// Copyright 2020 Signal Messenger, LLC // SPDX-License-Identifier: AGPL-3.0-only /* eslint-disable no-bitwise */ import { isBoolean, isNumber, isString, omit } from 'lodash'; import PQueue from 'p-queue'; import { v4 as getGuid } from 'uuid'; import type { SealedSenderDecryptionResult, SenderCertificate, UnidentifiedSenderMessageContent, } from '@signalapp/libsignal-client'; import { ContentHint, CiphertextMessageType, DecryptionErrorMessage, groupDecrypt, PlaintextContent, PreKeySignalMessage, processSenderKeyDistributionMessage, ProtocolAddress, PublicKey, sealedSenderDecryptMessage, sealedSenderDecryptToUsmc, SenderKeyDistributionMessage, signalDecrypt, signalDecryptPreKey, SignalMessage, } from '@signalapp/libsignal-client'; import { IdentityKeys, PreKeys, SenderKeys, Sessions, SignedPreKeys, } from '../LibSignalStores'; import { verifySignature } from '../Curve'; import { strictAssert, assertDev } from '../util/assert'; import type { BatcherType } from '../util/batcher'; import { createBatcher } from '../util/batcher'; import { drop } from '../util/drop'; import { dropNull } from '../util/dropNull'; import { normalizeUuid } from '../util/normalizeUuid'; import { parseIntOrThrow } from '../util/parseIntOrThrow'; import { clearTimeoutIfNecessary } from '../util/clearTimeoutIfNecessary'; import { Zone } from '../util/Zone'; import { DurationInSeconds } from '../util/durations'; import { bytesToUuid } from '../Crypto'; import type { DownloadedAttachmentType } from '../types/Attachment'; import { Address } from '../types/Address'; import { QualifiedAddress } from '../types/QualifiedAddress'; import type { UUIDStringType } from '../types/UUID'; import { UUID, UUIDKind } from '../types/UUID'; import * as Errors from '../types/errors'; import { SignalService as Proto } from '../protobuf'; import { deriveGroupFields, MASTER_KEY_LENGTH } from '../groups'; import createTaskWithTimeout from './TaskWithTimeout'; import { processAttachment, processDataMessage, processPreview, processGroupV2Context, } from './processDataMessage'; import { processSyncMessage } from './processSyncMessage'; import type { EventHandler } from './EventTarget'; import EventTarget from './EventTarget'; import { downloadAttachment } from './downloadAttachment'; import type { IncomingWebSocketRequest } from './WebsocketResources'; import { ContactBuffer, GroupBuffer } from './ContactsParser'; import type { WebAPIType } from './WebAPI'; import type { Storage } from './Storage'; import { WarnOnlyError } from './Errors'; import * as Bytes from '../Bytes'; import type { ProcessedAttachment, ProcessedDataMessage, ProcessedPreview, ProcessedSyncMessage, ProcessedSent, ProcessedEnvelope, IRequestHandler, UnprocessedType, } from './Types.d'; import { EmptyEvent, EnvelopeEvent, ProgressEvent, TypingEvent, ErrorEvent, DeliveryEvent, DecryptionErrorEvent, SentEvent, ProfileKeyUpdateEvent, InvalidPlaintextEvent, MessageEvent, RetryRequestEvent, ReadEvent, ViewEvent, ConfigurationEvent, ViewOnceOpenSyncEvent, MessageRequestResponseEvent, FetchLatestEvent, KeysEvent, StickerPackEvent, ReadSyncEvent, ViewSyncEvent, ContactSyncEvent, GroupEvent, GroupSyncEvent, StoryRecipientUpdateEvent, CallEventSyncEvent, } from './messageReceiverEvents'; import * as log from '../logging/log'; import * as durations from '../util/durations'; import { areArraysMatchingSets } from '../util/areArraysMatchingSets'; import { generateBlurHash } from '../util/generateBlurHash'; import { TEXT_ATTACHMENT } from '../types/MIME'; import type { SendTypesType } from '../util/handleMessageSend'; import { getStoriesBlocked } from '../util/stories'; import { isNotNil } from '../util/isNotNil'; import { chunk } from '../util/iterables'; import { isOlderThan } from '../util/timestamp'; import { inspectUnknownFieldTags } from '../util/inspectProtobufs'; import { incrementMessageCounter } from '../util/incrementMessageCounter'; import { filterAndClean } from '../types/BodyRange'; const GROUPV2_ID_LENGTH = 32; const RETRY_TIMEOUT = 2 * 60 * 1000; type UnsealedEnvelope = Readonly< Omit & { sourceUuid: UUIDStringType; unidentifiedDeliveryReceived?: boolean; contentHint?: number; groupId?: string; cipherTextBytes?: Uint8Array; cipherTextType?: number; certificate?: SenderCertificate; unsealedContent?: UnidentifiedSenderMessageContent; } >; type DecryptResult = Readonly< | { envelope: UnsealedEnvelope; plaintext: Uint8Array; } | { envelope?: UnsealedEnvelope; plaintext?: undefined; } >; type DecryptSealedSenderResult = Readonly<{ plaintext?: Uint8Array; unsealedPlaintext?: SealedSenderDecryptionResult; wasEncrypted: boolean; }>; type InnerDecryptResultType = Readonly<{ plaintext: Uint8Array; wasEncrypted: boolean; }>; type CacheAddItemType = { envelope: ProcessedEnvelope; data: UnprocessedType; request: Pick; }; type LockedStores = { readonly senderKeyStore: SenderKeys; readonly sessionStore: Sessions; readonly identityKeyStore: IdentityKeys; readonly zone?: Zone; }; enum TaskType { Encrypted = 'Encrypted', Decrypted = 'Decrypted', } export type MessageReceiverOptions = { server: WebAPIType; storage: Storage; serverTrustRoot: string; }; const TASK_WITH_TIMEOUT_OPTIONS = { timeout: 2 * durations.MINUTE, }; const LOG_UNEXPECTED_URGENT_VALUES = false; const MUST_BE_URGENT_TYPES: Array = [ 'message', 'deleteForEveryone', 'reaction', 'readSync', ]; const CAN_BE_URGENT_TYPES: Array = [ 'callingMessage', 'senderKeyDistributionMessage', // Deprecated 'resetSession', 'legacyGroupChange', ]; function logUnexpectedUrgentValue( envelope: ProcessedEnvelope, type: SendTypesType ) { if (!LOG_UNEXPECTED_URGENT_VALUES) { return; } const mustBeUrgent = MUST_BE_URGENT_TYPES.includes(type); const canBeUrgent = mustBeUrgent || CAN_BE_URGENT_TYPES.includes(type); if (envelope.urgent && !canBeUrgent) { const envelopeId = getEnvelopeId(envelope); log.warn( `${envelopeId}: Message of type '${type}' was marked urgent, but shouldn't be!` ); } if (!envelope.urgent && mustBeUrgent) { const envelopeId = getEnvelopeId(envelope); log.warn( `${envelopeId}: Message of type '${type}' wasn't marked urgent, but should be!` ); } } function getEnvelopeId(envelope: ProcessedEnvelope): string { const { timestamp } = envelope; let prefix = ''; if (envelope.sourceUuid || envelope.source) { const sender = envelope.sourceUuid || envelope.source; prefix += `${sender}.${envelope.sourceDevice} `; } prefix += `> ${envelope.destinationUuid.toString()}`; return `${prefix} ${timestamp} (${envelope.id})`; } /* eslint-disable @typescript-eslint/brace-style -- Prettier conflicts with ESLint */ export default class MessageReceiver extends EventTarget implements IRequestHandler { /* eslint-enable @typescript-eslint/brace-style */ private server: WebAPIType; private storage: Storage; private appQueue: PQueue; private decryptAndCacheBatcher: BatcherType; private cacheRemoveBatcher: BatcherType; private count: number; private processedCount: number; private incomingQueue: PQueue; private isEmptied?: boolean; private encryptedQueue: PQueue; private decryptedQueue: PQueue; private retryCachedTimeout: NodeJS.Timeout | undefined; private serverTrustRoot: Uint8Array; private stoppingProcessing?: boolean; constructor({ server, storage, serverTrustRoot }: MessageReceiverOptions) { super(); this.server = server; this.storage = storage; this.count = 0; this.processedCount = 0; if (!serverTrustRoot) { throw new Error('Server trust root is required!'); } this.serverTrustRoot = Bytes.fromBase64(serverTrustRoot); this.incomingQueue = new PQueue({ concurrency: 1, throwOnTimeout: true, }); this.appQueue = new PQueue({ concurrency: 1, throwOnTimeout: true, }); // All envelopes start in encryptedQueue and progress to decryptedQueue this.encryptedQueue = new PQueue({ concurrency: 1, throwOnTimeout: true, }); this.decryptedQueue = new PQueue({ concurrency: 1, throwOnTimeout: true, }); this.decryptAndCacheBatcher = createBatcher({ name: 'MessageReceiver.decryptAndCacheBatcher', wait: 75, maxSize: 30, processBatch: (items: Array) => { // Not returning the promise here because we don't want to stall // the batch. void this.decryptAndCacheBatch(items); }, }); this.cacheRemoveBatcher = createBatcher({ name: 'MessageReceiver.cacheRemoveBatcher', wait: 75, maxSize: 30, processBatch: this.cacheRemoveBatch.bind(this), }); } public getAndResetProcessedCount(): number { const count = this.processedCount; this.processedCount = 0; return count; } public handleRequest(request: IncomingWebSocketRequest): void { // We do the message decryption here, instead of in the ordered pending queue, // to avoid exposing the time it took us to process messages through the time-to-ack. log.info('MessageReceiver: got request', request.verb, request.path); if (request.path !== '/api/v1/message') { request.respond(200, 'OK'); if (request.verb === 'PUT' && request.path === '/api/v1/queue/empty') { drop( this.incomingQueue.add( createTaskWithTimeout( async () => { this.onEmpty(); }, 'incomingQueue/onEmpty', TASK_WITH_TIMEOUT_OPTIONS ) ) ); } return; } const job = async () => { const headers = request.headers || []; if (!request.body) { throw new Error( 'MessageReceiver.handleRequest: request.body was falsey!' ); } const plaintext = request.body; try { const decoded = Proto.Envelope.decode(plaintext); const serverTimestamp = decoded.serverTimestamp?.toNumber(); const ourUuid = this.storage.user.getCheckedUuid(); const envelope: ProcessedEnvelope = { // Make non-private envelope IDs dashless so they don't get redacted // from logs id: getGuid().replace(/-/g, ''), receivedAtCounter: incrementMessageCounter(), receivedAtDate: Date.now(), // Calculate the message age (time on server). messageAgeSec: this.calculateMessageAge(headers, serverTimestamp), // Proto.Envelope fields type: decoded.type, sourceUuid: decoded.sourceUuid ? normalizeUuid( decoded.sourceUuid, 'MessageReceiver.handleRequest.sourceUuid' ) : undefined, sourceDevice: decoded.sourceDevice, destinationUuid: decoded.destinationUuid ? new UUID( normalizeUuid( decoded.destinationUuid, 'MessageReceiver.handleRequest.destinationUuid' ) ) : ourUuid, updatedPni: decoded.updatedPni ? new UUID( normalizeUuid( decoded.updatedPni, 'MessageReceiver.handleRequest.updatedPni' ) ) : undefined, timestamp: decoded.timestamp?.toNumber(), content: dropNull(decoded.content), serverGuid: decoded.serverGuid, serverTimestamp, urgent: isBoolean(decoded.urgent) ? decoded.urgent : true, story: decoded.story, reportingToken: decoded.reportingToken?.length ? decoded.reportingToken : undefined, }; // After this point, decoding errors are not the server's // fault, and we should handle them gracefully and tell the // user they received an invalid message this.decryptAndCache(envelope, plaintext, request); this.processedCount += 1; } catch (e) { request.respond(500, 'Bad encrypted websocket