// Copyright 2021 Signal Messenger, LLC // SPDX-License-Identifier: AGPL-3.0-only import { useSelector } from 'react-redux'; import type { TimelineItemType } from '../../components/conversation/TimelineItem'; import type { StateType } from '../reducer'; import { getConversationSelector, getTargetedMessage, getSelectedMessageIds, getMessages, getCachedConversationMemberColorsSelector, } from './conversations'; import { getAccountSelector } from './accounts'; import { getRegionCode, getUserConversationId, getUserNumber, getUserACI, getUserPNI, } from './user'; import { getDefaultConversationColor } from './items'; import { getActiveCall, getCallSelector } from './calling'; import { getPropsForBubble } from './message'; import { getCallHistorySelector } from './callHistory'; import { useProxySelector } from '../../hooks/useProxySelector'; const getTimelineItem = ( state: StateType, messageId: string | undefined, contactNameColors: Map<string, string> ): TimelineItemType | undefined => { if (messageId === undefined) { return undefined; } const messageLookup = getMessages(state); const message = messageLookup[messageId]; if (!message) { return undefined; } const targetedMessage = getTargetedMessage(state); const conversationSelector = getConversationSelector(state); const regionCode = getRegionCode(state); const ourNumber = getUserNumber(state); const ourAci = getUserACI(state); const ourPni = getUserPNI(state); const ourConversationId = getUserConversationId(state); const callSelector = getCallSelector(state); const callHistorySelector = getCallHistorySelector(state); const activeCall = getActiveCall(state); const accountSelector = getAccountSelector(state); const selectedMessageIds = getSelectedMessageIds(state); const defaultConversationColor = getDefaultConversationColor(state); return getPropsForBubble(message, { conversationSelector, ourConversationId, ourNumber, ourAci, ourPni, regionCode, targetedMessageId: targetedMessage?.id, targetedMessageCounter: targetedMessage?.counter, contactNameColors, callSelector, callHistorySelector, activeCall, accountSelector, selectedMessageIds, defaultConversationColor, }); }; export const useTimelineItem = ( messageId: string | undefined, conversationId: string ): TimelineItemType | undefined => { // Generating contact name colors can take a while in large groups. We don't want to do // this inside of useProxySelector, since the proxied state invalidates the memoization // from createSelector. So we do the expensive part outside of useProxySelector, taking // advantage of reselect's global cache. const contactNameColors = useSelector( getCachedConversationMemberColorsSelector )(conversationId); return useProxySelector(getTimelineItem, messageId, contactNameColors); };