// Copyright 2021-2022 Signal Messenger, LLC // SPDX-License-Identifier: AGPL-3.0-only import { EventEmitter } from 'events'; import { Readable } from 'stream'; import { noop } from 'lodash'; import type { connection as WebSocket } from 'websocket'; import Long from 'long'; import type { LoggerType } from '../../types/Logging'; import { strictAssert } from '../../util/assert'; import { dropNull } from '../../util/dropNull'; import { UUID_BYTE_SIZE } from '../../types/UUID'; import * as Bytes from '../../Bytes'; import { uuidToBytes, bytesToUuid } from '../../Crypto'; import { SignalService as Proto } from '../../protobuf'; import type { CDSRequestOptionsType, CDSResponseEntryType, CDSResponseType, } from './Types.d'; export type CDSSocketBaseOptionsType = Readonly<{ logger: LoggerType; socket: WebSocket; }>; export type CDSSocketResponseType = Readonly<{ response: CDSResponseType; retryAfterSecs?: number; }>; export enum CDSSocketState { Open = 'Open', Handshake = 'Handshake', Established = 'Established', Closed = 'Closed', } const MAX_E164_COUNT = 5000; const E164_BYTE_SIZE = 8; const TRIPLE_BYTE_SIZE = UUID_BYTE_SIZE * 2 + E164_BYTE_SIZE; export abstract class CDSSocketBase< Options extends CDSSocketBaseOptionsType = CDSSocketBaseOptionsType > extends EventEmitter { protected state = CDSSocketState.Open; protected readonly socket: WebSocket; protected readonly logger: LoggerType; protected readonly socketIterator: AsyncIterator; constructor(protected readonly options: Options) { super(); // For easier access this.logger = options.logger; this.socket = options.socket; this.socketIterator = this.iterateSocket(); } public async close(code: number, reason: string): Promise { return this.socket.close(code, reason); } public async request({ e164s, acis, accessKeys, }: CDSRequestOptionsType): Promise { const log = this.logger; strictAssert( e164s.length < MAX_E164_COUNT, 'CDSSocket does not support paging. Use this for one-off requests' ); strictAssert( this.state === CDSSocketState.Established, 'CDS Connection not established' ); const aciUakPairs = new Array(); let version: 1 | 2; if (acis) { strictAssert(accessKeys, 'accessKeys are required when acis are present'); strictAssert( acis.length === accessKeys.length, `Number of ACIs ${acis.length} is different ` + `from number of access keys ${accessKeys.length}` ); version = 2; for (let i = 0; i < acis.length; i += 1) { aciUakPairs.push( Bytes.concatenate([ uuidToBytes(acis[i]), Bytes.fromBase64(accessKeys[i]), ]) ); } } else { version = 1; } const request = Proto.CDSClientRequest.encode({ newE164s: Buffer.concat( e164s.map(e164 => { // Long.fromString handles numbers with or without a leading '+' return new Uint8Array(Long.fromString(e164).toBytesBE()); }) ), aciUakPairs: Buffer.concat(aciUakPairs), }).finish(); log.info(`CDSSocket.request(): sending version=${version} request`); await this.sendRequest(version, Buffer.from(request)); const resultMap: Map = new Map(); let retryAfterSecs: number | undefined; // eslint-disable-next-line no-constant-condition while (true) { // eslint-disable-next-line no-await-in-loop const { done, value: ciphertext } = await this.socketIterator.next(); if (done) { this.state = CDSSocketState.Closed; break; } // eslint-disable-next-line no-await-in-loop const message = await this.decryptResponse(ciphertext); log.info('CDSSocket.request(): processing response message'); const response = Proto.CDSClientResponse.decode(message); const newRetryAfterSecs = dropNull(response.retryAfterSecs); decodeSingleResponse(resultMap, response); if (newRetryAfterSecs) { retryAfterSecs = Math.max(newRetryAfterSecs, retryAfterSecs ?? 0); } } log.info('CDSSocket.request(): done'); return { response: resultMap, retryAfterSecs, }; } // Abstract methods public abstract handshake(): Promise; protected abstract sendRequest(version: number, data: Buffer): Promise; protected abstract decryptResponse(ciphertext: Buffer): Promise; // EventEmitter types public override on( type: 'close', callback: (code: number, reason?: string) => void ): this; public override on(type: 'error', callback: (error: Error) => void): this; public override on( type: string | symbol, // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-explicit-any listener: (...args: Array) => void ): this { return super.on(type, listener); } public override emit(type: 'close', code: number, reason?: string): boolean; public override emit(type: 'error', error: Error): boolean; // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-explicit-any public override emit(type: string | symbol, ...args: Array): boolean { return super.emit(type, ...args); } // // Private // private iterateSocket(): AsyncIterator { const stream = new Readable({ read: noop, objectMode: true }); this.socket.on('message', ({ type, binaryData }) => { strictAssert(type === 'binary', 'Invalid CDS socket packet'); strictAssert(binaryData, 'Invalid CDS socket packet'); stream.push(binaryData); }); this.socket.on('close', (code, reason) => { if (code === 1000) { stream.push(null); } else { stream.destroy( new Error(`Socket closed with code ${code} and reason ${reason}`) ); } }); this.socket.on('error', (error: Error) => stream.destroy(error)); return stream[Symbol.asyncIterator](); } } function decodeSingleResponse( resultMap: Map, response: Proto.CDSClientResponse ): void { for ( let i = 0; i < response.e164PniAciTriples.length; i += TRIPLE_BYTE_SIZE ) { const tripleBytes = response.e164PniAciTriples.slice( i, i + TRIPLE_BYTE_SIZE ); strictAssert( tripleBytes.length === TRIPLE_BYTE_SIZE, 'Invalid size of CDS response triple' ); let offset = 0; const e164Bytes = tripleBytes.slice(offset, offset + E164_BYTE_SIZE); offset += E164_BYTE_SIZE; const pniBytes = tripleBytes.slice(offset, offset + UUID_BYTE_SIZE); offset += UUID_BYTE_SIZE; const aciBytes = tripleBytes.slice(offset, offset + UUID_BYTE_SIZE); offset += UUID_BYTE_SIZE; const e164Long = Long.fromBytesBE(Array.from(e164Bytes)); if (e164Long.isZero()) { continue; } const e164 = `+${e164Long.toString()}`; const pni = bytesToUuid(pniBytes); const aci = bytesToUuid(aciBytes); resultMap.set(e164, { pni, aci }); } }