// Copyright 2023 Signal Messenger, LLC // SPDX-License-Identifier: AGPL-3.0-only import { Aci, Pni } from '@signalapp/libsignal-client'; import { v4 as generateUuid } from 'uuid'; import pMap from 'p-map'; import { Writable } from 'stream'; import { Backups } from '../../protobuf'; import Data from '../../sql/Client'; import * as log from '../../logging/log'; import { StorySendMode } from '../../types/Stories'; import { fromAciObject, fromPniObject } from '../../types/ServiceId'; import * as Errors from '../../types/errors'; import type { ConversationAttributesType, MessageAttributesType, } from '../../model-types.d'; import { assertDev, strictAssert } from '../../util/assert'; import { getTimestampFromLong } from '../../util/timestampLongUtils'; import { DurationInSeconds } from '../../util/durations'; import { dropNull } from '../../util/dropNull'; import { deriveGroupID, deriveGroupSecretParams, deriveGroupPublicParams, } from '../../util/zkgroup'; import { incrementMessageCounter } from '../../util/incrementMessageCounter'; import { isAciString } from '../../util/isAciString'; import { createBatcher } from '../../util/batcher'; import { PhoneNumberDiscoverability } from '../../util/phoneNumberDiscoverability'; import { PhoneNumberSharingMode } from '../../util/phoneNumberSharingMode'; import { ReadStatus } from '../../messages/MessageReadStatus'; import { SendStatus } from '../../messages/MessageSendState'; import type { SendStateByConversationId } from '../../messages/MessageSendState'; import { SeenStatus } from '../../MessageSeenStatus'; import * as Bytes from '../../Bytes'; import { BACKUP_VERSION } from './constants'; const MAX_CONCURRENCY = 10; type ConversationOpType = Readonly<{ isUpdate: boolean; attributes: ConversationAttributesType; }>; async function processConversationOpBatch( batch: ReadonlyArray ): Promise { // Note that we might have duplicates since we update attributes in-place const saves = [ ...new Set(batch.filter(x => x.isUpdate === false).map(x => x.attributes)), ]; const updates = [ ...new Set(batch.filter(x => x.isUpdate === true).map(x => x.attributes)), ]; log.info( `backups: running conversation op batch, saves=${saves.length} ` + `updates=${updates.length}` ); await Data.saveConversations(saves); await Data.updateConversations(updates); } export class BackupImportStream extends Writable { private parsedBackupInfo = false; private logId = 'BackupImportStream(unknown)'; private readonly recipientIdToConvo = new Map< number, ConversationAttributesType >(); private readonly chatIdToConvo = new Map< number, ConversationAttributesType >(); private readonly conversationOpBatcher = createBatcher<{ isUpdate: boolean; attributes: ConversationAttributesType; }>({ name: 'BackupImport.conversationOpBatcher', wait: 0, maxSize: 1000, processBatch: processConversationOpBatch, }); private readonly saveMessageBatcher = createBatcher({ name: 'BackupImport.saveMessageBatcher', wait: 0, maxSize: 1000, processBatch: batch => { const ourAci = this.ourConversation?.serviceId; assertDev(isAciString(ourAci), 'Our conversation must have ACI'); return Data.saveMessages(batch, { forceSave: true, ourAci, }); }, }); private ourConversation?: ConversationAttributesType; private pinnedConversations = new Array<[number, string]>(); constructor() { super({ objectMode: true }); } override async _write( data: Buffer, _enc: BufferEncoding, done: (error?: Error) => void ): Promise { try { if (!this.parsedBackupInfo) { const info = Backups.BackupInfo.decode(data); this.parsedBackupInfo = true; this.logId = `BackupImport.run(${info.backupTimeMs})`; log.info(`${this.logId}: got BackupInfo`); if (info.version?.toNumber() !== BACKUP_VERSION) { throw new Error(`Unsupported backup version: ${info.version}`); } } else { const frame = Backups.Frame.decode(data); await this.processFrame(frame); } done(); } catch (error) { const entryType = this.parsedBackupInfo ? 