// Copyright 2023 Signal Messenger, LLC // SPDX-License-Identifier: AGPL-3.0-only import Long from 'long'; import { Aci, Pni } from '@signalapp/libsignal-client'; import pMap from 'p-map'; import pTimeout from 'p-timeout'; import { Readable } from 'stream'; import { Backups } from '../../protobuf'; import Data from '../../sql/Client'; import type { PageMessagesCursorType } from '../../sql/Interface'; import * as log from '../../logging/log'; import { StorySendMode, MY_STORY_ID } from '../../types/Stories'; import type { ServiceIdString } from '../../types/ServiceId'; import type { RawBodyRange } from '../../types/BodyRange'; import { LONG_ATTACHMENT_LIMIT } from '../../types/Message'; import type { ConversationAttributesType, MessageAttributesType, QuotedAttachment, QuotedMessageType, } from '../../model-types.d'; import { drop } from '../../util/drop'; import { explodePromise } from '../../util/explodePromise'; import { isDirectConversation, isGroupV2, isMe, } from '../../util/whatTypeOfConversation'; import { isConversationUnregistered } from '../../util/isConversationUnregistered'; import { uuidToBytes } from '../../util/uuidToBytes'; import { assertDev, strictAssert } from '../../util/assert'; import { getSafeLongFromTimestamp } from '../../util/timestampLongUtils'; import { MINUTE, SECOND, DurationInSeconds } from '../../util/durations'; import { PhoneNumberDiscoverability, parsePhoneNumberDiscoverability, } from '../../util/phoneNumberDiscoverability'; import { PhoneNumberSharingMode, parsePhoneNumberSharingMode, } from '../../util/phoneNumberSharingMode'; import { missingCaseError } from '../../util/missingCaseError'; import { isNormalBubble } from '../../state/selectors/message'; import * as Bytes from '../../Bytes'; import { canBeSynced as canPreferredReactionEmojiBeSynced } from '../../reactions/preferredReactionEmoji'; import { SendStatus } from '../../messages/MessageSendState'; import { BACKUP_VERSION } from './constants'; const MAX_CONCURRENCY = 10; // We want a very generous timeout to make sure that we always resume write // access to the database. const FLUSH_TIMEOUT = 30 * MINUTE; // Threshold for reporting slow flushes const REPORTING_THRESHOLD = SECOND; type GetRecipientIdOptionsType = | Readonly<{ serviceId: ServiceIdString; id?: string; e164?: string; }> | Readonly<{ serviceId?: ServiceIdString; id: string; e164?: string; }> | Readonly<{ serviceId?: ServiceIdString; id?: string; e164: string; }>; export class BackupExportStream extends Readable { private readonly convoIdToRecipientId = new Map(); private buffers = new Array(); private nextRecipientId = 0; private flushResolve: (() => void) | undefined; public run(): void { drop( (async () => { log.info('BackupExportStream: starting...'); await Data.pauseWriteAccess(); try { await this.unsafeRun(); } catch (error) { this.emit('error', error); } finally { await Data.resumeWriteAccess(); log.info('BackupExportStream: finished'); } })() ); } private async unsafeRun(): Promise { this.push( Backups.BackupInfo.encodeDelimited({ version: Long.fromNumber(BACKUP_VERSION), backupTimeMs: getSafeLongFromTimestamp(Date.now()), }).finish() ); this.pushFrame({ account: await this.toAccountData(), }); await this.flush(); const stats = { conversations: 0, chats: 0, distributionLists: 0, messages: 0, skippedMessages: 0, }; for (const { attributes } of window.ConversationController.getAll()) { const recipientId = this.getRecipientId({ id: attributes.id, serviceId: attributes.serviceId, e164: attributes.e164, }); const recipient = this.toRecipient(recipientId, attributes); if (recipient === undefined) { // Can't be backed up. continue; } this.pushFrame({ recipient, }); // eslint-disable-next-line no-await-in-loop await this.flush(); stats.conversations += 1; } const distributionLists = await Data.getAllStoryDistributionsWithMembers(); for (const list of distributionLists) { const { PrivacyMode } = Backups.DistributionList; let privacyMode: Backups.DistributionList.PrivacyMode; if (list.id === MY_STORY_ID) { if (list.isBlockList) { if (!list.members.length) { privacyMode = PrivacyMode.ALL; } else { privacyMode = PrivacyMode.ALL_EXCEPT; } } else { privacyMode = PrivacyMode.ONLY_WITH; } } else { privacyMode = PrivacyMode.ONLY_WITH; } this.pushFrame({ recipient: { id: this.getDistributionListRecipientId(), distributionList: { name: list.name, distributionId: uuidToBytes(list.id), allowReplies: list.allowsReplies, deletionTimestamp: list.deletedAtTimestamp ? Long.fromNumber(list.deletedAtTimestamp) : null, privacyMode, memberRecipientIds: list.members.map(serviceId => this.getOrPushPrivateRecipient({ serviceId }) ), }, }, }); // eslint-disable-next-line no-await-in-loop await this.flush(); stats.distributionLists += 1; } for (const { attributes } of window.ConversationController.getAll()) { const recipientId = this.getRecipientId(attributes); this.pushFrame({ chat: { // We don't have to use separate identifiers id: recipientId, recipientId, archived: attributes.isArchived === true, pinnedOrder: attributes.isPinned === true ? 1 : null, expirationTimerMs: attributes.expireTimer != null ? Long.fromNumber( DurationInSeconds.toMillis(attributes.expireTimer) ) : null, muteUntilMs: getSafeLongFromTimestamp(attributes.muteExpiresAt), markedUnread: attributes.markedUnread === true, dontNotifyForMentionsIfMuted: attributes.dontNotifyForMentionsIfMuted === true, }, }); // eslint-disable-next-line no-await-in-loop await this.flush(); stats.chats += 1; } let cursor: PageMessagesCursorType | undefined; try { while (!cursor?.done) { // eslint-disable-next-line no-await-in-loop const { messages, cursor: newCursor } = await Data.pageMessages(cursor); // eslint-disable-next-line no-await-in-loop const items = await pMap( messages, message => this.toChatItem(message), { concurrency: MAX_CONCURRENCY } ); for (const chatItem of items) { if (chatItem === undefined) { stats.skippedMessages += 1; // Can't be backed up. continue; } this.pushFrame({ chatItem, }); // eslint-disable-next-line no-await-in-loop await this.flush(); stats.messages += 1; } cursor = newCursor; } } finally { if (cursor !== undefined) { await Data.finishPageMessages(cursor); } } await this.flush(); log.warn('backups: final stats', stats); this.push(null); } private pushBuffer(buffer: Uint8Array): void { this.buffers.push(buffer); } private pushFrame(frame: Backups.IFrame): void { this.pushBuffer(Backups.Frame.encodeDelimited(frame).finish()); } private async flush(): Promise { const chunk = Bytes.concatenate(this.buffers); this.buffers = []; // Below watermark, no pausing required if (this.push(chunk)) { return; } const { promise, resolve } = explodePromise(); strictAssert(this.flushResolve === undefined, 'flush already pending'); this.flushResolve = resolve; const start = Date.now(); log.info('backups: flush paused due to pushback'); try { await pTimeout(promise, FLUSH_TIMEOUT); } finally { const duration = Date.now() - start; if (duration > REPORTING_THRESHOLD) { log.info(`backups: flush resumed after ${duration}ms`); } this.flushResolve = undefined; } } override _read(): void { this.flushResolve?.(); } private async toAccountData(): Promise { const { storage } = window; const me = window.ConversationController.getOurConversationOrThrow(); const rawPreferredReactionEmoji = window.storage.get( 'preferredReactionEmoji' ); let preferredReactionEmoji: Array | undefined; if (canPreferredReactionEmojiBeSynced(rawPreferredReactionEmoji)) { preferredReactionEmoji = rawPreferredReactionEmoji; } const PHONE_NUMBER_SHARING_MODE_ENUM = Backups.AccountData.PhoneNumberSharingMode; const rawPhoneNumberSharingMode = parsePhoneNumberSharingMode( storage.get('phoneNumberSharingMode') ); let phoneNumberSharingMode: Backups.AccountData.PhoneNumberSharingMode; switch (rawPhoneNumberSharingMode) { case PhoneNumberSharingMode.Everybody: phoneNumberSharingMode = PHONE_NUMBER_SHARING_MODE_ENUM.EVERYBODY; break; case PhoneNumberSharingMode.ContactsOnly: case PhoneNumberSharingMode.Nobody: phoneNumberSharingMode = PHONE_NUMBER_SHARING_MODE_ENUM.NOBODY; break; default: throw missingCaseError(rawPhoneNumberSharingMode); } return { profileKey: storage.get('profileKey'), username: me.get('username'), usernameLink: { ...