// Copyright 2019-2020 Signal Messenger, LLC // SPDX-License-Identifier: AGPL-3.0-only /* eslint-disable camelcase */ import { difference, fromPairs, intersection, omit, orderBy, pick, uniq, values, without, } from 'lodash'; import { trigger } from '../../shims/events'; import { NoopActionType } from './noop'; import { AttachmentType } from '../../types/Attachment'; import { ColorType } from '../../types/Colors'; import { BodyRangeType } from '../../types/Util'; import { CallMode } from '../../types/Calling'; // State export type DBConversationType = { id: string; activeAt?: number; lastMessage: string; type: string; }; export type LastMessageStatus = | 'error' | 'partial-sent' | 'sending' | 'sent' | 'delivered' | 'read'; export type ConversationTypeType = 'direct' | 'group'; export type ConversationType = { id: string; uuid?: string; e164?: string; name?: string; firstName?: string; profileName?: string; avatarPath?: string; areWeAdmin?: boolean; areWePending?: boolean; canChangeTimer?: boolean; color?: ColorType; isAccepted?: boolean; isArchived?: boolean; isBlocked?: boolean; isPinned?: boolean; isVerified?: boolean; activeAt?: number; timestamp?: number; inboxPosition?: number; left?: boolean; lastMessage?: { status: LastMessageStatus; text: string; deletedForEveryone?: boolean; }; markedUnread?: boolean; phoneNumber?: string; membersCount?: number; expireTimer?: number; members?: Array<ConversationType>; muteExpiresAt?: number; type: ConversationTypeType; isMe?: boolean; lastUpdated?: number; title: string; unreadCount?: number; isSelected?: boolean; typingContact?: { avatarPath?: string; color?: ColorType; name?: string; phoneNumber?: string; profileName?: string; } | null; shouldShowDraft?: boolean; draftText?: string | null; draftBodyRanges?: Array<BodyRangeType>; draftPreview?: string; sharedGroupNames?: Array<string>; groupVersion?: 1 | 2; groupId?: string; isMissingMandatoryProfileSharing?: boolean; messageRequestsEnabled?: boolean; acceptedMessageRequest?: boolean; secretParams?: string; publicParams?: string; }; export type ConversationLookupType = { [key: string]: ConversationType; }; export type MessageType = { id: string; conversationId: string; source: string; type: | 'incoming' | 'outgoing' | 'group' | 'keychange' | 'verified-change' | 'message-history-unsynced' | 'call-history'; quote?: { author: string }; received_at: number; sent_at?: number; hasSignalAccount?: boolean; bodyPending?: boolean; attachments: Array<AttachmentType>; sticker: { data?: { pending?: boolean; blurHash?: string; }; }; unread: boolean; reactions?: Array<{ emoji: string; timestamp: number; from: { id: string; color?: string; avatarPath?: string; name?: string; profileName?: string; isMe?: boolean; phoneNumber?: string; }; }>; deletedForEveryone?: boolean; errors?: Array<Error>; group_update?: unknown; // No need to go beyond this; unused at this stage, since this goes into // a reducer still in plain JavaScript and comes out well-formed }; type MessagePointerType = { id: string; received_at: number; }; type MessageMetricsType = { newest?: MessagePointerType; oldest?: MessagePointerType; oldestUnread?: MessagePointerType; totalUnread: number; }; export type MessageLookupType = { [key: string]: MessageType; }; export type ConversationMessageType = { heightChangeMessageIds: Array<string>; isLoadingMessages: boolean; isNearBottom?: boolean; loadCountdownStart?: number; messageIds: Array<string>; metrics: MessageMetricsType; resetCounter: number; scrollToMessageId?: string; scrollToMessageCounter: number; }; export type MessagesByConversationType = { [key: string]: ConversationMessageType | null; }; export type ConversationsStateType = { conversationLookup: ConversationLookupType; selectedConversation?: string; selectedMessage?: string; selectedMessageCounter: number; selectedConversationPanelDepth: number; showArchived: boolean; // Note: it's very important that both of these locations are