// Copyright 2020-2022 Signal Messenger, LLC // SPDX-License-Identifier: AGPL-3.0-only /* eslint-disable no-bitwise */ import pProps from 'p-props'; import { compact } from 'lodash'; import Long from 'long'; import { createVerify } from 'crypto'; import { pki } from 'node-forge'; import { constantTimeEqual, decryptAesGcm, deriveSecrets, encryptCdsDiscoveryRequest, splitUuids, } from '../../Crypto'; import { calculateAgreement, generateKeyPair } from '../../Curve'; import * as Bytes from '../../Bytes'; import { strictAssert } from '../../util/assert'; import { UUID } from '../../types/UUID'; import type { CDSBaseOptionsType } from './CDSBase'; import { CDSBase } from './CDSBase'; import type { CDSRequestOptionsType, CDSResponseType, CDSAuthType, CDSResponseEntryType, } from './Types.d'; export type LegacyCDSPutAttestationResponseType = Readonly<{ attestations: Record< string, { ciphertext: string; iv: string; quote: string; serverEphemeralPublic: string; serverStaticPublic: string; signature: string; signatureBody: string; tag: string; certificates: string; } >; }>; export type LegacyCDSPutAttestationResultType = Readonly<{ cookie?: string; responseBody: LegacyCDSPutAttestationResponseType; }>; export type LegacyCDSDiscoveryResponseType = Readonly<{ requestId: Uint8Array; iv: Uint8Array; data: Uint8Array; mac: Uint8Array; }>; export type LegacyCDSOptionsType = Readonly<{ directoryEnclaveId: string; directoryTrustAnchor: string; putAttestation: ( auth: CDSAuthType, publicKey: Uint8Array ) => Promise; fetchDiscoveryData: ( auth: CDSAuthType, data: Record, cookie?: string ) => Promise; }> & CDSBaseOptionsType; type AttestationMapType = Readonly<{ cookie?: string; attestations: Record< string, Readonly<{ clientKey: Uint8Array; serverKey: Uint8Array; requestId: Uint8Array; }> >; }>; type SgxConstantsType = { SGX_FLAGS_INITTED: Long; SGX_FLAGS_DEBUG: Long; SGX_FLAGS_MODE64BIT: Long; SGX_FLAGS_PROVISION_KEY: Long; SGX_FLAGS_EINITTOKEN_KEY: Long; SGX_FLAGS_RESERVED: Long; SGX_XFRM_LEGACY: Long; SGX_XFRM_AVX: Long; SGX_XFRM_RESERVED: Long; }; let sgxConstantCache: SgxConstantsType | null = null; function makeLong(value: string): Long { return Long.fromString(value); } function getSgxConstants() { if (sgxConstantCache) { return sgxConstantCache; } sgxConstantCache = { SGX_FLAGS_INITTED: makeLong('x0000000000000001L'), SGX_FLAGS_DEBUG: makeLong('x0000000000000002L'), SGX_FLAGS_MODE64BIT: makeLong('x0000000000000004L'), SGX_FLAGS_PROVISION_KEY: makeLong('x0000000000000004L'), SGX_FLAGS_EINITTOKEN_KEY: makeLong('x0000000000000004L'), SGX_FLAGS_RESERVED: makeLong('xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFC8L'), SGX_XFRM_LEGACY: makeLong('x0000000000000003L'), SGX_XFRM_AVX: makeLong('x0000000000000006L'), SGX_XFRM_RESERVED: makeLong('xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF8L'), }; return sgxConstantCache; } export class LegacyCDS extends CDSBase { public override async request({ e164s, acis, accessKeys, }: CDSRequestOptionsType): Promise { strictAssert(!acis && !accessKeys, 'LegacyCDS does not support PNP'); const directoryAuth = await this.getAuth(); const attestationResult = await this.putAttestation(directoryAuth); // Encrypt data for discovery const data = await encryptCdsDiscoveryRequest( attestationResult.attestations, e164s ); const { cookie } = attestationResult; // Send discovery request const discoveryResponse = await this.options.fetchDiscoveryData( directoryAuth, data, cookie ); const returnedAttestation = Object.values( attestationResult.attestations ).find(at => constantTimeEqual(at.requestId, discoveryResponse.requestId)); if (!returnedAttestation) { throw new Error('No known attestations returned from CDS'); } // Decrypt discovery response const decryptedDiscoveryData = decryptAesGcm( returnedAttestation.serverKey, discoveryResponse.iv, Bytes.concatenate([discoveryResponse.data, discoveryResponse.mac]) ); // Process and return result const uuids = splitUuids(decryptedDiscoveryData); if (uuids.length !