/* global window, setTimeout, IDBKeyRange */ const electron = require('electron'); const { cloneDeep, forEach, get, isFunction, isObject, map, merge, set, } = require('lodash'); const { base64ToArrayBuffer, arrayBufferToBase64 } = require('./crypto'); const MessageType = require('./types/message'); const { ipcRenderer } = electron; // We listen to a lot of events on ipcRenderer, often on the same channel. This prevents // any warnings that might be sent to the console in that case. ipcRenderer.setMaxListeners(0); const DATABASE_UPDATE_TIMEOUT = 2 * 60 * 1000; // two minutes const SQL_CHANNEL_KEY = 'sql-channel'; const ERASE_SQL_KEY = 'erase-sql-key'; const ERASE_ATTACHMENTS_KEY = 'erase-attachments'; const CLEANUP_ORPHANED_ATTACHMENTS_KEY = 'cleanup-orphaned-attachments'; const _jobs = Object.create(null); const _DEBUG = false; let _jobCounter = 0; const channels = {}; module.exports = { _jobs, _cleanData, close, removeDB, removeIndexedDBFiles, createOrUpdateGroup, getGroupById, getAllGroupIds, bulkAddGroups, removeGroupById, removeAllGroups, createOrUpdateIdentityKey, getIdentityKeyById, bulkAddIdentityKeys, removeIdentityKeyById, removeAllIdentityKeys, createOrUpdatePreKey, getPreKeyById, bulkAddPreKeys, removePreKeyById, removeAllPreKeys, createOrUpdateSignedPreKey, getSignedPreKeyById, getAllSignedPreKeys, bulkAddSignedPreKeys, removeSignedPreKeyById, removeAllSignedPreKeys, createOrUpdateItem, getItemById, getAllItems, bulkAddItems, removeItemById, removeAllItems, createOrUpdateSession, getSessionById, getSessionsByNumber, bulkAddSessions, removeSessionById, removeSessionsByNumber, removeAllSessions, getConversationCount, saveConversation, saveConversations, getConversationById, updateConversation, removeConversation, _removeConversations, getAllConversations, getAllConversationIds, getAllPrivateConversations, getAllGroupsInvolvingId, searchConversations, getMessageCount, saveMessage, saveLegacyMessage, saveMessages, removeMessage, _removeMessages, getUnreadByConversation, removeAllMessagesInConversation, getMessageBySender, getMessageById, getAllMessages, getAllMessageIds, getMessagesBySentAt, getExpiredMessages, getOutgoingWithoutExpiresAt, getNextExpiringMessage, getMessagesByConversation, getUnprocessedCount, getAllUnprocessed, getUnprocessedById, saveUnprocessed, saveUnprocesseds, removeUnprocessed, removeAllUnprocessed, removeAll, removeAllConfiguration, removeOtherData, cleanupOrphanedAttachments, // Returning plain JSON getMessagesNeedingUpgrade, getLegacyMessagesNeedingUpgrade, getMessagesWithVisualMediaAttachments, getMessagesWithFileAttachments, }; // When IPC arguments are prepared for the cross-process send, they are JSON.stringified. // We can't send ArrayBuffers or BigNumbers (what we get from proto library for dates). function _cleanData(data) { const keys = Object.keys(data); for (let index = 0, max = keys.length; index < max; index += 1) { const key = keys[index]; const value = data[key]; if (value === null || value === undefined) { // eslint-disable-next-line no-continue continue; } if (isFunction(value.toNumber)) { // eslint-disable-next-line no-param-reassign data[key] = value.toNumber(); } else if (Array.isArray(value)) { // eslint-disable-next-line no-param-reassign data[key] = value.map(item => _cleanData(item)); } else if (isObject(value)) { // eslint-disable-next-line no-param-reassign data[key] = _cleanData(value); } else if ( typeof value !== 'string' && typeof value !== 'number' && typeof value !== 'boolean' ) { window.log.info(`_cleanData: key ${key} had type ${typeof value}`); } } return data; } function _makeJob(fnName) { _jobCounter += 1; const id = _jobCounter; if (_DEBUG) { window.log.info(`SQL channel job ${id} (${fnName}) started`); } _jobs[id] = { fnName, start: Date.now(), }; return id; } function _updateJob(id, data) { const { resolve, reject } = data; const { fnName, start } = _jobs[id]; _jobs[id] = { ..._jobs[id], ...data, resolve: value => { _removeJob(id); const end = Date.now(); const delta = end - start; if (delta > 10) { window.log.info( `SQL channel job ${id} (${fnName}) succeeded in ${end - start}ms` ); } return resolve(value); }, reject: error => { _removeJob(id); const end = Date.now(); window.log.info( `SQL channel job ${id} (${fnName}) failed in ${end - start}ms` ); return reject(error); }, }; } function _removeJob(id) { if (_DEBUG) { _jobs[id].complete = true; } else { delete _jobs[id]; } } function _getJob(id) { return _jobs[id]; } ipcRenderer.on( `${SQL_CHANNEL_KEY}-done`, (event, jobId, errorForDisplay, result) => { const job = _getJob(jobId); if (!job) { throw new Error( `Received SQL channel reply to job ${jobId}, but did not have it in our registry!