/* * vim: ts=4:sw=4:expandtab */ (function () { 'use strict'; window.Whisper = window.Whisper || {}; Whisper.MessageListView = Whisper.ListView.extend({ tagName: 'ul', className: 'message-list', itemView: Whisper.MessageView, events: { 'scroll': 'onScroll', 'reset-scroll': 'resetScrollPosition' }, onScroll: function() { this.measureScrollPosition(); if (this.$el.scrollTop() === 0) { this.$el.trigger('loadMore'); } }, measureScrollPosition: function() { if (this.el.scrollHeight === 0) { // hidden return; } this.scrollPosition = this.$el.scrollTop() + this.$el.outerHeight(); this.scrollHeight = this.el.scrollHeight; this.shouldStickToBottom = this.scrollPosition === this.scrollHeight; if (this.shouldStickToBottom) { this.bottomOffset = 0; } else { this.bottomOffset = this.scrollHeight - this.$el.scrollTop(); } }, resetScrollPosition: function() { var scrollPosition = this.scrollPosition; if (this.scrollHeight !== this.el.scrollHeight) { scrollPosition = this.el.scrollHeight * this.scrollPosition / this.scrollHeight; } this.$el.scrollTop(scrollPosition - this.$el.outerHeight()); }, scrollToBottomIfNeeded: function() { this.$el.scrollTop(this.el.scrollHeight - this.bottomOffset); }, addOne: function(model) { var view; if (model.isExpirationTimerUpdate()) { view = new Whisper.ExpirationTimerUpdateView({model: model}).render(); } else { view = new this.itemView({model: model}).render(); this.listenTo(view, 'beforeChangeHeight', this.measureScrollPosition); this.listenTo(view, 'afterChangeHeight', this.scrollToBottomIfNeeded); } if (this.collection.indexOf(model) === this.collection.length - 1) { // add to the bottom. this.$el.append(view.el); this.$el.scrollTop(this.el.scrollHeight); // TODO: Avoid scrolling if user has manually scrolled up? this.measureScrollPosition(); } else { // add to the top. this.measureScrollPosition(); this.$el.prepend(view.el); this.scrollToBottomIfNeeded(); } }, }); })();