message'); log.error('Error handling incoming message:', Errors.toLogFormat(e)); await this.dispatchAndWait('websocket request', new ErrorEvent(e)); } }; drop( this.incomingQueue.add( createTaskWithTimeout( job, 'incomingQueue/websocket', TASK_WITH_TIMEOUT_OPTIONS ) ) ); } public reset(): void { // We always process our cache before processing a new websocket message drop( this.incomingQueue.add( createTaskWithTimeout( async () => this.queueAllCached(), 'incomingQueue/queueAllCached', { timeout: 10 * durations.MINUTE, } ) ) ); this.count = 0; this.isEmptied = false; this.stoppingProcessing = false; } public stopProcessing(): void { log.info('MessageReceiver.stopProcessing'); this.stoppingProcessing = true; } public hasEmptied(): boolean { return Boolean(this.isEmptied); } public async drain(): Promise { const waitForEncryptedQueue = async () => this.addToQueue( async () => { log.info('drained'); }, 'drain/waitForDecrypted', TaskType.Decrypted ); const waitForIncomingQueue = async () => this.addToQueue( waitForEncryptedQueue, 'drain/waitForEncrypted', TaskType.Encrypted ); return this.incomingQueue.add( createTaskWithTimeout( waitForIncomingQueue, 'drain/waitForIncoming', TASK_WITH_TIMEOUT_OPTIONS ) ); } // // EventTarget types // public override addEventListener( name: 'empty', handler: (ev: EmptyEvent) => void ): void; public override addEventListener( name: 'progress', handler: (ev: ProgressEvent) => void ): void; public override addEventListener( name: 'typing', handler: (ev: TypingEvent) => void ): void; public override addEventListener( name: 'error', handler: (ev: ErrorEvent) => void ): void; public override addEventListener( name: 'delivery', handler: (ev: DeliveryEvent) => void ): void; public override addEventListener( name: 'decryption-error', handler: (ev: DecryptionErrorEvent) => void ): void; public override addEventListener( name: 'invalid-plaintext', handler: (ev: InvalidPlaintextEvent) => void ): void; public override addEventListener( name: 'sent', handler: (ev: SentEvent) => void ): void; public override addEventListener( name: 'profileKeyUpdate', handler: (ev: ProfileKeyUpdateEvent) => void ): void; public override addEventListener( name: 'message', handler: (ev: MessageEvent) => void ): void; public override addEventListener( name: 'retry-request', handler: (ev: RetryRequestEvent) => void ): void; public override addEventListener( name: 'read', handler: (ev: ReadEvent) => void ): void; public override addEventListener( name: 'view', handler: (ev: ViewEvent) => void ): void; public override addEventListener( name: 'configuration', handler: (ev: ConfigurationEvent) => void ): void; public override addEventListener( name: 'viewOnceOpenSync', handler: (ev: ViewOnceOpenSyncEvent) => void ): void; public override addEventListener( name: 'messageRequestResponse', handler: (ev: MessageRequestResponseEvent) => void ): void; public override addEventListener( name: 'fetchLatest', handler: (ev: FetchLatestEvent) => void ): void; public override addEventListener( name: 'keys', handler: (ev: KeysEvent) => void ): void; public override addEventListener( name: 'sticker-pack', handler: (ev: StickerPackEvent) => void ): void; public override addEventListener( name: 'readSync', handler: (ev: ReadSyncEvent) => void ): void; public override addEventListener( name: 'viewSync', handler: (ev: ViewSyncEvent) => void ): void; public override addEventListener( name: 'contactSync', handler: (ev: ContactSyncEvent) => void ): void; public override addEventListener( name: 'group', handler: (ev: GroupEvent) => void ): void; public override addEventListener( name: 'groupSync', handler: (ev: GroupSyncEvent) => void ): void; public override addEventListener( name: 'envelope', handler: (ev: EnvelopeEvent) => void ): void; public override addEventListener( name: 'storyRecipientUpdate', handler: (ev: StoryRecipientUpdateEvent) => void ): void; public override addEventListener( name: 'callEventSync', handler: (ev: CallEventSyncEvent) => void ): void; public override addEventListener(name: string, handler: EventHandler): void { return super.addEventListener(name, handler); } public override removeEventListener( name: string, handler: EventHandler ): void { return super.removeEventListener(name, handler); } // // Private // private async dispatchAndWait(id: string, event: Event): Promise { drop( this.appQueue.add( createTaskWithTimeout( async () => Promise.all(this.dispatchEvent(event)), `dispatchEvent(${event.type}, ${id})`, TASK_WITH_TIMEOUT_OPTIONS ) ) ); } private calculateMessageAge( headers: ReadonlyArray, serverTimestamp?: number ): number { let messageAgeSec = 0; // Default to 0 in case of unreliable parameters. if (serverTimestamp) { // The 'X-Signal-Timestamp' is usually the last item, so start there. let it = headers.length; // eslint-disable-next-line no-plusplus while (--it >= 0) { const match = headers[it].match(/^X-Signal-Timestamp:\s*(\d+)\s*$/); if (match && match.length === 2) { const timestamp = Number(match[1]); // One final sanity check, the timestamp when a message is pulled from // the server should be later than when it was pushed. if (timestamp > serverTimestamp) { messageAgeSec = Math.floor((timestamp - serverTimestamp) / 1000); } break; } } } return messageAgeSec; } private async addToQueue( task: () => Promise, id: string, taskType: TaskType ): Promise { if (taskType === TaskType.Encrypted) { this.count += 1; } const queue = taskType === TaskType.Encrypted ? this.encryptedQueue : this.decryptedQueue; try { return await queue.add( createTaskWithTimeout(task, id, TASK_WITH_TIMEOUT_OPTIONS) ); } finally { this.updateProgress(this.count); } } private onEmpty(): void { const emitEmpty = async () => { await Promise.all([ this.decryptAndCacheBatcher.flushAndWait(), this.cacheRemoveBatcher.flushAndWait(), ]); log.info("MessageReceiver: emitting 'empty' event"); this.dispatchEvent(new EmptyEvent()); this.isEmptied = true; this.maybeScheduleRetryTimeout(); }; const waitForDecryptedQueue = async () => { log.info( "MessageReceiver: finished processing messages after 'empty', now waiting for application" ); // We don't await here because we don't want this to gate future message processing drop( this.appQueue.add( createTaskWithTimeout( emitEmpty, 'emitEmpty', TASK_WITH_TIMEOUT_OPTIONS ) ) ); }; const waitForEncryptedQueue = async () => { drop( this.addToQueue( waitForDecryptedQueue, 'onEmpty/waitForDecrypted', TaskType.Decrypted ) ); }; const waitForIncomingQueue = async () => { // Note: this.count is used in addToQueue // Resetting count so everything from the websocket after this starts at zero this.count = 0; drop( this.addToQueue( waitForEncryptedQueue, 'onEmpty/waitForEncrypted', TaskType.Encrypted ) ); }; const waitForCacheAddBatcher = async () => { await this.decryptAndCacheBatcher.onIdle(); drop( this.incomingQueue.add( createTaskWithTimeout( waitForIncomingQueue, 'onEmpty/waitForIncoming', TASK_WITH_TIMEOUT_OPTIONS ) ) ); }; drop(waitForCacheAddBatcher()); } private updateProgress(count: number): void { // count by 10s if (count % 10 !== 0) { return; } this.dispatchEvent(new ProgressEvent({ count })); } private async queueAllCached(): Promise { if (this.stoppingProcessing) { log.info( 'MessageReceiver.queueAllCached: not running due to stopped processing' ); return; } for await (const batch of this.getAllFromCache()) { const max = batch.length; for (let i = 0; i < max; i += 1) { // eslint-disable-next-line no-await-in-loop await this.queueCached(batch[i]); } } log.info('MessageReceiver.queueAllCached - finished'); } private async queueCached(item: UnprocessedType): Promise { log.info('MessageReceiver.queueCached', item.id); try { let envelopePlaintext: Uint8Array; if (item.envelope && item.version === 2) { envelopePlaintext = Bytes.fromBase64(item.envelope); } else if (item.envelope && typeof item.envelope === 'string') { envelopePlaintext = Bytes.fromBinary(item.envelope); } else { throw new Error( 'MessageReceiver.queueCached: item.envelope was malformed' ); } const decoded = Proto.Envelope.decode(envelopePlaintext); const ourUuid = this.storage.user.getCheckedUuid(); const envelope: ProcessedEnvelope = { id: item.id, receivedAtCounter: item.receivedAtCounter ?? item.timestamp, receivedAtDate: item.receivedAtCounter == null ? Date.now() : item.timestamp, messageAgeSec: item.messageAgeSec || 0, // Proto.Envelope fields type: decoded.type, source: item.source, sourceUuid: item.sourceUuid || (decoded.sourceUuid ? UUID.cast(decoded.sourceUuid) : undefined), sourceDevice: decoded.sourceDevice || item.sourceDevice, destinationUuid: new UUID( decoded.destinationUuid || item.destinationUuid || ourUuid.toString() ), updatedPni: decoded.updatedPni ? new UUID(decoded.updatedPni) : undefined, timestamp: decoded.timestamp?.toNumber(), content: dropNull(decoded.content), serverGuid: decoded.serverGuid, serverTimestamp: item.serverTimestamp || decoded.serverTimestamp?.toNumber(), urgent: isBoolean(item.urgent) ? item.urgent : true, story: Boolean(item.story), reportingToken: item.reportingToken ? Bytes.fromBase64(item.reportingToken) : undefined, }; const { decrypted } = item; if (decrypted) { let payloadPlaintext: Uint8Array; if (item.version === 2) { payloadPlaintext = Bytes.fromBase64(decrypted); } else if (typeof decrypted === 'string') { payloadPlaintext = Bytes.fromBinary(decrypted); } else { throw new Error('Cached decrypted value was not a string!'); } strictAssert( envelope.sourceUuid, 'Decrypted envelope must have source uuid' ); // Pacify typescript const decryptedEnvelope = { ...envelope, sourceUuid: envelope.sourceUuid, }; // Maintain invariant: encrypted queue => decrypted queue drop( this.addToQueue( async () => { void this.queueDecryptedEnvelope( decryptedEnvelope, payloadPlaintext ); }, `queueDecryptedEnvelope(${getEnvelopeId(decryptedEnvelope)})`, TaskType.Encrypted ) ); } else { void this.queueCachedEnvelope(item, envelope); } } catch (error) { log.error( 'queueCached error handling item', item.id, 'removing it. Error:', Errors.toLogFormat(error) ); try { const { id } = item; await this.storage.protocol.removeUnprocessed(id); } catch (deleteError) { log.error( 'queueCached error deleting item', item.id, 'Error:', Errors.toLogFormat(deleteError) ); } } } private clearRetryTimeout(): void { clearTimeoutIfNecessary(this.retryCachedTimeout); this.retryCachedTimeout = undefined; } private maybeScheduleRetryTimeout(): void { if (this.isEmptied) { this.clearRetryTimeout(); this.retryCachedTimeout = setTimeout(() => { drop( this.incomingQueue.add( createTaskWithTimeout( async () => this.queueAllCached(), 'queueAllCached', TASK_WITH_TIMEOUT_OPTIONS ) ) ); }, RETRY_TIMEOUT); } } private async *getAllFromCache(): AsyncIterable> { log.info('getAllFromCache'); const ids = await this.storage.protocol.getAllUnprocessedIds(); log.info(`getAllFromCache - ${ids.length} unprocessed`); for (const batch of chunk(ids, 1000)) { log.info(`getAllFromCache - yielding batch of ${batch.length}`); yield this.storage.protocol.getUnprocessedByIdsAndIncrementAttempts( batch ); } log.info(`getAllFromCache - done retrieving ${ids.length} unprocessed`); } private async decryptAndCacheBatch( items: Array ): Promise { log.info('MessageReceiver.decryptAndCacheBatch', items.length); const decrypted: Array< Readonly<{ plaintext: Uint8Array; data: UnprocessedType; envelope: UnsealedEnvelope; }> > = []; const storageProtocol = this.storage.protocol; try { const zone = new Zone('decryptAndCacheBatch', { pendingSenderKeys: true, pendingSessions: true, pendingUnprocessed: true, }); const storesMap = new Map(); const failed: Array = []; // Below we: // // 1. Enter zone // 2. Decrypt all batched envelopes // 3. Persist both decrypted envelopes and envelopes that we failed to // decrypt (for future retries, see `attempts` field) // 4. Leave zone and commit all pending sessions and unprocesseds // 5. Acknowledge envelopes (can't fail) // 6. Finally process decrypted envelopes await storageProtocol.withZone(zone, 'MessageReceiver', async () => { await Promise.all( items.map(async ({ data, envelope }) => { try { const { destinationUuid } = envelope; let stores = storesMap.get(destinationUuid.toString()); if (!stores) { stores = { senderKeyStore: new SenderKeys({ ourUuid: destinationUuid, zone, }), sessionStore: new Sessions({ zone, ourUuid: destinationUuid, }), identityKeyStore: new IdentityKeys({ zone, ourUuid: destinationUuid, }), zone, }; storesMap.set(destinationUuid.toString(), stores); } const result = await this.queueEncryptedEnvelope( stores, envelope ); if (result.plaintext) { decrypted.push({ plaintext: result.plaintext, envelope: result.envelope, data, }); } } catch (error) { failed.push(data); log.error( 'MessageReceiver.decryptAndCacheBatch error when ' + 'processing the envelope', Errors.toLogFormat(error) ); } }) ); log.info( 'MessageReceiver.decryptAndCacheBatch storing ' + `${decrypted.length} decrypted envelopes, keeping ` + `${failed.length} failed envelopes.` ); // Store both decrypted and failed unprocessed envelopes const unprocesseds: Array = decrypted.map( ({ envelope, data, plaintext }) => { return { ...data, source: envelope.source, sourceUuid: envelope.sourceUuid, sourceDevice: envelope.sourceDevice, destinationUuid: envelope.destinationUuid.toString(), updatedPni: envelope.updatedPni?.toString(), serverGuid: envelope.serverGuid, serverTimestamp: envelope.serverTimestamp, decrypted: Bytes.toBase64(plaintext), }; } ); await storageProtocol.addMultipleUnprocessed( unprocesseds.concat(failed), { zone } ); }); log.info('MessageReceiver.decryptAndCacheBatch acknowledging receipt'); // Acknowledge all envelopes for (const { request } of items) { try { request.respond(200, 'OK'); } catch (error) { log.error( 'decryptAndCacheBatch: Failed to send 200 to server; still queuing envelope' ); } } } catch (error) { log.error( 'decryptAndCache error trying to add messages to cache:', Errors.toLogFormat(error) ); items.forEach(item => { item.request.respond(500, 'Failed to cache message'); }); return; } await Promise.all( decrypted.map(async ({ envelope, plaintext }) => { try { await this.queueDecryptedEnvelope(envelope, plaintext); } catch (error) { log.error( 'decryptAndCache error when processing decrypted envelope', Errors.toLogFormat(error) ); } }) ); log.info('MessageReceiver.decryptAndCacheBatch fully processed'); this.maybeScheduleRetryTimeout(); } private decryptAndCache( envelope: ProcessedEnvelope, plaintext: Uint8Array, request: IncomingWebSocketRequest ): void { const { id } = envelope; const data: UnprocessedType = { id, version: 2, // This field is only used for aging items out of the cache. The original // envelope's timestamp will be used when retrying this item. timestamp: envelope.receivedAtDate, attempts: 0, envelope: Bytes.toBase64(plaintext), messageAgeSec: envelope.messageAgeSec, receivedAtCounter: envelope.receivedAtCounter, urgent: envelope.urgent, story: envelope.story, reportingToken: envelope.reportingToken ? Bytes.toBase64(envelope.reportingToken) : undefined, }; this.decryptAndCacheBatcher.add({ request, envelope, data, }); } private async cacheRemoveBatch(items: Array): Promise { await this.storage.protocol.removeUnprocessed(items); } private removeFromCache(envelope: ProcessedEnvelope): void { const { id } = envelope; this.cacheRemoveBatcher.add(id); } private async queueDecryptedEnvelope( envelope: UnsealedEnvelope, plaintext: Uint8Array ): Promise { const id = getEnvelopeId(envelope); log.info('queueing decrypted envelope', id); const task = this.handleDecryptedEnvelope.bind(this, envelope, plaintext); const taskWithTimeout = createTaskWithTimeout( task, `queueDecryptedEnvelope ${id}`, TASK_WITH_TIMEOUT_OPTIONS ); try { await this.addToQueue( taskWithTimeout, `handleDecryptedEnvelope(${id})`, TaskType.Decrypted ); } catch (error) { log.error( `queueDecryptedEnvelope error handling envelope ${id}:`, Errors.toLogFormat(error) ); } } private async queueEncryptedEnvelope( stores: LockedStores, envelope: ProcessedEnvelope ): Promise { let logId = getEnvelopeId(envelope); log.info('queueing envelope', logId); const task = async (): Promise => { const { destinationUuid } = envelope; const uuidKind = this.storage.user.getOurUuidKind(destinationUuid); if (uuidKind === UUIDKind.Unknown) { log.warn( 'MessageReceiver.decryptAndCacheBatch: ' + `Rejecting envelope ${getEnvelopeId(envelope)}, ` + `unknown uuid: ${destinationUuid}` ); return { plaintext: undefined, envelope: undefined }; } const unsealedEnvelope = await this.unsealEnvelope( stores, envelope, uuidKind ); // Dropped early if (!unsealedEnvelope) { return { plaintext: undefined, envelope: undefined }; } logId = getEnvelopeId(unsealedEnvelope); const taskId = `dispatchEvent(EnvelopeEvent(${logId}))`; drop( this.addToQueue( async () => this.dispatchAndWait(taskId, new EnvelopeEvent(unsealedEnvelope)), taskId, TaskType.Decrypted ) ); return this.decryptEnvelope(stores, unsealedEnvelope, uuidKind); }; try { return await this.addToQueue( task, `MessageReceiver: unseal and decrypt ${logId}`, TaskType.Encrypted ); } catch (error) { const args = [ 'queueEncryptedEnvelope error handling envelope', logId, ':', Errors.toLogFormat(error), ]; if (error instanceof WarnOnlyError) { log.warn(...args); } else { log.error(...args); } throw error; } } private async queueCachedEnvelope( data: UnprocessedType, envelope: ProcessedEnvelope ): Promise { this.decryptAndCacheBatcher.add({ request: { respond(code, status) { log.info( 'queueCachedEnvelope: fake response ' + `with code ${code} and status ${status}` ); }, }, envelope, data, }); } // Called after `decryptEnvelope` decrypted the message. private async handleDecryptedEnvelope( envelope: UnsealedEnvelope, plaintext: Uint8Array ): Promise { if (this.stoppingProcessing) { return; } if (!envelope.content) { this.removeFromCache(envelope); throw new Error('Received message with no content'); } await this.innerHandleContentMessage(envelope, plaintext); } private async unsealEnvelope( stores: LockedStores, envelope: ProcessedEnvelope, uuidKind: UUIDKind ): Promise { const logId = getEnvelopeId(envelope); if (this.stoppingProcessing) { log.warn(`MessageReceiver.unsealEnvelope(${logId}): dropping`); throw new Error('Sealed envelope dropped due to stopping processing'); } if (envelope.type !== Proto.Envelope.Type.UNIDENTIFIED_SENDER) { strictAssert( envelope.sourceUuid, 'Unsealed envelope must have source uuid' ); return { ...envelope, sourceUuid: envelope.sourceUuid, cipherTextBytes: envelope.content, cipherTextType: envelopeTypeToCiphertextType(envelope.type), }; } if (uuidKind === UUIDKind.PNI) { log.warn(`MessageReceiver.unsealEnvelope(${logId}): dropping for PNI`); return undefined; } strictAssert(uuidKind === UUIDKind.ACI, 'Sealed non-ACI envelope'); const ciphertext = envelope.content; if (!ciphertext) { this.removeFromCache(envelope); throw new Error('Received message with no content'); } log.info(`MessageReceiver.unsealEnvelope(${logId}): unidentified message`); const messageContent = await sealedSenderDecryptToUsmc( Buffer.from(ciphertext), stores.identityKeyStore ); // Here we take this sender information and attach it back to the envelope // to make the rest of the app work properly. const certificate = messageContent.senderCertificate(); const originalSource = envelope.source; const originalSourceUuid = envelope.sourceUuid; const newEnvelope: UnsealedEnvelope = { ...envelope, cipherTextBytes: messageContent.contents(), cipherTextType: messageContent.msgType(), // Overwrite Envelope fields source: dropNull(certificate.senderE164()), sourceUuid: normalizeUuid( certificate.senderUuid(), 'MessageReceiver.unsealEnvelope.UNIDENTIFIED_SENDER.sourceUuid' ), sourceDevice: certificate.senderDeviceId(), // UnsealedEnvelope-only fields unidentifiedDeliveryReceived: !(originalSource || originalSourceUuid), contentHint: messageContent.contentHint(), groupId: messageContent.groupId()?.toString('base64'), certificate, unsealedContent: messageContent, }; // This will throw if there's a problem this.validateUnsealedEnvelope(newEnvelope); return newEnvelope; } private async decryptEnvelope( stores: LockedStores, envelope: UnsealedEnvelope, uuidKind: UUIDKind ): Promise { const logId = `MessageReceiver.decryptEnvelope(${getEnvelopeId(envelope)})`; if (this.stoppingProcessing) { log.warn(`${logId}: dropping unsealed`); throw new Error('Unsealed envelope dropped due to stopping processing'); } if (envelope.type === Proto.Envelope.Type.RECEIPT) { strictAssert( envelope.sourceUuid, 'Unsealed delivery receipt must have sourceUuid' ); await this.onDeliveryReceipt(envelope); return { plaintext: undefined, envelope }; } let ciphertext: Uint8Array; if (envelope.content) { ciphertext = envelope.content; } else { this.removeFromCache(envelope); strictAssert( false, 'Contentless envelope should be handled by unsealEnvelope' ); } log.info(logId); const decryptResult = await this.decrypt( stores, envelope, ciphertext, uuidKind ); if (!decryptResult) { log.warn(`${logId}: plaintext was falsey`); return { plaintext: undefined, envelope }; } const { plaintext, wasEncrypted } = decryptResult; // Note: we need to process this as part of decryption, because we might need this // sender key to decrypt the next message in the queue! let isGroupV2 = false; let inProgressMessageType = ''; try { const content = Proto.Content.decode(plaintext); if (!wasEncrypted && Bytes.isEmpty(content.decryptionErrorMessage)) { log.warn( `${logId}: dropping plaintext envelope without decryption error message` ); const event = new InvalidPlaintextEvent({ senderDevice: envelope.sourceDevice ?? 