` ); } const { resolve, reject, fnName } = job; if (errorForDisplay) { return reject( new Error( `Error received from SQL channel job ${jobId} (${fnName}): ${errorForDisplay}` ) ); } return resolve(result); } ); function makeChannel(fnName) { channels[fnName] = (...args) => { const jobId = _makeJob(fnName); return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { ipcRenderer.send(SQL_CHANNEL_KEY, jobId, fnName, ...args); _updateJob(jobId, { resolve, reject, args: _DEBUG ? args : null, }); setTimeout( () => reject(new Error(`SQL channel job ${jobId} (${fnName}) timed out`)), DATABASE_UPDATE_TIMEOUT ); }); }; } forEach(module.exports, fn => { if (isFunction(fn)) { makeChannel(fn.name); } }); function keysToArrayBuffer(keys, data) { const updated = cloneDeep(data); for (let i = 0, max = keys.length; i < max; i += 1) { const key = keys[i]; const value = get(data, key); if (value) { set(updated, key, base64ToArrayBuffer(value)); } } return updated; } function keysFromArrayBuffer(keys, data) { const updated = cloneDeep(data); for (let i = 0, max = keys.length; i < max; i += 1) { const key = keys[i]; const value = get(data, key); if (value) { set(updated, key, arrayBufferToBase64(value)); } } return updated; } // Top-level calls // Note: will need to restart the app after calling this, to set up afresh async function close() { await channels.close(); } // Note: will need to restart the app after calling this, to set up afresh async function removeDB() { await channels.removeDB(); } async function removeIndexedDBFiles() { await channels.removeIndexedDBFiles(); } // Groups async function createOrUpdateGroup(data) { await channels.createOrUpdateGroup(data); } async function getGroupById(id) { const group = await channels.getGroupById(id); return group; } async function getAllGroupIds() { const ids = await channels.getAllGroupIds(); return ids; } async function bulkAddGroups(array) { await channels.bulkAddGroups(array); } async function removeGroupById(id) { await channels.removeGroupById(id); } async function removeAllGroups() { await channels.removeAllGroups(); } // Identity Keys const IDENTITY_KEY_KEYS = ['publicKey']; async function createOrUpdateIdentityKey(data) { const updated = keysFromArrayBuffer(IDENTITY_KEY_KEYS, data); await channels.createOrUpdateIdentityKey(updated); } async function getIdentityKeyById(id) { const data = await channels.getIdentityKeyById(id); return keysToArrayBuffer(IDENTITY_KEY_KEYS, data); } async function bulkAddIdentityKeys(array) { const updated = map(array, data => keysFromArrayBuffer(IDENTITY_KEY_KEYS, data) ); await channels.bulkAddIdentityKeys(updated); } async function removeIdentityKeyById(id) { await channels.removeIdentityKeyById(id); } async function removeAllIdentityKeys() { await channels.removeAllIdentityKeys(); } // Pre Keys async function createOrUpdatePreKey(data) { const updated = keysFromArrayBuffer(PRE_KEY_KEYS, data); await channels.createOrUpdatePreKey(updated); } async function getPreKeyById(id) { const data = await channels.getPreKeyById(id); return keysToArrayBuffer(PRE_KEY_KEYS, data); } async function bulkAddPreKeys(array) { const updated = map(array, data => keysFromArrayBuffer(PRE_KEY_KEYS, data)); await channels.bulkAddPreKeys(updated); } async function removePreKeyById(id) { await channels.removePreKeyById(id); } async function removeAllPreKeys() { await channels.removeAllPreKeys(); } // Signed Pre Keys const PRE_KEY_KEYS = ['privateKey', 'publicKey']; async function createOrUpdateSignedPreKey(data) { const updated = keysFromArrayBuffer(PRE_KEY_KEYS, data); await channels.createOrUpdateSignedPreKey(updated); } async