// Copyright 2024 Signal Messenger, LLC // SPDX-License-Identifier: AGPL-3.0-only import { omit } from 'lodash'; import { drop } from '../util/drop'; import * as durations from '../util/durations'; import { missingCaseError } from '../util/missingCaseError'; import { clearTimeoutIfNecessary } from '../util/clearTimeoutIfNecessary'; import * as log from '../logging/log'; import { type AttachmentDownloadJobTypeType, type AttachmentDownloadJobType, attachmentDownloadJobSchema, } from '../types/AttachmentDownload'; import { AttachmentNotFoundOnCdnError, downloadAttachment, } from '../util/downloadAttachment'; import dataInterface from '../sql/Client'; import { getValue } from '../RemoteConfig'; import { explodePromise, type ExplodePromiseResultType, } from '../util/explodePromise'; import { isInCall as isInCallSelector } from '../state/selectors/calling'; import { type ExponentialBackoffOptionsType, exponentialBackoffSleepTime, } from '../util/exponentialBackoff'; import { AttachmentSizeError, type AttachmentType } from '../types/Attachment'; import { __DEPRECATED$getMessageById } from '../messages/getMessageById'; import type { MessageModel } from '../models/messages'; import { KIBIBYTE, getMaximumIncomingAttachmentSizeInKb, getMaximumIncomingTextAttachmentSizeInKb, } from '../types/AttachmentSize'; import { addAttachmentToMessage } from '../messageModifiers/AttachmentDownloads'; import * as Errors from '../types/errors'; import { redactGenericText } from '../util/privacy'; export enum AttachmentDownloadUrgency { IMMEDIATE = 'immediate', STANDARD = 'standard', } const TICK_INTERVAL = durations.MINUTE; const MAX_CONCURRENT_JOBS = 3; type AttachmentDownloadJobIdentifiersType = Pick< AttachmentDownloadJobType, 'messageId' | 'attachmentType' | 'digest' >; // Type for adding a new job export type NewAttachmentDownloadJobType = { attachment: AttachmentType; messageId: string; receivedAt: number; sentAt: number; attachmentType: AttachmentDownloadJobTypeType; urgency?: AttachmentDownloadUrgency; }; const RETRY_CONFIG: Record< 'default', { maxRetries: number; backoffConfig: ExponentialBackoffOptionsType } > = { default: { maxRetries: 4, backoffConfig: { // 30 seconds, 5 minutes, 50 minutes, (max) 6 hrs multiplier: 10, firstBackoffTime: 30 * durations.SECOND, maxBackoffTime: 6 * durations.HOUR, }, }, }; type AttachmentDownloadManagerParamsType = { getNextJobs: (options: { limit: number; prioritizeMessageIds?: Array; timestamp?: number; }) => Promise>; saveJob: (job: AttachmentDownloadJobType) => Promise; removeJob: (job: AttachmentDownloadJobType) => Promise; runJob: ( job: AttachmentDownloadJobType, isLastAttempt: boolean ) => Promise; isInCall: () => boolean; beforeStart?: () => Promise; maxAttempts: number; }; export type JobResultType = { status: 'retry' | 'finished' }; export class AttachmentDownloadManager { private static _instance: AttachmentDownloadManager | undefined; private visibleTimelineMessages: Array = []; private enabled: boolean = false; private activeJobs: Map< string, { completionPromise: ExplodePromiseResultType; job: AttachmentDownloadJobType; } > = new Map(); private timeout: NodeJS.Timeout | null = null; private jobStartPromises: Map> = new Map(); private jobCompletePromises: Map> = new Map(); static defaultParams: AttachmentDownloadManagerParamsType = { beforeStart: dataInterface.resetAttachmentDownloadActive, getNextJobs: dataInterface.getNextAttachmentDownloadJobs, saveJob: dataInterface.saveAttachmentDownloadJob, removeJob: dataInterface.removeAttachmentDownloadJob, runJob: runDownloadAttachmentJob, isInCall: () => { const reduxState = window.reduxStore?.getState(); if (reduxState) { return isInCallSelector(reduxState); } return false; }, maxAttempts: RETRY_CONFIG.default.maxRetries + 1, }; readonly getNextJobs: AttachmentDownloadManagerParamsType['getNextJobs']; readonly saveJob: AttachmentDownloadManagerParamsType['saveJob']; readonly removeJob: AttachmentDownloadManagerParamsType['removeJob']; readonly runJob: AttachmentDownloadManagerParamsType['runJob']; readonly beforeStart: AttachmentDownloadManagerParamsType['beforeStart']; readonly isInCall: AttachmentDownloadManagerParamsType['isInCall']; readonly maxAttempts: number; constructor( params: AttachmentDownloadManagerParamsType = AttachmentDownloadManager.defaultParams ) { this.getNextJobs = params.getNextJobs; this.saveJob = params.saveJob; this.removeJob = params.removeJob; this.runJob = params.runJob; this.beforeStart = params.beforeStart; this.isInCall = params.isInCall; this.maxAttempts = params.maxAttempts; } async start(): Promise { this.enabled = true; await this.beforeStart?.