// Derived from Chromium WebRTC Internals Dashboard - see Acknowledgements for full license details import {$} from './util.js'; const MAX_NUMBER_OF_STATE_CHANGES_DISPLAYED = 10; const MAX_NUMBER_OF_EXPANDED_MEDIASECTIONS = 10; /** * The data of a peer connection update. * @param {number} pid The id of the renderer. * @param {number} lid The id of the peer conneciton inside a renderer. * @param {string} type The type of the update. * @param {string} value The details of the update. */ class PeerConnectionUpdateEntry { constructor(pid, lid, type, value) { /** * @type {number} */ this.pid = pid; /** * @type {number} */ this.lid = lid; /** * @type {string} */ this.type = type; /** * @type {string} */ this.value = value; } } /** * Maintains the peer connection update log table. */ export class PeerConnectionUpdateTable { constructor() { /** * @type {string} * @const * @private */ this.UPDATE_LOG_ID_SUFFIX_ = '-update-log'; /** * @type {string} * @const * @private */ this.UPDATE_LOG_CONTAINER_CLASS_ = 'update-log-container'; /** * @type {string} * @const * @private */ this.UPDATE_LOG_TABLE_CLASS = 'update-log-table'; } /** * Adds the update to the update table as a new row. The type of the update * is set to the summary of the cell; clicking the cell will reveal or hide * the details as the content of a TextArea element. * * @param {!Element} peerConnectionElement The root element. * @param {!PeerConnectionUpdateEntry} update The update to add. */ addPeerConnectionUpdate(peerConnectionElement, update) { const tableElement = this.ensureUpdateContainer_(peerConnectionElement); const row = document.createElement('tr'); tableElement.firstChild.appendChild(row); const time = new Date(parseFloat(update.time)); const timeItem = document.createElement('td'); timeItem.textContent = time.toLocaleString(); row.appendChild(timeItem); // `type` is a display variant of update.type which does not get serialized // into the JSON dump. let type = update.type; if (update.value.length === 0) { const typeItem = document.createElement('td'); typeItem.textContent = type; row.appendChild(typeItem); return; } if (update.type === 'icecandidate' || update.type === 'addIceCandidate') { const parts = update.value.split(', '); type += '(' + parts[0] + ', ' + parts[1]; // show sdpMid/sdpMLineIndex. const candidateParts = parts[2].substr(11).split(' '); if (candidateParts && candidateParts[7]) { // show candidate type. type += ', type: ' + candidateParts[7]; } type += ')'; } else if ( update.type === 'createOfferOnSuccess' || update.type === 'createAnswerOnSuccess') { this.setLastOfferAnswer_(tableElement, update); } else if (update.type === 'setLocalDescription') { const lastOfferAnswer = this.getLastOfferAnswer_(tableElement); if (update.value.startsWith('type: rollback')) { this.setLastOfferAnswer_(tableElement, {value: undefined}) } else if (lastOfferAnswer && update.value !== lastOfferAnswer) { type += ' (munged)'; } } else if (update.type === 'setConfiguration') { // Update the configuration that is displayed at the top. peerConnectionElement.firstChild.children[2].textContent = update.value; } else if (['transceiverAdded', 'transceiverModified'].includes(update.type)) { // Show the transceiver index. const indexLine = update.value.split('\n', 3)[2]; if (indexLine.startsWith('getTransceivers()[')) { type += ' ' + indexLine.substring(17, indexLine.length - 2); } const kindLine = update.value.split('\n', 5)[4].trim(); if (kindLine.startsWith('kind:')) { type += ', ' + kindLine.substring(6, kindLine.length - 2); } } else if (['iceconnectionstatechange', 'connectionstatechange', 'signalingstatechange'].includes(update.type)) { const fieldName = { 'iceconnectionstatechange' : 'iceconnectionstate', 'connectionstatechange' : 'connectionstate', 'signalingstatechange' : 'signalingstate', }[update.type]; const el = peerConnectionElement.getElementsByClassName(fieldName)[0]; const numberOfEvents = el.textContent.split(' => ').length; if (numberOfEvents < MAX_NUMBER_OF_STATE_CHANGES_DISPLAYED) { el.textContent += ' => ' + update.value; } else if (numberOfEvents >= MAX_NUMBER_OF_STATE_CHANGES_DISPLAYED) { el.textContent += ' => ...'; } } const summaryItem = $('summary-template').content.cloneNode(true); const summary = summaryItem.querySelector('summary'); summary.textContent = type; row.appendChild(summaryItem); const valueContainer = document.createElement('pre'); const details = row.cells[1].childNodes[0]; details.appendChild(valueContainer); // Highlight ICE/DTLS failures and failure callbacks. if ((update.type === 'iceconnectionstatechange' && update.value === 'failed') || (update.type === 'connectionstatechange' && update.value === 'failed') || update.type.indexOf('OnFailure') !== -1 || update.type === 'addIceCandidateFailed') { valueContainer.parentElement.classList.add('update-log-failure'); } // RTCSessionDescription is serialized as 'type: <type>, sdp:' if (update.value.indexOf(', sdp:') !== -1) { const [type, sdp] = update.value.substr(6).split(', sdp: '); if (type === 'rollback') { // Rollback has no SDP. summary.textContent += ' (type: "rollback")'; } else { // Create a copy-to-clipboard button. const copyBtn = document.createElement('button'); copyBtn.textContent = 'Copy description to clipboard'; copyBtn.onclick = () => { navigator.clipboard.writeText(JSON.stringify({type, sdp})); }; valueContainer.appendChild(copyBtn); // Fold the SDP sections. const sections = sdp.split('\nm=') .map((part, index) => (index > 0 ? 'm=' + part : part).trim() + '\r\n'); summary.textContent += ' (type: "' + type + '", ' + sections.length + ' sections)'; sections.forEach(section => { const lines = section.trim().split('\n'); // Extract the mid attribute. const mid = lines .filter(line => line.startsWith('a=mid:')) .map(line => line.substr(6))[0]; const sectionDetails = document.createElement('details'); // Fold by default for large SDP. sectionDetails.open = sections.length <= MAX_NUMBER_OF_EXPANDED_MEDIASECTIONS; sectionDetails.textContent = lines.slice(1).join('\n'); const sectionSummary = document.createElement('summary'); sectionSummary.textContent = lines[0].trim() + ' (' + (lines.length - 1) + ' more lines)' + (mid ? ' mid=' + mid : ''); sectionDetails.appendChild(sectionSummary); valueContainer.appendChild(sectionDetails); }); } } else { valueContainer.textContent = update.value; } } /** * Makes sure the update log table of the peer connection is created. * * @param {!Element} peerConnectionElement The root element. * @return {!Element} The log table element. * @private */ ensureUpdateContainer_(peerConnectionElement) { const tableId = peerConnectionElement.id + this.UPDATE_LOG_ID_SUFFIX_; // Disable getElementById restriction here, since |tableId| is not always // a valid selector. // eslint-disable-next-line no-restricted-properties let tableElement = document.getElementById(tableId); if (!tableElement) { const tableContainer = document.createElement('div'); tableContainer.className = this.UPDATE_LOG_CONTAINER_CLASS_; peerConnectionElement.appendChild(tableContainer); tableElement = document.createElement('table'); tableElement.className = this.UPDATE_LOG_TABLE_CLASS; tableElement.id = tableId; tableElement.border = 1; tableContainer.appendChild(tableElement); tableElement.appendChild( $('time-event-template').content.cloneNode(true)); } return tableElement; } /** * Store the last createOfferOnSuccess/createAnswerOnSuccess to compare to * setLocalDescription and visualize SDP munging. * * @param {!Element} tableElement The peerconnection update element. * @param {!PeerConnectionUpdateEntry} update The update to add. * @private */ setLastOfferAnswer_(tableElement, update) { tableElement['data-lastofferanswer'] = update.value; } /** * Retrieves the last createOfferOnSuccess/createAnswerOnSuccess to compare * to setLocalDescription and visualize SDP munging. * * @param {!Element} tableElement The peerconnection update element. * @private */ getLastOfferAnswer_(tableElement) { return tableElement['data-lastofferanswer']; } }