function getSignedPreKeyById(id) { const data = await channels.getSignedPreKeyById(id); return keysToArrayBuffer(PRE_KEY_KEYS, data); } async function getAllSignedPreKeys() { const keys = await channels.getAllSignedPreKeys(); return keys; } async function bulkAddSignedPreKeys(array) { const updated = map(array, data => keysFromArrayBuffer(PRE_KEY_KEYS, data)); await channels.bulkAddSignedPreKeys(updated); } async function removeSignedPreKeyById(id) { await channels.removeSignedPreKeyById(id); } async function removeAllSignedPreKeys() { await channels.removeAllSignedPreKeys(); } // Items const ITEM_KEYS = { identityKey: ['value.pubKey', 'value.privKey'], senderCertificate: [ 'value.certificate', 'value.signature', 'value.serialized', ], signaling_key: ['value'], profileKey: ['value'], }; async function createOrUpdateItem(data) { const { id } = data; if (!id) { throw new Error( 'createOrUpdateItem: Provided data did not have a truthy id' ); } const keys = ITEM_KEYS[id]; const updated = Array.isArray(keys) ? keysFromArrayBuffer(keys, data) : data; await channels.createOrUpdateItem(updated); } async function getItemById(id) { const keys = ITEM_KEYS[id]; const data = await channels.getItemById(id); return Array.isArray(keys) ? keysToArrayBuffer(keys, data) : data; } async function getAllItems() { const items = await channels.getAllItems(); return map(items, item => { const { id } = item; const keys = ITEM_KEYS[id]; return Array.isArray(keys) ? keysToArrayBuffer(keys, item) : item; }); } async function bulkAddItems(array) { const updated = map(array, data => { const { id } = data; const keys = ITEM_KEYS[id]; return Array.isArray(keys) ? keysFromArrayBuffer(keys, data) : data; }); await channels.bulkAddItems(updated); } async function removeItemById(id) { await channels.removeItemById(id); } async function removeAllItems() { await channels.removeAllItems(); } // Sessions async function createOrUpdateSession(data) { await channels.createOrUpdateSession(data); } async function getSessionById(id) { const session = await channels.getSessionById(id); return session; } async function getSessionsByNumber(number) { const sessions = await channels.getSessionsByNumber(number); return sessions; } async function bulkAddSessions(array) { await channels.bulkAddSessions(array); } async function removeSessionById(id) { await channels.removeSessionById(id); } async function removeSessionsByNumber(number) { await channels.removeSessionsByNumber(number); } async function removeAllSessions(id) { await channels.removeAllSessions(id); } // Conversation async function getConversationCount() { return channels.getConversationCount(); } async function saveConversation(data) { await channels.saveConversation(data); } async function saveConversations(data) { await channels.saveConversations(data); } async function getConversationById(id, { Conversation }) { const data = await channels.getConversationById(id); return new Conversation(data); } async function updateConversation(id, data, { Conversation }) { const existing = await getConversationById(id, { Conversation }); if (!existing) { throw new Error(`Conversation ${id} does not exist!`); } const merged = merge({}, existing.attributes, data); await channels.updateConversation(merged); } async function removeConversation(id, { Conversation }) { const existing = await getConversationById(id, { Conversation }); // Note: It's important to have a fully database-hydrated model to delete here because // it needs to delete all associated on-disk files along with the database delete. if (existing) { await channels.removeConversation(id); await existing.cleanup(); } } // Note: this method will not clean up external files, just delete from SQL async function _removeConversations(ids) { await channels.removeConversation(ids); } async function getAllConversations({ ConversationCollection }) { const conversations = await channels.getAllConversations(); const collection = new ConversationCollection(); collection.add(conversations); return collection; } async function getAllConversationIds() { const ids = await channels.getAllConversationIds(); return ids; } async function