'frame' : 'info'; log.error(`${this.logId}: failed to process ${entryType}`); done(error); } } override async _final(done: (error?: Error) => void): Promise { try { // Finish saving remaining conversations/messages await this.conversationOpBatcher.flushAndWait(); await this.saveMessageBatcher.flushAndWait(); // Reset and reload conversations and storage again window.ConversationController.reset(); await window.ConversationController.load(); await window.ConversationController.checkForConflicts(); window.storage.reset(); await window.storage.fetch(); // Update last message in every active conversation now that we have // them loaded into memory. await pMap( window.ConversationController.getAll().filter(convo => { return convo.get('active_at') || convo.get('isPinned'); }), convo => convo.updateLastMessage(), { concurrency: MAX_CONCURRENCY } ); await window.storage.put( 'pinnedConversationIds', this.pinnedConversations .sort(([a], [b]) => { return a - b; }) .map(([, id]) => id) ); done(); } catch (error) { done(error); } } public cleanup(): void { this.conversationOpBatcher.unregister(); this.saveMessageBatcher.unregister(); } private async processFrame(frame: Backups.Frame): Promise { if (frame.account) { await this.fromAccount(frame.account); // We run this outside of try catch below because failure to restore // the account data is fatal. return; } try { if (frame.recipient) { const { recipient } = frame; strictAssert(recipient.id != null, 'Recipient must have an id'); let convo: ConversationAttributesType; if (recipient.contact) { convo = await this.fromContact(recipient.contact); } else if (recipient.self) { strictAssert(this.ourConversation != null, 'Missing account data'); convo = this.ourConversation; } else if (recipient.group) { convo = await this.fromGroup(recipient.group); } else { log.warn(`${this.logId}: unsupported recipient item`); return; } if (convo !== this.ourConversation) { this.saveConversation(convo); } this.recipientIdToConvo.set(recipient.id.toNumber(), convo); } else if (frame.chat) { await this.fromChat(frame.chat); } else if (frame.chatItem) { await this.fromChatItem(frame.chatItem); } else { log.warn(`${this.logId}: unsupported frame item ${frame.item}`); } } catch (error) { log.error( `${this.logId}: failed to process a frame ${frame.item}, ` + `${Errors.toLogFormat(error)}` ); } } private saveConversation(attributes: ConversationAttributesType): void { this.conversationOpBatcher.add({ isUpdate: false, attributes }); } private updateConversation(attributes: ConversationAttributesType): void { this.conversationOpBatcher.add({ isUpdate: true, attributes }); } private saveMessage(attributes: MessageAttributesType): void { this.saveMessageBatcher.add(attributes); } private async fromAccount({ profileKey, username, usernameLink, givenName, familyName, avatarUrlPath, subscriberId, subscriberCurrencyCode, accountSettings, }: Backups.IAccountData): Promise { strictAssert(this.ourConversation === undefined, 'Duplicate AccountData'); const me = window.ConversationController.getOurConversationOrThrow().attributes; this.ourConversation = me; const { storage } = window; strictAssert(Bytes.isNotEmpty(profileKey), 'Missing profile key'); await storage.put('profileKey', profileKey); if (username != null) { me.username = username; } if (usernameLink != null) { const { entropy, serverId, color } = usernameLink; if (Bytes.isNotEmpty(entropy) && Bytes.isNotEmpty(serverId)) { await storage.put('usernameLink', { entropy, serverId, }); } // Same numeric value, no conversion needed await storage.put('usernameLinkColor', color ?? 0); } if (givenName != null) { me.profileName = givenName; } if (familyName != null) { me.profileFamilyName = familyName; } if (avatarUrlPath != null) { await storage.put('avatarUrl', avatarUrlPath); } if (subscriberId != null) { await storage.put('subscriberId', subscriberId); } if (subscriberCurrencyCode != null) { await storage.put('subscriberCurrencyCode', subscriberCurrencyCode); } await storage.put( 'read-receipt-setting', accountSettings?.readReceipts === true ); await storage.put( 'sealedSenderIndicators', accountSettings?.sealedSenderIndicators === true ); await storage.put( 'typingIndicators', accountSettings?.typingIndicators === true ); await storage.put('linkPreviews', accountSettings?.linkPreviews === true); await storage.put( 'preferContactAvatars', accountSettings?.preferContactAvatars === true ); await storage.put( 'displayBadgesOnProfile', accountSettings?.displayBadgesOnProfile === true ); await storage.put( 'keepMutedChatsArchived', accountSettings?.keepMutedChatsArchived === true ); await storage.put( 'hasSetMyStoriesPrivacy', accountSettings?.hasSetMyStoriesPrivacy === true ); await storage.put( 'hasViewedOnboardingStory', accountSettings?.hasViewedOnboardingStory === true ); await