const path = require('path'); const mkdirp = require('mkdirp'); const rimraf = require('rimraf'); const sql = require('@journeyapps/sqlcipher'); const { app, dialog, clipboard } = require('electron'); const { redactAll } = require('../js/modules/privacy'); const { remove: removeUserConfig } = require('./user_config'); const pify = require('pify'); const uuidv4 = require('uuid/v4'); const { map, isObject, isString, fromPairs, forEach, last } = require('lodash'); // To get long stack traces // sql.verbose(); module.exports = { initialize, close, removeDB, removeIndexedDBFiles, createOrUpdateIdentityKey, getIdentityKeyById, bulkAddIdentityKeys, removeIdentityKeyById, removeAllIdentityKeys, getAllIdentityKeys, createOrUpdatePreKey, getPreKeyById, bulkAddPreKeys, removePreKeyById, removeAllPreKeys, getAllPreKeys, createOrUpdateSignedPreKey, getSignedPreKeyById, getAllSignedPreKeys, bulkAddSignedPreKeys, removeSignedPreKeyById, removeAllSignedPreKeys, createOrUpdateItem, getItemById, getAllItems, bulkAddItems, removeItemById, removeAllItems, createOrUpdateSession, getSessionById, getSessionsByNumber, bulkAddSessions, removeSessionById, removeSessionsByNumber, removeAllSessions, getAllSessions, getConversationCount, saveConversation, saveConversations, getConversationById, updateConversation, removeConversation, getAllConversations, getAllConversationIds, getAllPrivateConversations, getAllGroupsInvolvingId, searchConversations, searchMessages, searchMessagesInConversation, getMessageCount, saveMessage, saveMessages, removeMessage, getUnreadByConversation, getMessageBySender, getMessageById, getAllMessages, getAllMessageIds, getMessagesBySentAt, getExpiredMessages, getOutgoingWithoutExpiresAt, getNextExpiringMessage, getMessagesByConversation, getUnprocessedCount, getAllUnprocessed, saveUnprocessed, updateUnprocessedAttempts, updateUnprocessedWithData, getUnprocessedById, saveUnprocesseds, removeUnprocessed, removeAllUnprocessed, getNextAttachmentDownloadJobs, saveAttachmentDownloadJob, setAttachmentDownloadJobPending, resetAttachmentDownloadPending, removeAttachmentDownloadJob, removeAllAttachmentDownloadJobs, removeAll, removeAllConfiguration, getMessagesNeedingUpgrade, getMessagesWithVisualMediaAttachments, getMessagesWithFileAttachments, removeKnownAttachments, }; function generateUUID() { return uuidv4(); } function objectToJSON(data) { return JSON.stringify(data); } function jsonToObject(json) { return JSON.parse(json); } async function openDatabase(filePath) { return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { const instance = new sql.Database(filePath, error => { if (error) { return reject(error); } return resolve(instance); }); }); } function promisify(rawInstance) { /* eslint-disable no-param-reassign */ rawInstance.close = pify(rawInstance.close.bind(rawInstance)); = pify(; rawInstance.get = pify(rawInstance.get.bind(rawInstance)); rawInstance.all = pify(rawInstance.all.bind(rawInstance)); rawInstance.each = pify(rawInstance.each.bind(rawInstance)); rawInstance.exec = pify(rawInstance.exec.bind(rawInstance)); rawInstance.prepare = pify(rawInstance.prepare.bind(rawInstance)); /* eslint-enable */ return rawInstance; } async function getSQLiteVersion(instance) { const row = await instance.get('select sqlite_version() AS sqlite_version'); return row.sqlite_version; } async function getSchemaVersion(instance) { const row = await instance.get('PRAGMA schema_version;'); return row.schema_version; } async function getSQLCipherVersion(instance) { const row = await instance.get('PRAGMA cipher_version;'); try { return row.cipher_version; } catch (e) { return null; } } const INVALID_KEY = /[^0-9A-Fa-f]/; async function setupSQLCipher(instance, { key }) { const match = INVALID_KEY.exec(key); if (match) { throw new Error(`setupSQLCipher: key '${key}' is not valid`); } // await`PRAGMA key = "x'${key}'";`); } async function updateToSchemaVersion1(currentVersion, instance) { if (currentVersion >= 1) { return; } console.log('updateToSchemaVersion1: starting...'); await'BEGIN TRANSACTION;'); await `CREATE TABLE messages( id STRING PRIMARY KEY ASC, json TEXT, unread INTEGER, expires_at INTEGER, sent_at INTEGER, schemaVersion INTEGER, conversationId STRING, received_at INTEGER, source STRING, sourceDevice STRING, hasAttachments INTEGER, hasFileAttachments INTEGER, hasVisualMediaAttachments INTEGER );` ); await`CREATE INDEX messages_unread ON messages ( unread );`); await`CREATE INDEX messages_expires_at ON messages ( expires_at );`); await`CREATE INDEX messages_receipt ON messages ( sent_at );`); await`CREATE INDEX messages_schemaVersion ON messages ( schemaVersion );`); await`CREATE INDEX messages_conversation ON messages ( conversationId, received_at );`); await`CREATE INDEX messages_duplicate_check ON messages ( source, sourceDevice, sent_at );`); await`CREATE INDEX messages_hasAttachments ON messages ( conversationId, hasAttachments, received_at );`); await`CREATE INDEX messages_hasFileAttachments ON messages ( conversationId, hasFileAttachments, received_at );`); await`CREATE INDEX messages_hasVisualMediaAttachments ON messages ( conversationId, hasVisualMediaAttachments, received_at );`); await`CREATE TABLE unprocessed( id STRING, timestamp INTEGER, json TEXT );`); await`CREATE INDEX unprocessed_id ON unprocessed ( id );`); await`CREATE INDEX unprocessed_timestamp ON unprocessed ( timestamp );`); await'PRAGMA schema_version = 1;'); await'COMMIT TRANSACTION;'); console.log('updateToSchemaVersion1: success!'); } async function updateToSchemaVersion2(currentVersion, instance) { if (currentVersion >= 2) { return; } console.log('updateToSchemaVersion2: starting...'); await'BEGIN TRANSACTION;'); await `ALTER TABLE messages ADD COLUMN expireTimer INTEGER;` ); await `ALTER TABLE messages ADD COLUMN expirationStartTimestamp INTEGER;` ); await `ALTER TABLE messages ADD COLUMN type STRING;` ); await`CREATE INDEX messages_expiring ON messages ( expireTimer, expirationStartTimestamp, expires_at );`); await `UPDATE messages SET expirationStartTimestamp = json_extract(json, '$.expirationStartTimestamp'), expireTimer = json_extract(json, '$.expireTimer'), type = json_extract(json, '$.type');` ); await'PRAGMA schema_version = 2;'); await'COMMIT TRANSACTION;'); console.log('updateToSchemaVersion2: success!'); } async function updateToSchemaVersion3(currentVersion, instance) { if (currentVersion >= 3) { return; } console.log('updateToSchemaVersion3: starting...'); await'BEGIN TRANSACTION;'); await'DROP INDEX messages_expiring;'); await'DROP INDEX messages_unread;'); await`CREATE INDEX messages_without_timer ON messages ( expireTimer, expires_at, type ) WHERE expires_at IS NULL AND expireTimer IS NOT NULL;`); await`CREATE INDEX messages_unread ON messages ( conversationId, unread ) WHERE unread IS NOT NULL;`); await'ANALYZE;'); await'PRAGMA schema_version = 3;'); await'COMMIT TRANSACTION;'); console.log('updateToSchemaVersion3: success!'); } async function updateToSchemaVersion4(currentVersion, instance) { if (currentVersion >= 4) { return; } console.log('updateToSchemaVersion4: starting...'); await'BEGIN TRANSACTION;'); await `CREATE TABLE conversations( id STRING PRIMARY KEY ASC, json TEXT, active_at INTEGER, type STRING, members TEXT, name TEXT, profileName TEXT );` ); await`CREATE INDEX conversations_active ON conversations ( active_at ) WHERE active_at IS NOT NULL;`); await`CREATE INDEX conversations_type ON conversations ( type ) WHERE type IS NOT NULL;`); await'PRAGMA schema_version = 4;'); await'COMMIT TRANSACTION;'); console.log('updateToSchemaVersion4: success!'); } async function updateToSchemaVersion6(currentVersion, instance) { if (currentVersion >= 6) { return; } console.log('updateToSchemaVersion6: starting...'); await'BEGIN TRANSACTION;'); // key-value, ids are strings, one extra column await `CREATE TABLE sessions( id STRING PRIMARY KEY ASC, number STRING, json TEXT );` ); await`CREATE INDEX sessions_number ON sessions ( number ) WHERE number IS NOT NULL;`); // key-value, ids are strings await `CREATE TABLE groups( id STRING PRIMARY KEY ASC, json TEXT );` ); await `CREATE TABLE identityKeys( id STRING PRIMARY KEY ASC, json TEXT );` ); await `CREATE TABLE items( id STRING PRIMARY KEY ASC, json TEXT );` ); // key-value, ids are integers await `CREATE TABLE preKeys( id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY ASC, json TEXT );` ); await `CREATE TABLE signedPreKeys( id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY ASC, json TEXT );` ); await'PRAGMA schema_version = 6;'); await'COMMIT TRANSACTION;'); console.log('updateToSchemaVersion6: success!'); } async function updateToSchemaVersion7(currentVersion, instance) { if (currentVersion >= 7) { return; } console.log('updateToSchemaVersion7: starting...'); await'BEGIN TRANSACTION;'); // SQLite has been coercing our STRINGs into numbers, so we force it with TEXT // We create a new table then copy the data into it, since we can't modify columns await'DROP INDEX sessions_number;'); await'ALTER TABLE sessions RENAME TO sessions_old;'); await `CREATE TABLE sessions( id TEXT PRIMARY KEY, number TEXT, json TEXT );` ); await`CREATE INDEX sessions_number ON sessions ( number ) WHERE number IS NOT NULL;`); await`INSERT INTO sessions(id, number, json) SELECT "+" || id, number, json FROM sessions_old; `); await'DROP TABLE sessions_old;'); await'PRAGMA schema_version = 7;'); await'COMMIT TRANSACTION;'); console.log('updateToSchemaVersion7: success!'); } async function updateToSchemaVersion8(currentVersion, instance) { if (currentVersion >= 8) { return; } console.log('updateToSchemaVersion8: starting...'); await'BEGIN TRANSACTION;'); // First, we pull a new body field out of the message table's json blob await `ALTER TABLE messages ADD COLUMN body