1, senderUuid: envelope.sourceUuid, timestamp: envelope.timestamp, }); this.removeFromCache(envelope); const envelopeId = getEnvelopeId(envelope); // Avoid deadlocks by scheduling processing on decrypted queue drop( this.addToQueue( async () => this.dispatchEvent(event), `decrypted/dispatchEvent/InvalidPlaintextEvent(${envelopeId})`, TaskType.Decrypted ) ); return { plaintext: undefined, envelope }; } isGroupV2 = Boolean(content.dataMessage?.groupV2) || Boolean(content.storyMessage?.group); if ( content.senderKeyDistributionMessage && Bytes.isNotEmpty(content.senderKeyDistributionMessage) ) { inProgressMessageType = 'sender key distribution'; await this.handleSenderKeyDistributionMessage( stores, envelope, content.senderKeyDistributionMessage ); } const isStoryReply = Boolean(content.dataMessage?.storyContext); const isGroupStoryReply = Boolean( isStoryReply && content.dataMessage?.groupV2 ); const isStory = Boolean(content.storyMessage); const isDeleteForEveryone = Boolean(content.dataMessage?.delete); if ( envelope.story && !(isGroupStoryReply || isStory) && !isDeleteForEveryone ) { log.warn( `${logId}: Dropping story message - story=true on envelope, but message was not a group story send or delete` ); this.removeFromCache(envelope); return { plaintext: undefined, envelope }; } if (!envelope.story && (isGroupStoryReply || isStory)) { log.warn( `${logId}: Malformed story - story=false on envelope, but was a group story send` ); } const areStoriesBlocked = getStoriesBlocked(); // Note that there are other story-related message types which aren't captured // here. Look for other calls to getStoriesBlocked down-file. if (areStoriesBlocked && (isStoryReply || isStory)) { log.warn( `${logId}: Dropping story message - stories are disabled or unavailable` ); this.removeFromCache(envelope); return { plaintext: undefined, envelope }; } const sender = window.ConversationController.get( envelope.sourceUuid || envelope.source ); if ( (isStoryReply || isStory) && !isGroupV2 && (!sender || !sender.get('profileSharing')) ) { log.warn( `${logId}: Dropping story message - !profileSharing for sender` ); this.removeFromCache(envelope); return { plaintext: undefined, envelope }; } if (content.pniSignatureMessage) { inProgressMessageType = 'pni signature'; await this.handlePniSignatureMessage( envelope, content.pniSignatureMessage ); } // Some sync messages have to be fully processed in the middle of // decryption queue since subsequent envelopes use their key material. const { syncMessage } = content; if (syncMessage?.pniChangeNumber) { inProgressMessageType = 'pni change number'; await this.handlePNIChangeNumber(envelope, syncMessage.pniChangeNumber); this.removeFromCache(envelope); return { plaintext: undefined, envelope }; } inProgressMessageType = ''; } catch (error) { log.error( `${logId}: Failed to process ${inProgressMessageType} ` + `message: ${Errors.toLogFormat(error)}` ); } // We want to process GroupV2 updates, even from blocked users. We'll drop them later. if ( !isGroupV2 && ((envelope.source && this.isBlocked(envelope.source)) || (envelope.sourceUuid && this.isUuidBlocked(envelope.sourceUuid))) ) { log.info(`${logId}: Dropping non-GV2 message from blocked sender`); this.removeFromCache(envelope); return { plaintext: undefined, envelope }; } return { plaintext, envelope }; } private validateUnsealedEnvelope(envelope: UnsealedEnvelope): void { const { unsealedContent: messageContent, certificate } = envelope; strictAssert( messageContent !== undefined, 'Missing message content for sealed sender message' ); strictAssert( certificate !== undefined, 'Missing sender certificate for sealed sender message' ); if (!envelope.serverTimestamp) { throw new Error( 'MessageReceiver.decryptSealedSender: ' + 'Sealed sender message was missing serverTimestamp' ); } const serverCertificate = certificate.serverCertificate(); if ( !verifySignature( this.serverTrustRoot, serverCertificate.certificateData(), serverCertificate.signature() ) ) { throw new Error( 'MessageReceiver.validateUnsealedEnvelope: ' + 'Server certificate trust root validation failed' ); } if ( !verifySignature( serverCertificate.key().serialize(), certificate.certificate(), certificate.signature() ) ) { throw new Error( 'MessageReceiver.validateUnsealedEnvelope: ' + 'Server certificate server signature validation failed' ); } const logId = getEnvelopeId(envelope); if (envelope.serverTimestamp > certificate.expiration()) { throw new Error( 'MessageReceiver.validateUnsealedEnvelope: ' + `Sender certificate is expired for envelope ${logId}, ` + `serverTimestamp: ${envelope.serverTimestamp}, ` + `expiration: ${certificate.expiration()}` ); } return undefined; } private async onDeliveryReceipt(envelope: ProcessedEnvelope): Promise { logUnexpectedUrgentValue(envelope, 'deliveryReceipt'); await this.dispatchAndWait( getEnvelopeId(envelope), new DeliveryEvent( { timestamp: envelope.timestamp, envelopeTimestamp: envelope.timestamp, source: envelope.source, sourceUuid: envelope.sourceUuid, sourceDevice: envelope.sourceDevice, wasSentEncrypted: false, }, this.removeFromCache.bind(this, envelope) ) ); } private unpad(paddedPlaintext: Uint8Array): Uint8Array { for (let i = paddedPlaintext.length - 1; i >= 0; i -= 1) { if (paddedPlaintext[i] === 0x80) { return new Uint8Array(paddedPlaintext.slice(0, i)); } if (paddedPlaintext[i] !== 0x00) { throw new Error('Invalid padding'); } } return paddedPlaintext; } private async decryptSealedSender( { senderKeyStore, sessionStore, identityKeyStore, zone }: LockedStores, envelope: UnsealedEnvelope, ciphertext: Uint8Array ): Promise { const localE164 = this.storage.user.getNumber(); const { destinationUuid } = envelope; const localDeviceId = parseIntOrThrow( this.storage.user.getDeviceId(), 'MessageReceiver.decryptSealedSender: localDeviceId' ); const logId = getEnvelopeId(envelope); const { unsealedContent: messageContent, certificate } = envelope; strictAssert( messageContent !== undefined, 'Missing message content for sealed sender message' ); strictAssert( certificate !== undefined, 'Missing sender certificate for sealed sender message' ); const unidentifiedSenderTypeEnum = Proto.UnidentifiedSenderMessage.Message.Type; if ( messageContent.msgType() === unidentifiedSenderTypeEnum.PLAINTEXT_CONTENT ) { log.info( `MessageReceiver.decryptSealedSender(${logId}): ` + 'unidentified message/plaintext contents' ); const plaintextContent = PlaintextContent.deserialize( messageContent.contents() ); return { plaintext: plaintextContent.body(), wasEncrypted: false, }; } if ( messageContent.msgType() === unidentifiedSenderTypeEnum.SENDERKEY_MESSAGE ) { log.info( `MessageReceiver.decryptSealedSender(${logId}): ` + 'unidentified message/sender key contents' ); const sealedSenderIdentifier = certificate.senderUuid(); const sealedSenderSourceDevice = certificate.senderDeviceId(); const address = new QualifiedAddress( destinationUuid, Address.create(sealedSenderIdentifier, sealedSenderSourceDevice) ); const plaintext = await this.storage.protocol.enqueueSenderKeyJob( address, () => groupDecrypt( ProtocolAddress.new( sealedSenderIdentifier, sealedSenderSourceDevice ), senderKeyStore, messageContent.contents() ), zone ); return { plaintext, wasEncrypted: true }; } log.info( `MessageReceiver.decryptSealedSender(${logId}): ` + 'unidentified message/passing to sealedSenderDecryptMessage' ); const preKeyStore = new PreKeys({ ourUuid: destinationUuid }); const signedPreKeyStore = new SignedPreKeys({ ourUuid: destinationUuid }); const sealedSenderIdentifier = envelope.sourceUuid; strictAssert( sealedSenderIdentifier !== undefined, 'Empty sealed sender identifier' ); strictAssert( envelope.sourceDevice !== undefined, 'Empty sealed sender device' ); const address = new QualifiedAddress( destinationUuid, Address.create(sealedSenderIdentifier, envelope.sourceDevice) ); const unsealedPlaintext = await this.storage.protocol.enqueueSessionJob( address, () => sealedSenderDecryptMessage( Buffer.from(ciphertext), PublicKey.deserialize(Buffer.from(this.serverTrustRoot)), envelope.serverTimestamp, localE164 || null, destinationUuid.toString(), localDeviceId, sessionStore, identityKeyStore, preKeyStore, signedPreKeyStore ), zone ); return { unsealedPlaintext, wasEncrypted: true }; } private async innerDecrypt( stores: LockedStores, envelope: UnsealedEnvelope, ciphertext: Uint8Array, uuidKind: UUIDKind ): Promise { const { sessionStore, identityKeyStore, zone } = stores; const logId = getEnvelopeId(envelope); const envelopeTypeEnum = Proto.Envelope.Type; const identifier = envelope.sourceUuid; const { sourceDevice } = envelope; const { destinationUuid } = envelope; const preKeyStore = new PreKeys({ ourUuid: destinationUuid }); const signedPreKeyStore = new SignedPreKeys({ ourUuid: destinationUuid }); strictAssert(identifier !== undefined, 'Empty identifier'); strictAssert(sourceDevice !== undefined, 'Empty source device'); const address = new QualifiedAddress( destinationUuid, Address.create(identifier, sourceDevice) ); if ( uuidKind === UUIDKind.PNI && envelope.type !== envelopeTypeEnum.PREKEY_BUNDLE ) { log.warn( `MessageReceiver.innerDecrypt(${logId}): ` + 'non-PreKey envelope on PNI' ); return undefined; } strictAssert( uuidKind === UUIDKind.PNI || uuidKind === UUIDKind.ACI, `Unsupported uuidKind: ${uuidKind}` ); if (envelope.type === envelopeTypeEnum.PLAINTEXT_CONTENT) { log.info(`decrypt/${logId}: plaintext message`); const buffer = Buffer.from(ciphertext); const plaintextContent = PlaintextContent.deserialize(buffer); return { plaintext: this.unpad(plaintextContent.body()), wasEncrypted: false, }; } if (envelope.type === envelopeTypeEnum.CIPHERTEXT) { log.info(`decrypt/${logId}: ciphertext message`); if (!identifier) { throw new Error( 'MessageReceiver.innerDecrypt: No identifier for CIPHERTEXT message' ); } if (!sourceDevice) { throw new Error( 'MessageReceiver.innerDecrypt: No sourceDevice for CIPHERTEXT message' ); } const signalMessage = SignalMessage.deserialize(Buffer.from(ciphertext)); const plaintext = await this.storage.protocol.enqueueSessionJob( address, async () => this.unpad( await signalDecrypt( signalMessage, ProtocolAddress.new(identifier, sourceDevice), sessionStore, identityKeyStore ) ), zone ); return { plaintext, wasEncrypted: true }; } if (envelope.type === envelopeTypeEnum.PREKEY_BUNDLE) { log.info(`decrypt/${logId}: prekey message`); if (!identifier) { throw new Error( 'MessageReceiver.innerDecrypt: No identifier for PREKEY_BUNDLE message' ); } if (!sourceDevice) { throw new Error( 'MessageReceiver.innerDecrypt: No sourceDevice for PREKEY_BUNDLE message' ); } const preKeySignalMessage = PreKeySignalMessage.deserialize( Buffer.from(ciphertext) ); const plaintext = await this.storage.protocol.enqueueSessionJob( address, async () => this.unpad( await signalDecryptPreKey( preKeySignalMessage, ProtocolAddress.new(identifier, sourceDevice), sessionStore, identityKeyStore, preKeyStore, signedPreKeyStore ) ), zone ); return { plaintext, wasEncrypted: true }; } if (envelope.type === envelopeTypeEnum.UNIDENTIFIED_SENDER) { log.info(`decrypt/${logId}: unidentified message`); const { plaintext, unsealedPlaintext, wasEncrypted } = await this.decryptSealedSender(stores, envelope, ciphertext); if (plaintext) { return { plaintext: this.unpad(plaintext), wasEncrypted }; } if (unsealedPlaintext) { const content = unsealedPlaintext.message(); if (!content) { throw new Error( 'MessageReceiver.innerDecrypt: Content returned was falsey!' ); } // Return just the content because that matches the signature of the other // decrypt methods used above. return { plaintext: this.unpad(content), wasEncrypted }; } throw new Error('Unexpected lack of plaintext from unidentified sender'); } throw new Error('Unknown message type'); } private async decrypt( stores: LockedStores, envelope: UnsealedEnvelope, ciphertext: Uint8Array, uuidKind: UUIDKind ): Promise { try { return await this.innerDecrypt(stores, envelope, ciphertext, uuidKind); } catch (error) { const uuid = envelope.sourceUuid; const deviceId = envelope.sourceDevice; const ourUuid = this.storage.user.getCheckedUuid().toString(); const isFromMe = ourUuid === uuid; // Job timed out, not a decryption error if ( error?.name === 'TimeoutError' || error?.message?.includes?.