// Copyright 2021 Signal Messenger, LLC // SPDX-License-Identifier: AGPL-3.0-only import { useCallback, useEffect, useState } from 'react'; import { fabric } from 'fabric'; import * as log from '../logging/log'; import type { ImageStateType } from './ImageStateType'; import { MediaEditorFabricAnalogTimeSticker } from './MediaEditorFabricAnalogTimeSticker'; import { MediaEditorFabricDigitalTimeSticker } from './MediaEditorFabricDigitalTimeSticker'; import { MediaEditorFabricIText } from './MediaEditorFabricIText'; import { MediaEditorFabricPath } from './MediaEditorFabricPath'; import { MediaEditorFabricSticker } from './MediaEditorFabricSticker'; import { fabricEffectListener } from './fabricEffectListener'; import { strictAssert } from '../util/assert'; type SnapshotStateType = { canvasState: string; imageState: ImageStateType; }; const SNAPSHOT_LIMIT = 1000; /** * A helper hook to manage `<MediaEditor>`'s undo/redo state. * * There are 3 pieces of state here: * * 1. `snapshots`, which include the "canvas state" (i.e., where all the objects are) and * the "image state" (i.e., the dimensions/angle of the image). Once the image has * loaded, this will always have a length of at least 1. * 2. `highWatermark`, representing the snapshot that we *want* to be applied. If the * user never hits Undo, this will always be `snapshots.length`. * 3. `appliedHighWatermark`, representing the snapshot that *is* applied. Because undo * and redo are asynchronous, this can lag behind `highWatermark`. The user is in the * middle of a "time travel" if `highWatermark !== appliedHighWatermark`. * * When the user performs a normal operation (such as adding an object or cropping), we * add a new snapshot and update `highWatermark` and `appliedHighWatermark` all at once. * We can do this because it's a synchronous operation. * * When the user performs an undo/redo, we immediately update `highWatermark`, then * asynchronously perform the operation, then update `appliedHighWatermark`. You can't * undo/redo if you're already time traveling to help avoid race conditions. */ export function useFabricHistory({ fabricCanvas, imageState, setImageState, }: { fabricCanvas: fabric.Canvas | undefined; imageState: Readonly<ImageStateType>; setImageState: (_: ImageStateType) => unknown; }): { canRedo: boolean; canUndo: boolean; redoIfPossible: () => void; takeSnapshot: ( logMessage: string, imageState: ImageStateType, canvasOverride?: fabric.Canvas ) => void; undoIfPossible: () => void; } { // These are all in one object, instead of three `useState` calls, because we often // need to update them all at once based on the previous state. const [state, setState] = useState< Readonly<{ snapshots: ReadonlyArray<SnapshotStateType>; highWatermark: number; appliedHighWatermark: number; }> >({ snapshots: [], highWatermark: 0, appliedHighWatermark: 0, }); const { highWatermark, snapshots } = state; const isTimeTraveling = getIsTimeTraveling(state); const desiredSnapshot: undefined | SnapshotStateType = snapshots[highWatermark - 1]; const takeSnapshotInternal = useCallback((snapshot: SnapshotStateType) => { setState(oldState => { const newSnapshots = oldState.snapshots.slice(0, oldState.highWatermark); newSnapshots.push(snapshot); while (newSnapshots.length > SNAPSHOT_LIMIT) { newSnapshots.shift(); } return { snapshots: newSnapshots, highWatermark: newSnapshots.length, appliedHighWatermark: newSnapshots.length, }; }); }, []); const takeSnapshot = useCallback( ( logMessage: string, newImageState: ImageStateType, canvasOverride?: fabric.Canvas ) => { const canvas = canvasOverride || fabricCanvas; strictAssert( canvas, 'Media editor: tried to take a snapshot without a canvas' ); log.info( `Media editor: taking snapshot of image state from ${logMessage}` ); takeSnapshotInternal({ canvasState: getCanvasState(canvas), imageState: newImageState, }); }, [fabricCanvas, takeSnapshotInternal] ); const undoIfPossible = useCallback(() => { log.info('Media editor: undoing'); setState(oldState => getIsTimeTraveling(oldState) ? oldState : { ...oldState, highWatermark: Math.max(oldState.highWatermark - 1, 1), } ); }, []); const redoIfPossible = useCallback(() => { log.info('Media editor: redoing'); setState(oldState => getIsTimeTraveling(oldState) ? oldState : { ...oldState, highWatermark: Math.min( oldState.highWatermark + 1, oldState.snapshots.length ), } ); }, []); // Global Fabric overrides useEffect(() => { // We need this type of precision so that when serializing/deserializing // the floats don't get rounded off and we maintain proper image state. // http://fabricjs.com/fabric-gotchas fabric.Object.NUM_FRACTION_DIGITS = 16; // Attach our custom classes to the global Fabric instance. Unfortunately, Fabric // doesn't make it easy to deserialize into a custom class without polluting the // global namespace. See <http://fabricjs.com/fabric-intro-part-3#subclassing>. Object.assign(fabric, { MediaEditorFabricAnalogTimeSticker, MediaEditorFabricDigitalTimeSticker, MediaEditorFabricIText, MediaEditorFabricPath, MediaEditorFabricSticker, }); }, []); // Moving between different snapshots useEffect(() => { if (!fabricCanvas || !isTimeTraveling || !desiredSnapshot) { return; } log.info(`Media editor: time-traveling to snapshot ${highWatermark}`); fabricCanvas.loadFromJSON(desiredSnapshot.canvasState, () => { setImageState(desiredSnapshot.imageState); setState(oldState => ({ ...oldState, appliedHighWatermark: highWatermark, })); }); }, [ desiredSnapshot, fabricCanvas, highWatermark, isTimeTraveling, setImageState, ]); // Taking snapshots when objects are added, modified, and removed useEffect(() => { if (!fabricCanvas || isTimeTraveling) { return; } return fabricEffectListener( fabricCanvas, // We want to take snapshots when objects are added, removed, and modified. The // first two are obvious. We DON'T want to take snapshots before those things // happen (like `object:moving`), and we also don't want to take redundant ones // (which is why we don't listen to both `object:modified` and `object:rotated`). // // See <http://fabricjs.com/docs/fabric.Canvas.html#Canvas> for the list of events. ['object:added', 'object:modified', 'object:removed'], ({ target }) => { if (isTimeTraveling || target?.excludeFromExport) { return; } log.info('Media editor: taking snapshot from object change'); takeSnapshotInternal({ canvasState: getCanvasState(fabricCanvas), imageState, }); } ); }, [takeSnapshotInternal, fabricCanvas, isTimeTraveling, imageState]); return { canRedo: highWatermark < snapshots.length, canUndo: highWatermark > 1, redoIfPossible, takeSnapshot, undoIfPossible, }; } function getCanvasState(fabricCanvas: fabric.Canvas): string { return JSON.stringify(fabricCanvas.toDatalessJSON(['data'])); } function getIsTimeTraveling({ highWatermark, appliedHighWatermark, }: Readonly<{ highWatermark: number; appliedHighWatermark: number }>): boolean { return highWatermark !== appliedHighWatermark; }