// Copyright 2021 Signal Messenger, LLC // SPDX-License-Identifier: AGPL-3.0-only import { assert } from 'chai'; import loadImage from 'blueimp-load-image'; import { IMAGE_JPEG, IMAGE_PNG } from '../../types/MIME'; import { scaleImageToLevel } from '../../util/scaleImageToLevel'; describe('scaleImageToLevel', () => { // NOTE: These tests are incomplete. async function getBlob(path: string): Promise { const response = await fetch(path); return response.blob(); } it("doesn't scale images that are already small enough", async () => { const testCases = [ { path: '../fixtures/kitten-1-64-64.jpg', contentType: IMAGE_JPEG, expectedWidth: 64, expectedHeight: 64, }, { path: '../fixtures/20x200-yellow.png', contentType: IMAGE_PNG, expectedWidth: 20, expectedHeight: 200, }, ]; await Promise.all( testCases.map( async ({ path, contentType, expectedWidth, expectedHeight }) => { const blob = await getBlob(path); const scaled = await scaleImageToLevel(blob, contentType, true); const data = await loadImage(scaled.blob, { orientation: true }); const { originalWidth: width, originalHeight: height } = data; assert.strictEqual(width, expectedWidth); assert.strictEqual(height, expectedHeight); assert.strictEqual(scaled.contentType, contentType); assert.strictEqual(scaled.blob.type, contentType); } ) ); }); it('removes EXIF data from small images', async () => { const original = await getBlob('../fixtures/kitten-2-64-64.jpg'); assert.isDefined( (await loadImage(original, { meta: true, orientation: true })).exif, 'Test setup failure: expected fixture to have EXIF data' ); const scaled = await scaleImageToLevel(original, IMAGE_JPEG, true); assert.isUndefined( (await loadImage(scaled.blob, { meta: true, orientation: true })).exif ); }); });