getAllPrivateConversations({ ConversationCollection }) { const conversations = await channels.getAllPrivateConversations(); const collection = new ConversationCollection(); collection.add(conversations); return collection; } async function getAllGroupsInvolvingId(id, { ConversationCollection }) { const conversations = await channels.getAllGroupsInvolvingId(id); const collection = new ConversationCollection(); collection.add(conversations); return collection; } async function searchConversations(query, { ConversationCollection }) { const conversations = await channels.searchConversations(query); const collection = new ConversationCollection(); collection.add(conversations); return collection; } // Message async function getMessageCount() { return channels.getMessageCount(); } async function saveMessage(data, { forceSave, Message } = {}) { const id = await channels.saveMessage(_cleanData(data), { forceSave }); Message.refreshExpirationTimer(); return id; } async function saveLegacyMessage(data) { const db = await window.Whisper.Database.open(); try { await new Promise((resolve, reject) => { const transaction = db.transaction('messages', 'readwrite'); transaction.onerror = () => { window.Whisper.Database.handleDOMException( 'saveLegacyMessage transaction error', transaction.error, reject ); }; transaction.oncomplete = resolve; const store = transaction.objectStore('messages'); if (!data.id) { // eslint-disable-next-line no-param-reassign data.id = window.getGuid(); } const request = store.put(data, data.id); request.onsuccess = resolve; request.onerror = () => { window.Whisper.Database.handleDOMException( 'saveLegacyMessage request error', request.error, reject ); }; }); } finally { db.close(); } } async function saveMessages(arrayOfMessages, { forceSave } = {}) { await channels.saveMessages(_cleanData(arrayOfMessages), { forceSave }); } async function removeMessage(id, { Message }) { const message = await getMessageById(id, { Message }); // Note: It's important to have a fully database-hydrated model to delete here because // it needs to delete all associated on-disk files along with the database delete. if (message) { await channels.removeMessage(id); await message.cleanup(); } } // Note: this method will not clean up external files, just delete from SQL async function _removeMessages(ids) { await channels.removeMessage(ids); } async function getMessageById(id, { Message }) { const message = await channels.getMessageById(id); if (!message) { return null; } return new Message(message); } // For testing only async function getAllMessages({ MessageCollection }) { const messages = await channels.getAllMessages(); return new MessageCollection(messages); } async function getAllMessageIds() { const ids = await channels.getAllMessageIds(); return ids; } async function getMessageBySender( // eslint-disable-next-line camelcase { source, sourceDevice, sent_at }, { Message } ) { const messages = await channels.getMessageBySender({ source, sourceDevice, sent_at, }); if (!messages || !messages.length) { return null; } return new Message(messages[0]); } async function getUnreadByConversation(conversationId, { MessageCollection }) { const messages = await channels.getUnreadByConversation(conversationId); return new MessageCollection(messages); } async function getMessagesByConversation( conversationId, { limit = 100, receivedAt = Number.MAX_VALUE, MessageCollection } ) { const messages = await channels.getMessagesByConversation(conversationId, { limit, receivedAt, }); return new MessageCollection(messages); } async function removeAllMessagesInConversation( conversationId, { MessageCollection } ) { let messages; do { // Yes, we really want the await in the loop. We're deleting 100 at a // time so we don't use too much memory. // eslint-disable-next-line no-await-in-loop messages = await getMessagesByConversation(conversationId, { limit: 100, MessageCollection, }); if (!messages.length) { return; } const ids = messages.map(message => message.id); // Note: It's very important that these models are fully hydrated because // we need to delete all associated on-disk files along with the database delete. // eslint-disable-next-line