// Copyright 2022 Signal Messenger, LLC // SPDX-License-Identifier: AGPL-3.0-only import { assert } from 'chai'; import { UUIDKind, Proto, StorageState } from '@signalapp/mock-server'; import type { PrimaryDevice } from '@signalapp/mock-server'; import createDebug from 'debug'; import Long from 'long'; import * as durations from '../../util/durations'; import { uuidToBytes } from '../../util/uuidToBytes'; import { MY_STORY_ID } from '../../types/Stories'; import { Bootstrap } from '../bootstrap'; import type { App } from '../bootstrap'; export const debug = createDebug('mock:test:merge'); const IdentifierType = Proto.ManifestRecord.Identifier.Type; describe('pnp/merge', function needsName() { this.timeout(durations.MINUTE); let bootstrap: Bootstrap; let app: App; let pniContact: PrimaryDevice; let pniIdentityKey: Uint8Array; let aciIdentityKey: Uint8Array; beforeEach(async () => { bootstrap = new Bootstrap({ contactCount: 0 }); await bootstrap.init(); const { server, phone } = bootstrap; pniContact = await server.createPrimaryDevice({ profileName: 'ACI Contact', }); pniIdentityKey = pniContact.getPublicKey(UUIDKind.PNI).serialize(); aciIdentityKey = pniContact.publicKey.serialize(); let state = StorageState.getEmpty(); state = state.updateAccount({ profileKey: phone.profileKey.serialize(), e164: phone.device.number, }); state = state.addContact( pniContact, { identityState: Proto.ContactRecord.IdentityState.DEFAULT, whitelisted: true, identityKey: pniIdentityKey, serviceE164: pniContact.device.number, givenName: 'PNI Contact', }, UUIDKind.PNI ); state = state.addContact(pniContact, { identityState: Proto.ContactRecord.IdentityState.DEFAULT, whitelisted: true, serviceE164: undefined, identityKey: aciIdentityKey, givenName: pniContact.profileName, }); // Put both contacts in left pane state = state.pin(pniContact, UUIDKind.PNI); state = state.pin(pniContact, UUIDKind.ACI); // Add my story state = state.addRecord({ type: IdentifierType.STORY_DISTRIBUTION_LIST, record: { storyDistributionList: { allowsReplies: true, identifier: uuidToBytes(MY_STORY_ID), isBlockList: true, name: MY_STORY_ID, recipientUuids: [], }, }, }); await phone.setStorageState(state); app = await bootstrap.link(); }); afterEach(async function after() { await bootstrap.maybeSaveLogs(this.currentTest, app); await app.close(); await bootstrap.teardown(); }); for (const finalContact of [UUIDKind.ACI, UUIDKind.PNI]) { for (const withNotification of [false, true]) { const testName = 'happens via storage service, ' + `${withNotification ? 'with' : 'without'} notification ` + `(${finalContact})`; // eslint-disable-next-line no-loop-func it(testName, async () => { const { phone } = bootstrap; const window = await app.getWindow(); const leftPane = window.locator('.left-pane-wrapper'); debug('opening conversation with the aci contact'); await leftPane .locator(`[data-testid="${pniContact.device.uuid}"]`) .click(); await window.locator('.module-conversation-hero').waitFor(); debug('Send message to ACI'); { const compositionInput = await app.waitForEnabledComposer(); await compositionInput.type('Hello ACI'); await compositionInput.press('Enter'); } debug('opening conversation with the pni contact'); await leftPane .locator('.module-conversation-list__item--contact-or-conversation') .first() .click(); await window.locator('.module-conversation-hero').waitFor(); debug('Verify starting state'); { // No messages const messages = window.locator('.module-message__text'); assert.strictEqual(await messages.count(), 0, 'message count'); // No notifications const notifications = window.locator('.SystemMessage'); assert.strictEqual( await notifications.count(), 0, 'notification count' ); } if (withNotification) { debug('Send message to PNI'); const compositionInput = await app.waitForEnabledComposer(); await compositionInput.type('Hello PNI'); await compositionInput.press('Enter'); } if (finalContact === UUIDKind.ACI) { debug('switching back to ACI conversation'); await leftPane .locator(`[data-testid="${pniContact.device.uuid}"]`) .click(); await window.locator('.module-conversation-hero').waitFor(); } debug( 'removing both contacts from storage service, adding one combined contact' ); { const state = await phone.expectStorageState('consistency check'); await phone.setStorageState( state.mergeContact(pniContact, { identityState: Proto.ContactRecord.IdentityState.DEFAULT, whitelisted: true, identityKey: pniContact.publicKey.serialize(), profileKey: pniContact.profileKey.serialize(), }) ); await phone.sendFetchStorage({ timestamp: bootstrap.getTimestamp(), }); await app.waitForManifestVersion(state.version); } debug('Verify final state'); { // Should have both PNI and ACI messages await window .locator('.module-message__text >> "Hello ACI"') .waitFor(); if (withNotification) { await window .locator('.module-message__text >> "Hello PNI"') .waitFor(); } const messages = window.locator('.module-message__text'); assert.strictEqual( await messages.count(), withNotification ? 2 : 1, 'message count' ); // One notification - the merge const notifications = window.locator('.SystemMessage'); assert.strictEqual( await notifications.count(), withNotification ? 1 : 0, 'notification count' ); if (withNotification) { const first = await notifications.first(); assert.match( await first.innerText(), /Your message history with ACI Contact and their number .