TEXT;` ); await"UPDATE messages SET body = json_extract(json, '$.body')"); // Then we create our full-text search table and populate it await` CREATE VIRTUAL TABLE messages_fts USING fts5(id UNINDEXED, body); `); await` INSERT INTO messages_fts(id, body) SELECT id, body FROM messages; `); // Then we set up triggers to keep the full-text search table up to date await` CREATE TRIGGER messages_on_insert AFTER INSERT ON messages BEGIN INSERT INTO messages_fts ( id, body ) VALUES (, new.body ); END; `); await` CREATE TRIGGER messages_on_delete AFTER DELETE ON messages BEGIN DELETE FROM messages_fts WHERE id =; END; `); await` CREATE TRIGGER messages_on_update AFTER UPDATE ON messages BEGIN DELETE FROM messages_fts WHERE id =; INSERT INTO messages_fts( id, body ) VALUES (, new.body ); END; `); // For formatting search results: // // await'PRAGMA schema_version = 8;'); await'COMMIT TRANSACTION;'); console.log('updateToSchemaVersion8: success!'); } async function updateToSchemaVersion9(currentVersion, instance) { if (currentVersion >= 9) { return; } console.log('updateToSchemaVersion9: starting...'); await'BEGIN TRANSACTION;'); await`CREATE TABLE attachment_downloads( id STRING primary key, timestamp INTEGER, pending INTEGER, json TEXT );`); await`CREATE INDEX attachment_downloads_timestamp ON attachment_downloads ( timestamp ) WHERE pending = 0;`); await`CREATE INDEX attachment_downloads_pending ON attachment_downloads ( pending ) WHERE pending != 0;`); await'PRAGMA schema_version = 9;'); await'COMMIT TRANSACTION;'); console.log('updateToSchemaVersion9: success!'); } async function updateToSchemaVersion10(currentVersion, instance) { if (currentVersion >= 10) { return; } console.log('updateToSchemaVersion10: starting...'); await'BEGIN TRANSACTION;'); await'DROP INDEX unprocessed_id;'); await'DROP INDEX unprocessed_timestamp;'); await'ALTER TABLE unprocessed RENAME TO unprocessed_old;'); await`CREATE TABLE unprocessed( id STRING, timestamp INTEGER, version INTEGER, attempts INTEGER, envelope TEXT, decrypted TEXT, source TEXT, sourceDevice TEXT, serverTimestamp INTEGER );`); await`CREATE INDEX unprocessed_id ON unprocessed ( id );`); await`CREATE INDEX unprocessed_timestamp ON unprocessed ( timestamp );`); await`INSERT INTO unprocessed ( id, timestamp, version, attempts, envelope, decrypted, source, sourceDevice, serverTimestamp ) SELECT id, timestamp, json_extract(json, '$.version'), json_extract(json, '$.attempts'), json_extract(json, '$.envelope'), json_extract(json, '$.decrypted'), json_extract(json, '$.source'), json_extract(json, '$.sourceDevice'), json_extract(json, '$.serverTimestamp') FROM unprocessed_old; `); await'DROP TABLE unprocessed_old;'); await'PRAGMA schema_version = 10;'); await'COMMIT TRANSACTION;'); console.log('updateToSchemaVersion10: success!'); } async function updateToSchemaVersion11(currentVersion, instance) { if (currentVersion >= 11) { return; } console.log('updateToSchemaVersion11: starting...'); await'BEGIN TRANSACTION;'); await'DROP TABLE groups;'); await'PRAGMA schema_version = 11;'); await'COMMIT TRANSACTION;'); console.log('updateToSchemaVersion11: success!'); } const SCHEMA_VERSIONS = [ updateToSchemaVersion1, updateToSchemaVersion2, updateToSchemaVersion3, updateToSchemaVersion4, () => null, // version 5 was dropped updateToSchemaVersion6, updateToSchemaVersion7, updateToSchemaVersion8, updateToSchemaVersion9, updateToSchemaVersion10, updateToSchemaVersion11, ]; async function updateSchema(instance) { const sqliteVersion = await getSQLiteVersion(instance); const schemaVersion = await getSchemaVersion(instance); const cipherVersion = await getSQLCipherVersion(instance); console.log( 'updateSchema:', `Current schema version: ${schemaVersion};`, `Most recent schema version: ${SCHEMA_VERSIONS.length};`, `SQLite version: ${sqliteVersion};`, `SQLCipher version: ${cipherVersion};` ); for (let index = 0, max = SCHEMA_VERSIONS.length; index < max; index += 1) { const runSchemaUpdate = SCHEMA_VERSIONS[index]; // Yes, we really want to do this asynchronously, in order // eslint-disable-next-line no-await-in-loop await runSchemaUpdate(schemaVersion, instance); } } let db; let filePath; let indexedDBPath; async function initialize({ configDir, key, messages }) { if (db) { throw new Error('Cannot initialize more than once!'); } if (!isString(configDir)) { throw new Error('initialize: configDir is required!'); } if (!isString(key)) { throw new Error('initialize: key is required!'); } if (!isObject(messages)) { throw new Error('initialize: message is required!'); } indexedDBPath = path.join(configDir, 'IndexedDB'); const dbDir = path.join(configDir, 'sql'); mkdirp.sync(dbDir); filePath = path.join(dbDir, 'db.sqlite'); try { const sqlInstance = await openDatabase(filePath); const promisified = promisify(sqlInstance); // promisified.on('trace', async statement => { // if (!db || statement.startsWith('--')) { // console._log(statement); // return; // } // const data = await db.get(`EXPLAIN QUERY PLAN ${statement}`); // console._log(`EXPLAIN QUERY PLAN ${statement}\n`, data && data.detail); // }); await setupSQLCipher(promisified, { key }); await updateSchema(promisified); db = promisified; // test database await getMessageCount(); } catch (error) { console.log('Database startup error:', error.stack); const buttonIndex = dialog.showMessageBox({ buttons: [ messages.copyErrorAndQuit.message, messages.deleteAndRestart.message, ], defaultId: 0, detail: redactAll(error.stack), message: messages.databaseError.message, noLink: true, type: 'error', }); if (buttonIndex === 0) { clipboard.writeText( `Database startup error:\n\n${redactAll(error.stack)}` ); } else { await close(); await removeDB(); removeUserConfig(); app.relaunch(); } app.exit(1); return false; } return true; } async function close() { if (!db) { return; } const dbRef = db; db = null; await dbRef.close(); } async function removeDB() { if (db) { throw new Error('removeDB: Cannot erase database when it is open!'); } rimraf.sync(filePath); } async function removeIndexedDBFiles() { if (!indexedDBPath) { throw new Error( 'removeIndexedDBFiles: Need to initialize and set indexedDBPath first!' ); } const pattern = path.join(indexedDBPath, '*.leveldb'); rimraf.sync(pattern); indexedDBPath = null; } const IDENTITY_KEYS_TABLE = 'identityKeys'; async function createOrUpdateIdentityKey(data) { return createOrUpdate(IDENTITY_KEYS_TABLE, data); } async function getIdentityKeyById(id) { return getById(IDENTITY_KEYS_TABLE, id); } async function bulkAddIdentityKeys(array) { return bulkAdd(IDENTITY_KEYS_TABLE, array); } async function removeIdentityKeyById(id) { return removeById(IDENTITY_KEYS_TABLE, id); } async function removeAllIdentityKeys() { return removeAllFromTable(IDENTITY_KEYS_TABLE); } async function getAllIdentityKeys() { return getAllFromTable(IDENTITY_KEYS_TABLE); } const PRE_KEYS_TABLE = 'preKeys'; async function createOrUpdatePreKey(data) { return createOrUpdate(PRE_KEYS_TABLE, data); } async function getPreKeyById(id) { return getById(PRE_KEYS_TABLE, id); } async function bulkAddPreKeys(array) { return bulkAdd(PRE_KEYS_TABLE, array); } async function removePreKeyById(id) { return removeById(PRE_KEYS_TABLE, id); } async function removeAllPreKeys() { return removeAllFromTable(PRE_KEYS_TABLE); } async function getAllPreKeys() { return getAllFromTable(PRE_KEYS_TABLE); } const SIGNED_PRE_KEYS_TABLE = 'signedPreKeys'; async function createOrUpdateSignedPreKey(data) { return createOrUpdate(SIGNED_PRE_KEYS_TABLE, data); } async function getSignedPreKeyById(id) { return getById(SIGNED_PRE_KEYS_TABLE, id); } async function getAllSignedPreKeys() { const rows = await db.all('SELECT json FROM signedPreKeys ORDER BY id ASC;'); return map(rows, row => jsonToObject(row.json)); } async function bulkAddSignedPreKeys(array) { return bulkAdd(SIGNED_PRE_KEYS_TABLE, array); } async function removeSignedPreKeyById(id) { return removeById(SIGNED_PRE_KEYS_TABLE, id); } async function removeAllSignedPreKeys() { return removeAllFromTable(SIGNED_PRE_KEYS_TABLE); } const ITEMS_TABLE = 'items'; async function createOrUpdateItem(data) { return createOrUpdate(ITEMS_TABLE, data); } async function getItemById(id) { return getById(ITEMS_TABLE, id); } async function getAllItems() { const rows = await db.all('SELECT json FROM items ORDER BY id ASC;'); return map(rows, row => jsonToObject(row.json)); } async function bulkAddItems(array) { return bulkAdd(ITEMS_TABLE, array); } async function removeItemById(id) { return removeById(ITEMS_TABLE, id); } async function removeAllItems() { return removeAllFromTable(ITEMS_TABLE); } const SESSIONS_TABLE = 'sessions'; async function createOrUpdateSession(data) { const { id, number } = data; if (!id) { throw new Error( 'createOrUpdateSession: Provided data did not have a truthy id' ); } if (!number) { throw new Error( 'createOrUpdateSession: Provided data did not have a truthy number' ); } await `INSERT OR REPLACE INTO sessions ( id, number, json ) values ( $id, $number, $json )`, { $id: id, $number: number, $json: objectToJSON(data), } ); } async function getSessionById(id) { return getById(SESSIONS_TABLE, id); } async function getSessionsByNumber(number) { const rows = await db.all('SELECT * FROM sessions WHERE number = $number;', { $number: number, }); return map(rows, row => jsonToObject(row.json)); } async function bulkAddSessions(array) { return bulkAdd(SESSIONS_TABLE, array); } async function removeSessionById(id) { return removeById(SESSIONS_TABLE, id); } async function removeSessionsByNumber(number) { await'DELETE FROM sessions WHERE number = $number;', { $number: number, }); } async function removeAllSessions() { return removeAllFromTable(SESSIONS_TABLE); } async function getAllSessions() { return getAllFromTable(SESSIONS_TABLE); } async