== e164s.length) { throw new Error( 'Returned set of UUIDs did not match returned set of e164s!' ); } const result = new Map(); for (const [i, e164] of e164s.entries()) { const uuid = uuids[i]; result.set(e164, { aci: undefined, pni: uuid ? UUID.cast(uuid) : undefined, }); } return result; } // // Private // private async putAttestation(auth: CDSAuthType): Promise { const { privKey, pubKey } = generateKeyPair(); // Remove first "key type" byte from public key const slicedPubKey = pubKey.slice(1); // Do request const { cookie, responseBody } = await this.options.putAttestation( auth, slicedPubKey ); const attestationsLength = Object.keys(responseBody.attestations).length; if (attestationsLength > 3) { throw new Error( 'Got more than three attestations from the Contact Discovery Service' ); } if (attestationsLength < 1) { throw new Error('Got no attestations from the Contact Discovery Service'); } // Decode response return { cookie, attestations: await pProps( responseBody.attestations, async attestation => { const decoded = { ...attestation, ciphertext: Bytes.fromBase64(attestation.ciphertext), iv: Bytes.fromBase64(attestation.iv), quote: Bytes.fromBase64(attestation.quote), serverEphemeralPublic: Bytes.fromBase64( attestation.serverEphemeralPublic ), serverStaticPublic: Bytes.fromBase64( attestation.serverStaticPublic ), signature: Bytes.fromBase64(attestation.signature), tag: Bytes.fromBase64(attestation.tag), }; // Validate response this.validateAttestationQuote(decoded); validateAttestationSignatureBody( JSON.parse(decoded.signatureBody), attestation.quote ); await this.validateAttestationSignature( decoded.signature, decoded.signatureBody, decoded.certificates ); // Derive key const ephemeralToEphemeral = calculateAgreement( decoded.serverEphemeralPublic, privKey ); const ephemeralToStatic = calculateAgreement( decoded.serverStaticPublic, privKey ); const masterSecret = Bytes.concatenate([ ephemeralToEphemeral, ephemeralToStatic, ]); const publicKeys = Bytes.concatenate([ slicedPubKey, decoded.serverEphemeralPublic, decoded.serverStaticPublic, ]); const [clientKey, serverKey] = deriveSecrets( masterSecret, publicKeys, new Uint8Array(0) ); // Decrypt ciphertext into requestId const requestId = decryptAesGcm( serverKey, decoded.iv, Bytes.concatenate([decoded.ciphertext, decoded.tag]) ); return { clientKey, serverKey, requestId, }; } ), }; } private async validateAttestationSignature( signature: Uint8Array, signatureBody: string, certificates: string ) { const CERT_PREFIX = '-----BEGIN CERTIFICATE-----'; const pem = compact( certificates.split(CERT_PREFIX).map(match => { if (!match) { return null; } return `${CERT_PREFIX}${match}`; }) ); if (pem.length < 2) { throw new Error( `validateAttestationSignature: Expect two or more entries; got ${pem.length}` ); } const verify = createVerify('RSA-SHA256'); verify.update(Buffer.from(Bytes.fromString(signatureBody))); const isValid = verify.verify(pem[0], Buffer.from(signature)); if (!isValid) { throw new Error('Validation of signature across signatureBody failed!'); } const caStore = pki.createCaStore([this.options.directoryTrustAnchor]); const chain = compact(pem.map(cert => pki.certificateFromPem(cert))); const isChainValid = pki.verifyCertificateChain(caStore, chain); if (!isChainValid) { throw new Error('Validation of certificate chain failed!'); } const leafCert = chain[0]; const fieldCN = leafCert.subject.getField('CN'); if (!fieldCN || fieldCN.value !== 'Intel SGX Attestation Report Signing') { throw new Error('Leaf cert CN field had unexpected value'); } const fieldO = leafCert.subject.getField('O'); if (!fieldO || fieldO.value !