('task did not complete in time') ) { this.removeFromCache(envelope); throw error; } // We don't do anything if it's just a duplicated message if (error?.message?.includes?.('message with old counter')) { this.removeFromCache(envelope); throw error; } // We don't do a light session reset if it's an error with the sealed sender // wrapper, since we don't trust the sender information. if (error?.message?.includes?.('trust root validation failed')) { this.removeFromCache(envelope); throw error; } if ( (envelope.source && this.isBlocked(envelope.source)) || (envelope.sourceUuid && this.isUuidBlocked(envelope.sourceUuid)) ) { log.info( 'MessageReceiver.decrypt: Error from blocked sender; no further processing' ); this.removeFromCache(envelope); throw error; } const envelopeId = getEnvelopeId(envelope); if (uuid && deviceId) { const { cipherTextBytes, cipherTextType } = envelope; const event = new DecryptionErrorEvent( { cipherTextBytes, cipherTextType, contentHint: envelope.contentHint ?? (isFromMe ? ContentHint.Resendable : undefined), groupId: envelope.groupId, receivedAtCounter: envelope.receivedAtCounter, receivedAtDate: envelope.receivedAtDate, senderDevice: deviceId, senderUuid: uuid, timestamp: envelope.timestamp, }, () => this.removeFromCache(envelope) ); // Avoid deadlocks by scheduling processing on decrypted queue drop( this.addToQueue( async () => this.dispatchEvent(event), `decrypted/dispatchEvent/DecryptionErrorEvent(${envelopeId})`, TaskType.Decrypted ) ); } else { this.removeFromCache(envelope); log.error( `MessageReceiver.decrypt: Envelope ${envelopeId} missing uuid or deviceId` ); } throw error; } } private async handleSentMessage( envelope: ProcessedEnvelope, sentContainer: ProcessedSent ) { log.info('MessageReceiver.handleSentMessage', getEnvelopeId(envelope)); logUnexpectedUrgentValue(envelope, 'sentSync'); const { destination, destinationUuid, timestamp, message: msg, expirationStartTimestamp, unidentifiedStatus, isRecipientUpdate, } = sentContainer; if (!msg) { throw new Error('MessageReceiver.handleSentMessage: message was falsey!'); } let p: Promise = Promise.resolve(); if (msg.flags && msg.flags & Proto.DataMessage.Flags.END_SESSION) { if (destinationUuid) { p = this.handleEndSession(envelope, new UUID(destinationUuid)); } else if (destination) { const theirUuid = UUID.lookup(destination); if (theirUuid) { p = this.handleEndSession(envelope, theirUuid); } else { log.warn(`handleSentMessage: uuid not found for ${destination}`); p = Promise.resolve(); } } else { throw new Error( 'MessageReceiver.handleSentMessage: Cannot end session with falsey destination' ); } } await p; const message = this.processDecrypted(envelope, msg); const groupId = this.getProcessedGroupId(message); const isBlocked = groupId ? this.isGroupBlocked(groupId) : false; if (groupId && isBlocked) { log.warn( `Message ${getEnvelopeId(envelope)} ignored; destined for blocked group` ); this.removeFromCache(envelope); return undefined; } const ev = new SentEvent( { destination: dropNull(destination), destinationUuid: dropNull(destinationUuid) || envelope.destinationUuid.toString(), timestamp: timestamp?.toNumber(), serverTimestamp: envelope.serverTimestamp, device: envelope.sourceDevice, unidentifiedStatus, message, isRecipientUpdate: Boolean(isRecipientUpdate), receivedAtCounter: envelope.receivedAtCounter, receivedAtDate: envelope.receivedAtDate, expirationStartTimestamp: expirationStartTimestamp?.toNumber(), }, this.removeFromCache.bind(this, envelope) ); return this.dispatchAndWait(getEnvelopeId(envelope), ev); } private async handleStoryMessage( envelope: UnsealedEnvelope, msg: Proto.IStoryMessage, sentMessage?: ProcessedSent ): Promise { const logId = getEnvelopeId(envelope); logUnexpectedUrgentValue(envelope, 'story'); if (getStoriesBlocked()) { log.info('MessageReceiver.handleStoryMessage: dropping', logId); this.removeFromCache(envelope); return; } log.info('MessageReceiver.handleStoryMessage', logId); const attachments: Array = []; let preview: ReadonlyArray | undefined; if (msg.fileAttachment) { const attachment = processAttachment(msg.fileAttachment); attachments.push(attachment); } if (msg.textAttachment) { // If a text attachment has a link preview we remove it from the // textAttachment data structure and instead process the preview and add // it as a "preview" property for the message attributes. const { text, preview: unprocessedPreview } = msg.textAttachment; if (unprocessedPreview) { preview = processPreview([unprocessedPreview]); } else if (!text) { throw new Error('Text attachments must have text or link preview!'); } attachments.push({ size: text?.length ?? 0, contentType: TEXT_ATTACHMENT, textAttachment: omit(msg.textAttachment, 'preview'), blurHash: generateBlurHash( (msg.textAttachment.color || msg.textAttachment.gradient?.startColor) ?? undefined ), }); } const groupV2 = msg.group ? processGroupV2Context(msg.group) : undefined; if (groupV2 && this.isGroupBlocked(groupV2.id)) { log.warn( `MessageReceiver.handleStoryMessage: envelope ${getEnvelopeId( envelope )} ignored; destined for blocked group` ); this.removeFromCache(envelope); return; } const timeRemaining = Math.min( Math.floor(envelope.timestamp + durations.DAY - Date.now()), durations.DAY ); if (timeRemaining <= 0) { log.info( 'MessageReceiver.handleStoryMessage: story already expired', logId ); this.removeFromCache(envelope); return; } const message: ProcessedDataMessage = { attachments, bodyRanges: filterAndClean(msg.bodyRanges), preview, canReplyToStory: Boolean(msg.allowsReplies), expireTimer: DurationInSeconds.DAY, flags: 0, groupV2, isStory: true, isViewOnce: false, timestamp: envelope.timestamp, }; if (sentMessage && message.groupV2) { const ev = new SentEvent( { destinationUuid: envelope.destinationUuid.toString(), device: envelope.sourceDevice, isRecipientUpdate: Boolean(sentMessage.isRecipientUpdate), message, receivedAtCounter: envelope.receivedAtCounter, receivedAtDate: envelope.receivedAtDate, serverTimestamp: envelope.serverTimestamp, timestamp: envelope.timestamp, unidentifiedStatus: sentMessage.storyMessageRecipients ?.map(({ destinationUuid, isAllowedToReply }) => { if (!destinationUuid) { return; } return { destinationUuid: normalizeUuid( destinationUuid, 'handleStoryMessage.destinationUuid' ), isAllowedToReplyToStory: Boolean(isAllowedToReply), }; }) .filter(isNotNil), }, this.removeFromCache.bind(this, envelope) ); void this.dispatchAndWait(logId, ev); return; } if (sentMessage) { const { storyMessageRecipients } = sentMessage; const recipients = storyMessageRecipients ?? []; const isAllowedToReply = new Map(); const distributionListToSentUuid = new Map>(); recipients.forEach(recipient => { const { destinationUuid } = recipient; if (!destinationUuid) { return; } const normalizedDestinationUuid = normalizeUuid( destinationUuid, 'handleStoryMessage.destinationUuid' ); if (recipient.distributionListIds) { recipient.distributionListIds.forEach(listId => { const sentUuids: Set = distributionListToSentUuid.get(listId) || new Set(); sentUuids.add(normalizedDestinationUuid); distributionListToSentUuid.set(listId, sentUuids); }); } else { assertDev( false, `MessageReceiver.handleStoryMessage(${logId}): missing ` + `distribution list id for: ${destinationUuid}` ); } isAllowedToReply.set( normalizedDestinationUuid, recipient.isAllowedToReply !== false ); }); distributionListToSentUuid.forEach((sentToUuids, listId) => { const ev = new SentEvent( { destinationUuid: envelope.destinationUuid.toString(), timestamp: envelope.timestamp, serverTimestamp: envelope.serverTimestamp, device: envelope.sourceDevice, unidentifiedStatus: Array.from(sentToUuids).map( destinationUuid => ({ destinationUuid, isAllowedToReplyToStory: isAllowedToReply.get(destinationUuid), }) ), message, isRecipientUpdate: Boolean(sentMessage.isRecipientUpdate), receivedAtCounter: envelope.receivedAtCounter, receivedAtDate: envelope.receivedAtDate, storyDistributionListId: normalizeUuid( listId, 'storyDistributionListId' ), }, this.removeFromCache.bind(this, envelope) ); void this.dispatchAndWait(logId, ev); }); return; } const ev = new MessageEvent( { source: envelope.source, sourceUuid: envelope.sourceUuid, sourceDevice: envelope.sourceDevice, destinationUuid: envelope.destinationUuid.toString(), timestamp: envelope.timestamp, serverGuid: envelope.serverGuid, serverTimestamp: envelope.serverTimestamp, unidentifiedDeliveryReceived: Boolean( envelope.unidentifiedDeliveryReceived ), message, receivedAtCounter: envelope.receivedAtCounter, receivedAtDate: envelope.receivedAtDate, }, this.removeFromCache.bind(this, envelope) ); return this.dispatchAndWait(logId, ev); } private async handleEditMessage( envelope: UnsealedEnvelope, msg: Proto.IEditMessage ): Promise { const logId = `MessageReceiver.handleEditMessage(${getEnvelopeId( envelope )})`; log.info(logId); if (!msg.targetSentTimestamp) { log.info(`${logId}: cannot edit message. No targetSentTimestamp`); this.removeFromCache(envelope); return; } if (!msg.dataMessage) { log.info(`${logId}: cannot edit message. No dataMessage`); this.removeFromCache(envelope); return; } // Timing check if (isOlderThan(envelope.serverTimestamp, durations.DAY)) { log.info( 'MessageReceiver.handleEditMessage: cannot edit message older than 24h', logId ); this.removeFromCache(envelope); return; } const message = this.processDecrypted(envelope, msg.dataMessage); const groupId = this.getProcessedGroupId(message); const isBlocked = groupId ? this.isGroupBlocked(groupId) : false; if (groupId && isBlocked) { log.warn( `Message ${getEnvelopeId(envelope)} ignored; destined for blocked group` ); this.removeFromCache(envelope); return; } const ev = new MessageEvent( { source: envelope.source, sourceUuid: envelope.sourceUuid, sourceDevice: envelope.sourceDevice, destinationUuid: envelope.destinationUuid.toString(), timestamp: envelope.timestamp, serverGuid: envelope.serverGuid, serverTimestamp: envelope.serverTimestamp, unidentifiedDeliveryReceived: Boolean( envelope.unidentifiedDeliveryReceived ), message: { ...message, editedMessageTimestamp: msg.targetSentTimestamp.toNumber(), }, receivedAtCounter: envelope.receivedAtCounter, receivedAtDate: envelope.receivedAtDate, }, this.removeFromCache.bind(this, envelope) ); return this.dispatchAndWait(logId, ev); } private async handleDataMessage( envelope: UnsealedEnvelope, msg: Proto.IDataMessage ): Promise { const logId = getEnvelopeId(envelope); log.info('MessageReceiver.handleDataMessage', logId); if (getStoriesBlocked() && msg.storyContext) { log.info( `MessageReceiver.handleDataMessage/${logId}: Dropping incoming dataMessage with storyContext field` ); this.removeFromCache(envelope); return; } let p: Promise = Promise.resolve(); const destination = envelope.sourceUuid; if (!destination) { throw new Error( 'MessageReceiver.handleDataMessage: source and sourceUuid were falsey' ); } if (this.isInvalidGroupData(msg, envelope)) { this.removeFromCache(envelope); return undefined; } if (msg.flags && msg.flags & Proto.DataMessage.Flags.END_SESSION) { p = this.handleEndSession(envelope, new UUID(destination)); } if (msg.flags && msg.flags & Proto.DataMessage.Flags.PROFILE_KEY_UPDATE) { strictAssert( msg.profileKey != null && msg.profileKey.length > 0, 'PROFILE_KEY_UPDATE without profileKey' ); logUnexpectedUrgentValue(envelope, 'profileKeyUpdate'); const ev = new ProfileKeyUpdateEvent( { source: envelope.source, sourceUuid: envelope.sourceUuid, profileKey: Bytes.toBase64(msg.profileKey), }, this.removeFromCache.bind(this, envelope) ); return this.dispatchAndWait(logId, ev); } await p; let type: SendTypesType = 'message'; if (msg.storyContext || msg.body) { type = 'message'; } else if (msg.reaction) { type = 'reaction'; } else if (msg.delete) { type = 'deleteForEveryone'; } else if ( msg.flags && msg.flags & Proto.DataMessage.Flags.EXPIRATION_TIMER_UPDATE ) { type = 'expirationTimerUpdate'; } // Note: other data messages without any of these attributes will fall into the // 'message' bucket - like stickers, gift badges, etc. logUnexpectedUrgentValue(envelope, type); const message = this.processDecrypted(envelope, msg); const groupId = this.getProcessedGroupId(message); const isBlocked = groupId ? this.isGroupBlocked(groupId) : false; if (groupId && isBlocked) { log.warn( `Message ${getEnvelopeId(envelope)} ignored; destined for blocked group` ); this.removeFromCache(envelope); return undefined; } const ev = new MessageEvent( { source: envelope.source, sourceUuid: envelope.sourceUuid, sourceDevice: envelope.sourceDevice, destinationUuid: envelope.destinationUuid.toString(), timestamp: envelope.timestamp, serverGuid: envelope.serverGuid, serverTimestamp: envelope.serverTimestamp, unidentifiedDeliveryReceived: Boolean( envelope.unidentifiedDeliveryReceived ), message, receivedAtCounter: envelope.receivedAtCounter, receivedAtDate: envelope.receivedAtDate, }, this.removeFromCache.bind(this, envelope) ); return this.dispatchAndWait(logId, ev); } private async maybeUpdateTimestamp( envelope: UnsealedEnvelope ): Promise { const { retryPlaceholders } = window.Signal.Services; if (!retryPlaceholders) { log.warn('maybeUpdateTimestamp: retry placeholders not available!'); return envelope; } const { timestamp } = envelope; const identifier = envelope.groupId || envelope.sourceUuid; const conversation = window.ConversationController.get(identifier); try { if (!conversation) { const idForLogging = envelope.groupId ? `groupv2(${envelope.groupId})` : envelope.sourceUuid; log.info( `maybeUpdateTimestamp/${timestamp}: No conversation found for identifier ${idForLogging}` ); return envelope; } const logId = `${conversation.idForLogging()}/${timestamp}`; const item = await retryPlaceholders.findByMessageAndRemove( conversation.id, timestamp ); if (item && item.wasOpened) { log.info( `maybeUpdateTimestamp/${logId}: found retry placeholder, but conversation was opened. No updates made.` ); } else if (item) { log.info( `maybeUpdateTimestamp/${logId}: found retry placeholder. Updating receivedAtCounter/receivedAtDate` ); return { ...envelope, receivedAtCounter: item.receivedAtCounter, receivedAtDate: item.receivedAt, }; } } catch (error) { log.error( `maybeUpdateTimestamp/${timestamp}: Failed to process message: ${Errors.toLogFormat( error )}` ); } return envelope; } private async innerHandleContentMessage( incomingEnvelope: UnsealedEnvelope, plaintext: Uint8Array ): Promise { const content = Proto.Content.decode(plaintext); const envelope = await this.maybeUpdateTimestamp(incomingEnvelope); if ( content.decryptionErrorMessage && Bytes.isNotEmpty(content.decryptionErrorMessage) ) { this.handleDecryptionError(envelope, content.decryptionErrorMessage); return; } if (content.syncMessage) { await this.handleSyncMessage( envelope, processSyncMessage(content.syncMessage) ); return; } if (content.dataMessage) { await this.handleDataMessage(envelope, content.dataMessage); return; } if (content.nullMessage) { this.handleNullMessage(envelope); return; } if (content.callingMessage) { await this.handleCallingMessage(envelope, content.callingMessage); return; } if (content.receiptMessage) { await this.handleReceiptMessage(envelope, content.receiptMessage); return; } if (content.typingMessage) { this.handleTypingMessage(envelope, content.typingMessage); return; } if (content.storyMessage) { await this.handleStoryMessage(envelope, content.storyMessage); return; } if (content.editMessage) { await this.handleEditMessage(envelope, content.editMessage); return; } this.removeFromCache(envelope); if (Bytes.isEmpty(content.senderKeyDistributionMessage)) { throw new Error('Unsupported content message'); } } private handleDecryptionError( envelope: UnsealedEnvelope, decryptionError: Uint8Array ): void { const logId = getEnvelopeId(envelope); log.info(`handleDecryptionError: ${logId}`); logUnexpectedUrgentValue(envelope, 'retryRequest'); const buffer = Buffer.from(decryptionError); const request = DecryptionErrorMessage.deserialize(buffer); const { sourceUuid, sourceDevice } = envelope; if (!sourceUuid || !sourceDevice) { log.error(`handleDecryptionError/${logId}: Missing uuid or device!`); this.removeFromCache(envelope); return; } const event = new RetryRequestEvent( { groupId: envelope.groupId, requesterDevice: sourceDevice, requesterUuid: sourceUuid, ratchetKey: request.ratchetKey(), senderDevice: request.deviceId(), sentAt: request.timestamp(), }, () => this.removeFromCache(envelope) ); this.dispatchEvent(event); } private async handleSenderKeyDistributionMessage( stores: LockedStores, envelope: UnsealedEnvelope, distributionMessage: Uint8Array ): Promise { const envelopeId = getEnvelopeId(envelope); log.info(`handleSenderKeyDistributionMessage/${envelopeId}`); logUnexpectedUrgentValue(envelope, 'senderKeyDistributionMessage'); // Note: we don't call removeFromCache here because this message can be combined // with a dataMessage, for example. That processing will dictate cache removal. const identifier = envelope.sourceUuid; const { sourceDevice } = envelope; if (!isNumber(sourceDevice)) { throw new Error( `handleSenderKeyDistributionMessage: Missing sourceDevice for envelope ${envelopeId}` ); } const sender = ProtocolAddress.new(identifier, sourceDevice); const senderKeyDistributionMessage = SenderKeyDistributionMessage.deserialize( Buffer.from(distributionMessage) ); const { destinationUuid } = envelope; const address = new QualifiedAddress( destinationUuid, Address.create(identifier, sourceDevice) ); await this.storage.protocol.enqueueSenderKeyJob( address, () => processSenderKeyDistributionMessage( sender, senderKeyDistributionMessage, stores.senderKeyStore ), stores.zone ); } private async handlePniSignatureMessage( envelope: UnsealedEnvelope, pniSignatureMessage: Proto.IPniSignatureMessage ): Promise { const envelopeId = getEnvelopeId(envelope); const logId = `handlePniSignatureMessage/${envelopeId}`; log.info(logId); // Note: we don't call removeFromCache here because this message can be combined // with a dataMessage, for example. That processing will dictate cache removal. const aci = envelope.sourceUuid; const { pni: pniBytes, signature } = pniSignatureMessage; strictAssert(Bytes.isNotEmpty(pniBytes), `${logId}: missing PNI bytes`); const pni = bytesToUuid(pniBytes); strictAssert(pni, `${logId}: missing PNI`); strictAssert(Bytes.isNotEmpty(signature), `${logId}: empty signature`); const isValid = await this.storage.protocol.verifyAlternateIdentity({ aci: new UUID(aci), pni: new UUID(pni), signature, }); if (isValid) { log.info(`${logId}: merging pni=${pni} aci=${aci}`); const { mergePromises } = window.ConversationController.maybeMergeContacts({ pni, aci, e164: window.ConversationController.get(pni)?.get('e164'), fromPniSignature: true, reason: logId, }); if (mergePromises.length) { await Promise.all(mergePromises); } } } private async handleCallingMessage( envelope: UnsealedEnvelope, callingMessage: Proto.ICallingMessage ): Promise { logUnexpectedUrgentValue(envelope, 'callingMessage'); this.removeFromCache(envelope); if ( (envelope.source && this.isBlocked(envelope.source)) || (envelope.sourceUuid && this.isUuidBlocked(envelope.sourceUuid)) ) { const logId = getEnvelopeId(envelope); log.info(`${logId}: Dropping calling message from blocked sender`); this.removeFromCache(envelope); return; } await window.Signal.Services.calling.handleCallingMessage( envelope, callingMessage ); } private async handleReceiptMessage( envelope: UnsealedEnvelope, receiptMessage: Proto.IReceiptMessage ): Promise { strictAssert(receiptMessage.timestamp, 'Receipt message without timestamp'); let EventClass: typeof DeliveryEvent | typeof ReadEvent | typeof ViewEvent; let type: SendTypesType; switch (receiptMessage.type) { case Proto.ReceiptMessage.Type.DELIVERY: EventClass = DeliveryEvent; type = 'deliveryReceipt'; break; case Proto.ReceiptMessage.Type.READ: EventClass = ReadEvent; type = 'readReceipt'; break; case Proto.ReceiptMessage.Type.VIEWED: EventClass = ViewEvent; type = 'viewedReceipt'; break; default: // This can happen if we get a receipt type we don't know about yet, which // is totally fine. return; } logUnexpectedUrgentValue(envelope, type); const logId = getEnvelopeId(envelope); await Promise.all( receiptMessage.timestamp.map(async rawTimestamp => { const ev = new EventClass( { timestamp: rawTimestamp?.toNumber(), envelopeTimestamp: envelope.timestamp, source: envelope.source, sourceUuid: envelope.sourceUuid, sourceDevice: envelope.sourceDevice, wasSentEncrypted: true, }, this.removeFromCache.bind(this, envelope) ); await this.dispatchAndWait(logId, ev); }) ); } private handleTypingMessage( envelope: UnsealedEnvelope, typingMessage: Proto.ITypingMessage ): void { this.removeFromCache(envelope); logUnexpectedUrgentValue(envelope, 'typing'); if (envelope.timestamp && typingMessage.timestamp) { const envelopeTimestamp = envelope.timestamp; const typingTimestamp = typingMessage.timestamp?.toNumber(); if (typingTimestamp !