(storage.get('usernameLink') ?? {}), // Same numeric value, no conversion needed color: storage.get('usernameLinkColor'), }, givenName: me.get('profileName'), familyName: me.get('profileFamilyName'), avatarUrlPath: storage.get('avatarUrl'), subscriberId: storage.get('subscriberId'), subscriberCurrencyCode: storage.get('subscriberCurrencyCode'), accountSettings: { readReceipts: storage.get('read-receipt-setting'), sealedSenderIndicators: storage.get('sealedSenderIndicators'), typingIndicators: window.Events.getTypingIndicatorSetting(), linkPreviews: window.Events.getLinkPreviewSetting(), notDiscoverableByPhoneNumber: parsePhoneNumberDiscoverability( storage.get('phoneNumberDiscoverability') ) === PhoneNumberDiscoverability.NotDiscoverable, preferContactAvatars: storage.get('preferContactAvatars'), universalExpireTimer: storage.get('universalExpireTimer'), preferredReactionEmoji, displayBadgesOnProfile: storage.get('displayBadgesOnProfile'), keepMutedChatsArchived: storage.get('keepMutedChatsArchived'), hasSetMyStoriesPrivacy: storage.get('hasSetMyStoriesPrivacy'), hasViewedOnboardingStory: storage.get('hasViewedOnboardingStory'), storiesDisabled: storage.get('hasStoriesDisabled'), storyViewReceiptsEnabled: storage.get('storyViewReceiptsEnabled'), hasCompletedUsernameOnboarding: storage.get( 'hasCompletedUsernameOnboarding' ), phoneNumberSharingMode, }, }; } private getRecipientIdentifier({ id, serviceId, e164, }: GetRecipientIdOptionsType): string { const identifier = serviceId ?? e164 ?? id; assertDev(identifier, 'Identifier cannot be blank'); return identifier; } private getRecipientId(options: GetRecipientIdOptionsType): Long { const identifier = this.getRecipientIdentifier(options); const existing = this.convoIdToRecipientId.get(identifier); if (existing !== undefined) { return Long.fromNumber(existing); } const { id, serviceId, e164 } = options; const recipientId = this.nextRecipientId; this.nextRecipientId += 1; if (id !== undefined) { this.convoIdToRecipientId.set(id, recipientId); } if (serviceId !== undefined) { this.convoIdToRecipientId.set(serviceId, recipientId); } if (e164 !== undefined) { this.convoIdToRecipientId.set(e164, recipientId); } const result = Long.fromNumber(recipientId); return result; } private getOrPushPrivateRecipient(options: GetRecipientIdOptionsType): Long { const identifier = this.getRecipientIdentifier(options); const needsPush = !this.convoIdToRecipientId.has(identifier); const result = this.getRecipientId(options); if (needsPush) { const { serviceId, e164 } = options; this.pushFrame({ recipient: this.toRecipient(result, { type: 'private', serviceId, e164, }), }); } return result; } private getDistributionListRecipientId(): Long { const recipientId = this.nextRecipientId; this.nextRecipientId += 1; return Long.fromNumber(recipientId); } private toRecipient( recipientId: Long, convo: Omit ): Backups.IRecipient | undefined { const res: Backups.IRecipient = { id: recipientId, }; if (isMe(convo)) { res.self = {}; } else if (isDirectConversation(convo)) { const { Registered } = Backups.Contact; res.contact = { aci: convo.serviceId && convo.serviceId !== convo.pni ? Aci.parseFromServiceIdString(convo.serviceId).getRawUuidBytes() : null, pni: convo.pni ? Pni.parseFromServiceIdString(convo.pni).getRawUuidBytes() : null, username: convo.username, e164: convo.e164 ? Long.fromString(convo.e164) : null, blocked: convo.serviceId ? window.storage.blocked.isServiceIdBlocked(convo.serviceId) : null, hidden: convo.removalStage !== undefined, registered: isConversationUnregistered(convo) ? Registered.NOT_REGISTERED : Registered.REGISTERED, unregisteredTimestamp: convo.firstUnregisteredAt ? Long.fromNumber(convo.firstUnregisteredAt) : null, profileKey: convo.profileKey ? Bytes.fromBase64(convo.profileKey) : null, profileSharing: convo.profileSharing, profileGivenName: convo.profileName, profileFamilyName: convo.profileFamilyName, hideStory: convo.hideStory === true, }; } else if (isGroupV2(convo) && convo.masterKey) { let storySendMode: Backups.Group.StorySendMode; switch (convo.storySendMode) { case StorySendMode.Always: storySendMode = Backups.Group.StorySendMode.ENABLED; break; case StorySendMode.Never: storySendMode = Backups.Group.StorySendMode.DISABLED; break; default: storySendMode = Backups.Group.StorySendMode.DEFAULT; break; } res.group = { masterKey: Bytes.fromBase64(convo.masterKey), whitelisted: convo.profileSharing, hideStory: convo.hideStory === true, storySendMode, }; } else { return undefined; } return res; } private async toChatItem( message: MessageAttributesType ): Promise { if (!isNormalBubble(message)) { return undefined; } const chatId = this.getRecipientId({ id: message.conversationId }); if (chatId === undefined) { log.warn('backups: message chat not found'); return undefined; } let authorId: Long; const isOutgoing = message.type === 