== 'Intel Corporation') { throw new Error('Leaf cert O field had unexpected value'); } const fieldL = leafCert.subject.getField('L'); if (!fieldL || fieldL.value !== 'Santa Clara') { throw new Error('Leaf cert L field had unexpected value'); } const fieldST = leafCert.subject.getField('ST'); if (!fieldST || fieldST.value !== 'CA') { throw new Error('Leaf cert ST field had unexpected value'); } const fieldC = leafCert.subject.getField('C'); if (!fieldC || fieldC.value !== 'US') { throw new Error('Leaf cert C field had unexpected value'); } } private validateAttestationQuote({ serverStaticPublic, quote: quoteBytes, }: { serverStaticPublic: Uint8Array; quote: Uint8Array; }): void { const SGX_CONSTANTS = getSgxConstants(); const quote = Buffer.from(quoteBytes); const quoteVersion = quote.readInt16LE(0) & 0xffff; if (quoteVersion < 0 || quoteVersion > 2) { throw new Error(`Unknown version ${quoteVersion}`); } const miscSelect = quote.slice(64, 64 + 4); if (!miscSelect.every(byte => byte === 0)) { throw new Error('Quote miscSelect invalid!'); } const reserved1 = quote.slice(68, 68 + 28); if (!reserved1.every(byte => byte === 0)) { throw new Error('Quote reserved1 invalid!'); } const flags = Long.fromBytesLE( Array.from(quote.slice(96, 96 + 8).values()) ); if ( flags.and(SGX_CONSTANTS.SGX_FLAGS_RESERVED).notEquals(0) || flags.and(SGX_CONSTANTS.SGX_FLAGS_INITTED).equals(0) || flags.and(SGX_CONSTANTS.SGX_FLAGS_MODE64BIT).equals(0) ) { throw new Error(`Quote flags invalid ${flags.toString()}`); } const xfrm = Long.fromBytesLE( Array.from(quote.slice(104, 104 + 8).values()) ); if (xfrm.and(SGX_CONSTANTS.SGX_XFRM_RESERVED).notEquals(0)) { throw new Error(`Quote xfrm invalid ${xfrm}`); } const mrenclave = quote.slice(112, 112 + 32); const enclaveIdBytes = Bytes.fromHex(this.options.directoryEnclaveId); if (mrenclave.compare(enclaveIdBytes) !== 0) { throw new Error('Quote mrenclave invalid!'); } const reserved2 = quote.slice(144, 144 + 32); if (!reserved2.every(byte => byte === 0)) { throw new Error('Quote reserved2 invalid!'); } const reportData = quote.slice(368, 368 + 64); const serverStaticPublicBytes = serverStaticPublic; if ( !reportData.every((byte, index) => { if (index >= 32) { return byte === 0; } return byte === serverStaticPublicBytes[index]; }) ) { throw new Error('Quote report_data invalid!'); } const reserved3 = quote.slice(208, 208 + 96); if (!reserved3.every(byte => byte === 0)) { throw new Error('Quote reserved3 invalid!'); } const reserved4 = quote.slice(308, 308 + 60); if (!reserved4.every(byte => byte === 0)) { throw new Error('Quote reserved4 invalid!'); } const signatureLength = quote.readInt32LE(432) >>> 0; if (signatureLength !== quote.byteLength - 436) { throw new Error(`Bad signatureLength ${signatureLength}`); } // const signature = quote.slice(436, 436 + signatureLength); } } function validateAttestationSignatureBody( signatureBody: { timestamp: string; version: number; isvEnclaveQuoteBody: string; isvEnclaveQuoteStatus: string; }, encodedQuote: string ) { // Parse timestamp as UTC const { timestamp } = signatureBody; const utcTimestamp = timestamp.endsWith('Z') ? timestamp : `${timestamp}Z`; const signatureTime = new Date(utcTimestamp).getTime(); const now = Date.now(); if (signatureBody.version !== 3) { throw new Error('Attestation signature invalid version!'); } if (!encodedQuote.startsWith(signatureBody.isvEnclaveQuoteBody)) { throw new Error('Attestion signature mismatches quote!'); } if (signatureBody.isvEnclaveQuoteStatus !== 'OK') { throw new Error('Attestation signature status not "OK"!'); } if (signatureTime < now - 24 * 60 * 60 * 1000) { throw new Error('Attestation signature timestamp older than 24 hours!'); } }