import { last, sortBy } from 'lodash'; import { AuthCredentialResponse } from 'zkgroup'; import { base64ToCompatArray, compatArrayToBase64, getClientZkAuthOperations, } from '../util/zkgroup'; import { GroupCredentialType } from '../textsecure/WebAPI'; export const GROUP_CREDENTIALS_KEY = 'groupCredentials'; type CredentialsDataType = Array; type RequestDatesType = { startDay: number; endDay: number; }; type NextCredentialsType = { today: GroupCredentialType; tomorrow: GroupCredentialType; }; const SECOND = 1000; const MINUTE = 60 * SECOND; const HOUR = 60 * MINUTE; const DAY = 24 * HOUR; function getTodayInEpoch() { return Math.floor( / DAY); } async function sleep(ms: number) { // tslint:disable-next-line no-string-based-set-timeout return new Promise(resolve => setTimeout(resolve, ms)); } let started = false; export async function initializeGroupCredentialFetcher(): Promise { if (started) { return; }'initializeGroupCredentialFetcher: starting...'); started = true; // Because we fetch eight days of credentials at a time, we really only need to run // this about once a week. But there's no problem running it more often; it will do // nothing if no new credentials are needed, and will only request needed credentials. await runWithRetry(maybeFetchNewCredentials, { scheduleAnother: 4 * HOUR }); } type BackoffType = { [key: number]: number | undefined; max: number; }; const BACKOFF: BackoffType = { 0: SECOND, 1: 5 * SECOND, 2: 30 * SECOND, 3: 2 * MINUTE, max: 5 * MINUTE, }; export async function runWithRetry( fn: () => Promise, options: { scheduleAnother?: number } = {} ): Promise { let count = 0; // eslint-disable-next-line no-constant-condition while (true) { try { count += 1; // eslint-disable-next-line no-await-in-loop await fn(); return; } catch (error) { const wait = BACKOFF[count] || BACKOFF.max; `runWithRetry: ${} failed. Waiting ${wait}ms for retry. Error: ${error.stack}` ); // eslint-disable-next-line no-await-in-loop await sleep(wait); } } // It's important to schedule our next run here instead of the level above; otherwise we // could end up with multiple endlessly-retrying runs. const duration = options.scheduleAnother; if (duration) { `runWithRetry: scheduling another run with a setTimeout duration of ${duration}ms` ); setTimeout(async () => runWithRetry(fn, options), duration); } } // In cases where we are at a day boundary, we might need to use tomorrow in a retry export function getCredentialsForToday( data: CredentialsDataType | undefined ): NextCredentialsType { if (!data) { throw new Error('getCredentialsForToday: No credentials fetched!'); } const todayInEpoch = getTodayInEpoch(); const todayIndex = data.findIndex( (item: GroupCredentialType) => item.redemptionTime === todayInEpoch ); if (todayIndex < 0) { throw new Error( 'getCredentialsForToday: Cannot find credentials for today' ); } return { today: data[todayIndex], tomorrow: data[todayIndex + 1], }; } export async function maybeFetchNewCredentials(): Promise { const uuid =; if (!uuid) {'maybeFetchCredentials: no UUID, returning early'); return; } const previous: CredentialsDataType | undefined = GROUP_CREDENTIALS_KEY ); const requestDates = getDatesForRequest(previous); if (!requestDates) {'maybeFetchCredentials: no new credentials needed'); return; } const accountManager = window.getAccountManager(); if (!accountManager) {'maybeFetchCredentials: unable to get AccountManager'); return; } const { startDay, endDay } = requestDates; `maybeFetchCredentials: fetching credentials for ${startDay} through ${endDay}` ); const serverPublicParamsBase64 = window.getServerPublicParams(); const clientZKAuthOperations = getClientZkAuthOperations( serverPublicParamsBase64 ); const newCredentials = sortCredentials( await accountManager.getGroupCredentials(startDay, endDay) ).map((item: GroupCredentialType) => { const authCredential = clientZKAuthOperations.receiveAuthCredential( uuid, item.redemptionTime, new AuthCredentialResponse(base64ToCompatArray(item.credential)) ); const credential = compatArrayToBase64(authCredential.serialize()); return { redemptionTime: item.redemptionTime, credential, }; }); const todayInEpoch = getTodayInEpoch(); const previousCleaned = previous ? previous.filter( (item: GroupCredentialType) => item.redemptionTime >= todayInEpoch ) : []; const finalCredentials = [...previousCleaned, ...newCredentials];'maybeFetchCredentials: Saving new credentials...'); // Note: we don't wait for this to finish, finalCredentials);'maybeFetchCredentials: Save complete.'); } export function getDatesForRequest( data?: CredentialsDataType ): RequestDatesType | undefined { const todayInEpoch = getTodayInEpoch(); const oneWeekOut = todayInEpoch + 7; const lastCredential = last(data); if (!lastCredential || lastCredential.redemptionTime < todayInEpoch) { return { startDay: todayInEpoch, endDay: oneWeekOut, }; } if (lastCredential.redemptionTime >= oneWeekOut) { return undefined; } return { startDay: lastCredential.redemptionTime + 1, endDay: oneWeekOut, }; } export function sortCredentials( data: CredentialsDataType ): CredentialsDataType { return sortBy(data, (item: GroupCredentialType) => item.redemptionTime); }