'outgoing'; if (isOutgoing) { const ourAci = window.storage.user.getCheckedAci(); authorId = this.getOrPushPrivateRecipient({ serviceId: ourAci, }); // Pacify typescript } else if (message.sourceServiceId) { authorId = this.getOrPushPrivateRecipient({ serviceId: message.sourceServiceId, e164: message.source, }); } else if (message.source) { authorId = this.getOrPushPrivateRecipient({ serviceId: message.sourceServiceId, e164: message.source, }); } else { return undefined; } const result: Backups.IChatItem = { chatId, authorId, dateSent: getSafeLongFromTimestamp(message.sent_at), expireStartDate: message.expirationStartTimestamp != null ? getSafeLongFromTimestamp(message.expirationStartTimestamp) : null, expiresInMs: message.expireTimer != null ? Long.fromNumber(DurationInSeconds.toMillis(message.expireTimer)) : null, revisions: [], sms: false, standardMessage: { quote: await this.toQuote(message.quote), text: { // Note that we store full text on the message model so we have to // trim it before serializing. body: message.body?.slice(0, LONG_ATTACHMENT_LIMIT), bodyRanges: message.bodyRanges?.map(range => this.toBodyRange(range)), }, linkPreview: message.preview?.map(preview => { return { url: preview.url, title: preview.title, description: preview.description, date: getSafeLongFromTimestamp(preview.date), }; }), reactions: message.reactions?.map(reaction => { return { emoji: reaction.emoji, authorId: this.getOrPushPrivateRecipient({ id: reaction.fromId, }), sentTimestamp: getSafeLongFromTimestamp(reaction.timestamp), receivedTimestamp: getSafeLongFromTimestamp( reaction.receivedAtDate ?? reaction.timestamp ), }; }), }, }; if (isOutgoing) { const BackupSendStatus = Backups.SendStatus.Status; const sendStatus = new Array(); const { sendStateByConversationId = {} } = message; for (const [id, entry] of Object.entries(sendStateByConversationId)) { const target = window.ConversationController.get(id); strictAssert(target != null, 'Send target not found'); let deliveryStatus: Backups.SendStatus.Status; switch (entry.status) { case SendStatus.Pending: deliveryStatus = BackupSendStatus.PENDING; break; case SendStatus.Sent: deliveryStatus = BackupSendStatus.SENT; break; case SendStatus.Delivered: deliveryStatus = BackupSendStatus.DELIVERED; break; case SendStatus.Read: deliveryStatus = BackupSendStatus.READ; break; case SendStatus.Viewed: deliveryStatus = BackupSendStatus.VIEWED; break; case SendStatus.Failed: deliveryStatus = BackupSendStatus.FAILED; break; default: throw missingCaseError(entry.status); } sendStatus.push({ recipientId: this.getOrPushPrivateRecipient(target.attributes), lastStatusUpdateTimestamp: entry.updatedAt != null ? getSafeLongFromTimestamp(entry.updatedAt) : null, deliveryStatus, }); } result.outgoing = { sendStatus, }; } else { result.incoming = { dateReceived: message.received_at_ms != null ? getSafeLongFromTimestamp(message.received_at_ms) : null, dateServerSent: message.serverTimestamp != null ? getSafeLongFromTimestamp(message.serverTimestamp) : null, read: Boolean(message.readAt), }; } return result; } private async toQuote( quote?: QuotedMessageType ): Promise { if (!quote) { return null; } const quotedMessage = await Data.getMessageById(quote.messageId); let authorId: Long; if (quote.authorAci) { authorId = this.getOrPushPrivateRecipient({ serviceId: quote.authorAci, e164: quote.author, }); } else if (quote.author) { authorId = this.getOrPushPrivateRecipient({ serviceId: quote.authorAci, e164: quote.author, }); } else { log.warn('backups: quote has no author id'); return null; } return { targetSentTimestamp: quotedMessage && !quote.referencedMessageNotFound ? Long.fromNumber(quotedMessage.sent_at) : null, authorId, text: quote.text, attachments: quote.attachments.map((attachment: QuotedAttachment) => { return { contentType: attachment.contentType, fileName: attachment.fileName, thumbnail: null, }; }), bodyRanges: quote.bodyRanges?.map(range => this.toBodyRange(range)), type: quote.isGiftBadge ? Backups.Quote.Type.GIFTBADGE : Backups.Quote.Type.NORMAL, }; } private toBodyRange(range: RawBodyRange): Backups.IBodyRange { return { start: range.start, length: range.length, ...('mentionAci' in range ? { mentionAci: Aci.parseFromServiceIdString( range.mentionAci ).getRawUuidBytes(), } : { // Numeric values are compatible between backup and message protos style: range.style, }), }; } }