/* * vim: ts=4:sw=4:expandtab */ (function () { 'use strict'; window.Whisper = window.Whisper || {}; Whisper.ExpiredToast = Whisper.ToastView.extend({ render_attributes: function() { return { toastMessage: i18n('expiredWarning') }; } }); Whisper.BlockedToast = Whisper.ToastView.extend({ render_attributes: function() { return { toastMessage: i18n('unblockToSend') }; } }); Whisper.LeftGroupToast = Whisper.ToastView.extend({ render_attributes: function() { return { toastMessage: i18n('youLeftTheGroup') }; } }); var MenuView = Whisper.View.extend({ toggleMenu: function() { this.$('.menu-list').toggle(); } }); var TimerMenuView = MenuView.extend({ initialize: function() { this.render(); this.listenTo(this.model, 'change:expireTimer', this.render); }, events: { 'click button': 'toggleMenu', 'click li': 'setTimer' }, setTimer: function(e) { var seconds = this.$(e.target).data().seconds; if (seconds > 0) { this.model.updateExpirationTimer(seconds); } else { this.model.updateExpirationTimer(null); } }, render: function() { var seconds = this.model.get('expireTimer'); if (seconds) { var s = Whisper.ExpirationTimerOptions.getAbbreviated(seconds); this.$el.attr('data-time', s); this.$el.show(); } else { this.$el.attr('data-time', null); this.$el.hide(); } } }); Whisper.ConversationLoadingScreen = Whisper.View.extend({ templateName: 'conversation-loading-screen', className: 'conversation-loading-screen' }); Whisper.ConversationTitleView = Whisper.View.extend({ templateName: 'conversation-title', initialize: function() { this.listenTo(this.model, 'change', this.render); }, render_attributes: function() { return { isVerified: this.model.isVerified(), verified: i18n('verified'), name: this.model.getName(), number: this.model.getNumber(), profileName: this.model.getProfileName() }; } }); Whisper.ConversationView = Whisper.View.extend({ className: function() { return [ 'conversation', this.model.get('type') ].join(' '); }, id: function() { return 'conversation-' + this.model.cid; }, template: $('#conversation').html(), render_attributes: function() { return { group: this.model.get('type') === 'group', isMe: this.model.isMe(), avatar: this.model.getAvatar(), expireTimer: this.model.get('expireTimer'), 'show-members' : i18n('showMembers'), 'end-session' : i18n('resetSession'), 'show-identity' : i18n('showSafetyNumber'), 'destroy' : i18n('deleteMessages'), 'send-message' : i18n('sendMessage'), 'disappearing-messages': i18n('disappearingMessages'), 'android-length-warning': i18n('androidMessageLengthWarning'), timer_options : Whisper.ExpirationTimerOptions.models }; }, initialize: function(options) { this.listenTo(this.model, 'destroy', this.stopListening); this.listenTo(this.model, 'change:verified', this.onVerifiedChange); this.listenTo(this.model, 'change:color', this.updateColor); this.listenTo(this.model, 'change:avatar change:profileAvatar', this.updateAvatar); this.listenTo(this.model, 'newmessage', this.addMessage); this.listenTo(this.model, 'delivered', this.updateMessage); this.listenTo(this.model, 'read', this.updateMessage); this.listenTo(this.model, 'opened', this.onOpened); this.listenTo(this.model, 'expired', this.onExpired); this.listenTo(this.model, 'prune', this.onPrune); this.listenTo(this.model.messageCollection, 'expired', this.onExpiredCollection); this.lazyUpdateVerified = _.debounce( this.model.updateVerified.bind(this.model), 1000 // one second ); this.throttledGetProfiles = _.throttle( this.model.getProfiles.bind(this.model), 1000 * 60 * 5 // five minutes ); this.render(); this.loadingScreen = new Whisper.ConversationLoadingScreen(); this.loadingScreen.render(); this.loadingScreen.$el.prependTo(this.el); this.timerMenu = new TimerMenuView({ el: this.$('.timer-menu'), model: this.model }); emoji_util.parse(this.$('.conversation-name')); this.window = options.window; this.fileInput = new Whisper.FileInputView({ el: this.$('form.send'), window: this.window }); this.titleView = new Whisper.ConversationTitleView({ el: this.