always kept up to date messagesLookup: MessageLookupType; messagesByConversation: MessagesByConversationType; }; // Helpers export const getConversationCallMode = ( conversation: ConversationType ): CallMode => { if ( conversation.left || conversation.isBlocked || conversation.isMe || !conversation.acceptedMessageRequest ) { return CallMode.None; } if (conversation.type === 'direct') { return CallMode.Direct; } if (conversation.type === 'group' && conversation.groupVersion === 2) { return CallMode.Group; } return CallMode.None; }; // Actions type ConversationAddedActionType = { type: 'CONVERSATION_ADDED'; payload: { id: string; data: ConversationType; }; }; type ConversationChangedActionType = { type: 'CONVERSATION_CHANGED'; payload: { id: string; data: ConversationType; }; }; type ConversationRemovedActionType = { type: 'CONVERSATION_REMOVED'; payload: { id: string; }; }; export type ConversationUnloadedActionType = { type: 'CONVERSATION_UNLOADED'; payload: { id: string; }; }; export type RemoveAllConversationsActionType = { type: 'CONVERSATIONS_REMOVE_ALL'; payload: null; }; export type MessageSelectedActionType = { type: 'MESSAGE_SELECTED'; payload: { messageId: string; conversationId: string; }; }; export type MessageChangedActionType = { type: 'MESSAGE_CHANGED'; payload: { id: string; conversationId: string; data: MessageType; }; }; export type MessageDeletedActionType = { type: 'MESSAGE_DELETED'; payload: { id: string; conversationId: string; }; }; export type MessagesAddedActionType = { type: 'MESSAGES_ADDED'; payload: { conversationId: string; messages: Array<MessageType>; isNewMessage: boolean; isActive: boolean; }; }; export type MessagesResetActionType = { type: 'MESSAGES_RESET'; payload: { conversationId: string; messages: Array<MessageType>; metrics: MessageMetricsType; scrollToMessageId?: string; // The set of provided messages should be trusted, even if it conflicts with metrics, // because we weren't looking for a specific time window of messages with our query. unboundedFetch: boolean; }; }; export type SetMessagesLoadingActionType = { type: 'SET_MESSAGES_LOADING'; payload: { conversationId: string; isLoadingMessages: boolean; }; }; export type SetLoadCountdownStartActionType = { type: 'SET_LOAD_COUNTDOWN_START'; payload: { conversationId: string; loadCountdownStart?: number; }; }; export type SetIsNearBottomActionType = { type: 'SET_NEAR_BOTTOM'; payload: { conversationId: string; isNearBottom: boolean; }; }; export type SetSelectedConversationPanelDepthActionType = { type: 'SET_SELECTED_CONVERSATION_PANEL_DEPTH'; payload: { panelDepth: number }; }; export type ScrollToMessageActionType = { type: 'SCROLL_TO_MESSAGE'; payload: { conversationId: string; messageId: string; }; }; export type ClearChangedMessagesActionType = { type: 'CLEAR_CHANGED_MESSAGES'; payload: { conversationId: string; }; }; export type ClearSelectedMessageActionType = { type: 'CLEAR_SELECTED_MESSAGE'; payload: null; }; export type ClearUnreadMetricsActionType = { type: 'CLEAR_UNREAD_METRICS'; payload: { conversationId: string; }; }; export type SelectedConversationChangedActionType = { type: 'SELECTED_CONVERSATION_CHANGED'; payload: { id: string; messageId?: string; }; }; type ShowInboxActionType = { type: 'SHOW_INBOX'; payload: null; }; export type ShowArchivedConversationsActionType = { type: 'SHOW_ARCHIVED_CONVERSATIONS'; payload: null; }; export type ConversationActionType = | ConversationAddedActionType | ConversationChangedActionType | ConversationRemovedActionType | ConversationUnloadedActionType | RemoveAllConversationsActionType | MessageSelectedActionType | MessageChangedActionType | MessageDeletedActionType | MessagesAddedActionType | MessagesResetActionType | SetMessagesLoadingActionType | SetIsNearBottomActionType | SetLoadCountdownStartActionType | ClearChangedMessagesActionType | ClearSelectedMessageActionType | ClearUnreadMetricsActionType | ScrollToMessageActionType | SetSelectedConversationPanelDepthActionType | SelectedConversationChangedActionType | MessageDeletedActionType | SelectedConversationChangedActionType | ShowInboxActionType | ShowArchivedConversationsActionType; // Action Creators export const actions = { conversationAdded, conversationChanged, conversationRemoved, conversationUnloaded, removeAllConversations, selectMessage, messageDeleted, messageChanged, messagesAdded, messagesReset, setMessagesLoading, setLoadCountdownStart, setIsNearBottom, setSelectedConversationPanelDepth, clearChangedMessages, clearSelectedMessage, clearUnreadMetrics, scrollToMessage, openConversationInternal, openConversationExternal, showInbox, showArchivedConversations, }; function conversationAdded( id: string, data: ConversationType ): ConversationAddedActionType { return { type: 'CONVERSATION_ADDED', payload: { id, data, }, }; } function conversationChanged( id: string, data: ConversationType ): ConversationChangedActionType { return { type: 'CONVERSATION_CHANGED', payload: { id, data, }, }; } function conversationRemoved(id: string): ConversationRemovedActionType { return { type: 'CONVERSATION_REMOVED', payload: { id, }, }; } function conversationUnloaded(id: string): ConversationUnloadedActionType { return { type: 'CONVERSATION_UNLOADED', payload: { id, }, }; } function removeAllConversations(): RemoveAllConversationsActionType { return { type: 'CONVERSATIONS_REMOVE_ALL', payload: null, }; } function selectMessage( messageId: string, conversationId: string ): MessageSelectedActionType { return { type: 'MESSAGE_SELECTED', payload: { messageId, conversationId, }, }; } function messageChanged( id: string, conversationId: string, data: MessageType ): MessageChangedActionType { return { type: 'MESSAGE_CHANGED', payload: { id, conversationId, data, }, }; } function messageDeleted( id: string, conversationId: string ): MessageDeletedActionType { return { type: 'MESSAGE_DELETED', payload: { id, conversationId, }, }; } function messagesAdded( conversationId: string, messages: Array<MessageType>, isNewMessage: boolean, isActive: boolean ): MessagesAddedActionType { return { type: 'MESSAGES_ADDED', payload: { conversationId, messages, isNewMessage, isActive, }, }; } function messagesReset( conversationId: string, messages: Array<MessageType>, metrics: MessageMetricsType, scrollToMessageId?: string, unboundedFetch?: boolean ): MessagesResetActionType { return { type: 'MESSAGES_RESET', payload: { unboundedFetch: Boolean(unboundedFetch), conversationId, messages, metrics, scrollToMessageId, }, }; } function setMessagesLoading( conversationId: string, isLoadingMessages: boolean ): SetMessagesLoadingActionType { return { type: 'SET_MESSAGES_LOADING', payload: { conversationId, isLoadingMessages, }, }; } function setLoadCountdownStart( conversationId: string, loadCountdownStart?: number ): SetLoadCountdownStartActionType { return { type: 'SET_LOAD_COUNTDOWN_START', payload: { conversationId, loadCountdownStart, }, }; } function setIsNearBottom( conversationId: string, isNearBottom: boolean ): SetIsNearBottomActionType { return { type: 'SET_NEAR_BOTTOM', payload: { conversationId, isNearBottom, }, }; } function setSelectedConversationPanelDepth( panelDepth: number ): SetSelectedConversationPanelDepthActionType { return { type: 'SET_SELECTED_CONVERSATION_PANEL_DEPTH', payload: { panelDepth }, }; } function clearChangedMessages( conversationId: string ): ClearChangedMessagesActionType { return { type: 'CLEAR_CHANGED_MESSAGES', payload: { conversationId, }, }; } function clearSelectedMessage(): ClearSelectedMessageActionType { return { type: 'CLEAR_SELECTED_MESSAGE', payload: null, }; } function clearUnreadMetrics( conversationId: string ): ClearUnreadMetricsActionType { return { type: 'CLEAR_UNREAD_METRICS', payload: { conversationId, }, }; } function scrollToMessage( conversationId: string, messageId: string ): ScrollToMessageActionType { return { type: 'SCROLL_TO_MESSAGE', payload: { conversationId, messageId, }, }; } // Note: we need two actions here to simplify. Operations outside of the left pane can // trigger an 'openConversation' so we go through Whisper.events for all // conversation selection. Internal just triggers the Whisper.event, and External // makes the changes to the store. function openConversationInternal( id: string, messageId?: string ): NoopActionType { trigger('showConversation', id, messageId); return { type: 'NOOP', payload: null, }; } function openConversationExternal( id: string, messageId?: string ): SelectedConversationChangedActionType { return { type: 'SELECTED_CONVERSATION_CHANGED', payload: { id, messageId, }, }; } function showInbox(): ShowInboxActionType { return { type: 'SHOW_INBOX', payload: null, }; } function showArchivedConversations(): ShowArchivedConversationsActionType { return { type: 'SHOW_ARCHIVED_CONVERSATIONS', payload: null, }; } // Reducer function getEmptyState(): ConversationsStateType { return { conversationLookup: {}, messagesByConversation: {}, messagesLookup: {}, selectedMessageCounter: 0, showArchived: false, selectedConversationPanelDepth: 0, }; } function hasMessageHeightChanged( message: MessageType, previous: MessageType ): boolean { const messageAttachments = message.attachments || []; const previousAttachments = previous.attachments || []; const errorStatusChanged = (!message.errors && previous.errors) || (message.errors && !previous.errors) || (message.errors && previous.errors && message.errors.length !== previous.errors.length); if (errorStatusChanged) { return true; } const groupUpdateChanged = message.group_update !== previous.group_update; if (groupUpdateChanged) { return true; } const stickerPendingChanged = message.sticker && message.sticker.data && previous.sticker && previous.sticker.data && !previous.sticker.data.blurHash && previous.sticker.data.pending !== message.sticker.data.pending; if (stickerPendingChanged) { return true; } const longMessageAttachmentLoaded = previous.bodyPending && !message.bodyPending; if (longMessageAttachmentLoaded) { return true; } const firstAttachmentNoLongerPending = previousAttachments[0] && previousAttachments[0].pending && messageAttachments[0] && !messageAttachments[0].pending; if (firstAttachmentNoLongerPending) { return true; } const signalAccountChanged = Boolean(message.hasSignalAccount || previous.hasSignalAccount) && message.hasSignalAccount !== previous.hasSignalAccount; if (signalAccountChanged) { return true; } const currentReactions = message.reactions || []; const lastReactions = previous.reactions || []; const reactionsChanged = (currentReactions.length === 0) !== (lastReactions.length === 0); if (reactionsChanged) { return true; } const isDeletedForEveryone = message.deletedForEveryone; const wasDeletedForEveryone = previous.deletedForEveryone; if (isDeletedForEveryone !== wasDeletedForEveryone) { return true; } return false; } export function reducer( state: ConversationsStateType = getEmptyState(), action: ConversationActionType ): ConversationsStateType { if (action.type === 'CONVERSATION_ADDED') { const { payload } = action; const { id, data } = payload; const { conversationLookup } = state; return { ...state, conversationLookup: { ...conversationLookup, [id]: data, }, }; } if (action.type === 'CONVERSATION_CHANGED') { const { payload } = action; const { id, data } = payload; const { conversationLookup } = state; let { showArchived, selectedConversation } = state; const existing = conversationLookup[id]; // In the change case we only modify the lookup if we already had that conversation if (!existing) { return state; } if (selectedConversation === id) { // Archived -> Inbox: we go back to the normal inbox view if (existing.isArchived && !data.isArchived) { showArchived = false; } // Inbox -> Archived: no conversation is selected // Note: With today's stacked converastions architecture, this can result in weird // behavior - no