(); this.tick(); } async stop(): Promise { this.enabled = false; clearTimeoutIfNecessary(this.timeout); this.timeout = null; await Promise.all( [...this.activeJobs.values()].map( ({ completionPromise }) => completionPromise.promise ) ); } tick(): void { clearTimeoutIfNecessary(this.timeout); this.timeout = null; drop(this.maybeStartJobs()); this.timeout = setTimeout(() => this.tick(), TICK_INTERVAL); } async addJob( newJobData: NewAttachmentDownloadJobType ): Promise { const { attachment, messageId, attachmentType, receivedAt, sentAt, urgency = AttachmentDownloadUrgency.STANDARD, } = newJobData; const parseResult = attachmentDownloadJobSchema.safeParse({ messageId, receivedAt, sentAt, attachmentType, digest: attachment.digest, contentType: attachment.contentType, size: attachment.size, attachment, active: false, attempts: 0, retryAfter: null, lastAttemptTimestamp: null, }); if (!parseResult.success) { log.error( `AttachmentDownloadManager/addJob(${sentAt}.${attachmentType}): invalid data`, parseResult.error ); return attachment; } const newJob = parseResult.data; const jobIdForLogging = getJobIdForLogging(newJob); const logId = `AttachmentDownloadManager/addJob(${jobIdForLogging})`; try { const runningJob = this.getRunningJob(newJob); if (runningJob) { log.info(`${logId}: already running; resetting attempts`); runningJob.attempts = 0; await this.saveJob({ ...runningJob, attempts: 0, }); return attachment; } await this.saveJob(newJob); } catch (e) { log.error(`${logId}: error saving job`, Errors.toLogFormat(e)); } switch (urgency) { case AttachmentDownloadUrgency.IMMEDIATE: log.info(`${logId}: starting job immediately`); drop(this.startJob(newJob)); break; case AttachmentDownloadUrgency.STANDARD: drop(this.maybeStartJobs()); break; default: throw missingCaseError(urgency); } return { ...attachment, pending: true, }; } updateVisibleTimelineMessages(messageIds: Array): void { this.visibleTimelineMessages = messageIds; } // used in testing public waitForJobToBeStarted(job: AttachmentDownloadJobType): Promise { const id = this.getJobIdIncludingAttempts(job); const existingPromise = this.jobStartPromises.get(id)?.promise; if (existingPromise) { return existingPromise; } const { promise, resolve, reject } = explodePromise(); this.jobStartPromises.set(id, { promise, resolve, reject }); return promise; } public waitForJobToBeCompleted( job: AttachmentDownloadJobType ): Promise { const id = this.getJobIdIncludingAttempts(job); const existingPromise = this.jobCompletePromises.get(id)?.promise; if (existingPromise) { return existingPromise; } const { promise, resolve, reject } = explodePromise(); this.jobCompletePromises.set(id, { promise, resolve, reject }); return promise; } // Private methods // maybeStartJobs is called: // 1. every minute (via tick) // 2. after a job is added (via addJob) // 3. after a job finishes (via startJob) // preventing re-entrancy allow us to simplify some logic and ensure we don't try to // start too many jobs private _inMaybeStartJobs = false; private async maybeStartJobs(): Promise { if (this._inMaybeStartJobs) { return; } try { this._inMaybeStartJobs = true; if (!this.enabled) { log.info( 'AttachmentDownloadManager/_maybeStartJobs: not enabled, returning' ); return; } if (this.isInCall()) { log.info( 'AttachmentDownloadManager/_maybeStartJobs: holding off on starting new jobs; in call' ); return; } const numJobsToStart = this.getMaximumNumberOfJobsToStart(); if (numJobsToStart <= 0) { return; } const