$('.conversation-title'), model: this.model }); this.titleView.render(); this.view = new Whisper.MessageListView({ collection: this.model.messageCollection, window: this.window }); this.$('.discussion-container').append(this.view.el); this.view.render(); this.$messageField = this.$('.send-message'); this.onResize = this.forceUpdateMessageFieldSize.bind(this); this.window.addEventListener('resize', this.onResize); this.onFocus = function() { if (this.$el.css('display') !== 'none') { this.markRead(); } }.bind(this); this.window.addEventListener('focus', this.onFocus); extension.windows.onClosed(function () { this.unload('windows closed'); }.bind(this)); this.fetchMessages(); this.$('.send-message').focus(this.focusBottomBar.bind(this)); this.$('.send-message').blur(this.unfocusBottomBar.bind(this)); this.$emojiPanelContainer = this.$('.emoji-panel-container'); }, events: { 'submit .send': 'checkUnverifiedSendMessage', 'input .send-message': 'updateMessageFieldSize', 'keydown .send-message': 'updateMessageFieldSize', 'click .destroy': 'destroyMessages', 'click .end-session': 'endSession', 'click .leave-group': 'leaveGroup', 'click .update-group': 'newGroupUpdate', 'click .show-identity': 'showSafetyNumber', 'click .show-members': 'showMembers', 'click .conversation-menu .hamburger': 'toggleMenu', 'click' : 'onClick', 'click .bottom-bar': 'focusMessageField', 'click .back': 'resetPanel', 'click .microphone': 'captureAudio', 'click .disappearing-messages': 'enableDisappearingMessages', 'click .scroll-down-button-view': 'scrollToBottom', 'click button.emoji': 'toggleEmojiPanel', 'focus .send-message': 'focusBottomBar', 'change .file-input': 'toggleMicrophone', 'blur .send-message': 'unfocusBottomBar', 'loadMore .message-list': 'loadMoreMessages', 'newOffscreenMessage .message-list': 'addScrollDownButtonWithCount', 'atBottom .message-list': 'removeScrollDownButton', 'farFromBottom .message-list': 'addScrollDownButton', 'lazyScroll .message-list': 'onLazyScroll', 'close .menu': 'closeMenu', 'select .message-list .entry': 'messageDetail', 'force-resize': 'forceUpdateMessageFieldSize', 'show-identity': 'showSafetyNumber', 'dragover': 'sendToFileInput', 'drop': 'sendToFileInput', 'dragleave': 'sendToFileInput' }, sendToFileInput: function(e) { if (e.originalEvent.dataTransfer.types[0] != 'Files') { return; } this.fileInput.$el.trigger(e); }, onPrune: function() { if (!this.model.messageCollection.length || !this.lastActivity) { return; } var oneHourAgo = Date.now() - 60 * 60 * 1000; if (this.isHidden() && this.lastActivity < oneHourAgo) { this.unload('inactivity'); } else if (this.view.atBottom()) { this.trim(); } }, unload: function(reason) { console.log( 'unloading conversation', this.model.idForLogging(), 'due to:', reason ); this.timerMenu.remove(); this.fileInput.remove(); this.titleView.remove(); if (this.captureAudioView) { this.captureAudioView.remove(); } if (this.banner) { this.banner.remove(); } if (this.lastSeenIndicator) { this.lastSeenIndicator.remove(); } if (this.scrollDownButton) { this.scrollDownButton.remove(); } if (this.panels && this.panels.length) { for (var i = 0, max = this.panels.length; i < max; i += 1) { var panel = this.panels[i]; panel.remove(); } } this.window.removeEventListener('resize', this.onResize); this.window.removeEventListener('focus', this.onFocus); window.autosize.destroy(this.$messageField); this.view.remove(); this.remove(); this.model.messageCollection.forEach(function(model) { model.trigger('unload'); }); this.model.messageCollection.reset([]); }, trim: function() { var MAX = 100; var toRemove = this.model.messageCollection.length - MAX; if (toRemove <= 0) { return; } var models = []; for (var i = 0; i < toRemove; i += 1) { var model = this.model.messageCollection.at(i); models.push(model); } if (!models.length) { return; } console.log( 'trimming conversation', this.model.idForLogging(), 'of', models.length, 'old