selected conversation in the left pane, but a conversation show // in the right pane. if (!existing.isArchived && data.isArchived) { selectedConversation = undefined; } } return { ...state, selectedConversation, showArchived, conversationLookup: { ...conversationLookup, [id]: data, }, }; } if (action.type === 'CONVERSATION_REMOVED') { const { payload } = action; const { id } = payload; const { conversationLookup } = state; return { ...state, conversationLookup: omit(conversationLookup, [id]), }; } if (action.type === 'CONVERSATION_UNLOADED') { const { payload } = action; const { id } = payload; const existingConversation = state.messagesByConversation[id]; if (!existingConversation) { return state; } const { messageIds } = existingConversation; const selectedConversation = state.selectedConversation !== id ? state.selectedConversation : undefined; return { ...state, selectedConversation, selectedConversationPanelDepth: 0, messagesLookup: omit(state.messagesLookup, messageIds), messagesByConversation: omit(state.messagesByConversation, [id]), }; } if (action.type === 'CONVERSATIONS_REMOVE_ALL') { return getEmptyState(); } if (action.type === 'SET_SELECTED_CONVERSATION_PANEL_DEPTH') { return { ...state, selectedConversationPanelDepth: action.payload.panelDepth, }; } if (action.type === 'MESSAGE_SELECTED') { const { messageId, conversationId } = action.payload; if (state.selectedConversation !== conversationId) { return state; } return { ...state, selectedMessage: messageId, selectedMessageCounter: state.selectedMessageCounter + 1, }; } if (action.type === 'MESSAGE_CHANGED') { const { id, conversationId, data } = action.payload; const existingConversation = state.messagesByConversation[conversationId]; // We don't keep track of messages unless their conversation is loaded... if (!existingConversation) { return state; } // ...and we've already loaded that message once const existingMessage = state.messagesLookup[id]; if (!existingMessage) { return state; } // Check for changes which could affect height - that's why we need this // heightChangeMessageIds field. It tells Timeline to recalculate all of its heights const hasHeightChanged = hasMessageHeightChanged(data, existingMessage); const { heightChangeMessageIds } = existingConversation; const updatedChanges = hasHeightChanged ? uniq([...heightChangeMessageIds, id]) : heightChangeMessageIds; return { ...state, messagesLookup: { ...state.messagesLookup, [id]: data, }, messagesByConversation: { ...state.messagesByConversation, [conversationId]: { ...existingConversation, heightChangeMessageIds: updatedChanges, }, }, }; } if (action.type === 'MESSAGES_RESET') { const { conversationId, messages, metrics, scrollToMessageId, unboundedFetch, } = action.payload; const { messagesByConversation, messagesLookup } = state; const existingConversation = messagesByConversation[conversationId]; const resetCounter = existingConversation ? existingConversation.resetCounter + 1 : 0; const sorted = orderBy( messages, ['received_at', 'sent_at'], ['ASC', 'ASC'] ); const messageIds = sorted.map(message => message.id); const lookup = fromPairs(messages.map(message => [message.id, message])); let { newest, oldest } = metrics; // If our metrics are a little out of date, we'll fix them up if (messages.length > 0) { const first = messages[0]; if (first && (!oldest || first.received_at <= oldest.received_at)) { oldest = pick(first, ['id', 'received_at']); } const last = messages[messages.length - 1]; if ( last && (!newest || unboundedFetch || last.received_at >= newest.received_at) ) { newest = pick(last, ['id', 'received_at']); } } return { ...state, selectedMessage: scrollToMessageId, selectedMessageCounter: state.selectedMessageCounter + 1, messagesLookup: { ...messagesLookup, ...lookup, }, messagesByConversation: { ...messagesByConversation, [conversationId]: { isLoadingMessages: false, scrollToMessageId, scrollToMessageCounter: existingConversation ? existingConversation.scrollToMessageCounter + 1 : 0, messageIds, metrics: { ...metrics, newest, oldest, }, resetCounter, heightChangeMessageIds: [], }, }, }; } if (action.type === 'SET_MESSAGES_LOADING') { const { payload } = action; const { conversationId, isLoadingMessages } = payload; const { messagesByConversation } = state; const existingConversation = messagesByConversation[conversationId]; if (!existingConversation) { return state; } return { ...state, messagesByConversation: { ...messagesByConversation, [conversationId]: { ...existingConversation, loadCountdownStart: undefined, isLoadingMessages, }, }, }; } if (action.type === 'SET_LOAD_COUNTDOWN_START') { const { payload } = action; const { conversationId, loadCountdownStart } = payload; const { messagesByConversation } = state; const existingConversation = messagesByConversation[conversationId]; if (!existingConversation) { return state; } return { ...state, messagesByConversation: { ...messagesByConversation, [conversationId]: { ...existingConversation, loadCountdownStart, }, }, }; } if (action.type === 'SET_NEAR_BOTTOM') { const { payload } = action; const { conversationId, isNearBottom } = payload; const { messagesByConversation } = state; const existingConversation = messagesByConversation[conversationId]; if (!existingConversation) { return state; } return { ...state, messagesByConversation: { ...messagesByConversation, [conversationId]: { ...existingConversation, isNearBottom, }, }, }; } if (action.type === 'SCROLL_TO_MESSAGE') { const { payload } = action; const { conversationId, messageId } = payload; const { messagesByConversation, messagesLookup } = state; const existingConversation = messagesByConversation[conversationId]; if (!existingConversation) { return state; } if (!messagesLookup[messageId]) { return state; } if (!existingConversation.messageIds.includes(messageId)) { return state; } return { ...state, selectedMessage: messageId, selectedMessageCounter: state.selectedMessageCounter + 1, messagesByConversation: { ...messagesByConversation, [conversationId]: { ...existingConversation, isLoadingMessages: false, scrollToMessageId: messageId, scrollToMessageCounter: existingConversation.scrollToMessageCounter + 1, }, }, }; } if (action.type === 'MESSAGE_DELETED') { const { id, conversationId } = action.payload; const { messagesByConversation, messagesLookup } = state; const existingConversation = messagesByConversation[conversationId]; if (!existingConversation) { return state; } // Assuming that we always have contiguous groups of messages in memory, the removal // of one message at one end of our message set be replaced with the message right // next to it. const oldIds = existingConversation.messageIds; let { newest, oldest } = existingConversation.metrics; if (oldIds.length > 1) { const firstId = oldIds[0]; const lastId = oldIds[oldIds.length - 1]; if (oldest && oldest.id === firstId && firstId === id) { const second = messagesLookup[oldIds[1]]; oldest = second ? pick(second, ['id', 'received_at']) : undefined; } if (newest && newest.id === lastId && lastId === id) { const penultimate = messagesLookup[oldIds[oldIds.length - 2]]; newest = penultimate ? pick(penultimate, ['id', 'received_at']) : undefined; } } // Removing it from our caches const messageIds = without(existingConversation.messageIds, id); const heightChangeMessageIds = without( existingConversation.heightChangeMessageIds, id ); let metrics; if (messageIds.length === 0) { metrics = { totalUnread: 0, }; } else { metrics = { ...existingConversation.metrics, oldest, newest, }; } return { ...state, messagesLookup: omit(messagesLookup, id), messagesByConversation: { [conversationId]: { ...existingConversation, messageIds, heightChangeMessageIds, metrics, }, }, }; } if (action.type === 'MESSAGES_ADDED') { const { conversationId, isActive, isNewMessage, messages } = action.payload; const { messagesByConversation, messagesLookup } = state; const