nextJobs = await this.getNextJobs({ limit: numJobsToStart, // TODO (DESKTOP-6912): we'll want to prioritize more than just visible timeline // messages, including: // - media opened in lightbox // - media for stories prioritizeMessageIds: [...this.visibleTimelineMessages], timestamp: Date.now(), }); // TODO (DESKTOP-6913): if a prioritized job is selected, we will to update the // in-memory job with that information so we can handle it differently, including // e.g. downloading a thumbnail before the full-size version for (const job of nextJobs) { drop(this.startJob(job)); } } finally { this._inMaybeStartJobs = false; } } private async startJob(job: AttachmentDownloadJobType): Promise { const logId = `AttachmentDownloadManager/startJob(${getJobIdForLogging( job )})`; if (this.isJobRunning(job)) { log.info(`${logId}: job is already running`); return; } const isLastAttempt = job.attempts + 1 >= this.maxAttempts; try { log.info(`${logId}: starting job`); this.addRunningJob(job); await this.saveJob({ ...job, active: true }); this.handleJobStartPromises(job); const { status } = await this.runJob(job, isLastAttempt); log.info(`${logId}: job completed with status: ${status}`); switch (status) { case 'finished': await this.removeJob(job); return; case 'retry': if (isLastAttempt) { throw new Error('Cannot retry on last attempt'); } await this.retryJobLater(job); return; default: throw missingCaseError(status); } } catch (e) { log.error(`${logId}: error when running job`, e); if (isLastAttempt) { await this.removeJob(job); } else { await this.retryJobLater(job); } } finally { this.removeRunningJob(job); drop(this.maybeStartJobs()); } } private async retryJobLater(job: AttachmentDownloadJobType) { const now = Date.now(); await this.saveJob({ ...job, active: false, attempts: job.attempts + 1, // TODO (DESKTOP-6845): adjust retry based on job type (e.g. backup) retryAfter: now + exponentialBackoffSleepTime( job.attempts + 1, RETRY_CONFIG.default.backoffConfig ), lastAttemptTimestamp: now, }); } private getActiveJobCount(): number { return this.activeJobs.size; } private getMaximumNumberOfJobsToStart(): number { return MAX_CONCURRENT_JOBS - this.getActiveJobCount(); } private getRunningJob( job: AttachmentDownloadJobIdentifiersType ): AttachmentDownloadJobType | undefined { const id = this.getJobId(job); return this.activeJobs.get(id)?.job; } private isJobRunning(job: AttachmentDownloadJobType): boolean { return Boolean(this.getRunningJob(job)); } private removeRunningJob(job: AttachmentDownloadJobType) { const idWithAttempts = this.getJobIdIncludingAttempts(job); this.jobCompletePromises.get(idWithAttempts)?.resolve(); this.jobCompletePromises.delete(idWithAttempts); const id = this.getJobId(job); this.activeJobs.get(id)?.completionPromise.resolve(); this.activeJobs.delete(id); } private addRunningJob(job: AttachmentDownloadJobType) { if (this.isJobRunning(job)) { const jobIdForLogging = getJobIdForLogging(job); log.warn( `attachmentDownloads/_addRunningJob: job ${jobIdForLogging} is already running` ); } this.activeJobs.set(this.getJobId(job), { completionPromise: explodePromise(), job, }); } private handleJobStartPromises(job: AttachmentDownloadJobType) { const id = this.getJobIdIncludingAttempts(job); this.jobStartPromises.get(id)?.resolve(); this.jobStartPromises.delete(id); } private getJobIdIncludingAttempts(job: AttachmentDownloadJobType) { return `${this.getJobId(job)}.${job.attempts}`; } private getJobId(job: AttachmentDownloadJobIdentifiersType): string { const { messageId, attachmentType, digest } = job; return `${messageId}.${attachmentType}.