messages' ); this.model.messageCollection.remove(models); _.forEach(models, function(model) { model.trigger('unload'); }); }, markAllAsVerifiedDefault: function(unverified) { return Promise.all(unverified.map(function(contact) { if (contact.isUnverified()) { return contact.setVerifiedDefault(); } }.bind(this))); }, markAllAsApproved: function(untrusted) { return Promise.all(untrusted.map(function(contact) { return contact.setApproved(); }.bind(this))); }, openSafetyNumberScreens: function(unverified) { if (unverified.length === 1) { this.showSafetyNumber(null, unverified.at(0)); return; } this.showMembers(null, unverified, {needVerify: true}); }, onVerifiedChange: function() { if (this.model.isUnverified()) { var unverified = this.model.getUnverified(); var message; if (!unverified.length) { return; } if (unverified.length > 1) { message = i18n('multipleNoLongerVerified'); } else { message = i18n('noLongerVerified', unverified.at(0).getTitle()); } // Need to re-add, since unverified set may have changed if (this.banner) { this.banner.remove(); this.banner = null; } this.banner = new Whisper.BannerView({ message: message, onDismiss: function() { this.markAllAsVerifiedDefault(unverified); }.bind(this), onClick: function() { this.openSafetyNumberScreens(unverified); }.bind(this) }); var container = this.$('.discussion-container'); container.append(this.banner.el); } else if (this.banner) { this.banner.remove(); this.banner = null; } }, enableDisappearingMessages: function() { if (!this.model.get('expireTimer')) { this.model.updateExpirationTimer( moment.duration(1, 'day').asSeconds() ); } }, toggleMicrophone: function() { if (this.$('.send-message').val().length > 0 || this.fileInput.hasFiles()) { this.$('.capture-audio').hide(); } else { this.$('.capture-audio').show(); } }, toggleLengthWarning: function() { if (this.$('.send-message').val().length > 2000) { this.$('.android-length-warning').show(); } else { this.$('.android-length-warning').hide(); } }, captureAudio: function(e) { e.preventDefault(); if (this.captureAudioView) { this.captureAudioView.remove(); this.captureAudioView = null; } var view = this.captureAudioView = new Whisper.RecorderView(); view.render(); view.on('send', this.handleAudioCapture.bind(this)); view.on('closed', this.endCaptureAudio.bind(this)); view.$el.appendTo(this.$('.capture-audio')); this.$('.send-message').attr('disabled','disabled'); this.$('.microphone').hide(); }, handleAudioCapture: function(blob) { this.fileInput.file = blob; this.fileInput.isVoiceNote = true; this.fileInput.previewImages(); this.$('.bottom-bar form').submit(); }, endCaptureAudio: function() { this.$('.send-message').removeAttr('disabled'); this.$('.microphone').show(); this.captureAudioView = null; }, unfocusBottomBar: function() { this.$('.bottom-bar form').removeClass('active'); }, focusBottomBar: function() { this.$('.bottom-bar form').addClass('active'); }, onLazyScroll: function() { // The in-progress fetch check is important, because while that happens, lots // of messages are added to the DOM, one by one, changing window size and // generating scroll events. if (!this.isHidden() && window.isFocused() && !this.inProgressFetch) { this.lastActivity = Date.now(); this.markRead(); } }, updateUnread: function() { this.resetLastSeenIndicator(); // Waiting for scrolling caused by resetLastSeenIndicator to settle down setTimeout(this.markRead.bind(this), 1); }, onLoaded: function () { var view = this.loadingScreen; if (view) { var openDelta = Date.now() - this.openStart; console.log( 'Conversation', this.model.idForLogging(), 'took', openDelta, 'milliseconds to load' ); this.loadingScreen = null; view.remove(); } }, onOpened: function() { this.openStart = Date.now(); this.lastActivity = Date.now(); this.statusFetch = this.throttledGetProfiles().then(function() { return this.model.updateVerified().then(function() { this.onVerifiedChange(); this.statusFetch = null; console.log('done with status fetch'); }.bind(this)); }.bind(this)); // We schedule our catch-up decrypt right after any in-progress fetch of // messages from the database, then ensure that the loading screen is only // dismissed when that is complete. var messagesLoaded = this.inProgressFetch || Promise.resolve(); messagesLoaded .then(this.model.decryptOldIncomingKeyErrors.bind(this)) .then(this.onLoaded.bind(this), this.onLoaded.bind(this)); this.view.resetScrollPosition(); this.