function createOrUpdate(table, data) { const { id } = data; if (!id) { throw new Error('createOrUpdate: Provided data did not have a truthy id'); } await `INSERT OR REPLACE INTO ${table} ( id, json ) values ( $id, $json )`, { $id: id, $json: objectToJSON(data), } ); } async function bulkAdd(table, array) { let promise; db.serialize(() => { promise = Promise.all(['BEGIN TRANSACTION;'),, data => createOrUpdate(table, data)),'COMMIT TRANSACTION;'), ]); }); await promise; } async function getById(table, id) { const row = await db.get(`SELECT * FROM ${table} WHERE id = $id;`, { $id: id, }); if (!row) { return null; } return jsonToObject(row.json); } async function removeById(table, id) { if (!Array.isArray(id)) { await`DELETE FROM ${table} WHERE id = $id;`, { $id: id }); return; } if (!id.length) { throw new Error('removeById: No ids to delete!'); } // Our node interface doesn't seem to allow you to replace one single ? with an array await `DELETE FROM ${table} WHERE id IN ( ${ => '?').join(', ')} );`, id ); } async function removeAllFromTable(table) { await`DELETE FROM ${table};`); } async function getAllFromTable(table) { const rows = await db.all(`SELECT json FROM ${table};`); return => jsonToObject(row.json)); } // Conversations async function getConversationCount() { const row = await db.get('SELECT count(*) from conversations;'); if (!row) { throw new Error( 'getConversationCount: Unable to get count of conversations' ); } return row['count(*)']; } async function saveConversation(data) { // eslint-disable-next-line camelcase const { id, active_at, type, members, name, profileName } = data; await `INSERT INTO conversations ( id, json, active_at, type, members, name, profileName ) values ( $id, $json, $active_at, $type, $members, $name, $profileName );`, { $id: id, $json: objectToJSON(data), $active_at: active_at, $type: type, $members: members ? members.join(' ') : null, $name: name, $profileName: profileName, } ); } async function saveConversations(arrayOfConversations) { let promise; db.serialize(() => { promise = Promise.all(['BEGIN TRANSACTION;'),, conversation => saveConversation(conversation) ),'COMMIT TRANSACTION;'), ]); }); await promise; } async function updateConversation(data) { // eslint-disable-next-line camelcase const { id, active_at, type, members, name, profileName } = data; await `UPDATE conversations SET json = $json, active_at = $active_at, type = $type, members = $members, name = $name, profileName = $profileName WHERE id = $id;`, { $id: id, $json: objectToJSON(data), $active_at: active_at, $type: type, $members: members ? members.join(' ') : null, $name: name, $profileName: profileName, } ); } async function removeConversation(id) { if (!Array.isArray(id)) { await'DELETE FROM conversations WHERE id = $id;', { $id: id }); return; } if (!id.length) { throw new Error('removeConversation: No ids to delete!'); } // Our node interface doesn't seem to allow you to replace one single ? with an array await `DELETE FROM conversations WHERE id IN ( ${id .map(() => '?') .join(', ')} );`, id ); } async function getConversationById(id) { const row = await db.get('SELECT * FROM conversations WHERE id = $id;', { $id: id, }); if (!row) { return null; } return jsonToObject(row.json); } async function getAllConversations() { const rows = await db.all('SELECT json FROM conversations ORDER BY id ASC;'); return map(rows, row => jsonToObject(row.json)); } async function getAllConversationIds() { const rows = await db.all('SELECT id FROM conversations ORDER BY id ASC;'); return map(rows, row =>; } async function getAllPrivateConversations() { const rows = await db.all( `SELECT json FROM conversations WHERE type = 'private' ORDER BY id ASC;` ); return map(rows, row => jsonToObject(row.json)); } async function getAllGroupsInvolvingId(id) { const rows = await db.all( `SELECT json FROM conversations WHERE type = 'group' AND members LIKE $id ORDER BY id ASC;`, { $id: `%${id}%`, } ); return map(rows, row => jsonToObject(row.json)); } async function searchConversations(query, { limit } = {}) { const rows = await db.all( `SELECT json FROM conversations WHERE ( id LIKE $id OR name LIKE $name OR profileName LIKE $profileName ) ORDER BY id ASC LIMIT $limit`, { $id: `%${query}%`, $name: `%${query}%`, $profileName: `%${query}%`, $limit: limit || 50, } ); return map(rows, row => jsonToObject(row.json)); } async function searchMessages(query, { limit } = {}) { const rows = await db.all( `SELECT messages.json, snippet(messages_fts, -1, '<>', '<>', '...', 15) as snippet FROM messages_fts INNER JOIN messages on = WHERE messages_fts match $query ORDER BY messages.received_at DESC LIMIT $limit;`, { $query: query, $limit: limit || 100, } ); return map(rows, row => ({ ...jsonToObject(row.json), snippet: row.snippet, })); } async function searchMessagesInConversation( query, conversationId, { limit } = {} ) { const