// Copyright 2014 Signal Messenger, LLC // SPDX-License-Identifier: AGPL-3.0-only // Source: https://github.com/signalapp/libsignal-service-java/blob/4684a49b2ed8f32be619e0d0eea423626b6cb2cb/protobuf/SignalService.proto package signalservice; option java_package = "org.whispersystems.signalservice.internal.push"; option java_outer_classname = "SignalServiceProtos"; message Envelope { enum Type { UNKNOWN = 0; CIPHERTEXT = 1; KEY_EXCHANGE = 2; PREKEY_BUNDLE = 3; RECEIPT = 5; UNIDENTIFIED_SENDER = 6; // Our parser does not handle reserved in enums: DESKTOP-1569 // reserved 7; PLAINTEXT_CONTENT = 8; } optional Type type = 1; optional string sourceServiceId = 11; optional uint32 sourceDevice = 7; optional string destinationServiceId = 13; // reserved 3; // formerly optional string relay = 3; optional uint64 timestamp = 5; // reserved 6; // formerly optional bytes legacyMessage = 6; optional bytes content = 8; // Contains an encrypted Content optional string serverGuid = 9; optional uint64 serverTimestamp = 10; optional bool ephemeral = 12; // indicates that the message should not be persisted if the recipient is offline optional bool urgent = 14 [default=true]; // indicates that the content is considered timely by the sender; defaults to true so senders have to opt-out to say something isn't time critical optional string updated_pni = 15; optional bool story = 16; // indicates that the content is a story. optional bytes reporting_token = 17; // next: 18 } message Content { optional DataMessage dataMessage = 1; optional SyncMessage syncMessage = 2; optional CallingMessage callingMessage = 3; optional NullMessage nullMessage = 4; optional ReceiptMessage receiptMessage = 5; optional TypingMessage typingMessage = 6; optional bytes senderKeyDistributionMessage = 7; optional bytes decryptionErrorMessage = 8; optional StoryMessage storyMessage = 9; optional PniSignatureMessage pniSignatureMessage = 10; optional EditMessage editMessage = 11; } message CallingMessage { message Offer { enum Type { OFFER_AUDIO_CALL = 0; OFFER_VIDEO_CALL = 1; } optional uint64 callId = 1; reserved /* sdp */ 2; optional Type type = 3; optional bytes opaque = 4; } message Answer { optional uint64 callId = 1; reserved /* sdp */ 2; optional bytes opaque = 3; } message IceCandidate { optional uint64 callId = 1; reserved /* mid */ 2; reserved /* line */ 3; reserved /* sdp */ 4; optional bytes opaque = 5; } message Busy { optional uint64 callId = 1; } message Hangup { enum Type { HANGUP_NORMAL = 0; HANGUP_ACCEPTED = 1; HANGUP_DECLINED = 2; HANGUP_BUSY = 3; HANGUP_NEED_PERMISSION = 4; } optional uint64 callId = 1; optional Type type = 2; optional uint32 deviceId = 3; } message Opaque { enum Urgency { DROPPABLE = 0; HANDLE_IMMEDIATELY = 1; } optional bytes data = 1; optional Urgency urgency = 2; } optional Offer offer = 1; optional Answer answer = 2; repeated IceCandidate iceCandidates = 3; reserved /* legacyHangup */ 4; optional Busy busy = 5; reserved /* profileKey */ 6; optional Hangup hangup = 7; reserved /* multiRing */ 8; optional uint32 destinationDeviceId = 9; optional Opaque opaque = 10; } message DataMessage { enum Flags { END_SESSION = 1; EXPIRATION_TIMER_UPDATE = 2; PROFILE_KEY_UPDATE = 4; } message Payment { message Amount { message MobileCoin { optional uint64 picoMob = 1; // 1,000,000,000,000 picoMob per Mob } oneof Amount { MobileCoin mobileCoin = 1; } } message RequestId { optional string uuid = 1; } message Request { optional RequestId requestId = 1; optional Amount amount = 2; optional string note = 3; } message Notification { message MobileCoin { optional bytes receipt = 1; } oneof Transaction { MobileCoin mobileCoin = 1; } // Optional, Refers to the PaymentRequest message, if any. optional string note = 2; optional RequestId requestId = 1003; } message Cancellation { optional RequestId requestId = 1; } message Activation { enum Type { REQUEST = 0; ACTIVATED = 1; } optional Type type = 1; } oneof Item { Notification notification = 1; Activation activation = 2; Request request = 1002; Cancellation cancellation = 1003; } } message Quote { enum Type { NORMAL = 0; GIFT_BADGE = 1; } message QuotedAttachment { optional string contentType = 1; optional string fileName = 2; optional AttachmentPointer thumbnail = 3; } optional uint64 id = 1; reserved /* author */ 2; // removed optional string authorAci = 5; optional string text = 3; repeated QuotedAttachment attachments = 4; repeated BodyRange bodyRanges = 6; optional Type type = 7; } message Contact { message Name { optional string givenName = 1; optional string familyName = 2; optional string prefix = 3; optional string suffix = 4; optional string middleName = 5; optional string displayName = 6; } message Phone { enum Type { HOME = 1; MOBILE = 2; WORK = 3; CUSTOM = 4; } optional string value = 1; optional Type type = 2; optional string label = 3; } message Email { enum Type { HOME = 1; MOBILE = 2; WORK = 3; CUSTOM = 4; } optional string value = 1; optional Type type = 2; optional string label = 3; } message PostalAddress { enum Type { HOME = 1; WORK = 2; CUSTOM = 3; } optional Type type = 1; optional string label = 2; optional string street = 3; optional string pobox = 4; optional string neighborhood = 5; optional string city = 6; optional string region = 7; optional string postcode = 8; optional string country = 9; } message Avatar { optional AttachmentPointer avatar = 1; optional bool isProfile = 2; } optional Name name = 1; repeated Phone number = 3; repeated Email email = 4; repeated PostalAddress address = 5; optional Avatar avatar = 6; optional string organization = 7; } message Preview { optional string url = 1; optional string title = 2; optional AttachmentPointer image = 3; optional string description = 4; optional uint64 date = 5; } message Sticker { optional bytes packId = 1; optional bytes packKey = 2; optional uint32 stickerId = 3; optional AttachmentPointer data = 4; optional string emoji = 5; } message Reaction { optional string emoji = 1; optional bool remove = 2; reserved /* targetAuthorE164 */ 3; // removed optional string targetAuthorAci = 4; optional uint64 targetTimestamp = 5; } message Delete { optional uint64 targetSentTimestamp = 1; } message BodyRange { enum Style { NONE = 0; BOLD = 1; ITALIC = 2; SPOILER = 3; STRIKETHROUGH = 4; MONOSPACE = 5; } optional uint32 start = 1; optional uint32 length = 2; oneof associatedValue { string mentionAci = 3; Style style = 4; } } message GroupCallUpdate { optional string eraId = 1; } message StoryContext { optional string authorAci = 1; optional uint64 sentTimestamp = 2; } enum ProtocolVersion { option allow_alias = true; INITIAL = 0; MESSAGE_TIMERS = 1; VIEW_ONCE = 2; VIEW_ONCE_VIDEO = 3; REACTIONS = 4; CDN_SELECTOR_ATTACHMENTS = 5; MENTIONS = 6; PAYMENTS = 7; CURRENT = 7; } message GiftBadge { optional bytes receiptCredentialPresentation = 1; } optional string body = 1; repeated AttachmentPointer attachments = 2; reserved /*groupV1*/ 3; optional GroupContextV2 groupV2 = 15; optional uint32 flags = 4; optional uint32 expireTimer = 5; optional bytes profileKey = 6; optional uint64 timestamp = 7; optional Quote quote = 8; repeated Contact contact = 9; repeated Preview preview = 10; optional Sticker sticker = 11; optional uint32 requiredProtocolVersion = 12; optional bool isViewOnce = 14; optional Reaction reaction = 16; optional Delete delete = 17; repeated BodyRange bodyRanges = 18; optional GroupCallUpdate groupCallUpdate = 19; optional Payment payment = 20; optional StoryContext storyContext = 21; optional GiftBadge giftBadge = 22; } message NullMessage { optional bytes padding = 1; } message ReceiptMessage { enum Type { DELIVERY = 0; READ = 1; VIEWED = 2; } optional Type type = 1; repeated uint64 timestamp = 2; } message TypingMessage { enum Action { STARTED = 0; STOPPED = 1; } optional uint64 timestamp = 1; optional Action action = 2; optional bytes groupId = 