$el.trigger('force-resize'); this.focusMessageField(); if (this.inProgressFetch) { this.inProgressFetch.then(this.updateUnread.bind(this)); } else { this.updateUnread(); } }, addScrollDownButtonWithCount: function() { this.updateScrollDownButton(1); }, addScrollDownButton: function() { if (!this.scrollDownButton) { this.updateScrollDownButton(); } }, updateScrollDownButton: function(count) { if (this.scrollDownButton) { this.scrollDownButton.increment(count); } else { this.scrollDownButton = new Whisper.ScrollDownButtonView({count: count}); this.scrollDownButton.render(); var container = this.$('.discussion-container'); container.append(this.scrollDownButton.el); } }, removeScrollDownButton: function() { if (this.scrollDownButton) { var button = this.scrollDownButton; this.scrollDownButton = null; button.remove(); } }, removeLastSeenIndicator: function() { if (this.lastSeenIndicator) { var indicator = this.lastSeenIndicator; this.lastSeenIndicator = null; indicator.remove(); } }, scrollToBottom: function() { // If we're above the last seen indicator, we should scroll there instead // Note: if we don't end up at the bottom of the conversation, button will not go away! if (this.lastSeenIndicator) { var location = this.lastSeenIndicator.$el.position().top; if (location > 0) { this.lastSeenIndicator.el.scrollIntoView(); return; } else { this.removeLastSeenIndicator(); } } this.view.scrollToBottom(); }, resetLastSeenIndicator: function(options) { options = options || {}; _.defaults(options, {scroll: true}); var unreadCount = 0; var oldestUnread = null; // We need to iterate here because unseen non-messages do not contribute to // the badge number, but should be reflected in the indicator's count. this.model.messageCollection.forEach(function(model) { if (!model.get('unread')) { return; } unreadCount += 1; if (!oldestUnread) { oldestUnread = model; } }); this.removeLastSeenIndicator(); if (oldestUnread) { this.lastSeenIndicator = new Whisper.LastSeenIndicatorView({count: unreadCount}); var lastSeenEl = this.lastSeenIndicator.render().$el; lastSeenEl.insertBefore(this.$('#' + oldestUnread.get('id'))); if (this.view.atBottom() || options.scroll) { lastSeenEl[0].scrollIntoView(); } // scrollIntoView is an async operation, but we have no way to listen for // completion of the resultant scroll. setTimeout(function() { if (!this.view.atBottom()) { this.addScrollDownButtonWithCount(unreadCount); } }.bind(this), 1); } }, focusMessageField: function() { this.$messageField.prop('disabled', false); this.$messageField.focus(); }, loadMoreMessages: function() { if (this.inProgressFetch) { return; } this.view.measureScrollPosition(); var startingHeight = this.view.scrollHeight; this.fetchMessages().then(function() { // We delay this work to let scrolling/layout settle down first setTimeout(function() { this.view.measureScrollPosition(); var endingHeight = this.view.scrollHeight; var delta = endingHeight - startingHeight; var newScrollPosition = this.view.scrollPosition + delta - this.view.outerHeight; this.view.$el.scrollTop(newScrollPosition); }.bind(this), 1); }.bind(this)); }, fetchMessages: function() { console.log('fetchMessages'); this.$('.bar-container').show(); if (this.inProgressFetch) { console.log('Multiple fetchMessage calls!'); } this.inProgressFetch = this.model.fetchContacts().then(function() { return this.model.fetchMessages().then(function() { this.$('.bar-container').hide(); this.model.messageCollection.where({unread: 1}).forEach(function(m) { m.fetch(); }); this.inProgressFetch = null; }.bind(this)); }.bind(this)).catch(function(error) { console.log('fetchMessages error:', error && error.stack ? error.stack : error); this.inProgressFetch = null; }.bind(this)); return this.inProgressFetch; }, onExpired: function(message) { var mine = this.model.messageCollection.get(message.id); if (mine && mine.cid !