== envelopeTimestamp) { log.warn( `Typing message envelope timestamp (${envelopeTimestamp}) did not match typing timestamp (${typingTimestamp})` ); return; } } strictAssert( envelope.sourceDevice !== undefined, 'TypingMessage requires sourceDevice in the envelope' ); const { groupId, timestamp, action } = typingMessage; let groupV2IdString: string | undefined; if (groupId && groupId.byteLength === GROUPV2_ID_LENGTH) { groupV2IdString = Bytes.toBase64(groupId); } else { log.error('handleTypingMessage: Received invalid groupId value'); } this.dispatchEvent( new TypingEvent({ sender: envelope.source, senderUuid: envelope.sourceUuid, senderDevice: envelope.sourceDevice, typing: { groupV2Id: groupV2IdString, typingMessage, timestamp: timestamp?.toNumber() ?? Date.now(), started: action === Proto.TypingMessage.Action.STARTED, stopped: action === Proto.TypingMessage.Action.STOPPED, }, }) ); } private handleNullMessage(envelope: UnsealedEnvelope): void { log.info('MessageReceiver.handleNullMessage', getEnvelopeId(envelope)); logUnexpectedUrgentValue(envelope, 'nullMessage'); this.removeFromCache(envelope); } private isInvalidGroupData( message: Proto.IDataMessage, envelope: ProcessedEnvelope ): boolean { const { groupV2 } = message; if (groupV2) { const { masterKey } = groupV2; strictAssert(masterKey, 'Group v2 data has no masterKey'); const isInvalid = masterKey.byteLength !== MASTER_KEY_LENGTH; if (isInvalid) { log.info( 'isInvalidGroupData: invalid GroupV2 message from', getEnvelopeId(envelope) ); } return isInvalid; } return false; } private getProcessedGroupId( message: ProcessedDataMessage ): string | undefined { if (message.groupV2) { return message.groupV2.id; } return undefined; } private getGroupId(message: Proto.IDataMessage): string | undefined { if (message.groupV2) { strictAssert(message.groupV2.masterKey, 'Missing groupV2.masterKey'); const { id } = deriveGroupFields(message.groupV2.masterKey); return Bytes.toBase64(id); } return undefined; } private getDestination(sentMessage: Proto.SyncMessage.ISent) { if (sentMessage.message && sentMessage.message.groupV2) { return `groupv2(${this.getGroupId(sentMessage.message)})`; } return sentMessage.destination || sentMessage.destinationUuid; } private async handleSyncMessage( envelope: UnsealedEnvelope, syncMessage: ProcessedSyncMessage ): Promise { const ourNumber = this.storage.user.getNumber(); const ourUuid = this.storage.user.getCheckedUuid(); const fromSelfSource = envelope.source && envelope.source === ourNumber; const fromSelfSourceUuid = envelope.sourceUuid && envelope.sourceUuid === ourUuid.toString(); if (!fromSelfSource && !fromSelfSourceUuid) { throw new Error('Received sync message from another number'); } const ourDeviceId = this.storage.user.getDeviceId(); // eslint-disable-next-line eqeqeq if (envelope.sourceDevice == ourDeviceId) { throw new Error('Received sync message from our own device'); } if (syncMessage.sent) { const sentMessage = syncMessage.sent; if (sentMessage.editMessage) { return this.handleSentEditMessage(envelope, sentMessage); } if (sentMessage.storyMessageRecipients && sentMessage.isRecipientUpdate) { if (getStoriesBlocked()) { log.info( 'MessageReceiver.handleSyncMessage: dropping story recipients update', getEnvelopeId(envelope) ); this.removeFromCache(envelope); return; } log.info( 'MessageReceiver.handleSyncMessage: handling story recipients update', getEnvelopeId(envelope) ); const ev = new StoryRecipientUpdateEvent( { destinationUuid: envelope.destinationUuid.toString(), timestamp: envelope.timestamp, storyMessageRecipients: sentMessage.storyMessageRecipients, }, this.removeFromCache.bind(this, envelope) ); const logId = getEnvelopeId(envelope); return this.dispatchAndWait(logId, ev); } if (sentMessage.storyMessage) { return this.handleStoryMessage( envelope, sentMessage.storyMessage, sentMessage ); } if (!sentMessage || !sentMessage.message) { throw new Error( 'MessageReceiver.handleSyncMessage: sync sent message was missing message' ); } if (this.isInvalidGroupData(sentMessage.message, envelope)) { this.removeFromCache(envelope); return; } strictAssert(sentMessage.timestamp, 'sent message without timestamp'); log.info( 'sent message to', this.getDestination(sentMessage), sentMessage.timestamp?.toNumber(), 'from', getEnvelopeId(envelope) ); return this.handleSentMessage(envelope, sentMessage); } if (syncMessage.contacts) { // Note: this method will download attachment and thus might block // message processing, but we would like to fully process contact sync // before moving on since it updates conversation state. return this.handleContacts(envelope, syncMessage.contacts); } if (syncMessage.groups) { void this.handleGroups(envelope, syncMessage.groups); return; } if (syncMessage.blocked) { return this.handleBlocked(envelope, syncMessage.blocked); } if (syncMessage.request) { log.info('Got SyncMessage Request'); this.removeFromCache(envelope); return; } if (syncMessage.read && syncMessage.read.length) { return this.handleRead(envelope, syncMessage.read); } if (syncMessage.verified) { log.info('Got verified sync message, dropping'); this.removeFromCache(envelope); return; } if (syncMessage.configuration) { return this.handleConfiguration(envelope, syncMessage.configuration); } if ( syncMessage.stickerPackOperation && syncMessage.stickerPackOperation.length > 0 ) { return this.handleStickerPackOperation( envelope, syncMessage.stickerPackOperation ); } if (syncMessage.viewOnceOpen) { return this.handleViewOnceOpen(envelope, syncMessage.viewOnceOpen); } if (syncMessage.messageRequestResponse) { return this.handleMessageRequestResponse( envelope, syncMessage.messageRequestResponse ); } if (syncMessage.fetchLatest) { return this.handleFetchLatest(envelope, syncMessage.fetchLatest); } if (syncMessage.keys) { return this.handleKeys(envelope, syncMessage.keys); } if (syncMessage.viewed && syncMessage.viewed.length) { return this.handleViewed(envelope, syncMessage.viewed); } if (syncMessage.callEvent) { return this.handleCallEvent(envelope, syncMessage.callEvent); } this.removeFromCache(envelope); const envelopeId = getEnvelopeId(envelope); const unknownFieldTags = inspectUnknownFieldTags(syncMessage).join(','); log.warn( `handleSyncMessage/${envelopeId}: Got unknown SyncMessage (Unknown field tags: ${unknownFieldTags})` ); } private async handleSentEditMessage( envelope: UnsealedEnvelope, sentMessage: ProcessedSent ): Promise { const logId = `MessageReceiver.handleSentEditMessage(${getEnvelopeId( envelope )})`; log.info(logId); const { editMessage } = sentMessage; if (!editMessage) { log.warn(`${logId}: cannot edit message. No editMessage in proto`); this.removeFromCache(envelope); return; } if (!editMessage.targetSentTimestamp) { log.warn(`${logId}: cannot edit message. No targetSentTimestamp`); this.removeFromCache(envelope); return; } if (!editMessage.dataMessage) { log.warn(`${logId}: cannot edit message. No dataMessage`); this.removeFromCache(envelope); return; } const { destination, destinationUuid, expirationStartTimestamp, unidentifiedStatus, isRecipientUpdate, } = sentMessage; const message = this.processDecrypted(envelope, editMessage.dataMessage); const ev = new SentEvent( { destination: dropNull(destination), destinationUuid: dropNull(destinationUuid) || envelope.destinationUuid.toString(), timestamp: envelope.timestamp, serverTimestamp: envelope.serverTimestamp, device: envelope.sourceDevice, unidentifiedStatus, message: { ...message, editedMessageTimestamp: editMessage.targetSentTimestamp.toNumber(), }, isRecipientUpdate: Boolean(isRecipientUpdate), receivedAtCounter: envelope.receivedAtCounter, receivedAtDate: envelope.receivedAtDate, expirationStartTimestamp: expirationStartTimestamp?.toNumber(), }, this.removeFromCache.bind(this, envelope) ); return this.dispatchAndWait(getEnvelopeId(envelope), ev); } private async handleConfiguration( envelope: ProcessedEnvelope, configuration: Proto.SyncMessage.IConfiguration ): Promise { const logId = getEnvelopeId(envelope); log.info('got configuration sync message', logId); logUnexpectedUrgentValue(envelope, 'configurationSync'); const ev = new ConfigurationEvent( configuration, this.removeFromCache.bind(this, envelope) ); return this.dispatchAndWait(logId, ev); } private async handleViewOnceOpen( envelope: ProcessedEnvelope, sync: Proto.SyncMessage.IViewOnceOpen ): Promise { const logId = getEnvelopeId(envelope); log.info('got view once open sync message', logId); logUnexpectedUrgentValue(envelope, 'viewOnceSync'); const ev = new ViewOnceOpenSyncEvent( { source: dropNull(sync.sender), sourceUuid: sync.senderUuid ? normalizeUuid(sync.senderUuid, 'handleViewOnceOpen.senderUuid') : undefined, timestamp: sync.timestamp?.toNumber(), }, this.removeFromCache.bind(this, envelope) ); return this.dispatchAndWait(logId, ev); } private async handleMessageRequestResponse( envelope: ProcessedEnvelope, sync: Proto.SyncMessage.IMessageRequestResponse ): Promise { const logId = getEnvelopeId(envelope); log.info('got message request response sync message', logId); logUnexpectedUrgentValue(envelope, 'messageRequestSync'); const { groupId } = sync; let groupV2IdString: string | undefined; if (groupId && groupId.byteLength === GROUPV2_ID_LENGTH) { groupV2IdString = Bytes.toBase64(groupId); } else { this.removeFromCache(envelope); log.error('Received message request with invalid groupId'); return undefined; } const ev = new MessageRequestResponseEvent( { threadE164: dropNull(sync.threadE164), threadUuid: sync.threadUuid ? normalizeUuid( sync.threadUuid, 'handleMessageRequestResponse.threadUuid' ) : undefined, messageRequestResponseType: sync.type, groupV2Id: groupV2IdString, }, this.removeFromCache.bind(this, envelope) ); return this.dispatchAndWait(logId, ev); } private async handleFetchLatest( envelope: ProcessedEnvelope, sync: Proto.SyncMessage.IFetchLatest ): Promise { const logId = getEnvelopeId(envelope); log.info('got fetch latest sync message', logId); logUnexpectedUrgentValue(envelope, 'fetchLatestManifestSync'); const ev = new