined` if (logger) { logger.info('attachment_downloads/stop: disabling'); } enabled = false; if (timeout) { clearTimeout(timeout); timeout = null; } } export async function addJob( attachment: AttachmentType, job: { messageId: string; type: AttachmentDownloadJobTypeType; index: number } ): Promise { if (!attachment) { throw new Error('attachments_download/addJob: attachment is required'); } const { messageId, type, index } = job; if (!messageId) { throw new Error('attachments_download/addJob: job.messageId is required'); } if (!type) { throw new Error('attachments_download/addJob: job.type is required'); } if (!isNumber(index)) { throw new Error('attachments_download/addJob: index must be a number'); } const id = getGuid(); const timestamp = Date.now(); const toSave: AttachmentDownloadJobType = { ...job, id, attachment, timestamp, pending: 0, attempts: 0, }; await saveAttachmentDownloadJob(toSave); _maybeStartJob(); return { ...attachment, pending: true, downloadJobId: id, }; } async function _tick(): Promise { if (timeout) { clearTimeout(timeout); timeout = null; } _maybeStartJob(); timeout = setTimeout(_tick, TICK_INTERVAL); } async function _maybeStartJob(): Promise { if (!enabled) { logger.info('attachment_downloads/_maybeStartJob: not enabled, returning'); return; } const jobCount = getActiveJobCount(); const limit = MAX_ATTACHMENT_JOB_PARALLELISM - jobCount; if (limit <= 0) { logger.info( 'attachment_downloads/_maybeStartJob: reached active job limit, waiting' ); return; } const nextJobs = await getNextAttachmentDownloadJobs(limit); if (nextJobs.length <= 0) { logger.info( 'attachment_downloads/_maybeStartJob: no attachment jobs to run' ); return; } // To prevent the race condition caused by two parallel database calls, eached kicked // off because the jobCount wasn't at the max. const secondJobCount = getActiveJobCount(); const needed = MAX_ATTACHMENT_JOB_PARALLELISM - secondJobCount; if (needed <= 0) { logger.info( 'attachment_downloads/_maybeStartJob: reached active job limit after ' + 'db query, waiting' ); return; } const jobs = nextJobs.slice(0, Math.min(needed, nextJobs.length)); logger.info( `attachment_downloads/_maybeStartJob: starting ${jobs.length} jobs` ); for (let i = 0, max = jobs.length; i < max; i += 1) { const job = jobs[i]; const existing = _activeAttachmentDownloadJobs[job.id]; if (existing) { logger.warn(`_maybeStartJob: Job ${job.id} is already running`); } else { _activeAttachmentDownloadJobs[job.id] = _runJob(job); } } } async function _runJob(job?: AttachmentDownloadJobType): Promise { if (!job) { log.warn('_runJob: Job was missing!'); return; } const { id, messageId, attachment, type, index, attempts } = job; let message; try { if (!job || !attachment || !messageId) { throw new Error( `_runJob: Key information required for job was missing. Job id: ${id}` ); } logger.info(`attachment_downloads/_runJob for job id ${id}`); const found = window.MessageController.getById(messageId) || (await getMessageById(messageId)); if (!found) { logger.error('_runJob: Source message not found, deleting job'); await _finishJob(null, id); return; } message = window.MessageController.register(found.id, found); const pending = true; await setAttachmentDownloadJobPending(id, pending); const downloaded = await downloadAttachment(attachment); if (!downloaded) { logger.warn( `_runJob: Got 404 from server for CDN ${ attachment.cdnNumber }, marking attachment ${ attachment.cdnId || attachment.cdnKey } from message ${message.idForLogging()} as permanent error` ); await _finishJob(message, id); await _addAttachmentToMessage( message, _markAttachmentAsError(attachment), { type, index } ); return; } const upgradedAttachment = await window.Signal.Migrations.processNewAttachment(downloaded); await _addAttachmentToMessage(message, upgradedAttachment, { type, index }); await _finishJob(message, id); } catch (error) { const logId = message ? message.idForLogging() : id || ''; const currentAttempt = (attempts || 0) + 1; if (currentAttempt >= 3) { logger.error( `_runJob: ${currentAttempt} failed attempts, marking attachment ${id} from message ${logId} as permanent error:`, error && error.stack ? error.stack : error ); await _finishJob(message, id); await _addAttachmentToMessage( message, _markAttachmentAsError(attachment), { type, index } ); return; } logger.error( `_runJob: Failed to download attachment type ${type} for message ${logId}, attempt ${currentAttempt}:`, error && error.stack ? error.stack : error ); const failedJob = { ...job, pending: 0, attempts: currentAttempt, timestamp: Date.now() + (RETRY_BACKOFF[currentAttempt] || RETRY_BACKOFF[3]), }; await saveAttachmentDownloadJob(failedJob); delete _activeAttachmentDownloadJobs[id]; _maybeStartJob(); } } async function _finishJob( message: MessageModel | null | undefined, id: string ): Promise { if (message) { logger.info(`attachment_downloads/_finishJob for job id: ${id}`); await saveMessage(message.attributes, { ourUuid: window.textsecure.storage.user.getCheckedUuid().toString(), }); } await removeAttachmentDownloadJob(id); delete _activeAttachmentDownloadJobs[id]; _maybeStartJob(); } function getActiveJobCount(): number { return Object.keys(_activeAttachmentDownloadJobs).length; } function _markAttachmentAsError(attachment: AttachmentType): AttachmentType { return { ...omit(attachment, ['key', 'digest', 'id']), error: true, }; } async function _addAttachmentToMessage( message: MessageModel | null | undefined, attachment: AttachmentType, { type, index }: { type: AttachmentDownloadJobTypeType; index: number } ): Promise { if (!message) { return; } const logPrefix = `${message.idForLogging()} (type: ${type}, index: ${index})`; if (type === 'long-message') { try { const { data } = await window.Signal.Migrations.loadAttachmentData( attachment ); message.set({ body: attachment.error ? message.get('body') : Bytes.toString(data), bodyPending: false, }); } finally { if (attachment.path) { window.Signal.Migrations.deleteAttachmentData(attachment.path); } } return; } if (type === 'attachment') { const attachments = message.get('attachments'); if (!attachments || attachments.length <= index) { throw new Error( `_addAttachmentToMessage: attachments didn't exist or ${index} was too large` ); } _checkOldAttachment(attachments, index.toString(), logPrefix); const newAttachments = [...attachments]; newAttachments[index] = attachment; message.set({ attachments: newAttachments }); return; } if (type === 'preview') { const preview = message.get('preview'); if (!preview || preview.length <= index) { throw new Error( `_addAttachmentToMessage: preview didn't exist or ${index} was too large` ); } const item = preview[index]; if (!item) { throw new Error(`_addAttachmentToMessage: preview ${index} was falsey`); } _checkOldAttachment(item, 'image', logPrefix); const newPreview = [...preview]; newPreview[index] = { ...preview[index], image: attachment, }; message.set({ preview: newPreview }); return; } if (type === 'contact') { const contact = message.get('contact'); if (!contact || contact.length <= index) { throw new Error( `_addAttachmentToMessage: contact didn't exist or ${index} was too large` ); } const item = contact[index]; if (item && item.avatar && item.avatar.avatar) { _checkOldAttachment(item.avatar, 'avatar', logPrefix); const newContact = [...contact]; newContact[index] = { ...item, avatar: { ...item.avatar, avatar: attachment, }, }; message.set({ contact: newContact }); } else { logger.warn( `_addAttachmentToMessage: Couldn't update contact with avatar attachment for message ${message.idForLogging()}` ); } return; } if (type === 'quote') { const quote = message.get('quote'); if (!quote) { throw new Error("_addAttachmentToMessage: quote didn't exist"); } const { attachments } = quote; if (!attachments || attachments.length <= index) { throw new Error( `_addAttachmentToMessage: quote attachments didn't exist or ${index} was too large` ); } const item = attachments[index]; if (!item) { throw new Error( `_addAttachmentToMessage: quote attachment ${index} was falsey` ); } _checkOldAttachment(item, 'thumbnail', logPrefix); const newAttachments = [...attachments]; newAttachments[index] = { ...attachments[index], thumbnail: attachment, }; const newQuote = { ...quote, attachments: newAttachments, }; message.set({ quote: newQuote }); return; } if (type === 'sticker') { const sticker = message.get('sticker'); if (!sticker) { throw new Error("_addAttachmentToMessage: sticker didn't exist"); } message.set({ sticker: { ...sticker, data: attachment, }, }); return; } throw new Error( `_addAttachmentToMessage: Unknown job type ${type} for message ${message.idForLogging()}` ); } function _checkOldAttachment( // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-explicit-any object: any, key: string, logPrefix: string ): void { const oldAttachment = object[key]; if (oldAttachment && oldAttachment.path) { logger.error( `_checkOldAttachment: ${logPrefix} - old attachment already had path, not replacing` ); throw new Error( '_checkOldAttachment: old attachment already had path, not replacing' ); } }