== message.cid) { mine.trigger('expired', mine); } }, onExpiredCollection: function(message) { console.log('removing message', message.get('sent_at'), 'from collection'); this.model.messageCollection.remove(message.id); }, addMessage: function(message) { // This is debounced, so it won't hit the database too often. this.lazyUpdateVerified(); this.model.messageCollection.add(message, {merge: true}); message.setToExpire(); if (message.isOutgoing()) { this.removeLastSeenIndicator(); } if (this.lastSeenIndicator) { this.lastSeenIndicator.increment(1); } if (!this.isHidden() && !window.isFocused()) { // The conversation is visible, but window is not focused if (!this.lastSeenIndicator) { this.resetLastSeenIndicator({scroll: false}); } else if (this.view.atBottom() && this.model.get('unreadCount') === this.lastSeenIndicator.getCount()) { // The count check ensures that the last seen indicator is still in // sync with the real number of unread, so we can scroll to it. // We only do this if we're at the bottom, because that signals that // the user is okay with us changing scroll around so they see the // right unseen message first. this.resetLastSeenIndicator({scroll: true}); } } else if (!this.isHidden() && window.isFocused()) { // The conversation is visible and in focus this.markRead(); // When we're scrolled up and we don't already have a last seen indicator // we add a new one. if (!this.view.atBottom() && !this.lastSeenIndicator) { this.resetLastSeenIndicator({scroll: false}); } } }, updateMessage: function(message) { this.model.messageCollection.add(message, {merge: true}); }, onClick: function(e) { // If there are sub-panels open, we don't want to respond to clicks if (!this.panels || !this.panels.length) { this.closeMenu(e); this.markRead(); } }, findNewestVisibleUnread: function() { var collection = this.model.messageCollection; var length = collection.length; var viewportBottom = this.view.outerHeight; var unreadCount = this.model.get('unreadCount') || 0; // Start with the most recent message, search backwards in time var foundUnread = 0; for (var i = length - 1; i >= 0; i -= 1) { // Search the latest 30, then stop if we believe we've covered all known // unread messages. The unread should be relatively recent. // Why? local notifications can be unread but won't be reflected the // conversation's unread count. if (i > 30 && foundUnread >= unreadCount) { return; } var message = collection.at(i); if (!message.get('unread')) { continue; } foundUnread += 1; var el = this.$('#' + message.id); var position = el.position(); var top = position.top; // We're fully below the viewport, continue searching up. if (top > viewportBottom) { continue; } // If the bottom fits on screen, we'll call it visible. Even if the // message is really tall. var height = el.height(); var bottom = top + height; if (bottom <= viewportBottom) { return message; } // Continue searching up. } }, markRead: function() { var unread; if (this.view.atBottom()) { unread = this.model.messageCollection.last(); } else { unread = this.findNewestVisibleUnread(); } if (unread) { this.model.markRead(unread.get('received_at')); } }, showMembers: function(e, members, options) { options = options || {}; _.defaults(options, {needVerify: false}); members = members || this.model.contactCollection; var view = new Whisper.GroupMemberList({ model: members, // we pass this in to allow nested panels listenBack: this.listenBack.bind(this), needVerify: options.needVerify }); this.listenBack(view); }, showSafetyNumber: function(e, model) { if (!model && this.model.isPrivate()) { model = this.model; } if (model) { var view = new Whisper.KeyVerificationPanelView({ model: model }); this.listenBack(view); } }, messageDetail: function(e, data) { var view = new Whisper.MessageDetailView({ model: data.message, conversation: this.model, // we pass these in to allow nested panels listenBack: this.listenBack.bind(this), resetPanel: this.resetPanel.bind(this) }); this.listenBack(view); view.render(); }, // not currently in use newGroupUpdate: function() { var view = new Whisper.NewGroupUpdateView({ model: this.model, window: this.window }); view.render(); this.listenBack(view); }, listenBack: function(view) { this.panels = this.panels || []; if (this.panels.length > 0) { this.panels[0].