existingConversation = messagesByConversation[conversationId]; if (!existingConversation) { return state; } let { newest, oldest, oldestUnread, totalUnread, } = existingConversation.metrics; if (messages.length < 1) { return state; } const lookup = fromPairs( existingConversation.messageIds.map(id => [id, messagesLookup[id]]) ); messages.forEach(message => { lookup[message.id] = message; }); const sorted = orderBy( values(lookup), ['received_at', 'sent_at'], ['ASC', 'ASC'] ); const messageIds = sorted.map(message => message.id); const first = sorted[0]; const last = sorted[sorted.length - 1]; if (!newest) { newest = pick(first, ['id', 'received_at']); } if (!oldest) { oldest = pick(last, ['id', 'received_at']); } const existingTotal = existingConversation.messageIds.length; if (isNewMessage && existingTotal > 0) { const lastMessageId = existingConversation.messageIds[existingTotal - 1]; // If our messages in memory don't include the most recent messages, then we // won't add new messages to our message list. const haveLatest = newest && newest.id === lastMessageId; if (!haveLatest) { return state; } } // Update oldest and newest if we receive older/newer // messages (or duplicated timestamps!) if (first && oldest && first.received_at <= oldest.received_at) { oldest = pick(first, ['id', 'received_at']); } if (last && newest && last.received_at >= newest.received_at) { newest = pick(last, ['id', 'received_at']); } const newIds = messages.map(message => message.id); const newMessageIds = difference(newIds, existingConversation.messageIds); const { isNearBottom } = existingConversation; if ((!isNearBottom || !isActive) && !oldestUnread) { const oldestId = newMessageIds.find(messageId => { const message = lookup[messageId]; return Boolean(message.unread); }); if (oldestId) { oldestUnread = pick(lookup[oldestId], [ 'id', 'received_at', ]) as MessagePointerType; } } if (oldestUnread) { const newUnread: number = newMessageIds.reduce((sum, messageId) => { const message = lookup[messageId]; return sum + (message && message.unread ? 1 : 0); }, 0); totalUnread = (totalUnread || 0) + newUnread; } const changedIds = intersection(newIds, existingConversation.messageIds); const heightChangeMessageIds = uniq([ ...changedIds, ...existingConversation.heightChangeMessageIds, ]); return { ...state, messagesLookup: { ...messagesLookup, ...lookup, }, messagesByConversation: { ...messagesByConversation, [conversationId]: { ...existingConversation, isLoadingMessages: false, messageIds, heightChangeMessageIds, scrollToMessageId: undefined, metrics: { ...existingConversation.metrics, newest, oldest, totalUnread, oldestUnread, }, }, }, }; } if (action.type === 'CLEAR_SELECTED_MESSAGE') { return { ...state, selectedMessage: undefined, }; } if (action.type === 'CLEAR_CHANGED_MESSAGES') { const { payload } = action; const { conversationId } = payload; const existingConversation = state.messagesByConversation[conversationId]; if (!existingConversation) { return state; } return { ...state, messagesByConversation: { ...state.messagesByConversation, [conversationId]: { ...existingConversation, heightChangeMessageIds: [], }, }, }; } if (action.type === 'CLEAR_UNREAD_METRICS') { const { payload } = action; const { conversationId } = payload; const existingConversation = state.messagesByConversation[conversationId]; if (!existingConversation) { return state; } return { ...state, messagesByConversation: { ...state.messagesByConversation, [conversationId]: { ...existingConversation, metrics: { ...existingConversation.metrics, oldestUnread: undefined, totalUnread: 0, }, }, }, }; } if (action.type === 'SELECTED_CONVERSATION_CHANGED') { const { payload } = action; const { id } = payload; return { ...state, selectedConversation: id, }; } if (action.type === 'SHOW_INBOX') { return { ...state, showArchived: false, }; } if (action.type === 'SHOW_ARCHIVED_CONVERSATIONS') { return { ...state, showArchived: true, }; } return state; }