rows = await db.all( `SELECT messages.json, snippet(messages_fts, -1, '<>', '<>', '...', 15) as snippet FROM messages_fts INNER JOIN messages on = WHERE messages_fts match $query AND messages.conversationId = $conversationId ORDER BY messages.received_at DESC LIMIT $limit;`, { $query: query, $conversationId: conversationId, $limit: limit || 100, } ); return map(rows, row => ({ ...jsonToObject(row.json), snippet: row.snippet, })); } async function getMessageCount() { const row = await db.get('SELECT count(*) from messages;'); if (!row) { throw new Error('getMessageCount: Unable to get count of messages'); } return row['count(*)']; } async function saveMessage(data, { forceSave } = {}) { const { body, conversationId, // eslint-disable-next-line camelcase expires_at, hasAttachments, hasFileAttachments, hasVisualMediaAttachments, id, // eslint-disable-next-line camelcase received_at, schemaVersion, // eslint-disable-next-line camelcase sent_at, source, sourceDevice, type, unread, expireTimer, expirationStartTimestamp, } = data; const payload = { $id: id, $json: objectToJSON(data), $body: body, $conversationId: conversationId, $expirationStartTimestamp: expirationStartTimestamp, $expires_at: expires_at, $expireTimer: expireTimer, $hasAttachments: hasAttachments, $hasFileAttachments: hasFileAttachments, $hasVisualMediaAttachments: hasVisualMediaAttachments, $received_at: received_at, $schemaVersion: schemaVersion, $sent_at: sent_at, $source: source, $sourceDevice: sourceDevice, $type: type, $unread: unread, }; if (id && !forceSave) { await `UPDATE messages SET json = $json, body = $body, conversationId = $conversationId, expirationStartTimestamp = $expirationStartTimestamp, expires_at = $expires_at, expireTimer = $expireTimer, hasAttachments = $hasAttachments, hasFileAttachments = $hasFileAttachments, hasVisualMediaAttachments = $hasVisualMediaAttachments, id = $id, received_at = $received_at, schemaVersion = $schemaVersion, sent_at = $sent_at, source = $source, sourceDevice = $sourceDevice, type = $type, unread = $unread WHERE id = $id;`, payload ); return id; } const toCreate = {, id: id || generateUUID(), }; await `INSERT INTO messages ( id, json, body, conversationId, expirationStartTimestamp, expires_at, expireTimer, hasAttachments, hasFileAttachments, hasVisualMediaAttachments, received_at, schemaVersion, sent_at, source, sourceDevice, type, unread ) values ( $id, $json, $body, $conversationId, $expirationStartTimestamp, $expires_at, $expireTimer, $hasAttachments, $hasFileAttachments, $hasVisualMediaAttachments, $received_at, $schemaVersion, $sent_at, $source, $sourceDevice, $type, $unread );`, { ...payload, $id:, $json: objectToJSON(toCreate), } ); return; } async function saveMessages(arrayOfMessages, { forceSave } = {}) { let promise; db.serialize(() => { promise = Promise.all(['BEGIN TRANSACTION;'),, message => saveMessage(message, { forceSave })),'COMMIT TRANSACTION;'), ]); }); await promise; } async function removeMessage(id) { if (!Array.isArray(id)) { await'DELETE FROM messages WHERE id = $id;', { $id: id }); return; } if (!id.length) { throw new Error('removeMessages: No ids to delete!'); } // Our node interface doesn't seem to allow you to replace one single ? with an array await `DELETE FROM messages WHERE id IN ( ${ => '?').join(', ')} );`, id ); } async function getMessageById(id) { const row = await db.get('SELECT * FROM messages WHERE id = $id;', { $id: id, }); if (!row) { return null; } return jsonToObject(row.json); } async function getAllMessages() { const rows = await db.all('SELECT json FROM messages ORDER BY id ASC;'); return map(rows, row => jsonToObject(row.json)); } async function getAllMessageIds() { const rows = await db.all('SELECT id FROM messages ORDER BY id ASC;'); return map(rows, row =>; } // eslint-disable-next-line camelcase async function getMessageBySender({ source, sourceDevice, sent_at }) { const rows = await db.all( `SELECT json FROM messages WHERE source = $source AND sourceDevice = $sourceDevice AND sent_at = $sent_at;`, { $source: source, $sourceDevice: sourceDevice, $sent_at: sent_at, } ); return map(rows, row => jsonToObject(row.json)); } async function getUnreadByConversation(conversationId) { const rows = await db.all( `SELECT json FROM messages WHERE unread = $unread AND conversationId = $conversationId ORDER BY received_at DESC;`, { $unread: 1, $conversationId: conversationId, } ); return map(rows, row => jsonToObject(row.json)); } async function getMessagesByConversation( conversationId, { limit = 100, receivedAt = Number.MAX_VALUE } = {} ) { const rows = await db.all( `SELECT json FROM messages WHERE conversationId = $conversationId AND received_at < $received_at ORDER BY received_at DESC LIMIT $limit;`, { $conversationId: conversationId, $received_at: receivedAt, $limit: limit, } ); return map(rows, row => jsonToObject(row.json)); } async function