// Copyright 2022 Signal Messenger, LLC // SPDX-License-Identifier: AGPL-3.0-only import type { Session, DesktopCapturerSource, IpcMainEvent } from 'electron'; import { desktopCapturer, ipcMain, systemPreferences } from 'electron'; import { v4 as generateUuid } from 'uuid'; import OS from '../ts/util/os/osMain'; import type { LoggerType } from '../ts/types/Logging'; import { strictAssert } from '../ts/util/assert'; import { type IpcResponseType } from '../ts/util/desktopCapturer'; const SPELL_CHECKER_DICTIONARY_DOWNLOAD_URL = `https://updates.signal.org/desktop/hunspell_dictionaries/${process.versions.electron}/`; export function updateDefaultSession( session: Session, getLogger: () => LoggerType ): void { session.setSpellCheckerDictionaryDownloadURL( SPELL_CHECKER_DICTIONARY_DOWNLOAD_URL ); session.setDisplayMediaRequestHandler( async (request, callback) => { const { frame, videoRequested, audioRequested } = request; try { strictAssert(videoRequested, 'Not requesting video'); strictAssert(!audioRequested, 'Requesting audio'); // macOS: if screen sharing is actively denied, Sonoma will crash // when we try to get the sources. if ( OS.isMacOS() && systemPreferences.getMediaAccessStatus('screen') === 'denied' ) { callback({}); return; } const sources = await desktopCapturer.getSources({ fetchWindowIcons: true, thumbnailSize: { height: 102, width: 184 }, types: ['screen', 'window'], }); // Wayland already shows a window/screen selection modal so we just // have to go with the source that we were given. if (OS.isLinux() && OS.isWaylandEnabled() && sources.length === 1) { callback({ video: sources[0] }); return; } const id = generateUuid(); ipcMain.once( `select-capture-sources:${id}:response`, (_event: IpcMainEvent, stream: DesktopCapturerSource | undefined) => { try { callback({ video: stream }); } catch { // Don't let Electron errors crash the app } } ); frame?.send('select-capture-sources', { id, sources, } satisfies IpcResponseType); } catch (error) { try { callback({}); } catch { // Electron throws error here, but this is the only way to cancel the // request. } getLogger().error('Failed to get desktopCapturer sources', error); } }, { useSystemPicker: false } ); }