// Copyright 2024 Signal Messenger, LLC // SPDX-License-Identifier: AGPL-3.0-only import * as sinon from 'sinon'; import { assert } from 'chai'; import { join } from 'path'; import { createWriteStream } from 'fs'; import { ensureFile } from 'fs-extra'; import * as Bytes from '../../Bytes'; import { AttachmentBackupManager, FILE_NOT_FOUND_ON_TRANSIT_TIER_STATUS, runAttachmentBackupJob, } from '../../jobs/AttachmentBackupManager'; import type { AttachmentBackupJobType, CoreAttachmentBackupJobType, StandardAttachmentBackupJobType, ThumbnailAttachmentBackupJobType, } from '../../types/AttachmentBackup'; import { DataWriter } from '../../sql/Client'; import { getRandomBytes } from '../../Crypto'; import { APPLICATION_OCTET_STREAM, VIDEO_MP4 } from '../../types/MIME'; import { createName, getRelativePath } from '../../util/attachmentPath'; import { encryptAttachmentV2, generateKeys } from '../../AttachmentCrypto'; import { SECOND } from '../../util/durations'; import { HTTPError } from '../../textsecure/Errors'; const TRANSIT_CDN = 2; const TRANSIT_CDN_FOR_NEW_UPLOAD = 42; const BACKUP_CDN = 3; const RELATIVE_ATTACHMENT_PATH = getRelativePath(createName()); const LOCAL_ENCRYPTION_KEYS = Bytes.toBase64(generateKeys()); const ATTACHMENT_SIZE = 188610; describe('AttachmentBackupManager/JobManager', function attachmentBackupManager(this: Mocha.Suite) { this.timeout(10 * SECOND); let backupManager: AttachmentBackupManager | undefined; let runJob: sinon.SinonSpy; let backupMediaBatch: sinon.SinonStub; let backupsService = {}; let encryptAndUploadAttachment: sinon.SinonStub; let sandbox: sinon.SinonSandbox; let clock: sinon.SinonFakeTimers; let isInCall: sinon.SinonStub; function composeJob( index: number, overrides: Partial = {} ): StandardAttachmentBackupJobType { const mediaName = `mediaName${index}`; return { mediaName, type: 'standard', receivedAt: index, data: { path: RELATIVE_ATTACHMENT_PATH, contentType: VIDEO_MP4, keys: 'keys=', iv: 'iv==', digest: 'digest=', version: 2, localKey: LOCAL_ENCRYPTION_KEYS, transitCdnInfo: { cdnKey: 'transitCdnKey', cdnNumber: TRANSIT_CDN, uploadTimestamp: Date.now(), }, size: ATTACHMENT_SIZE, ...overrides, }, }; } function composeThumbnailJob( index: number, overrides: Partial = {} ): ThumbnailAttachmentBackupJobType { const mediaName = `thumbnail${index}`; return { mediaName, type: 'thumbnail', receivedAt: index, data: { fullsizePath: RELATIVE_ATTACHMENT_PATH, fullsizeSize: ATTACHMENT_SIZE, contentType: VIDEO_MP4, version: 2, localKey: LOCAL_ENCRYPTION_KEYS, ...overrides, }, }; } before(async () => { const { getAbsoluteAttachmentPath } = window.Signal.Migrations; const absolutePath = getAbsoluteAttachmentPath(RELATIVE_ATTACHMENT_PATH); await ensureFile(absolutePath); await DataWriter.ensureFilePermissions(); await encryptAttachmentV2({ plaintext: { absolutePath: join(__dirname, '../../../fixtures/cat-gif.mp4'), }, keys: Bytes.fromBase64(LOCAL_ENCRYPTION_KEYS), needIncrementalMac: false, sink: createWriteStream(absolutePath), getAbsoluteAttachmentPath, }); }); beforeEach(async () => { await DataWriter.removeAll(); await window.storage.put('masterKey', Bytes.toBase64(getRandomBytes(32))); sandbox = sinon.createSandbox(); clock = sandbox.useFakeTimers(); isInCall = sandbox.stub().returns(false); backupMediaBatch = sandbox .stub() .returns(Promise.resolve({ responses: [{ isSuccess: true, cdn: 3 }] })); backupsService = { credentials: { getHeadersForToday: () => Promise.resolve({}), }, getBackupCdnInfo: () => ({ isInBackupTier: false, }), }; encryptAndUploadAttachment = sinon.stub().returns({ cdnKey: 'newKeyOnTransitTier', cdnNumber: TRANSIT_CDN_FOR_NEW_UPLOAD, }); const decryptAttachmentV2ToSink = sinon.stub(); const { getAbsoluteAttachmentPath } = window.Signal.Migrations; runJob = sandbox.stub().callsFake((job: AttachmentBackupJobType) => { return runAttachmentBackupJob(job, false, { // @ts-expect-error incomplete stubbing backupsService, backupMediaBatch, getAbsoluteAttachmentPath, encryptAndUploadAttachment, decryptAttachmentV2ToSink, }); }); backupManager = new AttachmentBackupManager({ ...AttachmentBackupManager.defaultParams, shouldHoldOffOnStartingQueuedJobs: isInCall, runJob, }); }); afterEach(async () => { sandbox.restore(); await backupManager?.stop(); }); async function addJobs( num: number, overrides: Partial = {} ): Promise> { const jobs = new Array(num) .fill(null) .map((_, idx) => composeJob(idx, overrides)); for (const job of jobs) { // eslint-disable-next-line no-await-in-loop await backupManager?.addJob(job); } return jobs; } async function addThumbnailJobs( num: number, overrides: Partial = {} ): Promise> { const jobs = new Array(num) .fill(null) .map((_, idx) => composeThumbnailJob(idx, overrides)); for (const job of jobs) { // eslint-disable-next-line no-await-in-loop await backupManager?.addJob(job); } return jobs; } function waitForJobToBeStarted( job: CoreAttachmentBackupJobType, attempts: number = 0 ) { return backupManager?.waitForJobToBeStarted({ ...job, attempts }); } function waitForJobToBeCompleted( job: CoreAttachmentBackupJobType, attempts: number = 0 ) { return backupManager?.waitForJobToBeCompleted({ ...job, attempts }); } function assertRunJobCalledWith(jobs: Array) { return assert.strictEqual( JSON.stringify(runJob.getCalls().map(call => call.args[0].mediaName)), JSON.stringify(jobs.map(job => job.mediaName)) ); } async function getAllSavedJobs(): Promise> { return DataWriter.getNextAttachmentBackupJobs({ limit: 1000, timestamp: Infinity, }); } it('runs 3 jobs at a time in descending receivedAt order, fullsize first', async () => { const jobs = await addJobs(5); const thumbnailJobs = await addThumbnailJobs(5); // Confirm they are saved to DB const allJobs = await getAllSavedJobs(); assert.strictEqual(allJobs.length, 10); await backupManager?.start(); await waitForJobToBeStarted(jobs[2]); assert.strictEqual(runJob.callCount, 3); assertRunJobCalledWith([jobs[4], jobs[3], jobs[2]]); await waitForJobToBeStarted(jobs[0]); assert.strictEqual(runJob.callCount, 5); assertRunJobCalledWith([jobs[4], jobs[3], jobs[2], jobs[1], jobs[0]]); await waitForJobToBeCompleted(thumbnailJobs[0]); assert.strictEqual(runJob.callCount, 10); assertRunJobCalledWith([ jobs[4], jobs[3], jobs[2], jobs[1], jobs[0], thumbnailJobs[4], thumbnailJobs[3], thumbnailJobs[2], thumbnailJobs[1], thumbnailJobs[0], ]); assert.strictEqual((await getAllSavedJobs()).length, 0); }); it('with transitCdnInfo, will copy to backup tier', async () => { const [job] = await addJobs(1); await backupManager?.start(); await waitForJobToBeCompleted(job); assert.strictEqual(backupMediaBatch.callCount, 1); assert.strictEqual(encryptAndUploadAttachment.callCount, 0); assert.deepStrictEqual( backupMediaBatch.getCall(0).args[0].items[0].sourceAttachment, { key: 'transitCdnKey', cdn: TRANSIT_CDN } ); }); it('with transitCdnInfo, will upload to attachment tier if copy operation returns FileNotFoundOnTransitTier', async () => { backupMediaBatch.onFirstCall().returns( Promise.resolve({ responses: [ { isSuccess: false, status: FILE_NOT_FOUND_ON_TRANSIT_TIER_STATUS }, ], }) ); backupMediaBatch.onSecondCall().returns( Promise.resolve({ responses: [{ isSuccess: true, cdn: BACKUP_CDN }], }) ); const [job] = await addJobs(1); await backupManager?.start(); await waitForJobToBeCompleted(job); assert.strictEqual(encryptAndUploadAttachment.callCount, 1); assert.strictEqual(backupMediaBatch.callCount, 2); assert.deepStrictEqual( backupMediaBatch.getCall(0).args[0].items[0].sourceAttachment, { key: 'transitCdnKey', cdn: TRANSIT_CDN } ); assert.deepStrictEqual( backupMediaBatch.getCall(1).args[0].items[0].sourceAttachment, { key: 'newKeyOnTransitTier', cdn: TRANSIT_CDN_FOR_NEW_UPLOAD } ); const allRemainingJobs = await getAllSavedJobs(); assert.strictEqual(allRemainingJobs.length, 0); }); it('without transitCdnInfo, will upload then copy', async () => { const [job] = await addJobs(1, { transitCdnInfo: undefined }); await backupManager?.start(); await waitForJobToBeCompleted(job); assert.strictEqual(backupMediaBatch.callCount, 1); assert.strictEqual(encryptAndUploadAttachment.callCount, 1); // Job removed const allRemainingJobs = await getAllSavedJobs(); assert.strictEqual(allRemainingJobs.length, 0); }); it('without transitCdnInfo, will permanently remove job if file not found at path', async () => { const [job] = await addJobs(1, { transitCdnInfo: undefined, path: 'nothing/here', }); await backupManager?.start(); await waitForJobToBeCompleted(job); assert.strictEqual(backupMediaBatch.callCount, 0); assert.strictEqual(encryptAndUploadAttachment.callCount, 0); // Job removed const allRemainingJobs = await getAllSavedJobs(); assert.strictEqual(allRemainingJobs.length, 0); }); it('pauses if it receives a retryAfter', async () => { const jobs = await addJobs(5, { transitCdnInfo: undefined }); encryptAndUploadAttachment.throws( new HTTPError('Rate limited', { code: 429, headers: { 'retry-after': '100' }, }) ); await backupManager?.start(); await waitForJobToBeStarted(jobs[2]); assert.strictEqual(runJob.callCount, 3); assertRunJobCalledWith([jobs[4], jobs[3], jobs[2]]); // no jobs have occurred await clock.tickAsync(50000); assert.strictEqual(runJob.callCount, 3); encryptAndUploadAttachment.returns({ cdnKey: 'newKeyOnTransitTier', cdnNumber: TRANSIT_CDN_FOR_NEW_UPLOAD, }); await clock.tickAsync(100000); await waitForJobToBeStarted(jobs[0]); assert.strictEqual(runJob.callCount, 8); assertRunJobCalledWith([ jobs[4], jobs[3], jobs[2], jobs[4], jobs[3], jobs[2], jobs[1], jobs[0], ]); }); describe('thumbnail backups', () => { it('addJobAndMaybeThumbnailJob conditionally adds thumbnail job', async () => { const jobForVisualAttachment = composeJob(0); const jobForNonVisualAttachment = composeJob(1, { contentType: APPLICATION_OCTET_STREAM, }); await backupManager?.addJobAndMaybeThumbnailJob(jobForVisualAttachment); await backupManager?.addJobAndMaybeThumbnailJob( jobForNonVisualAttachment ); const thumbnailMediaName = `${jobForVisualAttachment.mediaName}_thumbnail`; const allJobs = await getAllSavedJobs(); assert.strictEqual(allJobs.length, 3); assert.sameMembers( allJobs.map(job => job.mediaName), ['mediaName1', 'mediaName0', thumbnailMediaName] ); }); }); });