getMessagesBySentAt(sentAt) { const rows = await db.all( `SELECT * FROM messages WHERE sent_at = $sent_at ORDER BY received_at DESC;`, { $sent_at: sentAt, } ); return map(rows, row => jsonToObject(row.json)); } async function getExpiredMessages() { const now =; const rows = await db.all( `SELECT json FROM messages WHERE expires_at IS NOT NULL AND expires_at <= $expires_at ORDER BY expires_at ASC;`, { $expires_at: now, } ); return map(rows, row => jsonToObject(row.json)); } async function getOutgoingWithoutExpiresAt() { const rows = await db.all(` SELECT json FROM messages WHERE expireTimer > 0 AND expires_at IS NULL AND type IS 'outgoing' ORDER BY expires_at ASC; `); return map(rows, row => jsonToObject(row.json)); } async function getNextExpiringMessage() { const rows = await db.all(` SELECT json FROM messages WHERE expires_at > 0 ORDER BY expires_at ASC LIMIT 1; `); return map(rows, row => jsonToObject(row.json)); } async function saveUnprocessed(data, { forceSave } = {}) { const { id, timestamp, version, attempts, envelope } = data; if (!id) { throw new Error('saveUnprocessed: id was falsey'); } if (forceSave) { await `INSERT INTO unprocessed ( id, timestamp, version, attempts, envelope ) values ( $id, $timestamp, $version, $attempts, $envelope );`, { $id: id, $timestamp: timestamp, $version: version, $attempts: attempts, $envelope: envelope, } ); return id; } await `UPDATE unprocessed SET timestamp = $timestamp, version = $version, attempts = $attempts, envelope = $envelope WHERE id = $id;`, { $id: id, $timestamp: timestamp, $version: version, $attempts: attempts, $envelope: envelope, } ); return id; } async function saveUnprocesseds(arrayOfUnprocessed, { forceSave } = {}) { let promise; db.serialize(() => { promise = Promise.all(['BEGIN TRANSACTION;'),, unprocessed => saveUnprocessed(unprocessed, { forceSave }) ),'COMMIT TRANSACTION;'), ]); }); await promise; } async function updateUnprocessedAttempts(id, attempts) { await'UPDATE unprocessed SET attempts = $attempts WHERE id = $id;', { $id: id, $attempts: attempts, }); } async function updateUnprocessedWithData(id, data = {}) { const { source, sourceDevice, serverTimestamp, decrypted } = data; await `UPDATE unprocessed SET source = $source, sourceDevice = $sourceDevice, serverTimestamp = $serverTimestamp, decrypted = $decrypted WHERE id = $id;`, { $id: id, $source: source, $sourceDevice: sourceDevice, $serverTimestamp: serverTimestamp, $decrypted: decrypted, } ); } async function getUnprocessedById(id) { const row = await db.get('SELECT * FROM unprocessed WHERE id = $id;', { $id: id, }); return row; } async function getUnprocessedCount() { const row = await db.get('SELECT count(*) from unprocessed;'); if (!row) { throw new Error('getMessageCount: Unable to get count of unprocessed'); } return row['count(*)']; } async function getAllUnprocessed() { const rows = await db.all( 'SELECT * FROM unprocessed ORDER BY timestamp ASC;' ); return rows; } async function removeUnprocessed(id) { if (!Array.isArray(id)) { await'DELETE FROM unprocessed WHERE id = $id;', { $id: id }); return; } if (!id.length) { throw new Error('removeUnprocessed: No ids to delete!'); } // Our node interface doesn't seem to allow you to replace one single ? with an array await `DELETE FROM unprocessed WHERE id IN ( ${ => '?').join(', ')} );`, id ); } async function removeAllUnprocessed() { await'DELETE FROM unprocessed;'); } const ATTACHMENT_DOWNLOADS_TABLE = 'attachment_downloads'; async function getNextAttachmentDownloadJobs(limit, options = {}) { const timestamp = options.timestamp ||; const rows = await db.all( `SELECT json FROM attachment_downloads WHERE pending = 0 AND timestamp < $timestamp ORDER BY timestamp DESC LIMIT $limit;`, { $limit: limit, $timestamp: timestamp, } ); return map(rows, row => jsonToObject(row.json)); } async function saveAttachmentDownloadJob(job) { const { id, pending, timestamp } = job; if (!id) { throw new Error( 'saveAttachmentDownloadJob: Provided job did not have a truthy id' ); } await `INSERT OR REPLACE INTO attachment_downloads ( id, pending, timestamp, json ) values ( $id, $pending, $timestamp, $json )`, { $id: id, $pending: pending, $timestamp: timestamp, $json: objectToJSON(job), } ); } async function setAttachmentDownloadJobPending(id, pending) { await 'UPDATE attachment_downloads SET pending = $pending WHERE id = $id;', { $id: id, $pending: pending, } ); } async function resetAttachmentDownloadPending() { await 'UPDATE attachment_downloads SET pending = 0 WHERE pending != 0;' ); } async function removeAttachmentDownloadJob(id) { return removeById(ATTACHMENT_DOWNLOADS_TABLE, id); } async function removeAllAttachmentDownloadJobs() { return removeAllFromTable(ATTACHMENT_DOWNLOADS_TABLE); } // All data in database async function removeAll() { let promise; db.serialize(() => { promise = Promise.all(['BEGIN TRANSACTION;'),'DELETE FROM