$el.hide(); } this.panels.unshift(view); if (this.panels.length === 1) { this.$('.main.panel, .header-buttons.right').hide(); this.$('.back').show(); } view.$el.insertBefore(this.$('.panel').first()); }, resetPanel: function() { var view = this.panels.shift(); if (this.panels.length > 0) { this.panels[0].$el.show(); } view.remove(); if (this.panels.length === 0) { this.$('.main.panel, .header-buttons.right').show(); this.$('.back').hide(); this.$el.trigger('force-resize'); } }, closeMenu: function(e) { if (e && !$(e.target).hasClass('hamburger')) { this.$('.conversation-menu .menu-list').hide(); } if (e && !$(e.target).hasClass('clock')) { this.$('.timer-menu .menu-list').hide(); } }, endSession: function() { this.model.endSession(); this.$('.menu-list').hide(); }, leaveGroup: function() { this.model.leaveGroup(); this.$('.menu-list').hide(); }, toggleMenu: function() { this.$('.conversation-menu .menu-list').toggle(); }, destroyMessages: function(e) { this.confirm(i18n('deleteConversationConfirmation')).then(function() { this.model.destroyMessages(); this.remove(); }.bind(this)).catch(function() { // clicked cancel, nothing to do. }); this.$('.menu-list').hide(); }, showSendConfirmationDialog: function(e, contacts) { var message; var isUnverified = this.model.isUnverified(); if (contacts.length > 1) { if (isUnverified) { message = i18n('changedSinceVerifiedMultiple'); } else { message = i18n('changedRecentlyMultiple'); } } else { var contactName = contacts.at(0).getTitle(); if (isUnverified) { message = i18n('changedSinceVerified', [contactName, contactName]); } else { message = i18n('changedRecently', [contactName, contactName]); } } var dialog = new Whisper.ConfirmationDialogView({ message: message, okText: i18n('sendAnyway'), resolve: function() { this.checkUnverifiedSendMessage(e, {force: true}); }.bind(this), reject: function() { this.focusMessageField(); }.bind(this) }); this.$el.prepend(dialog.el); dialog.focusCancel(); }, checkUnverifiedSendMessage: function(e, options) { e.preventDefault(); this.sendStart = Date.now(); this.$messageField.prop('disabled', true); options = options || {}; _.defaults(options, {force: false}); // This will go to the trust store for the latest identity key information, // and may result in the display of a new banner for this conversation. this.model.updateVerified().then(function() { var contacts = this.model.getUnverified(); if (!contacts.length) { return this.checkUntrustedSendMessage(e, options); } if (options.force) { return this.markAllAsVerifiedDefault(contacts).then(function() { this.checkUnverifiedSendMessage(e, options); }.bind(this)); } this.showSendConfirmationDialog(e, contacts); }.bind(this)).catch(function(error) { this.focusMessageField(); console.log( 'checkUnverifiedSendMessage error:', error && error.stack ? error.stack : error ); }.bind(this)); }, checkUntrustedSendMessage: function(e, options) { options = options || {}; _.defaults(options, {force: false}); this.model.getUntrusted().then(function(contacts) { if (!contacts.length) { return this.sendMessage(e); } if (options.force) { return this.markAllAsApproved(contacts).then(function() { this.sendMessage(e); }.bind(this)); } this.showSendConfirmationDialog(e, contacts); }.bind(this)).catch(function(error) { this.focusMessageField(); console.log( 'checkUntrustedSendMessage error:', error && error.stack ? error.stack : error ); }.bind(this)); }, toggleEmojiPanel: function(e) { e.preventDefault(); if (!this.emojiPanel) { this.openEmojiPanel(); } else { this.closeEmojiPanel(); } }, openEmojiPanel: function(e) { this.