3; } message StoryMessage { optional bytes profileKey = 1; optional GroupContextV2 group = 2; oneof attachment { AttachmentPointer fileAttachment = 3; TextAttachment textAttachment = 4; } optional bool allowsReplies = 5; repeated BodyRange bodyRanges = 6; } message TextAttachment { enum Style { DEFAULT = 0; REGULAR = 1; BOLD = 2; SERIF = 3; SCRIPT = 4; CONDENSED = 5; } message Gradient { optional uint32 startColor = 1; // deprecated: this field will be removed in a future release. optional uint32 endColor = 2; // deprecated: this field will be removed in a future release. optional uint32 angle = 3; // degrees repeated uint32 colors = 4; repeated float positions = 5; // percent from 0 to 1 } optional string text = 1; optional Style textStyle = 2; optional uint32 textForegroundColor = 3; // integer representation of hex color optional uint32 textBackgroundColor = 4; optional Preview preview = 5; oneof background { Gradient gradient = 6; uint32 color = 7; } } message Verified { enum State { DEFAULT = 0; VERIFIED = 1; UNVERIFIED = 2; } optional string destination = 1; optional string destinationAci = 5; optional bytes identityKey = 2; optional State state = 3; optional bytes nullMessage = 4; } message SyncMessage { message Sent { message UnidentifiedDeliveryStatus { optional string destination = 1; optional string destinationServiceId = 3; optional bool unidentified = 2; reserved /* destinationPni */ 4; optional bytes destinationPniIdentityKey = 5; // Only set for PNI destinations } message StoryMessageRecipient { optional string destinationServiceId = 1; repeated string distributionListIds = 2; optional bool isAllowedToReply = 3; } optional string destination = 1; optional string destinationServiceId = 7; optional uint64 timestamp = 2; optional DataMessage message = 3; optional uint64 expirationStartTimestamp = 4; repeated UnidentifiedDeliveryStatus unidentifiedStatus = 5; optional bool isRecipientUpdate = 6 [default = false]; optional StoryMessage storyMessage = 8; repeated StoryMessageRecipient storyMessageRecipients = 9; optional EditMessage editMessage = 10; } message Contacts { optional AttachmentPointer blob = 1; optional bool complete = 2 [default = false]; } message Blocked { repeated string numbers = 1; repeated string acis = 3; repeated bytes groupIds = 2; } message Request { enum Type { UNKNOWN = 0; CONTACTS = 1; reserved /* GROUPS */ 2; BLOCKED = 3; CONFIGURATION = 4; KEYS = 5; PNI_IDENTITY = 6; } optional Type type = 1; } message Keys { optional bytes storageService = 1; // deprecated: this field will be removed in a future release. optional bytes master = 2; } message Read { optional string sender = 1; optional string senderAci = 3; optional uint64 timestamp = 2; } message Viewed { optional string senderE164 = 1; optional string senderAci = 3; optional uint64 timestamp = 2; } message Configuration { optional bool readReceipts = 1; optional bool unidentifiedDeliveryIndicators = 2; optional bool typingIndicators = 3; reserved 4; optional uint32 provisioningVersion = 5; optional bool linkPreviews = 6; } message StickerPackOperation { enum Type { INSTALL = 0; REMOVE = 1; } optional bytes packId = 1; optional bytes packKey = 2; optional Type type = 3; } message ViewOnceOpen { optional string sender = 1; optional string senderAci = 3; optional uint64 timestamp = 2; } message MessageRequestResponse { enum Type { UNKNOWN = 0; ACCEPT = 1; DELETE = 2; BLOCK = 3; BLOCK_AND_DELETE = 4; SPAM = 5; BLOCK_AND_SPAM = 6; } optional string threadE164 = 1; optional string threadAci = 2; optional bytes groupId = 3; optional Type type = 4; } message FetchLatest { enum Type { UNKNOWN = 0; LOCAL_PROFILE = 1; STORAGE_MANIFEST = 2; SUBSCRIPTION_STATUS = 3; } optional Type type = 1; } message PniChangeNumber { optional bytes identityKeyPair = 1; // Serialized libsignal-client IdentityKeyPair optional bytes signedPreKey = 2; // Serialized libsignal-client SignedPreKeyRecord optional bytes lastResortKyberPreKey = 5; // Serialized libsignal-client KyberPreKeyRecord optional uint32 registrationId = 3; optional string newE164 = 4; // The e164 we have changed our number to // Next ID: 6 } message CallEvent { enum Type { UNKNOWN = 0; AUDIO_CALL = 1; VIDEO_CALL = 2; GROUP_CALL = 3; AD_HOC_CALL = 4; } enum Direction { UNKNOWN = 0; INCOMING = 1; OUTGOING = 2; } enum Event { UNKNOWN = 0; ACCEPTED = 1; NOT_ACCEPTED = 2; DELETE = 3; } optional bytes peerId = 1; optional uint64 callId = 2; optional uint64 timestamp = 3; optional Type type = 4; optional Direction direction = 5; optional Event event = 6; } message CallLinkUpdate { enum Type { UPDATE = 0; DELETE = 1; } optional bytes rootKey = 1; optional bytes adminPasskey = 2; optional Type type = 3; // defaults to UPDATE } message CallLogEvent { enum Type { CLEAR = 0; MARKED_AS_READ = 1; } optional Type type = 1; optional uint64 timestamp = 2; } message DeleteForMe { message ConversationIdentifier { oneof identifier { string threadServiceId = 1; bytes threadGroupId = 2; string threadE164 = 3; } } message AddressableMessage { oneof author { string authorServiceId = 1; string authorE164 = 2; } optional uint64 sentTimestamp = 3; } message MessageDeletes { optional ConversationIdentifier conversation = 1; repeated AddressableMessage messages = 2; } message ConversationDelete { optional ConversationIdentifier conversation = 1; repeated AddressableMessage mostRecentMessages = 2; optional bool isFullDelete = 3; } message LocalOnlyConversationDelete { optional ConversationIdentifier conversation = 1; } repeated MessageDeletes messageDeletes = 1; repeated ConversationDelete conversationDeletes = 2; repeated LocalOnlyConversationDelete localOnlyConversationDeletes = 3; } optional Sent sent = 1; optional Contacts contacts = 2; reserved /* groups */ 3; optional Request request = 4; repeated Read read = 5; optional Blocked blocked = 6; optional Verified verified = 7; optional Configuration configuration = 9; optional bytes padding = 8; repeated StickerPackOperation stickerPackOperation = 10; optional ViewOnceOpen viewOnceOpen = 11; optional FetchLatest fetchLatest = 12; optional Keys keys = 13; optional MessageRequestResponse messageRequestResponse = 14; reserved 15; // not yet added repeated Viewed viewed = 16; reserved 17; // pniIdentity optional PniChangeNumber pniChangeNumber = 18; optional CallEvent callEvent = 19; optional CallLinkUpdate callLinkUpdate = 20; optional CallLogEvent callLogEvent = 21; optional DeleteForMe deleteForMe = 22; } message AttachmentPointer { enum Flags { VOICE_MESSAGE = 1; BORDERLESS = 2; // Our parser does not handle reserved in enums: DESKTOP-1569 // reserved 4; GIF = 8; } oneof attachment_identifier { fixed64 cdnId = 1; string cdnKey = 15; } optional string contentType = 2; optional bytes key = 3; optional uint32 size = 4; optional bytes thumbnail = 5; optional bytes digest = 6; optional string fileName = 7; optional uint32 flags = 8; optional uint32 width = 9; optional uint32 height = 10; optional string caption = 11; optional string blurHash = 12; optional uint64 uploadTimestamp = 13; optional uint32 cdnNumber = 14; // Next ID: 16 } message GroupContextV2 { optional bytes masterKey = 1; optional uint32 revision = 2; optional bytes groupChange = 3; } message ContactDetails { message Avatar { optional string contentType = 1; optional uint32 length = 2; } optional string number = 1; optional string aci = 9; optional string name = 2; optional Avatar avatar = 3; // reserved 4; // formerly color // reserved 5; // formerly verified // reserved 6; // formerly profileKey // reserved 7; // formerly blocked optional uint32 expireTimer = 8; optional uint32 inboxPosition = 10; } message PniSignatureMessage { optional bytes pni = 1; // Signature *by* the PNI identity key *of* the ACI identity key optional bytes signature = 2; } message EditMessage { optional uint64 targetSentTimestamp = 1; optional DataMessage dataMessage = 2; }