no-await-in-loop await Promise.all(messages.map(message => message.cleanup())); // eslint-disable-next-line no-await-in-loop await channels.removeMessage(ids); } while (messages.length > 0); } async function getMessagesBySentAt(sentAt, { MessageCollection }) { const messages = await channels.getMessagesBySentAt(sentAt); return new MessageCollection(messages); } async function getExpiredMessages({ MessageCollection }) { const messages = await channels.getExpiredMessages(); return new MessageCollection(messages); } async function getOutgoingWithoutExpiresAt({ MessageCollection }) { const messages = await channels.getOutgoingWithoutExpiresAt(); return new MessageCollection(messages); } async function getNextExpiringMessage({ MessageCollection }) { const messages = await channels.getNextExpiringMessage(); return new MessageCollection(messages); } // Unprocessed async function getUnprocessedCount() { return channels.getUnprocessedCount(); } async function getAllUnprocessed() { return channels.getAllUnprocessed(); } async function getUnprocessedById(id, { Unprocessed }) { const unprocessed = await channels.getUnprocessedById(id); if (!unprocessed) { return null; } return new Unprocessed(unprocessed); } async function saveUnprocessed(data, { forceSave } = {}) { const id = await channels.saveUnprocessed(_cleanData(data), { forceSave }); return id; } async function saveUnprocesseds(arrayOfUnprocessed, { forceSave } = {}) { await channels.saveUnprocesseds(_cleanData(arrayOfUnprocessed), { forceSave, }); } async function removeUnprocessed(id) { await channels.removeUnprocessed(id); } async function removeAllUnprocessed() { await channels.removeAllUnprocessed(); } // Other async function removeAll() { await channels.removeAll(); } async function removeAllConfiguration() { await channels.removeAllConfiguration(); } async function cleanupOrphanedAttachments() { await callChannel(CLEANUP_ORPHANED_ATTACHMENTS_KEY); } // Note: will need to restart the app after calling this, to set up afresh async function removeOtherData() { await Promise.all([ callChannel(ERASE_SQL_KEY), callChannel(ERASE_ATTACHMENTS_KEY), ]); } async function callChannel(name) { return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { ipcRenderer.send(name); ipcRenderer.once(`${name}-done`, (event, error) => { if (error) { return reject(error); } return resolve(); }); setTimeout( () => reject(new Error(`callChannel call to ${name} timed out`)), DATABASE_UPDATE_TIMEOUT ); }); } // Functions below here return plain JSON instead of Backbone Models async function getLegacyMessagesNeedingUpgrade( limit, { maxVersion = MessageType.CURRENT_SCHEMA_VERSION } ) { const db = await window.Whisper.Database.open(); try { return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { const transaction = db.transaction('messages', 'readonly'); const messages = []; transaction.onerror = () => { window.Whisper.Database.handleDOMException( 'getLegacyMessagesNeedingUpgrade transaction error', transaction.error, reject ); }; transaction.oncomplete = () => { resolve(messages); }; const store = transaction.objectStore('messages'); const index = store.index('schemaVersion'); const range = IDBKeyRange.upperBound(maxVersion, true); const request = index.openCursor(range); let count = 0; request.onsuccess = event => { const cursor = event.target.result; if (cursor) { count += 1; messages.push(cursor.value); if (count >= limit) { return; } cursor.continue(); } }; request.onerror = () => { window.Whisper.Database.handleDOMException( 'getLegacyMessagesNeedingUpgrade request error', request.error, reject ); }; }); } finally { db.close(); } } async function getMessagesNeedingUpgrade( limit, { maxVersion = MessageType.CURRENT_SCHEMA_VERSION } ) { const messages = await channels.getMessagesNeedingUpgrade(limit, { maxVersion, }); return messages; } async function getMessagesWithVisualMediaAttachments( conversationId, { limit } ) { return channels.getMessagesWithVisualMediaAttachments(conversationId, { limit, }); } async function getMessagesWithFileAttachments(conversationId, { limit }) { return channels.getMessagesWithFileAttachments(conversationId, { limit, }); }