// Copyright 2022 Signal Messenger, LLC // SPDX-License-Identifier: AGPL-3.0-only import { noop } from 'lodash'; /** * Wrapper around a global HTMLAudioElement that can update the * source and callbacks without requiring removeEventListener */ class GlobalMessageAudio { #audio: HTMLAudioElement = new Audio(); #url: string | undefined; // true immediately after play() is called, even if still loading #playing = false; #onLoadedMetadata = noop; #onTimeUpdate = noop; #onEnded = noop; #onDurationChange = noop; #onError = noop; constructor() { // callbacks must be wrapped by function (not attached directly) // so changes to the callbacks are effected this.#audio.addEventListener('loadedmetadata', () => this.#onLoadedMetadata() ); this.#audio.addEventListener('timeupdate', () => this.#onTimeUpdate()); this.#audio.addEventListener('durationchange', () => this.#onDurationChange() ); this.#audio.addEventListener('ended', () => this.#onEnded()); } load({ url, playbackRate, onLoadedMetadata, onTimeUpdate, onDurationChange, onEnded, onError, }: { url: string; playbackRate: number; onLoadedMetadata: () => void; onTimeUpdate: () => void; onDurationChange: () => void; onEnded: () => void; onError: (error: unknown) => void; }) { this.#url = url; // update callbacks this.#onLoadedMetadata = onLoadedMetadata; this.#onTimeUpdate = onTimeUpdate; this.#onDurationChange = onDurationChange; this.#onEnded = onEnded; this.#onError = onError; // changing src resets the playback rate this.#audio.src = this.#url; this.#audio.playbackRate = playbackRate; } play(): void { this.#playing = true; this.#audio.play().catch(error => { this.#onError(error); }); } pause(): void { this.#audio.pause(); this.#playing = false; } get playbackRate() { return this.#audio.playbackRate; } set playbackRate(rate: number) { this.#audio.playbackRate = rate; } get playing() { return this.#playing; } get url() { return this.#url; } get duration(): number | undefined { // the underlying Audio element can return NaN if the audio hasn't loaded // we filter out 0 or NaN as they are not useful values downstream return Number.isNaN(this.#audio.duration) || this.#audio.duration === 0 ? undefined : this.#audio.duration; } get currentTime() { return this.#audio.currentTime; } set currentTime(value: number) { this.#audio.currentTime = value; } } export const globalMessageAudio = new GlobalMessageAudio();