$emojiPanelContainer.outerHeight(200); this.emojiPanel = new EmojiPanel(this.$emojiPanelContainer[0], { onClick: this.insertEmoji.bind(this) }); this.updateMessageFieldSize({}); }, closeEmojiPanel: function() { this.$emojiPanelContainer.empty().outerHeight(0); this.emojiPanel = null; this.updateMessageFieldSize({}); }, insertEmoji: function(e) { var colons = ':' + emoji.data[e.unified.toLowerCase()][3][0] + ':'; var textarea = this.$messageField[0]; if (textarea.selectionStart || textarea.selectionStart == '0') { var startPos = textarea.selectionStart; var endPos = textarea.selectionEnd; textarea.value = textarea.value.substring(0, startPos) + colons + textarea.value.substring(endPos, textarea.value.length); textarea.selectionStart = startPos + colons.length; textarea.selectionEnd = startPos + colons.length; } else { textarea.value += colons; } this.focusMessageField(); }, sendMessage: function(e) { this.removeLastSeenIndicator(); this.closeEmojiPanel(); var toast; if (extension.expired()) { toast = new Whisper.ExpiredToast(); } if (this.model.isPrivate() && storage.isBlocked(this.model.id)) { toast = new Whisper.BlockedToast(); } if (!this.model.isPrivate() && this.model.get('left')) { toast = new Whisper.LeftGroupToast(); } if (toast) { toast.$el.insertAfter(this.$el); toast.render(); this.focusMessageField(); return; } var input = this.$messageField; var message = this.replace_colons(input.val()).trim(); if (message.length > 0 || this.fileInput.hasFiles()) { this.fileInput.getFiles().then(function(attachments) { var sendDelta = Date.now() - this.sendStart; console.log('Send pre-checks took', sendDelta, 'milliseconds'); this.model.sendMessage(message, attachments); input.val(""); this.focusMessageField(); this.forceUpdateMessageFieldSize(e); this.fileInput.deleteFiles(); }.bind(this)).catch(function() { console.log('Error pulling attached files before send'); this.focusMessageField(); }.bind(this)); } else { this.focusMessageField(); } }, replace_colons: function(str) { return str.replace(emoji.rx_colons, function(m) { var idx = m.substr(1, m.length-2); var val = emoji.map.colons[idx]; if (val) { return emoji.data[val][0][0]; } else { return m; } }); }, updateColor: function(model, color) { var header = this.$('.conversation-header'); header.removeClass(Whisper.Conversation.COLORS); if (color) { header.addClass(color); } var avatarView = new (Whisper.View.extend({ templateName: 'avatar', render_attributes: { avatar: this.model.getAvatar() } }))(); header.find('.avatar').replaceWith(avatarView.render().$('.avatar')); }, updateAvatar: function(model) { var header = this.$('.conversation-header'); var avatarView = new (Whisper.View.extend({ templateName: 'avatar', render_attributes: { avatar: this.model.getAvatar() } }))(); header.find('.avatar').replaceWith(avatarView.render().$('.avatar')); }, updateMessageFieldSize: function (event) { var keyCode = event.which || event.keyCode; if (keyCode === 13 && !event.altKey && !event.shiftKey && !event.ctrlKey) { // enter pressed - submit the form now event.preventDefault(); return this.$('.bottom-bar form').submit(); } this.toggleMicrophone(); this.toggleLengthWarning(); this.view.measureScrollPosition(); window.autosize(this.$messageField); var $attachmentPreviews = this.$('.attachment-previews'), $bottomBar = this.$('.bottom-bar'); $bottomBar.outerHeight( this.$messageField.outerHeight() + $attachmentPreviews.outerHeight() + this.$emojiPanelContainer.outerHeight() + parseInt($bottomBar.css('min-height'))); this.view.scrollToBottomIfNeeded(); }, forceUpdateMessageFieldSize: function (event) { if (this.isHidden()) { return; } this.view.scrollToBottomIfNeeded(); window.autosize.update(this.$messageField); this.updateMessageFieldSize(event); }, isHidden: function() { return (this.$el.css('display') === 'none') || this.$('.panel').css('display') === 'none'; } }); })();