FetchLatestEvent( sync.type, this.removeFromCache.bind(this, envelope) ); return this.dispatchAndWait(logId, ev); } private async handleKeys( envelope: ProcessedEnvelope, sync: Proto.SyncMessage.IKeys ): Promise { const logId = getEnvelopeId(envelope); log.info('got keys sync message', logId); logUnexpectedUrgentValue(envelope, 'keySync'); if (!sync.storageService) { return undefined; } const ev = new KeysEvent( sync.storageService, this.removeFromCache.bind(this, envelope) ); return this.dispatchAndWait(logId, ev); } // Runs on TaskType.Encrypted queue private async handlePNIChangeNumber( envelope: ProcessedEnvelope, { identityKeyPair, signedPreKey, registrationId, newE164, }: Proto.SyncMessage.IPniChangeNumber ): Promise { log.info('MessageReceiver: got pni change number sync message'); logUnexpectedUrgentValue(envelope, 'pniIdentitySync'); const { updatedPni } = envelope; if (!updatedPni) { log.warn('MessageReceiver: missing pni in change number sync message'); return; } if ( !Bytes.isNotEmpty(identityKeyPair) || !Bytes.isNotEmpty(signedPreKey) || !isNumber(registrationId) || !isString(newE164) ) { log.warn('MessageReceiver: empty pni change number sync message'); return; } const manager = window.getAccountManager(); await manager.setPni(updatedPni.toString(), { identityKeyPair, signedPreKey, registrationId, }); await window.storage.user.setNumber(newE164); } private async handleStickerPackOperation( envelope: ProcessedEnvelope, operations: Array ): Promise { const ENUM = Proto.SyncMessage.StickerPackOperation.Type; const logId = getEnvelopeId(envelope); log.info('got sticker pack operation sync message', logId); logUnexpectedUrgentValue(envelope, 'stickerPackSync'); const stickerPacks = operations.map(operation => ({ id: operation.packId ? Bytes.toHex(operation.packId) : undefined, key: operation.packKey ? Bytes.toBase64(operation.packKey) : undefined, isInstall: operation.type === ENUM.INSTALL, isRemove: operation.type === ENUM.REMOVE, })); const ev = new StickerPackEvent( stickerPacks, this.removeFromCache.bind(this, envelope) ); return this.dispatchAndWait(logId, ev); } private async handleRead( envelope: ProcessedEnvelope, read: Array ): Promise { const logId = getEnvelopeId(envelope); log.info('MessageReceiver.handleRead', logId); logUnexpectedUrgentValue(envelope, 'readSync'); const results = []; for (const { timestamp, sender, senderUuid } of read) { const ev = new ReadSyncEvent( { envelopeTimestamp: envelope.timestamp, timestamp: timestamp?.toNumber(), sender: dropNull(sender), senderUuid: senderUuid ? normalizeUuid(senderUuid, 'handleRead.senderUuid') : undefined, }, this.removeFromCache.bind(this, envelope) ); results.push(this.dispatchAndWait(logId, ev)); } await Promise.all(results); } private async handleViewed( envelope: ProcessedEnvelope, viewed: ReadonlyArray ): Promise { const logId = getEnvelopeId(envelope); log.info('MessageReceiver.handleViewed', logId); logUnexpectedUrgentValue(envelope, 'viewSync'); await Promise.all( viewed.map(async ({ timestamp, senderE164, senderUuid }) => { const ev = new ViewSyncEvent( { envelopeTimestamp: envelope.timestamp, timestamp: timestamp?.toNumber(), senderE164: dropNull(senderE164), senderUuid: senderUuid ? normalizeUuid(senderUuid, 'handleViewed.senderUuid') : undefined, }, this.removeFromCache.bind(this, envelope) ); await this.dispatchAndWait(logId, ev); }) ); } private async handleCallEvent( envelope: ProcessedEnvelope, callEvent: Proto.SyncMessage.ICallEvent ): Promise { const logId = getEnvelopeId(envelope); log.info('MessageReceiver.handleCallEvent', logId); const { peerUuid, callId, type } = callEvent; if (!peerUuid) { throw new Error('MessageReceiver.handleCallEvent: missing peerUuid'); } if (!callId) { throw new Error('MessageReceiver.handleCallEvent: missing callId'); } logUnexpectedUrgentValue(envelope, 'callEventSync'); if ( type !== Proto.SyncMessage.CallEvent.Type.VIDEO_CALL && type !== Proto.SyncMessage.CallEvent.Type.AUDIO_CALL ) { log.warn('MessageReceiver.handleCallEvent: unknown call type'); return; } const peerUuidStr = bytesToUuid(peerUuid); strictAssert( peerUuidStr != null, 'MessageReceiver.handleCallEvent: invalid peerUuid' ); const { receivedAtCounter, timestamp } = envelope; const wasIncoming = callEvent.direction === Proto.SyncMessage.CallEvent.Direction.INCOMING; const wasVideoCall = callEvent.type === Proto.SyncMessage.CallEvent.Type.VIDEO_CALL; const wasAccepted = callEvent.event === Proto.SyncMessage.CallEvent.Event.ACCEPTED; const wasDeclined = callEvent.event === Proto.SyncMessage.CallEvent.Event.NOT_ACCEPTED; const acceptedTime = wasAccepted ? timestamp : undefined; const endedTime = wasDeclined ? timestamp : undefined; const callEventSync = new CallEventSyncEvent( { timestamp: envelope.timestamp, peerUuid: peerUuidStr, callId: callId.toString(), wasIncoming, wasVideoCall, wasDeclined, acceptedTime, endedTime, receivedAtCounter, }, this.removeFromCache.bind(this, envelope) ); await this.dispatchAndWait(logId, callEventSync); log.info('handleCallEvent: finished'); } private async handleContacts( envelope: ProcessedEnvelope, contacts: Proto.SyncMessage.IContacts ): Promise { const logId = getEnvelopeId(envelope); log.info(`MessageReceiver: handleContacts ${logId}`); const { blob } = contacts; if (!blob) { throw new Error('MessageReceiver.handleContacts: blob field was missing'); } logUnexpectedUrgentValue(envelope, 'contactSync'); this.removeFromCache(envelope); const attachmentPointer = await this.handleAttachment(blob); const contactBuffer = new ContactBuffer(attachmentPointer.data); const contactSync = new ContactSyncEvent( Array.from(contactBuffer), Boolean(contacts.complete), envelope.receivedAtCounter, envelope.timestamp ); await this.dispatchAndWait(logId, contactSync); log.info('handleContacts: finished'); } private async handleGroups( envelope: ProcessedEnvelope, groups: Proto.SyncMessage.IGroups ): Promise { const logId = getEnvelopeId(envelope); log.info('group sync'); log.info(`MessageReceiver: handleGroups ${logId}`); const { blob } = groups; this.removeFromCache(envelope); logUnexpectedUrgentValue(envelope, 'groupSync'); if (!blob) { throw new Error('MessageReceiver.handleGroups: blob field was missing'); } // Note: we do not return here because we don't want to block the next message on // this attachment download and a lot of processing of that attachment. const attachmentPointer = await this.handleAttachment(blob); const groupBuffer = new GroupBuffer(attachmentPointer.data); let groupDetails = groupBuffer.next(); const promises = []; while (groupDetails) { const { id } = groupDetails; strictAssert(id, 'Group details without id'); if (id.byteLength !== 16) { log.error( `onGroupReceived: Id was ${id} bytes, expected 16 bytes. Dropping group.` ); continue; } const ev = new GroupEvent( { ...groupDetails, id: Bytes.toBinary(id), }, envelope.receivedAtCounter ); const promise = this.dispatchAndWait(logId, ev).catch(e => { log.error('error processing group', e); }); groupDetails = groupBuffer.next(); promises.push(promise); } await Promise.all(promises); const ev = new GroupSyncEvent(); return this.dispatchAndWait(logId, ev); } private async handleBlocked( envelope: ProcessedEnvelope, blocked: Proto.SyncMessage.IBlocked ): Promise { const allIdentifiers = []; let changed = false; const logId = `handleBlocked(${getEnvelopeId(envelope)})`; logUnexpectedUrgentValue(envelope, 'blockSync'); if (blocked.numbers) { const previous = this.storage.get('blocked', []); log.info(`${logId}: Blocking these numbers:`, blocked.numbers); await this.storage.put('blocked', blocked.numbers); if (!areArraysMatchingSets(previous, blocked.numbers)) { changed = true; allIdentifiers.push(...previous); allIdentifiers.push(...blocked.numbers); } } if (blocked.uuids) { const previous = this.storage.get('blocked-uuids', []); const uuids = blocked.uuids.map((uuid, index) => { return normalizeUuid(uuid, `handleBlocked.uuids.${index}`); }); log.info(`${logId}: Blocking these uuids:`, uuids); await this.storage.put('blocked-uuids', uuids); if (!areArraysMatchingSets(previous, uuids)) { changed = true; allIdentifiers.push(...previous); allIdentifiers.push(...blocked.uuids); } } if (blocked.groupIds) { const previous = this.storage.get('blocked-groups', []); const groupIds: Array = []; blocked.groupIds.forEach(groupId => { if (groupId.byteLength === GROUPV2_ID_LENGTH) { groupIds.push(Bytes.toBase64(groupId)); } else { log.error(`${logId}: Received invalid groupId value`); } }); log.info( `${logId}: Blocking these groups - v2:`, groupIds.map(groupId => `groupv2(${groupId})`) ); await this.storage.put('blocked-groups', groupIds); if (!areArraysMatchingSets(previous, groupIds)) { changed = true; allIdentifiers.push(...previous); allIdentifiers.push(...groupIds); } } this.removeFromCache(envelope); if (changed) { log.info(`${logId}: Block list changed, forcing re-render.`); const uniqueIdentifiers = Array.from(new Set(allIdentifiers)); void window.ConversationController.forceRerender(uniqueIdentifiers); } } private isBlocked(number: string): boolean { return this.storage.blocked.isBlocked(number); } private isUuidBlocked(uuid: string): boolean { return this.storage.blocked.isUuidBlocked(uuid); } private isGroupBlocked(groupId: string): boolean { return this.storage.blocked.isGroupBlocked(groupId); } private async handleAttachment( attachment: Proto.IAttachmentPointer ): Promise { const cleaned = processAttachment(attachment); return downloadAttachment(this.server, cleaned); } private async handleEndSession( envelope: ProcessedEnvelope, theirUuid: UUID ): Promise { log.info(`handleEndSession: closing sessions for ${theirUuid.toString()}`); logUnexpectedUrgentValue(envelope, 'resetSession'); await this.storage.protocol.archiveAllSessions(theirUuid); } private processDecrypted( envelope: ProcessedEnvelope, decrypted: Proto.IDataMessage ): ProcessedDataMessage { return processDataMessage(decrypted, envelope.timestamp); } } function envelopeTypeToCiphertextType(type: number | undefined): number { const { Type } = Proto.Envelope; if (type === Type.CIPHERTEXT) { return CiphertextMessageType.Whisper; } if (type === Type.KEY_EXCHANGE) { throw new Error( 'envelopeTypeToCiphertextType: Cannot process KEY_EXCHANGE messages' ); } if (type === Type.PLAINTEXT_CONTENT) { return CiphertextMessageType.Plaintext; } if (type === Type.PREKEY_BUNDLE) { return CiphertextMessageType.PreKey; } if (type === Type.RECEIPT) { return CiphertextMessageType.Plaintext; } if (type === Type.UNIDENTIFIED_SENDER) { throw new Error( 'envelopeTypeToCiphertextType: Cannot process UNIDENTIFIED_SENDER messages' ); } if (type === Type.UNKNOWN) { throw new Error( 'envelopeTypeToCiphertextType: Cannot process UNKNOWN messages' ); } throw new Error(`envelopeTypeToCiphertextType: Unknown type ${type}`); }