conversations;'),'DELETE FROM identityKeys;'),'DELETE FROM items;'),'DELETE FROM messages;'),'DELETE FROM preKeys;'),'DELETE FROM sessions;'),'DELETE FROM signedPreKeys;'),'DELETE FROM unprocessed;'),'DELETE FROM attachment_downloads;'),'DELETE FROM messages_fts;'),'COMMIT TRANSACTION;'), ]); }); await promise; } // Anything that isn't user-visible data async function removeAllConfiguration() { let promise; db.serialize(() => { promise = Promise.all(['BEGIN TRANSACTION;'),'DELETE FROM identityKeys;'),'DELETE FROM items;'),'DELETE FROM preKeys;'),'DELETE FROM sessions;'),'DELETE FROM signedPreKeys;'),'DELETE FROM unprocessed;'),'COMMIT TRANSACTION;'), ]); }); await promise; } async function getMessagesNeedingUpgrade(limit, { maxVersion }) { const rows = await db.all( `SELECT json FROM messages WHERE schemaVersion IS NULL OR schemaVersion < $maxVersion LIMIT $limit;`, { $maxVersion: maxVersion, $limit: limit, } ); return map(rows, row => jsonToObject(row.json)); } async function getMessagesWithVisualMediaAttachments( conversationId, { limit } ) { const rows = await db.all( `SELECT json FROM messages WHERE conversationId = $conversationId AND hasVisualMediaAttachments = 1 ORDER BY received_at DESC LIMIT $limit;`, { $conversationId: conversationId, $limit: limit, } ); return map(rows, row => jsonToObject(row.json)); } async function getMessagesWithFileAttachments(conversationId, { limit }) { const rows = await db.all( `SELECT json FROM messages WHERE conversationId = $conversationId AND hasFileAttachments = 1 ORDER BY received_at DESC LIMIT $limit;`, { $conversationId: conversationId, $limit: limit, } ); return map(rows, row => jsonToObject(row.json)); } function getExternalFilesForMessage(message) { const { attachments, contact, quote, preview } = message; const files = []; forEach(attachments, attachment => { const { path: file, thumbnail, screenshot } = attachment; if (file) { files.push(file); } if (thumbnail && thumbnail.path) { files.push(thumbnail.path); } if (screenshot && screenshot.path) { files.push(screenshot.path); } }); if (quote && quote.attachments && quote.attachments.length) { forEach(quote.attachments, attachment => { const { thumbnail } = attachment; if (thumbnail && thumbnail.path) { files.push(thumbnail.path); } }); } if (contact && contact.length) { forEach(contact, item => { const { avatar } = item; if (avatar && avatar.avatar && avatar.avatar.path) { files.push(avatar.avatar.path); } }); } if (preview && preview.length) { forEach(preview, item => { const { image } = item; if (image && image.path) { files.push(image.path); } }); } return files; } function getExternalFilesForConversation(conversation) { const { avatar, profileAvatar } = conversation; const files = []; if (avatar && avatar.path) { files.push(avatar.path); } if (profileAvatar && profileAvatar.path) { files.push(profileAvatar.path); } return files; } async function removeKnownAttachments(allAttachments) { const lookup = fromPairs(map(allAttachments, file => [file, true])); const chunkSize = 50; const total = await getMessageCount(); console.log( `removeKnownAttachments: About to iterate through ${total} messages` ); let count = 0; let complete = false; let id = ''; while (!complete) { // eslint-disable-next-line no-await-in-loop const rows = await db.all( `SELECT json FROM messages WHERE id > $id ORDER BY id ASC LIMIT $chunkSize;`, { $id: id, $chunkSize: chunkSize, } ); const messages = map(rows, row => jsonToObject(row.json)); forEach(messages, message => { const externalFiles = getExternalFilesForMessage(message); forEach(externalFiles, file => { delete lookup[file]; }); }); const lastMessage = last(messages); if (lastMessage) { ({ id } = lastMessage); } complete = messages.length < chunkSize; count += messages.length; } console.log(`removeKnownAttachments: Done processing ${count} messages`); complete = false; count = 0; // Though is a string, this ensures that, when coerced, this // value is still a string but it's smaller than every other string. id = 0; const conversationTotal = await getConversationCount(); console.log( `removeKnownAttachments: About to iterate through ${conversationTotal} conversations` ); while (!complete) { // eslint-disable-next-line no-await-in-loop const rows = await db.all( `SELECT json FROM conversations WHERE id > $id ORDER BY id ASC LIMIT $chunkSize;`, { $id: id, $chunkSize: chunkSize, } ); const conversations = map(rows, row => jsonToObject(row.json)); forEach(conversations, conversation => { const externalFiles = getExternalFilesForConversation(conversation); forEach(externalFiles, file => { delete lookup[file]; }); }); const lastMessage = last(conversations); if (lastMessage) { ({ id } = lastMessage); } complete = conversations.length < chunkSize; count += conversations.length; } console.log(`removeKnownAttachments: Done processing ${count} conversations`); return Object.keys(lookup); }