storage.put( 'hasStoriesDisabled', accountSettings?.storiesDisabled === true ); await storage.put( 'storyViewReceiptsEnabled', accountSettings?.storyViewReceiptsEnabled === true ); await storage.put( 'hasCompletedUsernameOnboarding', accountSettings?.hasCompletedUsernameOnboarding === true ); await storage.put( 'preferredReactionEmoji', accountSettings?.preferredReactionEmoji || [] ); await storage.put( 'preferredReactionEmoji', accountSettings?.preferredReactionEmoji || [] ); const { PhoneNumberSharingMode: BackupMode } = Backups.AccountData; switch (accountSettings?.phoneNumberSharingMode) { case BackupMode.EVERYBODY: await storage.put( 'phoneNumberSharingMode', PhoneNumberSharingMode.Everybody ); break; case BackupMode.UNKNOWN: case BackupMode.NOBODY: default: await storage.put( 'phoneNumberSharingMode', PhoneNumberSharingMode.Nobody ); break; } if (accountSettings?.notDiscoverableByPhoneNumber) { await window.storage.put( 'phoneNumberDiscoverability', PhoneNumberDiscoverability.NotDiscoverable ); } else { await window.storage.put( 'phoneNumberDiscoverability', PhoneNumberDiscoverability.Discoverable ); } this.updateConversation(me); } private async fromContact( contact: Backups.IContact ): Promise { strictAssert( contact.aci != null || contact.pni != null || contact.e164 != null, 'fromContact: either aci, pni, or e164 must be present' ); const aci = contact.aci ? fromAciObject(Aci.fromUuidBytes(contact.aci)) : undefined; const pni = contact.pni ? fromPniObject(Pni.fromUuidBytes(contact.pni)) : undefined; const e164 = contact.e164 ? `+${contact.e164}` : undefined; const attrs: ConversationAttributesType = { id: generateUuid(), type: 'private', version: 2, serviceId: aci ?? pni, pni, e164, removalStage: contact.hidden ? 'messageRequest' : undefined, profileKey: contact.profileKey ? Bytes.toBase64(contact.profileKey) : undefined, profileSharing: contact.profileSharing === true, profileName: dropNull(contact.profileGivenName), profileFamilyName: dropNull(contact.profileFamilyName), hideStory: contact.hideStory === true, }; if (contact.registered === Backups.Contact.Registered.NOT_REGISTERED) { const timestamp = contact.unregisteredTimestamp?.toNumber() ?? Date.now(); attrs.discoveredUnregisteredAt = timestamp; attrs.firstUnregisteredAt = timestamp; } if (contact.blocked) { const serviceId = aci || pni; if (serviceId) { await window.storage.blocked.addBlockedServiceId(serviceId); } if (e164) { await window.storage.blocked.addBlockedNumber(e164); } } return attrs; } private async fromGroup( group: Backups.IGroup ): Promise { strictAssert(group.masterKey != null, 'fromGroup: missing masterKey'); const secretParams = deriveGroupSecretParams(group.masterKey); const publicParams = deriveGroupPublicParams(secretParams); const groupId = Bytes.toBase64(deriveGroupID(secretParams)); const attrs: ConversationAttributesType = { id: generateUuid(), type: 'group', version: 2, groupVersion: 2, masterKey: Bytes.toBase64(group.masterKey), groupId, secretParams: Bytes.toBase64(secretParams), publicParams: Bytes.toBase64(publicParams), profileSharing: group.whitelisted === true, hideStory: group.hideStory === true, }; if (group.storySendMode === Backups.Group.StorySendMode.ENABLED) { attrs.storySendMode = StorySendMode.Always; } else if (group.storySendMode === Backups.Group.StorySendMode.DISABLED) { attrs.storySendMode = StorySendMode.Never; } return attrs; } private async fromChat(chat: Backups.IChat): Promise { strictAssert(chat.id != null, 'chat must have an id'); strictAssert(chat.recipientId != null, 'chat must have a recipientId'); const conversation = this.recipientIdToConvo.get( chat.recipientId.toNumber() ); strictAssert(conversation !== undefined, 'unknown conversation'); this.chatIdToConvo.set(chat.id.toNumber(), conversation); conversation.isArchived = chat.archived === true; conversation.isPinned = chat.pinnedOrder != null; conversation.expireTimer = chat.expirationTimerMs ? DurationInSeconds.fromMillis(chat.expirationTimerMs.toNumber()) : undefined; conversation.muteExpiresAt = chat.muteUntilMs ? getTimestampFromLong(chat.muteUntilMs) : undefined; conversation.markedUnread = chat.markedUnread === true; conversation.dontNotifyForMentionsIfMuted = chat.dontNotifyForMentionsIfMuted === true; this.updateConversation(conversation); if (chat.pinnedOrder != null) { this.pinnedConversations.push([chat.pinnedOrder, conversation.id]); } } private async fromChatItem(item: Backups.IChatItem): Promise { strictAssert(this.ourConversation != null, 'AccountData missing'); strictAssert(item.chatId != null, 'chatItem must have a chatId'); strictAssert(item.authorId != null, 'chatItem must have a authorId'); strictAssert(item.dateSent != null, 'chatItem must have a dateSent'); const chatConvo = this.chatIdToConvo.get(item.chatId.toNumber()); strictAssert(chatConvo !