// Copyright 2021 Signal Messenger, LLC // SPDX-License-Identifier: AGPL-3.0-only import type { ReactNode } from 'react'; import React, { useEffect, useState, useMemo } from 'react'; import type { ShowConversationType } from '../state/ducks/conversations'; import type { LocalizerType } from '../types/Util'; import * as log from '../logging/log'; import { SECOND, DAY } from '../util/durations'; import { ToastStickerPackInstallFailed } from './ToastStickerPackInstallFailed'; import { WhatsNewLink } from './WhatsNewLink'; import { showToast } from '../util/showToast'; import { strictAssert } from '../util/assert'; import { TargetedMessageSource } from '../state/ducks/conversationsEnums'; import { usePrevious } from '../hooks/usePrevious'; export type PropsType = { firstEnvelopeTimestamp: number | undefined; envelopeTimestamp: number | undefined; hasInitialLoadCompleted: boolean; i18n: LocalizerType; isCustomizingPreferredReactions: boolean; onConversationClosed: (id: string, reason: string) => unknown; onConversationOpened: (id: string, messageId?: string) => unknown; renderConversationView: () => JSX.Element; renderCustomizingPreferredReactionsModal: () => JSX.Element; renderLeftPane: () => JSX.Element; renderMiniPlayer: (options: { shouldFlow: boolean }) => JSX.Element; scrollToMessage: (conversationId: string, messageId: string) => unknown; selectedConversationId?: string; targetedMessage?: string; targetedMessageSource?: TargetedMessageSource; showConversation: ShowConversationType; showWhatsNewModal: () => unknown; }; export function Inbox({ firstEnvelopeTimestamp, envelopeTimestamp, hasInitialLoadCompleted, i18n, isCustomizingPreferredReactions, onConversationClosed, onConversationOpened, renderConversationView, renderCustomizingPreferredReactionsModal, renderLeftPane, renderMiniPlayer, scrollToMessage, selectedConversationId, targetedMessage, targetedMessageSource, showConversation, showWhatsNewModal, }: PropsType): JSX.Element { const [internalHasInitialLoadCompleted, setInternalHasInitialLoadCompleted] = useState(hasInitialLoadCompleted); const prevConversationId = usePrevious( selectedConversationId, selectedConversationId ); const now = useMemo(() => Date.now(), []); const midnight = useMemo(() => { const date = new Date(now); date.setHours(0); date.setMinutes(0); date.setSeconds(0); date.setMilliseconds(0); return date.getTime(); }, [now]); useEffect(() => { if (prevConversationId !== selectedConversationId) { if (prevConversationId) { onConversationClosed(prevConversationId, 'opened another conversation'); } if (selectedConversationId) { onConversationOpened(selectedConversationId, targetedMessage); } } else if ( selectedConversationId && targetedMessage && targetedMessageSource !== TargetedMessageSource.Focus ) { scrollToMessage(selectedConversationId, targetedMessage); } if (!selectedConversationId) { return; } const conversation = window.ConversationController.get( selectedConversationId ); strictAssert(conversation, 'Conversation must be found'); conversation.setMarkedUnread(false); }, [ onConversationClosed, onConversationOpened, prevConversationId, scrollToMessage, selectedConversationId, targetedMessage, targetedMessageSource, ]); useEffect(() => { function refreshConversation({ newId, oldId, }: { newId: string; oldId: string; }) { if (prevConversationId === oldId) { showConversation({ conversationId: newId }); } } // Close current opened conversation to reload the group information once // linked. function unload() { if (!prevConversationId) { return; } onConversationClosed(prevConversationId, 'force unload requested'); } function packInstallFailed() { showToast(ToastStickerPackInstallFailed); } window.Whisper.events.on('pack-install-failed', packInstallFailed); window.Whisper.events.on('refreshConversation', refreshConversation); window.Whisper.events.on('setupAsNewDevice', unload); return () => { window.Whisper.events.off('pack-install-failed', packInstallFailed); window.Whisper.events.off('refreshConversation', refreshConversation); window.Whisper.events.off('setupAsNewDevice', unload); }; }, [onConversationClosed, prevConversationId, showConversation]); useEffect(() => { if (internalHasInitialLoadCompleted) { return; } const interval = setInterval(() => { const status = window.getSocketStatus(); switch (status) { case 'CONNECTING': break; case 'OPEN': // if we've connected, we can wait for real empty event clearInterval(interval); break; case 'CLOSING': case 'CLOSED': clearInterval(interval); // if we failed to connect, we pretend we loaded setInternalHasInitialLoadCompleted(true); break; default: log.warn( `startConnectionListener: Found unexpected socket status ${status}; setting load to done manually.` ); setInternalHasInitialLoadCompleted(true); break; } }, SECOND); return () => { clearInterval(interval); }; }, [internalHasInitialLoadCompleted]); useEffect(() => { setInternalHasInitialLoadCompleted(hasInitialLoadCompleted); }, [hasInitialLoadCompleted]); if (!internalHasInitialLoadCompleted) { let loadingProgress = 0; if ( firstEnvelopeTimestamp !== undefined && envelopeTimestamp !== undefined ) { loadingProgress = Math.max( 0, Math.min( 1, Math.max(0, envelopeTimestamp - firstEnvelopeTimestamp) / Math.max(1e-23, now - firstEnvelopeTimestamp) ) ) * 100; } let message: string | undefined; if (envelopeTimestamp !== undefined) { const daysBeforeMidnight = Math.ceil( (midnight - envelopeTimestamp) / DAY ); if (daysBeforeMidnight <= 0) { message = i18n('icu:loadingMessages--today'); } else if (daysBeforeMidnight === 1) { message = i18n('icu:loadingMessages--yesterday'); } else { message = i18n('icu:loadingMessages--other', { daysAgo: daysBeforeMidnight, }); } } return (