// Copyright 2020-2021 Signal Messenger, LLC // SPDX-License-Identifier: AGPL-3.0-only import * as React from 'react'; import { ActionCreatorsMapObject, bindActionCreators } from 'redux'; import { useDispatch } from 'react-redux'; import { first, last, noop } from 'lodash'; export function usePrevious(initialValue: T, currentValue: T): T { const previousValueRef = React.useRef(initialValue); const result = previousValueRef.current; previousValueRef.current = currentValue; return result; } export const useBoundActions = ( actions: T ): T => { const dispatch = useDispatch(); return React.useMemo(() => { return bindActionCreators(actions, dispatch); }, [actions, dispatch]); }; export const usePageVisibility = (): boolean => { const [result, setResult] = React.useState(!document.hidden); React.useEffect(() => { const onVisibilityChange = () => { setResult(!document.hidden); }; document.addEventListener('visibilitychange', onVisibilityChange, false); return () => { document.removeEventListener( 'visibilitychange', onVisibilityChange, false ); }; }, []); return result; }; /** * A light hook wrapper around `IntersectionObserver`. * * Example usage: * * function MyComponent() { * const [intersectionRef, intersectionEntry] = useIntersectionObserver(); * const isVisible = intersectionEntry * ? intersectionEntry.isIntersecting * : true; * * return ( *
* I am {isVisible ? 'on the screen' : 'invisible'} *
* ); * } */ export function useIntersectionObserver(): [ (el?: Element | null) => void, IntersectionObserverEntry | null ] { const [ intersectionObserverEntry, setIntersectionObserverEntry, ] = React.useState(null); const unobserveRef = React.useRef<(() => unknown) | null>(null); const setRef = React.useCallback((el?: Element | null) => { if (unobserveRef.current) { unobserveRef.current(); unobserveRef.current = null; } if (!el) { return; } const observer = new IntersectionObserver(entries => { if (entries.length !== 1) { window.log.error( 'IntersectionObserverWrapper was observing the wrong number of elements' ); return; } entries.forEach(entry => { setIntersectionObserverEntry(entry); }); }); unobserveRef.current = observer.unobserve.bind(observer, el); observer.observe(el); }, []); return [setRef, intersectionObserverEntry]; } function getTop(element: Readonly): number { return element.getBoundingClientRect().top; } function isWrapped(element: Readonly): boolean { if (!element) { return false; } const { children } = element; const firstChild = first(children); const lastChild = last(children); return Boolean( firstChild && lastChild && firstChild !== lastChild && getTop(firstChild) !== getTop(lastChild) ); } /** * A hook that returns a ref (to put on your element) and a boolean. The boolean will be * `true` if the element's children have different `top`s, and `false` otherwise. */ export function useHasWrapped(): [ React.Ref, boolean ] { const [element, setElement] = React.useState(null); const [hasWrapped, setHasWrapped] = React.useState(isWrapped(element)); React.useEffect(() => { if (!element) { return noop; } // We can remove this `any` when we upgrade to TypeScript 4.2+, which adds // `ResizeObserver` type definitions. // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-explicit-any const observer = new (window as any).ResizeObserver(() => { setHasWrapped(isWrapped(element)); }); observer.observe(element); return () => { observer.disconnect(); }; }, [element]); return [setElement, hasWrapped]; }