// Copyright 2018 Signal Messenger, LLC // SPDX-License-Identifier: AGPL-3.0-only import React from 'react'; import classNames from 'classnames'; import type { RenderTextCallbackType } from '../../types/Util'; import { splitByEmoji } from '../../util/emoji'; import { missingCaseError } from '../../util/missingCaseError'; import type { SizeClassType } from '../emoji/lib'; import { emojiToImage } from '../emoji/lib'; // Some of this logic taken from emoji-js/replacement // the DOM structure for this getImageTag should match the other emoji implementations: // ts/components/emoji/Emoji.tsx // ts/quill/emoji/blot.tsx function getImageTag({ isInvisible, key, match, sizeClass, }: { isInvisible?: boolean; key: string | number; match: string; sizeClass?: SizeClassType; }): JSX.Element | string { const img = emojiToImage(match); if (!img) { return match; } return ( <img key={key} src={img} aria-label={match} className={classNames( 'emoji', sizeClass, isInvisible ? 'emoji--invisible' : null )} alt={match} /> ); } export type Props = { /** When behind a spoiler, this emoji needs to be visibility: hidden */ isInvisible?: boolean; /** A class name to be added to the generated emoji images */ sizeClass?: SizeClassType; /** Allows you to customize now non-newlines are rendered. Simplest is just a <span>. */ renderNonEmoji?: RenderTextCallbackType; text: string; }; const defaultRenderNonEmoji: RenderTextCallbackType = ({ text }) => text; export function Emojify({ isInvisible, renderNonEmoji = defaultRenderNonEmoji, sizeClass, text, }: Props): JSX.Element { return ( <> {splitByEmoji(text).map(({ type, value: match }, index) => { if (type === 'emoji') { return getImageTag({ isInvisible, match, sizeClass, key: index }); } if (type === 'text') { return renderNonEmoji({ text: match, key: index }); } throw missingCaseError(type); })} </> ); }