* has been merged./ ); } } }); } } it('accepts storage service contact splitting', async () => { const { phone } = bootstrap; debug( 'removing both contacts from storage service, adding one combined contact' ); { const state = await phone.expectStorageState('consistency check'); await phone.setStorageState( state.mergeContact(pniContact, { identityState: Proto.ContactRecord.IdentityState.DEFAULT, whitelisted: true, identityKey: pniContact.publicKey.serialize(), profileKey: pniContact.profileKey.serialize(), }) ); await phone.sendFetchStorage({ timestamp: bootstrap.getTimestamp(), }); } const window = await app.getWindow(); const leftPane = window.locator('.left-pane-wrapper'); debug('opening conversation with the merged contact'); await leftPane .locator( `[data-testid="${pniContact.device.uuid}"] >> ` + `"${pniContact.profileName}"` ) .click(); await window.locator('.module-conversation-hero').waitFor(); debug('Send message to merged contact'); { const compositionInput = await app.waitForEnabledComposer(); await compositionInput.type('Hello merged'); await compositionInput.press('Enter'); } debug('Split contact and mark ACI as unregistered'); { let state = await phone.expectStorageState('consistency check'); state = state.updateContact(pniContact, { pni: undefined, serviceE164: undefined, unregisteredAtTimestamp: Long.fromNumber(bootstrap.getTimestamp()), }); state = state.addContact( pniContact, { identityState: Proto.ContactRecord.IdentityState.DEFAULT, whitelisted: true, identityKey: pniIdentityKey, serviceE164: pniContact.device.number, givenName: 'PNI Contact', }, UUIDKind.PNI ); state = state.pin(pniContact, UUIDKind.PNI); await phone.setStorageState(state); await phone.sendFetchStorage({ timestamp: bootstrap.getTimestamp(), }); } debug('Wait for pni contact to appear'); await leftPane .locator(`[data-testid="${pniContact.device.pni}"]`) .waitFor(); debug('Verify that the message is in the ACI conversation'); { // Should have both PNI and ACI messages await window.locator('.module-message__text >> "Hello merged"').waitFor(); const messages = window.locator('.module-message__text'); assert.strictEqual(await messages.count(), 1, 'message count'); } debug('Open PNI conversation'); await leftPane.locator(`[data-testid="${pniContact.device.pni}"]`).click(); debug('Verify absence of messages in the PNI conversation'); { const messages = window.locator('.module-message__text'); assert.strictEqual(await messages.count(), 0, 'message count'); } }); it('splits contact when ACI becomes unregistered', async () => { const { phone, server } = bootstrap; debug( 'removing both contacts from storage service, adding one combined contact' ); { const state = await phone.expectStorageState('consistency check'); await phone.setStorageState( state.mergeContact(pniContact, { identityState: Proto.ContactRecord.IdentityState.DEFAULT, whitelisted: true, identityKey: pniContact.publicKey.serialize(), profileKey: pniContact.profileKey.serialize(), }) ); await phone.sendFetchStorage({ timestamp: bootstrap.getTimestamp(), }); } const window = await app.getWindow(); const leftPane = window.locator('.left-pane-wrapper'); debug('opening conversation with the merged contact'); await leftPane .locator( `[data-testid="${pniContact.device.uuid}"] >> ` + `"${pniContact.profileName}"` ) .click(); await window.locator('.module-conversation-hero').waitFor(); debug('Unregistering ACI'); server.unregister(pniContact); const state = await phone.expectStorageState('initial state'); debug('Send message to merged contact'); { const compositionInput = await app.waitForEnabledComposer(); await compositionInput.type('Hello merged'); await compositionInput.press('Enter'); } debug('Verify that contact is split in storage service'); { const newState = await phone.waitForStorageState({ after: state, }); const { added, removed } = newState.diff(state); assert.strictEqual(added.length, 2, 'only two records must be added'); assert.strictEqual(removed.length, 1, 'only one record must be removed'); let pniContacts = 0; let aciContacts = 0; for (const { contact } of added) { if (!contact) { throw new Error('Invalid record'); } const { serviceUuid, serviceE164, pni } = contact; if (serviceUuid === pniContact.device.uuid) { aciContacts += 1; assert.strictEqual(pni, ''); assert.strictEqual(serviceE164, ''); } else if (serviceUuid === pniContact.device.pni) { pniContacts += 1; assert.strictEqual(pni, serviceUuid); assert.strictEqual(serviceE164, pniContact.device.number); } } assert.strictEqual(aciContacts, 1); assert.strictEqual(pniContacts, 1); assert.strictEqual(removed[0].contact?.pni, pniContact.device.pni); assert.strictEqual( removed[0].contact?.serviceUuid, pniContact.device.uuid ); // Pin PNI so that it appears in the left pane const updated = newState.pin(pniContact, UUIDKind.PNI); await phone.setStorageState(updated); await phone.sendFetchStorage({ timestamp: bootstrap.getTimestamp(), }); } debug('Verify that the message is in the ACI conversation'); { // Should have both PNI and ACI messages await window.locator('.module-message__text >> "Hello merged"').waitFor(); const messages = window.locator('.module-message__text'); assert.strictEqual(await messages.count(), 1, 'message count'); } debug('Open PNI conversation'); await leftPane.locator(`[data-testid="${pniContact.device.pni}"]`).click(); debug('Wait for ACI conversation to go away'); await window .locator(`.module-conversation-hero >> ${pniContact.profileName}`) .waitFor({ state: 'hidden', }); debug('Verify absence of messages in the PNI conversation'); { const messages = window.locator('.module-message__text'); assert.strictEqual(await messages.count(), 0, 'message count'); } }); });