${digest}`; } // Static methods static get instance(): AttachmentDownloadManager { if (!AttachmentDownloadManager._instance) { AttachmentDownloadManager._instance = new AttachmentDownloadManager(); } return AttachmentDownloadManager._instance; } static async start(): Promise { log.info('AttachmentDownloadManager/starting'); await AttachmentDownloadManager.instance.start(); } static async stop(): Promise { log.info('AttachmentDownloadManager/stopping'); return AttachmentDownloadManager._instance?.stop(); } static async addJob( newJob: NewAttachmentDownloadJobType ): Promise { return AttachmentDownloadManager.instance.addJob(newJob); } static updateVisibleTimelineMessages(messageIds: Array): void { AttachmentDownloadManager.instance.updateVisibleTimelineMessages( messageIds ); } } async function runDownloadAttachmentJob( job: AttachmentDownloadJobType, isLastAttempt: boolean ): Promise { const jobIdForLogging = getJobIdForLogging(job); const logId = `attachment_downloads/runDownloadAttachmentJob/${jobIdForLogging}`; const message = await __DEPRECATED$getMessageById(job.messageId); if (!message) { log.error(`${logId} message not found`); return { status: 'finished' }; } try { log.info(`${logId}: Starting job`); await runDownloadAttachmentJobInner(job, message); return { status: 'finished' }; } catch (error) { log.error( `${logId}: Failed to download attachment, attempt ${job.attempts}:`, Errors.toLogFormat(error) ); if (error instanceof AttachmentSizeError) { await addAttachmentToMessage( message, _markAttachmentAsTooBig(job.attachment), { type: job.attachmentType } ); return { status: 'finished' }; } if (error instanceof AttachmentNotFoundOnCdnError) { await addAttachmentToMessage( message, _markAttachmentAsPermanentlyErrored(job.attachment), { type: job.attachmentType } ); return { status: 'finished' }; } if (isLastAttempt) { await addAttachmentToMessage( message, _markAttachmentAsTransientlyErrored(job.attachment), { type: job.attachmentType } ); return { status: 'finished' }; } // Remove `pending` flag from the attachment and retry later await addAttachmentToMessage( message, { ...job.attachment, pending: false, }, { type: job.attachmentType } ); return { status: 'retry' }; } finally { // This will fail if the message has been deleted before the download finished, which // is good await dataInterface.saveMessage(message.attributes, { ourAci: window.textsecure.storage.user.getCheckedAci(), }); } } async function runDownloadAttachmentJobInner( job: AttachmentDownloadJobType, message: MessageModel ): Promise { const { messageId, attachment, attachmentType: type } = job; const jobIdForLogging = getJobIdForLogging(job); const logId = `attachment_downloads/_runDownloadJobInner(${jobIdForLogging})`; if (!job || !attachment || !messageId) { throw new Error(`${logId}: Key information required for job was missing.`); } log.info(`${logId}: starting`); const maxInKib = getMaximumIncomingAttachmentSizeInKb(getValue); const maxTextAttachmentSizeInKib = getMaximumIncomingTextAttachmentSizeInKb(getValue); const { size } = attachment; const sizeInKib = size / KIBIBYTE; if (!Number.isFinite(size) || size < 0 || sizeInKib > maxInKib) { throw new AttachmentSizeError( `${logId}: Attachment was ${sizeInKib}kib, max is ${maxInKib}kib` ); } if (type === 'long-message' && sizeInKib > maxTextAttachmentSizeInKib) { throw new AttachmentSizeError( `${logId}: Text attachment was ${sizeInKib}kib, max is ${maxTextAttachmentSizeInKib}kib` ); } await addAttachmentToMessage( message, { ...attachment, pending: true }, { type } ); const downloaded = await downloadAttachment(attachment); const upgradedAttachment = await window.Signal.Migrations.processNewAttachment(downloaded); await addAttachmentToMessage(message, omit(upgradedAttachment, 'error'), { type, }); } function _markAttachmentAsTooBig(attachment: AttachmentType): AttachmentType { return { ..._markAttachmentAsPermanentlyErrored(attachment), wasTooBig: true, }; } function _markAttachmentAsPermanentlyErrored( attachment: AttachmentType ): AttachmentType { return { ...omit(attachment, ['key', 'id']), pending: false, error: true }; } function _markAttachmentAsTransientlyErrored( attachment: AttachmentType ): AttachmentType { return { ...attachment, pending: false, error: true }; } function getJobIdForLogging(job: AttachmentDownloadJobType): string { const { sentAt, attachmentType, digest } = job; const redactedDigest = redactGenericText(digest); return `${sentAt}.${attachmentType}.${redactedDigest}`; }