== undefined, 'chat conversation not found'); const authorConvo = this.recipientIdToConvo.get(item.authorId.toNumber()); strictAssert(authorConvo !== undefined, 'author conversation not found'); const isOutgoing = this.ourConversation.id === authorConvo.id; let attributes: MessageAttributesType = { id: generateUuid(), canReplyToStory: false, conversationId: chatConvo.id, received_at: incrementMessageCounter(), sent_at: item.dateSent.toNumber(), source: authorConvo.e164, sourceServiceId: authorConvo.serviceId, timestamp: item.dateSent.toNumber(), type: isOutgoing ? 'outgoing' : 'incoming', unidentifiedDeliveryReceived: false, expirationStartTimestamp: item.expireStartDate ? getTimestampFromLong(item.expireStartDate) : undefined, expireTimer: item.expiresInMs ? DurationInSeconds.fromMillis(item.expiresInMs.toNumber()) : undefined, }; if (isOutgoing) { const { outgoing } = item; strictAssert(outgoing, 'outgoing message must have outgoing field'); const sendStateByConversationId: SendStateByConversationId = {}; const BackupSendStatus = Backups.SendStatus.Status; for (const status of outgoing.sendStatus ?? []) { strictAssert( status.recipientId, 'sendStatus recipient must have an id' ); const target = this.recipientIdToConvo.get( status.recipientId.toNumber() ); strictAssert( target !== undefined, 'status target conversation not found' ); let sendStatus: SendStatus; switch (status.deliveryStatus) { case BackupSendStatus.PENDING: sendStatus = SendStatus.Pending; break; case BackupSendStatus.SENT: sendStatus = SendStatus.Sent; break; case BackupSendStatus.DELIVERED: sendStatus = SendStatus.Delivered; break; case BackupSendStatus.READ: sendStatus = SendStatus.Read; break; case BackupSendStatus.VIEWED: sendStatus = SendStatus.Viewed; break; case BackupSendStatus.FAILED: default: sendStatus = SendStatus.Failed; break; } sendStateByConversationId[target.id] = { status: sendStatus, updatedAt: status.lastStatusUpdateTimestamp != null ? getTimestampFromLong(status.lastStatusUpdateTimestamp) : undefined, }; } attributes.sendStateByConversationId = sendStateByConversationId; chatConvo.active_at = attributes.sent_at; } else { const { incoming } = item; strictAssert(incoming, 'incoming message must have incoming field'); attributes.received_at_ms = incoming.dateReceived?.toNumber() ?? Date.now(); if (incoming.read) { attributes.readStatus = ReadStatus.Read; attributes.seenStatus = SeenStatus.Seen; } else { attributes.readStatus = ReadStatus.Unread; attributes.seenStatus = SeenStatus.Unseen; chatConvo.unreadCount = (chatConvo.unreadCount ?? 0) + 1; } chatConvo.active_at = attributes.received_at_ms; } if (item.standardMessage) { attributes = { ...attributes, ...this.fromStandardMessage(item.standardMessage), }; } assertDev( isAciString(this.ourConversation.serviceId), 'Our conversation must have ACI' ); this.saveMessage(attributes); if (isOutgoing) { chatConvo.sentMessageCount = (chatConvo.sentMessageCount ?? 0) + 1; } else { chatConvo.messageCount = (chatConvo.messageCount ?? 0) + 1; } this.updateConversation(chatConvo); } private fromStandardMessage( data: Backups.IStandardMessage ): Partial { return { body: data.text?.body ?? '', reactions: data.reactions?.map( ({ emoji, authorId, sentTimestamp, receivedTimestamp }) => { strictAssert(emoji != null, 'reaction must have an emoji'); strictAssert(authorId != null, 'reaction must have authorId'); strictAssert( sentTimestamp != null, 'reaction must have a sentTimestamp' ); strictAssert( receivedTimestamp != null, 'reaction must have a receivedTimestamp' ); const authorConvo = this.recipientIdToConvo.get(authorId.toNumber()); strictAssert( authorConvo !== undefined, 'author conversation not found' ); return { emoji, fromId: authorConvo.id, targetTimestamp: getTimestampFromLong(sentTimestamp), receivedAtDate: getTimestampFromLong(receivedTimestamp), timestamp: getTimestampFromLong(sentTimestamp), }; } ), }; } }